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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1927, p. 2

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DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS MOTORISTS BEWARE! ROTARIANS HEAR ADDRESS ON more than 100,000 Canadian people. D.GC.BONNYCASTLE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY The importance to Canadasa comn- DR. G. C.The waters of the sea of journal- 1 Vill drivers of autos kindly re- _____ mercial activity can be judged by the Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto ismi are a bit ruffled over the area frain from following the Fire Truck By Geo. E. Ansley, General Sales fact that the payroll exceeded $84,- Bq University. Graduate of the Royal between Cobourg and Whitbv ls anewe on o ieiaaen-aglnMtr a 0,0. I ohrwrs oe College of Dental Surgeons of On- clusive se wee ma3y bc excused if we lAse rsaccidwen ongoas r Mnarroer o, ObawlnMo a r $110,00 was pIn d iii rs r e r n a kn tario. Office King St., Bow 'nille."'talk shop," aitho Bowmanville isi eiu cietwsnrol oOhw a kn and Profit 'v'___ wages to employees in Canada every V Office phone 40. House phone 22.1not seriously affected by the efforts averted on Tuesday because a woki'dyof196 X-Ray Equipment in Office. being made to over-reach what has 1thoughtless driver insisted on trail- Therphenminapgrowth o the ala DR .C EIThitherto been considered eacb busi-'.uhatmbl nutr n t eain'ig a evc orne DR.sarJ.ofthenewpaprs f ti ng close behind the tire truck. ,0uc h uoie industry lf O anada rea o There ws i d tsof the 000R0iwayan Assastot dangerous pîen nentedeain taennwosapinterestinagpr andeforesfreight donermateriaessteanin a mnishederesingIaBd fkr fbaght on meterces todrendere Graduate of Royal Dental College, enterprîse, this effort of audacîous jte firernen getting off the truck te informative address by Geo. E. AnI cars, or over $25,000 every working Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- publisheîrs and wouldbe publishers, couple hoset hdatsor oherly i wlSae aagro he a.tosac edr he~mplmoe pftac- manville. Office hours 9 a. mn. to 6 te endeavor to take fromi us a -hare %ork in conriection %itb the fire-1.McLaughlin Motor Car Co., Oshawa, The variety of materials used in îgml hi it er p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone of the patronage we worked hard to n 5n duties. Iat the Rotary Club's Friday noonlrautomobiles is so great that almosta1)1e 90. House phone 283. obtain in the busy period of the ivrit-j Motorists, kindly give us your co- luncheon at Eowmnan House. every industrial centre in Easternfcnjut;ebkigpaieth X-Ray Equipmient in Office ers journalistic activities, b ut as inloperation regardirîg this matter. Als everybiodv in those days s Canada derives somne benefit from it. BANKING tclnkn )atc h these years The Statesman absorbed WlimEgr more or less intcrested ini the auto-1 The value of the auto industry Baîk f andaha blî Honor graduate of Toronto Ui r htfudth aeo uligChief Fira Brigade. mo icther for pleasure or busi fromthe portelstandpoint. ,1j,ýugcuttheinmnio aFoya DR. R E. DNNIW L t ht udiffeent loa ulingapness, ve reproîluce the main points 12 prxmtî 4,0,o.jottoDmno oa versity and member of Royal College apaying circulation too exhausting ___ _____ of intcrest in Mr. Ansley's addrcss:j This x4as 4th among the exports of IYEARSI hvelerd to rely 'f Dental Surgeons. Licensed to for one man's lifetime, we can look: Ihv enaK tsyafwiC anada, ist being grain, 2nd nulp practtse in Ontario and thl Domin - complacentlv on the pro-ont strenu- no means paragons of perfection, I rd o ha e be-AuKtoobale a fcwr and paper, 3rd wood unmanufactur- pikszevcs ion. Dentistry in ail its branchesn.. us, efforts 'being made to secure ai and made quite as miany blundor od nte AuooeIdsry ed, 4th autos and parts. This hunge Office-King St., Bowrnanville, op- lrofital)le slice of the excellent pat- and mis-moves as ans' other cîass ofo f and reations to te isri ife volume has had a vers' important 4M posite Bank of Motreal. Phone 301. r ,naitoL oui' fîi at present enjev-ý. icitizens. The lder 1 become andoCaaa' .m tieslmtd bearing on the balance of trade and A TT ____ *ataningau et ter e dg 1 e f 1will have to cver this subject vers' exchange. S AN D A DIL'BA N Kj In the Fergus New--Record ofhmxnaueth lssIxpt of touch on ail the ramifications of suchB nile is1 viutly neeofsd LEGAL September l5th, edited b J. C. Our Public men, and 1 gro W morea int ndsrinhefwm-nthO .N DA M. G V.GOUD, B A. LL D. Templin and bis son, Hughi Templin, charitable towards their failures and atgigat i idu-r. n te fwin- it atoinOstrsabauthe o ts M. .cits' Mas'., L.D. aInmention l)riefly what BOWMANN ILLE BRANCHD. L. Weese, Manager Barrister, Solicitor, Notars' aeroval th eintr comme ntaks o.o '-o otary d nt now of any topic vhichýct* Myapoa hseioil cmet!a General Motors means to Oshawa, Branches al.o at Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Oshawa Mones' to loan on Farm a-id Town wbc erqctSaesa edr tursatmn vsnyrmd is so frequentls' discussed today a Properts'. Royal Bank Building, te read alzo: tban the one that follows as we weîîteAtoldlr. e onhrn oll your town:$6a019260our pay- Bowmanville. Phone 351. Asarlenalsoesppr aea .from our acarîs'50 years' ex- iazo the O. T. J. vs Goverament Conj roîleed ed $15 0,000; we podcm-o Asakue downesapr aeatrol ran us a close race, but 1 think lydoe ,0;arpouto ___________________________________ Succeasor alîke. ~~~~~Their chief aîm is ptiae otn sssteat a vn u h rwho xedd$60000 W .R T I Ete present the news of alI the world é, Editor Duncan c n uing the autoba iwn ut . No eeare s endin largsu0. Scesrte at. D. B. Simpsob, K.C. as quickly as possible. If there O teohe anlt esaper a desire for btter mneans of trans-l in plant expansion ta, empbos' more 7' Barrister, Solicitor, Notary any big artcuarl snsaioal n and there is mights' portation than the ox-cart or horse- mien, to create even a larger payrol], . Soici-tor for Bank of Montreal tbeir own constituenes', most of them A ii hrt xrie oarsi.Idanvhce n t auatr oecr n phle9 ill111 ake the most of it. Their cd- N editor, %vith the necessars' amounit Transportation bas been the great- trH o fr urhmeaaofreg Mones' ta Loan rl~ itorial pages seem te lack individual,- of horse sense, xvîll deliberately set est factor la binding these provinces markets. bn Bowmanville, Ontario lt n fwraes ol ho, h about to hurt either the feelings orjcf ours into one vast dominion., What of the future? We have i\business of bis readers, but occasion-Trnprainndcvlzto ae adofhesuainpitbt W. F. WARD, B. A. Jeditorials as the most important or aIls' thes' do bluader into a position, cycoes rltd esrn u hr ssilabodmrc hnw liotitrsigpr fteejourn-,hminotoul ranclspo rat ad.ciiliatuinon r heard cf stheaur a-t pon bu BariserSoicior Noar~ l2~intretîn ;rt f hes ,or make a statement which -,vill get iiiv ancemcat by our up-to-date realIize ia U. S. one car for every 6, Moneyto lan. onds ur zle. ith sme weklypithessomesofstteir means cf inter-communication we in Canada do 14, in Great Britain do, Manes ta bn. Bnds fr r5e XX t he ey a tper it 1readers. Many an intcresting s ate naweillSay thlat xxe stand high in 57, in Japan do 2,645, la Russia do Offices-Bleakles' Block, King St., dý iffterent.tThle' are net the product Bowmanville, Ontario, Pholles: of a bundred or more persons, but meoat icl swîtna ih the civilization cf the world. 8,896, la China do 39,6i75. and consigned to the waste paper. l am net going to rcview the pro-! Inl 1926 Canada ivas third among Office 102. House 409. jlotie o nare usually respons- baske'thl te morning. Moran rl o f transprtatien or the devel-:auto manufacturers cf the world ________- ____ -ibol or mo-t of what tbov cntaîn thou h so u- etbi gd utOepi n f t e at m bl tef r vt .S s;E ga d 2 d;C nd and as a result, these paliers have -h uetsor judmn thng outtoepr to h uooil tcf rwt .S lt ala n;Cnd FUNERAL DIRECTORS personalits', individualits' and life. t! a lue wis diwom fof the matrIthe improvemont til automobiles 3rd. F. F MORIS O. o debt. * * a* 1 ie dtrfolw h Old sin,, th, first co was invcatcd. but We are out after the world mar- Completeo MototStatesman readers mm o Wen l blave ut.'iI am going to prescrit a few fizures 'ket. Make it possible for this la- 9 AI opEqeMup or notiecd this difference, tee. WXvat 11) sbow the prý, .ress of the industrs' eustrv ta grow and thrive in Can- 21--ii' Horseratvo Eqmal prton f hedîiriiîr the few x'ears since it %vns àa da'la O shawa. Give it your sup- \j AIl caîl promptly average daily papor one realîs' reads, , le-'-ftor'aafurvr'tttiag infant until it became n lus- port bs b uying Canadian built cars. - WBW ~attended to. "%hile as a lady' statcd la a letter te apprentice'ship, I have hadl more than ty giant. Nor nped I refer ta thei"ts etr eas i' anda. Private Ambulance a-U.4 î-t week she rends ex civ itemn my portion of getting la wrong witb I manner la whicb the automobile bas iIt'Maket poscsifrthe aaintr Bwavlepoemv rendors. 1 have had the big:I - Nt ossblefortheIC55tr 10 ad 34 and article almiost la The Statesmnan stc cd vrg nricbed aur j vys and nmade life t u'mr a oeCnda - Brach Stres- a- md ýfolk de. A well-edited wccklv .ai' ea heeb' bone ad apie.And you wiII fiad the papr ikeths oStsoaredst b blcktbrontened witb the Iess of alj Canadian Production la auto man - Cmaterials,ùI Orno& ewaabeis the peeple's paper, sure enough. ofaculofhdrdsb uatrng asbc crre on lanj;automobile iadustrs' will be the most c nù t Editor Templin continues tbusly: scribers from our subscription list at Canada for about 23 years and dur- oaladstnunch supporter of la- Twowcos ao EA. uncn( orm nc f elI sîîoop. I have had the ing that time about 1,500,000 carsI dustrial life la Canada. ALAN M. WILLIAMS crlyof Ckourg A. Dor (o eCa- d oubtful bonor of being sued for have been built: Ia 1904 produced Emoamer nd Fnera Di eradoan Coouprited atoWofrtoen. l-$5000 for libel by a reader îvho vain- 117; la 1910 produced 2,643; in 19261 Cmas gi ndpropt ndersonal at- r.adbis bcopitdyas Wartn, eto r. ia iae hat editors have lots of 1 produccd 205.116 cars and trucks. ~u m ,~ 2 Callsgivenpromp and iersoal at bratd bisbirthay asan eeditorsey asrea eclass, ala cvalueI v tlu the dustrs' babas owgrow72 tention. No extra charge for dis- It is but four y'ears since hie wntlve money a Highlanders bave from $240,000 la 1904 ta $925,000,- 1 uThreeT hingts tane.1 oe&,5 Or1t. 3oa- t hano en annd oewspap e workbreeks and stones bave bîood. And 000 la 1926, xihich is the estimate U1.W Nu ,«llOn.3-f hdno be i ewppe I suitshunve r mya oupeadof ohr awholesaIe value of the production Do£5IeThng .Mans' a man bas turned tojor la ielis weIInI h ver ma oupeadof othr a -stop HeadaTheino20lmnute MDCLism from some other profession for Ilie aaststp s'car.n 0 inte MEDICAL îhich lie had special training. A fwdss Canadian and U. S. production --break up a Cold over night B.J.HZLWOD M .,C M are rpotonhvebenfalrecombined shown la 1895, 4 cars, and -stoD~ Monthly pains of women. o C a n a d a B. j HAZEWOO, M.D.,C. M lare prporton ave een ailues, "In none of these cases was 1 even la 1926 there were 4,428,286 cars Teei n hn hywl o Gold Medaist of Trinits' University, but others have made an outstanding las stubbora as the editor who an- and trucks. Teei n hn hywl o miia adSugen tMt Cr e nunedthtnncofbioradrsba Te ale f heaupuiosatodothy onh ur yu.Bowmaaville Branch - P, F. Aitchison, Manager Toronto. Four years atteridîng Phy- eoSulrc aa eigbrn * ta n f i edr a hevleo h utu fat o teywnthr o.121 sicin ad Srgen a Mt Cameleditrs n Buceandtheneihboingdied that morning. When the man plants grew from practicals' notbing ilospital, Pittshurg, Ks. Office and counties haie learned to xatcb Mr. 1hlm self came into the office la the la 1895 ta the immense total la 1926 ge.sidence, Wellington Street,. Bow- Duncan's metbods, because thes' are J fies b and blood, indignant, ta bave Of $4,696,945,620.00. Total regis- nianill. Phne onîs' differeat, but also success- the repart corrected, refused ta cor-. trations of cars and trucks at the end C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. * * * r>ct the statemeat on the principlej of the s'ear 1926, 22,001,393. btatle "neyer retracted ans'tbing be, The auto iadustry ranks firat Graduate of Trinits' Medical College, We take the liberty' of repeating alI printed la bis paper." He was net amoag manufactured products la the Toronto, formerîs' of Enniskilben. part cf the observations prinîed l htkido an u omolf'U S;masseod t0ltid n Office and Residence, Dr. Beiths The Echo at the end of Mr. Duncan s ftheate ndofane.afeeBt ut lm rlyS. eseum ot telb.ran ' S w ofu th__ _ _ _ne_ _eferd o uS/m etoeu u trh former residence on Cburcbh Street fourtb s'ear, as thes' contain mach into the birth columa the next week, j Canadian records for 1926 la re- Bowmanvibbe. Phone 259. 44-t. that is worîb wbiîe. ithus giviag hlm a new star t in life.fgard ta manufacturers of complete _________________ -----_ Editor Duncan rigbtls' sas's: "One AIl these incidents, thougb unpleas-icars-thougb incomplete show: Em- - thing I bave Icarned is that the posi- ant for the moment, pass awas' and 1 ployces directîs' engaged la motor ' VETERINARY tion cf the aewspaper man is differ-I leave us wiser, and wasn't it wisdom1 car manufacture and aot including HIf 1 DR. F. ". TIGHE ent from that of ans' other la the that Solomon chose la prefereace to 'salesmen, garage mea, etc., 13,500; VETERIARY SRGEON Day rnmunits'. lis contact with bis 1 honers and fine gold? salaries and ivages paid, $18,900,000; fellos is rom adiffeeat agle tan J * *value of production at whoîesale Nih al rmts tedd ta. the business or professional "an A libel suit over a towa council price, $112,000,000; capital invest- o e n o t Office: KingSt. EastarBomanvil.Hi;u tmriaem ns'; a tert brought us a lot of worry for ment, including plants and machin- Phone 243. evers' prson la bis district is a cli- a time ad confirred a life-long con- ers', $42,500,000. cuc E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. e nt.. His stock la trade is not tan,-j viction we bad that the man who Ia addition the industry supports ______ Oi.ono ibie like that of the merchant, but goes te Iaw over a matter whicb can a!lied material manufacturers wbicb Hana Grauat of nivrsit ofconsists of talk, information, senti-i be settled in ans' was' needs ta have includes a wide range of goods such Hono Grauat of nivrsit Ofment, advice, aews, and la bis ability;bis head read. la this instance, we as tires, malleables, paint, glass, Toronto. AIl cases given prompt to gather and pass this on to bis bad ta defend ourselves wbether we eather, lumber, pbusb, springs, c-ar- s/w~m/-/a//s~'. #~ t and careful attention. Offie- rendors la a pîeasing form depeads1îiked it or not. We won aur case pets, body hardware, etc. These Dr. McEroy's former office.' Phones: bS success. Ibut Iost several bundrcd dollars la industries empbayed 12,000; paid in ~. Cbarke 3921; Orona 18-1. * Rcets * * icosts, incidentals' doing a service ta f wages, $15,200,000; produced goods, -"... 7 >Jlf"al p ii ,th ePi'ra t ilh fn "R n la i discussing the ret the newspapcr business la general la $63,000,000; have investment of L4/IiuI,#LVLyI'LL4II PuIA.tIJ(1tL voliume cf news a certain editor man- cafirming its rights and privileges $48,000,000. - AUCTIONEERS lagc-s te gel mbt bis paper reuain lawx, la respect ta reportiag and ISa that the auto industry supports THEO M. SLEMON levers' îîeek, aaotbcr of the_ crft i dscussing public matters. A couple ________________ o cuc AuctianeerJ mad'th remark tbat lie must Ime of other îhreaîened cases bang ente ý cariI goto ch i and cook dinner at the same Farin and House Sales a SpeciaIîty.J smmmotha f a gossip himsecf te ac-, us for libel made us woader if we time?" the housewife of old used to say. "It simply Terns m lerte. Ennikilen r <~ceniplish it. His infereace xvas that; bore net fast assuming the place leftca'bedn. Terms oJerae. Ennskil f.P)0newsv acspapers had gassips' cdi- vacant by the death of Bob dascn'beoe. Phone 17r3. itetrs-. That mtateni n e nt mine o f the Calgary' Eseopcner, wbo aI- -- i. mmir i ter leanthinginwas's had a couple cf lihel saits an I ou But what couldn't be donc a fes y'ears ago is donc by CHIOPACTC ND RU LES Shmlmh aad. Wc wverc at lenet la close.;n en thousands of Canadian wonien tod' it roast and DURINE. STCKLE -urceithe ~c'>iimnity to gît the îviîh the Tronto Daily Star and the ,geals aig nj a>.sHrieie vnyo a DURW N E ST CKLE If on( puiish d al t e! T leg am.1 atend to ourother activities, feeling perfectly confident ofCirpati Vl i i i eageae fc, .*1that the wlîole aneal wl be de iciousiy cooked. he Bow- -,ýo~u1id ho .ie doinlg aam.'rvjcmj tothe 'Irincipii' or no priaciple i',v.laor,"uhv ngra manville Office Tueadas', Tbur3day (mîinniunit.y?'! That imas'lm'mle fl, ne sîîî:ll toýva xî'ckly can afford j 1 uh1 n.gra h . ~ let and Saurdas' eveaing5s, phone 1t'41J. l rc ety daily, mt in a sianllt,, ho la libel m-its, for I;fï. 5 toc 1a hantm-e ovetr the The reaFon i15 -ared ia" clr' emt Residenîlal calîs made during fore- ,,%mn a xx emklx' I n,,,C. 'fram-, the- short t m i-. <iiarreiIinZ %with s' ur 1 is douhis' instiated. The -î ails are packcd %with ha-r noon . i istxm ail lt r'tv urp;ri -cd tmm0 fi- e-. m , :nd f x îîex i' a e m big citm t'crLs Ctftniaterial and surî'ounded b> dadair space-Ithe cst insu- mme ci'u<how antm-lt.rkaow's lmmrsp-fa':t hîn;,neamuns. uix(2ck v'm tiust t -î nilrtreb'dd - 'YEI(i4. IA . lr:i;nafi maitell- ] cJo 've Ii\tirs'. 1i PfX tCikIyoiJcan sýýrve ;atioii .kilox.ti ta oscience. \'cu 11,1ve 01, oni. a etproof Ei N E 1 1 rY'f ,ri-e-ncw.ta ak teo'ena osItih.lehats m laeu slyand havecklylat-- taste better. A vi-ry xiletpeint is mnafie -___ Smîne pop.ixeD un tc then he sa The the ck ofuagent tnts.e'Tf -I ore PIm5' Fil i tmm uacanoîhe dTeb ho s en aS fonby renewabbe, reparable pro- ] ag G%% cîr, expecting hlm te take on bis I Red Ro". Tea is kept at.its tected element on the market. shoulders the-'rogulattian cf the- wbole beat in the bright, sanitary odiBw anil y90 comalunlîs' throagh bis aewspaper.~ alumninumn package. You wil ýf It is vers' easy te criticize the public l'nover find now the.flat., &tale mea of onc's town for doing this or, taste which is so o ern- SdinBw a ile y Afte EvmMeainot doiag this, but 1 bave seen quite a number of newspaper men in pub-. plained of in tea packed inW E. LIT ie ife and as a class thes' were by inferior containers. ea-rLN . EL IT PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th., 1927

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