1% With Which Is Incorporated T'ne Bowmanvifle News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd., 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No.44 "v DRAMATIC CONTEST SERIES Under auspices et West Durham Agricultural Society Trinity United Church Young People's Society and Young Women's Auxiliary WiIl Present "Here Cornes the Bridegroom" in OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE Friday, Nov. 4th at 8.15 p. ni. This 3-act dranin is replete with thrilling incidents and ser- ies of the contest. A concert will be held at later date when judges will announce their decision when a good pre- grani wilI aIse be presented. Persons holding season tickets presenting sainie at this concert will be admitted free. TICKETS Single Tickets 35c; Seats reserved without extra charge at Mitchell's Drug Store. I ,iII What le Pasteurization. "Pasteurization is the heating ef milk te a certain teniperature -a treatnient that is sufficient te destroy 94% of the bacteria in nmilk, and te ninke it entirely safe". For fnmily use, pasteurization ef milk means precaution, pre- vention and protection. We have developed pasteurizatien Vo a peint ef efficiency that you will only find in our modemn sanitary plant. Be safe-there IS a difference in milk. BOWHANVILE DAIII ,HONE 440 MILCK. NEW FALL MERCHANDISI That Mean Real Economy Buyers. Smart Exclusive Co In a season when so much fur is used these coats ticularly attractive chic coats of Suedene, Duvetyne, 1 and Needie Point with Shawl1 or Crush Collars and cuffs iThibetine at prices from....................................$1 Cotton Bloomers Womnen's Winter Weight Cotton Bloomers, finished at knee and waist with stî'ong elastic, sizes 38-44, Special Value 80c Ladies' Silk Hose The White Shield Club meeting MEN'S CANADIAN CLUB will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 1927, in St. Paul's Lecture Room C. Arthur Cawker Elected President at 8 p. m. sharp. Mothers! don't forget the surprise package that wl Men's Canadian Club concluded its be on hand and bring your friends 1926-27 season by holding a banquet with you. lat the Balmoral Hotel, Friday even- The Home and School Club will, ing. xvhen Prof. H. A. Kent of imeet on Wednesday, November 9th Queen's University, spoke on "Prob- at 8 p. m., in Central Public School. lems of the Maritime Provinces". Mr. L. H. Cooke of the High School Summary of his address appears on staff, will address the meeting. Ris1 page 2. President J. Hl. H. Jury subject wi1l be "Physical and Mili- ipresided. tary Training" and will, no doubt,, Officers elected for the coming prove very interesting and instruc-*'1927-28 season are: tive. A good attendance is hoped Hon. President-J. H. H. Jury. for. President-C. Arthur Cawker. ______________________________ Vice-President-Dr. J. C. Devitt. Se'y.-Treas.-W. J. Morrison. Daughters and Maids of Executive Committee-Rev. R. J. Shires, J. H. Johnston, D. R. Morri- England son. Membership-A. Tait, A. M. Har- U A7A A Ddy, George Wright (Newcastle), J. BA Z ALrLL A. McClellan, W. R. Strike, A. J. Wadhams, Lawry Cryderman, Geo. in W. James. S. 0 E. allAuditors-Geo. E. Chase, J. A. S. O E. allMcClellan. Bowmanville Men's Canadian Club Saturday, Nov. 5 has the record of having the Iargest intirbership of any town its size in a3 p m'the federated Canadiar. Clubs. Men, at ~. m.in town or country, wishing to join JSale of useful and fancy ar- the club may secure tickets from any ticles, home-made cooking, cand- of the above officers at $4.00 for sea- Sonm No single admission tickets ies ,etc.are sold. Afternoon tea will be served. Mr. E. J. Garland, M.P., Bow IRiver, Alta, will address the club on Everybody welcome. November 30th. DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD FORMS - MEDICAL PARTNERSHIP - Owing to Dr. B. J. Hazlewood's growing practice hie has found it neressary to secure a medical assist- ant. He has, therefore, taken into E-T- R I E partnership a former Durham Coun- ty boy, Dr. W. H. Birks. Dr. flirks graduated in medicine from Western University in 1912, r fo T hrftylater doing interne work in Victoria eral Hospital. For the past thirteen years hie bas been in China doing Igeneral medicine, surgery and obste- trics. During his last furlough and al&o recently hie has done post-grad- uate work in Toronto General Hos- pital and Hospital for Sick Children. Part of this time has been spent on )a ts diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, including post graduate work ~ in Chicago. saepar- , For the present Dr. Birks will be 'Pin Point at Dr. Hazlewood's office in Bowman- S o flffyville each Saturday .from il a. mi. to 5 p. ni. and after December 15th will 18.00 UPspend al bis time here. Dr. Hazlewood will continue bis i regular office hours in Bowmanville %s usual.1 Ladies' Si1k Hose, in ail the latest shades, Frice 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2. Chamoisette Gloves a-oDrsGod Women's Chamoisette Sa-oDrsGod Gloves in the new shades, San-Toy dress goods in the clasp and slip on, extra Iatest colors,. value at 75c and $1.00 Speciai $1.25 a yard SiIk and WooI Hose Heavy English Flannelette Women's Silk and Wool Heavy English Flannelette Hose, superior quality, in inwieadolr, all the new colors, Special Value $10( Specially priced 20 to 40c yd Lined Kid Gloves Ladies' Linedl Kid Gloves, in Tan and Grey, very fine quality, Price $2.25 Kenwood Blankets Kenwood Celebrated Blan- kets, ail colors in plain and plaids, Price $8.50 Jersey Dresses Cashmere Hose Shaker Flannel BlanketsI Women 's Jersey Dresses Ladies' Cashmere Hose, Biggest and best Shaker in the new shades, in black and colors, Flannel Blankets made in Priced From $10.50 Prices 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Canada, Price $2.69 REAL VALUES IN MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS CROUP 1 Men's Suits up to $35.00 for $28-50 Men's Suits up to $22-50 for $18.50 CROUP 2 Boys' Suits up to $10.00 for $ 5.98 Boys' Suits up to $13.50 for $ 7.98 Some Boys' Suits have 2 pair of Pants Also 5 Juvenile Suits at About Haif Price Mr. -and Mrs. Fred Brimacombe and Mr. Garfield Brimacombe, Tor- onto, have been enjoying a visit with the former's sisters, the Misses Brum- [aconibe, Elgin St. Royal Theatre Friday.Saturday, November 4-5 Viola Dana In "Bred ini Old Kentucky" A thrilling story' of oîd Kentucky brillinntly portrayed by this charming ecreen star assisted bv a select cast. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p. ni. Children 5c Last chapter et "Wild West" and regular prograni Mônday-Tuesday, November 7-8 Marion Davies In "«The Fair Co-Ed" Marion as a basketball star- Marion as a campus cutie- Marion whirling through one hil- arieus escapatde atter anther- in thletics and love. Here is filnidom's finest coniedienne in a collegiate laugh rioV. Paramount News and Comsdy Wednesday-Thursday, Nov. 9.10 Aileen Pringle-Norman Kerry and Lionel ýBarrymore In *Body and Soul" He had put the hurning mark ot shanie on bier body, because she had ben guilty of love. Why was she brandcd? This question will hie answered in this thrilling master film Body and Seul". Friday-Saturday, Nov. 11-12 Ken Maynard In The Red Raiders" COMING ATTRACTIONS November 14.15 Lillian Gish In "Annie Laurie" November 16.17 Leatrice Joy In *'The Angel of Broadway"' November 18-19 Tom Mix In "Tuînbling River" Nov.,nb.r 21-22 The world' greatest motion pict- Price GIoy" - TURKEY DINNERS FOR SUNDAY AND MONDAY Balmoral Hotel Announces Tempting Menus For Holiday&. A. J. Wndhams, Proprieter, Bal- moral Hotel, announces special din- ners for Sunday and Monday, Nov. 6-7, at 75e plate. Dinner served 12.30 te 2 p. ni. Better make reser- vations early. Phone 322 now. Menu: Soup Creameti Qyster Vegetable Celery Mustard Pickles Raspberry jelly Meats Dressed Young Turkey Cranberry Sauce Dressed Young Chicken Brown Ptatoee Prime Ribaet Beef Ju-Jus Veg etables Bolled or Mashed Petatoees Cern Dessert Deep Apple Pie Whlppad Crearn Presh Pumpkin Pie Raisin Pie Steamed Fruit Pudding Caramel Sauoe MUSICAL TREAT 0F SEASON BY TORONTO ARTISTS Bowmanville Music Club Entertain Oshawa and Port Hope Clubs. Bownianville Music Study Club held a very successful "At Home"~ in St. Paul's Lecture Room, Wednesday, October 26th. About 60 guests froin Oshawa and 50 froni Port Hope Mus- ic Clubs arrived at 5.30 in motors and busses. A very excellent banquet was serv- ed. The tables seating about 150 were very prettily decorated with candles and chrysanthemunis in aut- umn colors. President J. H. Bate- man in a charrning little speech welcomed the guests. Miss Gladys Westaway, President of Port Hope Club, and Mrs. C. M. Mundy, President Oshawa Club, expressed their pleasure in meeting the sister Clubs. A vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. M. S. Hawkins, Port Hope, and by Miss L. Jones, Oshawa. Numerous old famliar songs play- ed by Mrs. Munroe A. Neal and lead by Mrs. T. W. Cawker were sung during the supper hour and added greatly to the friendly and informaI spirit of the gathering. In the evening about 200 members of the three music clubs attended the concert in the O-pera House. The stage was beautifully decorated with gladioli. The artists of the even- îng, Miss Lillian Garfield, soprano, Mr. Samuel Hersenheren, violinist, and Miss Yvonne Hazlewood, the talented daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Hazlewood of this town, gave a most enjoyable and wonderful two hours' concert. Mr. Samuel Hersenhoren and Miss Hazlewood opened the prograni by rendering the beautiful Sonata Op 8 No. 1 by Grieg with splendid effect. Miss Garfield, gifted soprano, sang (a)-Voiche Sapeta by Mozart, (b> -Nina by Pergolesi, and greatly de- lighted the audience. Miss Hazlewoed played Polonaise Militaire by Chopin, very beautifully with the technique of a finished art- ist. Mr. Hersenhoren played 'Romance' by Wieniawski and 'Frasquita' by Kreisler, both numbers receiving great applause, the audience insist- ing on an encore when the vilinist played 'The Old Refrain' by Kreisler. Miss Garfield's rich vibrant voice was next heard in 'Schtill Wie die Nacht' by Bohni, and the 'Slumber Song' by Gretchaninoif. She re- sponded to prolonged applause with a very emoctional love song. Misses Elaine Reama.n and Helen Mason presented Miss Garfield with a bouquet of yellow roses and white munis from the Music Study Clubs. Miss Hazlewood's next number 'Concertstucke' by Weber was s0 maich enjoyed by the audience that she gracefully responded 'with 'Sparks' by Moskowski, a captivating fantasy. Misses Helen Mason and Helen Foster also presented this popular artist with bouquets of pink roses and lily of the valley and yellow [munis froni the Bowmanville Music Study Club. The next nunibers, 'Cherry Ripe' by Cyril Scott,1 and 'Scherzo' by Tor- ontelle were rendered by Mr. Rer- senhoren in a brilliant and majestic manner, was recalled by a delighted audience and played 'Ave Maria' by Schubert. Miss L. Garfield's last numbers, 'I Passed hy Ynur Window' by Brahe and 'When Love is Kind', were very heautifully rendered. LAs a concluding number the three artists rendered 4The Sweetest Story Ever Told'. The Music Study Club was very fortunate in securing three such out- standing artists and are Vo be con - gratulated in niakîng it possible for se niany loyers of good music to en- joy this delightful prograni. Great credit is also due Miss Hazlewood for securing the artists. arranging the prograin and playîng aIl the ac- companiments besides contributing hier own piano solos. HAMPTON UNITED CHURCH November 7, 1927, 8.00 p. m. This invitation is given to you For the sake of the work we are trying to do; 5o cone to the League, a welconxe there'll be The admission is snîall as you inay see,- Five cents for every foot you're tal Measure yourself on the d6 r or wall An extra cent for each inch give And thereby show how high you lîve With reading and song, refreshinents and Pleasuré, We will greet ono and all at our "Social of Mensure". Outside talent will furnish mugie. was an ardent and neted tennis play- er, being a member of the Terrace Club of Flatbusb. He was born in Newtoundland and went Vo the Unit- ed States when a very yeung man. He was most devoted te bis home and faniily and a very genial heet. Besides bis wife be lenves one son Charles F., twe daughters-Ruth El- liott and Edna Louise-and two sis- ers, Mrs. Walter Mitchell ot Ogdens- burg, N. J., and Mrs. Philip Cleary et St. John's, Newtoundland. Mrefly acknwldgdThs geiits 1nd FOOTBALL BANQUET goodfl wishe of te frins ateri which the blaof hs evfreng as Solina Champions Presented With plensantly spent with music, games Beautiful Silver Trophy. and refreshments. hee ugsdteieao The beet wisbes et alI follow Mr. Wovesggsd Vh iea t and Mrs. Loughninn te their new holding a banquet Vo wind up hs sea- home at 49 Ardagh St., Toronto. son in Vhe Dnrlington Football Leag- us should have bis portrait hung in _____ Iths hall of fanie. Besides being a capital idea he banquet held in St. SURPRISE AND PRESENTATION 1John's Pnrish Hall Friday evening TO MRS. W. T. QUINN wns declared a huge success by those present froni hs varieus tennis in A pleasant social evsning wvas en- hs league. joyed at hs home of Miss Vesta A meet enjoyable banquet wns ser- Spargo, Liberty St. North, on Thurs- ved by Mrs. H, Richards, Misses day when over 25 niembers of Vhs Spry, Mrs. Elmer Wilbur Misses Ada Junior Missionary Auxiliaî'y et Trin- Pascos and Myrtîs Vice who were ex- ity United Cliurch gnve Mrs. W. T. tendeti n vote et thanke for their Quinn n complets surprise. much apprecinted assistance. After he guests hnd nmade theni- Reg. Harding, President eftVhs selves conifortable Mrs. Elnier Cex Lengue, made an excellent chairman in a few words expressed hs feelings keeping hs proceedings on hs meve ef he members in losing _ a valued aînd everybody in good hunier with uîîcmber and worker efths Auxilinry bis jokes, snappy steries and recita- and on behaîf of hs girls pressnted tiens. Mrs. Quinn with a gold bar pin as a Aniong those callsd on whe nmade souvenir of hs good tumes spent Vo- hr speeches included Arthur gether. Mrs. Quinn brisfly replied, shao Go .JmeFakPs thanking nlfer their good ishes Ston, o. ,W. James, AFrnePs- and lovely gif t. CnetadgmsH. Pascos. Cnrl Wilbur, Ben King, endîng with hs serving et delicieus Roland Bats, J. KivelI, J. Baker, AIt. refreshments consumniated a very Ayre ,Elmer Wilbur and others. hL.ppy meeting when aIl jeine d ands and sang "For She's n Jolly Fellow." Dr. C. W. Slemon in aremîniscent Mr. and Mrs. Quinn and nephew, and eulogistic address presented the Mr. Everett Quinn, are leaving nsxt hnsm silver cup on behaîf oetVhs week fer Exeter, Ontario, whsre hev legue te Solina teani who won Vhe have purchased a terni. Mr. Scott chnmpienship this year atter playing of ttaa bs prchsedMr.Quinn ,s two vsry close ganies with Zion. Ev- et Ottawa bas puncseon Mm. erett (Deb) Vice, Captaip et Solina resdene o CocesionStret. ~ teani, accepted hs cup in a neat speech on bebaît of bis teani mates. Patrons efths Canadian National W. H. (Meledy Mike> Keel enliven- Express are getting lightning delivery ed Vhs evening by leading in hs ceni- service these days since hs company munity singing. sent their popular local agent, J. A. The hope was expressed by many Gunn, a brand new 1-ton Chevrolet present that an event such as this be motor truc. beld each year Vo close Vhe season. Couch, Johnston &Cryderman BDOWMANVILI£ PHONE 104 LIMITED THE HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN i TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE 1, s ., verfoir-ý yf 'ice CONDUCT CHURCH SERVICES Hoptailivas staire m durn ta imt we onli. remrnier onc*, Trînity United Church services on wittai public apitealI was matie for, fin-! Sunday were in charge of the Youn.g anciai asistance.Pope MsssCarneFgun Tiiit, tos therefore, ntŽed offer no, epe ess lrneFruo aitigt tlst' uîkn vr and H. W. Pointen, both students of eitizt n it towu andi sîîrrountiing country. Victoria College, Toronto, the form- for ti gt'ncrous ani whoiehearte(u sul)- er conducted the devotional exercises seript ion whilt i w ilIi helîtwîle ou t itle hosîitals indehtetlness. and the latter preached in the morn- Tio hospîtai lias always been fortun- ing. at,à in iî:ting capable anti conscentious Mr. Pitnto o i ujc superinteutdents wiîese faithful serv ices Pitnto o i ujc o te institution have bAen reslen sîble."Where dwellest Thou" remarking in a great nwasure for its pl)>uarity. that on the mission field Iast summer 'l'ie officiais froia year to '<car have ai- ways given freeiy of tîteir time and in Saskatchewan the question talents te further the best interests or "Whe-re do you live?" xvas the one the hospitai Sîxcial mention shoulti be most frequently asked bum and this given iho Xonons Auxiliary for the blglhad suggested bis subject. He stat- shart liyhvecnrbue owr t ed that some pepole live in the edu- î:very citizen le now being asked te cational world. others in the business show is or lier appreciatien ef the hos- worîd and others in the world of sport iital in a tangible way by giving iberally te titis iiurnanitarian cause îluring the -alI of which were essential Vo next iveek. man's well-being but over alI and in The net*d of a hospital in Bowmianville aIl the spirit of Christ must reign if is aîparen; from the following officiai lives are to be successful in the statisties: 41-le patients have buen adi- nîittedtl thte hosîtital ui te October 16, truest sense of the word. 192-4; 2472 being from Bowrnanvilie, 1321I Miss Eleanor Wood sang a solo from Durhaim tounty anti 347 from eut-t sie place's. Tliere were 53 birais and nicely in addition Vo the good work 24.3 ileatits.j of the choir. Miss Anderson sang Titis le an oîtîtrtuni.y andi an obliga-I a solo at the Sunday School session. tien you owe your cornuîuunity. Face tlic issue stîuariy. Give:. In the evening a good audience greeted the young people when the Summer School programi "Canada's MEET THE BROWN FAMILY Christian Quest" was conducted by Mr. Ross Strike, President, wbo led Who Are Scotch and Proud of IL. in the readings, the cengregation res- We always lih-e te have a personal ponding. *cquaintance witlu folks witlî wlom we The lesson was read by Mr. Cecil do business. For hits reason we made Belînian; the cboir's renderîng of the a visit te the Blowmanville Dairy titis antheni "Steal Away Home", Mrs. week te nut et the new preltrietors-James Birown & Sons of i-untly, County of Ah- Thonipsen, Mr. M. S. Dale and Miss erdeen, Scotianti. As many citizens are Margaret Allin, soloists, was appro- custem('rs of titis tiairy w-e know lthley,'pit;Ms SrtyRbn eie ivili aise be interesteti in the personnelpraeMis]'ohyRbn reie antd history of this famiiy. i Pauline Johnson's popular poem, The desire te corne te Canada te earn "Canadian Born" with good'expres- faie and fortunei first appeaiedte t the sien, Miss Helen Cryderman adjress- three eldest sons sçho came eut several ed the audience on the work the years age ,two iocating in Toronto and one geing te Victoria, B. C. Then this young people are doing, dealing Spring the parents bade adieu te the land wîth each department of the young ef the heather anti with their tVwo sonspopes oki acee advr and a daughter arriveti in Canada last i efetive ma ner. vr n vr June. 1efciv anr For a score ef years Mir. Brown liadt Mr. Clarence Ferguson dealt with been working a 320-acre farm In Scot- the atprsitndfueuig land. He wias a member ef the Parshtb ps, rentadfueuin Council for over la >years, was honoreth words, today is the harv'est of with tire office ef Justice of the P"ace. yesterday also the seedtime of tomer- andi ias a Deacen In the' uniteti 1Free rw He state htwhaebn Church of Scotianti. H-e was a manro.ethtehaebn the community respecteti. This ls vouch- sowing seeds for talse standards in eti fer in letter we were îîrlvilsgee te reati the glorification of war and the get- trom the minister of Huntiy Parish te. Mr. Br-own which reads In part: "At rlch idea. We need te sow seeds a meeting et the Deacous' Court it was that will result in right standards. resoiveti hetartlly anti dnanimously, by ai- M.LreJcmn datwt most a full meeting of Deacons thai r LreJcka1eatwt sheuiti cenvey te yeu our deep regretj"World Friendship and Canada" and tuat yenuti-cîdeti te leave ibis district,imade a strong plea for kindly tGler- eus andi kintily help yeu have at gi ie anc e and consideratien ef the tag given. personaiiy 1 feel your tieparture ers coniîng te our shores. very miich as 1 hai ne more loyal frienti Tehmewr vr prpit anti one In whom I1 bai tht' greatest con- Th ynwe vraporit fidence". te the theme. Mr. Francis Sutton, As the beys in Toronte hati been work- organist and choir director, gave a lng wlth a large dairy concern thsy ac- haIt heur's organ rcital et the close iluireti a iiking for thîs lt' ot business se they prevallet i tpon their father tý which a large nuniber of the con- buy tht 3w vle Dairy last Augîîst. gregatien rsmained te hear and en- Since then they have considerably im- preveti the premlses, purchaseti attractive JOY* tielivery buifits anti alreatiy have the dalry on a sounti baste. A visît te the' plant shows the mnosi care anti motiern OBITUARY sclentifIc methetis are uset in pasteuriz--_____ Ing the milk. Se pleaseti are tire Browns with this James F. Allen, Brooklyn, N. Y. tewn and cornmunity that Mr. Brown le noir iooking arounti te huy a farm While Mr. and Mrm James F. Allen near Bewmanville whlch wilii e suitabie na ekdvittohsitr for dairying. They hope te suppîy were on ekn iî ehesse their plant In tewn wlth tht' grenier part in New Jersey, Mr. Allen, husband of et tht' miik requireti. ene of Bowmanville'à well known The industry andt hrltt which the Brown grs aeM litduhe fM tamily has shown since ceming te Bow-gilsKaeMElitdu tret r manville assures them ot success. They James Eiliott, King_. Street, passed are a distinct asset te the cornmuniiy quietly away in his sleep. He had aunti ie are glati te take tiismen.ore been a very valued and trusted eni- irsn at eicanmInctoucin te B01nlie.Iployee ef the American Telephene ersand _________ 1ate owrnd Telegraph Company for thirty- FAREWELL PRESENTATION Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Loughman Remembered. The neighbors and friende et Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Loughman, gave thern a plensant surprise on Fridny even-1 ing, October 28th., previeuis Vo theIr lenving own for Toronto. The tel., lowing address was rend by Mrs. Braund aftsr which tVhe presentation was miade by Mrs. A. Matbews, con- sisting et an electric table lnmp o Mrs. Loughinn and an ash rayfte -r Legnnn m ecpltis M-- c iý b man eo/ana