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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1927, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1927 PAGE 9 Feed Them Well Growqing chiidren need the best food that money can buy. Meat is the foundation to makçe chiidren sturdy and healthy. You can aiwavs depend uponi getting the best and choicest meats- whatever eut you desire-from our large assort- ment of fresh, cured anci cooked meats. G. A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville New Luxury air New Lower Prices PLUSH UPHOLSTERY and PJCH INTERJOIZ APPOINTMENTS N EW elements of Iuxury are now incorpor- ated in the handsome Fisher-built bodies of Pontiac Six!1 Rich plush upholstery and trim create an atmnos- phere of drawing-room refineinent which is accen- tuated by fine details of interior appointment- .4. custom-quality hardware-new, beautiful window garnish strip--and many other features wbich pronounce the very last word in niotor-car desig and finish. Amnzd as you will be tofind sucb beauty and luxury in alow-priced six--your astonithment w9l be intensified by the fact that tbesc new qualiry feature, reliability and sakling perfomince, are avallable, ini the New and Ii.r Pontiac Sx, at Ne and Louer Prices. P9e CORBETT Phone 248 MOTOR SALES Bowinanville PROTECTION- FOR Automobile Owners Our AUTOMOBILE POLICY will insure your AUTOMO- BILE against loss or damage caused by Fire, Theft and Collision, and it wili also pay dlaims made against YOU hy others for Personal Injuries and Property Damage on ac- count of an accident caused, or aiieged to bc caused, by your car. The various coverages are as foliow~s for any one or al: FIRE AND TRANSIT Insures against loss or dam- age by fire arising from any cause whatsoever, and light- ning. anywhere in Canada or the United States. This poicy aiso covers loss or damage to your automob)ile jthrough transporation perils, that is the strading, sink. ing, collision, burning or de- railment of any conveyance in which your Automobile is be- ing carried. THEFT Provides indemnity in the event of your car being stol- en.. Should it be recovered in a damaged condition we wiil bear the cost of repairs. Mýoto-Meters, Spot-Lights, ex- tra Tires, Tubes, Rims, Wheeis and-or extra or Or- namental Fittings are not in- sured, unless upon payment of extra premium. PUBLIC LIABILITY SProtection in respect of your legal liability for injuries or death caused, or alleged to be causcd, to persons of the pub- lie l)y your Automobile. The usual linjits are: In case of injuries to one person, $5,000 and to any number of persons in one accident, $10,000. In addition all e\penses of de- fending suits, even if ground- iess. are paid by the Com- pany'. PROPERTY DAMAGE Indenînities in respect of vour legal iahility for dam. age to the property of OTH. ERS. including loss of use of their property, up to a lUmit of $1,000. COLLISION Pays for repairs to YOUR Automobile or equîpment as a resuit of being damaged in a collision or upset. Consuit us for rates. We have the lowest. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Greenhouse Plants-S. J. Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Wîndow Plants- Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Dahlias decorative-Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Dahlias, cactus--Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Dahlias, 4 varieties--Jack- man & Sons 1 and 2. Dahlias, A.O. V.-Jacknian & Sons 1 and 2. As- ters, C. or C.-Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Asters, A.O.V.-Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Cosmos--Tackman & Sons 1 and 2. Delphinium, perenial --Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Dephin- ium, annual-Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Dianthus-Jackman & Sons 1 a nd 2. Balsam-Mrs. W. J. Challis, S. J. Jackman. Stocks-S. J. Jackman. Roses-. M. Baldwin, A. S. Baker. Rose Bush in pot-S. J. Jackman. Verbenas-Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Pansies-Jackinan & Sons 1 and 2. Petunias, single-Mrs. A. F. Rundle S. J. Jackman. Phlox, perennial- J. Nokes, S. J. Jackman. Phlox, drummondii-Mlrs. A. Taylor, S. J. Jackman. Sweet Peas-S. J. Jack- man, J. M. Baldwin. C.ut Flowers- Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Everlast- ing Flowers-G. F. Annis, S. J. Jack- man. Zinnias-Alan Campbell, A. T. Fletcher. French Margolds- Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. African Marigolds M. Nokes, S. J. Jackman. Gladioli-A. T. Fletcher, S. J. Jack- man. Snapdragon-A. T. Fletcher, A. S. Baker. Carnations-Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Begonias, single- Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Begonias, double-Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Nasturtiums-Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs. J. E. Anderson. Coxcomb-J. Nokes S. J. Jackinan. Geranium, single- M. Nokes, J. Nokes. Geranium, double-S. J. Jackman, M. Nokes. Coleus--Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Fuchsias, single-J. Nokes, S. J. Jackman. Asparagus Plumoses- Mrs. A. Taylor, W. R. Robbins. Fern -Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Plant in bloom-J. Nokes, S. R. Jackman. Perennials--J. M. Baldwin, A. S. Baker. Anemones-A. S. Baker. Hanging Basket-S. J. Jackman, M. Nokes. Floral Basket--Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Hydrangea--Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Window Box--Jack- man & Sons 1 and 2. Foliage Plants -Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Ivy Geranium-Mrs. A. Taylor, J. Nokes. Hand Bouquet--Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Foliage-Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Centre piece cut fiowers-J. M. Baldwin, Mrs. A. F. Rundle. Centre piece cut flowers for table- S. J. Jackman, J. M. Baldwin. BridaI Bouquet-.Jackman & Sons 1. and 2. Memorial design, flat-Jack- man & Sons 1 and 2. Floral design, upright-S. J. Jackman. Lawn Or- nament-Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Funeral design-Jackman & Sons 1 and 2. Amateur Claie-Show Dahlias. Nokes, N. Nokes. Roses-A. T. Fletcher. Cut Flowers-Mrs. W. J. Challis. Gladioli-A. T. Fletcher. LADIES' DEPARTMENT Hcusehold Linan-Luncheon Set, white-Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. J. Davies. Luncheon Set, coiored-Mrs. T. Per- ey, Nlrs. J. E. Anderson. Tea Cloth, emroidered-A. & R. Percy, Mrs. A. F. Rundie. Tea Cioth and Servi- ettes-Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Mrs. T. Perey. Doylies-Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. J. Davies. Buffet Scarf-Mrs. T. Perey, Miss Maude Reynolds. Buffet Set-Maude Reynolds, Mrs. T. Percy. Dressing Table Scarf-Mrs. T Perey, Mrs. H. Ashice. Dinner M.%ats-Mýrs. T. Percv, Mrs. A. W. Annis. Tray 1 Cîoths-Mrs. T. Perey, Maud- Rey- noîds. Centrepiece. large--M%;r.eT. Perey, Mrs. A. F. Rundie. Centre- piece, coored-Lottie L. White, Mrs. G. B. Bickle. PiIiowv Cases and 'Sheet, crochet trimmed-A. R. Perey, Mrs. T. Percy. PiIIovw Cass hemstitched and initiaîed-M rs. T Percy, Lottie L. White. Pillow ZCase, any other-Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Mrs. J. Davies. Sheet-Mrs. T. Percy. Btdroom Toweis, hemstitch- ed-'Maude Reynolds, Mrs. T. Perey. Bedroom Towels, any other-Mrs.. T. Perey, Maude Reynolds. Pair Tow-, el-, initiaed-Mrs. T. Percy. Guesti Towes-Mvrs. T. Percy, Mrs. A. W . Annis. Wearing Apparel - Nightgown, white--Mrs. T. Perey, Lottie L. White. Nightgown, colored-Lottie L. White. Princess Slip-Mrs. T. Percy, Lottie L. White. Convalescing Jacket-Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Mrs. T. Percy. Bedroom Slippers-Mrs. T. Perey, Mrs. M. J. Eiliott. Work Apron-Mrs. Walter Couch, Lottie L. White. Hand-made Knickers- Mrs. T. Percy. Infant's Dress-Mrs. H. M. Foster, Mrs. J. E. Anderson. Infant's Pillow and Crib Cover-Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Mrs. Walter Couch. Infant's Carniage Rug-Mrs. J. Day- ies, Mrs. S. R. Jackman. Infant's Hood, Jacket and Bootees-Mrs. J. Davies, Mrn. J. E. Anderson. Ladies' Woolen Sweater-Mns. J. E. Ander- Domestîc Manufacture - Wool Hearth Rug-Mý%rs. M. J. Elliott, MIrs. Wallace Miller. Hooked Rag Mat- Mrs. A. W. Annis, 'Mrs. W. G. Wer- ry. Couch Cover-Mrs. G. B. Bick- le, Mrs. M. J. Elliott. Cotton Quilt, pieced-Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs, Mrs. Lloyd Snowden. Patched Quilt, silk or wool-Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Mrs. W. E. Giibank. Quiit, applique- Mrs.' A. W. Annis. Cotton Comfort-I er-Mrs. Wallace Miller, Lottie L. 'White. Fancy Bedspread, crocheti or knit-Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs, Mrs. Walter Couch. Fancy Bedspread, applique-M.Nrs. A. W. Annis, Mrs. G. B. Bickle. Fancy Bedspread. any other-Mrs. G. B. Bickle, Lottie L. White. Ladies' Tailored Blouse-I Maude Reynolds. House Dress- Lottie L. White, Mrs. J. E. Ander. son. Hand-made Shirt-Maude Rey- nolds. Wool Sox-Mrs. A. L. Nich- olîs, Wool Mitts-Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. J. E. Anderson. Wool Mitts, fancy-Mrs. W. Miller. FINE ARTS Oil Painting, portrait-E Waddell. Oil Painting, animal-E. Waddell. Qil Painting, landscape-E. Waddell, Annie Irwin. Oil Painting, vege- EXPECTA NI MOTHERS 1 Read Mrs. Menard's Letter. Her ExperienceMay HeIp Chatham. Ontario. - "I want to tel you how much goo your medicine bas done me. Be- fore my baby came 1 feit so w eak and run- down that I could h ardly do my Qwork. My head ached continually and 1 was so dis- couraged tha tI could cry f rom morningtillni ght. 1 had anot ber ____________baby justonevear and a half old and it gave me a lot t WOMEN'S INSTITUTE EXHIBIT do. So I thought I would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Men's Socks-Miss M. J. Kater- as I had read so much about it in the son, Hampton, Mrs. Frank Thompson little books. 1 found a difference right Solina. away as my head was relieved and V my tired feelings gone. My sister Solinty Set-Mrs. R. J. McKessock, had been.doing my washing and she Soia, Mrs. E. R. Bounsaîl, Bow- continued doing it, as she said it manville. might set me back if 1 started to do Apron, plain-Mrs. E. R. Bounsal it again. It sure did help me and I Bowmanville, Mrs. E. J. Doidge: had taken just two bottles when my Hampton. baby came. He is a fine big boy, Apron, fancy-Mrs. Chas. Smith, now nearly five months old. I am SoiaMssKtrnHmon taking your medicine again and I am oiaMss atrnHmo. able to do mv work ail by myseif now. Embroidered Bedspread-Mrs. G. 1 always recommend the Vegetahie, Solina, Mrs. Norman Yeliow- Compound to women, and especiaiiy lees, Solina. to expectant mothers. as I believe Hooked Mat-Mrs. J. T. Rundie,: they need heip at those times. "'- Solina, Miss Katerson, Hampton. CahmS.OLI Mntar. 4aveSt, Braided Mat-Mrs. Harry Alin, Chatam, ntare. C Bownianville, Miss Ruby Virtue, Ty-l rine. 1 Crochet Mat, fioor-Mrs. Rd. P'as- coe, Solina, Miss Edna Reynolds, Solina. Suitable House Drss-Miss Knox, Hampton, Mrs. P. Leask, Sauina. '('White Bread-Mrs. T. Baker, - .-- , Solina, Mrs. Rd. Pooley, Bowmianville Brown Bread-Mrs. Rd. Pooley, Bownianviile, Mrs. H. E. Rundie, Gr(,ahanm Gtrps Mrs. E. R. Boun- sali, Bowmianviile, Mrs. Peter Leask, Solina. CHIL REN T1IIVE Baking Powder Biscuits-Mrs. Rd. CHLD E T RIE Pool ey, Bow'nanvilie, Mrs. . E. For growing children Rundle, Hampton.Jontn hik nothing cana take the place son, Bowmanville, Mrs. Byron Far-. of cod-liver oil Vitamnins. rell, Tyrone. Cay-Mis E Give them vitaniin-rich 'We1cs, Bowmnanx'ille, Mrs. Hugh, FIwcr Basket Weaving-Mrs. W.1 Scouts EmulsWn Horn, Hanmpton, Miss Katerson Scott & loicwe. Toronto, Ont. Z74 HalIPtoll. Entries were as foliows: Solina Branch -13; Hampton 28; Bowmian- Vle17; Tyrone 12. 'M us f EgSsh Prepartmn. lina gets first place, winning auces~d invigorates the wiioienîost prizes. Hampton and Bow- nervolisytem. makesne Blood nian%-ilie are equal. in .1,1 Veins. Used for Nervous De.t.Mental and Brain Worr fgal e7. s fEn , Y.Palpitation " b etrteqaiyo theHerailinge oy. rice S2Peebox h ote h uaiyo fr 15. Scld by ail . ists, or mailed in plaî*n the tayuù h nr pkg. on receipi cf pmice. N wp4nmp L~malied tayuû re.T WOOD MEDI IE 0 Unoowootr. iportant it is that the con- ________ - - -tainer should be the very ,ook's Regulating Compound best. By careful teists it bas A #V. Wr.abis rý.guaiu basn proven that Alumninumn dmr.Mw veeintstreld n ié 8 the. beet container y.t 1flýI'Irrem of nta;. .85pe'.found for t.a-and Red Rose ~ ~ t8~<~? Tea i. pack.d only in Alumi- 'ees het dde nuni-the finest package ever THE COOKMIEDICINEC06 sdfo e V 7 3tO.St.( for te«.5.t ST8 Ask Your Grocer For it MF WEST DURHAM FAIR son, Mrs. T. Perey. Men's Sweater ý-Mrs. J. E. Anderson. Sport Hat Officiai Lit of Prize Winners i-Mrs. H. E. Ashlee. Chesterfield ________ Pillow-Mrs. M. J. Elliott, Mrs. J. E. (Continued from page 8) 1 Anderson. Sofa Cushion, any kind -MNrs. A. L. Nichoils. Maude Rey- Branch, T. ttreil & Son. Potatoe. nolds. Lamp Shade, parchment- Onions-G . U .R ichards. Yellow Mrs. M. J. Elliott, IMrs. T. Percy. Onions-T. Bottreli & Son, Jacob Lamp Shade, any other-Mrs. A. F. Branch. Pickling Onions-G. H. Rundie. S. R. Jackman. Lamp Shade,l Richards, T. Bottreli & Son. Blood 1bed-Mrs. J. Davies. Card Table Beets, long-G. H. Richards, J. Cover. black-A. & R. Perey. Card Nokes. Turnip Beets-IM. Nokes, J. iTable Cover, any other-A. & R. Nokes. Parsnips T. Bottrell & Son,] Percy, Mrs. T. Percy. Linen Hand- G. H. Richards. Red Peppers-T. lkerh ifs colored-Mrs. T. Perey, A. Bottrell & Son, A. T. Fletcher. Green & R. Percy. Linen Handkerchiefs, Peppers-T. Bottrell & Son, W. G. white-Maude Reynolds. Eyelet Em- Werry. Scarlet Radishes-T. Bot- brodery-Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. J. E. trell & Son, G. H. Richards. Red Anderson. Cross stitch-A. & R.1 Tomatoes I. M. Law, T. Bottreil & Perey, Mrs. T. Percy. Tatted trim- Son. Yellow Tomatoes-T. Bot- Imned article-A. & R. Perey, Lottie trell & Son, G. H. Richards. Pink L. White. New idea in design or Tomatoes-T. Bottreil & Son. Sweet stitch-A. & R. Percy, Mrs. T. Percy. Corn, yellow-Ivan M. Law, A. E. Fancy Beaded Bag-Ifrs. A. F. Run- Belîman. Sweet Corn, white-W. G. dle, Mrs. S R Jackman. S:oppn-.g 2ag Werry, J. Nokes. Mangolds-Geo. -Mrs. T. Percy. Bead work-Mrs. B. Bickle & Sons. White Carrots- S. R. Jackman, Mrs. T. Percy. Seal- Geo. B. Bickle & Sons. Red Car- ing Wax Crat-Mrs. M. J. Elliott, rots-Miss S. Symons, Jacob Branch. qMrs. T. Percy. Wood Carving-A. Turnips-G. B. Bickle & Sons, Jacob S. Baker, S. J. Jackman. Reed Bas- Branch. Table Squash-J. Nokes, ket-S. R. Jackman, W. E. Gilbank. Ivan M. Law. Hubbard Squash-IReed Tray-Mrs. M. J. Elliott, Mrs. Geo. B. Bickle & Sons, S. Symons. W. E. Gilbank. Pumpkins-Ivan Ml. Law, Jacob Girls' Specials-Hemniing on table Branch. Citrons-Norman Allun, Il linen-Phyllis Challis. Bedroom W. Blackburn. Large Squash-Ivan Towels-Phyllis Challis. Fudge1 M. Law, G. H. Richards. Early Po- Apron-Phyllis Challis, Clara Ashlee. tatoes-G. F. Annis, T. Bottrel*& Crochet Work, cotton-Phyllis Chai-1 Son. Late Potatoes-G. F. Annis,1 lis, Clara Ashlee. Handkerchief, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin. Col]. Potatoes hemnstitched-Phyllis Challis. Fancy -Mrs. F. B. Lovekin. Assortment iwork-Phy]lis Challis. Clara Ashlee. Vegetables-G. B. Bickle & Sons. J. Dressed Dol-Phyllis Challis 2nd. Nokes. iButton hole-Phyllis Challis, Clara1 FLOWERS 1Ashee.1 table-E. Waddell, A. Irwi. Oil Painting, stiil life-E. Waddell, A. Irwin. Oil Painting, any subject-I A. Irwin, E. Waddell. Water color, figure-E. Waddell, A. Irwin. -Water color, fish-E. Waddell. Wt.e.o. . or, marine-E. Waddell. A. Irwin. Water color, flowers-E. Waddell, A. Irwin. Water color. any-E. Wad-; dell, Mrs. A. Campbell. Sepia, any -A. Irwin, E. Waddell. Crayon Drawing-A. Irwin, E. Waddell. Pastel Scene-E. Waddell, A. ITWin. Pastel Figure-A. Irwin, E. Waddell. Pencil Drawing-A. Irwin, E. Wad- delI. Stencil Design-A. Irwin, E. Waddell. Original Pencil Drawing, H. S. Student-Kenneth Morris, Florence Bennett. Sepia Copy-A. Irwin, E. Waddell. Special for flower painting-Mollie Smith. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Bread, yeast rising-Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, Lillian G. Clemence. Whole Wheat Bread-Susie Symons, Mrs. Rd. Pooley. Raisin Bread-Susie Symons, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin. Nut Bread-Mrs. N. I. Metcalf, Mrs. A. Taylor. Date Loaf-Mrs. H. Ash- lee, Lillian G. Clemence. Plain Buns-S. Symons, Mrs. Thos Baker, Parkhouse Rolls-Mrs. Wm. Mclntosh. Baking Powder Biscuits -L. G. Clemence, Mrs. Rd. Pooley. Graham Muffins-.%rs. H. E. Ashlee, Mrs. J. Davies. Spanish Bun-Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, Mrs. A. Taylor. Short Bread-Mrs. A. F. Rundle, Mrs. J. E. Anderson. Ginger bread~ -Mrs. L. Snowden, Mrs. F. B. Love- kmn. Ginger Cookies-Mrs. A. Taylor. Oatmeal Cookies-Mrs. Thos. Baker, Mrs. A. F. Rundle. Sugar Cookies -Mrs. Thos. Baker, Mrs. A. F. Run- die. Date Cookies Maude Reynolds Mrs. W. Couch. Light Layer Cake-Mrs. J. E. An- derson, Lillian G. Clemence. Choc- olate Cake--Mrs. L. Snowden, Mrs. W. G. Werry. Cocoanut Cake-Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Mrs. W. G. Werry. Fruit Cake-Mrs. A. Taylor. Cocoa- nut Macaroons-Mrs. A. Taylor, Lil- han G. Clemence. Angel Cake-Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Mrs. M. J. Elliott. Cheese Strawvs M-rs. H. E. Ashlee, Mrs. C. W. Jacohs. Apple Pie-Mrs. L. Snowden, S. Symons. Lemon Pie-Mrs. J. Davies, Mrs. L. Snowden. Pumpkin Pie- Lillian G. Clemence, Mrs. W. G. Wer- ry. Chocolate Pie-Mrs. L. Snow- den, Lillian G. Clemence. Cream Pie -Mrs. N. I. Metcalf, Mrs. Lloyd Snowden. Raisin Pie-Mrs. H. Ash- lee, Mrs. Lloyd Snowden. Lemon Tarts-Maude Reynolds, Mrs. J. E. Anderson. Butter Tarts-Mrs. L. Snowden, Mrs. W. G. Werry. Fancy Salad-Mrs. L. Snowden, Maude Reynolds. Sour Pickles- Mrs. M. J. Elliott, Mrs. A. Taylor. Sweet Pickles Mrs. M. J. Elliott, Mrs. L. Snowden. Tomato Catsup- Mrs. M. J. Elliott, M. Reynolds. Chili Sauce-Mrs. M. J. Elliott, M. Reynolds. Canned Cherries-Mrs. J. Davies, Mrs. A. Taylor. Canned Peaches- Mrs. J. Davies, Mrs. A. Taylor. Strawberries-Mrs. J. Davies, Mrs. A. Taylor. Raspberries-Mrs. H. Ashlee, Mrs. J. Davies. Citron- Mrs. M. J. Elliott. Pineapple-M. Reynolds, Mrs. M. J. ElIiott. Canned Tomatoes-Mrs. A. Taylor S. Symons. Corn-Maude Reynolds, S. Synions. Beans-Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs. J. Davies. Peas-Mrs. A. Tay- lor. Beets-Mrs. J. Davies, Mrs. M. J. Elliott. Preserved Pears-M. Reynolds, Mrs. J. Davies. Currant Jelly-Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, Mrs. M. J. Elliott. Apple Jelly-Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin. Grape Jelly-Mrs. W. Couch. Best Cake, girl under 17-Ada Annis, Phyllis Challis. Pie, by girl under 17-Phyllis Challis. 'b istinctiowv§PlusZow «ost Brantford Asphat Slab Siate are four in one strip -requiring ordy one operation in handling and spacing. You save 30 to 50 per cent. ini Iaying-and have a roof of permanent cbarm and distinc- tion. Made in four fadeless colors Brantford Roofins Co. Limiteil, Brantford, Ontario go Sock Carried, Information Furniahed and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Rie& Co., - - - Bowmanville I i ; i'I a:it: rIrI~1 liii *~.i g iii BYmcC1d14Ji~CO~ Lzmited We serve with ail sizes and varie- ties of coal but only one QUALITY of fuel. Phone us your coal order. Have your bin filled before cold weather comes. NcCLELÀN&CQ. LI MITED LUMBER 6e FUEL BUILDERS MATERIALS OFFICE PHONE 15 YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE P-h it as Attractive Inside as Out? 1\AkE your summer cottage comnfortable and homne-ike with Gyproc Fireproof partitions and ceilings. At smal cost thie whole interior may be transformed into attractive, cosy rooms. Write for free bookIet-*'Nty Home." Tt will tell you how Gyproc Rochoard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insulex wiIl reduce your fe bidf rom 20 tio -1O%. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO.t LIMITE», PARIS, CANADA us3 For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son - Bowmanville, Ont. I. GREEN TEA 7 Superiop to any other green te& sold. At Your Service Yes, we are at your service to furnish the1 menu for Bread, Cakes and Pastry of ail kinds. If we haven't what you want tell us and we wiii bake it for you. Speciai orders given prompt and care- fui attention. The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanviiie THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1927 PAGE 9

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