04Tnat1a c~t~dc~mrnT With Which Is Incorporated Thie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THIURSDAY, OCTOBER l3th., 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No.41 HIGH CLASS CONCERT Under auspices of Bowmanville Music Study Club will be given in OPERA HOUSE, r BOWMANVILLE on Wed. Oct. 26th at 8 p. m. presented by TORONTO ARTISTS: Miss Yvonne Hazlewood Pianist Miss Lillian Garfield Soloist Soprano Mr. Samuel Hersanhorne Violinist ADMISSION 50c Pa-i DRAMATIC CONTEST SERIES Under auspices af West Durhami Agricultural Society Newcastle Dramatic Company will present Deacon Dubbs OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE Friday, Oct. 2lst at 8.15 p. m. "Deacon Dubbs" is a iaugh pro- voking play which creates a thous- and laugbs. TICKETS Single Tickets 35c; Séats reserved without extra charge at Mitcheil's Drug Store. The Companions of the Forest will hold their annual BAZAAR on THURSDAY, OCT. 2Oth at 3 p. m. in the A. O. F. HALL A sale of useful and fancy ar- ticles, bomemade cooking and candy. Afternoon tea wil hé [served. Ail welcome. SPECIAL REAL ESTATE BARGAIN That splendid sol id brick dweil- ing first door north of Trinity Cburch on Division St., suitable for good single residence or can be converted into two family bouses for reasonabie expendit- ure. Plans and prices for the latter can be obtained as w.ell as purchase price from the un- dersigned. At the low price at which this property can be bought and altered, this is a splendid Real Estate investment. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Bownianville Ont. rMore Ladies' New Coats On DisplayThis Week EXQUISITE MODELS IN LADIES' COATS If you wish Suedine, Ail Wool Needie Point or Broadcloth, then we want to show you some exquisite models, trimmed with natural wolf. Others with genuine Fox, Sable and Oppossum. Grey Lamb is being widely used this season and in combination with Flemish Blue or Balsam Green ,the effect is strikingly new as well as becoming. ATTRACTIVE VALUES IN FUR COATS Ladies' Fur Coats in Hudson Seal, Persian Lamb and Muskrat. We are enabled to seil these coats at much lower prices than the large exclusive fur houses of the city. Every coat is guaranteed. FALL FROCKS FOR WOMEN OR MISS You will find them in our store to suit every figure. They are of Satinback Crepes, Romaine and Flat Crepes, all skilfully de- signed. The shirrings, pin-tucking and diagona] uines are very becoming. Leading shades are Jungle Green, Soft Biege, New Blue, Black and Navy. Getting Ready for Wint er Men are coming in every day now and picking out their new Fail and Winteî' 0v- ercoats and Suits. The new, styles and materials are parti- culaî'ly ap)peaing and make choosing an easy matteî'. Ouir îeasonable pî'ices are also a big con- si(leration which bî'ings customers back' yeaî' after year to buy here. WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB To Hear Illustrated Lecture On The Kingdorn of Cbildhood The \Vomens' Cana.dian Club) wili have the pleasure of hearing Mrs. E.1 Lillian Graves and Miss Bertha Tamt- blyn in a Joint recital In St. Pauls 'School ftoom on Monday, October l7th at 3.30 1).'m.' Mrs. Groveu and Miss Tam- * lyn are responaible for a group of songs and fromt these Miss Tamblyn wili give a ew selections In Illustration of Mrs. Groves lecture "The KIngdoni of Child- hood". Miss Tamblyn was a former resident will be glad of this opportunity to w-el- corne her back on thlit occasion when sh aie ill play a number of lier own com- positions. MEN'S CANADIAN CLUB Anniual Meeting on October 28th. AXnnual meeting ai the Mens Canadiar IClub wil!libe held ln the Balmoral Hoe ion Friday évening, October 28th . Ai thti, conclusion oi the usual b)anquet an address w-il lie given hy Professor H-. A. Kent, Principal, Queens Thealagical College, Kingston and formoriy ai Pine Hlli!College, iHalifax. Arrangements have also b-en made oi Canadian Clubs, Ottawa, wieréby Mr. E. J. G'-ariand, MP., Baw River, Alberta, - wiIl lie tic guest oi tlie club on Wednes- dlay, Nov. 30ti. Mr. Graham Spry, National Secretary of tihe.Association of Canadian Clubs, says aiflMr. Garland:- "He is an Irisiman. a graîluate of Dub- lin University, and a strang Canadian. H-e came ta Canada witi bis lrotier, bas - leen a lumlier-jack, day-laborer, farmer andl i9 now aureal political force in AI- lierta. His subject is "The Economic Organizazians o! Western Canada." HIGH SCHOOL GRADUÂTES ATTENDING UNIVERSITY It is doubtful If tiere is anotier igh scioal in Ontario ai tic s'andard af Bow-manville High Sohool w-iich lias as many graduates attending the variaus colleges and universities in Toronto a) aur local Institution records this year. Parents are ta lie commpnded ln making it possible for théir ahildren ta pursue a higier education, w-hile studénts siould consider tiemselves fortunat e In lieing permitted ta Improve their educa- tion w-Rh a view ta take ui) their partie- ular chice of a profesaion. Lst oi B. H. S. graduates and Col- eges tiey are attending: Victoria Col- lege-Agnés Vanstone, Clarence Fergu- son, Merrili Ferguson, Wili Pointen, Stanley Osborne; Trinity Cllege-Jane Mason, Dorothy Bonnycastle; Medîcalý College-Ross Tilley, Doris Foster, Dor- athy James, Bernita Wallace (Hampton); Ontario Coliege of Ilducation-Aileen Parker; University College-Maitland Gauld, Stanford Symon., Mary Somer- ville (Orono), Marlon 17lckson (Orono): Osgoode Ilall-Piilj.' 1 filé;, Lawrenrce Mason; College o! Dentistry-Andy Sam- erville (Orono). PRINCE'S PEONIES PLANTED Mayor T. S. Hoigate last week receivéd the giit aifl)eony bullis from tie Prince af Walps whli hwere ai tiree diferent varieties. On Friday aiternoon the hulbs w'ere jlalnteil witl itde ccremany aith ticMuniciptal Park nepar -Ae Soldiers' IMemorial. Ticelionor of planting the royal leonies was percriedl y Mayor Holgate, W. B. Couch. Esq., and Rev. R. J. Shures. The planting was well j and.truly carried out tînder the expert fdirection o! Mr. A. S. Baker. F.R.H.S. Royal Theatre Fri aySat rd yOctober 14 1 5 Tina~S t daYCoyIn With Claire Windsor From thé story by Peter Bý. Kyné of Thé Boxer Uprising Matinée Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Childrén 5c Chapter 7 of "Wild West" and regular programméL NOTE-First show on Saturday nights starts at 7 o'clock. Manday-Tuesday, October 17-18 Romaon Novarro-thé star of "Ban Hur" "The Road To Romance" It's a roaring road ta advent- tirec that the star of "Ben-Hur" carmes you along-a seething, color-ful pr'oduction of Joseph Conrad's never-to-be-forgottén tale of pirate terron-s anti heart- raids. Novardo's flnést tomnantié volé With Marcelinée Day Adapted fî'om thé novai, "Ro- miance" by Joseph Conrad Wednesday-Thursday, Oct. 11-20 Thé Scréen's Bi'd of Paradise Billia Dove In "The Stoien Bride" Shé bad pro.mised ta wait for him -naw she wias thé bride of an- other! Was hé toa poar? Was she too rich? Must lavé hé sac- riflced on thé altar of artiat- ocracy? Thé law of royalty said "Vées". Hé said "No"-and risked bis life ta stéal ber from the man évéryhody féaréd! And chapter 9 of "Melting Millions" Friciay-Saturday, Oct. 21-22 Tom Mix In "The Circus Ace" COMING FRIDAY, OCT. 28 One day only "The Big Parade" Bowmanville will hé one of thé very f ew of the smnailer towns ta see thé "Big Parade" for sevéral montha Do You Remember When ? W. Have Pleasure In Presenting The Originator of The 'Do You Rensember' Coiumn- WHISTLING JIM MARSHALL JESSE ALBERT Known ta many readérs as Jesse Senior Editor of The Car He is cannected vwith tbe advertis- ing concern of Nésbitt Service Ca., 901 Union Martgage Bldg., Cleve- land, Ohio, For over 20 years, sincé he gave up the practice of dentistry ta return ta newspaper work, he has either been cannectéd I with daily newspapers in Cleveland, Cincinnati, Buffalo and Toledo, or advertising and publicity work, such as he is naw engaged in. His spe- ciality bas been Advertising Promo- tion for Newspapers and Coliege Pub- licity. He greets bis aid friends and is TRINITY SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY Trinity Sunday Scbool was favored with fine wéather for thé anniver- sary and Rally Day services on Sun- day and good audiences wére présent on each occasion. Thé spécial i speaker for thé day was Rev. Roy1 H. Rickard, B. A., of Albert Col-8 lège, Belleville, thé pastar, Rev. J.0 U. Robins béing in charge of ail ser- vices. Thé music for thé marning and af ternnon was provided by a junior choir undér direction of Mr. FrancisL Sutton, organist and choirmaster.n This choir of over 40 voicés rendérédp a number of sélections, Master Chas. L jCawker, playing the organ for oneP number.n Rev. Mr. Rickard's address in the marning was particularly ta, young people, illustrating his remarks by exhibiting a painting of a young lad starting ta plow, bis fathér giving 'him thé final instructions. Hé dréw some very pointéd and encauraging lessons that shouid bé bélpful ta thé young people and théir parents. In thé afternoon thé Rally Day i program preparéd by the 0. R. E. I jwas uséd Dr. J. C. Dévitt, supérîn-g tendent léading thé school in thé ré-F sponsive réadings. Thé orchestra, .Mr. F. W. Sutton, violinist, and Miss'i IHelen Morris, arganist, led thé Junior 1I' choir and congrégation in hymns and S. other musical selections. Miss i Dorothy Robins récitéd "Wéý Would See Jésuis" very efféctivély and MvI. \V J. Morrison, B. A., offéréd thé P prayer. A séléction'by thé Prinm- ary Class led by Miss Morris, w'as sung aftér wbicb Mr. T. C. Jéwéll gave thé Treasurér's report and con-ý ducted thé Roll Caîl sbowing 60on the raol with an average attendance for thé year of 375. Thé attendl- once on Suntioy was 476. Mcm- bers of the Sioux Tuxis boys took up thé offéring. - Rév. Mr'. Rickard again address- éd thé séhool on "Thé Journay of Lifé" enumerating purity, hélpful- néss, unitéd effort and service as thé esséntials nécessary in their lives ta maka thé journay succésaful. Mr'. Gea. W. James in a féw ré- marks référred ta thé débt of grati- tude scholars owed ta thé faithful- ness of théir teachérs. On behaîf of thé parents hé also éxprssséd their thanks and appréciation ta officers and téachers of thé Sunday School for thé intérést and sacrifice khey moka tbroughout thé yéars, and port ta such commendable work in grateful recognition of thé service so0 voluntarily and willingly given in béhaîf of théir childrcn. At tbe evening service tbe régular cbuî'ch cboir furnished the musical service, Miss Margaret Allun singing a splendid solo which w.as highly ap- preciatéd. Rev. Mr. Rickard's theme was based on the words "Enter inta tbe straiglit gate, etc", taking as his subject-The Two Ways-the broad leading into Galilee or tbe narrow leading ta Jerusalém. The speaker paintéd out that ln order ta travel the narrow way, the. yaung people would have ta sacrifice, do liard thinge, sufer and las. ln order to at- WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The annual meeting of the Wom- en's Auxiliary to the Hospital Board for 1926-1927 was held at the Nur- ses' Residence on Friday afternoon. The Auxiliary held eleven monthly meetings, and the executive met three times. There were eighteen names on the roll, with an aiverage attend- ance of ten. Thé members have en- joyed holding their meetings in the beautiful reception room of the Nur- JAMES of Cleveland, Ohio *ses' residence. Mrs. Smyth, our lhospital superîntendent, has been James, eldest son of M. A. James, 1 present and of much assistance. The riadian Statesman. usuai buying and sewing committees muc plase tht bs srie ofrem have attended ta the wants of the muc plasd tathisseiesofrem ,hospital, with much extra work in iniscénces have givén so much pleas- seiecting hangings and furnishings ure and created thé évident interest for the Nurses' residence. On No- and comment tbat resulted. Hevember 24, 1926, a moat successful mybe addresséd at the above loca- bazaar was held in the Cuncil Although thé identity of 'Whistling isent ta the nurses and hospital staff. Jlm' bas been revealed ta a curions On February 16th thé Auxihiary as- and expectant public it is aur inten- Isisted the Men's Board in arranging tions ta continue the 'Do You Re- for the public meeting of the nurses member' column from time ta time. residence. A card party was aiso Contributions for this column will given then whîch added over one therefore be welcome fromn citizens hundred dollars to the funds of the or former residents of Durham Caun-lsociety. in April the Auxiiary cat- ty. I ered f or the Presbyterial meeting ~ I here, supplying dinner anr tes. With the aid of these money making activi- GRADUATION 0F NURSES I ties the auxilairy has been able to Egercse. i Oper Haus on ed-fsnd in the following supplies ta the nExoraseiOera 9H--ubliconvit.d ospital. ,pecla, Otobr 9th-PulicInvt j Battleship linoleum for operating The graduation exercises af the Train-1 room and maternity wards; 5 sim- ing Sehool for Nurses of Bowmanvilllé mons beds with springs and mattresa- HasPital Is aiways looked ta wlith a great es; 5 surgeon's gowns;1l dressers; deal afi l)easure. This "portant event this year takes place In the Opera curtains and hangings for Nurses' House on Wednesday, October 19th at residence; 2 dozen and 10 bed 8 p. m. Rev. JV. Harold Young, Past- iped;5dz oes o.bt or of St. Pauls Churcli, Avenue sred; oz owls dz1bt Toronto, will give the address to thettowels; 3 doz. tea towels; 2 doz. kit- graduaiiner class. There will be other chen towels; 18 sheets for NuWes' short sp)eeches besides a musical pro-reinc;4shtsfrhpia;3 gram. ieiec;1 hesfrhsia;3 The nurses wno graduate are mis tray cloths; 6 pillows; 32 pillow Emma G. Niddrie and Miss Lais M. slips; 2 table clotha; 6 chairs for Lamb. M-nurses' residence; a chair and a rug The hospital is one ai the cammunitys frtesprnedn' om o mast valued institutions ani citizens infoth ueienn'srm;9dz town and country should lhow théir baby dresses; 2 doz. gértrudes, head interest in its work by atiending this shawis and 2 doz. diapers. public ceremany. No admission tee is made an Wednesday evening, but child- Clara Allen, Recording Sec'y. re must.u accmpaiNtLIICU ault.. MUSICAL T]kEAT COMJNG Msusic Study Club Bringing High Cli..Artista Hère Musie Study lub is ta lie cammend- ed for ti)eir enterprise in birnging tirée oi Torontos Young outstanding mnuai- clans ta Bawmnvll'ille on NýVednesday, Octal ir 26 iii ta give a l)ullic concert T'le press notices about these talented artists ai-e r glowing inileed. Re - garuiing miss 1,illian Garfield: Detroit 'rec- Press says: A greatly gifted so- pîrano vi t h marvelous drana tic ability; Taronto Dail3- S ar: A clligititîl tibranti ).ole, î\eNtssivi-y émational and deli-1 cat, lx- tint-il. Camîaenting on Miss Star say s: Mliss I lazleNood gave a toast- erifol, p ictotriýsqin atn)! tanally vnCoan t-1 Griega Concerta. M aiil lrsa9n- itiri) sci., - neOftwlie t k nown and il'm a ;.opiil.r rai ta -ioai n sta i n Toronta. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. Josépb's R. C. CbUrch. Mass [0.30 a. m. Sunday Séhool 2.30 p. mi. Ew'ning 7 p. m.-Sérmion and bénédiction. Rev. P. P. Butler. St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Bést, D. D., Minister. il a. ni.-"My Church". 7 p. n.-"Christ's King- ly Power". 2.30 p. mi.-Sunday School. Trinity Un'ited Churcb, Rev. J. U.1 Robins, Pastar. Sunday services- 1 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School it 2.30 p. m. Musical services in barge of Mr. Francis Sutton, argan- it and choir director. St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church, orner Temipérance and Church Sts. Rev. Robt. McDérméent, M. A., min- ster. Morning warship il a. nM. Evening warship 7 p. m. Sunday ;chool 2.30 p. ni. Everybody w'el- ,ome. Rummage Sale will hé held in St. fohn's Parish Hall on Tuesday, Oct. Sth at 3 p. m. Afternoon tea serv- ?d 15c. Watch for further particulars re.- -arding Hallowe'en party ta hé held n St. Paul's Lecture Room on Octo- )er 31st. 41-21 -l c i il h tain the best in life. Mr. T. C. JewelI, Secretary, made the annauncement for schooi at l services and la the evening referred ta same of the members who had joined the Larger Schooi during tihe year and ta athers whose faces were missed on aceount of illness. The offering amounted to $490. (Continued on last page) A. Y. P. A. MEETING Sevérai Presentations Were Made Meeting was ield on Monday evening ln the Pariali HaU. Six new' membérs w-ere inltiated. Misses Audrey Lamb, Lois Lamb, and Eleanor Wood were elected delégates ta thé Dominion Con- férence at Peterboro next w'eek. Rév. R. J. Shires, Recor, installed tic arni- cers. A uresentatian w-as made to Mr. E. Ormiston and Miss G. Densein on thé occasi on of their apWD'aclng marriage. Presentations teaMMr. B. Oliver and Misses Ltucy, Florence and Peggy Oliver wiere formnally lianded over ta be for- ward,-îita thein. Mr. B. - Baldwin and Miss Iloylan were elected chairmin noa the prograin and visiting commnit ,ees re- spectîx-ly. Afte r thte business, mem- lors took part in a sl)elling contest. Prize W'as aw-arded ta MIr. Rein Lanmb. Meeting Close)! xxith s-i-sing ai refreali- ,men ta hy social commit tee. MUSIC STUDY CLUB Opens Season With Excellent Program Featuring Water Music Baw-nanx-ille Slusic Stîoly Clu!> is doing mucli ta reiaîn tîte higli musical stand- ard this town lias enJoyetl for many years. At tie first faîl and wlnter noet i n g of theii cliui lied in St. Pauls Lecture Room on Octolier 5, an excellent prognain arranged liy Mrs. C. H. Dudley and 'Mrs. 1-1. D. émens was pnésentéd, Piano duci-LIaighing Water" by Messrs I-rving Clem-ns & Newton Hack- ney; Ladies' quart et te- "Barcarolle" by Mesdames D. W. llest, D. R. Monrison, nienuta on Water Music by Mrs. Harold Clemens; piano rolo-(a) "Thé Ham- l)ipc": (b) 'The Brook", by Miss Hazel R1undie; vocal solo, (a) "Thé Boat Sang", (b) 'Indian River Sang" by Miss Jean Itansavs'.piano trio-'%Muiliglit on thé Missip'by Mesdames C. H. Dudley, HL . I) leinens an)! Miss R. Percy; violin sala, "Singlng Waters" by Oscar Janiiean: vocal dut-"By thé waters af Minnetonka" by Mrs. decil Dudley and Mrs. Hubîlert Foster; vocal sala (a) "Thé Ci-ying ofi Wa er"; ( b) "The Brook" by Mrs. Alex. Colville; piano solo (a) "The Ilountain"; (hi) "Sang af tic Boatmnen af the Volga" hy Miss Iris Blooth. Piano dtiot-"Waveg o! thé Océan", iy Misses Heiî'n Yeliowleeg and Helen Argué. MACHINE SHOP TO CLOSE 1 wish ta notify théeîpublic that on and aitér Octobér l5tli I wlll net accépt any articles on machinery for repairs as I cantemplate choslng my siop for thé winter. Persoa havlng machinery ln my ehop kindly cali for same not latér than Oct. 20th. Accounts owing me should aIma be paid by thle. daté or tbéy wil!!b. hand'éd te my solicitor for collection. F. J. RATCLIFF. 41-1 Klng St. E., Bowmianville. ROTARY wySTREET CARNI VAL POSTPONED will be held TO-NIGHT Thursday, Oct. 13 Starts 7.30 p. m. EVERYTHING AS ARRANGED AND THEN SOME Couch,Jhnston & Cryderman. Bowinanville Phoneo 14 LIiu.a I 'IJ' Il : 0,ýbe