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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1927, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1927 Pretty Nice Weather --NO W-- But soon the cold wincls xiii blow-the frost and snow xiii come-and warmth-the cheery warmth of a comfortable coal heated home-wil be necessarv. Do flot delay--order your coal now-get the finest domestie coal produced-Lehigh Anthracite -sized to suit everv home burning condition. Call us-we mwiil be glad to suggest the size best suiteci to your furnace or stove. APPLES WANTED FOR PEELING PURPOSES J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Pone 153 or 202 Bowxnanville You Can't Be Too Particular It has been the Cawker policy foir nigh on 75 x'ears to see that every care is taken in the selec- tion of animais -hich w'e seil over oui- counters. In the first place we peî-sonaliy do our own buying direct from the breeder. So that we only select mell fed, heaithy young animais. Then we do our own killing. We, therefoî-e, seil to our customers with every confidence and satisfaction that no better meat can be bought than we seil. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Bowmanville Phone 64 j a D'SPHOS PH QD NE. ne reatt Irgish Peparauîoa, ý olesied rvrrcites the whuiie îmCtVou S yStel.? ia3k,-s îîw Hlod in nid Vrins . -1 for Nervous < ~ L'hillyMental and Bran Worry, tkspn»denty, Los.t of Enecgv, Palptation of the Heari, Failing Memory. Pri,.e $2 pe. box.). for S5.11Solil by lildniggists. or maiieil in puî .n pkg. on reccipi of pnce, New p..mnehieo naied ru" WOODi ~MEDICINIE tO..XORcNTO,OMT, -ook's Regulating Compound A #acte, reliable rogulai<ng mei., . Id in tfce de- :;n,83;Nio. 3, 851pe'r box. ~~ &îiîliîy ail druggiba, or aBeni I prepaiulont ceceîpt i pine. Frce Pamphlet. Addre: THE COOKMEDICINECO. CHARACTER EDUCATION wifnally resuit consciously or un- ORONO consciously in a pbilosopby of life. Address Delivered at Teachera' Con-! This may or niav flot be forrnulated (From The News of October 27th) venionby . H Dekison B.A. and formed in this way is flot likely Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde, Tor-i veni ____GHDikiso,_._. to become so integrated and set as onto, spent Sunday with his par- (Cntnudfrm at ee) to be inflexible and incapable .Of ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Awde. I purpose next to give you a briefchne Bu tiltndorea, Mr. C. J. Thompson, Toronto, ac- accont f sme ysteis f caraternevertheless, coInsistent and stable, opnehinecMss arre cout o soe sstens f caraterthe individualYs life through a force' companed bih iee , Mida ass ae 1 mcèle arked out in practice. fain feiv days at bis sister's. prnies eition of beauty in aIl its forms Thr aebeen many s'îch in the!adte etetcstPfcinrrsn Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell left past %vorthy' the stud3' ofgthe char therefrorn, ought to be carefully Wednesday on a miotor trip to Wind- acter educator. Alost fotre n s onijne slob sor and Detroit and ber sister and made conduct an essential part of a powerfuî, refining force, leading to husband, Mr. and M rs. Doxtrtor. themevs Many secret orders have. tdc. elvle aleui hr acter pr-oduction as the rigbtcnut elvle obet fthi being. A very well! Influence of Religion Mr. John S. Smith. now retired Religoustnsorctio ougt tofrom farming. has becomie a citizen known present-day society defines it of this towninscupyingobis residenc self as a systemi of mioralit, --eiled in play an important part in the forma- fti on cuyn i eiec allegory and illustrated by symbols. tion 0f character. Historically it is ontNorth Mill Street. formerly~ Dr. Training for war, even, recognizinggenerally conceded that morality bac aterson residence. ceharacter as one of the prime essen- its source inire. li rather than re- The miany friends of Mrs. W. F. 'ilofthe soldier made characterligion in moralty. The pressure!Rolph of the Temperance House, are education an integral part of its, brought to bear gcnerally on thei pleased to see ber out around again scbeme. schools in Canada and in the United1 after heing conflned to her room for Self Training States to emphasize the religious de- i several weeks past by illness. Man inivdua atemts t slfvelopment of the child as making for! Mrs. S. Cutteli and Dr. Floyd Cut- Manyindvidal tteptsat elfstable character. is a logical out- 'teil left this week on a motor tnp to training offer interest and instruc- come of this tlwory. Many are in- ý" hicago. Ill., spending a day with tif on. Beank rs Watised ovûnhim- clined to attrihute tbe tendency to, MNrs. (Dr.) P. J. Ross, (formerly sef oryers haevr e 1a license and the chafing as restraint Lenora Williamson) at Detroit, think of the wily old gentlemian on, on the part of the rising generation NlMich., enroute. the wvhole, we must admit he wvas the to lack of religious influences. Mr. and Mrs. Honey and their acme of practical everyday wisdom in Just as charcter is man's total re- daugbter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. the conduct of life. !sponse to the influences of the world McCrackin. wvere in toxvn Su-Eday and S chools, wbile recognizing charact- 1 be lives in, so religion may be de-! spent the day witb M1r. Tbos. Pat- er as a prime objective, h ave been 1flned as his total rusponse to the God ý terson. M r. Hciney is foreman of largely content to accept it as a by-1wbo stimulates him. All great re-ithe County Forest at Roseneatb. product, and have concerned them- i igious ivritings. the scriptures, have i e.Toa alce ,'wovle selves but little with mutbods of in- their origin in man's religlous exper- I Rupe.ThmaPlacktret tonvi ple struction. Even so, they have done iences. Hence a safe deduction is oion upiet arkSevet ChuPsrh pu much. For example, the great pub- use passages from our Bible and 1Vm. tirig eeig atrRv lic schools of England have turned suitable prayers as the line of ap- j ary services preaching the anniver- out genrationyofsmenvihoseam on leo$. The bact wardr ac e hase flrst! proach to religions teaching in tbe 1 special appeal amt ed toi 80.0The ruling of akadrcbs made, scbools. 'Mucb depends on the char-, iBritish justice a by-word famous, acter of the inStructor and on the1 Thanksgiving services ivere held in among the nations.1 metbod of instruction. It bas beenl St. Saviour's Church on Sunday. The Boys' Training SchooI 1 said that religion is caugbt. not chancel and other parts of the cburcb 1 shaîl speak flrst of the system taugbt. There is a great difference was tastefully decorated with grain, in ue a th Trinig Shoo Bo- btwen payig ad mrel saingfruits and vegetables. Rector, Rev. manville, formulated by Dr. G. E. prayers. .IER.Jmscnutdesrve, Reaman. 1 do not make so bold as The Aim of Education large congregations being present. ocuin hrce dcto Soft corns are difficult to eradicate to rank it in any way reakbe ncnlsocaatreuainbut Holloway's Corn Remover will Yet I believe it theoretically sound, f includes ail education, and is, witb- da hmot anesy and practically applicable. Also 1 out doubt, the one useful tbing eacb i wtemotpinesy know it weli, being myself an irtteg- generation does, the passing on to the Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Waddell are raI part of it. n ei genuration of modes of living. spending their vacation at bis Boys coming to t 'e Training of aspirations and ideals, a little bet- mother's and sister's, Mrs. Colville Scho ol on the recommendation ofltur and nobler. let us hope, than' Evans, Yelverton. Mr. Waddeil, a Juvenile Court Judges or by nomina- 1 tbose given to it. Iformer Manager of the Standard 1 tionof he PovicialSecutar onBank here is now manager of the terc medtion of th rvn in ereted or-i Harriston branch. They timed their ereaibetcorsent. B1ada erdeVeakness wedding day with that of their sis- ofblnqec istory on the one B a d r W a n s ter, Mrs. Cowan, which was on thé hand, truancy, wandering, incorrîgi- G ti T M & samne date. 1 bility, tbieving, sex influences, and Geti g-U..p-NiIgh1 The C. G. I. T. held a reorganiza- the liku, and an often appalling re ~ tion meeting in Park Street Church cord of a socially inadequate envîr- ' Quickly ielieved on Monday evening last when Mrs. onment on the other. 0 . W. Rolph was re-elected leader, ,NMiss Bertha Cain. President, Miss On arriving at the school, the boyi pleasant Hop e Treatment Worka Ella Tamblyn, Vice President, Miss after a period of isolation for obser- Fine; Uaed .0By Doctor For Many Margaret Dickson, Secretary, Miss vation purposes, flnds himself a mem- Years Dorothy Hoar, Treasurer, Miss Dor- ber of a boy community of about1 seventy-five mumbers, ail very similar t othy Rowe, pianist. Tuesday even- incarceradideas to himself. What a wonderful comfort it isto ing tbey enjoyed a weiner roast in in caraterandsleep aIl night and not get up oncei the grove at the home of Miss Me- Domeatic Enviroument from Bîadder Weakness and Irrita- lndoo, Dean's Corners. He is assigned to a cottage, presid- tion.1 Miller's Worm Powders will clear ed over by a Cottage Father and The daily annoyance, restless,,the stomach and bowels of worms, s0 Mother, under whose supervision hie 1nigbts of mîsery, backacbes and ner-1 that the cbild will no more bu troub- carnies out certain routine duties, i vos irritability that resuit from led by their ravages. Thepowders and spends bis sparu time and bis Bladdur Troubles are wrecking the are sweet to the taste and no cbild slepin bors. He ousto he ca-lives of tbousands who migbt other- will object to taking tbem. Tbey are demic school baîf of eacb day, and 's wise be in the best of bealtb. non-injurious in their composition, assigned to a vocational instructor 1 To be at your best, you must bave and xvbile in some cases they may fof the scbool prgrham buis gupard peaceful, bealth-giving sleep and cause vomiting, that must not bu tak- lof he chol pogrni e i gudedfreedom from daily irritation-tbat's en as a sîgn that tbey are nauseat- in physical education, athletics, wh r otwrbsUAASgv ing, but as an indication of their games and rucreation by a physical l effective work.RTAB gie director. He receives a cadet mil- sucb wonderful satisfaction.efctv ok tary training and is uncouraged toi Made from a special formula and Women's Institute had a good pro- formi the Boy Scouts, the Wolf Cubs used in the doctor's successful pri- grain and a good attendance at their and certain clubs sucb as the Stamp1 vate practice for nearly 50 yars- meeting in the Council Chamber on Collectors' Club, the Bird Club and, URATABS, now obtainable from your October 21s t. Well prepared pap- fthers Al bis time is thus ac-: druggist for inexpensive home use, ers VVere given on Hallowe'en, and counted for. The boy finds that1 have brought quick help and comfort the Kitchen as a Work Sbop. Musical a Il bis performances are closuly i to miany thousands. numbersw une supplied by Mrs. Haw, watcbod and miarked for attainment.' No matter wbat youn age may bul Mrs. R. H. Brown and 'Miss Cobble- ten possible marks a day from eacb or bow many medicines you bave dick, and a humonous readîng by Mrs pesnrsosible for bim. !used witbout success. if you want to Gamiey. The members are making ,pforget asand a number of quilts for the Neigbbor- Rewarcl of Behaviaur 1 tyou bpaefladdebro enjyWorkers Association of Toronto. Mrs Ho flnids that certain pnivileges are te r" fpaeul nnknsleep, R H Brown was appointed delegate contingent upon a certain minimum try URATABS today. Your druggist to& the Convention in Toronto in total of marks; the acquirement of a will reftînd the small cost if you are November. After the program a so- paid job. a consequent permission to noielpesd cial half hour was enjoyed. buy certain things from the school ______- -- Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dent entertai.- store, permission to sue the schoolý ed at their home, near Leskard, on movies. permission to go to town on' b 6 Tuesday 'ening for the imimediate certain occasions ,and, best of ail, if 1amily and friunds on the occasion a certain high average level is main-, f hei hirty-flfth wudding anniver- tained for a terni, bu may bu grant- sr. M.Dn a h eiin f ed certain holidays at home, graded cm. THOMAS' i* a andDoenw s th e ripieof in length according to the standard anihanme Mrs. Dent reciived num- Ke edp. ga eor Iuspresnts, among which was a Keeping aRecordLbautifulinen cloth, also fromth iEach boy naturaliy keeps close I family. mong those present were watch on the weekly and especially 1 MOST MFECTIVE W!TH Gordon Dent, Miss Jean Dent, ,nonthiy posted records. He finds POULTRY IN TREATING IMn. ani Mrs. Carmichael, Nr. and tht f u ans n hefistfor n *~ ¶RSIMPY POUR A Mrs. Prothero and famiiy, Mr. and à his cottage ho is appointed a Headl o SMALL QUANTITY Mrs. Fred Faherty, Mr. and Mrs. Ad-1 Boy', if in the next four a Sub-H-ead msad auherNrm, is a boy. Ho new gains certain stîli Alpine, Miss Winnifred Wallace. 1 mono highly prized privileges. As a Head Boy ho bas a private room of'D b 0O bis own exemption from the rough-, _________ - - c un parts of routine work, supervisioni-£~V L over working parties, and permission uatl to gD dîîwn town unsupervied on VIhhIIflLVeil Satunday nights, with a certain a.-mM N O L earning, of course. lan m Rub Gently and Upward To- *The îlevelopnient of attitudes, ap- i HA lULY If LK ward the Heart as Blood in Questio.:Why is I culs;fied cod- liver ail so important as an added xtion with m-ilk in the dict of chiidren? Answer: Becausewhen it is mixed with milk it makes mnilk a more effi- cieŽnt rickcets.preventingI food and builder of strong bones. Children like it bet in the form of S TT siEn,1 N i HamitonOnt-'Ihave 1tan liii E. Pinkhamn's Vul etalîle na I iy tt' t mwIithoitwo l it' ' bemig 'g toudain. I t1!' v night a!n an dg m LI;nr.- I~ ~~~dw haesxgow-p i i,rd f, is ( I hav liertv trdo. aIe usa-.,ii;' E. ~ wok 1' '%.'sSaaiv "11 a< Idh tlîiik i i, ind. ButIoemt laI. tii ' t' th Vegtahe Compund i, am thin if mio cft as sod îniený- tenIaiule.u bntteroff. Iwuld octl itht it t if ndit o memyore. M1shave lUertJAMdoE1SO80 Est Cm. î E.olnkStreet,. Haion ahn k sgomd ut1es LydiaE ink- bamtheVegutabe Compoundisaexdel leint tf moe o t ucaime aways wihelpsandif i tak meula re.nd ie- iatet,, HilietnsOntio. w ili >101) reduce swollen veins ,and If iY. i %vi]gî't a t\î-,.Onceoiri- J i! . f M:1 f w i's Eîteiali Oul (ful1 strvngth,> at any first clas drug î"ire andl aiplv it niirht ail nuîrnini as lirected vea xii quicklv netice an imiprovenment Nvhich ii cn:iioi oti'the veins andl banchesi aie iiîlu t ininal. M 'ekEmerald Oui. i a harmi- i less. vet nio * t powoî'ful gerîniciule and j txo ounices last xc'ry long time. In- I îeed. su puîxvenrful is Enierald Ou tlat Id chin le ('ýasus of Piles ire e ften entireiv absorlici and anvone vvho is disappointed with its use can hav ( ilhei emx rfinilei. Jury &Lov- 'Do as Mr. Gard Mn. Anson A. Gard, the weli known Littérateur of Ottawa, called the Wan- dering Yankee, says in an unsolitod testimonial for ZUTOO Tableta "Zutoo Tabiets stop my hemd- aches so completely that 1 do îot mind having them any more.0 No need for any one îo suff.r from a u ae If thoy do as Mr. Gard do.« and take Zutoo You Ilnow This! "SALADA" 207 Anyone can seil poorer tea cheapeir. When It Cornes to Economy The efficient home manager, no less than the business man, recognizes the importance of trad- ing in the best market. The weekly income is thus made to yield its full return, and a larger sum can be devoted to home comforts. Thought- fuiness leads numerous people to buy their meat at our store. Spring Chickens are in. Let us know your needs early. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Delivery Butchers Phone SIS Bowvl l You can't get eggs by guesswork feeding, Hens can't lay regularly uniess they get proper feed. You must restore to then daily the food elements they give off in the egg. ' Feed a scientificaliy balanced ration--one that is certain and , - sure --one that is economical- one that makes your hens regu- lar producers. More profits for . you. Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash con tains exactiy the ingredients that hens need to lay lots of large. strong- shelled eggs. Oatmeal-not just ground oats--other cer- eals, cod liver meal. minera?, are mixed in balanced pro- portions. The Cod U-ver Meal supplies vitamines to act quickiy and vigorousiy on the egg producing organs. Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash is 9%ë minerai. Hens for their size need more minerai than any domestic animal-minerai for nutriment and minerai for eggs. Feed Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash. You wiIl get better eggs more regularly. Your hens will be healthy. busy, eager to lay. Cold weather and lack of sunshine won't affect them. Ful-O-Pep brings you dollars. FULaO-wPEP EGG MASH A product of The Quaker Milis, Peterborough and Saskatoon SOLD DY Phone 186 HARRY ALLIN Bowmanviile, Ont. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Rheumatism Headache Colds Neuritis Pain Toothache Neuralgia Lumbago DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept onIy "Bayer" package 5af~which contains proven directions. Handy 'Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Aloo bottles of 24 and 100-Druggistâ. ."r'l h.traie mark reintered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetir, r fsailcyilcacld (Acetyl gallllC Acld. "A. S. A."). WhilicIl la weii known tfiat Asorin meatu Bayer manufacture. toualalat the. publie againat tmitations, the Tablets of Bayr >jrt~ni'auy will bc atamçted witb their general trade mark, the "Bayer Orou," PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1927

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