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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1927, p. 3

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THE CÂNADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l3th., 1~27 PAGE TUEZE i 'fi )The Old Reliable Grocery This is stili the place where you get real val- ues in Groceries. There's no better stock to be had. We have what you want when you want it. Have your groceries delivered by us-it costs no more. Do You Need More Dishes ? With extra help for harvest and threshing the farmer's wif e very often needs additional dishes. We have everything you want in Cups, Saucers, Plates, Pitchers and Odd Pieces-besides our prices mean a saving to you. A RCHIE TAIT I'vPhone 65 Bowmanvillie YeIow 885oW88 lé0Ibo. .m9. Cooking Ine«eshMed Oats 4,bs.I9e SAil oueatore. are now fully stocked with new measonsa merchan. dise, whch i offered t exceptionally ow prices this week m New Pack Roopberry391 New Pack G0o" Qualk7 SJAM Srrawberry or PEKAS 2 te23cs m4002z. Jar DI sk C,T,,t 419 Domiîne Fancy Qlty. 2 is 5 S 24-1b. Dag White Satin Paitry lu $ý3 Cooka Friend Baking Powder 32C DoioBad i-lb. tin. - - - 23e 15-0t. d Rais sISe FI est Uhredded 2? Sede RisnsCocoanut 2 e b. Christi'@ 2 ceBeekist Pure Clover Crhie.afers b.HONEY -.ib. pau6 W- Q..Xtty C... Fail Housecleaning Dominon Stores Olupple&h TASTY" S TEAS Cleanser l'Oi DREAD D.SL. ul5ge Gem Lre Z tins 23 rotFournle ChiMie. D..Bulk lb. Chloride 25 *<e' Domino 69c lb. of Lime 2 h. 5 » s Rîichasefo 79C lb. GoICd SoaP 5 ta tthe aveu The tirs hlre cke 250 Fi 17-. Di.Rose IeGolden H.llowi Rice. 3Ibe.25e Flexo F... 9 DateS 2 'lb.. 19e Suger CrIsP 3 Pkts. S' < roomne 39- Flaes 25C Camn eSyru Tib 27e ~,.Tomato Soup 2tis5C Look For the Sheli Sign Then purchase SheIl Aviation an Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasoline known the world over. Test it your- self. You'll find quality is cheapest and best in the long run. Ce A, Bartlett 1Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanvllle LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. and Mrm Dawson, Campbell- ford, recently visited friends here. Mr. and Mrs.,Ceeul J. Moyse, Den- ver, Colorado, have been visiting liii aunt, Mrs. Wilson Neads. Mr. C. J. W. Taylor of Detroit, Midi., lias been appointed organist of Cambridge St. United Churcli, Lind- say. He forznerly was at Milton and Trenton. Mr. Henry Avery, Woodstock, and Mr. Geo. Yelland, Ingersoll, were liere calling on old friends last Week while enroute to attende a funeral at Napanee. Mr. Lloyd H. Dilling, Whitby, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dilling, Bow- manville, lias purcliased the Royal Theatre at Whitby and will take pos- session January lst. Mr. and Mr-- T. E. Washington, Miss Stella C. and Mr. T. G. Wash- ington, Miss Mildred and Mr. Ross Gibbons, Toronto, were goests on Sunday of Mrs. B. M. Warnîca. Rev. S. C. Moore, Coîborne, a former pastor of Bowmanville Meth. odist Church left on Monday for Gravenhurst where lie expects to re- main for a few months. Mrs. Moore und family are moving to Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Vanstone lannounce the engagement of tlieirl niece, Miss Edna Helena Tamblyn, only daugliter of the late Dr. H. E. W. Tamblyn and Mrs. Tamblyn of Wingham, Ontario, to Mr. Edward C. Williams of Hanover, Ontario. Mar- riage will take place quietly in Oct. ober. b Several years ago a fine looking Englishman gentleman visited Bow- manville, among others the senior editor of this family journal. He wvas guest of Mr. and MNrs. William Foley, Maple Grove. He is to be the Mayor of Bideford Devon, next year. This item is taken f rom Bideford Gazette: Alderman W. T. Goamen, J. P., one of the best known men in North Devon lias been unan- imously requested by the wliole Councîl to stand for the Chef Mag- istry of thîs Borougli and lias con- sented. For several years Squire Goaman represented the Borouhi Devon County Council. Heis6 years of age. He is a deacon in Bideford Baptist Clirch, a lay preacher and a prominent Liberal. Wien Holbways Corn Remnover is applied to a c,rn it kilîs tlie mots and the callosity comes out without injury to the flesh. ARE WE THANKFLJL ENOUGH? The crop is nearly all gathered in and a splendid one it lias been. Wliat a difference to last yeer, wlien bush. els of grain were destroyed with con- tinued wet weather. The iaying sea- son could not liave been improved upon, and better cured iay neyer went into tlie barns than this year's. The early grain, especial- ly, is well filled and saf e in the barns ready for the threslier. Town people are equally as deliglited as farTn folk for after ahl the towns depend to a great extent on the fariner and his products for a living. When tlie farmer is pinched likewise the mer- riant ,and so on. A good crop mekes money circulate more freelY, and makes business better al] round. We al-country and town people alike-feel mighty thankful, yet many of us lied neyer said so or ack- nowledged the proxvidence of a div- ine being. Some of us have forgotten to even "Praise God from Wliom alI Blessings Flow", and have taken this good crop as a matter of course. Shout the joys of "Harvest Home". A WINNING POLICY Great successes are rarely founded on hock. This is as true of news- papers as indiividuals. The policy of The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, sinre its first issue, about 60 years ago, lias been to go on improving eaci issue from week to week, and give its rpaders the beht value that Sbrains andd money could produce. That policy lias certainly succeeded. Today The Family Her- adand Weekly Star lias over one Imlinreaders, certainly something to boast ab3ut in Canada. It stuck to its policy anti wor. the race on merit. Its readers etock to it year after year, proving that a goo d th "ig xc appreciate.!. At ceue d -lIer a yeai for tliat big weekly of 72 pages n.- home in Canala cen afford to be wiîh. out it. BlIadder Tobe frequent urination, "ýGetting-up- Niglits", Nervous Irritability and Lack of Force-should try the amn- azing value of Dr. Southworth's UR- ATABS at once! Any good drug- giat will supply you on a guarantee of satisfaction or monsy bock. List of 'Teachers and Schools Durham Inspectorate No.]I Lieut.-Col. E. E. Snider, B. A., Inspector S. s. No. Secretary Address Teacher Certif Salary Bowmanville Johnston, J. H. Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowmanville Bowinanville Bowmanville Bowmanvilhe Bowmanville Jolinston, J. H. il Brunton, Cecil E. l Jennings, Minnie M. Il Morris, Helen G. il (Sup. of Music) Wickett, Greta M. II Robins, Marjorie M. I Bragg, Leta L. 1 Jewell, Edna E. 1 Warder, Marion G. B. I Sergent ,Bertha M. II Bunner, Vivian H. I Montgomery, Nellie K.P. South Ward School Bowmanville Stewart, Neil S. Bowmanvihle Galbraith, Flora M. Darlington Rickard, W. J. S. Bowmanville Campbell, Alan Bowmanville Osborne, H. F. Bowmanvil]e Wright, Milton Bowmanville Metraîf, N. I. Bowmenvilhe Wilson, Artliur Burketon Gay, M. G. Courtice Courtice Stephens, Geo. A. Bowmanville Hoar, Sid T. Bowmanville Niddery, Mrs. Lewis Hampton Hampton, R. 1 Chant, S. G. Hampton, R. 1 Smith, F. G. Tyrone Milîsun, Arthiur Enniskillen Pascoe, L. C. Burketon Ferguson, H. (M B) Enniskillen McLaughlin, Wm. Enniskillen Annis, A. W. Tyrone Smitli, J. J. Enniskillen Shortridge, F. C. Hampton Slemon, Milton Enniskillen Pearce, H. R. Lycett, Wm. L. Bragg, Ruby M. Tlompson, Bemnese Souci, Eileen Ross, Stella E. McFarland, Gertrude Selby, Marie Arnold, Alice M. Savery, Laurence Fergucon, Tene Groat, Francis J. Campbell, Isabel S. Venner, T. Arnold McGill, Reva H. Dewar, Arche Hobbs, Mervyn J. Dalton, Margaret H. Bedton, Douglas D. Turner, Hazel W. Cryderman, Winnie McKessock, Robt. J. Staples ,Edgar E. Newcastle Newcastle Rodger, Thos. A. Newcastle Mason, Harriett (Sup. of Musc) Newcastle Hancock, Elizabeth Ca rtwright Hoo"ey, John Burketon Montgomery, Edward Blackstock Bruce, Robt. (Jr.) Burketon Gibson, Fred Burketon Beacock, Harold Nestleton Pliilp, W. G. Burketon Malcolm, Stanley Nestleton Wright, Garnet Port Perry Emerson, Malcolm Nestleton Wannan, Lorne 0. Phoenix, Kathleen Payne, Frances E. Sleep Una Robinson ,Cecil H. Fallis, Winnîfred Malcolm, Marshiall Cornisli, Eliza Armstrong, Sara M. Clarke 1 Wliitney, Bruce 1 2 Holmes, W. C. 4 Smnith, Fred 5 Eddy, C. M. 7 Kinsman, Thos. 8 Lycett, W. J. 9 Glenny, H. 10 Savery, Wmn. 12 Staples, A. J. 13 Cooper, Alma (Mias 14 Marr, Alex 15 Robbins, A. N. 16 Burley, James 17 Elliott, Wesley 18 Ogden, W. J. 19 Ransberry, Jas. 21 Cobbledick, Wm. 22 Souci, H. J. 1 McGill, R. M. B. 2 Fallis, A. W. 3 Sinclair, Alex. 4 Beer, E. S. 5 Wilson, A. E. 6 Grandy ,T. V. 7 McNeil, W. H. S Robinson, Wm. 9 Hooper, W. H. 10 Stinson, Samuel, il Dainard, Wesley 13 Gray, Wesley 14 Beggs, W. Jaa. 15 Reynolds, Fred 16 Barnataple, Fred 20 Fuller, R. L. Port Granby Newcastle Clarke Newcastle Orono Orono Orono Orono Orono Orono a) Kendal Orono Leskard Orono Kendal Orono Orono Kendal Orono Holman, Gertrude MeNeil, 1%eresa Mitchell, Edward Power, Vera Hallowell, -Beulali Cornisli, Roy Neal, Velma M. Dickinson, Emma Foster, Kate Adams, Marjorie Stewart, Katie W. Robbins, Gladys Daney, Velma Davey, Mary L. Stewart, Jean 1. Souci, Beatrice E. Hawtliorn, Anna M. Hoar, Ethel T. Archer, Mamie M. Manvers Janetvîlle Pontypool Bethany Bethany Franklin Janetville Janetville Pontypool1 Pontypool Janetville Frankilin Pontypool Pontypool Betliany. Bethany Janetville Pontypool McCamus, Margaret Davey, Greta Fierlieller, Vera Cummings, Eleanor Staples, Gerald Deyell, Douglas Matciett, Annie M. J. Barwell, William Hinton, M. C. ChantIer, Flossie Speers, Gladys V. Carnegie, Grace Hutchison, Gwendolyn Carscadden, Mrs. Ida Fierlieller, Gladysi Richardson, Lois Staples, Bertha M. Port Hope Central Sanders, J. W. East Primary West Primary Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port Hope Port H ope Somerville ,David L. Smith, Phyllis M. Stnickland, Mary L. Thompson, Elsie 0. Tuer, Jessie M. McElroy, Dorotliy Hugi, Irene Oke, Muriel Dodds, Jean H. Oke, Helen Saînsbury, Evelyne Stanley, Tios. W. (Sup. oi Music) 20001 1000 1100 1275 1050 925 1050 950 925 1000 900 1050 Il 1100 Port Hope Long, Myrtle B. Port Hope Black, Theodora Port Hope Wright, Hazel Port Hope Burt, Grace Port Hope Davison, Mrs. E. At Your Service Yes, we are at your service to furnish the menu for Bread, Cakes and Pastry of ail kinds. If we haven't what you want tell us and we will bake it for you. Special orders given prompt and care- fuI attention. The Bowmanvilie Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville 1000 1000 IO' 1000j 1000 1000 1000 900 1000 1050 1100 900 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1100 1050 1000 1250 1200 1200 1000 900 1000 1000 1000 900 1050 1000 1100 1000 1000 1000 900 1200 900 1000 1000 1000 1000 1225 1100 1000 1000 1000 1000 900 900 1000 900 1050 1050 800 1000 1000 1100 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUMDAY, OCTOBER 13th., 1927 -your home will be comfortably heated in a few minutes O FF goes te alarm-and the ouse is freezing cold. What a lot of will power it talces to get out of that wartn bed. . But it sbouldn't bave toa With a Miles Automatic Furnace Fan attached to your present furnace, ail you need do is press a button. Imme- :: diately the fan pushes up y. volumes of bealhfui beat. Z . Your wbole bouse is warmn ini a few minutes. Slàauing àfan in operation Here's what this wonderful new home heating ciscovery wil do for your home. non of b u indstiu- 3 Front 60% ta 100% mote 1.noncf hat. ~ bet volume. 2 Four 5hanges of air every 4 Cool air tbinugh redam eI constant circulation means nace a year-raund servant. freedont from coids and 5Cob adwt l ae cougs, m beter eakhfor of warmâ air f urnaces, aid or the whole faznily. new. Z b A.ý Pl-... Ditrabuoraluf, ie s Atoatc uana. anfo DitrMakearsof WoMisAru rnmac. Face oan fo all akesof Wrm Ar Frnacs, Od orNew 001J Sold In Bowmanville By W. LEN. ELLIOTT PAGE TýMEE

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