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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1927, p. 5

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PAGE FqIVE mur AMADAN T&'f"MAN. IIOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13th., 1927 THEL ta N.,n. -. --- Step In A Pair ol Ives' Shoes FALL IS HERE-SO AREYOUR FALL SHOES Don't wait for the rainy cold days ta corne ta buy your *footwear needs. With aur stock complete we can give you real service in serviceable goods at reasonable prices. Arnong the new ~offerings we are showing: LADIES' NEW SHOE.S A new Brown Kid Tie Oxford with cuban covered heel, *trirnred with mottled f awn leather. An ideal shoe for dressy street wear................. .............. $7.50 PER PAIR edBrown Kid Strap Siipper with covered spike heel, alsa trirn- mdin colored leather. A snappy model. ..7.50 PER PAIR SPECIAL IN MEN'S OXFORDS Black or Brown Calf Oxfords with wide toes, heavy soles, and rubber heels, Special for the weekend ... $6.00 PER PAIR- Black or Brown Caîf Boots with round toes. welted soles and rubber heels. A real buy at ........... $6.75 PER PAIR BOYS', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S A fullli ne of high class goods for the family that will give honest value for every dollar spent. Corne in and look them *over. Save money by buying early. Ives' Cash Shoe Store i FOOTWEAR AND TRAVELLING GOODS BOWMANVILLE ONT. ITALK 0F THE TOWN Dustan's Low Prices Are The Talk of The Town And District We are st:ll going t,) keep theni talking and buyxng at this store with our reasonable prices for dependable merchandise. Saturday We Offer: Electric Toasters ...............................49c Deck Mops ..................................... 39c Dry Mops....................................... 69C Granite Double Boilers .................69C Granite Oval Roast Pans ..................89C Brown Betty Tea Pots ..................... 43C Ratchet Carpenter Brace ...............$139 POULTRY PAYS If you feed Staininax Scratch Feed and Laying Mash. Dustan's Cash Hardware "We Serve You Weîl" Bowmanville A GOOD BUY BURFORD PEAS Standard Quality-this years' pack, lay in a stock at 10e a lin Try a tin and you'1l be back for more. SURPRISE SOAP $1.65 Value for $1.20 10 Bars Surprise Soap 1 Kitchen Bowl ALL FOR $1.20 and Se-l HARRY ALUIN PHONE 186 s s~ BOWMAN VILLE Ladies' Coat Bargains Thursday - Friday - Saturday Pin Point Coats with large shawl or pouch fur collars and cufs, correctly and indivi- dually tailored, beau- tifully lined and fully interlined. Sizes 14 to 44. Plain or two tone linings. ColoArs 2.1 Navy, Wine, Flemis,$9 7 umn, Mothergoose, Sand and Grey. Guaranteed furs. Wonderfully fine loths. Styles: Ab- solutely correct. S. W. MASON & SON LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHSj Lost or Found- RotryStret(Thursday) J OHNSON-At Iraauol aItIo, Ot.,fa WTCnLSTLa 1 gidwatch, RarStetFair To-niaht Pï-îday, September 16, 1927, lpta Mr. and Ipa-keaý-sewaold r * i Mrs. Ale.x. Johnsan, (nee Marion Word- opent Sesan faefep ike ceBwa fore. Miss Irene Bragg, Taronto, spent1 en), s daughter. tu4t0-aeta ffcBwmfVie the weekend at home. HALLIDAY-At 706 Dufferin Street, Reseve ctoer lstfor theTaronta. September 9, 1927. ta Mr. and. GENTLEMAN'S GOLD RING LOST- Reseve ctoer .1stfor theMrs. Walter Halliday. (nee itilda Bat- Wi tîr initiais W. p. G . ,n flowmanviiie on Hallowe'en party in St. Paul's Leet-'treli), a son. (james Herbert). 1 Saturday, October th. Reward far return ure Raam. 41-2w; REVNOLDS-If Bownlaflville Hospital, I ta W. P. Graham, High Si., Bowmafl- Miss Annie Redden, Oshawa, was'o' Tuesday. October 4, 1927, ta Mr. and ville. -1 Mrs. Jack Reynolds, Salifla, (nec sabl- _______ guest of Miss Mary Wood, South Carrick, Toronto), a daughter. (Ruth Darliugton, on Tuesday. . isobel.) .Atce o el Mr. Howard A. McClellan, Buffalo, i BOWLE--n NManday. October 3, 1927-rilsFrSl atthe Presbyterian Hospitai, South Par- N. .,onTusda vsiedwith his cpnt Mr s r. Wilfrid G HORSE FOR SALE-Aged horse wil t parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McClel- j BOwl es, (nee Jean Edgingtaa of Wood- se-il cheap. W. P. Corbet, Bowman- lan. 19 ack,> a son, ville. 40-t .Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hezzlewaad1 FOR SALE-A gad baby buggy, Ap- *Bowma.nville. Phone 409. 38-tii and urs fd r.Taanta, re Sn-WARRAG. dayoe st. fMr n rs 1~C MacDOUGALLOELLAt Toronto, YORKSHIRE SOW FORý SALE ANOj Cale.Oid St. .Andre-ws United Chiurch. on Sat- LITTER-Appiy ta T. J. Cale, R. R. 3 Mrs. Edwin Warden and M-.siday, S..ptember 24, 1927, ÎÏ9 itev. Dr. Bowmanville, phone 203-4. 03 I .. Xunra. Jessie, youngest daugliter ofaIMr. 4--w Helen Adair have been enjoyiflg a 1I AIbert Odeli ta Mr. R. AL NlicDugali, - FOR SALE-Carrots 5fic bushel. Bail- viîsît with Mr. and Nirs. Win. Bright,j B.A., LL.B-, af Sarnija.h ad cabbage c a dozi-n. H. Davis, Raglan. A~INE-HGHSO atraOct phone 160r-":, Eowmanville. 41-1* Mr onStacey attended the fun-IToronto. by Rev Pr. Bushitii. \.-ra Aud-, FOR SALE-Water barrels in lii aUn Tho as wh1 1-Lihad H gh ra cis L.Banes ý-. P. 'orb. tt, owmanville. 0- Thoas wh ded t luea ,,ionof NMr. and 3rs. 1-. (C7.Daines, al Huron County. 'of Toroto. SOEFRSL- llîyToih Mc. and M.%rs. Win. Quick and Mr.i WEBSTER-BOTHWELL-At thlRance, in irst clas condition. Pricel and 'Mrs. W. F. Quick and son Don-1 iîristian _hurcb Parsofae .saao 2 i. Apîîy 3311 Centre S., Oshawa.' Oc ruer 1l, 1927, by Rev W. 1. FIe-Ichi r, 41-1 visited relatives in Toronta an Sun- MIrs. W. J. We-bste-r, andl Lillian 11l ,i FOR SALE-.\a.ngcls, aiso arders tak- day. ,ri~tl.îughte-r of r.G H.n rwlaerfruit :andi vegetabies, Phone iail ofOshaw a. w. G. B. Bicklu & Son, ljowri.n- 11Nrs. A. Colwill anu sans Lesi DEWHNDRONAite resi- i ville. 40-t 1 DREWiHTNDERSON_______ Bert and Erie and daughter Vera, dac ,rf th, bride's parents. HOSSFR AL Ofe5yrad Mr. Arthur Lymner attended the fun- v i i Saturd,IV Septembr 24, 192.,1 standard iroi mare andl foal. aiso 2 sister, rs. C.vDnhanat l tr. Iiougli, Oslaw a, Gordon: vearlîniz Percerons . Aiîîîy A. A. (lb-1 eral of lehste r ru.urCi Dre o. at Aelî,îîan d TiIl. , anMii- on Orano. IPhone 4r6. 3 Beeton. r.1.n. d,îuzihter of Mr. and %Irs. W ___________- Assstnt h tI, ~o, lowaa'. 1 iFOR SALE-2 î.h ia a Mis~ nnieMountoy, _____________ ____________ ,ary ieater, w iii barmicoal or w ooîi. Supt. of the Victor Home, Miss Edna -- ,iiso îuantity of 6 minc ipe. Ai.l LyonS, Normal School and Nir. Fredi DEATHS Bownain Ios- o avIý. 41-1 g~, ocono, sent he weken FOR SALE-Piano at a bargain, a first .w-th _Mr. anI Mrs. J. E. Elliott. JOHNS..-if l P,wttaiii, iitûer12, -ciass instrumntt. Can ne seen on en- 13Annîii- Ja Johns, m-il, t laîrghte-r quiry at S atesman Office. Has be-enI 'r.~ H. J. Knight, Lake Shore, has lof '\r. and\rii Lt.Nvis Jolits. ii lieýr 41st wveii taken care of. In goad condition.j F foni th- f.i ii1y r, i- iLe-ad. who has be-en occupyn h .m. i.tiîra nFrîia.i.dobr1. FO SAE ne1. cs.rSi-ria Farewell Farm. north of Harnîony. s.-r- a iî--t 2 , m on lmi 1t FOtr-*HitR SoALEf.w Lcest rr iîbsling- MNr. Ki le i olig an auction i --,r,-- ah .rlinz il rone-ramni iie ta registir sale on Tuesday. October l1th. EESN I arliînî.ot, ,-iTue-sla_ Pronr6 40nile o - I Mr.F.W.Bae-, . P.Ms.Ocal r11, '2,Mary Gra,cGi lls. vîl- ___________________ 0__ - Mr. F.W. BoeniMiP.- f thi. late Saîtilli Exvý-.! I i,il 6i icOcKERELS FOR SALE-Pure breil. Bowen. W%. A. VanCamp, Burketon ', ve.r r lt-o ari ok rm fo R.R. Waddell. Orono, and W. G. ESa. u irîm ti. 7dei.ofirri. Pod- irîon fa gv aetcl I ie- ,.lr Mlto G(la. oîrue.o I 1.r a ndO. A. C. G'radîttile-at the Hogamrth Aikens, Millbrook, are the delega1ej Tlirs(l.iy. Octolier 1i, nt' itii Im 1)y diklacey Pie$ 0ec from Durharn County who are at- otramanville Cmetery. Vol-horîlt, T ye, Ont . honeachr2. tending the Conservative Convention I GILBANK-In Leskacd, aor October 4,VoaSrt Ton O.,pne344r12-43 1i6 months. Intermerît at Orona. FOR SALE-SiOS0 deposit secures i Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fursey and A1-KINSON--Suddenly on Saturday, ,eithe-r of the following articles: A cam- son Garnet of Learingtan, xer e in Octobe-r 3, 1927, Lottie- Blanche M.%oore. piete cabinet oi Rogers Silverware, 26 ton ueda cllngonthirniee beloved wvife of Moody Atkiason. Whitby. pie-ces, $20.00; a beautiful Dînrier Set, tow Tusdy cllîg n teirnice- -BOUSKILL-At Port Hop-., October 5,i 97pîcces of ýhe best china, $40 OUI: Sev- Miss eaT Bennett, and other11927 Frede-rick George Bouskill, beloved -ente-en Je-w-e-i Ladies' or Gents' Watche-. friends here. They are returniflg husand of Minervo Reynolds, in his 69th $2000. Very easy payments trrm 50 froma mtortri thoughtheUni- yar.cents weeky. Every article guaranteed. from a mtor tnpthroughheoUnitrye-ar.Oct. Order naw tram: O. H_ DELL, 224 i, Sm- ed States and Eastern Ontario. WHITE-In Darigan n ~îajcae-South, Oshawa, or cao Mrs. Lowe, Mr. nd .%Ir. Fed . SmthEn-7th., 1927. William H. White-, aged 69 Terriperance St., Bowmanville-, Phone Ms. re W Smth nn-Yeats, înterccd at Union Ce-meter>, 141.3-4* niskilen, announce the engagement Oshawa. _______________ of their youngest daughter Olive STACEV-In Turnberr9 T onhi Marori an HaoldAshonyoug-Huron Coîînty, on Octoher 4, Thomas Maroni an Hrol Asta, yult- Stcey. in is 77th yeor, brother of John Heîp Wanted est son of Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Ormis- Stacey, 13owmanvîille.iMA WA ED aredmntaor ton of Enfield, the marriage ta takel MOORE-In Bowxmanvilie, on Sunday, - on farm. Appliy ta T. J. Cale, R. R. 3j place the latter part of Octaber. October 9, 1927, Archie James Moore, son Bowmanville, phione 203-4. '40-3w. ai1ofMr.. Mari..n-Moore- and the lote- Rab- - Would you believe it-fresh ripe ert Moore-, oged 32 years. 1 HELP WANTEDý-A capable young raspbernies picked right front the , DUJNHAM-lIn Tecumse.h. n.-ar Beet-iwomnan for generai housewark for an ,,a;n.on Friîîlîv Octaber 7, 1927,i-enrietta ekidrly coupleh. Coul or write Mrs. J. bushes on October llth? Its a r*.e* if.corneruhamofaIChurch and Scugag fact! And to prove it '.%I. Levi lin'b-r 54th y,.mr. Sister ofi Mrs. Albiert Sîs., Bwavle Skinner, Tyrone, brought us a IColisi. ,Bowmanvilie. ________________ braach Tuesday ladened with aven a BENNETT-Az his late residence-, 2133 dozen red luscious bernies. Who1 Mutual Strcet. Toronta, on Thucsday, W ne ,Octaber 6, 1127. Hency, beloved husband was it that Imisnamed Canada the of Jane Bennett, in bis S6th year. Father BADR ATC-to n land of snows? af Mrs. F. J. Manining, Baxvmanville-. BADR ATDRo n We wre pease to eceie a JEWELL-At Orchard Glen Farm,' East board. Airply M.%rs. H. E. Smiîth, Quee-n We ereplese ta recive a hitby, on Suaday, Octoher 9, 192-., Wil- St., Bowmanville. 41-lw- caîl on Tuesday from Mrm. N. B. Cob- I iîam Je-ell, la bis 8 0.*h ye-ar. Brother IBADR ATDRo n bledick and Miss Marjorie Cobble- 1of .Irs. Robt. Hicks, Bow-monville, andl boArdErSo e-.Airp ta mr-. iasd dick of Toronto, and the former's tire la e Jolia Je-we-li. Interrvd ia Un- Mordfris, Kiag eS. AE.. Bomanvii. 40-3 nephew, Mr. Douglas Downs af De- ionCeme-te-ry. NAPPLE KnSt.ANE.Earlyand late4-3 trait, who were on a motor tnip cal- ape-aixreti- atdnw vi ing on fciends in Orono and visiting CARD 0F THANKS t ruck tram yaur dloor. Wrî,e- A. B., the latter's gcandmother, Mrs R.* H. IDrawer B. Bowmonvile. Downs. and aunt, Miss Lola Downs of il n n.RoetGenielIAET-If yau like trees and sbrubs, this town. Bowmanville, desire ta thank their wvhy not sell tbem? Moke a business ai No I k- ( n t bu a many friends for the beautiful flow- t. Part tîme- or fu time, 900 varietics Nolii t o uof tois a u of prove-n Red Tag Nursery Pradue-Is. fur i.ît wu ur lîrîces are !Orsr-Iers and many kindneses shown then I Cash every wee-k_ Eupen n n abti- andl every coat guoarzntecil hylw-hile he was in the Hospital, and ta itructions ire-e. Write DOMINION Couch. Johastori & Crydernutil'the Superintendent and nurses for NURSERIES, Montre-ai. 41-8e-ow Mrs. Mceaughliitt Mrs Metaife-. Mie' the kindly attention given hini while WANTEO-A small Uprighit Piano ai Wilaiîtt al Miss M,îarr Wîimett modern style. Will cachatige a 6tue 'isses.w A g et nWdi ia i hr.-Supier- Neutramyne ,walnut cabine-t 46 in- the is- lien, Be-ecii Ave, aniez bigir. but in Baldwin baud Spearer lunh-n i.-n tr onor oailte-r-i-lr.and ait equiî chis ilaa Krs, . ., ndFarma to Rent beautiful Instrument and 'be- Pinnacle ai 2Mrs. er iVaxer . Radio perfection. Write Box 3-53, Eiw- MIr Frank Osborne- and daughte-r. FARM TO RENT-100 acre-s. Lot 11, manville, or telephone t0à Mliss Enrly Osborne ai Albert Lea. Min- ICon. 5, Dartingtan, on whlch are gaad nesosa, tre visitine- is sister. Mrs. M. J. buildings, situated on Monvers Road.1 UDY WNE Eliitt. It is thirty-six years siace-NIr. Piowing pîossession this fai, full pas-i LAUDYW N Oborne left Bowmanvill-. le attende-d s-.ssion Atîril 1, 1923. Apply ta E. V.I______ e- Aaniversary and Raliy Day service-s Hoar, King St., Bowmanvilce. Phone Ait kînîls ai iaundry work donc prompt- 1at Triaîty Sunýday Schooi on' Sunday1. ".38- y atsatorily and at reasonable prie-es lit is wortby ai note . j e bs 11 rite - P..tOffice Box 12. or eatil Mrs. mîsse-d attenming Sîînday Scboo regar FARM T RENT-80 acre-s, lot 19. JW. Marjoram, King St. E. Bowmanville. iy in the îrost seven ycars. icon 1, Darlington, mostiy arable- land in î 39-tf good stute pi cultivation, 20 acre-sli_______________________ Tire Mlple- Le-tf Mission Bland of St. plougbed, bip roolf barn 36xS0. in good 1o e oR n Pouls Church resume-d their regular cepair, stone- stable underneath, driving HosstoR n work for the seasonî .t the- beginning ofi1,bouse, impir-me-rt she-d, large- brick' the- mont, ionde-r th, idirection ai Miss bhouse wxith stone- kitche-it overlowing( HOUSE FOR RENT-On Elgin Street Miargaret F. Allen, Mrs. C. bonne-y and well at bouse- piped ta trougb at barri;1INrtb. Re-ady November 2nd. Apply Mrs. Gea E. Chase-. Last Sunday th, balf mile- tram se-hool, l0- mile-s ta ita Peter Martin & Sons, Higb St., Bow- me-mbî-rs oi the- Mission Band atte-nde-d church, 3 mile-s tram Bawmanvllle-. i manville-. 41-tf marnine- worshli in a body. A love-- Pioughing possession ai once-, full pas-- some- thing it was ta se-e- the-m marclriig i session this faitlif necssary. Apply J. HOUSE TO RENT-7 room, 2 s-aoreY (lon te ntr asle ech ouhfu iH. Power, R. R. 2, Bos-manville-. Phone- brick witb brick kitchen attae-bed. ele-et- nimr tire- cnt re asie.baset otritvase183r4. 41-30 rie- lights, bath, furnace-, bardwood loors memer arringpr-tt baketordownstalrs, also garage. Possession No- fille-d with exuuisitî- flowers; rhey mfie-id vember îst, Phone- 389. 41-tf the- large- piaiorm, holdiîng their tiowers, ____________________ whîle -Holy, îîoîy, Holoy- was sang at Farins For Sale the olienîne- ai tireserv.ic,-. Aller the Invocation wos sald. they 1îaced their FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT-150 Real Estate For Sale flowers aroiiaui andl in iront af the- îul- ocre-s, Lot 16. 17 and 18, Con. 6, Darling- Ipli and took their places in tie front - ton, n wbch are brick ouse, good out- pews h ir as not easy ta myw bihluildings with atone stabllng. Running TWO FARMS FOR SALE OR TRADE l osa whchstre-am n 0farm, good wells and claIe-rn. for taisn property. Apply ta James E, wsere- lovelier-Ihe clilîir.-a or tue- low- Pioiing possession ai once-. For parîic- Fie t, Centre St., Bowraanville. 3-tf ers tue-y iroriglt. et th'e- e-l oitire ars apply ta Mrs. M. C. Rabbins, service- bath we-:a îiîyî tegI h,-r taanHanîpton, on the p1iemises. 39-3,ý HOUSE FOR SALE-Ne-w Brick bouse the- lrîghtaess aif oîa> _;cr tire eont turing six roarrs and bathr. oak gen t ,-n,-ss ai yoiîng lie-.iris. ith' lî miii i ioois. Apply ta James E. FIett. Centre nifffair chee-r tire- sick ant the- St.,Basmarivilie-. Phone 384. 38-tf for mernbe-rs of Parliamerit and Sti ginbo Se,,1 oPors ciit colm Bickosei Municipal le-tiais, andi that auchIrUlt JU Vury & Loveii , onu Fel topoie'ho: rc rms re-mains Ibere for insprection. rj e orne-r Ign and Cane-e-silant Frame- And he-e-hye-ai upn ai votra t boue- n concession St.; 2 large brie-k e-rocs or omissions correcteml ceording oni eamsy tîrrrs one- on Concession St.; ta law, the-at day foc appeal be-lng the. properlyi Brie-k roîse-, 7 roama, fnt Nrirse-rv Car- Twent-se-e-ittt dy aiOctoer, 927.I nec, ('iiekni ranch near town of Baw- Tweny-svenh dy o Ocobe, 117i manville, suilable- for re-ire-t farmer or Dattd this e-ghth day af October, n emnbl rc. hn 1 W. R. ALLI N, lac se-e Wm. Brcek, Que-e-n St. Bowman- 41-2 Clerk af Township ai Darlington. ____________________ ville, 38-81 WALL PAPER Is la Beautif ier Good nmsults in re-decorating your home is -what yu're- looking for. It 18 not only aquestion of sanîtation and dean- liness but of beauty as we-lI as cheapness. PAPERS FOR EVERY ROOM Extra! Especially featuned are the smart tapestry and foliage deaigris as well as the- ne-w open treatments in crisp colora, These are handsome in lowe-r rooma and for bedrooms, also there are plenty of charming 1 2 patte-n. Borders ta match, yard 5. Dependable Wall Pape-ns for every rooxn. Block patte-ms for kitchena and bathrooms. Pnetty floral and chintz bedroom pape-ca. Conventianal designs and tape-stry e-ffects for halls, living noorns and dining raoms, rol Borde-ns ta match, yard 5c BEDROOM PAPERS Here choose from 6 effective styles showing pretty chintz, floral and stipe effeets and inten- esting le-af de-igris. Mot are 18 inches wide-. Sale, ral Bordera ta match, yard 3c W. T. ALLEN Bowmanville Big 20 Bookstore 9c 5c Sid. CHARTRAN'S Fali and W inter Opening Thursday - Friday - Saturday Men's $45.00 Blue Overcoats . 3.Of Men's $35.00 Blue Overcoats ....$25.00 Men's $30.00 Blue Overcoats ....$22.50 Ail These Coats Are Guaranteed Indigo Dye S. G. Chartran One Door W est Bell Telephone Office PHONE 26 BOWAP4VILLE Fashionable I No wondec wamen all aver Bowinanville are tucning ta Supensilk Hosie-ry. Supensilk stock- inga have unusual features that commend thein to the- most exacting. Four-ply foot masures extra strength and longer we-ar. The heel is thoroughly reinforced-pumps won't wear the-m through. The- le-g is knit ta shape and fits perfectly. Sizes are exact. Workmanship thraughout is the xnost expert. The largeat color range in Canada, continually kept in ste-p with fashian. We are featucing Supe-nsilk Hosiery, as it has aI- wava be-en aur aim and de-sire- ta give aur custam- ers the utmast in value, and we- believe- that Super- silk is the autstanding value of today at $1.50. He-re are sanie of the ne-w Faîl shades: Malacca, Vanilla, Apnicot, Maple, Atmosphere-, Site-Il Gray, Fre-nch, Beige, Stone, Guil. S01M IN BOWMANVILLE. BY CLARENCE S. MASON Next Door to F. F. Morris -Co. Bowxnanville 1 i

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