PAGE FOU TH CA ADIA ST TES AN, BO W ANVI LE, THU SDA , OC OBF R 6 h.. 1C 2 ROTÂRY STREET Festival of Fun and FroJic TWELVE MERRY-MAKING BOOTHS WilI provide Entertainment-Thrills-Excitement for Everybody and wiII feature: BLANKETS-SWEATERS-RUGS-NOVELTIES-HORSE RACES-HOT DOGS-FLOWERS-lOc SHOP-SANDWICHES-SOFT DRINKS- ICE CREAM E ver y Cent of Prof it Goes to the Bowmanville Nurses' Residence Fund--A Worthy Cause. King Street wiIl be gaily decorated and flooded with f estivaIt Iights as the throngs of nierry-makers wend their way freely among the crowds and enjoy the maxiy thrilling attractions. Bring the whole family to Bowmanville next Wednesday even- ing and you'l have the time of your life. IN CASE 0F RAIN-NEXT NIGHT SALEM Report of S. S. No. 9 (Salem), for September. Names in order of menit. Sr. 1V-Leslie Welsh, hon, Helen 1McDonald, hon. Jr.-Marion Honey, Doris Colla- cott. Sr. III-Bert Foster, Lorne Fost- er. Jr. III-Henry Francis, hon, Aud- rey Cowling, Beatnice Cator. Sr. II-Marie Collacott. Jr. II-Lela Welsh, hon, Willie Darch, hon, Viola Francis, John Foster. Jr. I-Charlie Foster, Harley Cowling. ENI .LU Dr. and Mrs. W. G. McCulloch and Mr&. J. Heatlie, Orono, have been vistig t-n.J. Mcculloch's.. Mir. Geo. Cochrane was among the successful exhibitors at Markham Fair, winning several prizes on bisi driver... . Sunday School Rally Day was held last Sunday. Communion services will he beld here next Sun-1 day...The Ladies' Aid beld their monthly meeting at the home of Mr. Arthur Ormiston last Wednesday. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Avery, Raglan, recently visited at Mn. W. J. Ormis- ton's. COUUK15CE Mrs. Lang, Hagersville, was guest of Mrs. S. S. Brooks. Mrs. McCague, Port Hope, was guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Staint- on over the weekend. l 1r. and Mrm. Carmen Curran, Tor- onto, are spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. James Shortt. Mrs. Jones, Whitby, spent a few days at the Parsonage with Mr. and Mrs. Stainton and attended the chicken pie supper. On Tbursday evening at our Young. Sr. P.-Beryl Thompson, Isobel IPeople's meeting the Rev. Dr. Hor- Brown, Bert Francis. TYRONE wood of Toronto Consenvatory of Jr. Pr. (B)--Elvie Wright Music will give a musical address. Jr. Pr. (A) -Margaret Irwin 14r. and MnIr. Charles Phillips and Every one is invited to attend. Brenton Darcb, Oscar Gonlin, Frankl son Melbourne, and Mr. and Mrs. Conlin. Percy Phillips and sons Jack, Leon- Next Sunday evening our Pastor Launence Saveny, teacher. ard, Joe and Bob of Maidstone, a- will give an illustrated address or _________sex County, are visiting Messrs. Han- Bunyan's "Pilgrims Progress" show- ry and Norinan Collacott and many ing the pictures. AIl the childrn BRITISH PUBLISHERS other fniends in this vicinity...... are especially invited to attend. SURPRISED Rev. and Mirs. John R. Trumpour, Grenville, Jean and Joyce, are spend- Sunday services were good as us- During August 95 publishers £rom ing a few days with friends in Cher- URl. Our Pastor pneacbed a beauti. Great Britain and the Colonies visited ry Valley, Prince Edward County.. fui sermon in the mornng, one thal Canada. They were naturally in-.. Mrs. Lizzie Wight and Mr. and Mrs 1imprttssed bis hearers most earnestly. terested in Canadian publications. Russell Wright spent the weekend 1 n the afternoon some of our ladies While in Montres] many of theni paid with Messrs. John and Robert Awde, attended Mapie Grove W. M. S. a visit to that big weekly, Tbe Toronto-. Several attended the Boys, meeting where Miss Lena E. Taylor, Family Henald and Weekly Star, and Tnaining School Fair at Bowmanville returned missienany froni China, received the surprise of thein Can- on Saturday. .. Mr. and Mns. Rus- gave a very thrilling and inspiring adian visit when bhey learned that sell Virtue, Mn. and Mrs. Levi Skin- address. Sunday evening Rev. E. Canada bad a weekly publication with ner, Miss Ethel Skinner and Mns. B. Cooke, Newcastle, gave an ad-ý a million of readers each week. Harold Skinner attended Markham dress to the Young people, it being Many of them knew The Faxniy Fair on Satunday...Miss Hazel League Rally service. Mr. Cooke's Herald in the Old Country, and wene Turner and Miss Margaret Moore advice to the Young pepole was extremely interested to learn how spent the weekend with tbe former's splendid and well wortb hearing and such a wonderful paper, 72 pages parents, Mr. and Mrs. Turner, White- making use of. each week. could be issued at oneI vale, and attended Markham Fairo i _ . dollar a year. Yet it is done, and Saturday.. Canadians get the benefit. News- evening wl paper, Family Magazine and Agri- te the Tuxi cultural Journal, each the best of ner and Mi its kind and ail in one, for sncb a Walker at amaIl suni was certainly a surpriseA ta AUCTION SALE Tuesday, October 1Sth-Mr. H. J. Knight, Lake Shore Fanm, will sell aIl o! bis fanm stock, implements, etc. See buils. Sale at 1 p. m. Jackson & Sons, Auctioneers. Wednesday, October 19th-Frank Webher, Lot 30, Con. 10, Dalington, wbo is giving up farming will seli al of hie fanm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p. m. Sec hbis. Theo. M. Slemon, Auctioneer. Wednesday, Octaber 26th-Wil- liam Potter, Lot 22-23, Con. 8, Dan- lington, wbo is giving up farming will selI aIl of bis farm stock, im- plements, recta, feed, grain, etc. This will be one of the largest and hest sales of the season. Fan of 218 acres more or less, bas good buildings and bas neyer failing run- ning stream, viIl bc offered for sale at same time. Sale at 12.30 p. m. Sec bills. Theo. M. Slemon, Auct- ioneen. T. S. Mountjoy, Clerk.__ BUSH & PASTURE LAND FOR SALE S'A Ie,1tcncli.rq ire lnvlteci for the pur- chatte of cutyàac resý, part of lot 2"9, on- ,e,srn 6, flarlington. 'ihierp ar, irio,',n ai-r-9 cf ir in a t wnoicl tii. ]i, n-osed, i, lut..n acres rf Arahtlt iancl, and the balance Pasture lani, A sp)ring creek rune through the c)n( t hi rd <of thle pt~rchaqe trivce, caeh. t1ii. tccance tmay remaiti on a rettrlctt, mucrtgagp, regardilue the saiet(if Wood, forî at lrm i f ar.q at the rate' of flve eut uone-hlaitper cent ppr annum, the mutr, st to e t pald haif.yearly. Tenders rece' vcd titi Nov. 1si. ros4,ession as sion fst1le chai tg ComItetect For furilipr î,art cula rs ctl te W. Ross Strike. Sol- Iittur, uo<wrnsnviiie, or te, me at Solina. Tpic' hiclcr'tt or any tendecr not neceesa.,r. Jly ccepfd. A. J. REYNOLDS, Hlamton,. F.RP. 1, Ont. Sept. 20th. 1127. 38-3 Repentf S. S. 8. Da Sr. IV- (ourtice 82 Walters 79 Adams 76, Courtice 6e Jr. IV- Shortt 74, Gay 6.5, Ro neck 57, Ei Sr. III- Allin 81, F Muir 68,F Howari 67, Jr. ILI- Courtice 77 Anti] 70,E Courtice 6( Audrey Ti( s.<cn absent. Sr. Il-J Kinsman 7 Ella Baldwi tii' Snuddeî 60. Junior S 91, cladys S17, Gordor 83, Edith1 U0, Jean G. MargaretA 73, lierniii (Cochrane 6 John Waltei 52, May St( Alex. Frase First CIas Walter 81, Raymonid nolds 78, I Taylor 67, mer Huggin 54, Erneét( dicate perc SOLINA Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Smales-it's a girl! Remember the date of the Eldad Harvest Home and Thank-offering services on October 16tb. Mrs. Thos. Baker recently enter- tained a few of ber lady friends in honor of Mrs. W. A. Toms, Colling- woo<l. Mrs. A. L. Penfound who bas been visiting witb Mrs. J. T. Rundle bas returned to ber home. On Thurs- day last, Mrs. Rundie invited a few friendi in We bid ber farewell. We extend our syxnpathy to Mrs. W T.Taylor in the deatb of ber ,rtTber, Mr. Gilbank, Leskard. Quarterly Communion Service will be observed at Eldad next Sunday r onneOt f~~.1 f r Women's Institute meeting wil 'be held at the homne of Mrs. E. R n Black on Thursday afternoon, Oct l3tb, at 2.30 p. m. Prognam- "Clippings." Every member bring youn clipping. A cordial invitatier is extended to ail ladies of the neigh. tborhood. Eldad League reopened on Mon. day evening witb a special RaIly ser- *vice, with President E. R. Taylor in *charge. Rev. D. W. Best, D.D.., of Bowmanville delivened a fine addresa on "World Fniendship and Bow It May Be Acbieved." Mn. Alan Me- Kessock also spoke briefly. The meeting next Monday nigbt i8 to be in charge of Mr. Harold Pascoe, Mils- sionary Vice-President. Everybody weIcome.. -IVisito-n-.:_-r.anM.. R Chnbnext Sunday Teciknpespe atwe Wickett, Toronto, at Mn. A. L. Pas- hen the Paston wîll speak under the auspices cf the Ladies' cTe's; Miss Myrtie Vice at Mn. Han. is boys ... . Mrs. Levi 5kmn- Benean Class was a grand success. old Jebson's, Brooklin; Mn. A. Ji îiss Ethel visited Mn. Harry Crowds gathered fnem Oshawa, Bew- Reynolds in Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Colhorxe. manville and the vicinity anound bera Ernest Lanmer and family, Black- and the waitens were kept pnetty stock, at Mn. A. J. Balson'a; Mn. anc busy until 8 p. m. Cbicken pie and Mrs. Fnank Branton, Misses Evelyn COURTICE pumpkin pie seemed te be greatly in and Muriel and Master Orval Brant- demand and the ladies won consider- on, Oshawa, at Mn. John Baker's; for September o! Courtice, able praise for the splendid array 1Mn. and Mns. Geo. Blight and family, iarlington: cf eats the tables wene laden witb.IWbitby, at Mn. W. H. Westlake'8; -Jack Gay 821h, Robert After aIl were served a concert, the Mn.adMs a-io n ai ý2, Walter Shortt 80, Hazel like of which has net been listened teo sbawa, at Mn. S. E. Werry's; Mn. 9, Hellen Wilkins 76, Nora for sqmetime, was presented in thei and Mrs. Will Lamminan and sister, ;Marian Trevail 75, Eva chunch. Our Paston, Rev. J . H. Oshawa, at Mn. T. Baker's; Mr. and 15. Stainton, was chairman and made Mrs. James Reid, Miss Cannie Heal, -Wiîfred Brown 81, George seme happy suggestions at the be- Oshawa, at Mn. Wm. Pascoe's; Miss Lorna Barber 69, Bernice ginning of the concert and through- Evelyx Massey, Oshawa, with Misa obert Barber 62, Alice Riz- e ut the concert he caused some mer- Margaret McKesaock; Miss Ellen va Ceurtice 48. 1'riment by bis witty remarks. The James is helidaying witb Columbus -Taîbert Gearing 81, Sadie Iantists, Mns.. H. Pipher, Miss Grace fniends; Mr. and Mns. W. N. Paacoe F lorence Wilkin8 74, Bruce Second, sopranos; Mns. Ricbardson, Mr. and Mns. Cecil Pascoe and Cor-: Ross Balson 67, Henry Mn. Body, violin; Miss Williams, cen- don at Mn. Albert Short's, Oshawa; 7Eldon Essery 56. traIte; Mn. AIf. Frcgley, tenon; Mn. Mn. Hilton Lamminan, Mn. Jack -Elsie Oke 78, Florence J. D. Richardson, bass and celle; Duncan, Mn. and Mrs. Edward 7, Rosena Edgar 75, Billy .Miss Ada Loudon, elocutionist; xere Nokes, Miss Winnifned Nokes, Mn. Elsie Bnock 68, Manian ail fnom Toronto and fniends cf Mn. Carl Phillips, Oshawa, at Mn. W. T. 6, Irvin McCullough 63, Elmer Rundle, Toronto, who was Baker's; Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Tink evail 59, Milton Stephen- present at the occasion. The rium- spent the weekend witb Hastings bers were spîendidly given and friends; Mn. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle, lune Walters 79, Leslie eveny one encored and the wbole Mrs. A. L. Penfound, at Mn. Roy 8, Raymond Barber 77, prog'ramn watt one that could be en- Penfound's, Lindsay; Mn. and Mns. un 73, Edith Allin 65, Hat- joyed hy music levers and the elo- Norman Reynolds, Mr. and Mns. 'n 62 Clarence Kinsman cutionist was lively antI witty and Judd, Toronto, at Mns. John Rey- Marie I. Selby, teacher most entertaining. At the close Mrs W noîds'; Mn. and Mrs. J. J. Brown, I R. Courtice in a few wonds expressed Mn. and Mrs. J. L. Miller at Mr. Junior Raom the appreciatien cf the ladies' class James Hoskin's, Harmony; Mrs. An. Se'condî Class-llaz.el Flint and tendered thanks te the artists, thur Gibbons, Toronto, at Mn. H. iReynolds 01, Elsie Flint and te Mrs. Albert Rundle who was Angue's. i Bal-on 84, Ruth Nichols the means cf securing tbem; aIse Essery 81, Margaret Gay te the people who came and madei Report cf Public Scbool for Sep- ay 8,Ivin echan ~ thei gathering a success. A bearty temben: Adams 74, Irene Nichols clap was tendered them and ourlCîass V Sr.-Margaret Scott, Mur- ie Cochrane 69, William Paton saiel a few words in favon cf1 iel Baker, Annot Van Nest, Helen 63, Elsie Stephe,,nson 7 the ladies' class being sncb a bellp Baker, Ileen Balson, Tom Westîake, 'r 57, Douglas McCullough te the cause cf the churcb. The ev-' Evelyn Tink, Frank Westlake, Made- toýrmaq 48, Doris Wilkin 33, ening closed with singing the dox- line TPi-nl. .r 22.' ology. Proreeds over $350.00. Cass V Jr.-Bnuce Tink, Maurice Baker, May Westlake, George Wer- ss-Fred Adams 85, Ethel Simple and Sure-Dr. Thomas' ry. Dorothy Snt.dden 80, Eclectric Qil i5 50 simple in applica-, Class IV Jr.-Vera Kerslake, Jean Balarcn 79, Frances Rey- tien that a child can understand the1 Hogarth, Ralph Wllbun. HeIîman Allun 72, Theda instructions. Used as a liniment' Class III Sr.-Ennest Hunt, Percy Alex. Konopacki 66, El- the only direction is te mrb, and when 'Westlake, Stuart Hogarth, Russel1 ns 63, Lawrence. Courtîce used as a dressing te appîy. The Balson.Mi Gearing 47. Figures in- directions are se plain and unmistak- Clasa III J.-Hazel MeDwen,1 cent . lahie that they are readily understood Audrey Ayne, Jessie Hogarth, Tomn Alice M. Arnold, teachen. Iby yeung or old.l Baker, Jim Parker, KatfleenMe ENNISKILLEN Mr. G. HI. Holton, Belleville, Presi. dent of Bay of Quinte Young Peop. le's League will address a rally of young people hene October 9th and 1Oth. AIl Leagues of surrounding district are invited and several will contribute to the programn. Rev. J. E. Griffith, B. A., will also addres the gathering. Rev. Mr. Lougbeed, a returned missionary from Honan, will visit En- niskillen on Fniday ,October l4tb. Mr. Russell Griffin retunned home witb bis bride on Monday. Tbey were given a hilarious and noisy ne- ceptien on Mcnday evening. The past lingers with us. nil Rcv. David Rogers, St. Thomas, &. vjsited at Mr. J. J. Virtue's. et. Mr. and M.%rs. A. T. Westlake and -family spent Sunday with Mrs. Thos. ng Pascoe. n ~*The family of Mrs. Thomas Pascoe met at ber home on Tuesday even- ing to ce]ebrate her eighty-seventh n-birthday. T- Mr. W. HL Rowe and daughter,j ln Miss Reta Rowe, Mr. Smith and, ofdaughters Marguerite and Loretta sa St. Thomas, recently visited at Mr. 'tThos. E. Rowe's after attending Tor- c-onto Exhibition. .e )e The Young People held their an- -_ nual League Rally last Friday even- [y ing. The printed programns were used. Piano duet, Mrs. C. J. Kers- lake and Nora; Mr. Lorne Jackman,. *Bowynanville, gave a very interesting -and helpfui talk on God's Grace to r- Canada. Mr. Salter, Mr. and Mrs. IC. W. Souch and Miss Horn favored with a quartet. We are very pleas- c- ed to report such a large attendance Id ènd hope that it may continue dur- n ing the wintrnionths. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowling and Mas-t 5ter Jack Cowling, Mr. and Mrs. W.t G. Wilbur spent Sunday with rela- tives at Stouffville. Mr. and Mm. *F. G. Kerslake visited relatives in Toronto .... Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pas- dcoe and Miss Marjorie Pascoe are spending a few days with friends at Hastings .... Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Cry- *derman spent Sunday with Brooklin friends..Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood and family, Orono, visited at Mr. J. aL. Johns' ...Mrs. Roy Metealfe, Base Line, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Trenoutk ...Mr. and IMrs. Geo. White spent Sunday with kfriends at Oshawa.... .Mr. W. R. AI- lin, Mr. and Mrs W. W. Horn, Mr. Wallace Horn, Mrs. C. Langmaid andj Miss Elsie Langmaid were Sunday visitons at 0.hawa.... .Sunday morn- ing service was fairly well attended.1 Miss Lena Taylor, a returned mis- sionary from China, was present and gave a splendid talk on conditions in China. Next Sunday evening the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will bie observed...Our village was sbocked to hear of the suddèn pass- ing of Mr. Thos. Elliott on Saturday evening. Much sympatby is extend- ed to the bereaved ones..Her »nr4ny friends here are sorry to learn of the serious illness of Miss Annie Johns in Bowmanville Hospital .... Mrs. Clarenbe Reid and Masters Ross and Lloyd, Mm. J. Mowat and Mr. Leland Keat, Toronto, were re- cent guests of Mrs. C. Johns. Lean, Roscoe Baker, Ruby Parker. Sr. 1-Wesley Werry, Allan Wil- bur. Jr. I--Jean Sçott, Bruce Hogarth, Roger Shortridge, Downer Parker. Prfiner-Ralph Taylor, Harold Balson, Billie Parker, Harold Potter, Bobbie Scott, Louise Baker. R. J. McKessock, teacher. NESTLETON FrsFrSl The funeral of the late Rev. JosephFans orSl Philp, B .A., D. D., whose mortal re- FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT-150 acr"es, Lot 16, 17 and 18, Con. 6, Darling- mains were brought te Nestleton on '(on, on wiich are brick house, good out- Monday, September 26th., was large- lilclcings with stone stabllng. Runnlng stl'eziM on farm, good weils and cistera. ] y attended, service being conducted iongPossession at once. For partic- ni ,rs a'pply to Mrs 1,m. C. Robbins, bY Revs. J. E. Griffith, B. A., Rev. Dr. tt.cncPton, on the prrmises. *Wiillams of Hamilton (Mr. Pbilp's Pastor>, Rev. R. P. Bowles, D. D., of Victoria College ,Rev. J. H. Arnup of the Misionary Department of the United Churcb, Rev. R. M. Patter- son of Janetville; Rev. Dr. Bates ne- turned missicnary, being a nephew by marniage, was witb the moor.ners. S f g ar Yo - The paîl-bearers wcre six nephew..S a e u r o - Msr.Dr. C. W. Hendens and J. H.i Philp, Toronto; John Philp, Owenir' Sound; Roy Menders, Port Perry, sefa d F m l William G. and Fred R. Philp, Nest- Fnom winter colds by taking leton. Many floral tributes were Thure nephews of the deceased o iv rO Teberaved have the sympathy of Co ie O l the ccrnnunity. .Mr. Levi Bartlett of which notice was in last issue of Statesman was interred the samne day Kepler's Cod Liver Oil and Malt . ..Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wenny, Mn. R. Arthur Wright, Oshawa, r. and $1.25 and $2.00 Mrs. R. J. Luke, Kedron, were recent INampole's Tasteless Extract visiters with Mr. and Mrs. Peter $1.00 Wright. ... Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mc- IGill, Janetville, visited bier father, Rexaîl Cod Liver OÙ1 Cornp. Mr. John .......... Sunday School $1.00 Rally of the United Cbuncb drew out quite a number to the school qbsVianeTtd 50 but the adults were conspicucus by Meads Vitamine Tested 60e their absence. The nes;pensive ser- vice of the program wAas responded to Ayensts Certifled Ccd Liver Oil by the classes effectively and promn- 50c and $1.50 ptly wbile the address by the Pastor, Rev' J.* . Griffith, was up to the us Parke Davis Cod IÀver Oil $1.25 ual standaerd of exKcellence. ... Anni- Puretest Norwegian Qil 76e v-ersary services on Sunday, Octeber 9tb at Il a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev. Mr. And al] standard makes Griffith at il a. m. and Dr. R. P. Bowles at 7 p. ni. Special collection ...Mr. R .W. Pbilp and sens have Jr' TL v l sold to Miller Bros. two tnuck load of J y & L v l pure bred Shropshire lambs to be transhipped to Californnî....Corne Safe, Satisfactory Dnuggists and to Nesleton for ycur Potatoes. Four Opticians ont of seve n prîzes for C.artwright ancf Manvers cret eteo ei- dents,. aet eteo ei Graniteware Sale %-ub ir~Larice Higb Grade Importeil Graniteware (Green & White) Preserving Kettie, Regular $1.10 for. . . ..c Preserving Kettie, Regular $1.50 for.*.................. $1.13 Preserving Ketties ,Regular $2.1.5 for.........$ 9 London Ketties Regultîr $1.60 for.....$12 London Kettles, Regular $1.85 for ..................... .4 Open Sauce Pans, Regular 70c for....................... 49e Open Sauce Pans, Reg'jlar 85e for.......................9oc Double Houlers, Rezular $2.35 for..................... $1.79 Double Bcilers, Regulai $2. 15 for .$.6 Tea Pets, Regular $1.1,rfor..............16 Coffee Pots, Reýgtlar $1.40 for....... ..................$.9 Tea Kettles, Regular $2.35 for........................ $1.79 Agcod time te purchase ood graniteware at a good pnice. This is an t'speciaîîy gol buy. SATURDAY ONLY Dustan's Cash Hardware "We Serve You WeJl" Bowmanv;IL Music By Ontario Regt. Band Oshawa f Special Attraction PIG SKIN PETE And his pet duck Oswald PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th., 1927 COME TO B3owmanvillW dedy October l2th, 1927 Starting at 7.30 p. M. It wiIl be a real Bowmanville CARNIVAL