THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th., 1927 The Old Reliable Croc ery This is stili the place where you get reai val- ues in Groceries. There's no better stock to be had. We have what you want when you want it. Have your groceries delivered by us-it costs no more. Do You Need More Dishes ? 1 With extra help for harvest and threshing the farmner's wife very often needs additional dishes. We have everything you want in Cups, Saucers, Plates, Pitchers andi Odd Pieces-besides our prices mean a saving to you. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowrmanville Phone in your order and it wvill be attended to l)IomI)tly. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Delivery Butchers Phon. 518 Bowmanvilb. Imnported direct from the Orient in metal lined chests. Blended and packed into 1 lb., '/21lb., 'A lb. bright Aluminum packages. RE» OSE TEA i"s good tes' JED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. NORTH DARLINGTON FAIR CENTRAL DARLINGTON FAIR Smales, OarleGaspellkie-a rof Hel atEniaklle S~>tmbr 2- Lldat ainto Set.23rd.- -,Oney, Helen Baker, Christa Olsen, Hl Tyrone scholnS ield B2-ý4e t Hamptho WnSept- d Helen Knox, Fanny Smales, Helen _________ Wn&_________daScholWi& hild McDonald. Chocolate Cake-Ber- Grain and Corn Grain and Corn nice Stainton, Ruby Dewell, Gladys Wheat, qt.-Adelaide Annis, Fran- Wheat, qt.-George Werry, Tom Yellowlees, Vera Shackelton, Mary cis Thompson, Verna Cochrane, Don- Baker, Vera Shackelton, Ernest Strog, Eileen Btalson Chocolae- ald Simpson. Wheat, sheaf-Adel- IHunt. Wheat, sheaf-George Wer- FueEileeJ tan toRuylDe- aide Annis, Francis Thompson, Don-I ry, Ernest Hunt, Vera Shackelton.iwlEaJhs te ory ld ald Simpson. Oats, qt.-Ivan CO- Oats, qt.-Gordon Brent, Lloyd l ys Yellowlees, Doris Fire. chrane, Susie Thompson. Onts, Hoar, Percy Westlake. Oats, sheaf Sewing sheaf-Susie Thompson. Barley, qt. -Clifford Martin, Gordon Brent, Clothes Pin Bag-Gladys Yellow- -Lorna Hooper, Alice Thoxnpson, Percy West]ake. Barley, qt.-,lees, Ethel Moorey, Norman Yellow- Fred McLaughlin. Barley, sheaf-lElias Creenaway, Maurice Baker, lees. Darnng-Ethel Moorey,. Alice Thompson, Lorna Hooper, Fred 1 Frank Westlake, Harry Winterburn. Violet Petley, Eva Johns, Downer MeLaughlin. Ensilage corn-Nina Barley, sheaf-Elias Creenaway, Parker. Hand-hemmed tea towel- Hodgson, Harold Stevenson. Sweet Frank Westlake, Maurice Baker. En: Anna Wallace, Violet Petley, Ethel Corn-Muriel Thompson, Viola Park- silage Corn-George Kerslake, Willie Moorey, Norma Yellowlees, Eva in, Robt. Wilson, Mildred Bradley, Darch. Sweet Corn-May West- Johns, Alma Rundle. Hemstitched Bernice Stainton, Merle Stinson. lake, Mary Cameron, John Rundle, Pillow Case-Fanny Smales, Christa Wesley Werry, Austin Barron ,Glad- Olsen, Marion Honey, Florence Burns Vegetables ys Martin. Ileen Balson, Jessie Yellowlees. But- Potatoes, Green Mountain--Jack Vgtbe ton Holes-Vera Shackelton, Ethel Parkin, Fred Trewin, Myrtle Cowl- eetb ,W akely, Helen McDonald, Christa ing, Edgar Wilson, Jack Trimm, Dor-1 Potatoes, Green Mountain-Dorîi, Olsen, Ruby Bloomer, Ileen Balson. is Criffin. Potatoes, Irish Cobbler Cryderman, Dora Cowling, Olga IDresser Scrf-Ethel Wakely, Flor- -RoyTrewn, BbbieCameonCowling, Byron Nesbitt, Leona Flin: Marie Oke, Harry Campbell, Jack tof, Perey Werry. Potatoes, Irish IecBunVot tly Hall, Earl Bradley. Mangels-' Cobbler--Jackson Wray, Henry* Manual Training Carl Bradley, Bruce Ashton, Clarence Francis, Luther Pascoe, Robt. Smales Saw Horse-Albert Rundle, Rus- Hatherly, Harry Collacott, Perey1 Muriel Baker, Wanda Clarke. Man- sell Balson, John Rundle, Tom 01- Grier. Turnips-Clarence Bradley,, gels-Audrey Ayre, Tom Olsen, Eva sen, Bruce Tink. Straight Ladder Harry Collacott, Kenneth Crier, Jam- Johns, Helen Knox, Betty Knox, Rus- -Tom Olsen, John Rundle, Kenneth ie Stark. Beets-Bert Ashton, seIl Bal son. Turnips-Tom West- Rundle, Lloyd Hoar, Bruce Tink, Ruby Crier, Annie Oke, Viola Brad -,lake, Neil Yellowees, Freddie Mart- Jas. Parker. Feed Hopper-Bert ley, Lorne Bradley, Doris Pediar. in Gerald Balson. Punkin-Mýar- Foster, Aldin Hoar, Jas. Parker. Punipkin-Earl Trewin, Clifl'ord'jonce Couch, Merxin Cryderman, Nature Collections Pethick, Alice Ashton, Lorna Hooper, George Kerslake. Tomatoes-Percy Cuts of live stock-Ruby Parker, Norman Avery, Albert Carter. Tom- Westlake, Frank Westlake, May Christa Olsen, Gordon Brent, Lloyd atoes-Edgar Wilson, Nina Hodgson I Westlake, John Rundie. Evelyn boar, Tom Olsen, Fanny Smales. In- Alice Ashton, Earl Trewin, BernicelTink, Ex-a Johns. Cabbage-Mer- sects -Albert Rundle, Cordon Brent.. S tainton ,Roy Trewin. Cabbage- win Cryderman, Eva Johns, George Wi1d Flowers-Lloyd Hoar, Aldin Lorna H-ooper, Ted Woodyard, Clar-iWerry, Harold Balson, W'anda Var- Hoar, Christa Olsen. ence Goodman, Alice Ashton, Earl num, Lloyd Hoar. Beets-Thelma Drawing Trein Carnc Hahely CrrtsRobbins, Isobel Rogers, James j -GladysClartneIdatergusonAr- Smales, Pearl Flintoif, Jessie Yellow- Poster-Christa Olsen, John Rund- thur Trewin, Lorna Thompson. Vera lees, Jack Jones. Carrots-Eileen le, Ruby Bloomner, Lloyd Hoar, Flor- Griffin, Ralph Ormiston. Parsnips- Staintofl, Luella Martin, Gerny Gla- OnCO Burns, Dorice Fice. Plan of Vem1rde. nosMrl pelI, Muriel Scott, Christa' Olsen, Poultry Colony House-Arnott Van- Helen Bakerey.Parsnip--Matjor1e'Nest, onRnlChrista Olsen, Brooks, Louis Ashton, Han-y Colla-:Couch BakrIasis'ýajoreý-,Jh ude cott, Eva Collacott, Billy Savage. !oc, Boyd Wilcox, Kenneth Rund- Ruby Bloomer, Lloyd Hoar, Cordon le, Annie Stainton, Florence Burns, Brent. Map of Township-Christa Flowers1 Viola Francis. Onions-Albert Olsen, John Rundle, Gordon Brent, Asters-Fred Trewin, Ruth Stev-lRundie, Katie Osadauk, Evelyn Tink, Cerald Balson. -- enon Kit OmitnAlceAstoH aze M artin. 1School Parade-No. 20 Solina; Doris Pedlar, Florence Campbell.' Flowers No. 12 Mitchell's Corners; No. 14 eZnsn, Keit Omionlice Ashton, j Bradley's; No. Il Hampton; No. 9 Zinna-.-MytleCowing Maigods- Asters-Bloyd Wilcox, Eva Johns, Salem. Ted Woodyard, Fred Beech, Lloyd Florence Burns, Beatrice Cator. Wan- Pyia utr xrie-o Thompson, Audrey Thompson, Ver-Ida Clarke, Vera Shackelton. Zinnia Pyia utr xrie-o ona Worden, Robt. Wilson. Calen-1-Retta Billett, Madeline TrulI, An- 10 Bethesda; No. il Hampton; No. dula-Norman Avery, Crace Werry,j nie Stainton, Ethel Mîooney, Jas. 20 Solina; No. 9 Salem; No. 14 Brad- IRoy McLaughlin, Urrul MeNeil. Sa]- Sniales. 'Marigolds-Lloyd Hoar; ley's; No. 12 Mitchell's Corners. Ipiglossis-Velma Bradley, Irene Mary Millson, Jessie Knox, Betty Public Speaking-Christa Olsen, Cameron, Bernice Stainton. Cail-'Knox, Jessie Hogarth. Calendula Jean Milîson, Ruby Bloomer. landia-Clarence Pedlar. Coreopsis .-Mary Westlake, Ethel Stephens. School Chorus Singing-No. il -Marie Oke, Francis Thompsos, Mary Cameron, Thelma Robbins, Hampton. Mona Dickinson. lWillie Darch, Vera Kerslake. Sal- Weed Naming Contest-Christa Poultrypiglossis-John Stainton. Alma Rund- Olsen, Albert Rundie, Fanny Smales. Poutr Ile. Coreopsis-Jean Hogarth, AI- School Fair Shield wvon by S. S. Cockerel-Oswald Pethick, RemaI din Hoar, Ethel Wakely. 'No. 10 Bethesda. Bradley, Donald Thompson, Lorsel eta arigoiai ietr Annis. Jos. Stevenson, Crace Werry. PoultryCeta rlno FiDrcos Pullet-Rema Bradley, Jos. Steven- Cockrel-Merwin Cryderman. Leslie C. Welsh, S. S. No. 9, Salem son, Oswald Pethick, Edna Cameron, Vera K erslake ,Nelson Robbins, Albert Rundle, S S No. 10, Bethesda Lorne Annis, Donald Thompson. Pen Cliff ord Johns, Ethel Stephens, Stan- Retta Billett, S. S. No. 11, Hampton --Jos. Stevenson, Donald Thompson Iley Cowling. Pullet-Elwood Mabel Flintoif, No. 12, Mitchell's Cor Harry Collacott, Rema Bradley, Flor: Shackelton, Leslie Welsh, Stanley Jean Milîson, S. S. No. 14, Bradley's ence Campbell, Lorne Annis. Hen Cowling, Merwin Cryderman, Cliff ord Wesley Yellowlees, No. 19, Baker's -Francis Thompson, Irene Cameron, l Johns, Ethel Stephens. Pen-Les- HlnBkr .S o 0 oia Harry Campbell. lie Welsh, Nelson Robbins, M.%erwin i_____________________ jCry<erman ,Elwood Shackelton. Cliff- Live Stock !ord Johns, Ethel Stephen-s. Hens- Colt-Bobbie Cameron, Charlie George Kerslake, Harvey Balson, Henry, Ivan Cochrane. Calf, Beef--%Mer,,in Cryderman, Elias Cre'en- Irene Cameron, Earl Trewin, Fre daw'3ay, Norma Cowling, Ethel Step- Beech, Charlie Henry, Fred 'Trewin. 1 lhens. Caîf, Dairy-Ivan Cochrane. Market' Live Stock Lanib-Earl Trewin, Lorno Annis,1 Colt Ex-a Johns, Bruce Tink., IJoseph Stevenson, Arthur Trewin, Caîf, Beef-Roscoe Baker, Maurice r m d u ~Fred Trewin, Ivan Cochrane. B1aker, Cordon Brent, Wesley Yel- ýlowlees. Caîf, Dairy-Tomi Olsen, Apples 1Ernest Hunt, Eva Johns.Market Spy-Lorne Annis, Adelqide An- Lanib-Audrey Ayre, Cordon WVil- nis, Lorna Hooper, Bernice Stainton, bu,,Cordon Brent. Bacon Hog- Robt. Wilson, Clarence Hatherly. Tom Olsen, George Werry, Wesley Snow-Fred Grifin. Adelaide Annis, I errv. Edgar Wilson. Robt. Wilson. Talmon Apples Sweet-Adelaide Annis, Lorne Annis Robt. Wilson, Bernice Stainton, Lor Spx-Toni Baker. Perey Werry, na oopr, dga Wison -ýelnoshLeslie Welsh, Maurice Baker, Doris -Lorne Annis, Lorna Hooper, Ade- Collacott, Cordon Brent. Snows- I laide Annis ,Bernice Stainton. Clar- Beryl ClaspelI, Muriel Baker, Maur- ence Hlatherly. Wealthy-Lorna ice Baker, Bruce Tink, Cordon Brent, Hooper, Adelaide Annis, Lorne An-I Leslie Welsh. Talmon Sweet- nis, Teddy Woodyard. Kisg-Lor-ICordon Brent, Lloyd Hoar Muriel na Hooper, Lorne Annis, Edgar Wil- Baker ,Marion Honey. Leslie Welsh, son, Robt. Wilson, Adelaide Annis Maurice Baker. McIlntosh-Helen Clarence Hatherly. Golden Russet Baker, Tom Baker, Marie Collacott, -Lorna Hooper, Lorne Annis, Bert Lorne Foster, Bert Foster, Charlie Ob__4b Ashton, Adelaide Annis, Robt. Wilî- Foster. Wealthy-Vera Shackel- soEdgar Wilson. Baldwin__ ton, Elwood Shackelton, Gordon son niAeadeAns o Brent, Marion Heney, Perey Werry, c ie i t Lor lanncAelate Anni, ELora rl Gapl igGro Wilson. Brent, Leslie Welsh, Elwood Shackel- ton, Ralph Taylor, Marlon Honey, Cooking Audrey Cowling. Golden Russet- *White Bread-I-rene Cameron,lDoris Collacott, Marie Collacott, Les- Lorna Hooper, Alice Thompson.Apple lie Welsh, Bruce Tink, Elwood Shack- Pie-Helen Trimm, Grace Werry, eton, Cordon Wilbur. Baldwin- Effie Avery, Crace McColl, Versa Gordon Brent, Leslie Welsh, Percy G riffin, Irene Cameron. School Lunch1 Werry, Marie Collacott, Willie Darch, !Velma Stinson, Lorna Hooper,,Helen Baker. Assorted Fruit- t Helen Stark, Jamie Stark, Grace Ralph Taylor, John Rundle, Evelyn iWerry, Earl Trewin. Oatmeal Cook- Tink, Marie Collacott. ies-Helen Timm, Helen Stark,t Baking Alice Ashton, Lorna Hooper, Alice1 White Bread-Vera Shackeltonj Thnmpson, Robt. Wilson. Chocolate Fanny Smales, Luella Martin. Apple ia Cake-Alice Thompson, Marie Oke, Pie-Mary Cameron, Eva Johns, Fan- i4 Irene Cameron, Nina Hodgson, Edna ni mls ea.FitiLulafT?~ Cameros, Robt. Wilson. Chocolate MIatin, Mary Westlake. SchoolW iFude-Velmia Stinson, Lorna Hoop-iLun-Eilen taiton Evly er, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Rv-v Grc..ry.lceTopsn iîsn are eey an Poster-Alice Thompson, Earl No. 8, Tyrone. Trewin, Lorna Hooper, Kenseth North Darlington Fair Directors Pedlar, Oswald Pethick, Alice Ash- Robt. Wilson, S. S. No. 7, Burketon tes. Plan Poultry Colosy House- Ivan Cochrane, S.'S. No. 15, Esfield Lorsa Hooper, Earl Trewin, Robt. Annie Oke, S. S. No. 16, Esniskillen Wiomon, Heleon Stark. Sco lieyrtlenk, S. S. No. 17,Tynone . Wilmson Map le Lele Broke, S. S. No. 1, Unone Parade-No. 17 Union; No. 18 Ty-ILouis Ashton, S. S. No. 21, Haydon. PAGE TRE oNO MEDICAL EXAMINATIONI for this "Double Indemnit y" Policy This is a particularly interesting policy, gmvng excep- tional ail round protection to "Select Maie Risks" ages 15 to 45. It pays $2500 for death from saturaI causes. It pays $5000 for acci- dental death. For total and pernma- sent disability $2 5.00 per month and $2500 at death-and there are no premniums payable dur- isg disability. $2500 policy: Âge Premiam 15-------....$38.00 25....... 30....... 35....... 40....... 45....... 46.25 52.40 60.65 71.40 85.75 EXCE LSIOR INSURANCE LIFE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE-EXCELSIOR LIFE BUILDING, TORONTO _______MAIL THIS TO-DAY W. BLAKE McMURTRY, District Agent 4 'ý BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Seind me fuill information about this "DO17aLE INDEMNITY POLICY'1. .dd.e.s............................... Ad r s ................. .. . . . ................. ..... 1 At Your Service Yes, we are at your service to furnish the I menu for Bread, Cakes and Pastry of ail kinds. If I we haven't what you want tell us and we will bake it for you. Special orders given prompt and care- . fui attention.I The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville McCtsry's Ventiblasi a aen exclusive feagure of MeClary's Sunahine Fumac. h burna soir rosi equally as weii as bard coal or wood, thua climmnasing aIl fuel worriea duuing pos- sible bard rosI shornsgs. addresa of the nestreat McClary's dealer who wili gusans.Fiu admi îîce op n. . ii enni d e "Code Instaliad" beâtinz systen, ,shich wili aiva tifs-long THBI McCLARY MFG. CO., LONDON, CANADA. MtAIL Pissas &end me namanio neairest McClary'e dealer who installe Sunabia. Furnaces sccordins tu Standard Code. THIS Nan COUPONAd.s MCCIaUYk 31NE FURNACE MILES AUTOMATIC FURNACE FAN Whar. Required 009 Sold In Bowmanville Br EN. ELLIOTT H un gry Harvesters and Threshers Must Be Fed Roast Serve them with plenty of our good Beef which is from young tender animais. ressuork Lfic Acciac$y? MT OST bome owners eap abuse on their furnace. To it is Â..attributed high fuel bis, cougbs and colds, chilly inside temperatures- Yet the furnace is seldorn to blame. its inefficiency is usually due to alipahod installation. Properby instalied warm air is the most effective beating systemn obtainable. Yet even the best warmn air furnaces becoine inefficient and wastef nI if they are flot installed According to Standard Code. "'Code Installed" mieana that your system is planned by experts accord- Mn to tried and proves scientific prinaiplea It guaranteca the most healthf n, eient and economical beating plant your home can accoinmodate--raiasg warm, air heating ho a plane fat and above that of any other type of heating system in the country. Look For the Sheil Sigu Then purchase Sheli Aviation an Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasoline known the world over. Test it your- self. You'1l find quality is cheapest and best in the long run. Ce A. Bartlett King St. East, Bowmanville Phone 110