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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1927, p. 6

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PACE SiXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1Bth., 1927 R Banking and Profit Wheiever goods are bought and sold Banking has a service ta render -a service whicb simplifies transac- tions and resdeis theni more profit- able. During more than fifty years of constructive banking practice the Standard Bank of Canada bas built op throughout the Dominion a loyal clientele who have learned ta rely on this Bank's services. lUi nqE STANDARD BANK 01P CN.Am.A. Ifi BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-D. L. Weeae, Manager ýiII' ~Branches ao et Newcastle, NewtonvilI., Orono, Oshawamas NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION for this "Double Indemnit y" Pohicy This is a particularly interesting policy, giving excep- tional ail round protection to "~Select MaIe Risks" ages 15 to 45. It pays $2500 for death from natural causes. It pays $5000 foi acci- dental death. For total and perma- nent disability $25.00 per month and $2500 at death-and there are no premiùums payable dur- ing disabiity. Premiums for a $2500 poiîcv: Age Premium 15....... 20....... 25....... 30....... 35....... 40....... $3 8.00 41.65 46.25 52.40 60.65 71.40 85.75 EXCE LSI OR INSURANCE LIFE COMPANY HEAD OFPIcE-EXCELIOR LuE BUILDING, TORON'TO 14AIL THIS TO-DAY W. BLAKE McMURTRY, District Agent BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Adàres..-. ..... .................1 T EAi"s good teàd RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is the "best tea you can buy"ý-picked when only three days old-juicy, flavor-filled leaves. Now packed in Aluminum. ]Livie S..d 104for 160 pgesok.Juotatod PRAus PM0 oe.d MMa. TOXOMr0 I Prepare for Winter Fi jxour bins with Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton r C'oai, the Standard Anthracite. HAVE BUILDINGS FIT See that your barns and outbuildings are wat- erproofed with good B. C. Red Cedar Shingles or Johns-Manviile Roofing. Protect your implements and machinerv wilth good buildings and save trouble and money. A VERY USEFUL BOOK We have a number of plan books with sug- gestions which vou will find useful. ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN Cail and see our' stock and get estimates on your requirements. MceClellan & Co. Ltd. 1Phone 1-' King St. East, Bo,%wmanvilie 414 Morse Square Moome Jaw, Sms- mildred Davey, Mary Fowleî, Ja katchewan. , Ransb erry, Gien Gamey. Button LydiaE mbi' eeal Holes-Mildred Davey, Marion Ban- V io~~n a adpnaa e icie non, Mary Sisson, Margaret Wad-1 fo SI O~Ldel, Veina Dockîill, Edith Dent.l W . L o Fo" ~bY àmnita vrybe. C Dresser Scarf-Cladys Aid, Mary Hungry Harvesters and Threshers Must Be Fed ORONO NORTH CLARICE SCHOOL FAIR Fowler, Evelyn Hobbs. (Frm Te ewsofOctbe 6t) Held a rn Septeniber 15, 1927 Sa Manual Training (Fro TheNewsof Otobe 6that ronoHorse--Archie Watson, Char- Mis. McDonald, Toronto, is guest leBcly rwn Sot ly of her niece, Mrs. Adolph Henry. Grain and Corn i ke'~Tei cot ly Clysdale, Lawrence Harris, Milton Mr. Robert Gordon, New Toronto,1 Wheat, 1 qt.-Mary Wood, Roy, Green. Straight Ladder-Robbie was in town a few days this week. Little. Wheat, sheaf-Mary Wood,> Martineil, Ehuer Hobbs, Clarence Mis. John Hall, Toronto. is visit- Gordon Barraball, Glen Gdrney, Ed-!Gilmer ,Charles Buckley, Trewxn ing Mr. F. J. Hall and other friends. ward Millson. Qats, 1 qt.-Bob-lScott, Gordon Clysdale, Pontypool United Church anniver- bie Keane, G erald Cornish, LloydJ Nature Collections sary services November i3th and Taylor. Oats, sheaf-Lloyd Tay-' Cuts of live stock-Ruth Fogg, 14th. loi, Gerald Cornish, Bobbie Keane.lGordon Clysdale, Lloyd Clysdale, andMis W.G.McClloh hveBarley, 1 qt.-Hazel Wood, Alfred!iGerald Cornish, Charles Buckley, r.WG.MClohhv Millson, Ray Patton, Elsie Bostock. Clarence Gilnier. Insets-Clar- returned frorn a ,very pleasant holi- Barley, sheaf-Sidney Baîrabali, A-enceG ilmer. Wild Flowers-Jack day. fred Milison, Hazel Wood, Roy Pat- Cobbledick, Bert Bostock. Miss Ettie Winter, Toronto, visit- ton, Elsie Bostock. Ensilage Coinwin ed hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. I - -Viola Noden, Ibison Tamblyn, My- I DrawivelngHbs en Winter. rtle Tamblyn, Leonard Falls, George îPse-vln Hbs en Mrs. McGill and daughteî, Toron- Rowe. Sweet Cî)n-Norman Allin I Dockrill, Glen Gamey, Jean Rans- tseta few days with the MisseslKenneth Tamblyn, Elsie Underwood,'berry, Bertha Hallowell, Elsie Un- Wadel. RthSaveîy, Marlow Hancock, Cr erwood. Plan of Poultry Colony Mr. and Mis. Harry Davey, Cold- mn Bell. Ruth FLoggd Austin, Elmer viste Mi ad Ms.Rcbt.E egeabesHobbs, Rt FgClara Bellman, spîings, vstdM.adM-.Rb.EVgale Beverly Fogg, Trewin Scott. Map of Sherwin. Potatoes, Green Mountain-Leslie IT ownship-Gordon Clysdale, Manson Miss Edith Cuttel], Toronto, islHopper, Harold Hardy, Vance Coop- iSouch, Lloyd Clysdale, Evelyn spending a few days at her uncle's, er, Helen Scott, Jean Wannan, Lloyd1 Hobbs, Leonora Cooper, Leolie Bow- Mi. S. uttell Clysdale. Potal oes, Irish Cobbler-; n Mis V Sewrt fome tacerLeonora Cooper, Mildred Henry, School Parade-No. 15 Leskard; ofiLskard Seho, orm gerta iMary Waddell, Eveîett Berry, Mary No. 14 Kirby; No. 12 Orono; No. 9 David Moffat's. ISisson, Jean Ransberry. Manges- Lockharts; No. 19 Enterprise; No. Mr.D J Gbso atenedSunder- Mary Wannan, Kenneth Tamblyn, 21 Sixth Line. Mi.nd J i bson e sattnded ofBill Bostock, George Forbes. Tur- Physical Culture Exercises-No. nip-Kenet HederonBil Cop-122 Clarke Union; No. 12 Orono; No. Mri.adHatAld fAnldBo. er, Sam Keane, Bill Brown, Leslie 9 Lockhaîts; No. 10 Starkvîlle; No. Mr.Hary ,rýldofArnldBro.,Hooper, Leroy Brown. Beets-An 114 Kirby; No. 19 Enterprise. Toronto, spent Wednesday with his nabel Mackay, Gertrude Dewell, Mael Public Speaking-Sidney Ruther- cousin, Mi. John Miller. Ransbeiry, Lilliaii Allen, Aichielford, Glen Gamey, Gordon Clysdale. Miss Marjorie Tamblyn spent the1 Watson, Clarence McMullen. Cî.iiotslj School Chorus Singing-No. 12 weekend with her cousin, Miss Beat-1-Ehel1 Stark, Helen Gamsby, V'ernatOrono; No. 22 Clarke Union; No. 10 rieCryderman, Bowmanville. IDokil Edith Truil, Edna Lycett, IStark ile Miss Chrissie Waddell, DentallKenneth Ransberry. Paisnips- 1Fri nurse with Dr. Edmison, Montreal,, James Bostock, Olive Lycett, Gordon Fri h as heen holidaying at home. i Clysdale, P, Martinell. Onions-1 Pears-George Rowe, Cordon Miss Muriel Milîson, daughter ofI Mairion Bannon, Norman Allin, Sid- i Clysdale, Kenneth Tamblyn, Keith Mi. H. M'vilîson has taken a position iney Rutherford, Richard Bostock,!Henderson, Leroy Brown, Geiald in a brokerage office, in Toronto. Bert Bostock, Mildred Davey. Cîih lt o lm-dt Pumpkin-Maîgaret Underwood, TrulI, Manson Souch, Myîtle Tamn- Miss Lîllian Cuttell and company1 Bobbie Keane, John Fogg, Keithi blyn, Ivison Tamblyn, Hsrbie Gib- of fîiends fîom Toronto weîe guestsi Henderson, Viola Noden, Alfred, son, Kenneth Henderson. Plate of of Mis. H. Junker and Miss AlmaiMilîson. Tomatoes-Norman Assorted Fiuit-Kenneth Tamblyn, Cutteli. 1 llin, Neil Hamm, Beatrice Leroy Brown, Edith TrulI, Mary Fow- Mis. W. Sterling attended the Do- Hamm, Donald Hamm, Gladys Aid, 1er minion Board of the Wornen's Mis- Edith Dent. Cabbage-Mabel Har- Collection of Acoîns, etc-Glen sionary Society in Parkdale United 1 ris, Mildîed Davey, Earl MlcCut-Gamey, Vance Cooper. Chuîch, Toronto. i cheon, Sidney Rutherford, Mary Sis-: Specimens showing life histoîy of Mi. Frank Battan, a former Or- son, Jim Powers. !an insect-Manson Souch, Gordon ono boy and son OrvilI, Toronto, at- Flwe1 Clysdale. Calendar for October- OronoFair. it issome Ruth Fogg, Olive Lycetr, Clara Bell- yearn ineFîdlf Orono.Fi. ti om 3 Aters-Dorothy MacDonald lod"an, Mary Fowler, Gordon Clys- year sine Frnk lft Oono Clysdale, Clifford Cooper, Kenneth dale, Normnan Allin. The Orono Continuation School Dean, Roy Patton, Marion Bannon. School Fair Shield won by S. S. are holding their annual field day 'Zinnia-Edward Milison, N)rman1No. 14 Kiîby. sports on the Agricultural Park Allin, Jean Wannan, Jack l'obble.. Directors grounds on Friday, Octobcr 14th. dick, Viola Noden, Clara Belîman. Bruce Hancock, S, S. No. 8, Antioch Mr. F. W. Bowen, M.P., and Mis. Marigolds-Verna Dockrill, lla Coin- Kenneth Neal, S. S. No. 9, Lockharts Bowen, and Mi. R. R. Waddell, Baî-ish, Lyda Morgan, Ethel Stark, Phy- John Stark, S. S. No. 10, Starkville rîster, leave Friday morning to at- Iîîîs Lowden, Kenneth Hill. Ca.endulaIClarence McMullen, No. 12, Orono, Si tend the big Winnipeg Convention. j-Annabel Mackay, Harold Hai y,l Charlie Buckley, No. 12, Orono, Jr Mi. E. S. Keats, former old Kenneth Ransberry, Marjorie Pat- Robbie Alexander, No. 13, Kendal Orono boy, has nioved from Winni-1ton, Helen Scott. Salpiglosss- Evelyn Hobbs, S. S. No. 14, Kirby peg, Man., where he has resided fort Margaret Roy, Mary Tamblyn, Gert- Lenora Maunder, No. 15, Leskard a number of years past to Toronto. rude Dewell, Marlow Hancock,, Sid-j Carman Bell, S. S. No. 17, McLean's Mi. Harry Hooper has returned neyRuth-erfe opper.ady Ai. GapilsiMarion Ogden, S. S. No. 18, Oak home fîom Toronto so#newhat im- îadaLai opr oepi Muriel Fiske, No. 19, Enteiprise proved in health, accoînpanied by his -Caiman Bell, Keith Henderson iLn Cooper, No. 21, Sixth Line dauhti ndhuban, MS. Margaret Underwood, Bruce Han- Kenneth Hill, No. 22, Clark Union aîstead hsa M.adM cock, Mildred Davey, Jean Rans-1 Mi. T. A. Morgan who has ten- bePou. - -- anted the Waddell farm at Antioch isPolr giving up farming and we undeistand 1 Cockerel-Neil Wood, Lavein Far- will take a job in the General Mot- Iow, Kenneth Henderson, Bruce ors, Oshawa. Hancock, Jean Cowan, Elmer Hobbs. Pulleb--Evelyn Hobbs, Keith Hend- Mr. J. F. Rowland, Kingston, re- ro LwecHaisLvrnF- presented the Kiwanis Club of that ro,LaeneHnrso, JLaen Far- ciat the Boys' Fair at Bowman- ro, enten-Buendero,ean Cow-e ville last Saturday, and spelnt S.un-' Hobbs arncHris, Kennetho ï e c day with his brother, Mi. HowelilHenderson, Neil Wood, Donalda Rowland. 1 Hamm. Hens-Bobbie Keane, El- Mi. George Wallace, C. P R. agent,,mrHbs en oaKih- at Tilbury, and Mis. Wallace, are1 Henderson, Annabsi M1%ackay, Bruce holidaying at his sîstei's, Mis. W. Hacoi Sterling, at the Parsonage, and with 1Hnok his brother, Rev. Thomas Wallace at I Live Stock Newtonville. Colt-Bruce Hancock, Charles Mi. and Mis. Frank Cooper, Or- Buckley, Leruy Brown. Caîf, Beef ono, announce the engagement of -Everett Berry, Trewin Scott, Ceo. their youngest daughteî, Ima Paul- Forbes. Caîf, Dairy-Neil Wood, i, to Morley C. Brooks, youngest Kenneth Tanîblyn, Mary Wood, son of Mis. Brooks and the late Day- Charles Buelkley, Kenneth Rans- id Brooks of Picton, the wedding to berry, Leroy Bcown. Market Lamb take place in October. .-Leioy Brown, MarloI', Hancock, 1Rev. Win. Sterling and Messrs. T.iNeil Hlamm, LhI-yd Bal, Donald Smith, H. J. Souch, M. H. Staples Ham Elmer Patteison. Bacon and H. Milîson, attended a meeting Hog-Leioy Brown, Trewin Scott, ofPiesbytery, Bowmaîiville District, KnehTmln at Tyrone on Thîîîsdày evening. Rev Apple$ Thos. Wallace and -Messrs. James, Spy-Leroy Brown, Clarence Gil- Y c Robinson, Jihn Stewvart and Anson mer, Herbie Cibson, Bobbie Keane, * Cilroy represented Newtonville c!*r-.Kenneth Dean, Veina Dockîill. cuit. Snow.-Gwendolyn Cilmer, AincliffeA ve Asthma Overconie. The triumph Wannan, Herbie Gibson, Gerald A novae t over asthma has assuredly corne. Dr.. 1 Pinch, Kenneth Tamblyn, Bernice mo1 lc 'J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy haslLangstaff. Talmon Sweet-Gwen- ni ltt p proved the most positive blessing the'dolyn Gilmer, Alfred Waddell, Le- Atlanti'C- victim of asthmatic attacks bas everlroy Brown, Aincliffe Wannan, Ber- Scientific A known. Letteis ieceived 'rom thous- InicebLangstaff, Wanda MeKay. Mc- Scicnd&fi ands who have tried it formn a testi-liIntosh-Herbie Gibson. Wealthy- owhc monial which leaves no room for Foster Blewett, Herbie Gibson, Le- aton bc doubt that here is a real remedy. Get roy Brown, Kenneth Tamblyn, Jim aito it today from your dealer. Powers, Kenneth Dean. King- sane wh ---Caîman White ,Marjorie Patton,Î Warm A 'NHerbie Gibson, Kennetb Tamblyn. world's DR GG NG DO N Golden Russet-Herbie Gibson, El- efcient h D A G N - 0vin Blewett, Geiald Pinch, Marie.iie system. Prc Patton, Sam Keane, Carman White. iy installe Pinch, Kennetb Tamblyn, Carnian Warmn Air PAINS RELIEVE jBalWhipHin-eroy nn nace gives JohnA. olgae &Son - Bowmanville, Ont. t.!,toomayfly topr/ Ity today-but a corn- failing comfart and great econ- tomnorrow. And when amy. But it MLJST be prpry. ass nr rpla e s ansthe installd. It M U ST be scientificaly Accuracy! NOW-by adopting a Standard kAccuracy! The fac- Code based on tried and proven àmakes modernucientiflc prnapl«sgoverning Wa=n )ossible is the Air installation, McClary'a have bich akesraised Warni Air ta a highoe lpne than that of any othoe Air h he ng ystln.Healthful 1mos t heat at afi hour, unfaiý heating conifort, remarkable fuel oper-guerant:ed ta every ýed ahorne owner using s Iefl Code Installed I 1, un. Sunshino Fuma d Vsntii4arth nlyCanadian mambers of the National W&rnl AirH..:. ýdVniaicAssoiation-s body of ieedins manufacturers who have tda *cientific code for insaiiins warm air furnaces. By inoistin on a tly'. "Code 1nstaiied" Sunihine Funca vou are guarantaeha moe fuicient and economicai hsatins plant vour home con eccemmodai*e. out hal( thé cost ef more siaborata y.t laes&effactive ayoee. and mail attacbed coupon, and we will send you narne ai the naet dealer who wiff guarante. a "Code InsalIed" hesuing .ystern whic ne atisfaction. THE McCLARY MANUFACTURING CO., MAIL LONDON, CANADA. c er. clr' e. hc THIS 'ii aSuaihiné Purs a. accerdins te Standard Code. O U P O N N m .. ............................ ..... >UNSHINE FURNACE Can Also b. Fitted With Miles Automatie Furnace Fan Whcre Required Sold In Bowmanville By ,EN. ELLIOTT M Serve them with plenty. of our good Roast Beef which is from young tender animais. Phone in your order and it will be attended to promptly. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Delivery Butchers Phone 818 BowumvlIle GYPROC Your Garage W/Hy endure another winter with a cold garage? By lining it with Gyproc you may save the cost of a cracked radiator, frozen water pump and numnerous repaira caused by zero weather. Gyproc keeps out winter's bitter cold. It is also flue- resisting. Easy and inexpensive to buy and apply. Write for free bookIet--'My Home." It wili tell you how Gyproc. Rocboard Insulating Sheathing and Insulez will reduce youz fuel bill from 20 to40%. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LUMITED, PARIS, CANADA PAGE SR

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