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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1927, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMAN VILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th., 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No.40 _____________ BOWMANVILLE TENNIS CLUB WHAT TOWN COUNCIL DID-1 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES ITOUR#TS TREATED ROYALLY ROTARY STREET CARNIVAL IBOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL DRAMATIC CONTEST SERIES Annual tournament has resulted Renewed membership in the East- St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. ________ NFOL An Evening of Fun and FrolicFARBGSCE as follows, as far as it has been com- ern Chaniber of Commerce which Best, D. D., Minister. Public Wor- We are in receipt of a copy of the Wednesday, October 12th iPremier Ferguson Gives Inspiring Ad. pleted: meets in Kingston, October 26th. jship at il a. mi. and 7 p. mi. Sunday Beaver Falls Rex iew which under the1 drebs-Dedication of Kiwanis Lodge. MNens Singles-M. A. Neal beat ýSchool 2.30 p.'n. above heading makes some very ap)- Next Wednesday evening starting Under auspices of Maitland Gould and won the Dr. J. Passed accounts for over $1500. i St. Joseph's R. C. Church. Mîass preciative comments on the treat- at 7.30 o'clock King Street froni No fair outside of the big cities hao West Durham Agricultural Society C. Devitt Cup. Authorized Police Committee to 8.30 a. ni. Sunday School 2.30 ment accorded the American tour- Division to Silver Streets will be gaily been honored with such dignitaries Ladies' Singles-Miss Alice Werry purchase "Stop" traffic signs to place' p. ni. Evening 7 p. iii-Sernion ists w ho were implicated in the fatal decorated in real mardi gras fashion. as were present at the Boys' Training beat Miss Janê Mason andwo h n trn eaigt Kn t otor accident which took place at It's the annual Rotary Club StreetiSchool Fair on Saturday afternoon Tyrone Dramatic Club F. C. Vanstone Cup. ons!eslaigt igS. and benediction. Rev. P. P. Butler. cenietery hili on Sunday, Sept. lSth. Carnival. last. will present Junior Singles-Ted Maison beat Passed by-law tolIay water main Ladies' Aid of Trinity United The Review says: A dozen booths will be erected Premier Ferguson headed the list Evcrett Quinn and wvon the Dr. B. on Liberty Street froni Victoria to 'Church will hold a Rally Day on W. N. Nicholson, Albert Borke. W. right in the centre of the main Then came Hon. Lincoln Goldie, "L C R G L " J. H.azle,ood Cup. Srk n Nelson and sewer on Ontario Street Tuesday, October 1 lth. Ail mem- L. Ray and Harry Stover, of Beaver street.Provincial Secretary, HL M. Robbins, "P A E O D froni Church to King. ýbers requested to be present and Falls, have returned froni a fishing The ain nai eietlDpt Provincial Secretary. H. C Men's Doubles-W. ILSrikenganfrind.trip to Rice Lake. Ontario, Canada, Bnd of Osaa.ilbe1oatd Schofield, M.P.P., Toronto, F. W. or Stuart R. James beat M. A. Neal and brigandriare aloud in theircatd o "Ho UnleNatanLos Jon lexndr. Trniy itd Curc, ev.J.U. taine areatmed nthe r ie for the the four corners and will furnish a Bo~wen, M.P., and W. J. Bragg, X. "H wU ceNta ot Ladies' Doubles-Agnes Vasoe PBI:HAT EOT Robins, Pastor. Sunday Schooî An- Caaa1hlei oua porn1f ui.PP and I)ortohy James beat APieBadIC _____ iAvrsay adEaPORDy. un a aa "Pig-Skin" Pete decked out in hisi Kiwanis of Ontario was represent- thIam iesr ndRlyDy udy Ontewyhm tegnlmnsearof ay ris and his led by W. R. Cockburn, District Gov- Florence Werry. Report of public health nurse for il a. m. 2.30 and 7 P. ni. Rev. Ro y m n wthe ay huomeathedentlemhen sweastier f n st riPwil e sf the many o nrf Kiwainis in Ontario and Que- Junior Doubles-Art. Kent and nonth of September. 121; No. rdtheeservices. Good niusic. their car skidded with another car attractions. bec; Finance Commissioner Geo. H. inGerald Bradd beW.Te Mason and! No. o homes visited12;N.vs1thseic. odmi- that a also skidding. The drivèr, Thien there's that surprise feature !Ross, Toronto; Fred Page Higgins, E. Quinn. its to prenatal cases 9; postnatal 1; St. John's Anglican Church, Rev. Mr. Nicholson, wa lcdudra- htRtrasae aigsc if Chairnian Boys' Training School OPERA HOUSE G~aines in the consolation rounds! adult 9: infant 22: preschool 45; IR. J. Sbires, Rector. l7th Suinday reSt- He wvas promptly released oncly in keeping a sce-atc asoeo oeohrKwna BOWMANVILLE will be played on Saturday: Cooke - chool 110; total 196. No. fterTnity, October 9 , 1927. 8 a. ni bond. w-hich was furnished byayor larly froni their %vives.ascrormr ote Kinan vru ol D. James versus A. No. of cases not found 8 o f!Hl Communion, il a. m_- T. S. Ilolgate and F. C. ehk -1 froni aIl parts of the province as far Vantoe; lier ndLap vrsu mscelaeou v~it 1; scil0sr-Morning Irayer. 2.30 1). n.-Sun- barber, who is past district deut Something different at every booth: north as Timmins. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7th Vntn;Oie ndLpghssnicelnosv is 0 oilýepte -BlnesSwarsAt u, Dulyand Lobb; Souch anI Kent vice visits 3; office hours 19; referred jday Schooî. 7 p. m.-Evening Pray- of the Odd Fellows. Throuhth'lakt os, TSw etrsho,Atowers, By'WlaeBadrpeet 8.15edentist kidly efforts of the Odd îoFDgTeeenlhp.Fowr, BoswWlae ordrpesla at 8.5 . m. vr -~ Sisson and Mitchell; M. Rani- to doctor and ets 14. 1r n elw Horse Racing, Sandwiches and Coff- tives present and not already men- "Placer GoId" is a 3-act Coniedy ýyadG Mri esu .Obrn o fnatWlar frnces St. Anre'sPreshyterian Church, unih ce, Novelties, Soft Drinks, Ice tioned included Mrs. A. E. Gooder- and J Mason and the winner versus held .5 svith total attendance of 43. bal ren.ham. M.ýr. George Hanibly, Judge H. full of fun and pathos. A n .wry corner Temperance and Church 5ts. The Beaver county boys area loud Cem S. 'Mott. ail of Toronto, and Mr. J A.adF.Wry Scho lRpotRev. Robt. MeDernient. MA., min- in their praise for the help ie Everybody %vins! That's the secret H. H. Jury. Bownianville. 1 ister. M.Norning worship il a. ni. theni after the unavoidable accident, I f the Rotary Street Carnival. No- îssr)il2;No. choov2.3ini.a nd greatly appreciate the kindness frn h anvlge oteHs cisively marked the passing of ani TICKETS Mrs. Geo. MNorrison and Mrs. R. J. I N. of o s cos 3; of Evening worship2.70p. m Evrybd eav wntenin addition to the My f os es! Envery ce t of pre ofithe occarsing iasone ithade Dilworth, Toronto, and Miss Margar- ilispecte( 9,39: No. referred to doctor I come. or adF.C Pethick, by J. Lake 'pital Fund for the Nurses' Residence. iorofthe trsng mles tne in he Single Tickets 35c; or season et M,%cLean. Vancouver, B. C., re- and ldeiltist 10; No. treated i18; No.\: M r e , pro'prietor of Cream o Bar- 'It's a worthy abject aIl will admit,.o h obeprps fiagrt ticket covering 3 plays for $1.00. centîv visited their cousin, Mrs. excluded 17; No. defects cor I eding aveld n T uesdav in theM . S. eetap;-epe loece aa- emmfonr Wdeda igthe fdrstlannual f a uu rat h che atesrvd, 'thuietr lrs.Jnk Cdermn. THaptonvisid No re adit32N. sn irooni of Trinity United'Church. Mrs. ger of canmp; F. F. Morris,. undertak- eig coe 2hi trîscshool and the formai dedication o chare atMitcelî Dru Stoe. Ms. on Coang, Hamof on, arnd office.32. IW. H. Argue's group being respon-ler, President o owavillefRotiery Wednsday, tentecrianwl eKwnigogafiey eup caled nanmerf l rede Og .Td sible for the prograin. The Presi- i Club; Richard Jarvis, chief of oie Tusa1eeig building, containing every modem - hee i.dent, Mrs. J. U. Robins, presided. 'for 3 years; Geo. W. James, editor1 B ring the whole family and have convenience necessary for the read- After the usual opening numbers, the "Te Canadian Statesman"; Rev. R. the Best Tume of Your Life! i ng and comfort of the boys of the business was taken up. A veryv fine J. Sbires, rector of St. John's school, who number 60 in aIL reading was given by Miss Leta Church; and W. R. Strike, attorney. H. C. Schofield, M.P.P., presided iJackson whîch was much enjoyed, a The boys aIse wish te thank the at the opening ceremony and ac- vocal solo was delightfully rendered mechanic who repaired their car, J. WHO 15 WHISTLING JIM? lcompanymng hini on the platform were by Miss Margaret Allin, hier ac- Hately, of Bowmanville, Canada. _____i Premier G. Howard Ferguson; Dr companist being Mr&. Robins. This He promptly made repairs in a first- Watch for Hia Photo Next Week G. Elmore Reaman, Superintendent I I 71' Lthe ubile yea of onfedra- lassworkmanlike mlanner, teca1Boys' Training Schaol; Harold Ait j ~ Q~tion, Mrs. Charles Wight gave a very niaking the trip home without any Wîîistîing Jim's last consignmentiken, President of the Boys' Associa- M o r e L a d i s' Nw C o tsfitting talk on "Canada", hier sub- trouble. At the trial the Beaver of 'Do You Remember When?' n-!tien, and Mr. J. IL H. Jury, Bow- ject dealing with immigration from County boys were acquitted of the cidents in last week's Statesmnan cer- manville. the earliest settler in 1492 till the charge against them. tainly aroused renewed interest in I T ri n ec ost ipresent time. A tableau with Mrs. this special news feature which has useful, ta act intelligently and to do Ganton repreTntingWCanada * TRINITY S. S. ANNIVERSARy been running in this paper for the things that count for something in O f is l y h ~ e kmir aant b r thsintr t im- land hOarind eigitednhvethe world" was the keynote of an in- ______________acos.Aodit nnvrar ndRll a e ndake h this mysterious ier Ferguson in the Assembly Hal hymn then followed and the Mizpah iservices on Sunday, ýOctober 9th., writer is. Scores have attempted lin the presence of an andiejice that benediction was repeated by ail. A when Rev, Roy H. Rickard ,B. .A., to guess the real naine of Whistlingi completely filled the interior of the soQUialE L DIES'COATSbeins ervd spent, re- Albert College, Belleville, wnIll preach Jîi.- Yet up ta last week's issue large and spaciaus building. MOD LS N -at the xnarning and evening services. when he got sa bald as to relate per- , W. R. Cockburn, Kiwanis Gaver- __________ IIn the afternaon the school wil sonal circumstances, incidents, and nor, had the hanor of formaiiy pre- If you wish Suedine, Ail Wool Needie Point or Broadcloth, i tender a goad programi of mpusic and tecalled nearly twa hondred and' senting the Kiwanis Lodge tai the then we want to show you some exquisite models, trimmed with SMSÀGO USE recitation under the direction of Mr. Ififty namea of puUe~ and high achoal Government darmg which ceremony ____A____UESE Fani Sutton, arganist and choir-I students ofuaisture, there was only , he unveiled a* bronze tablet on the natural wolf. Others with genuine Fox, Sable and Oppossum. Wh.n t Cornics ta Beef o.h. H mater and a speciai committee of one man wha gave the editan the front wall of the cottage on which Grey Lamb is being wideiy used this season and in combination ____ the Sunday Schoal. A Junior correct name of aur mysterious cor was inscribed: "Dedicated ta the with Flemish Blue or Balsam Green ,the effeet is strikingiy new Port Hope Fair put acnoss a new 1choir will be a special feature at the tespondenit.. Developm>ent of Boy Life by the stunt last week when it helda mornung and afternaon services. We have prevaîled upon Whistlingj Kiwanis of Ontario in association as weil as becoming. îegtgesn optto. T An offering of $600.00 is being Jirni o send us bis picture. If the, with the Government of Ontaria _________________________________________________________ eefima gsi were weigheon the asked and in view af the special im. photo arrives in time it will appear 1927". market scales, the weight ticket was partanceyafothe ark nthn oeedi urnx ise Those attending the fair were enclosed in a sealed envelope. Per-lth e moneo ring t an pordoef grestly interested in the exhibits ATTRACTIVE VALUES IN FUR COATS sons who guessed the closest te theîy the Supoorînre n e and Bar o1 frorn the garden plotsaof the boys! weight of the animais were to beath e Seol areshoing for ah heartyd or in-mnu awarded lst $9; 2nd $6; and 3rd $5. ADVERTISING art displaye'd in the manuai training Ladies' Fur Coats in Hudson Seai, Persian Lamb and Entyfee of 50c was made. Ai building. The physical training ex- Muskrat. We are enabled to seil these coats at much lower About 75 farmers, drovers andw A.Y. P. A. <tise these days, and so do many1 track and field events by the boys prices than the large exclusive fur houses of the city. Every butchers wha thugmeetingne professional people. j d weralso features of the afternoon's oaisgaate.Three men guessed the exact weight anulmetn f the A. Y. P. . Merchants simply have tiadver- porm of 209 They ere Sai Snow was held in the Parish Hall on Mon- tise to be progressive. They haîve The attendance at the evening ___________________________________________den,___________________ dayeveninT The PrsidentMn. L fhe nd tat advetusMrg ays. I oncert as some.hat leseneysb ______________________________________________________de, am anville, Ex-Wand e TW Hamel Cooke, was in the chair. It wudbmmr ain. The presentation of prizes, IInch, Welcome. was decided ta send invitations ta the Buit some af themwodbemr short addnesses and very delightful IOshawa, Whitby, Blackstock and progressive if they'd advertise con- and enjoyable musical numbers made FALL FROCKS FOR WOMEN OR MISS The society is no;v in a quandary Newcastle branches. It was also sistently. They advertise when up this p art of the pnogmam at which as te how to award the pnizes. Our jdecided that in future ail members business is goad, of course. But H. M. Robbins was chairinan. suggestion would he te divide the should be notified by post card of the they decrae theïr adveriiîu, or' Among the Toronto visitars pres- You will find them in our store to suit everýy figure. They are eniepiemnyeuîybtw enmeig. e fierIr:eiminate it aitogether when businss ent were: Dr. James L. Hughes, Mr of Satinback Crepes., Romaine and Fiat Crepes, ail skilfully de- the three men. President-Mr. L. Hamel Cooke ISot5god and Mns. Chas. Dickinsan, Mn. and siged Th sirrng, pn-ucingan digoal ins ae er Vice-President-Mr. J. A. Gunn This is just the opposite of what 1Mrs. Harry Baskerville, Miss Ada becmig. eaingshdesar Jugl Gren Sot ieg, ewSecretary-Miss Audrey Lamb sheuld be the case. The time ta Silver, Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Lyons areNewT reas3urer-Mlr. B. Baldwin advertise more than ever is when Mm. and Mrs. A. E. Giles, Mn. and Belu ng eBak adng hdevugl ren.of iee1 Royal Theatre Prograni Cenmittee-Mrs. Guan, business is flot so goad. That's the Mms. B. W. Rice, Dr. Geo. McGiii Mirs. Wood. Miss E. Stedman, Mr.m way.ta make it gaod again-ta ad- AIrs P. McGill, Misses Edna, Kat]- _____________ aldinMr.G. oug. . vertise. leen and Eva McGill and others. Fridy-Sturay, ct.7-8«.Missionary Committee-Miss N John Wanamaker made millions as The first annual fait at the schoel j Fidy-Studay Ot. -8 Neads, Miss Turner, Mm. Vine. Nil a retail mechant.Of newspaper ad- i vas an inspiration as wvell as a neye- Hoot Gibson in Social Comnittee-Miss A. Taylor, vertising hie said: "When the times i ati'on te. aIl who w'ere net famiiar "A Hera an areback" Mi'ss Petley, Miss Hawley, Mr. J. A. ane hard and people are not buyingî~îhtemdm mtose ovn I Froni the story "B read Upon the i' -. m . ae is the veny tume that advertisi t he probleni of boys' reclamation. r4~7Y'Waters" by Peteri B. Kyne . iin g Comm.ttee- sBva should be heaviest. Yen want tai In this connectien we reproduce M ade T o M easure M l Yi'Cnid is Denseni, Mr. J. Gunn. io)get thepeople in ta secewhat youlthe 'Fomeword' as centained in t 10tober te d that. When thetTsae The underlying principle in regard Suit and OveroatscIY W \e(\I atet the Dominion Confer-ýgood they will corne iargeiy of tboirtot instruction in the Beys' Training L aper6o t -fWld U lesf. and regiîî:r prograni. Monday-Tuesday, Oct. 10-11 "McFadden's Flats" With Charlie Murray and Chester Conklin. There is ne match for the kind of entertainnient these two glooni chasers sul)ply. You've laughed at theni individually-now you can roar at theni collectively- twice the fun-twice the comiedy. It's the miovie hargain of the year. Usual pricos. Wednesday-Thuraday, Oct. 12-13 "Spring Fever" With Williami Haines, Joan Craw- ford, Geo. K . Arthur and George Fawcett. WVith a cast of comiedians like the above yen can look for an enjoy- able evening. Chapter 8 of -'Melting Millions" Friday-Saturday, Oct. 14-15 Tim McCoy in "Foreign Devils" A stary of the Boxe*r rebellion by Peter B. Kyne. Monday.Tuetday, October 17-18 Ramon Novarro in "MeL Rond to Romane."p own aub suru, by thesocialcommitSchool is "XVO learn b-ong. T ~vil o ervd y hesocalcomi- i tising ail the tume. I toptis end the boys wsho are admitted tee. 1 advertising". te the Schooi are taught te do very _____________________ __________- ipractical tbings and the life of the ____________________________________________________________ Iconiniunity is duplicatýed as neanly as _________________________________________________ ossible. No pressure is brought -te bear on any boy te enter~ any speciiic vocation, but insistence is put on the PREAREFO TH jboy choosing semne vocation. lO PREPA E FO THEthis end, if the boy is over twelve years of age, hoside the regulan aca- ig emni, and Entrance worl, he is pet- iitted te sample the different voca- t~ UIIY ~ Iuitions taught in the School, such as H ospial C a pa 1Agriculture, which is sub-divided inta 1 Poultry, Gardening and General Farming; Horticultune; Wood Work- TO DEFRAY EXPENSES 0F ing and Carpentmy; Metal Wotking 1 and AIIied Trades; Motet Mechanies; BUILDING AND FURNISHING Ceoking; and Physical Training. 1 Wben a boy has chosen his vocation, 1 he is formally apprenticed and passeg 14~urs s' %I w R sid nc through three grades of apprentice- N urs s' ew R sid nceship. During this period, which var- - ies in length according t the abil- EVERY CITIZEN IN TOWN ity and applicatian of the boy, he AND COU TRY SHO LD ELPSchool. For exasaple, aIl repairs AND OUNT Y SH ULD ELPare, as fan as possible ,undertaken by the baya under the direction of the departmentai headIs cancemned. For $15,00,S NE DEDthis work the Head Master gives cred- it in his school report. In ail these activities, considerable WILL, YOU HELP? healthy competition is involved, and in an effort to recognize special ap- plication and intereat, the Sehool CAMPAIGN TO START THIS MONTH authorities have inaugurated a Fait Fi hhwili serve a duai purpose. à (Continued on lest pane) MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 1Mr. F. B. Cowle, special i'epresentative frorn House of Hobber1iîî, vil be at oui' store w-ith a fulli une of sam pies for Fal and( Winter Suits and Overcoats. Every oî'der taken is guaranteed in fit and wearing quality. It's the fit of youî' clothes that counts. SUITS OR OVERCOATS $25 AND UP Couch,Jçihnston & Cryderman, Bowmanville Pbono 104 'à lk - man eoýana i an

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