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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1927, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1927 DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS PROBLEMS 0F THE MARITIMES ish. after having changed its alleg- ROTARY CLUB ENTERTAINS DR.G.C.anoconthres.r Thr ims bwa; vurfote ___________ D.GC.BONNYCASTLE 1 Travel articles evur hold a peculiarI Exceedingly Informative Addressth ja nuetreso.furTiews beweentheCRvA EPR Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto1 fascination for us, as ive believe they Delivered at Men'* Canadian Cluby vars befuru Quebe becamie govern - 1 Dr. T. E. Kaiser, M. P., Oshawa, University. Graduate of the Royalldo for miany othur folk .No country, By Prof. H. A. Kent of Queen's ed by the British. ýChief Speaker at Enjoyable Banquet Coliege of Dental Surgeons of On-!surp'isses our own Canada for fine University. The Province o!' Nova Scutia ivas tario. Office King St., Bowmanville.1scenery, espucially this giorieus Aut- 1 in very close t ,uch xith the thirteen Bowmianvilie Rotary Club wvas host Office phone 40. House phone 22.1 umn. On Thursday week vu recuiv- No liner address bas been given clntteioonro ascus nFia vnn tto Bwa X-R.y Equipment in Office. ed a eall from Judge H. P. Moore and at the Men's Canadian Club from ai coonis, the gIuaiof %ia e huge- ousu to th enn adtheyoun mn o DR .. . EVTTMrs. Moore of Acton, who were mot-1 purely Canadian Club standpoint ina orsener Noad offiial n17 t e t-houe to t he mengandcreu nd meniof- j oin~wit thir on r.E. . Mcor, wh ~h is rIm ebout ar a reaerthu lamentable expulsion of the Aca- îngly assisted the l{otarians in put- Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson B A., from Belleville, from whre knowledge of or country the pro- dian. by the lýiîish, afier ail other ting acr such a successful Street Gradate f Roal enta Colegeth- visited Editor A. E. Calnan of motion of unitv and the solidifyin- îashdfiu omk h rnhCria atmnh 'eiutF Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- The Picton Gazette and M.ýrs. Cainani, (f the varinus section, of this vast ihhtnss a h aho ie F orspeiu n fu ucm nnie. Office hours 9 a. m. te 6ifellav% travcllers on an everseas ex- dominion, than the address on "*Prob- giance to the >iiih cro\x n. nthguss aldoloarnGe p. m. daiiy except Sunday. Phone! cursion. at their home in Picton. lenis of the Maritime Provinces" de- 90. House hone 283.Judge Moore on thuir rturn to Act- livered by Prof. HA. Kent. ).D., Their place nthu evi~eWaIE hs voetne h hnso X-Ray Equipmient in Office on wrote a description of thuir visit iPrincipal (if QuLenes Theehogical Col- 1 e yS -ehif hi oe teCu o~l iieswohle to the "Beautiful and Bountiful Iluge, Kingston, given at the Baniral in the thirtuer cdne notaidy Mas- in any y te maku the street fair DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Prince Edward County, The Garden Ilotel. Friday even ing. uChussetts andl Ehude Island, to take such a memîorable and profitable ou upa ew fî' Ifathr11rh. Incasion, erua(D.).Mersn Hlonor graduate of Toronto Uni-' County of Ontario" which enriches, In speakie: of the prohlenis and ,ue aw ar finld ep enluno~'rtin i anon e ta th). ne. prriud versity and member of Royal Colege its resîdents and commands theaddilutiso the provines bordering 1776, it was -iuch and go wbether i'itiil total $1200 xxhich W il1 be 'If Dental Surgeons. Licen sed to. miratien of visiter.. ain iitd n h tlantir. Kent in his ntio upec aiie vl gix un to thule Hpital Bua rd to b practise in Ontario and the Domin- theulueî andl spent a- wek in Picton duutorv r(.narks -aid hie spoku a-. n ie the r eIllion or keë*p theiin aplicil ta redue thueîlubt on the ion. Dentistry in aîl iL-3 branches. at the Bay of Quinto Conferec no e iearned i ooks but fini t of allegiacc,(e to Great Britain. Nurses' New Resicdence. Office-King St., Bovwmanvile, p-isomie years ago, and fanding Judge atual experiences and fir-.t hand I tQueue w a- - )i iiFrench th en, Rotarian F. C. Palmer in introduc- posite Bank of 'Montreal. Phone 301.1 \î:îre's article sao xcpeudiîgly inter- 1kwiîleulgu having lveil. hunted, f h-un as it i. nw and xhee Nova ing Dr. T. E. Kaiser, M. P., Oshawa, esting ducided te presuat it to States- 1cd and pruached in nearly al paits starmie h hrLh pae o h vne.rfru - ----- -ma eaes eligcetinteyiIl o hemriies1 teen Colonies zecured their independ- te the i'h,île-hear-tud and unselfish LEGAL lenjoy it from a former editor's pen T hlas been in the 'aritime i nce in 17S:3, *lîe uitile colony~ by the1 public service Dr'. Kaiser had rend-j a, vi sayTl ta v oldgv provinces curing the- last few years. Ica xvas the onlv English speaking ered te Os.hawa and Canada for many MA. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. ýthemn this week. Read the article toi what unsympathellu people cil laninm l Nortb Anierica ovur wbicb the yeaîrs. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary i the end. * grumbling or grewliiig', sail the British fiag xaveii.' Dr. Kaiser in his introductory ru- Money . orainongardrive os pe a ke r. "It is the privilege, how- If Njva Scîria bad placed their lot mnarks said: ' have endeavored Poet o ya an n karm ad Ton A rmBeivle eee. fteBrîs ulju e 1i th the American colonies, in ailthroughout the years of nmy lîfe te Proery. oyl Bnk BuidigPicton tbrough Prince Edward Coun- 1 which bu doe. on occasion. and usuai lîkelîlîood thure îvould not have been instill in the huarts of young Cana- Bowmanville. Phone 351. ty, and on to Glenora and the Lakei ly no attention need bu or is paid to confed'eration. It is cntirelv likul dians that Canada is, a country worth Rutan..ib glmpoTfth goKlng.aise", declared Principal Kent, "that fvhilu, a land undowed by Providence W. est R t aeD. SiKE o» KC the cbarming Bay of Quinte along [ Hoivuver whun a serîcus schoiariy Britaiîî wouid have lost lir hold at %vith the prospect of a wonderfui fut- Succsso tolat D. . Smpbb, .C-the route, is one o! thoe delightful man, a priofessor of econemi cs in thue that tinie la Quebe, and even if this ire; bon iud xith a giorieus ai Bariatr, oliito, Nta.y atua mmores hatoneliks t îdest tîniversity in the British (dom- had lnot happened, and thuru bad anid that la and shall bu associatud Solicitor for Bank of Montreal lay up for winter ruflection. Among inions or colonies. King's Collegu, fliungrat dxeime ntl this liart îith thu greatust and noblust Empire Money to Loan Phokle 911touwnia n nhntn hrssigns an article in a ruputable niaga- of the country, Canada today xould, that history has ever kîmwn". imaay of the monarchs of the forest zine in xvhiuh bue(luclares in his eop- Inet have a seaporl on ',he Atlantic The main part of the speaker's ad- Bowmanville, Ontario j have been spared the woodman's axe, iliifn that the only solution for, the! coast. drsxvsa atrlpreîtinff ~. F WAD, . A an muc o!thepriitie beutyMartim piovinces is te secede froîni This is vitally important. bucausu, 'thBrgius Prouoss for- transforining Baristr, oliito, Ntar ýIsrvive, ad urnour motin th orthe Dominion, te leave thu confedera- 1îvhiio Canada ;. at prusunt on exuuud- !of lignite ceaI into a ferni o! fuel Baristr, oliite, Ntar lat 'eu wa cithe intheger-,ionit is lime for Lus te take noiue ingly good ternis witb the country te 'il through tbat ominent suienîistS Moaey te boan. Bonda for atIe.' ous multicolored foliage, which s andfn ttxbti hyate ov h îîh fi. tage hnta yrgeainpoes e ebl Office-Bleakley Block, King St.,. ever a delight te the artist's ba .ndhu utwa h art. I a mac S 1ill. sheot a v~ thinothurt hos rightsin rucs fanrtohu eule Bowmanville, Ontario. phones: and the sensibilities of the average P ulylarîadte iutonprn'ishyard '.' eit,) biseouîî ouse" htsc rtpua eusr Office 102. House 409. turst ** fthe aitneprovinces. it is lieues- t e e ~1:,îalypitdet teI a stn ofpiO5 igbtnecss ifh ________________________ Th chrm f h f ary te remenil)er its guographical . koxlir ethu bstr xii nlim nitud oiilte's o! di eo Th hr fthsfmu uinte s ad oruviexv past histerv. . sry- -iulmtdPsiblte f dvlp. I a n h ale rioyligpo s, ,,, n adtehelp us te unierstaiid the M~artimes.netofheDmin' ovn ul FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1 an hulnedtrrtryyn liXln Ontariio, thîs premîier priin-*nce , S3.t mveîentke o cn upiaentf te li on'servd ansui la its bosom is laneosligbt measure c h oîîno s sntin u n'Ieuin,187. ii faur t thewfr duad expluitainethrb eiao o F. F. MORRIS cp. due toeloud uffects and the humer i xplored land and trapping pî)sts, s etgionstitnd afiothe e aut u eaplniaticcapit. y oeinor(o au Complete Moto,»~ cte u. l teoarymonîg e îvaSella uvas the scene e! variudpsd hr hotte uigcn eiadetas n apa t Horse Equipment Irose wthout a cloud; thun bu "fired social evunts of fairly high c lass. i uît.ed byoaes ie ova Suotbian t Can e ad a Gevrmnt to take mhe- f1ýrý11 Al caîlspromptly j the proud tops of the castera pines" .h lds iy n Cnda uvs dulsted a e oaat Hu tai ppsetCdia seps e acqiru tte ieve atedd t. presentIy bie as revuaiud only thru wThe oldotoGratBrtal o ppseditestla Cana e hesoerig W cnedto loud rifts, or by shafîs of ligt; fouaded la Nova Sella. xvbîuh is An- the bill's passîîîg and te try and gut mights in the Beuglu ioc' sb PiaQ Ambulance adi h fe onteewsanapolis ,started by the Fre nch in tbumsulves eut of confuderation". fî twud uc nus abloebenefht Primva ad n heaferoootnrevasa16f05. thuco veaus before the founding ifl twul oo*nalal eei W10 and 34 idelightful seasea ofýdreamy, vaper- f Q uebec. Early in history, Nova 'The delegation did net succeed, la solving the Albierta ceai problem. V Branch ~~ eus suashine, like siseut heurs st olen vaîi u-s h appily for tbeîîî and the rest of the The tbanks of the Club w-as cn Branch StremIda Sme. ThS n ets ,ws andîuu about ,ack and on Oron & Nwcatle ira nd iahenooud beadlanda, an th.forth lietuveen the French and Brit- donminioîn, îlot ther bas aiways bora veyed te Dr. Kaiser by Mayor T. S. an ell-til ed arm ans, and the eati-l hsbK iîgs, xvho had net nîucb ose for a certain unxilingness deusn there,I Holgate and C. E. Rebder. app-tledoruards, itd ther audt it x op a aprduer.ff.. a feeling that they x'ere forced into The x'ery enjoyable musical pro- lappe ochads iththei abndat i cet asa poduer f frs. the union against their wisbes", the gram was coatribîîtud by our uvel ALAN M. WILLIAMS yield of rosy fruit crowdiag the linbs lan 1713 the province becanie pur- speaker declarud. knewn vocal soieists H. J. Embaîmer and Funeral Director. of the trees, gav'e enchanting andgnanentlv the propurty of thbu Brit-I "When Nova Scotia came into con- Knight, R. M. Mi tchell and C. S. Cails given prompt and personal at- constantly changing scenles. _______fuderation, she gav'e up right of col- Halîman ..Mr. Francis Sutton 'vas tention. No extra charge for dia- * * * ilucting custoni- and othur duties, for piano accompanist. tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowrnan-f Drives tbrougb the appie orchards, a figure cloeute the million dollar îvwhich la retura she was given an an- ,ville, Ont. 3-tf. Ite Waupoos, te Lake Consecon, thei mark. Being surrounded by water, na asd f8 et u edb Sandbaaks resurt, and te numerous the ceunty bas a temperatu climatu - the fedural gevernnient. From thun country, pretty coves and eluvated points giv-iand a long season which are esseti-j until 1907 there was ne change la Inj closing Pref. Kent said, lut me MEDICAL ing magnificent view's of landscape i tial for the production of high quai- theboaîîîount of! ii- payaient, and cal upon aIl Canadians te niake a and laku and bays scenery were fullI ity fruit. AIl parts o! Prince Ed j the u as beuîîil,) adjustmient front sympathetiu stoîly of conditions la B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. of interest. Five miles frîm Plut-1 ward share la the production. Thebu 1907 until this year. The enîy way Nýova Scotia. Quubec, Ontario, the Gold Medalist of Trinity University, on, folowiag a Bay Shore drive isllarger ochards are la the more Jto increase the anieunt cf the suh- Western Prairies an".ritish Colum-j Toronto. Four years atteriding Phy- i (lnr n h aeo-h-on blue oiin ln h hr-îsidv was te increase the population lia and lut us aIl try teo nite and ican and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel tain. This lake is onu of Nature's unewhure nîany cf the drives dus- ,o! the province svhich was net design- solidify this gruat nation. Hoapital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and phenomena, resting as it dees on th e cribed show the tourists orchard af - ed by nature to support a large popu. Iteaidence, Wellington Stree'ý, Bow- udgu cf a 150ft. cliff, overîookiag ter'orch r laden xith theusanda e!f lati on. rianville. Phone 108. the iadented shore line cf the Bay of bushels of maturing fruit. ImondubfliNvaSta Uleswr hexle rmte Quinte illouverhbulthu baînno o!sgruat *n- svstem. ne cbild can bu healthy. I C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. ile mInets and is apparently fed froni A uisit la apple-blossom tinie1 dustrea hylcMtewtrpwrýother Graves' Worm Exterminator Graduate of Trinity Medical Colege, underground sources. It is rucorded iîîs uaagttebnuebrd tiea hylc tuuau oe excellent medicine to est Enniakilledn x ih ae rebu n cobrte res adn-vith possessed in unormous quantities by i ndsr~ Toronto, formerly of ta trsu nEaî wtnaeErebtl ctbrt trelda Quebeu and Ontario. I h tdsworms. ___ ~ ~ -- - o. ver 1 i50 miles distant. The lake is, bthe havy burdens o! rosy-cheekud h..... .~ . Office and lResdence, iDr. Beith' " . to-- . --va.11cul chresetee vudb former reidunce on Church Street vury deep, ne bottom having buen fr-uit. ar'e sigbts te behold. From I.UUU IFiSCLlE'f uuU Bowxnanviîle. Phone 259. 44-t' found with 5,400 feut of chai.Th neende e1n bnuu nd nabîdac oaoupoi o .larguat governimeat fisb hatcheýry la fit Y tbousaad barrels o! apples are Nova Scotia bas vas eîisc ... Canada la at Glunora. puoduued annually, and the ceunty ceaI. which nature bas howuver îplac- e qRIAR a*ow o 'as nover knossn a crop failure. The edl far undor the sur-face. In the D.F .TGEPicten,a onf 3,200 people, is l Delicos, McIntosb, Spy and Snow funidStthes, eas o e îlaiieîî D.F-.TGEattractively located on an arm of are the miost popular of the varluties.fudi u ie !IeAlgais VETEINAR SUREON.Day or 1 the Bay cf Quinte, which la noted ferf Bernies and snîall fruits are also but la Nova Scotia. minera bave te Night calîs promptly attended t.' its safe beatiag, batbing and fishing. igroivn extensix-ely and te perfection,. dig down under the level of the oc- Office. King St. East, Bowman ville. Thuse pasaumes can bu enjoyed 1 Witîon Bros., from onu acre of leau, prop up the top o! the mine, Phone 243. amidst tbe beautiful scenery cf the strawberries last suason'enjox'ed a 'and pumip out the water befere the E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. ay's lndented shore-line. Picton.Yield cf 3,000 boxes. Enormous1 coal nîay lie obtained. As can bu Oro Ui -eSity barber is a popular port of cal vuryI crops o! cherries are grewn every ,-een this svay of miaing la vury ex- 0ronco year for yachting parties from the year. Iloward Leavens from 10 I pensive. Honor Graduatu fUiest of cities of Lake Ontarie's shores. The1 acres cf cherries, had a net retuun o f It bas been estinialcî, that at the Toronto. AIlae ie rmttown bas a îoveîy motor touristl,$,15,00. OsrBusfo 15 au- present rate of consomiption, the an- and careful attention. Office-I ampsitu at Bayslde Inn, wlth shade rus c the sanie fruit, realizud $7, - thracite resi-uves la United States Dr. McElroy's former office. be: land geod water and a fine swimming, 200. -Mr. Leavuas gruw 800 boxeswlsvlIbu vped eut in 50 years. li is Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. beach. Castile Villeneuve is a beauti- o!f currants un onu acre. up te us tii ufeserve our coal suppîlies, _______________________fui old historical stone-buiit mansion * * for it %volîl bu folîy te allîîss-ceai of twcnty-fivu roomis, converted into When eut for our daily mter trip aroas te go te ruin because for fifty AUCTIONEERS a first-uiass summer hotel. on the Provincial Higbway the crook- moee 'ars it is îiissilile t' buy coaI THEO M. SLEMON P'rince Edusard -(l unl us attractionsuit plous ing seen on differenifrnsa hi-aier prico. Ih s a rare Auctioneer l are net ail o! a scenic. ordur, for the w-an-ipîîly exuruciable anîl xvben uvu tbing for Cape Breon ceai if go 1 .reacbed honme use pickued up the :past .Moe-al. on acco it of prohibi- Fanm andl Bouse Sales a Spec;Iaty 1distr-ict bas aubieved its proud repu-1î~rîe' uuîaeuî b is d-tv rib ae. sstsiea Termni zie rate. Enniskillun p. 0O1 tation as the* Garden County cf Can-tiilua uîol"h ueo h îul rîgat eifuî Phone 197r3. 1tf.I ada Iîy grouing agricultural lîreducelî'oilsv" ae TeLr fthilc o rn t, fca ( 1cf a greatur value pur capita cf P - w. The losing paragrapbs j Montreal t' Ottawa l'y rail, zi t île-.US populatiounthan any ther County la retut - 'A fieldt uvelilowuî is a lto biîig t fieni Itheiliîiect- ii the Dominion. Witb a population of cueili t' the man -ho did it and an treal ls w clou. Ueiîî't States uoal CHIRÇIPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS 15,000, less than two-tirds o! tbem fi ispiratlion to thoseo sh pass iliat has a uhuapor iate îecou- if lti(- THEROPY 1 ntefaas vr o îiio o-say. And as a nman plows so ities lugeur b;ul. 'The )uiiki reporut ha- DURWINE. STEKLEY Ilars' worth cf prodoce has corne !1w- farni. Geil pluing lateb-iîsi c u bs ofCirpacl wl b n h Bw i nuyari giîiîg of gîuîîîtfaueiiug, andfrI îiw; iaise -tr t uîtIb honor graduate o! Torento College. fueni the land int one --îi, pe .apo]a oigr-îdfr t ,e.tzi-e ,us id the-- manvîlle Office Tuesday, TuzayTI dsrct- newr- nxe - j*'c and Sa- urday evenings, phene I141J. farmiag flouri.shes. Most iniiihîrtanî i-'icoý-and I iîî-fin u-s traight and t î-tthlf ui'a iîull iiiiiil crati s Rsidential calls made during fore-: in the total annual xaluîe 15 the ann-'i'e-r t cachivl'- Yeplietwrhe tin Uîiît l-ii- u.d,. b non.ning iuin(u.-tr--frot. hu as, cuira, i -n ia ,ýgb hid ln i-ý11t -;Ipuinpkins, and icrgest urop of ail, iiiî - lIi-m mî.viîi-ce îîîi' 5ufîa m'i-ilir i~~r TTL~1~ 1r' î,cuat- are raiu-d fin liunîtreds o o u cimn -pat tim h ui. ~ iuleî l~î'fo Gr~i T S-U E H -acres of tht-feutile landl. Over balf- furî S ,i liii rai-. itroch'ai Asth lu-urs ali ci' 1!n Prince- Itusaid, . inQ's lrih -Io-, as useil a.- many pui-ciii,-l wneît c un- 3ý f ull~ aîîî ii .n-î'I,,d J ~ ru-wiich bau i to iiwd back <l cr' G ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w andt' 'i 'ivic. i -15i~îm a bal! milioln l loi th J'm lb' W _r - y o u Miý, -aaiI h .1 S'faraîu-r-. laone ' car. latii- 'u, 'L . Spali-h.n t.- in-a;1te ~ Dimini-un. A visi te ma,)i- f tho-,. I 'iour~iîng Ilh*,, aurorj ilidc Î~ ~ ~ e~ 4- -f canneimlgcuils. inmina i)cu :a1. m-ur s ir'iiiiiî( ISn1 u1 noMation about your Ielplu 'ini-ansly - i o- l-"ime fer a yî Il'. M y Age Is ....*" -* ........ Spî-emlmctili. 'I iii îî es ii- t(aiuy ................... .. J nî * Ie-lu', us lb;1- iroui ,r-ul o! lo.... ~ -~ '-' i-Eiw ilki- greail lrîl(-ini we will send you full details ibe autiha ile u-î-.u i~îufo ~.of one of the most înterestîag polîcies îssued, our ýA FÀ i ued lan19'26 t iok first place ini the daloly" Tepmum arlwadlmtd Dominifa for î1uliy. a- dmi'ned IelPlc" h rrtusaelwadlrie ~ua m~ m ,~4 lictu1g radiag staffs f ltie Ved'uraiin nuinber, allowing a mnan to boy hîs nsurance ~~W I(I(uI.tTérnient. cfg-a .ini when he is at the highit of his earning power. caieIi î'ustemlin il > If you are a heaîîhy maIe, under 45 years, ycou can obtain is te lealowet fr chl. anc ths yar s th ý,ttig aid ofa $2500 "Ideal PolicY" witbout mudical exanination. ~~~~~~~~ Feth dedaw e f r ch . 'î î genî , y r oclta s a i s t it [Specim en rates for a $2500 "Ideal P oli y":s tada estion, and free frein bovine tuherculisis. Age 25 $44.90 Aga 30 $53.25 Aga 35 $65.40 digthen can saot * î Liu'e stock prodluctioîn tîings la th cavtgfo substantial profits yearly. Returas swe*s frem ibis industry bave totalled as mucb as a million and a quarter dol- lars. Prince Edward County's fruits are renowned in the world markets. The Aftev suashines on ne liner apple or- Etw* chards. Ia flavor and keeping quali- ties this fruit is unmatched, and the annual value of the crop bas reached W. B. McMURTRY, District Agent, Bowmanville, Ont. édAil Canad&MArees 'IVs Better bocause ifs Canadi éail "T TS Better because It's LCanadian" . . a year ago General Motors of Canada gave first utterance to this phrase. "It's Better because It's Cana- dian" . . . newspapers andrmaga- zines ahl over Canada took up the theme, imprcssing on Canaran citizens the pride they should justly feel in the products of their couîd'ry. "It's Better because It's Cana- dian" . . . the phrase has struck home, bas becomre a challenge to the Canadian manufacturer and to the Canadian buyer. "It's Better because It's Cana- dian" . . . it is a faut. And bz- cause it is a faut . . . because General Motons was inspined ta put it into words . . . because Canadien editors added ta its impetus . . . because Canadians acceptcd it . . . and bucause the standard of Canadian quality proved it truc.... . .ahl Canada bas enjoyed a greater mneasure of prosperity; and General Motons of Canada, with mnany other Canladinmanu- fauturing organizations, has just completed the most successful year in its history. OiM.SSOU CHEVROLET PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE OAKLAND McLAUGHLIN-BUICIÇ LASALLE CADILLAC GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK GENERAL MOTORS or CANADAliie Home Office and Factories: OSHAWA, ONTARIO -< i 1 e iý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1927 PAGE TWO

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