THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1Sth., 1927 Feed TI Growing childrei money can buy. Me children sturdy and depend upon getting t whatever cut you deý ment of fresh, cured a GA. E Pone 21 PROT Automoi Our AUTOMOBILE POLIC will mesure your AUTOM( BILE against loss or damai caused by Fire, Theft ar Collision, and it will also pi dlaims made against YOU1 othems for Personal Injuri, and Property Damage on a count of an accident cause or alleged te be caused,1 your car. The varieus coverages are follows for any one or ail: FIRE AND TRANSI' Ineures against loss or dai age by fime arising from ai cause whatsoever, and ligl, ning, anywbere in Canada the United States. This policy aIse covers losa damage teo your automobi tbreugb transportation peri that is the stranding, sin ing, collision, burning ord railment of any conveyance which youm Automobile is t ing carried. THEFT Provides indemnity in t event of your car being st, en.. Should it be recever in a damaged condition, will bear tbe cost of repaît J. J.MA Real Estate a Phone 50 Kiî ]Proved safe by millions a q-COUdS Headache Pain Neuralgia [DOS OT A S4eO00 Aaptln la tb. mark (reatststsd1 antOmter or Salylcanad (Atot aitIc tmt Aièpirin .Mana alOMt aufcture.1 Or Ba"« ompany vii ha tame6 wl FFECT TH-E HEART 1 Commodore - Vanderbilt, the ferrý Isystem was operated. The Soutl Ferry cressing te New Jersey runi every twelve Vo fitteen minutes and *bAcept onl "Bayer" pçge over the week-end of LAor Da3 which contains proven dire iis. some eleveri thousand motors, eacl Bandy««Bayer" boxes af 12 tablets carrying at Ieast four passengert Alsâo bt of'a 24 ,nd loO-Druggltf. pasaed over besides the people wb( inOCanada) of BaYer itauialctm f U aI Meoete- wnt who were net in moters. cleAcid. "A. s.". wbus It ta WOUI knoWU As these ferry steamers con onlj ta astt ta.Publie agait tistatini, lb. Tabima hold twenty cors on each trip yoi th tho at niiI tti5 flk.ti8w &au m' con readuly cee wiiat à lIns up theri h Producte of The Quaker Mdil. Peterborough and Saskatoon d BOLD Y ýh HARRY ALLIN Phone 186 Bowmanviile, Ont. PAGE SEVEN When You Can Buy J How to Reduce 11VISI TO STATEN ISLAND, N. Y. V . e Editor,'. Nte-Miss Emma M. Varicose Vei. Werry of 156 Mavety Street, Tor-j _________onto, spent a delightfully enjoyabl ei RubGenly ndUpwrd o-vacation with former Parkdalel Rub Gntlyand pwar To-friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gallioway, ward the Heart as Blood in Tottenville ,Staten Island, New York, and by equest contributes the above Vein Flws T at ay. interesting travel article wbich we are sure our readers wili greatly en- Many people have become de- joy. Returning Miss Wemmy made spendent because tbey have been led the trip from New York te Albany, te believe that there la no remedy as the editor did when hie first visited that will reduce swollen veine and Gtham in July, 1876, on a bunches. River Day Line boat, but the steamcr If you will get a two ounce orig-tacriethedorndbsc- inal bottle of Moone's Emerald 011htcrie h dtr n i zm (full stengtb) at any first-class panion was the "Daniel Drew"-not drug store and apply it night and riow icommission. morning as directed you will quickly notice an imprevement which wil Tottenville, Staten Island, N. Y., continue until the veins and bunches September 28-Knowing the keen, are reduced o normal. kindly interest the editor of The Moone's Emerald 011 is a harre- Statesman takes in aIl the Durham leas, yet most powerful germicide boys and girls. you may be interested and two ounces last a very long in knowing that the writer is enjoy- time. Indeed, s0 powerful is Enier- ing a very pleasarit holiday in Uncle aid Oil that old chronic sores and Sam's dominions with some highly ulcers are often entirely healed and valued former Toronto friends-the anyorie who is disappointed with its father an architect in New York use cari have their meney refunded. City but making home for bis family .Jury & LoveIl seIl lots of it. on Staten Island. I came by boat te Niagara, re- maining there over nîgbtt o cee the grand illumination of the Falls. Three lads ranging from 9 to 14, accompanied by their father, had paid their first visit Vo the Canadian National Exhibition and weme now on their way te Niagara Falls. I was hem W ell reading a booklet describing the h e m W emariy aspects of the trip, and having pictures of the River, its bridges, gorge routes, the rapids and finally the Falls, the boys became interested and asked mariy questions. As I looked into their faces, the bright m need the best food that chubby face, and black sparkling, speaking, honest eyes of Tom Hoar ~at s te fundaionto ake as I knew him five years ago, loomed ýat s te fundaionto ake before me and I was led Vo wonder again and again, as was the writer healthy. You can always of that beautiful obituary printed ini :hebes ad coîcstmeas- your vlal paper, The Statesunan, taken from loved ones in home, ýsire-from our large assort- school and state? Editor'a Note: ind cooked meats. I know there arenoers In the great Eternal plan, And ahl things work together For the final good of mon. Know each sorrow bas its purpose, Imondstone B h orwngotugesd Bo'W1.afliIIO Whtever is-is best -Eila WheeI.r Wilcox. We boarded the train at Niagara and came by the Lehigh Volley Rail- wïay. As is customary when there are not many travellers, I took the opportunity ef two seats. A colored mari in front of me did the came as did a Chînamon te the right of me. ECT O NPresenty:te conductor camein E C T IO Ntook our tickets, and as he passed the ark an, ave im alook, turn- FOR ed the seat, leaving him but one. FOR Enougb, 'tie true, and as much as he had paid for, but no one needed it and besides had he net left me with ýbile O w ners two as hie had also done for the Chinaman? The black man turned around, took in the situation, and the laok on bis face made me think that ~Y Mto-etea,_pot-Lgta X he was saying, "I thought slavery 0- tra Tires, Tubes, Rima, was a tbing of the past. Why this ýge Wheels and-or extra or Or- preference? Am I stilî Vo be look- ,nd namental Fittinge are net In- ed down on and underprivileged ýay sured, unless upon payaient simply because God chose to make by of extra premium. my skin black? lceUBIsLA ILT Ater a delightful trip as you well ac- P BLICLIABLITY know it, we reached South Ploinfield e, Protection in respect of your where my friends met me and motor- by legal iability for injuries or ed Vo their home. death caused, or alleged Vo be Staten Island is situated about one as coused, te persans of the pub- quarter of a mile east of New Jer- lic by your Automobile. The sey, five miles south of New York usual imits are: In case of City, and three west of Brooklyn. injuries o one persen, $5,000 1V is seventeen by four miles in area IT and Vo any number of persons and was at first inhabited by Indians. r- in oneoaccident, $10,000. In Later, in 1628, the Frenich and Dutch M- eadiin cutseenei f g e- settled on it and bought land from it lse are pasid byth eni rn- the Indians. or- lss r panyyth Cm This home is te the south and was or pany.fermerly owned by a descendant ef PROPE TY D MAGE the Dutch by the namne of Mrs. Mary or R P R YD M G Felsh. She bas lived on the Island, ile Indenmnities ini respect of alI bier life and bas neyer spent over ils, your legol liability for dam- a month away from it. She lived le- age to the property ef OTH- in this fine old Colonial residence by .d ERS. including loec of use of the River for fifty-six years and .n their poperty, up te a lîmit while nearing four score years, she b è of $1,000. is active in body, bright in mind and COLLISION a staunch loyal Christian. Within a stone's throw of us is the Pays for repaira Vo YOUR old Bileop House, built in 1668 as a he Automobile or equipment as reward Vo Captain BilIop for winning th- a esult ot being domoged in the sloop race around the Island. toed a collision or upset. Lord Howe, then governor of New we Cansuit us for rates. W. have York, saw the great possibilities if it r.the oet became the property of New York laweat.for as yet ne one really owned it. -. He, therefore, pîonned a centest, New Jersey aIse entering with the understanding that wichever wvon ýS0 N & cý)-O Nwould take possession of the Island. ind Insurance Brokers seemed te the casual observer tbat ng S. E.Bowranvile it wouîd bave been more advantage- ng St E. owmavill 1 lus te aIl concerned if New Jersey FORAMGAS, ýFO R G A SYHampton Women's Instituts3 met ait the home of Mrs. H. E. Rundle on ACID, STOMACH Thursday fenoOtbr6h SThe President, Mrs. J. R. Knox, pie- sided. Meeting opened by singing INDIG TION the Institute Ode, after whih the _________Lord's Prayer was repeatedi together. After the business part of the meet- Bisuratled Magnesia ing the following programt was given. Community singing in charge of ha Safe and Reliable Miss N. Horn; Roll Cal] 'My Favor- _________ite Recipe"; gleanings from Toron- If Yeu amO & victi- et Stommé to Exhibition by a number of mem- Trouble,-611a, bUT"Ua, ÂctditY, PalM bers; reading, Mrs. J. Cowling; piano or Bloating 9ft0r *tiatB& rt* duet, Mrs. C. J. Kersiake and Miss Magneaisi a la fer 7u. N. Horn. Meeting losed by Na- At the fleiarest drag store, git a bot. tional Anthem. Lunch was served tlal'-PowdOer outal*tg-taka*là ttS and a social time spent together. At- and got iag"~t uuli*i tendance 50. Next meeting ait home KeePe FoUi UtOlfA &-ut Md of Mrs. J. R. Knox, November 3rd. dTOnU -digUstiCaPu-'" It AUl ladies cordially invited. 1k. a céaoei.____ MAPLE GROVE would be in the rush of a holiday, sometimes extending back two to (Received tee late for last week) two-and-a-half miles waiting a Miss Marjorie Stevens, Uxbridge, chance to get over. spent the weekend at home... .Mr. They are now building a bridge and Mrs. Jack Johnston and famiiy, near us which will be completed 'n M,. Errest Burk, Mrs. Burk, Mr. the spring. This will greatly re- Marsh, Toronto, visited the former's lieve the congestion, but bas also ag- cousin, Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Metcalf gravated the owners of the Balti-... Mr. and M rs. Macklin, Mr. Amos more and Ohio Railway for they Macklin, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mack- know that their revenue of forty- lin and family, ',bojurg, Mr. and Mrs eigbt cents a car and six cents a pas- Walter George, Greenfield, Missouri, senger will be cut considerably. visited the former's daughter, Mrs. From the north of the Island S. Snowden, recently. Miss Lena across the five miles to New York City larger ferries ply back and Tyo, Solina, was guest of Mrs. L. forth carrying some thirty thousand C Snowden on . . Mr. and Ilnesto tbeir various occupa- Mrs. Fred Blackburn, Providence, tions in the city, as well as the many Mr.SihOBenTo , stdlt pleasure-seekers te the popular bath- M. Truman Powers on Sunday.... ing beaches. A large and appreciative audience Considerable talk bas taken place ]istened with rapt attention te Miss of building an underground passage Lena Taylor, Sohia, on Sunday af- to New York and a bridge te Brook- ternoon when she gave in a very in- lyn to assist transportation. If thisI teresting and impressive manner bier is accomplished the population of theI "First Impressions of China" as a 120,000 to 1,000,000 for the people Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Stainton gave the of both cities are only waiting for congregation a treat by their anthem quicker transportation in order to and solo. Pastor Staînton presided. unload their altogether over-congest- i Certain morbid conditions must ed quarters. exist in the stomach and intestines The Vanderbilts made their home te encourage worxns, and tbey will on tbe Island and the Moravian exist as long as these morbid condi- Chumch was built by the family andtin permit them to. Tu be rid of tbey are buried in the large cemetery them and spare the child suflerîng, adjoining this church. use Miller's Worm Powders. They From Todt Hill, the higbest peak will correct the digestive irregulari- on the Coast hetween Maine and te ydsryn h omcni Florida, can be seen New York's Skytios fbvradestoigt worns rldi- iline with Woolworth's 54 storey tins aorabl the ormwill ave -n 'building looming up-Brooklyn to the a, adte2iwl ae n right and New Jersey to the left. 'more suffering from that cause When there we counted soe twenty-five vessels in New York Bay, and saw the quarantine hospital, sit-' uated on a small island in the bay, where sick passengers coming in oni ocean liners are detained until re- covered. Turning again toward New York we saw the Statute of Liberty, whichb stands as a welcome to alI incomers. On another bill called Sea View is large Sanitarium with many adjac- ent buildings which would accommo- date ait least fifteen hundred of the PRE VENT RICKETS city's afflicted. As we came down the bill, we sawl <eeg bay vitamn- another aspect of life, where two J hundred acres of land was obtained flourisfle. A wonder- andth Richmond County Golf Club, fifodtnc rch n adwhere many were engaged in M odtnc rih n playing the fascinating gante. po cod-liver oil vitamins, Oatbolics own a great deal inone fo ayro-chl perty on Staten Island andinoe frayugc d section over 800 acres with a cburch, school and orphanage are owned and operated by tbem. In another sec- Scotr s Emulsio tion are large dormitories where un- L__cogti& on.Tot.Ot. 1- derprivileged cbildren from tbe city_______ can regain health. At one time the people received WO0 L PHOSPHODINE.' large revenue from their many oy- n Ve Gre at Engish Preparatdmft. ster ede nd sle ofcea oods But .895nna and ,rvigorates the whoie ster bds andsale fWseJ oods. ut n s ytemn. makes eew Bload after cimical plants were operated iL.3 n aid Veins. Usnd for Nervaus across the river the waters wre M Àbtiy Mnai and Brain Wor, spoiled for that industry. De, onden ,Lou of Ener.vpalpitation0-ï To-day there is in operation a the lisait, ýà-s umg emon". rioeS2Pe.'box.3. bric kin, detalfa for $5.11l Soldby ail dnaggists. or mil.d in plain large bikkladetlfcoypli. on rec-ipt ai price. New P.amPhât auaued and the Atlantic Terra Cotta Works, 'ra- TM uWO@O EDiUE CD.O»ORONT N. as well as a large market garden section, which gives employment toe a number of people on the island. %fflk'sResulating Compound To-morrow I expect to leave via A #qfà. rehabi le t laj Hudson iver anmNew YokdCentrl So8cMin three di- Hudsn Rier nd Nw Yok Cntra ir of atrengt-Na. 1, ffl Railroad for Toronto. Glad îndeed 283; No. a, 85 per box to bave had se many opportunities Solà £y all dnaugiste, or mati but ladals to aveGOa on ept ai pries. of sigbt-seeing bt ld lo ehaeaM;mph1et. Addr: a place in life where I can be of THE COOK MEDICINECO., service to others. toflNTo.onT.ComeryWidut THE MOULTING HOUIDAYS Get Bigger Profits Every day cut out of the moult- ing period puits something into your pocket. JUDGING COMPETITION lui frc. trip willb. avallaiste ha wlnning boys ln a apedal Moyar juI Fanmer Judging Competition to e= in each coanty of Old Ontauio and te the fiys winnl n na iailarcoinpltlo ln ea e.hNw Ontaio District wheream Agriculftmrl Representatlve là locatsd. Make this your opportunlty to taesa holiday, viitlag the Royal Miatmr Fair ln Toronto. It will not coet you a cent for living and travelling exvenS and wiD prove an lateeetng expeui--- Inestimable vaine te, yots la your futmx Profesion. Read the condltlonat jem ak the local mgcultural kepregantive in pour ditrict ooncerag dam and place o f coumpd. et&, i ONTARIO DEPARTHSN? OF AGRICULTURE D Elaw, À= a - ,. Fror Furt ber Zaf ormadion, appiy te local AgricultuW. R.eaeatativ. J. Y. KELLOUGH. Port Hope, Ont Apples Wantedl Our evaporator at Bowmanville will be prepared to take apples for peeling purposes on and after October 5th. FILL THE BIN NOW Be prepared for cold weather by having your coal bin filled now. Nothing is gained by putting it off. Do it now. Phone 153. Have you tî'ied our Cannel Coal? J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville rfo uIPa dIo cked To ark f Ar-o.Brantford Arrcs r fire-retardent, permanent, econ- amical. Brantford Rooling Ca. Lmited Drantfor, Ont. toi Stock Carried, Information Furnlahed and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Rive & Co., M - Bowmanville ORANGE PEKOE OLE-ND âDi t seoe% àrààj TEA Why be content with inferior te. M&CFREE TRIP toth» Royal Winter Fair TORONTO, NOVEMBER 15tdm t d ineludiv) Exceptional O pport unît y off .red b>' the Ontario Department of Agriculture te the Young Farmera of Ontario T lRE Ontaria Department f Agriculture wishes to etetain about 500 representative yaung Ontario Former. at the Rayai Winter Fair, Taronta, Navember lSth ta l9th (Inclusive>, 1927. The abject ita enable them ta see the Rayal Wlnter Fatr and the other places af lnterest in the belief that this educational experience will benefit bath them andi their communfties by the information and enthusiasm they will ather. Alepncafor travelling, lodglng and transportation ilbe paid bytie ntarle Department of Agriculture, with wham a number of Cammercial Organizations wili ca-operate. -- «Od - t"Vrru vma.eV lu wm ~ Contestants ahait idue ByestViau d live stock md Bye ames 09cfaP products, sucb s ainaisaiulladl poitas, rects. fruit adveqmala Special crops may b.iCiuded whre productini blatai overtht county. The coupetitiid"aitb.e pme m. il fermea and tarses'tm, IMBU nge the firca. etween htau"s of 16 and 23 ni October 1. 1927 (amut net have reschàed 23rd hlrtMay> a"d who have nSc previoizsly reprseid the county as a menhir of a Stock jo4das iTaon a the RoW i nt« Fair or ara mot gpadutofsfan Agicultural CoLlee orApluw"1 Schoci. Prism shaili bemwardem e ea scores oniy, 30% vil be lle.d for Diacing a&W 50% for mm on eauh damms. hem CoZmu aggrpte scorels Lrtock C products shah hahe a ratio of 2 to 1. MeIstu , C-9 eP.sana iw