PAGE FNVB 'rTEF. AN.AfIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1927 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE The Ladies of St. Paul's Church will hold a Chicken Pie Supper ont Tuesday evening, November 22 nd .1 Miss Eva Wakelin has been visit-s ing her sister, Mrs. Morgritson in1 If VMilton and Toronto friends. ,Mrs. Willard Rosevear and threet !hiidren, West Toronto, recently vis-E ited their aunt, Mrs. Harry Brock. 1 (àilrs. W. J. Ward, Owen Sound, seint the weekend with her father,1 Mr. John Grigg, who is stili quite ill.1 Mrs. F. Smythe, Stiperintendent of Hospital, was called to Morrisburg on Wednesday owing to serious illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichols and son George. Dr. Balfour, Toronto, visited her uncle, Mr. Warren Ding- man Scugog St. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cornish, Gord- on and Jean and Mrs. Pepper, Tor- onto, visited Mr. and MINrs. Burtoxi Andrtis over Sunday. Mrs. M. Logan and daughter Betty, Toronto, are spending a week with ber aunt, Miss Emýnerson previous to moving to Stratford. The bazaar held by the ladies of LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. J. J. Lord la visiting her is- ter, Mrs. Geo. Meîrose, Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. T. Sharpe, Toronto, spent the weekend witb her brother, Mr. W. H. Barrie and other relatives. Reserve Saturday, Novembi 19 for tourist tea at St. John's Parish Hall at 5.30 p. m. Look for particulars later. Mrs. Elizabeth Cole, Toronto, was gucst of Miss Allie Hoskin one day last week and called on a number of old friends. The Salvation Army will hold a chicken pie supper on Thanksgiving day from 5 p. m. in Citadel. Corne along. Admission 50c. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Mutton and Miss Edith M. Smith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Seymour and other relatives at Orono. Bowmanville Wornen's Hospital Auxiliary will meet ind Nurses' Resi- dence on Friday, November 4th at 3.30 p. m. Ail members attend. Renders will be interosted in Do- minion Stores advt. on page 3 an- nouncing a celebration sale upon the opening of its 5Oth store. They have a store full of grocery bar- Hospital Drive Starts Saturday, November This is a community proposi- tion. Every citizen should be proud of the hospitai for the splendid work it is doing. Your Donation Is Needed The more people who give the greater will be the interest in this institution. Objective Is $15,OOO Every cent of it is needed to meet expenses of building and furnishing Nurses' Residence. The complote success of the canîpnign depends upon your ternoon was a great success, tenet ns6inc. uKing Si. L., s sugar at contribution proceeds being $250. $.O a rnesxxnRMttrs. rs Frnk ke Mise telaatiMud Ryols A very delightful afternoon tea it Must Not FaiMRIGE ig t-.-B-ovîl.phn 1 haveses trellafronî spedinolds'and musicale was held at the home ___c_____________ -hve t r tei romseniga so auraffenonwcoe 2,__________ROWANWERRY-At Trinity tUnitedi davs wt hi cousins, Mr. ad Mr of Mrs. Alan Williams, Queen Street, ____Clînrelx Porsonoge, on Octohuýr2, 1927, W me J. F. Maunder, Lindsay. o audyatrnoOtbr2,by 11ev-J. U. Robins, C'larence Il. Row-te Mr.andMr. CarkMorisn ndAsocition auspices of the Women's an, ilethany, onq Alice Georgena, daugh- Mrun r.CakMrio nd rlePu' hrh ______ - - ---ter of '.%r. tond 'Mrs. J. il. Wutrry«, Bow- BOARDERS WANTED-ApIuiy 1Mrs. C. so amod r adMs ei Asoitono t.Pu' Cui anville. I. 'Morris, xing Street, East, Bowman- soonto Raynond Mr. and Mrs Leis During the afternoon Miss Gwendo- U TO SA ELMB TIN NAt1w'asngvle44 Tornto vsitd r. nd rs Alx.lyn Willianms, in ber usual charming AUC iON ALESLAMeSAnon N-aturl tc Poxsonig, vle dmondt__________ 19r paydseerlseecins iý27, by 1ev. E. 'M. Cook, Gladys Elien WANTED-Womnan ýwilI give serv7ice in Her nany friends will regret to displaying a finish and brilliancy Monday, November 7th-Auction 3Ly.uguter of -Mr. aildlirs. W. J cnfort L home for roornanad board. learn that Mrs. F. N. Stevens îvas quite remarkable. Mrs. C. H. Dud- sale of 55 registered and high grade otMr, ami Mr. W. iLorne omh. nsonAdesS .C, - rwrB o taensudel ii n uda bt sley, Mrs. A. Colville, Miss Jean Ram- Jerseys, also Ciydesdales and i- xîlen now showing sight improvement. say and Messrs.. H. J. Knight and plements, the property of Frank .- LADY BOARDERS WATE-Hg Wihte amra oeisrg '1AH sciiooi teachers or girls. Accommodation! WihteBloa oe eving . GE. Chase delighted every one with Richardson Columbus, Ont. No DAH for four. Ail conveýniences, no hildren, fui ouseTuke Dnnr a 7e n om sng endered with artistic 'reserve. Sl teOelo'clock. Mrs. James Grant, Centre Street, phone over the weekend, why bother pre- perception. Financially the group See bis. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. PERKINS-lxx Darlingtoix, October 31, 84 Bowmanville. paring a Thanksgiving Dinner? Sece of ladies in charge, went over the 1927, William James 1Pi rkiiis, aged 72 WANTED-A smaii Upright Piano of menu page 1 top. Tuesday, November 8th-Auction Y,,r fo lersdec fbssn modemn style. Will exehange a 6 tube Messrs. John and James culley, Champion Guaranteed Paint 98c sale of Fresh Cows and Springers, '%r. itussûil Perkins, Solina Staîtion, nSuper-'4urdbeantcbnt4 n Mis aiy uleyad r.Laso q.Friday and Saturday onîy at1 the property of O. Denny and J. Vin-Ttuirsdxîy, Noveniber Ird., at 2.30 P. .ches high, built !n Baldwin Loud Speaký>r MissDaiy Clle andMr.Lawon t. - toZio Ceetey.and aIl equlpment, new. rhIs 18aa Rihrs ooedt risy on e. rthads cent, at Lot 24, Con. 4, Whitby. î~Zo eeey eautiful Instrument and the Pinnaitie o! Richayard o ted to ri ndmsbySaon; Geo. Pritchard's. elarge GRAHAM-In Wibo Otbr1,Radio perfection. Write Box 3vu. Bow- Sundy ad vsitd M. ad Ms. ____pslersatWone.'clock sharp. ee lrge1927. WVil1is Graham, In bis Sthi year. manville. or telephone 105. Hughi McDonald.pses WmMaconr. KEMP-At Pickering October 14, 1927, Mis Mril ech ofth Sck MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Grace lortop, widow o! the laie Wm. MhissdrensHial Thoontoha S r-Tc kt hh J Wednesday, Novrenber 9th-John Kemp, Sr., in lier 901h year. Str turned to duty after two weeks' hoi- rny ne tic ...Wton .H o 2 o.8 a-day- October 29, 1927, Annie Carey, be- nu e days with ber grandparents, Mr. and Robins, Pastor.. Sunday services at lington, will seil ail of bis fan loved wife of T. J. MeMalion. GAAE1ORN-Cnriylct Mra. JohnGnigg.1ila. nm. and 7 p. m. Sunday Sehool stock, implements, etc. Sale at i SIBR-tPothpe coe GclnARGSTOREt nlt-ed Chrcb. Imca- at Seebus. he. M Simo, 2, 927 lat Cardr Doe, Obevd edi ,arto osin. Applyted Ch box 354 Mr. Samuel McKim of St. John, St. Pau's uxîurcîu, iiv. L. W. Auctioneer. wif e o! Abert Sainsbuhry. in ber 801h llowmanville. 44-1w- 'K. B., and Mr. Arthur Rankin, Fred- Ir erito, . .,arespndnga ewBeat, D.. D., minister. Sunday ser- SINGLETON-In St. Mary's on Octo- HOUSE FOR RENT-On Elgin Street dayri bth .Berorsister, Ma.eW . vcsa1 la.n.ad7 .n.SnaThuraday, November iOth-Mrs. ber27, 1927. Professor Thomas Singleton,. North. Ready November 2nd. Apply day wih te frme's istr, rs.W.Schooi at 2.30 p. m. Special Thanks- M. C. Robbins, Lot 18, Con. 6, Dar- in bis 5tht year. Interment in Port 10 Peter Martin & Sons, High St., Bow- T. Quinn.gnmui. lington, 11/2 miles north of Hampton, Hope. avle 1f Rev. E. A. Tonkin is spending a giv nd uie.sPrs eia hurch having rented-ber fanm, will selI ail PHILP-At Toronto G1eneral Hospital,_______________ month witb his daughter, Mrs. (Rev) Rev. Robt. McDerment M..A.A min- of her fanm stock, implements, feed, Philtu, In ber 84tb year. Intermeat in R. A. Spencer, Dundalk. He expects * er. onn osi l~~ etc. Sale at 1 p. ni. Ses bis. Bo-rnanville Cemetery. to be away ail winter visiting his Eve ning erice ithdaIlonac-m Theo M. Siemon, Auctioneer. ALLEN-SuddTiy. on Mondlay, October Evenng ervce ithdawnon c-ý24, 1927, Jxames F. Allen o! 514 East 5th count of Newtonviile anniversary. ~- Street loky.NwVrblvdbs Claigsale of this year's wall Sunday Sehool this Sunday only at bn fKaeEio le.G et paper at 12c roll, 22 inches wide. 10 a. j ~ ~ o aeEA STWOOD-mn Toronto, on Sunday, Rel sat FrSae Octobe30 1927, Bessie Ellen Mrae Lsan etbai-gain of season this St John's Anglican Cburch, Rev. FOLAETo boss i astod, daughter o! Alpha and Letitia i q ~ve tGo rtbr'.R. J. Sires, M. A., Rector. Twenty- and 7 rooms each, very attractive resi- SMITH-At Christie Street Hospital, A q a n e Messrs. T. S. Holgate, W. B. Tap- firat Sunday after Trinity, November dences, In good location. Apply Peteri Toronto, on Saturday, October 22, Samuel son, W. B. Pollard and Dr. C. W. 6, 1927. il a. m.-Holy Commun-I Martin & Sons, phone 497w. Bownxan-1 Alexander, son of Walter Smith o! Mon- "ih Slemon sang several quartet selec- ion and sermon. 2.30 p>. n.-Sun- ville. 25-t___tr ndo, Ps3rspet CsmIneryetVtr- W t u Store ti______________United_ ______an-_____-2-t a lotn bispr ear.itermetVte-u tios t cuogUntedChrc a- ay Sebool. 7 p. m.-Evening HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick bouse, GILLIES-At Yelverton, November 1, niversary Sunday evening. prayer and sermon. roome, electrie ights and furnace, ap- Sarah Jane Sisson, widow o! the late SMiss Florence and Messrs. Gordon A Hallowe'en party for the MissionlPies, pears, and small fruit trees, two Samuel Glilîles, aged 84 years. Funeral P*and John Ashton, Shaws, and Ms ado t alsCuc a ed good building lots with property. Will !rom the residence o! ber daughter, Mrs an Mssa.Hito a M isarnFrdaof Svening, O uc h in hed1ssii at worklng nian's price. Convenlent Editb Henders 10 Little Lake Cemetery, Evelyn adMsr.Hlo n lr rdyeeig coe 8hi h location. Apply W. J. Berry, Bookstore Peterboro. You will be surprisad at the eneTink ,Solina, spent Sunday with 1 Primai-y rooma. The gay masquai-ad- Bowmanvilie. getvreyo rilsw o Mrs. (Rev.) Sam i Tnk, Brookiin. esejyds~ oî ae n O L~ 16getvreyo rilsw o Miss Agnea Ellenton, e an FO SAEGot 5o16getown,10 i.LAUNDRY WANTED have in stock. It niay be an eyê MissAgns ElenonGeogetwnafter two hours of fun marched to drlvewsy. Front veranda and back announces i ~prîce $2500. $300 down and $20 per Ail kinds o! laundry work dons prompt- per o ouaitul-Y th niece, Miss Susie Agnes Ellenton, oidecked with candles, grinnîng puiPm ontm h carnies il. 20 minutes wak !o l.satlsfactorily and at reasonable prîces low prices. Mr-. Joseph Henr-y Levett of Bow-1 kins and delectable refreshients. G.0 M. C. Apply 10 G. McKa,66 Wu- Write Post Office Box 12. or cail Mrs. ,avlethe niarinage to take place The leaders in charge of the Mission son Road off King St. East, East Mount W. MarJoram, King St. E. Bowmanvilie. manviorponl43wlehwa 4-w 39-t! Ail kinda of gifts for party eariy in November. Band are to ho congratulated andHegtorhne27wOsa.4-w beartily tbanked for their labor of' HOUSE FOR SALE-Frame dweliing piizes. Mr. James MeKee of Cartwrightloe and one acre o! strawberries and other A E T W N E township, announces ther engagement, vr WM matI fruit, the property o! the late Al- A E T W N E o i nydaugbter, Liliiian Fior- Ag was intaresting W.M. S. meet- bert E Goode, situated on Brown Street, Wall Paper as low as 1lOc i-oh ofce bis r era only înWi: ngsw beld on Tuesday in Trinity lin Bowmanville, good barni and hien b use, To represent the "La Marie Beautliers. Lateat books of fiction, morn- encR electrie lights and water. This proper If anyons interested in canvassing write so fttonhpofmanMrei i- S. Rooî with Mrs. Robins, the îy muat be sold for the purpose o! wind- to Mrs. G. Laraotlue, General Deliverl', ing and evening papers, niaga- so o te owsbp f aner. ai-President, presiding.. Miss Eleanor îng up lte Estate. Bargain price may Bowmanvilie. Excellent off er for smart niage to take place in Novaîber. Wood sang a solo which was enjoyed1 be secured front W. F. Ward, Barrister man or womnan. - 44-1w- zines. Mr. and Mrs. HL Holdroyd, Tor- by al. Mrs. Moitimer, a returned BomnilOnal.1- onto, announce the engagement of Missionary, wbo bas spent most of t _HOUJSES FOR SALE-Double fraineTaeNtc their daughter, Edith Elizabeth, to ber life in China gava a very inter- bouse. 5 mrneî each. with Improvements, W J B ER RYc Mr.Samel ilsn Mso, sn o Mrestngaddress whicb was in part ýon Elgin St-. ppo.Ite scoo; Brick ouse DOG OWNE S TAKE NOTICE Mn.Samel ilsn Mso, sn o Mnestngcorner Elgin and Concession; Frame otcisbReby.gJv.n hat aIl Do and Mrs. Geoige R. Mason, Bowman- frnhh iwon fteCiee ouse on Concession St.: 2 large brickTaear oduanmetbpi n ville, the mariage to take place early Al who heard ber addness will have bouses on Scueog St., close to C. P. R. Taxbesre now duer 5a net.uster paido , rickboue,rm;oneo oms Incersery S.;o d oevebrlt nt.Alrta pp ~ So tr inDcme.adifferent idea of conditions in oeaytrsononCcsin date information wlll be laid In every oposite Ie'So tr Bric hose,7 roms ntNureryCor- case o! defauit and surmons a t oncePhn 20 o m vil in December. China. The singing of a solo by ner, Cicken ranch near town o! Bow- %vIll follow. AIl pensons interested kind- Phn 20 Bo an le F. F. Morris Co. report splendid Miss Helen Argue was a fitting close mnanville, sultable for retired fanmer or îy governor yourscîvcs aeordlngly, or ses W.. Bnock, Qoeen St. Bowmxun- RICHARD JARVIS, Collector. snuricing price reductions in aIl fui-- ber of members attended. . ville. 38-S Bowîsnvllle, November 5th., 1927. niture in stock. People have corne froin ail parts of the county to share in the bargains. It certainly is a grand chance to replenish your home with dependable furniture at a real saving. If you haven't visited Mor- ris'.store do so this week and see how cheap good furniture may be bought. S work tînder th, Shaw C1 l, 1,1ans for I loy, Even- chIIUU ing or Home StudY Courses Is easy and ,ffectv * Induivduai instruction i8thie i<eyn ote 1 good resuits. Enter any uinie. W.R. Shia%, Regstrar, Bay & C'harles, Toronto. Proteet your skin againat the cold, naw, faîl winda. You can"t afford 10 allow your smooth skin to become rougbened and soi-e. It isn't necessary because by using Nyni Face Cream you avoîd aIl that trouble. It is a greasesas, smootb creani wbich is absorbed into the akin. it is also a splendid base upon which to apply face powdei-. Sold in Bownianville at KERSLAKE'S The Dependable Drug Store We Deliver Phone 49 Il CLARENCE S. MASON'S LITTLE SHOPPE WITH THE LARGE STOCK THANKSGIVING SALE 0F FUR-TRIMMED WINTER COATS Women's and Misses' Cold Weather Coats $25 5any New Styles Aclded To The Already Large$2 Assortment for Thanksgiving-All One Price.$2 Smart-yes, very smart-and such good looking materials, such attractive styles-and such waî'm, comfortable coats for the cold weather that will soon be here. You'1l be surprised at the variety, the quality that you will find in this group. Here are coats with shawl or crush collai-s and cuifs of Thibetine-coats of duvetynes, of suedines and velours. Colors include the fashion- able sailor blue, wine, beige, taupe, castor. Sizes $25.0 14 to 44 in the lot. Extraordinary Value eI~ On Friday and Saturday We Offer Twenty 0f 0ur Highest Grade Coats For Women and Misses At $35.00 Such fine furs as skunk, fox and lynx, in sweeping shawl and deep crush collars (with matching cufs) give these coats "fashion significance", Suede finished and peach bloom materials in the season's smartest shades. Lined with silk crepe $35 and warmnly interlined. Very Special %350 If you are looking for less expensive coats-we are showing splendid range of fur trimmed coats Come-See and1 Watch Our Win Compare' CLARENCE S. MASON ndow Next Door to F. F. Morris Co. $22.50 A deposit of 25%7 of purchase price will insure holding garnient for 2 weeks Bowmanville 1 1 1 Ah Lamps Floor Lampa, Bridge Lampa, Standards aIl reduced. Reduced Table Lampa, Shades and See these splendid offerings and see what wonderful re- ductions we are giving for this Thanksgiving Sale. THESE PRICES ONLY UNTIL NOVEMBER 12TH Steel Beds In Walnut Finish We have a splendid line of Steel Beds in Walnut finish, and on rogular $9.00 to $12.00 beds we allo...... $1.00 off Beds froni $12.00 to $18.00 for ............ $200 Le«. Beds from $18.00 to $25.00 for ...$2.50 ta $400 Les Bcd Springs Springs, ail sizes, regular $5.50 for ............ $450 Springs, ail sizes, regular $8.50 for ............ $7.50 Springs, ail sizes, regular $11.00 for ............ $900 Cotton Mattresses Mattress, ail cotton, regular $9.00 for .......... $ 8.00 Mattresses, ail pure white cotton, $15-00 for ...$12.00 Mattress, Speciai weil filied and weli nmade, regular 18.00 for ........................ ........ $1.00 And aIl other goods with corresponding reductions. Big Values In Tables All Chesterfield Tables, End Tables, Gate-leg Tables and ail Parlor Tables in Walnut reduced at a saving of froni $1.00 to $5.00 On Every Article Three-Piece Chesterfield Suites 1 Mohair ,dark brown color, cushions eut mohair, Regular $225.00 for..................... $185.00 1 Mohair Suite, reverse side of cushion in silk tapestry, Regular $240.00 for .............. $200.00 1 Suite, Walnut Frames and in combination Jacquard and Taupe Mohair, Reg. $190.00 for $160.00 Others Reduced Accordingly. Great Bargains In Chairs Reed Chairs and Settees, a really splendid and conilort.- able line of nice new goods and prices aIl reduced et average of 20%. Den Chair%, Easy Chairs and Living-Room Chairs in Oak and Fumed, Golden or Dark finishes, ail wonderfully re- duced in price. Oak Chairs, upholstered seat, Regular $12 to $15 for $8.00 Oak Chairs, upholstered seats, Reg. $15 to $20 for $12.00 Oak Chairs, upholstered seat and back, $20 to $30 for $15 F. F. Morris Co., Home Furnishers and Funeral Service ThanksgivingSpecials Saturday you will find our window overflow- ing wîth specials in Chocolates, Candies, Choco- late Bars, etc. LET US DO YOUR BAKING For the holiday. We will have a variety of baking that will both please and satisfy. The Bowmanvilie Bakery Succemsrs to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville BIRTHS Lost or Found HAYES-In Bow.manvilie IHospital, on 1AAO ON-nQIea tts Octolo r 16, 1927, t0 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas PRSLFUDEqiea tts Htayes, a son. man Office. 44-tf JOHNS-N.ýar Hiamptonl, un Tute1ay, MONEY LOST-în Bowmanvilie last Novnbe 1,to r. nd r~.Chaiesweek. Reward for return to W. H. Johns, o daughter. Thickson. King St., Bowmanvilie. 42-tf MOORE-In Hou nanvili lHospital on Noveinber 2, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas TWO CATTLE STRAEDOn Lot 8, Iloa laughter. Con. 5, 1ariington. Owner may have RAHM-Nar Shaws School, on Sat- same by proving property and paying i urday, october ->I, to Mr. an xIMrs. Geo iige. Leslie CoIîacott, R. R. 5,1 RIlhM, a daughter. Bowmanvilie. phone 146-3. LEMON-In Bowmanviile H-ospital, on ___________________ October 30, 1927, io Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lemon. a daughter. MOORE-In i3ownanviiie lHospital, on Articles For Sale October *23, 1927, to Mr and .Irs. 1-reder- ick Moore, a daughter. FOR SALE-Good Shorthoni heifer, H-IEATH-In Ilownianville iHospital. on recently calved. W. T. Peri ett, Hamp- October 22, 1927, to Mr. and Mirs. George ton, phone 376-34. 43-2w R. Iiu-ath, a daughter. HUMPHREY-bn BowmOflvili,. Hospit- FOR SALE-piano at a bargain, a flrst ai, October 2, 1927, t0 Mr. and .11s. John ciass Instrument. Cnb eno n i-humphrey. -a daughter. quiry at Satesynan Office. Has been HARDWICK-in BowmnanviliC îtoepîî- weIi taken care of. In good condition. ah, on October 30, 1927, to '.\r. andi Mrs. ________________________ John i-arulwick, a son. FOR SALE-Ciîd's tron, cot, mattrees MILLSON-In 1Bowmanvillte Hospital, and springs coraplete, ln good condition,1 on Octobe-r 24, 1927, to Mr. and 'trs. El. t dso rnxttress for double hed. Applyj Nilison, Darlington, a son. Mrs. Frank Wlliams, phone 9, Bowman - PRESCOTT-lIi Bowmanvilb, Hospital, ville. e44-1 on NovemlCr 1, 1927. te Mr. and Mrs. Alfrd lrect, a daugliter. tlRuth Viola) FOR SALE-One Crowii Huron Cook EDGERTON-On Monday-, October 13 -StOXe wtt w;îvter front; one Quebec up- 12.teuMr. and 'Mrs. .J. Il. Edgeron right heater, both in good condition. Ap- \Vhitby, a daughter, (Ruth Isabella 'May). îly No. 4 Carlisle Ave., Bo%%manvile,ý' HIGGINBOTHAM-Oli Septmber 29th., phone (17. 44-1 I9~, t Mr am Mr. . Ceigtoni-ig- FOR SALE-Kitchl n utensils; Kitchen ginbothtain. 124-8111 Ave. F-, Calgary, Table; Chesterfield Suite; Library Table; .Alto , a daughter. (Joan NMerle>. .Vitrola; tlîreeburner coal --oil stovle; g ___________________________________ - . __ --'roor 1Suit; -i irown eo s, Your Home Should Corne First Special Thanksgiving Sale of Furniture. From now unti! Saturday, November 12th we are giving special reductions on everything we seil in keeping with the spirit of Thanksgiving. We ist only a few of the bargains. Every article in store now selling below regular prices. Ont. Bowmanville