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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1927, p. 5

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HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB The Home and School Club will meet in Central Public School on Monday, October lOtb at 8 > m. Mr. F. C. Palmer, Town Engineer, will addmess the meeting. Ris subject ,lîe stomy of the British Flag", will 51, doubt prove a very interesting ûne to all. As this is the- first meeting for the year 1297-28, it isi %*ed there will be a good attend- suce. Please note change fmom the usual evoning (Wednesday), on ac- count of Rotary Street Faim. THE DRAMATIC CONTEST Judging hy the crowded bouse which wtnessed the' fimt play givon under the auspices of the West Dur- ham Agricultumal Society in their Dmsmatic Contest and held in the opera House on Faim Night, Septem- ber 2lst, more than ondinary inter- est is being aoused and an added înterest in the competitive nature of the program promises very favour- ably towards the success of tho von- ture. The Statosman, ealizingtathi effort of the Agricultumal So iety i for the purpose of furtbering dram- atie art among local people, bas e-1 quested a capable citic to representi the paper at each performance andi report upon it witb a view to assist-. ing by kindly and constructive cnit- icismn future ventures. But criti- cism at tbis stage would not ho faim to the Orono C. G. I. T. who so sa~didly presented "Miss Some- 1'.- Else" to a full bouse. Our representativo is flot one .of the Judges, non is ho or she in toucb witb tbem. At the opening performance Mr' E. A. O'Neal, Principal of the Osh- aws Collegiate. upon behaîf of the judges, stated that tbey (the judges) would not make any announcoement as to the method upon wbicb they would grant points or how tbey would judge the performances, this our epresentative and we agree tbe right stand to take. At the conclusion of the senios of pîsys we will publish the comment of our epresentativo upon each play and sîl that petains to it. It must ho understood that the e- marks of our critic will have no bear- ing upon the judging, nom wîll it in sny way conflict wîth the emamks or decision of the judges, as aIl com- ment will be withbeld until the de- cision bas been givon finally. HERE HE IS AGAIN! J. H. Varice. the Chamberlaini Metal Weathen Stripping man, is in Bowmanville aIl tbis week. Per- sons wanting their rattling windows or loose doons outfittod witb this weather stripping should phono your name to 53 before you resd another lino of this paper. M. Vance will ho glad to answer any inquirios p~ ptly and will tell you witbout e aigtion the exact cost of westber IrTipping one window or every win- dow and door in the bouse om store. No job is too smsll. Phono 53 be- tween 8 s. m. and 6 p. ni.1 Chamberlain Metal Weatber Strip-1 ping pays in comfort, hea]th and bappiness-sas well as ]owered fuel bills. The Companions of the Forest will bold their annual BAZAAR on THURSDAY, OCT. 2Oth at 3 p. m. in the A. O. F. HALL A sale of useful and fancy ticles, homemade cookingi candy. Aftemnoon tea will senved. AL welcome. THE CA.NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th., 1927 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Bchaged frla te folandl rteD rh oto on Mis aronPikrdisatenin is Esi M BagToono, Brths, Mra e folawn Deat8ths are o Fun 15.c; Marriageu 50c; Deathe 50c; %eoil MissMaron Pckad isattndig Mis Esie . BaggTornto Carda Socc 1epr une extra for poems. WATCH LOST-Lady's gold watch, Normal School, Toronto. ispent the weekend at home. lopen fckeek. Rwr for re- Mrs. A. Colwill is visiting her sis- Mrs. Andrew Grierson, Thornbury, 1 BIRTHS ______-__ 40-t ter Who is very ill at Beeton. is visitingli er cousinoE Mr.ownflIllJ. SiW.y Mr n Ms .G. Nell0a&Mr Knight. October 1, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Mel- Articles For Sale visiting their daugter atiassi' Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cole, Toronto, humne F. HoopEr, a daughter. Ont. were guests of Mns. John Curtis on KERSEY-ln Hampton, on Saturday, He~ORSE FOR SALE-Âged horse wilI, Mrs. F. W. Kirkendall, Toronto, Sundaï: Oct. let, 19-17, to Mr. and ',ra. Sydney ville cheai,. W. P. Corbe.,t. Bowrnan- spetn da ihber daughtera Mrs. W. N. Tilley, Toronto, vlsited Kersy, a daughter Içlladys Pearl). ville.____ 4-I here. her sisters and other relatives bere GATm Dwavle ,lt ne FOR SALE-A good baby buggy, A p_- Mrs. Neil Mutton has been visiting on Thursday. 27th,2, to '.%r. and Mrs. Rose Gran-,pl MrslF.e. Paoner40. VelntonS. her sîster, Mrs. A. E. Rutherford, Warden M. J. Elliott was on a thKSH!adugtr<UryLoan)BwanIle. PoneFORS. LE 8-tf Gastieton. business ti to Ottwa and Mont- BRAY-At 9 Carey Rd., Toronto, on YORKSIESWFRSL N îra at wp .sept. 30, 1927, toe Mr. and Nirs. George LITTER-Aply te T. J. Cole, R. R. 3, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Law recently re at1ee.j . M. Bray, a daughtEr. <Mary Elizabeth) Bowrnanville, phone 203-4. 40-3w' vssted hier f ather, Mn. Chas. Gates, 1 Col. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson, Cherrywood. odnrcnly vstd1r n JAMES-on 24th september, 1927, at FOR SALE-Watiir barrels in 210 and !Lononrecntl vistedMr.andDoctor Dunstan Gra's Hospital. te Mr. 40 gallon sizes. ont%" a few so corne early. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Washington Mrs.J- . oe and Mirs. W. Orael'iH. James,., of .37A W. P. Corbett, l3owrnanville. 40-t ar istngter . Ms .Coy Ohwa1 Beaconsfield AvenueMra, a son ar iiigterson, Rev. C. C. MsW.J oy Oha ,ws (Richard Cralg). GARAGE FOR SALE-New frame gar- Washington, Fenelon Falls. Iweekend guest ,/of Mrs. Albert age 10 x 16, built thies smrmer. ApIJIy Mr. and Mrs. S. Harrison, Niag-!ngt Concession St. te Harold Hlooey. Duko St., Bowmanî 11e. ara Falls. Ont., spent the woekend 1 Mr. Eardley Allin Toronto, Medi- MARRIAGES with her sister, ,Mrs. F. W. Noules. cal College, spent Sunday with bis FOR SALE-Mangels, a1e rdýr tk Mr. ha. nutMis nne lln.BALL-PROUT-At Trin; United I en for winir fruit and ve getablos. Phone Mr.Ca.Girvin, Goderich, is s aVntCiurch l'arsonage, Bo%%ni' ieo j- îtnghe boter M. .C. Fer-' Mrs. James McBrien, Toronto, re- ur.lay, october .4_ y3 z. . j. Ù . RBiin &So, ow1a-t guson, who is still confined to his centlv visited friends bore and at-iRoins. dwr Charles Ball Oshaiva, 1 O and (.Ntrs.)Mary Blanche Prout, Bo%'-l OSES FOR SALE-Otie 5-yeait old bed. tended Bownianville Fair. naviestandrd rood marean foal, aiso 2 Mr. and Mrs. John Symons, Creigh- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lyons, Tom- HNIGPOT-tTiyUi-:s'n, rno. Perheons . Apl . . i- ton Mine, have been vîsiting their on tto. spent the woekend with lber .d hErcNGPrsonTag, ornityUi-snrrno Poo_6 8t duheMrs. Fred W. Nelles, Con- othe,%Irs. John Brimacombe. ivtuda, ltoest, 1927. byv.J FOR SALE-Piano at a bargain, a first cession St. 'U P obi's. Harold Clinton,,lî-nitr and1 class instrument. Can be seen on en- 1 M%'r. anudairs. C. utChnson, Tor- Hîiil;î.îneuhi. daughitr o Mary ouiry at Satesman Office. Has been Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Keyes, De-!onto, spent the weekend with Mmr. B ' . oh flonaaîewell taken came of. In good condition. troit. MNicb., visited bis sister. Mrs. and Mm . Jns. O. LaBelle, Beech __________________ _________________2tfý 1Ed. F. Weekes and other relatives Avenue. FOR SALE On. i d» t rSoiln bore this week. RETSlam. i also a few good rani lamirbs-tli. Mm. and Mms. Frank Dejuserols, iEAHSsixarîing andl one rani elicîî,îe t regîstur. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Haddy and Rochester, N. Y., recently visited hier WELOON-ln i kw î. Mler2. L . Parsons, Bownianv.ille, phuone 176 Jack and Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Tom- aunt. Miss Edith Weekes, and other 192.7. je, . Bwelon, in hJie Tîst vear. r64- onto, spent the weekend with Mm. and relatives bere. TABBl n iiiVllcisunuaiy, FOR SALE-îlIappy Tlîoîght Range Mrs. F. A. Haddy'. M.'.. %Ibb rn. and Mrs. ve I.rtZ saîac Tab'. in S 7th 'No. q wi h water front ami w.îrming :Ir.rW H. Wbn.rat a harzain for ,îuick sale. llershel Two worthy friends of bis youth S -. H. Webber and son Donald, Cliff- ELOT-0 î îitî.SIt( loîe, Carlisle Ai t.. Houx m;in- visited the senior editor this -week :1 ord -pn h weed wtb te:. ;7 îliîi :liî,Ti l, ae I..4-t I Re. D.Roges o St.Thonas ad MssesWebbr.1 HAWKINS-At P'ort IIpil., s-pte.nbri FOR SALE-Iloîis, for sale, ;îiso Jer- Mr. Williami J. Murray of Toronto.1 Mr. Hary Ferguson, Clifford, vis-1I2,,, 1.27. Sî.lney SmnithlI 1l.îk,îîs, in his'sev eow six ye4rs old, heifer eorning 3 The White Shield Club meetinglited his uncle, Mr. W. C. Ferguson f hye,îr y.irlue te e.ilve in Fe:bruarýý. Massey will be held on Tuesday. October 11, on Sunday, who is slowly mcovering I RYbMi\ etws.. rîW l lt1ir WakS. eira, n. ea. rl t 1927, in St. Pauls Lecture Rooni at fronthis illness. 0.iii, p.2'h,127 Jis (rîy AtorWaey,1-aîîon 111 8 P. M. A good attendance hoped Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nicholîs and 1ROGERjSý-At Pterbor. (,,tùb,-r 'ni" FOR ,SALE-$l.til deliosit secies for. ~~~fanîilv, Sonya, Mr. and Mrs. -tii 1b'rsal 'oers, ,Incther o!th, following articles. A corn- fr. il'Rges.St.,hma, Ilnosad amiy, Bole ie lii 7lt ve R OI. lte cabinet of Rogers Silverware, 26 Re.DvdRgrS.Toas, Nl-nts ad my Belvl, ' iELLI OTT-Still(lerilY in iiaton, onilieces, $20.0; a beatîtifuil Dinner Set, wbo whs boere attending his brothem's: were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs s,îLuudxy, i(itoerlt12,ThnaE-9 icsfhobtcia,$00,S- funoral called on old fiends in A. L . Nicholîs. ,1l 9 oasenteen jeel aci dies' or Gents' Watches, iiaoit, oSeâ 89 O OC Very easy paymonts from 50 tonadwsguest -of.Mrr.. W.oonntn 1hobas pent .. BBtte,' Mýontita. ,Sept.- tMnrndwsHo.M Jbn. inBRAoba petCKires Braken blo',d bhua. cents weekly. Every article guaranteed. I ore o w ooth. 0.sHa . rDoLLMrS. Lwe Pe rcy. the summer at a United Cburch Mis- bznL ofCynthia cr-yderman.Orer otfrOmhaao.r DLL, M irSim-we M r. Ewart J. Creeper and son,* sion at Leslie, Sask., bas returned ROGERS-fn BowmOIiville llostîital, On Tempemance St., Bowmanville, Phone Norman, Owen Sound, gave us a caîl home and bas now resumned bis stu.d- Sa.,urday. Oct. 1, 1927î, Henry Regers of 141. 38-4 on Tuesday enroute to Hampton te les at Victoria College. Enniskill,1n, in bis Slst year.-- atedthe funeral of the late Thomas 1 în aeyu nwsi aet WILSON-In Port Hope Hospital, Sept. attend ou ewsutmae o25 927, i Jane Mille, belovod wif e Elliott. special moasure on Mondsy, October o, Jolin IH.Wilson. aged 58 ytars. Mr. N. E. Pickamd, Port Arthur, lOth whon the House of Hobberlin vLEANA Pr-HpOcoarndH l W ne Mr. . H Pikard KigsvlleMm.C. epreenttiv wil be at ouch î0 'iabelNMa. daoghter of NMary n Mr. . H Pikar, Kngsvlle Mr C.repesetatie wll e a Cochthe late P hi lip Sbc.eman, aged 28 yeare.I MAN WANTED-Marriod man te workl R. Pickard, Windsor, have been Johnston & Crydermsn's store. HORGAN-At Port Hope, on Sept. 2s jon farm. Apply te T. J. Cole, R. R. 3, guests ofterboheM.A . 1927. John Arthur Horgan, belox'ed bus-Howxmanville., phone 203-4. 40-3w' ofthirbrthrMr A W Having spent a fow days vîsiting band o! llen MeMahon, aged 59 years. HELP WANTED-A capable young Piksd.I is parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. SWITZER-în Peterboro, Sptenib.r 25, woman for general housework for an Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Caverly' and Bragg, Mr. Wallace Bnagg bas re- N92,irs. Tobeas switzer, aged Ï4 years. elderly couple. Cali or write Mrs. J. Mms. W. C. Caverly last week enjoyed turnod to Springfield, Mo., to resume Cousin o! Mmre. A. E. McCreauly, Bow-, Harvey, corner of Church and Scugog a motor trip to Kingston, Ottawa, bis studios in Evangelistic work. manvîlle. hr-Sts., Bowmanville. 0t lasnd Pescott and the boat trip thru WEBSTER-Suddenly near Thr -__________________ the 1000 Islands. The amount of money raised by tons Corners, East Whitby. on Monday, i The monthly meeting of the Wom- St. Paul's Junior Missionary Aux-i October 3, 12î, Abet Eduvard Webster,, i AUNDRY WANTED en's Hospital Auxiliary will be beld iîiary and reported at the recent In bis 5S9tb year. at heNuse' esiene n riaymeeting of Cobourg Presbyterial DOWNIE-On sept. -,8, h27, at 14921 AIl kinds of laundry work done prompt- lat he urss' esienc onFriay Batburst Street, Toronto, rsîdence o!f ly. satîsfactorily and at reasonable prîces October 7th., at 3.30 p. m. Election should be $152 instead of $125. ber niece. M',ra. Robert Le, .2Iartba Write Post Office Box 12. or cadi Mrs. ofo1 cr n to uie.Ms Dowtiie, beloved sisier of Williamn Downi, W. M,%arjoram, King St. E. Bowmanville. ofolcr n te uie.Mrs. W. O. LaBelle and Ms Laul'a of Whitby, aged 81 ytars. 39-tf There's real personality in the, LaBelle, Edmonton, Alberta, bave re- M L)L HOLLANo-sudden1Y in London, Made-to-moasure House of Hobberlin turned home after a pleasant and England, October let., Sonator the Hon- Wranted Suits and Overcoats wbich will be enjoyable visit with their parents, orable Robert Alxander Mulholland. Port on display at Coucb, Johnston & Mr. and Mrs. Jos. O. LaBelle, Beech Hope, in bus 68th year, beloved busband of Mary Juliet NIuIhoiIand, aged 67 years. BOARDERS WANTED-Roo a ad Crdemn' ex ona, cobrAvenue. board for two men. Apply to Mrs. Chas Crdrmns et odaOcoe STEPHEN-At Bowmanvîlle Hospital, 'Morris, Kng St. E.. Bowmanville. 40-3 Re. . arer Spt o IdinOctobor 1, 1927, Perrv Cîsyton Stephen,- The Hospital bazaar announced Re.A amr Sp.o ne etovle eoo hsado oaC WANTED:-BOard and roomn for mld- for oveberlSt an l6h bs IMissons an Mr. Brne, Tron o ooes. son of the late James and Racheldie aged womnan, witb private family bee nowithdrwn fornth h byasW wr edguests of Mr. and Mrs Stephen, in bis 3tb yeam Intemment îpeemd ply M . ttsa ing to the special campaign which ocnat Re.M.Bre"Ofe.3- will shortly be put on by theBor preached in St. Pauls Cburch on SCALETT-In Toronto, on Sunday, WANE- mîUpgltPnof Board -r2. 14*27. William McClure Sca- moe nste. Wamil exohngeano tub in alid of the Nurses' Residence. Sunday evening. loti, son o! the late William ScarlettR.mdrStl. Wl xhnea6ub Mm ad Ms. Jhn hemo, M. Cobourg, and NMrs. Scarlett. Bow-I Super-Neutrodyne *walnut cabinet 46 In- Mr. nd Ms. Jhn Semon Mr.SICýie and brother of Mrs. (Dr.) Bald- ches high, butIn Baldwin Loud Speaker and MrsridmyOitobeillth. andtal equipment. new. >rhis laa Comig FrdayaOctoer 2th-Tbeo M. Slemon, Mr. and wn, Bowmanville. beautifuliinstrument and 'ho Pinnaclp. of "The Big Parade"-the picturo that Mf Hugli Annis, Enniskillen, Mr. ________ _______ Radiao, perfection. Write Box 353. Bow- broke aIl records by playing îZontin-adMs HretJ SeoTr manville, or telephone 105. ually for two yesrs in New York sudMs ebn .Seorm coming to the Royal Theatre, Bow- onto, were gue5ts of Dr. and MrS. C. CARD 0F THANKS __________________ manville, for one day only-Tuesday, W. Siemon on Sundsy. r.CalsRcrd wih t Octoer 8th.Mr.J. . Mclelan, anaerthank the neighboms for the kindness Many Men Wanted Bank of Montreal, Miss Mary MeClel- in yptysont e uig Wge adpr it hl erig Mr. Herbert A. Van Nest, witing lin and Mis Guernsey accompanied în yptysowt e uig Wgspi attm hl emîg I is uncle M. A. James on October lst 'the illness and deatb of ber husband. garage work, electricity. welding, bat-~ Bidrgby Mr. R. S. Monphy, Manager of Itory, lieuse wiring, bmckaylng and from the New Y. M. C. A., Bidg' Bank of Montreal, Oshawa, attended plasteming, tgrbering and beaoty eulture Down Town Branch, St. Louis, Mo., h wM xork. Write for free illustrated cata- Say: 'mver gadtha Iamthe funeral of the lae rs. (Dr, logue. Branches and employment service sas: I' vry gld to rn Stephenson at Aurora on Monday. Ra Estate For Sale b from coast to coast. saigat this Y s thetondofHEMPHILL CHARTERED SCHOOLSI eu -- g-y I VU- nw- yw gr MS FR SAE OR RgnE 163 King Street West, Toronto. 40-1l wbich I formerly lived. Fortune fav- ored me sud my local sales staff as we were working rigbt on edge of devasted district. AIl are saf e and fnerves quietened". Concerning the LOVE AFFAIRS of Married Men Ainong the numemous poblems of 1f e about whicb many people consuit us, we are frequently asked for advice lu the love affaira et married nien. And we us- ually ecommend Fanny Par-ker Candies. It's indeed a wise busband who romains a lever. KERSLAKE'S And thmrice wise is ho who commanda the love of his lady by the sanie means with which ho first sought to win it. Se Fanny Pamke's, we believe, should have the sanie place in the home as the dawirig roem. And Fanny Parkem's Candies are always tmesb and delicions at Kerslake's. PHONE 49 -THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- Do Youir Fait Planting 0F SHRUBS AND PERENNIALS >10W We have a good assortment and will be pleased to have youi cail and inspect thern at any time. Brookdale Nurseries, Phone 7 Bowrnanville nianville, Ont., aunounce the engage- for, towa poperty. Apply to James____________E._____ ment of their daughter, Alice Geor- Fie t. Centre St., Bowmanville. 38-tf gena, to M. Claence H. Rowan, son1 HOUSE FOR SALE-New Brick bouse> of Mmr.and Mm. Thos. Rowa f containe six mre and bath aI j h0 loors. Apply to James E. Flett. è=tr Bethany, Ont., the wedding to take st., Bowmanville. Phono 384. 38-tf place quietly the latter part of Oct- FO ober. FR SALE-Two 1bouses, six and 7 mrnem each, very attractive rosi- awre t , ~ Mri os hn 9w omnG. B. Bickle & Sons have beeri dences. in good location. Apply Peter', A conducted by the Ontario Vegetable FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-1001 Auocatio. Ths i a ral hnoracres. S% Lot 21, Con. 5, Darlington.1 Assoiaton. hisis mea hoor Plowi'ng possession at once; full posses- when it is considemed that entnieS ision arranged te suit tenant. Apply to were made froni ai over the Pro- Mrs Chas. J. Kerslake, R. 1 1Hamp-,-a an to.Phone 350r33. 39-tf F i a n B3UILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Threo news froin Butte, Montana, on Sept. on Liberty' Street, North. inRoal bargain 30thof he eat ofherbroherin-for qulck sale. Appiy te Norman S. B. law, Mr. Chamles Backen, husbaudJae tStsmnOn. -- of hem sister Cynthia, who was a HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick bouse, The Little Shoppe WNit daughter of the late Michael Cry- r,,lecitric lights and funace. ai,- room a, an(i amaîl fruit trees. two 'denian, formerly of Beecb Ave., goodi building lots wlth property. Will Bowmanville, Ont. seli at working man's price. Convenienti Values in WNomel loc;-îon. Apply W. J. Berry, Bookstore Mr. Thos. Cartwright who bas liowmanvllle.1-t been the faitbful mail carrier on HOUSE FOR SALE-Cheap, f;ame, DRESSES-Of C Rural Route No, 1 for the past four bouse anud one acre of land situated on yasbas sold hîs eqipment and Hulint Street, Bowrnanville, the property new Stock, dozens of di yeansequpo! the Isto Mrs. Sarah Jane Thickson. contract to Mr. S. Olver who took This I'ouse is in geod condition and bar- bvr is duties on October lst. Mr. jci rîomybeotiedfo .1 greatest care. Corne, se Cartwright bas accepted a position f~;rd.' Barristor. or W. H. Thickson, as nigbt watcbman at the D. 0. & Rsdl.. King St. Bowmanville. 34-tf P. Co. factomy. HOUSE FOR SALE-Frame welingl COATS-Our stoc] and one acre o! strawxberries and other Miss Mabel Borland after as mali fruit. the poperty of the late AI-' r1boueycret montb's visit with Miss Florence bort E Goode. sltuateui on Brown Street,1 ar boueyc rct Hoar aud othen frîeuds bore and in in Bowmanvllbo, good barn and hen bouse.1 js new and the pnicesi ,-Iectric ligbts anid wator. This proper Toronto left Monday te spend the ty muet be sold for the ibrposeocf wind-l winter at Pasadena, California. Miss b ngsup the Patate. Bargain price may t ho ecured from W. F . Ward, Barrister,1 Borland bas disposed of hem minîng Bowmanvlle, Ontario. i- A srnall deposit m property aud other business intenesta lu British Columbia. so that we may HOUSES FOR SALE-Double frame tii wanted. Corne wli now xpec to ee er otene in hebouse. 5 rooms each, wltb Improvemnenîs.1 now xpec te ee hm ofenerin teon Elgin St., opposite school; Brick bouse ne. Cr ,sead old home town. 1corner Elgin and Concession; Frame nw o e e n h ouse on Concession St.; 2 large brick ibouses on Scogog St., close to C. P. R. on eay terme; on e on Concession St.; TO APPOINT CORN INSPECTORj Brick' bouse, 7 cooma. rit Nursery Cor- ner, Chicken ranch near town of Bow- The spread of the destructive coi-n anville, suitable for retired farmer or thr treasonable trlce. Phono 114 boner bas become se senlous in thîs'o e Wm. Brock. Qocen St. Bowînan- U e -it Sh p district that dastic stops are needed ville. 38-8t £4e a to check thia peet. The Ontario Department ef Agriculture bas F r oRn tiherefore uotifled Warden M. J. Fr oRn Elliott et the United Counties of FARM TO RENT-100 acres, Lot Il. Northumberland and Durham te ap- Con. 5, Darlington, on whicb are good i point a corn inspector for each buildings. situated on Manvers ltoad. couny t advse nd copeate ithPlowing possession thîs fail, full pos- dirmors lin fighting the cern borer. Hoar. King St., Bowmanville. Phono A meeting of the Àgricultumal 17 8-6Women's Coats-Suil Committeetf Counties Council wil STEAMSHifP TICKETS he called immediately te make the appoiritments. No names have been M. A. JAMES montioned fer the positions, but no To ELurope-Cafladl5f Pacifie, 'White doubt a flood et applicants will bo Star Domnion, Cunard, Amerleau. 1 othcoming now that the facts bave Ask for information. phone 5t been miade public. Statesman Office. Bowinan'iU*e. PAGE FMVE Hardware Specials For Saturday, October 8 Pyrex Tes Pots $5.00, $4.50 and $4.00, eacb now clearing at Half Price Hammocks, 3 only, to clear selling cheap. Spalding Sporting Goods at 20% discount. Brantford Roofing, 1 moll $1.75, 2 nolls $3.25 Paint, baîf gallon 95c, gallon $1.75 Leather Mitts. 1 fingen, 35e or 4 pair for $1.00 Plow Points 55c, 2 for $1.00 Stove Pipes oiled and ivetted 20e eacb Cocos Door Mats 90e for 50c or 2 for 90c Fiat Tiriwame, Reg-ular 25c, 2 for 25c. Radio Batteries. Heavy duty B 45 volts $4.50 Congoleuni and Linoleum Rugs on Sale Cbesp Round and Oval Aluminum Roasters $1,10 up Cello Glass for Poultry House on Hand Celluloid Glass for Auto Windows on hand M.Niller's Falls Bmeast Drills, Regular $10,00 for $6,00 Electmic Ligbt Bulbs 5 for $1,00 MASO N & DALE Bowmanville Sid. CHARTRAN'S SUIT SALE 50 Men's Suits, Reg. $35 ON SALE $25.00 50 Men's Suits, Reg. $25 ON SALE $16.50 50 Men's Suits, Reg. $20 ON SALE $12.50 50 Boys' Navy Blue Suits, 2 Pair Bloomers, fox serge, Reg. $14.00, ON SALE $10.00 S. G. Chartran One Door W est Bell Telephone Office JSUAL OFFERING Saturday, October 7th - 8th th The Large Stock Offer Some Particularly Good en's and Misses' New Faîl Dresse and Coats. Crepe Satin, Crepe Faille, Charinene Jersey, Etc., ail lifferent styles to choose from, and priced wi#h the ;ee and compare. styles all'that will insure our holding the garment of your choice un- hile the selection is large and ail the garments fresh and compare. qje S"oc SOMNILLE. ON.1fOpcait nWmnspae Exýclusive butnot ExCpensive s-Dresses-Iosiery -Gloves- Underwear -Etc. Ak of New Fali Coats is particularly good, the the Fur trirnmings beautiful, the materials within reach of ail. 1 ----------- si Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store BOWNANVILLE PHONE 26

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