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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1927, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th., 1927 OBITUARY BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOQL led States and Great Britain He FIELD DAY 'knwoomctohnkoanfiii Henry Rogers, Ennisicillene1 .wtomht hikfanfici Hih cholFil Dy ashedTn he 14xica .4t1e I iic#EýjI enide it treaty; but he did believe that it _____________________Field______________________ _____on_ woiild be possible to have the two Mr. Henry Rogers, an old and1 Friday afternoon, September 3th governments working always for the hgl epce eietof Ennî- w ,%ith sniall attendance of citizens. THUTTDtAV OCTOBER 6t. 12 samne ends. With this thought in hîglyreanpeated elogrsident O The grounds were in very good condi- mmnd, he urged the American Senate Darlington. passed away after a short'tion owing to work donc by the first to modify its reservations to accept- Saturday. October lst., in bis Slst!and at noon times. There wvas înuch NECSTERAL AY SERVICE LORD CECIL'S RESIGNATION ance of the League of Nations cov- iliessiowavle optao fones npyîclcltr iiosNWCSL ALYDenant; and quietly he worked to get He had kept in xýigorous beaith un- evntsia and heenris alryne thick. rs. Downing, Toronto, has been United Church Sunclay School By Chas. M. Bice, Lawyer, Denver, Wilson to concede something. tiI about two weeks before his death Much new niaterial xvas brought out. visiting r.S askervilie. Itnefola wk)Cord.ugdastlmn fthln-tn- whcn hecxas injured by a fal whi le Sonie of the juniors are certainly Mrs. Edith Chapnîan and Miss (nedc o ls ee)T 1estonlrsinton o rgdathtemieend of the og-sand working at W. R. Lamb's, Ennis- Corneis and shouîd bc in good form Neilie Ruby, Rochester, have beenlTh estoa rsininofjgIihmss htfeigonhs killen. on Friday. Ivisiting friends in this Iocality the Raiiy Day service in connection Vicount Ceciu of Chelwood, f rom the side the Ataicmg hneto Ho w s boa on ho od homstea Stuat Cadier the nU eiris ek ihteInited Church Sunda y British Cabinet the other day, over ward Britain. siuae aî va- et-en Tyrone,i champion wvon 14 points and Gre- Mrs. M. E. MoehsSCho okiaeSna îrig h Geneva Armis Conference fiasco, A ni ospsto a hto Hampon ad Enisklienon he 7h ~ov Clmerrate seond n th 1he pat re; ihabeensped-Sept. 25 in the church auditorium leaves Premier Stanley Baldwin and Ceci], head of the British delegation cardcng print of teDCoserntive artyaith the o 0the armament reduction conf er- cnssnofDrngnnd as . qpoiIt>s. This 1<. Candier 'î Steven whose bu..hand passed away Gdent, Me H.vaks o te rd the third son of William llamblvlfirs cvar in réal athîetics and w aud ls.o hesho %-t i eaGcnc.Pîs, nercnl badnda ee Rogers, one of the pioneers of Dar- iiQl)bhocoiitinzu,7the god iwork. Studcuas.oftedscal wtth heront eac hiers cacn otewiIec eetyaadnda eea lintonwholoh jonto, andS2. BrngranddaughteradEeret'Mrs. Frid itrse oîreain o disthe Conservative government of Brit-i ever with a government that had fal- runior ono Wandoaoduhe,1 netdcnr ni no auls .isore firnîiy in the saddle than lIen under the dominion of the Neo- M.Roror; is eniainodon the farm Quiinn w -cre tied for the junint then-eekend with cmotbytlc h eano f ain lBiishgvrmn a nfrIprait ntepryadcbnt until I sý90 when ho iiioved toEns r up to the la-t évent, being theiMrs Win. Rickard .thé church. 'The officiai prograrns, Bat îoaennt hst a orImprait ntep yadcbnt killen w orking there for soine tiie pol vault, but Hazlewood cvcntuaiîv -e yth or fRliiu:tlat ééain A h ofrnc h diat aa cheeýe-nl akeI n the Peterboro 1won the nieulal by getting a firs t uiý 2 rs.Rev.) E. R. James left on prepared bythe Boaî'd t'bReligiou genoration t i ofircul.s ivn i-- hýe vaut. Quinn Caille sc n v T t,(ýy of this week foi' a fort- 1Education of the United f Chwurch, Bh tuthno t heng culd h onrtervafrom cbal defeated Cecil whenever lie ta Mis Eia urcesniig 0onepoint behind Brent. inight's visit with lber uaughter, Mrs.iweî'e used, w îli a choi' of tenty- hlruhusth at s oneraiveurged a basis of compromise on the Hi-s vife wsMs laHthsn Boys c omîng first or second in anv ' Harris of Ailiston. five young peopie under the direct-! strength is largely an illusion an cruiser impasse. He held to bis of unîne. Ptebor Cunt', hoevet ax te hnorofgoig o Ms.Tillie Taylor, with the as-i ion of Me.r. 1). Bragg leading in, ovon that which it bas, is fast wanoing1 place at the conference in corder not predeceased hinin Januarv 1923.5- n rdy cobi 1,ti itnoo' e rn ibson with the singîng. The poum "XVe Wouid bcueofpo jeopardize a bare possibility of ,\i-, Rogers w as a vétéran of the~ part icipat e n the sports ut the Inter- 1his niotor truck novcd up tow n fromi Sec Josus" va-nîcely recitcd by The Conservatives came loto pow'- agreement. Fenian Raid going foi' e'ice to thoe'Choo' 1lMeet lietwecn WMhitby. Osh-lINe\cto -on-tho-e on Monda S' Miss othy Ihekad r W. W. t orinh1924oioeng thoo faîrei ofiNow lhe is out in the open, chaI- Niagara frontier. 1awa andI Bownanvii!o lliglh Schools. and bas takon up bei'rirésidence inStpiesAssi-lant uperitendhteof te Labi' goernmet of remie He was a regular attendant and This is al rc'ît évent -ail([ b -,b a at of Miss Lillian Chappels bouse. thé ambigo- . unday Schoo, Raisy acDonald O 65 cts 1h alwngvenetan t e ciiislstetint iîembei'(of the Uniited;,he local athietes are traininîg theY, Congratulations to little 3w endo- Lid1y h -îvrdtoate si h os f omn h o-sponsibiîity of Geneva's failure. A Churc-h where a iargelv attcnided fic- ae lanning k d(o Ibeir best. IRn Lobb, daugbtor (if Mr. andI Mrs a h al )vsriehîelatîraie o 1,o ethan general election over there is nearer niorial sei'. -ice vas held on Monday, Tb:- nieet W ill1)0 held in Alt-xan- Stanlev' Lobb and granddaugbt'h fyaxa g: h pae. i beth umerofLaor1Lbea aIhand yhsrigaonfmofce lioe ,codce v hsPastor. l, r nsn * i IS(j ~~rtapescertzuiilv knivs how to wxin andI all other scats combinod. This'b i eîntinfo fie Rev. E. MI. Cook. The interment l'ark ýî - 'ni,-tý Sanu e. an tI dMrs. Wateri uHope Fir I and hold the att'ention of young folk!Iooks o\-erwhoiming, but analysis, \va, in Hampton cenietery. Thece aIcr:ii-rtit.ntg l rz t ot dr6jand to imprc -apon their vouthful bowovei'. shows that Laborites and ________ in te cassof abygirl uner micisthe l- ini toimprt.Lîbeî'ais together polleil more popu- 1 A gentleman, quite apparently of brothei's and îtwo sisters -tOIl sur-!i Senior Boys' Events . i ïnItls (f auto. lhu i ayersn ie\as1a vtsb50,0t heC -w, who isoigMtefocrnear 'at; 1-v ' MaDa-.ld j :n ; The cola- fby l s u mnu th 1- -ehoa s tt natlr vtes.b k,00tanteCo- vmnentality, xvas dh.covered sit-1 v-ive: Charles Rogers., eiieHt 0 I lih'.Ml-n H. Col- Th cmrte in chargée baS ar- t1 g t trsne oxaI tinut on Mrs. E. C. Fisher's front Davîd Roiget-rs, S. Tlof a-. er ' i od h o ateSioo« i bore liefore :and-lhi; hear ittasrvîv.Cosvaiebd r-eI-tS'd- t d - 220 yd. d, achJnal. raCol- o texorwciste scin t time have hi iii nunierous tai îk n) Tbus, whiio the Cne tve aldor ip las uiday aboutMid- DîavidRogers, Stluy: as ddah.MlontiH.Mis-,; Vmnumncenit-ntExeL.vthr w Frankil Rogegrnsi,. oiWhr icd tmm: tanal o ErdaMivnsg.sermions sinre yt eltniWt'i r-yi an overwhelming majority in paella- night. Constable John Gaî'rod on Grace Roers, Tornto: an Mi- R ad G. Coliier tid. o J_',Illllfel if HalvUn Friatievehnon fSwnif ani.menthuîn thel countii enat inah'gcouttyyatllagenthnotifng nof bis of î'osprnsncesoon G. rl o'-. o rono n. r .~ 41 .da;-. omeA.Rb-Otoe -. whn.h- l ~furt1 Mrnn w i rd *ýlii,Ilthe foi,--1iwere actuiallv in the iii mity. Such arr'ved on* the scene and afte' sonie Gr. aOernd ofErin. Fsred Rog- lin, H.Colmoer. Ipat o rvok w iii ho iîreýeiie( or occasion v. 'iicould not tell hini i ias the situation (broc years ago, at que;ètionin;z and anl examination of oranother boter was storeeep .or ' e rni obi.N MMieaudilago. O 1rogilti 1iiiu. iw bat ons i \ at tlut tiiiiv, the verybeigbt of Conservatîve thlie;tî'amrer's clothiig found that toventv-tve vcis. mnthag--W. Laird. James.Ca lr 2 t.RouticY. b d Hi-tch your us lto ia star.", isti'ength. Since that tiîno Fren ici' jhithall cornie from the-Ontario Ilos- tra -tio hreenoihr reienothîe am es 9 in., O. Jamioson, M. Lunney. 1wat utr, Mir. aind Mr. W. J. 1 Mr. Staffl,- id t w as ras herî- ajBaludwin bas bten pushed into blund-, litai for the insane. W'itby. prob- 1 unin HghJup-S.Cadlr i' Ieraftc-î' bundci', oach tif which basi abiy had wancleie wy osai Stainton, xvho vas born thc -anio'Rnnn ih upS.Cnir .and also vst ' -r> odidat i etevni ti tla inthlm and bis party, Garrod at once secured a cai' and vea' a HtnryEoeru J.J. t'.i101.t. 1. i iin.., Jm0. on.H.Cov- ison, gngon.otlmt'uîY ti wsntvcr wcli:i)ht-theto whahtivent. îok he atintwhoo nme va o whnîimidther ng - roo ., it ber fatheî. Mir. John \vas fi-equen!v the case. si lit thi - and . Byu:sil ofpue' i a II Rnig ea pS andiLei o cîv nItaoi ht wshp.ric og:-t;thirn h The v'ordpushed is used advisediy. 1Cocbh'ane lack to W'itby ru ncgbi i as laid to reet la-t 17 f t. 7 U~ in., A. MacDonald, HL Col- j fair. tc-xt. "What 1-av unto \ou. îonall Premier Baldwin is w-batl!he' relit-f of the officiais o h hos- Monday in Hampton Ctinettev. nmer. IMhr. ciandi' s. Rt-ado and tbrei'ounto alI.\V h1' An( using tht-re h ) alelaLbîalCnov-pital w'bo ad ble fren m ing nqitie Teo. bn rhaerd, W.ssHs.More,37 ft.. A. MacDonald. H. Colmei'. hld- unded m hevllg fo ii atv oas a byToryextrosts- ient but hadl not caiied Newcastle. W'm. Jnohn (hars WtoH. oue, W S tand~in, 5 d l J Van- lmerBrighton on 'Monday and are occul)v- lusteate bis :î'fornial talk,lhe uî'ged - actly a colusTasyaS tatemsur- Standingtorbroadarlump-G. tht- north side of M'.J. Baskcr- ibis atten' tiv), ong listeners to ho.,ofnsbmsfpuhdts Trowin. 1vles dul prmns i ý*ýa n htb h dead"o Axnong the relatives presenit wereestone and M. Lunney, tied. rle5 dui pemns. i -jîtbtervus hi cin.wyat htb h dead"o -Rv ai RgrS.Thomas' -: Pole Vaut-F. Jackman 9 fI. 4 Reade bas secured enipîoynienttivith itb'iî' thougbt-. tbei' Conmpany, Sand i - r v a d es. rn , R eSt.t lnJ. J ms'R d ms a d G. B a d the Goodyear' Tire & Rubber CO., Itheir habits. Mr. Stapes hY a i a is Cabinet.i by;Me. J Sith Bigbon Me ad Jnir Bys Evnt iBow-manville. ScoîsH nri menioey w-cii sock,,d with chuice bits b eea tie -ibfi siserMr. ad esJ.Sih riho- r. Rogrd, Qui ni~ orny'e. El Newcastle Publie cholsHon of poetry xrh lch hobdeaw's upon u%ith time seemietiabout 10 plunge England W I1TH ErITL' 'wv Mes. Pyne, Picton; Mes. Dolery and 100 yd. dash-B. Haziewood,E Harnionica Band, under direction of case to brighten and give point to mbt civil war; the disasteous and sistr, M. ad Mr. W.R. ýger, 'Qinn A- iss Hattie Mason, plays at the bis taiks and thus fix tbem more per-, prolonged coal strîke which even af- Toronto; '.%r. Frank Rogers, Hamp- 1 220 yd. dash-B. Hazlewood, E Teachers' Convention in Port Hope mnanentiy upon the minds of the old-1 ter il w'as settied, left a nation ofp tonm 1 Quinn, J. Barton. B.Hze on Tbursday afternoon, Oct. lStb, a 1er as well as the more youthful por- culen reprssivfe acs red in pha - __________________1_440 yds.-E. Quinn, B al number of citizens witb cars baving -lion of bis audiience. cwoJ atn îed ffrd1 ovyIeyub ent 1 rb lssvaos r; th indrastirak Shot putffr8dlb.-H.nvBithkle 29 The offering at Ibis service was wiîh Russia, which, done as il xvas, This store is fortunatei MEDICAL 'in., B. Multon, J. Barton. f.6fImmesdwadbc. takon up by four junior boys, Billie left the world gasping and expecting. ail honest stores would J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Running high jump--J. Baroa 4 The trustees bave engaged Miss Brunt, Jack Haro, Harold Deline Iwar; the near-war of reprisal againsti Honor graduate of Triziîy Univer. fI. 5%'A in., E. Quinn, G. Adams, Vera Power of Maple Grove to teacb and George Grabam. A special China, and the last and probably not i customer immediate and sity, Fellow of Triniîy Medical Col-i Running broad jump-J. flaeton 'Brown's Schooî boginning Monday feature of the décorations whicb in- leasî, the unflinching stand aI Gen- greater goodness and vahu legty ai ew Yteofthe atle of te wo4od 0in, .B i ,B.Hz-Of this week, Miss Veima Mallough cluded annual and perennial astersleva resulîing in the wreck of thati liofewicniYeof Mte Sate Uoef th 0i.,H icB.Hze- od.wbo bas Iaugbt the school Most suc-provided by Mes. Wm. Parnell and conference-tbese are some of the' We believe no custom( Post Graduate Medical Sehool and Hop, stop and jump-B. Hazlewood: cessî uîîy for the pasî three ears Miss Hedges, w'ere the many sprays things wbich separaloly an d Iogeth or in d oubt as to the profit Hospital of New York and Fellow 31 ft. 9 '/àfa., E. Quinn, A. Osborne. haveacing seinet0aceîafpo. of bearded wbeaî, symbolical of an arc telliag îremendously againstI vist-he or she can calci of the Toronto Acadomy of Medi- Standing broad jump-B. Hazle- on the Torontotabngsaf abuadant barî'ost, from the farm of Premier Baldwin's prestige. 1 cine. Office Mrs. McNaugbton's Res- wood 7 ft. 7 in., J, Barton, E. Quinn. 1Mer. W. Hennings met witb a pain- Mr. D. J. Gibson, and wbich wOCO Vicount Cecil's resignaîjon, we both in qiiality and in va idence, Newcastle. Houru-8 to 10 Polo VaulI-B. Hazlewood 7 ft. 3 fui accident Iast week wbile doing placed aI int-ervals around the ros- upcvanowolyde1whîN tigieerod in., E. Quinn, B. MtoanA.O-somo outside carpentor work at Mr. trum and across tbo front of b' a o hly u owa ohigi vrsl borne, tied. 1to adA.~ C. R. Carveth's grain eevtr tcbirbt.îibponed a Genva Gna, lîke- grade, and that few cust SenorGils Eens the C. N. R. station when the laddo _____ Is nu1 a nl atsrw SeirGrs vnsro nwbich ho xxas standing beoke jHo belonged 10 tho more liberal oie- soewtoi aig g Correct G lasses Standing broad jump-Wilbelmine l and lot him faîl on la the railway NEWCASTLE imnt nathe Baldwin Cabinet, and Teeonoucn ejs Romber, Greta Muaday, Bernice tak iIcîn n nl. Ho idut idn isl osatya Te forv c ib j t B agneIl. on by thediobardonejoriîy, h banll as been coafiaod to bis bouse since, Mes. Norman Rickard's c îass of juponytedead mjrth whether it is known to y The oye is the most dlicate 1 Catch and tbrow basebal-Mar- under bbc doctor's care. young ladies ai the United Ch ure h chose 10 gel out. ver-"n or bears some I organ of the body. Il takos a lion Lyle and Thelma Werry, Ruth -It~ was wîlb deep regret that the School beld a jolIs' corn and1 Lord Cecii bas made il plain that VeJdsngtytb hruh tenrmbet ous divi ends for care. Lucoand JeanTriBel landFlor- mnan yfriends in Ibis viciails' Iearned weiner roast at the lake iast Friday -ho considers acms limitation vital 1 ny ltye ethruh errbe o i fornorec u ays onceBet and WTinne ancaster, f h dah of Mc. Clas'lon Stevon cvonîng, and ontertained the mcm- Ithe peaco of the world, and that ho enceBennsttntnfor attentionsteqr, o h da eHspital on Satur- bers of the junior choir. proposes to cnntinue the figbt for il e yoreyeindeedo oatdntSo iccraeNion Snow- %layn. Siaco ciag 1Newtonville Rcv. J. H. Stainton, Courtice, outside the cabinet. Ho indicates iously oxponded. Mucb of tbbc donGreta Mundas'. 10 reside two ycaes ago, Me. Steven peaced ningth U nd Chrcb Suatoiondsf pubdoeoiioug. Ie c-i prosent day prices for glassos is 220 yd. dasb-W. Rember, B. Bag- bas made many friends in this vil- da vnnecanigwt e.imal o werpulicophinilo. We wisL due to the vaslly improved motb- I adI. lage, and the sympatby of Ibis entiro E. B, Cooke wbo was at Ebenezer jimeall poer 10 aybelbow.he e ods or bîanin scentficlîs, jRuningbrod jmp-. Rmbe, Icommuniîy goos ouI 10 bis young wid- addressing tbc Young People oftal Mnim ilayb that IegA osfiedorfvisinin crenasinlb Bagnnilnd family in Ibe bas of a bus-cburcb on the occasion of Iboir I ral electiona in Britain cannol be accurato diagnosis; inraig to B. Bgel M. Lyle. 1o n aiyi h oso u-League Rals' service. Me. Stainton ataved off much longer. Wben Ibes' PHONE 186 BOVW fied f vsin;invisibîs' combia- Long throw basketball-N. Snow- band and father. i made a good impression on tbc local corne, the arms conference fiasco, ing fac and noar sigbt in one -don, Bernice Belîman, B. Bagnoîl. The peony roots presenTted toNe- congrogation with bis forceful ser- and the Cecil incident whicb cesoulted - Ions; making the glasses more' 100 yd. dasb-W. Rember, B. Bag- castle by H. R. H. The Prince of mon on Interpretations of Life's Ex- Iberefrom, wihl likels' prove vers' ploasing in appearance and les- inelI, M. Lyîe. Wales arrived by mail fromt Ottawa poriences. Ho motored bore witb dasnaging 10 the party la power. soning bbc chance of broakage. 1Rap, stop and jump-W .Rember, Tuesday rnorning, addressed ta Reeve Mr. Frank Walters, Courtice, irbo on. Bs' playing mbt eacb oîher's banda-is B. Bagneîl. 1H* S. Britton. h cucl iîrequest kindis' assistoed the local insîead af cutting oacb other's i Mirtc ouhelw-ll OtoetrienRcMe jBel an, attrice Crydorman, B. jmeet next Monday ovening and ar- choir lil tseri"Vceofa song and also tbroats, as tbes did in 1924-Liber-1 and rogitrdOomristered BlmnBarceCyeraB range for the planting and future sang as a special favor that soul- aIs and Laboriles migbt casils' over- i hocelwilb pleascd to oxans- Bagne]!. care of the threc strong, well speout- stiring solo, "Alone, Ho bore it ail throw the Conservatives and givel mne and adî'ise you as to your oye JuirGrs'Eet d roots and îIoubtless givelsuitablela(n. Biananwcaiingv-rmn neds Jnir irs'Evnt 1expression 10 the c- ______s_____e Lord Cecii of bbe bistoric bouse Of Standing broad jump--Caroline ciation cf His Royal Highness' gra- Cecil-Salisbury' Ibat had sa mucb 10 Ai o te asîOpiclappli- Elnr yo, iaHam 'ii1 it BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL Ido wibb the making of British polili-1 ances andi helps for scientifi ecx-' Catch and tbrow basebal-M.ýarion Mi' rdge f eratesfr FAIR BIG SUCCESS jcai bistors' in four centuries, resigo-i ammna:on o' theove. nw-enand urieHlor e, iat ilt- gariens aî'e nox on view at Mi'. -- - d frons the Cabinet on account of Cire x-oircýelf a trent-a ipair tHam an d roin H aîtnverl- rtthytfiei tecaec (otncîfiîipiedisagrecment avec iLs foreign policios. i oif Mlitchell Qualîts' Ciases. Stow F iax can and Winona C avons'. nIe boupools 10 inches in length . isi.tiri urli tt iigo' The place Cecil beld was a kind af SlowMaronBicycle rc-Btt Ia i ii ivDad Eilbicck.and pcked h 1l ýof ý fsinécure, but bbc man iras a ra man, MariontRickard.cgr(ae M.M tc'hell < 220 yd. dasb-Winnie Rickard, eîl"ii il,;nigstmmik-ithat alnio, iiîrtcinitin t ii 'fi a n Ic-ideaI biggee than the office, and bis R. * M sie no, LlaHI i ýi ix i l-ng' ! ac',sof- uerieirt-t ork _iuttailn !sépraton romBaldwxin irill bave a i THE QUALITY DRUG STORE unn eod jn îincIta'-i .nîouteclinîiters; aiso creliia ik eiiilz rl ir-e hnzinfluence on bbc parts' B0w m a nvil ho Ont. IRickard, Lila Hanmni, Pîyllis Darch. oi .mlinfuly Oe iB-ettish, affit-nl- m Phone 92-Nighs sand Stindayt .i. 0-. )-ýti ii'Iiksli:n-cl rx ml' Gt-ii. ' - t-Schoi tiio xi m' «ii -pilranIte aietxbc1al i ~ ~ N- ta-mt-- unbi t ' ýyul lii 1).iii i - I Ce-cil is an E'vanzel. This, 10- 280 IDarch, XVniie ickard, (arolinelt-'l,, cte î~stii1 'l l 1 ti.\, i.iciilpgte wihteCci rtlln1 i ________________________________ Hanmiton. --- mt. I 1 îî \ u11 l .--'îîî- ante Ceiltmaditoutimal 11l)0 yd. dash-Winnie Riekardi ~i- î~-cm l hs00-lii- country, gives im great strengtb ~si Kox PylisDarlt-I-\nil;'v th(-ii'b -- hnsli oxitb a vers' large oit-ment in Eîîg- ajtcp 'n'dîî k mpîLiltmîeHaammtî-h-if Staff of Boys' Training School iland. Ho is what niigbt ho calîcîl Ifop, so and jup-la Ham , hu ml 1i a Tory-Pacifist.,using botb in their 1lnmt',BtyFaoa u-rnedrt iii.n it-b-I-ema ne anf ourl Nu-i Ca 'naîms" and a e cind plae oînsu- ad, hixas rîî is ho HE C NTE ils unceand e laldiec t ao- 1 sa ' Ca to Canaî(la." and "The Contribiutio soîstei yMe-. IH. S. Brîtton. The isociated witb Locarno, but, witbout u t iCa W '. T . A llen drecs on "Canada anti Woeld Peace', ink cunisting oif Mrs. Porcs' Hart-, MALE OR FEMALE thusiasm il is more than doubtful Ivy Mr. Bradley. An extra musical Mrs. J. R Fisher, Mes. C. R. Cari'ebh" -,,trmns upwards of $25 weekly; gro j whetber tbc nations which were ce---------- Big 20 Boktore numbor, w'ich was enjos'ed by ail, 'Mes. Chris. Law, skip. The prizo ing nushroomse for un. usîng wate cently at war, wouîd bave came 10 an R m Bomnil .. was a vocal duet by Messrs. Harold for Ibis, a prcbîy doily and floirer space in ceIIars, barns or outhouse.. understanding s0 soon respecîîng Bowenanlville ont. and Howard Allia. League will ho basket, was donated by Mca. T. W. Ulht pleA*ant work for eliher ,X u roenpae C'< omence now. Illustrai.ed booklet. Europe....e.acel held as usual ncxt Mondas' night and Jackson. A daints' lunch was en- particularus and teattmontale sent Lord Cecil'is life motive, if one a good prograns is being prepared. joyed by ail at bbe close of bthe mccl- anywhere, for stamp. Addr- may sa term it, was a perfect but un- ___________________Everybody weloome, j e Dominion Mushroom Co., Toronto 3. îe gemn bte h at ing. i. ien agrement btween th Unit J. UN . O In reporting the Harvest Home services in Park Street Church, Or- ono, the name of Mrs. 0. D.Sander- cock should have been given as dir- ecting the choir and accompanying Miss Buchanon in ber solo, instea Mrs. R. H. Brown. -S Advance Sale 0F FALL GOODS AT Special Prices W omen's or Grow îng Girls' Ox- fords. sizes 22 to 7 ... $3.39 New Fail Shoes for women, black patent, straps or ties, medium or hh heels ..2.95 and $3.89 Men's Fa]] Caps, aill atest shades and patterns ... $1.25 and $1.69 Men's Fa]] weight Underwear 89c 'Men's Blue Chinchilla orMe Overcoats .. . ........$16.5& Men's Feit Hats. ail the iatest shades at................. $2.95 5mai] Girls' Serge Dresses $195s Boys School Boots ....$2.49' DILLICK'S King and Division Sts., Bowmanville ïISIT A 30SITIVE GAIN in being able tu do what like to do-give every 1visible evidence of ue. ier ever leaves our store ýand advantage of the îlate them unmistakably daue. 1here that is not of high ;omers ever leave the ained by their coming. ;as sure of what you buy you through national ad- brand with which you iy familiar. recommend and Seli YMANVI LLE 'me QUEBEC 1tlaem ail ad lightens your work. It lata, cooks, bakes, supplies ind of fuel. and a highly efficient range what the "Cosy Home" ----- ---- ---- ----- rnanville By l îh Hardware'1ý' -------------- I0 .à" . THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th., 1927 PAGE EIGHT

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