PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th., 1927 aï to the Royal Winter Fair TORONTO, NOVEMBER 15th t. l9th (inclusive) Exceptional Opport unit y off ered by th. Ontario Department of Agriculture to the Young Farmers of Ontario T HE Ontario Department of Agriculture wishes to entertain about 500 representative young Ontario Farmers at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. November lSth ta l9th (inclusive), 1927. The abject is ta enable them ta see the Royal Winter Fair and the ather places of interest in the belief that this educationai experience will benefit both them and their commstnities by the information and enthusiasm they will gather. AIl expenses for travelling. lodging and transportation will be paid by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, with whom a number of Commercial Organizations will co-aperate. Cortrfants hall turige five rns of ie ock and fic classes of trop pr riucts, surit as grain, smail seeds, r roirots, fruit and vegetables. ;cal crops may te included -c rproduction la eneral overte The cerrrpetiiion shall be open to al armets and farmens sons, living on the farm. betwecn ithec <y. or 16 and M 23on Oc' ltrr 1, 1'7 imUSt -<t have rachi ,f23rri birth I r <and wbhae n oi ieso rpteeted 1<ec unty as a rnber of a Stock jude<ing Train ai the Royal W~inter 1 1a, or rare o' r graduaes of an 2ric ul tu ral College or Agricultural schooi. Prires shall be awarded on aggregate cres onlv, 5,1', ili te alloweil r I<an.e-and 5Y , for oral easons os ac c ! ars Wh -n compuring a ' zrezate 'corer. Livc Stock and Crop prrelucts ,thll h os r i ritio ni 2 to 1i The possible icre. iherelore, mili bc: Live Stock. 500; Crop Products, 150. ROYAL~ JUNIOR FARMER JUDGING COMPETITION This f ree trip will be available ta ten winning boys in a specla "Royal" junior Farmer Judging Competition to be held in each countv of Old Ontario and ta the five winning in a similar competition in each New Ontario District where an Agcnrultural Representative is lacated. Make this your opportunity ta taire a holiday, visîting the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. It will flot cost sou a cent for living and travelling ezpenses and will prove an interesting experience of inestimable value to you in your future profession. Read the conditions, then ask the local Aigricultural Representative in your district concerning date and place of competition, etc. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE HON. JOHNi S. 'MARTIN, i ioj <Agrculliue. R. S. DUNCAN, Direct s, .4gricuturol Represenbttcvs. For Further Information, apply to local A griculturai Represeiztative. J. Y. KELLOUGH., Port Hope, Ont Mens Fr£ rom 1e WfU Zay More PgS! Write fiw Prafti Pou1tr Book &id MviS;R EI * Send 104 for 160 pae Book.llhatrated PRATT F000 CofdCANADA. Limaej. TORONTO Here You Are. '7W lights that best serve every lighting need-indoors or outi WThey' re tim"-tested and popular Clemans-now used in more than3 million homes. They're always ready with a flood cf steady, pure white briliance-mar e light than 20 old-style ail lamps or lanterns. 11». Colemsan Qwack-Lite Lamp-. JuSt the liglat fur reading, sevag and for the famnily-circle hour after supper. Saves worl-na wjcks ta film, no chim- neys ta dlean, na daily fillings. bMakes and humrriis own gas from clean gaso- Uine. Safe-can't apill fuel even if tipped over; cantbe fileclwhile li,-hted. Listed as standard by the f2 rderwritern I abora- taries. Economnical-over 40 hourn tril- liant service per gallon of fuel. q-Ind- Sorne in design. Pri ce, $ i1.00. The CgIenan Quick-1.tte Lantera- OPerate9 just like tht Colemnan Lnmp. Fi nest light !:no,,,n for the fa rm-always reaC'y for any job any night. Une it for cloores around yaur boarns, sheds, feed loto, griînaries and for nigix. hp,. ing, feed grindir.go- nd retiir work. Makeaiteuasier to do 1. uer nîght work quicker. Alten- closcd, iaa -mica chi a- r.y-ia wirid-procif, rain-çiroof, anýIiritsoct-prcof. Priceg in CanaîL., mith Seprrate pump, $9.5(); with built-in purap, $l0.5a. y- .rDele, ..ill show sos. Cr.eman Quiet ,ite Lampg anod Lanterna. If h li not auppltlîi, oce -nd -teoc ill r nd ysu descriptive liters- turc and se that y.. ae <<Ai-n ,,ar orei lV Addresa Omit BS-26 SOLD BY MASON & DALE, DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE CARTWRIGHT FAIR C. McGill, Leghorn, Brown-Mr.F BLACKSTOCK Crozier. Rhode Island Reds-Mr.F Ail Departments Macle Good Showing Crozier. Turkeys-RoyMFer RalIy Day service was held in the -Large Attendance guson, Mrs. F. Crozier. Geese--C. United Church Sunday morning. We ldea wetherfavredMeGilI, R. C. Browvn. Ducks-R. Clwere disappointed in our attendance, Jdel water avoedCartw~right Brown, J. H. Forder. only ninety-nine were present and Fair he]d at Blackstock on Wednes- Cbickens, Barred Rocks-Harold iwe have a membership of ne us- I day, September 28th. A a resuit1 Nesbitt, Mrs. A. I. Byers. Black Min- dredd eighty. We a with u one of the largest crowds in thelorcas-R. Williams. White Wyan M osStieo owavle history of the society was present. ItIdottes-Mrs. F. Crozier 1 and 2 who spoke pleasingly and effectively may also be considered one of the White Leghorns-C. MeGill, R. Wall. on the "Life of Jesus." We hope best exhibitions the-y have held. Brown Leghorns-.Mrs. F. Crozier. Mr. Strike will be privileged to visit There was a splendid showing in Rhode Island Reds-Mrs. F. Crozier our school again. A baptismal ser- horses, live stock and poultry which 1 and 2. Best Cockerel and three vice was held in connection with the rjvalle(l any previous fair and the;Fullets, Barred Rocks-Ms .h vnigs1iead a odce displays in the main buildings of 'Byers. by Rev. J. E. Griffith, B. A. The ladies' work, fine art, domestic DAIRY PRODUCE AND iparents who presented their children science, fruit, grain and vegetablesi DOMESTIC SCIENCE for baptism were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl were very fine an(l of an excellent I1 rgt hi auhe1ortyIa quality. The horse races and farmers' I Judge-W. P. Corbett, Bowmanville, rgt hi agtrDrtyIa tro aded ep o te ocason.Muse j10 bs.Buter n pil-rs.F.bel; ",r. and Mrs. Osmond Wright, trtI ddppt h cain uic11 b.Bte npi-r.F their daughter Edith Noreen; Mr. was f urnished by Port Ferry Band.i Crozier, Mrs. Jas. Parr, Mrs. Norman an r.DrltersnEr tw arwih giutrlSceyTaylor. 10 lbs. in prints-Mrs.atMran s J.Fodthi Crwih giutrlocevJas. Nesbitt, Mrs. W. E, Beacockat r n r.Js odr hi officers responsible for the success of Mrs. Jas. Parr. 5 lbs. in prints- ison Harold Rutledge. the fair are: IMrs. F. Crozier, Mrs. Jas. Nesbitt, Glad to know that Mr. Percy Ham- H onorary Directors-J. H. Devitt, jMrs. Jas. Parr. Bread, white-Mrs lilton and Miss Laura Bailey and Miss ex-M.P.P., R. Fhilp, W. J. Bragg, M.j Cecil Hill, Miss F. Fair, Mrs. E. Gib- SusieNoVa C aeatenig etr FFP., F. W. Bowen, M.P., John 'son. Bread, brown-Mrs. NormanbooNraScol Wright, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fergus- TalriisF ar r.Nwo on, L. P. Werry. j Taylor. i Miller's Worm Fowders work so Officers: Prcsident-Creighton Buns-Miss F. Fair, Mrs. James eff ectively that no trace of worms Devitt; Ist Vice-Presid ent-Carl Parr, Mrs. Normian Taylor. Biscuits can be found. The pests pass away Wright; 2nd Vice-President-Roy -Mrs. T. Venning, Miss A. Hamil- in the stools wîthout being percept- Ferguson; Secretary-Jas. Byers; ton, Mrs. F. Stiýnson. Cookies-i ible. They make an entire and Treasurr-Edward Montgomery. IMrs. W. A. VanCamp, _Mrs. W. E. dcean swee p of the intestines, and Directors-Jos. H. Forder, Isaac Beacock, Miss M. Summerville. nothîng in the shape of a worm can Whitfield, W. A. VanCamip, R. R. By- Ginger Snaps--Mris. T. W. Swain,'find lodgement there when these ers, Jas. Marlow, W. B. Ferguson, Mrs. F. Crozier, Mrs. George Nesbitt. polvders are in operation. Nothing Fred Taylor. R. J. Parr, Wes. Camp: Apple Fie-Mrs. E. Dorrell, Mrs.- could be more thorough or desirable bell. R. J. McLaughlin, J. J. Jobb, 'W. A. VanCamp. Miss A. Hamilton.'than their action. Earl Dorrell .R. Hamilton, N. H. Pumpkin Pie-Mrs. John Elford, Mrs r Marlow. I W. B. Ferguson. Mrs. Norman Tay-' Lady Directors-Mesdames S. lor. Jefery, Jas. Byers, R. J. Crozier, Canne<l Fruit-Mrs. Newton Tay- When Youir Stomach John J. Jobb, 1. Whitfield, Roy Fer- ilor, Mrs. G. Bower. Jellies-Mrs. F gu son, F. VanCamip, Miss Aggie;Stinson. Pickles-Mrs. E. Gibson, r r an it a Swain. 'Miss Florence Parr. IMrs. John Elford. Mrs. Newton Tay-! r n X~t a . o Maple SrpMs Complete List of Prize Winners lier, Chas. Syrup-,Mrs. Craz*T"-, Make This Test At Once lor. y1 If you really want quick and last- HORSES 'Best display of cooking-Mrs. Jas.: ing freedom from the usual annoy- JudgeW. F.Batt, Brokli JParr, Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Mrs. F., ance of after-eating distress-try H F Baty Brokie Crozier. Best loaf of bread bakedthis NEVER FAILING test today! Heavy Draught-Brood Mlare-O.Ifrom Reindeer flour-Mrs. G. Bow-; At trifiing cost, get from your Edwards, D. Wilson. Three year- jcrs, Mrs. F. Crozier.1 druggist a little Bisurated Magnesia old colt-G, S. Cochrane. Two year- d oa' nttt xnbt I-ihrpwe rtbesadtk old colt-D. Wilson. Foal-O. Ed- Wra" nttt xii -ihrpwe rtbesadtk wards 1 and 2, D. Wilson. Team Beel Loaf-irs. Chas. Smith, Mrs after your next meal. This simple and Wagon-Jas. Stark, R. R. Byers. H. Ginn. Potato Salad-Mrs. W. A 'pleasant test cani be depended upon UgbtDraghtBroo Mae-C VanCamp, Mrs. C. Smith. Tea Bis- to prove its value in less than five IM cGill, Wmn. Forder, Murray Bvers r cuts-Mrs. W. E. Beacock, Mrs.. ,minutes. In most cases relief comes Foal-O. Edwards, O. McQuade, WrnNetn yo. Drop Cookies-Mrs. intnt1 Forer. Thre yar-ldcolt-O . Smith, Mrs. W. E. Beacock. Light i Bisurated Magnesia is a harmless, ForQude . MThree yandd 3Tw'C ake-Mrs. Fercy VanCamp ,Mrs. R non-laxative form of old fashianed year-old colt-W. A- VanCamp, Bm R Byers. Dark Cake-Mrs. R. R. agesia that, when taken after Forder, A. Sharp. One year-old colt Byers, Mrs. H. Gion. A~pple Pjie- meals, sweetens and neutralizes the W.Beacock. Team and Wagon Mrs. C. Smith, mrs. W. A. VanCamp. dangerous acids that cause most -A. L. Byers, silver cup, donated <Table Bouquet, eut flowers-Mrs. C. stor Bh is.ate as iaou d- ý_akof Commerce, Fort Ferry, Smith, Mrs. Jas. Byers. ýitfrBsrtdMgei-n îFloyd Page, W. Ginn. GRAIN AND SEEDS start the test today! fExpress or Wagon-Brood Mare- Judge-A. Wilson, Burketon iMurray Byers, D. Wilson. Twýýo -year Faîl Wheat, wvhite-Harold Nes- colt-Roy Ferguson, Ed. Harris, G. bitt, J. G. Marlow. Harold Beacock. S. Cochrane. One year-old colt-,1 Spring Wheat, hard-Nornian Tav- L. Griffin. Murray Byer<., G. S. Coch- ]or. Feas, large-Cecil Hill. es rane Fol-ilurýay Byes, . ismall-L. W. Swain. Oats, white h. Wilson. Team-W. D. Ferguson. C. Mountjoy, C. McGilI, J. G. Mar- il,~ Roadser-Two y ear-old colt-W, low. Barley, e(-rowed-C. McGill, year-old colt-G. S. Cochrane. Single Norman Taylor. White Beans-R. horse 15i2 hands and over-G. S.-i'Williams, Jas. Nesbitt, C. MeGilI. Cochrane, W. B. Ferizuson. Single 1 horse, 13<2ý hands andi under-C. i VEGETABLES AND ROOTS Evans .L. W. Williams, C. Sonley. Judge-A. Wilson Carniage-Brood Mare-G. S. 1lotatoes, whitu early W. Brown, Cochraae. one vear-oldi colt-G. S. John Venning, Edgar Gibson. Pota- I Cochrane, O. Edwards, J. H Forder. tocs ,white, late-John Venning, L. Foal-G. S. Cochrane. Single horse W". Swain, Harold Nesbitt. Pota- iC. Evana, B Flergtî0on, R. R._ Bvers. 'tocs, retl-C . McGill, Mrs. J. Elford. iGentlemans Turnout-G. S.' Coch '1T urnips, feed-Cecil Hill, Isaac rane, C. Evans. Ed. Harris. Lady Wýhitfield ,R. Parr~. Turnips, table Drivr-Mýiss Mac Grahai, -Miss G,. A. X'Woodarel, Harold Nesbitt, RI. D. Proutt. Lady in Saddilc-MNisst;Ham-ilton. Carrots, wh ite John Grace Mountjoy, Miss Mac Graham, Venning, Ncwton Taylor, C. MeGilI. Miss G. D. Proutt. Carrots, table-Miss G. L). Proutt. Special by T. English, best teami in 'Roy Ferguson, Mrs. John Elford. j lass-James Stark. fCa hbage, wWtr-r . V. E Famers test, open-N. Strutt, cock, Isaac Whitfield, Mýis. Jasr. N es Black Prince; Ed. Powell. Eva Patch; bitt. Table Squash XVes Camip- W. L. Smnith. Oshawa girl. ýbell, NMrs. Wý. E. Bcacock, J. G. Farmiers' trot, C'artw,<right onl- Marlow. Pumpkins-A. Woodard,j John Everest. H. Brownn. Ed. Darcy. Harold Nesbitt, Newton Taylor. Tala- Girls' driving contest-Miss Macj le Beets Ormond Wright, R. C . Graham, Miss Gracie 'Mountjoy, Miss Brown, Mrs. John Elford. Beets, V G. D. Proutt. long-Isaac Whitfield, R. C. Brow.nA For be_ýt horse on rein-G, S. -Norman Taylor. Onions, whit-' Cochrane won 2nel time, Silver Cup Roy Ferguson, R. C. Brown, C..Me-1 Standard Bank. Gil I. Onions, yellow-Mrs. F. CATTLE ICr ozier, A. Woodard, S. Jeffery. On- Judge-A. Howden, Brooklin ions, rcd-R. Williams, John Ven-1 Shorthorns-Bull, 2 years-Cari n:ng, R. C. Brown. Mangolds, red Wrigt. ull 1 earA. rigt. Cecil 1H11l, lsaac Whitfield, Joahn i Wigh. Blli oarA. rigt.Venning. Mangolds, yellow-Jas. Cow-A. Wright, Jabez Wright. PFarr, G .D. Proutt, Isaac Whitfield. e1eifer, 2 years-J4abez Wright 1 and Tomatoes-S. Jeff ery, A. Woodard, JbzWghA. Wright. Cie 1aîf s Jas. Nesbitt. Citrons-Wes. Jabz Wigh, . Wigh. ClfHeifer Ca mpbell. Corn, dent-Harold Nes- under 1 year-Jabez Wright, J. H. bitt, G. Bowers. Corn, sweet--W. Forder. Caîf Bull, under l year I . erry, G. D. Proutt, Harold Nes- -A. Wright. Hrd-A. Wright, (.bit. Collection of vegetables- Eaton Co. Silver Cup trophy). Mrs. Newton Taylor, Mrs. John El- Holsteins-Bull-Earl D orre '1. ford, Mrs. John Venning. S Cow-Earl Dorrell 1 and 2. Heifer. FRUITS '2 year-Earl DorrelL Heifer, 1 year Jug-W. J. Bragg, M.P.P. -Earl Dorrell. ug elb Grades-Cow-Jabez Wright pes-W. C. Werry, Roy Fer- Heifer, 1 year-H. Mountjoy & Son, (Continueil on page 7) p re Jabez Wright. Caîf, under 1 year _________-s -Jabez Wright. Beef Caîf, o nder i1j 15o01V year-Jabez Wright 1 and 2, L. Bea- cock. SHEEPOn Judges-Jas. Swain, Valentia andi n R. Robbins, ('arl Wright 2 and 3. Agcd Ewe-W. R Rabbins 1 and 2, J. FI. Fonder. Shearling Ewe-W. R Robbins 1 and 2, Carl Wright. Ewe Lamb-W. R. Robbins, Carl Wright 2 and 3. Shropshire-Aged Ram-H. 5kn-1 ner, H. Beacock- Shearling Ram- H. Skinner 1 and 2. Ram Lamb- Il. Skinner 1 and 2, H. Beacock. Agcd Ewe-H. Skinner 1 and 2. Shearling Ewe-H. Skinner 1 and 2. Ewe Lamb-H. Skinner 1 and 2. Oxford Downs-J. W. Balson, won aIl prizes. Market Lamb-H. Skinner, J. W Balson, H. Beacock. SWINE Judges-Mesars. Swain and McGill Yorksire-Sow-W. A. Van- Camp 1 and 2. Sow, over 3 months --J. A. Johnston, A. Wright. Tamworth, Sow-No)rman Taylor 1 and 2. Sow, cîver 3 mnths- Carl Wright 1 and 2. Bacon Hogs--J. A. Johnston, A. Wright. POULTRY Judge-Dr. E. W. Sisson Plymouth Rocks, Barred-J . H. Forder, R. C. Brown. Minorcas, Black-C. McGill, Leghorns, White- Realize the benefits of health-giving cod- liver oil vitamins. The pleasant way- Scot's Emulsion Scott & Bowne. Toronto, Ont. 2- W 0£)'S PI-ISPI-IODINE. The G(reat Inrr Preparaî,n... . l I nes at<C r, gr te he hole peîvouq syter.. Makes ne. Blood sn <id Veins. U<ed for Nervous tkp<n e bcihlity, Mental ar.j Blrain Worry. y pedn7,Lo.,osf EnergV, Palpitation of the Heart, Fasling Memoer. Price $2 peo, box,. . for 95 'SoId by ail1 druggists. or mai d in pli n Pkg. ri of pnce. Neupauphitîmailed 'r-e.TUE WOOD MEDICINE CO..ZORONTo.. book'a Regulating Compound A ofé, ehl.o ,dU W~L MediOtinq. Sold in three de- grees of etrenrth-No. 1, $il No L3; No. 3, 85 per box. Bold fy aIl druggista, or aeul MrpaId on.receipt of prie.. Fe pamp let. Addreea: THE COOK MEDICINE C06 protec safety I I I I I D...or Quai we offet fer sale lua & Domniuon 8tores 251'000 Cholce Smoked About !Picic HutsCh20lb.S B asiflrit or Flaet Peaineal Shortealng Ba on cotag S1-lb. The VaanouMaylleld ]ROUlS Prlnts, Ise Drand Suoked 3-1b.53 BreafastIBacon 2% CrIsco 350i.29 lb. Cheese !For FrylUg- Ft Canadiena For Shorteung RFns oneleuSt Newb.r 1-1b.Peanseal Dock Chats»an c Tin. 27C La Il. Tînb . -7C 37 M.icred uaral Ti 19 Creea 15 pkî.o Ercellence b Ht elaz Toanato Small IIc SDates oup Medltum ][5c f tTASTY"Tl Cida;e.*; 'l Seale .d l ;aWaxei 1021 Handy Anunonla Powder 3,k.. 19s ~~~~~ GrtBu assettu Iuported *S Horuradmh U bo. ILicorice A1Imorta ib Fresb MIUed Fresh, Crlup Shriff'ula . RolledPure Orange ~ Olle Molase Marmnalade Oats naps amll Size Jar ker 3 pkts. Canada or Durhams )W do you judge the efficieney and safety of Anti-Freeze? You ean't ,y color, odor or price, and yet the ction of your power-plant in winter vital importance. vay you can be sure. can put Vulcan Anti'Freeze into radiator with positive assurance of ztion-an unconditional guarantee of at ail temperatures because- B ehind Vulean Anti-Freeze is a company that has publicly staked its reputation on the safety of its products. Above Ail-M We are for S afety I a Let the chemical laboratories of this com, pany assume the responsibility of keeping your engine running smoothly and safely -ai wmnter. Drive up wherever you see the British American Sign. ' 38 % LBRITISH AMERICAN OIL CO. LIMITED Refiners of Safity Motor Ois and Gasolenes.C 1I -4'> PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th., 1927 Fui