y THE ASTONISHINNG THING IS The Quality ai the Right Price You're used to seeing at lot of groceries offer- ed at low iMices and sorne at prices below cost. Now where goods are sold for less than cost there is sornething wrong. And then you hear a lot of exhorbitant dlaims! But when it cornes to act- ually setting eyes on the quality, you probably find it different. If this has been your experience you w~ill be ail the more astounded at the quality our store gives you. Don't take our word for it. Corne-and see for yourself. CHINA AND GLASSWARE When in need of China, Glassware or Crock- ery visit our stock upstairs. at reasonable prices. Everything you want ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanvi lie BTHE FIRE-FIGHTER CAN TELL YOU l Talk to the mnan who batties destructive flares-who risks life and lirnb to proteet proper- ty. Ask hirn about the tragic sceress he has wit- nessed as Fire deprived rnen who "did not believe in Insurance "-of their hornes and their ail. How, w~hile the srnoke curled skyward, many of that type have been heard to rnurmur-"Oh! Why didn't 1 take out Insurance when I had the chance"? Don't wait until you have to ask yourself that question under like conditions. INSURE YOUR ALL NOW with the rnost reliable companies in America. Phone or cali on J. J. MASON & 'SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E.~ Bowrnanville Now packed in Aluminum. RD RtOSE T EAs good tes' Your grocer knows when you order RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE you p.. are a judge of fine tea. Il Look For the Sheil Sign Then l)urchase Sheli Aviation an Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasoline known the world over, Test it your- self. You'Il find quality is cheapest and best in the long run. C. A. Barlett Phone 1 10 King St. East, Bowmanville TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILI4E, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1927 TENNIS CLUB BANQUET LARGE RADIO STATION IUD AAINAPE 1NEAR BOWMANVILLERU YCAA ANAPE Trophies and Prizes Preaente- -T-o1______- FOR OVERSEAS Succesaful Contestant$s !$25,000 Structure to be Buit South Washl1sedtefksite _________ of ~~Shaw's School. 'htsa edtefîai h (Crowded out last week) Old Country?" is a query heard as Bowmnanville Tennis Club wound Some rnonths ago it was reported the Christmas season approaches, but up its 1927 stason with a very en- that Gooderhami & Worts. Toronto. if the average Canadian realized how thusiastic dinner a* the Balmor..i xere to build a broadcasting station nîuch our big, juicy, r'xl apples axe Hotel Friday evening. The spirîtl!in the vicinity of Burketon but the appreciated and enjoyed by peuple of the club for the first season as runlor did flot materialize. This overseas the probleni would be im- been remarkable and the sanie good company has, however, selected an- mediately solved. feeling and club loyalty was n~i_ Ither location in Durham County oni fest during the evening. *which work has already started fo r Canada's luscious rosy apples are Afte diner brif metin wa one of the largest broadcasting sta-1 relished by young and old alike. They held presided over by the President tosiCad. About seven ac- symbolize our brilliant sunshîne and W. R. Strike. who gave a review of res has been acquired on the farmn warm summer days and they do look what had been accomplished this wned by James M4cConnachie. Bow- Christmasy and cheerful, Northern ya. Vice-President, Alan Camp- Imanvillf, which is located near Lake Spies, Mclntosh Reds and Baldwins bell and Captain M. A. Neale express- Oaro, two miles east of this town are the best an'dthe most popular to ed hei peasreat he plndi sc- ndabout a mile east of the Pro- carry your kind thoughts and good cedso the laure atd the sled uc vincial Highway from Shaws School. wishes across the sea and standard btter things for the future. Treas- Contract for construction of $25.- boxes and barrels of choice hand urer Bert Bounsall gave his financial :000 radio station has been awarded picked and hand packed fruit, Gov- report which disclosed a deficit of to Dickie Construction Co. of Tor- ernment Inspected, are procurable at two or three dollars for the current1 onto. W. Len Elliott, Bowmanville, reasonable prices from any grocer yerafter pyn for aIl construction Ihas secured the contract for plunîbing while the matter of shipment is as expenses. The report showed care- 'and heating. sipea h aling o ad fuI management and the club is to be i Plans caîl for a height of three The Canadian National Express congratulated on retiring its initial storey's and basement, dimensions of willî caîl for your apples, transport expeditues s rapdly.39 feet 6 inches by 28 feet, concrete and deliver them by quick service to Dr. J. C. Devitt presented i slab contuioo rsflrad to the club for annual competitionite posta above, brick walls. hot and most European countries. among the men. Jabez Vanstone 1water heating, feît and gravel roofing representing his father, Fred C.* Van- hardwood flooring, gumwood interior The transportation charge from l tnpeetdcpfor cmttnir- Montreal and Quebec up to Novem- amnongst the lady. memnbers andi e 5ho rmSitJh n Brno1al o ersnighs o aar-ti n ftecH alifax, thereafter, by direct steam- Brno alwodrpeetn is FrCtrhI oeftecif er to points in Great Britain, Ire- father, Dr. B. J. Hazlewood, did the Irecommendations of Dr. Thomas' Ec- land and the Channel Islands is $3.10 same with a cup for the Juniors. lectric Oil that it can be used inter- per standard box and $6.20 per President Strike then presented the naîîv with as much succesa as it cari standard barrel, including registra- cupa to the winners being M. A Neale outivardly. Sufferers from catarrh tin for men's singles, Alice Werryý,lad- wilI find that the 011 when used ac- ies' singles and Ted 'Mason for junior cord ing to directions will give prompt For rates to Canadian ports, thru singles. relief. 'Many suff erers f rom this ail- rates to Continental stations and Mr. L~ Hamel Cook who had ment have found relief in the 011 other particulars, consult any Cana- charge of the club tournament pre- land have sent testimonials. dian National Express Agent. 44-1 sented the prizes to the other tourna-!I________________________________________ ment winners. The speeches were interspersed with popular songs andi . a great deal of hilarity, both being excellent aida to digestion. After the dinner and presentations the mem- bers entertained themselves wth carda and dancing. Tournament was concluded on Sat- $0 0 * C urday, with the defeat of L. H Siason and B. Mitchell in the men' doubles consolation, 6-2, 643. In A FO R TU N E the semi-finaîs .Dr. Sisson -and B . Mitchell defeated W. Soucb and Art Kent 6-3 whiîe L. H. Cooke and MNI i Gould were victorious over C. H.m Dudley and A. Lobb. 10-8. 11TE MI STARKVILLE Rev. J. F. Lane of Canton, preach- ed an excellent sermon at Shiloh on Sunday. ... Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cooper, Kirby, spent Sunday at W. Savory's.... A very quiet wedding took place at Mr. R. Whitmee's on October 21st., w-h nbis daugbter, Elsie, became tbe b ride of Mr. Hugh Kelly. Sbiloh extenda congratula- tions..Mr. Lleweîlyn Haîloweîl, mother and sister spent the weekend in Toronto... A number of young people took in Elizabethvilîe anniver- sary ,.* Mr .Lorne Todd bas a fine new sedan. .Sad news bas reached here of the death of Misas hb Gordon at Winnipeg on October. She was horn in Clarke and was a ilife long resident of Clarke until about fifteen years ago, she went to Manitoba to make ber home with ber sister, Mrs. Wm. Bradley. She ivasi a sister of the late Henry and George Gordon. She leaves to mourri ber bass two sisters in tbe West, and ai number of niecea and nepbews, Mrs. R. Hallowell being a niece ... . Miss Bernice Thornton, Kirby, spent the weekend witb ber cousin, Miss Grace Savery. ..%Mr. Cecil Carveth bas been loading several cars of grain at our station ... .Mrs. John McKav is mucb improved . . number attended the Hallowe'en pari&v given at the achool .Mr. and Mrs. C. Mitchell of N ew- castle. visited frienda bere on Sun- da y last.I Time Has Tested It.-Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil bas been on the mark- et upwards of fifty years and in that time it bas proved a blessing to thousands. It la in high favor tbru- out Canada and its excellence basi carried its famo beyond the seas. If it were double the price it would be a cbeap liniment. Dragged Down by Asthma. The' man or womnan who is continuallv1 subject to astbma is unfitted for hisl or ber life's work. Strengtb departa l and energy is taken away until life becomes a dreary existence. And j yet this is needless. Dr. J. D. Kel- 1 logg's .\stbma Remedy bas brought a great change to an army of sufer- 1 ors. It relieves the restricted air I tubes and guards against future trouble. Try it. Naturally Exacting lady: "I want you to seîd nme over a ton of cîxîl that hasîît any asti or clinlker-and ivithoîut that suiphurmîîs snell." Coal Deaier: -Lidy, vau don't iiiit a ton of coal. You want to Wget connecte(l witb a gas motel" ----I When Sourness, Pain and Bloating Follow Every Meal Make This Simple Test For Swift and Sure Relief. To quickly prove 90 per cent of Stoniach distîress is absolutely un- nçcessary and that you can eat and etijoy îîîust any food you really wnnt -get froni your druggist sumne Bis- urated Magnesia (powder or tablets) and take a little after your next neal. This is a simple, in expensive test that cari be depended upon to prove its value in leas than five min- utes. lna most instances, relief cornes instantlyl Bisurated Magnesia is a pleasant, harmnless, non-laxative form of old fashioned Magnesia that, when taken after meals, cleanses, sweetens and neutralizes the dangerous acids that cause moat stomnach troubles. Oste day's trial will convince you-ask yordrugis for Bisurated Magnes. PAGE SEVEN Better Uight for Home and Farmn -A Coleman Quicir-Lite wlll give you the abundance of clear, eteady brilliance that more than two million familles are enjoying. You cari have better light and plenty of it for any purpose-indoors or out-anytimei you want t-ail a* Iess cost and wlthout bother or work. Colemani Quick-Litea are brighter than offuel. La-ep labeautituliy denli ned, ne 20 old-style oil lampe or lanterne. No ornerent inamy home. Lanteraila sturd- -icke to trlm: no chimneys to waah: no fly but to stand long and hard ecevtea daily fillng Make and hum own gai LDealers everywhere tell Coleman frora coromon motor gasoline. Light _,th Lampa and Lanterne. If Fou dealer con- matches. Safe-ran't grpl1fusel: ean't be mot supply you, -rite mur netrest offic2 filleS -hile lighted. Econ omical- more and -e will see that yosir Jý than 40 hone brtlliant service per gallon supplieS promptir Addres DePt- BS-22 THE COLEMAN LAMP & STOVE CO., LTD. Queen St. East & Davies Ave., Toronto, 8, Ontario Coleman Quick»Lite La mP71an d Lante rn s Sold In Bownianvilîe By RICE & CO. MASON & DALE DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE 'bor ISH PRIZES $ 2,000-00 FOR YOU!1 AND EMPIRE Offers this tremendous Fortune ta any Man, Woman or Chilci. Fmnd the Words Hidden in the Letters of the Word " CONSTANTINOPLE " J~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~A T hr 8ntigbr od.Adthere ià Two Ihouand Dolais b win. Ail you need ia paper and penci. It is easy to understand and -play this gaine. Juat sit dowa and see how many words you can mae boum thie loer. nia the word Constantinople. find ail sorts of word. that can be mnade out of tlh... letters For example, catisl one, pie ia co, pant ia another, adat, etc, etc. It la as easy ms that. h t. a gaine for the whole f mmily. No elpert knowledge ia needed. Ail you bave to do to win a fortune ta to play the sgme according to thie rules announced to-day. IT COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. F ITYlmgest and nearest correct list be awarded firat prize; second best, second Observe These Easy:?4ules (1) Amyn anr, woman or chilid whoo ilves in Cana da and la not a resident of the Ci ty of Toronto an d whi anmot In the employ et The. Mail and Empire nays~ubmi t an aniswer. (2) Make as many words as posible tram the. letters in thse word Constantinople. You may use the lettera over and over again in ditterent words, but eaoh Word muet not Co ntain s letter more tî mes than t appears in the word Constanti nople. For example, you may use the. latter 'a" Just once In each word. the letter l'el' just once in escli word and the. letter 1111 twice in each Word. (3) WrIte your worde piainiy on one aide of the piper andSin alphabetical order, numbering tiiem 1, 2, 3, *e. Write your ful mamne and addrema on each page In the. upper right.hand corner, If you desire ta write anything else use s separa te sheet. (4) Do net use proper nounis, proper adjectives, prefIxes. suffixes, abbrevlatlont, contractions, foreign worda, obsolete words, combined forma, Scot or dialectlc words. Worde spelled alk. but witii different meaninge wiii bc counted es one. word. Word@ epeiled differently but wlth the. aame meanlng will bs counted ne separete wards. Botii the aingular and the. plural may b. useS, anS both wili b. counted. provIded both forma are listeSlm the. dictlonary (5) Tii. Judaes will uae Webster'* New International Dictionas.y. the latent edition, u autiiority, anS tiie largest correct lilt of worde made from the. etterein Constanti. nople will b. awarded flrat prie.. (6) On. correct Word wili be deducted for each mis. speiled or incorrect word. (7) In the avent of a tia for any prize offered, the full amount of aucii priz. wlll b. awarded te eacii tieS partic ipant. (8) Oniy one priz. wil be awarded tea aay one household or group of peraons. Every ist muet represntn your own effort, and muet be prepered by the person eubmitting it. Liste submitted wiiich cause the Judges te believe that tiiey have been compileS by one and the came person wiil be rejected. (9) Tii. largeet corre. liet of words prepared accordinp to tiiese rules wil % firet prize. Tii. next largest correct lias will wln aect d prize, anS no on until 50 prises have been awarded (eub tt ta rule l!' (10) A cash prize of $50.0l, viii b. awarded the. flrat prizc winner If no subscriptions 'o Tue Mail anS Empira are sent in. However, the fIr . prise winner .wili receive $1.000.00 Instead of $50.00, provided one new or renewai yeariy eubscription ta Tii. Mail and Empire la sent In. Better stili, if TWO uubscriptions to Tii. Mail and Empire teitiier one new anS on. renewal, or both new. at $5.00 per year by mail, or $6.00 per yeer Seivered by carrier in Hamilton or~ London) are sont In by the. irat prize winner ho -,, h. wlT be ewarded $2.000.00 Instead of $50.00 (11) Fenewai aubscripticos aili not be accepteS that extend any subscription beyond January lat, 1931. (12) Ail answers wili receive the same consideration. regardiess of whether or not à .iutscript!on te, The Mail anS Empire la sent in. (13) Tiiree prominent Toronto citîsena, havine no con. nertion witi Tii. Mail anS Empire, wil be selected te act as Iudgep te decide the winnieri; anS participants. by sending In their aniswere. agre. te accept the. decision of the Judges au final and conclusive. (14) Prize winners In former conteste conducted by The Mail and Empire wiia have won $200.00 or more ar& not llaible te participate In tues contest. (15) Liste of worde muet be mailed and postmarked on or betore midnlgiit of Saturday, December 3rd, 19Z. SUBSCRIPTION RATES fer Cate2 lit.. andS their for Canada. Great Itritain loeaeaaonA: ssid her Poeacsiooa: 12 4oathh. ............$7.00 12 itonth ........8$5.00 6 Manths..........0 6 ""oth........8 i Mo-th..........75 t1C[ ,............80 Satierday FAtîtln. Saturîlay Eittbon. 1 Mon th@ ..............00 12 moathe .............00 o*. lii er yeer by carrier la I.nnaee o Tt.cltan, Interesting, Educational, and Mighty Profitable., Too! the 50 best liste of words aubmitted. Ile anawer having the of words made out of the letters in the. word Constantinople wili prize, etc. $5,000-00 in Cash Prizes = I Prias M TWO Here you are Pro» Li no n i= OnU aabrasomÉeicm awards! 15 as RADPlb e efwkmie Vinning Ammusers Feiai Pria........*$50-00 $1,000.00 83,00.00 aill recee cash Seeond Prie... 25.00 500.00 laO.00 prise# accordinuvse Third Prise... 15.00 350.00 700.00 the table here. Fourtis Prise.... 10.00 100.00 200.00 Remnem ber-- Sit Prs 5.00 50:00 100-00 A fuUly qualified seventh Prise .. 3.00 50.00 .100.00 anawer w__the Eigitis Prise ... 5.00 S.0 100 larger anmouta. Tenth Prise... 5.00 50.00 100.00 BIg Efor nth Prime to SohPrize, Wn Ai fo 11 lusuve ............2.00 5.00 10.00 $2 10O00-00à ward TOTAL.......8i215.00 82,500.00 85,000 lu the event of-a- te fo-r astprize offered thse fat aMOI paiS to each tted participant. How the $5,OOO in PrizesWîiI Be Awarded The greatest opportunItysof your tifes lawhat The. Mail end Empire la offering you In thi word came, to "play and learnl" whili earring a big cash prias.. ou cannot heip but enjocy the. huait for words in th4 a e. Ailyole ne*d la an observing oy:ye.Lt alJ.0 n a nd have a jolly good time. Put ai, the ,aly ,in thua came.ni.lvi Mary.ap nli d Eobby a pencil. Both parents take a pencil, and sny otiier members of thé family. Make tlagame. Seo who can fInS the. moat words from the. lattera ln the. word Con. stantincple. n lIitan hour. YoU 'Il finS tlfune Il la easy to do. t'a ducatlonal, and It may be woptl, TWO TH-SOU SAND DOLLARS. 50 CASH PRIZES Io Be Given Away Thls game in a campalgn taicrease th,. popuiarity of TH-E MAIL AND EMPIRE. Il coste nothin a to take part, end you do not have to senS ln a aubacrIption ta wIn a prize. !f your list of worda in awarded tiret prize by the. judges, you will wl. *$0.00. However, we are ;nalking the. foiiowing apecial offers, wiiereby you con win Crater cash prix.. by .%end ng ln one or two yeariy saîîtiîptiors. Ilere's IIow the Biq Cash Prizes WHI Be Awarded $2,O6O $19000 instead o!f*$50.00 will la. awarded to thse anewer wsnrnug firet prize, pros uded two yearly aubscriptions to Tise Mail and Empire have becai sont iu, one subeription of which must be new. Second prize, $1,000.00, thirtl prize, 8700.00. (Sec third ree!umn figures ini prize lisi.) instead of $50.00 wil be awardd to the anawcr winning firet pruic, provitlcî one vearly subsrription ha& been sent lu. Secoed prize. $50O.00*. thirel $350.00. and sa on. Big Cash Prize Qualifying Blank Leslie F. Moote, Puzzle Manager, Btoom 907, Niail and Empire. Toronto, Canada. EncloseS find 8 - . for which klndly send The Mail and Empire to the following portons, which wIll qualfy me for thse Big Cash Awards lu $5.000.00 Constnntinnple word game. Klndly tend The Mail and Empire to Kindly sendi The Mail andS Empre le NAIM .................................SNM............................ ADDRm 8................................ ADDRES8...........................*- he this subscription new or renewai? To qualiLy for higheet awsrd *15* oubaolpuon imuat le Dow. f Ky NA3m la .......................... £DDREB......................... % DaMitby Money 0,dm«. Fotal Note or Chetque. De ot aisel eauhnvegMoee $200.00 Special Prize ' $200.00 wilI b. dded te thse firit priz. off $2,000.000 if tise- aubscriptions to qualif y the liat winning First Prime are re- ceived inl The Mail and Empire office beiween Noveusber ist aud midniglst, Tuesday, November 1Sth., 1927. $100.00 wiII b. added te thse Firi Prix. off $2,000.00 if thse subacriptiona to qualil y the lust winniug First Prime are receiv- ed iu Thse Mail and Empire office between Novesaber lotis and and aiduigist, Novemnier 3OtIs.. 1927. ----------1 -M 1 ,ount or emb prtze wfu be 1 1