PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1927 EYE COMFORT Is Assured XXhon '.ou have your eves ex aitaculcnuttifically by aur grad. uate cptomnetrists --Over 40 Years Experience Di not e\perititent or tak unce-s.ars' chanteo wiîh yenr eyes-cùnte direct te our store. When We Test Eyes It la Done Properly Jury & Lovel Sife Satîsfactory Druggîsts and Opticians Incomparable Values Mca s Navy Bluc Overcoats, plu3h iined. guaranteed Indigo Dye, Regular $25.00--------.$16-95 Men's Blaek or Blue Overalîs, Regular $2.00.......... $1.39 M en's Fine Boots. Black or Browna, $4.50---------- $3.49 Womnen's or growiag girls Black or Brown Oxfords $5.00 for $319 Womnen's Fal Shoe.s of Patent Leather, large variety te choose fron $4.00 ........... $2.89 Checked Tea Toulileng 20e yard for-------------------. 2%c Wemnen's Silk and XVoel 'ests $ . ................----79c DILLICK'S King and Di-rsiion Sts., Bowmnanville Continuing1 Women's & Ch j Many women this la of ouir reduced Iiîices an coats at big reductions. We, however, regrel Wear' Department xvas te accommoclate ail oui, cust( we have macle special 1) Friclav and Saturdax'- of tl sl)eeial values: wihAnothier new shiiinc wl arge Tihbetine col S375. AI] sizes and a1 Thanksgiving S SaeChildlîen-'s Coats cleý SaePrices. FELT AND VI A newx shipment oif Hats mark-ed at sale prieg $4.50 Values On Sale $2.95 JUST AF and Fiet.' eder1 sistet'. S i Special Thanksgivii S. W. MAS( Dry Goods, Ready-to-1 Phone 106 -. DARLINGTON School report for S. S. No. 3, Dar- The e w a t e I d ped ri lington, for October: Sr. IV- Freda Attree 69, Robert Finnîigan 65, Ethel Hopps 65, Dorothy Rundle T U S A ,N V M E r. .2 2,Lewis Riîadle 61. Sr. Ill- T U S A ,N V M E 3d,12 Be,'sie Blackburn 82, Florence Foi- I- e y 74, Ejîcen Morphy 5S. Ji.. 111-1f WKinnie GibsOn 74, Edith Daiziel 62, NEWCASTLE COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES HALLOWE'EN MASQUIERA)E 'Jack Fînnîgan .39, tKcnneth Flint1' NEWCASTLE SCHOOLS 1 i4. Sir. jl *Hazel Hopps 7.5, Wil-j Mrs. Rooney and sont Hubert aref Everylcoîy luit1 a jolIs tfi- it, lieht bur Blackburn 71, Annie Kush 66. siting hier cousin, Mrs. (Rev.t E. IFO rga n eodAtnaiLtg acîîal'iitCiiiiii Ato~iîsKus 6. r. l GîacoRCooke at the Parsonage. 11.111 oit lIillowe't-îî. I'lîî'e %%il.s;lots 'fruit 76, 'Bobbie Gibson 56, 'Eun- Mrs .Anios 'MeMullen, Toronto, 1 h îîî i Xvî, of Nuw- Of funî, a gOCI priCgrincii tiutednf C ieceLane 534. Sr. 1-Maurice Mor- Iland MsAaPnoaOoo ee i I II 1'~C Oi O i Cliv such pp~ilî tir ei rîtainers lis ir. X- phy 7 0. S. 1i--ien Rundieli_.uests on Tuesday of Mrs. W.R îlî t~.., the Con*lCC-Sn li io ' .Z'î t;iil r tandl Hazel 'ruit i9 tequal) , *Vei~ra Pearce. %, i.~lii î ., H 1t111h5 îiý Cal),andl Mis. Il. Iliirtlbvt'i tad ~' Gibson and Beraiece Roberts 83 'tu. and Mrs.'LitLh'.errvgand son îl1--p'rity'of r- mes,'ent'fin"thei'- - (equal), *Douglas Hopps 82, *Hazel and Mr'.Berrys mother, Kirby, Nvere ',' w.-aws u I viof ît of anwicespg',1n11tet-r1l f0 Robler'ts 76, Sainîy XVan C amp 72. Sundcix guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. N t .i fLet-"t itluîî nlee. Jr. r.*Louise Foley. *-.Honors; Bclv.ti iiOs. Il 'tk ii.cC.ii, Przwnnrinhe naqral t-Failure (beluw 60% on total). 1 'lin 1 promenadeil 'îili-.tiigiti' icottumr RbM.Bagte he. Master Kenneth Roszel and cousin. lattdHi '-duicati'î.it t nc-i cprm adwreBtga'sccui 'Thii tc . iiîirziI'-laRoblin; Best ladc,' cCsun( Rub M Bag, tacer Pterboro, visited his father, .Mî. J. î*,y ..i lO'behHnc, e)st boys îoo t tt'Schol t-î'1îi tiot 1 f ..Srr- ot nîni p'rs Eli 'uit-.,,niandiiîk ii-Hters t, i'cii,' ElzabeHanock ; Best girls -e JOLLY HALLOWE'EN PARTY ICtu'îaaîcnceincnt Exorcises.10 si iiil.1nub,«sbyAarH cok BetglsG n t. t .- îî, ii i sil -,lli'aof prî loi,!Williamts;Best couple Eari and Mis-. LousaHedges has returned l,. . i-t ii .1 ' Ciirman of thelIHubert -Osborne; -..('hi]ldrcn-Jean ,Given By St. PauI's Young Peopleihonie front a vxisit with îrelatitves in uti,.z-s aîî1 i' iîî i t- c-. Çiii-Hanna. eaCoe im arw Miss LenYungPepla ld1 :rlf ta o 's îoyHubert Rooney; Best comic-Barney St Puls oug eolehed yrss en Car atRohesovsteNY î-stan n ztc .îir 1-s - p tres:Google. Sprt'.Ck , Wiama Farrowe Most successful Hallowe'en pry n Dr. Ernest Allu n MrWi n th4'fthe. i 1olt ofte'an Susn- fR'k accmpaied y Mr. 1- eîî-îîYc iltfi strc'sed the valu e orf1 ým. Lycett, Harry Lycett, Garnet th etr or nMna vn icar, 'î-'î:c'îaii.d iby iii ,îci.îoM..tiiîngs Rickard ani R-oy Ashton. ing. The program vas in charge C(obbledick, teft Newcastle for Los',Iioîiýt col ho ni.1ai, t for tpp oaf Mr. Geo. L. Hall who made a 'rery Anee. ai.,Tusdy ctbr Il, ais-oî icn i cii oaof Newcastle Orchestra with assist- efficient chairman. yOctoer iii t,int 5-rNij0,.sof mr. m. ance of oiîtside play-er's, under direc- jMisses Osborne and Rundle rend-2t. c'irî.C'-. rî.l tIlt"î~îr f , tion of Mir. H-arold Allita, pi'ovid-d j ere anumerof iao det afer Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jantieson bade iî ~-trt-tmîcli tinte andabuaneu? uictruotte ereda nuber f pino dets ftergoodI-bye to Newcastle on Moaday1 ijînit i&¼W ll*, siloot andt ail tii.t icur. evenidn. o ui hruh h whic a coruswas ung y Mesrs.and left ftcr their aew home in Brace- l'y, E Bi. î'û'iiu gave te seriptuir Caruters Cle Dule, tewrt bidg flloedbythebet islesofreilngfron t,î¼- i and.2 îcit-d tuic Mesdamtes Best.' Adams, Neal and la host of friends. th bet ishs o ,lai I- ýr Hall and Misses Best and Ramsay St. Gtrgr'ss cf 1? iîiE.R.k1'utr VtlCS i t1ii- BAD MOTOR ACCIDENT with Mrs. Dudley accompanist. Mrs S.GogesCuche .E.R-tcschoot poicits. tiîirîtirercton if \îs_____ W. Aams avea redin "Wh*s1 James, Rector. Sunday, Noveather 6: Ilatl i. Mison, Stîtervisor cf ctisic con- - W.Adam gav a eadig -W 'Irîhîut two schnol f-air soags: 'Gooclby-elt Mrs. Thos. H. Clentence, daughter -Afraid"? which dehighted not i n * .ao-Moning ryradHi aSiînnc- aino 'i tii-- Qiit,-t Ee Miss Maujorîe, and Miss Bernice jthe young people but the eider cneslj ontmuaîon. 2.30 p. m.-Suaday tag. the îati',r intwoixit 'ý iO Rundie had a nai'iotç escape fromn as well. Miss Margaret Pollock's 1 chool. 7 p. m.-Ex'easong. P'totscoîïing o-" iýl--r ad s rag -'n r lîkiikl t, slicranos, ail laic )iferfcik'ry. The very serious injury or peî'haps ivorse, Iwhistiing solos were very much en- 1 Newcastle churches ai-e planning t-its- ityan i sîooîliness ,f th, y oîithfnijaotd s rdv evnn ve fjoyed as was Miss Anderson's vocal jt hl auin evieo neoî-VICuas lîli isMco cr their buggy w'as hit la the rear by a solo. A song by Mr. Geo. E. Chase 1tam and Thanksgîviag in the foi'e- 1ictricary - icivi aitr;fý ý hflnoo rc n hywr l and chorus by Misses Grace Caely nona of Armistice. Day. Novemibei' (leîtîr.'cMIFs ît l, ti itîn-,ail-ar-, thrown violently front the rig. The Elizabeth Best and Helen Yellow- 1 lth. Fuî'theî' particulars aext week. iint a cttarmiiîg sinilnîver drill, 'stte- c ladies weî'e returaiag fronm Bowman- lees and Aileen Hazlewood and Mrs. United Churca, Rev. E. B. Cooke, Il i1.: girls Cristliîî -i ý-i lvtow anit tîrowut, c ville and had reached the cemetery Neal and Mrs. Hall created lots of Pastor. Suaday, Noventher 613: l o ii1 h' jr r)luit- ntî ilet irii'.îisia-fbridge when the accident occurred. laughter. As an encore Mrs. Neal la. m.-Morniag Worship. 2 30 p. ni. inr.the bohsis ta c torder of craidn The truck which rtin into them xvas and Mr. Chase sang a pretty duet. 1-Sunday Sehool. 7 p. n.-Even- sitio r,~'--n - a'-liieîrti loiw c t- fuoîilitlîîsandtihi',s~*a rn Cemr rc rvnb Mrs. Adamus recited three short ring service Sunday, Nevember 13 ilti i-cm of tli- -siotliiht. Th,, --iris i'Mr. Fred Wood suho dlaims te have seiections, "In the usual Way,i-Anaiversary services at Clarke ai)-Pf ourfcrnccceci h' ntiions of 'l' irîli wîtc been unable te see the buggy ewing I "Philosophy" and "Growing", which poittaent. th.-iy',u-iano 1ti- l thoMisscccitiicato t the glariag lights of a metor cari t ok weli. A song nicely sung by 'no games were played on the 1 Tiih, cc oa,, f t, N,-o-casttc'f1appreachiag fromn the -cast. The1 j Donald Williams ant inmdycho-bo wling green Monday eveniag in the Sefiort lIcciit ii oaccli ciya wcih bgywihcrie eigt\a us conciuded this part cf the pro- contest for the John Douglras Silver iij;ri! f1l 17~~ a irn Ibadly smashed, and the herse wvas I gra. Trphywiththe esul tha Geoge iior,- uemi-ai the Tc'actcors' Conven-I rammed up against the railtag cf the 'gcenest rosppu on win 's tnd rutan Gieordge i lc 'r! t;' rs the signai for bridge with such force as te have A musical cctc wa-puio -rn 1imiso-s ndîrar-'sorcfatîprot-at onit o t rn et nc u Icertain groups sang "Take me back rinks are now ticd tn the cxcitiag i t' t lari of tlit,- iii1- i.As th, nicmi's stfusfrntchkacdet to old Virgin'if lii,-armi ititthe -r of ics bandt crganized 'as wcll as receiving other injuries. te cl d Vgys", "Tipprrsh race for the covctcd trephy. at tricitî'-ýI I, uis i.' maison avitap-eucir- Miss Marjorie was the most scrieusly "School ays", i*My Waldg, rishg Congratulations to Mr. Stanley -i l Ntre,- iiir',- il -.>.tortf ilics it 't uto hr.reldes eevn Ros" nd iTcr~s lng, log Corden, Bow manville, and bridei : tut' " r"ii -î.-c liii t-u- hr c tetreelaies, d ren fcein Trai " the 2 latter winniag the laur- -,iTihe'batnd r,-ni'rei an ealiretyI NVsvea ct1o1im1-bdWadfae els. Dr. G. E. Reaman and Mr. W. . j (ace Miss Blanche Ccuch,) whc were !),rogram on hiis oc casion, uicctiicî-rnccessitatîng surgical attendance and Morrison acting as judges. The c married at the United Church Par- iý!im; t~iit;;. .îoi ttii.baîut on his or' several stitches. Miss Rundie phon- imasqueraders werc judged by Pria iB sonae.Sa r a vnagbRv. rEn.1*"'-* Swan,'- itiîi'r , C)tt itcik J0i ed front heu'house for Mr. Clemence ýcpIJ. H. Johaston, the prizc's going .Cok. r.Cren w'Diritg to me onIii)wjit-itine E-,es", thi~iwho arrived quickly on the scene cfipa n ayte rfssor and wl reside here, having leascd a licstl ic5- eecîattciS irsoto 5,tiioiis Iith his car and teck his wife and toe Acrocnlady, hePrefdmc e r- uie o' rems from Mrs. M. E-a rei'- i. 1-ioto 1'Nturri'. h y Gorcdon duhc ee th conwhc cete mc mr-sit arrod; 'Mon of tisrleciV' y Alfred d he oe riment.M ocre. Garroît: anit Thre-;cis arnig ltse Other gamtes led by Miss Edith Mrs. Elizabeth Wright, wife eof Many -wh 0 hitiit-arit irograras byl Peardon were heartily partîcipated -thwWih t?17Baosil Torontto Hcîrmoutî-aîBandis ov,-r tht,- rtîdiol LESKARD ta. after which ahuadance eof sand- ?ae, Torigoned17dsudealy, Oct. cassi'rl dm1 t t ivî'n-ver hearit ay-_____ wiches, coffee and pum.pkin tartsf19tl, She was hem tan Newtonville t,. snîcstetîylu'N, Leskard United Church held an- were served with Hallowe'ea candy J 62 years age and was a resident ot' Th- pagsu-ul. Tic,- ('rcw.niag c 'n niversary and Thanksgiving services 1 as a finish. Toronto for 45 years. She was for ada"c hy puiîîs-of Princiii tigr on Sunday, October 30. afternoon The oom wer prttil deoratd'1ooin.%%,as a stirking sundîîiicir..sqt, Theroos wre retil decraedmany years active in varicus organi- ir,-s-iîo of 'sclits c-gicang1s"land evening. The seating capacity ia a colorful seheme of ora ngearid zaticas cf Wesley United Church cf ln-o u l ic cnt cý%i - mul 'Thrit- e o~jf the church was taxcd te the ut- fblack with the proverbial pumpkun, lthich she w-as a member. I irnviiic,-s, tite am] iio iati CîiCto(f - nst at beth services. Splendid ser- appies and lovely flowers evcry-wxherec C 'iiaiiiitîsîiu r f. ;itîmen. vcen'a -'lainhs'ývc a readered ta the afteraecn uin evideace. Reeve H. S. Britton and the Parks j ,r-s-n'i l- ib ioys andu girls iii suit. by Newcastle United Church Maie Teachers of High and Public Committe cf which Ceuncillor J. E. cciiii5-zsctc'sNiutt 1--- 'ON t-l r 't 1 Quartette and ta the evening by a Schoois fronm the Beys' Training f W. Philp is chairman, hv h a rheaoc nd I a rcf refui t iouiitt acui i-a- ecor fotOoo Uie Souenr adheg-nus- cainithemal- ti. týi V,-iunc School with scme cf the pupils en- iPrince et? Wales SueirPo iestock iith . 1-tctng pa.rt cf 'Miss('aCtai f aIe h choirhefrc Orfore nte d joyed the eveniag with the yeuag plaated ta an east and west row tna :nd sicok, h.-r patirs as cufl itl]îth, tii,-t'r 1sRv .M ooEasiln ieo le.Iiiriic ors '.ut li cd'arn-an' d v iii'Ni ir. Thi ,w s R v . M C o ,E ns il people.front of the fiag mast prcseated tc numbýr ils wouild scm.- of tii,- ot,rsý.~His sermons were associated with the the muaiçipality by Mr. J. E. Atkin- %would bi-ar rp-teition. f two main ideas non, associatcd with tSaîart chamoisette gleves, new1 son. The location sccms a gcod one Tii, Higii Schoot's contributinwas .1 Thanksgivtng Day viz.. Thanksgiving shaes t 6e;speialy gcdlin atbutfo th tct ha itbrtgs hedramtîc tresentatica of seent's from shads a 60; secillygoo lie a butforthefac tht i brngstheSliak. icuciarc-ts comrd-Asi)-on Lik, Il", iand Memorial. Ia the aftcraoc hie $1.00 pair. Ceuch, Jehaston & 'peonies right behind the rather iïm- %viitelii s ,-iig stiiie-1inti s tîîs s--lit - uspcke on the meaatng and sigaifican- Crydernian.- posing bill board. eratore' course. This iras unît-r iirce- ces et? our memnorials fromn the words tir f ish eaing ctroc-.ti-tr cf tainJoshua 4 '"What Mean These ___________________________ 1___ ev. A R andersen, Picker-ngNti'ri- cjtcIs itortrlCs -î c)- îoy Stones?" and ta the eveaiag a aad Rcv. E. B. Ceeke exchanged pul- J<oaes anci Ev etyn Riekaîrd. Tihe flui-acy Thaaksgiving sermen on "God'- pits unda mcraag. ev. r -witti whiclithttty ait the- oîiî-rs. iaviag piSa aderson rcahein. ea Mr. ci-aimer taris, iiscursedIn aS1lk scrCt~Bouaty." The three main thcughts ,Sanerso prechedan ernes iengî1 thsued ,w(lhwitou- itintcc't5- were: God's bcunty ta our national ,,,,unt and seul warming sermon from uîutOnt-i teyere wiîît tis fine itaglisit heritage, in our social and religions Christ's assuriag words "I ami the etsi' eia d'o t r O ur Sale of Way"'. In the eveaing Miss Isabel 1 PinialIose i i l s adclress laid em- itage andta orpresent potn China, h, aieo i iio, 1 p e t.Front the staadpeint eof xeather. perîcaces as a missionary ia Chinasrtcf""~ceato cnni ii "dethenethuwasmagratnschess.godi iidr n' C atte~sinîs fr n eu o hr x-n a t, u;lilarge ae. nil- :,fit;, 111:te dent ahsasm a ratdasccryvdWii S I and amoag the Chinese people. Mrs of ttecmnnuuty tasa whtote. ï1d en" Co ts ee. Hoacy sang with fine appropri- Titi' soios, "Eyveryîuit-r i t1t. iyl ateness, "Lead Kiadly Light'". The Miss MNaqonitrci]"Moli-r Mhree' hy cheir's maie quartet. W. J. S. Rick- M itiss Jtrci, irougîtu out th iti iisinctiii Prof. Cephas Allia, son cf Rev. _______ ard W.D. Bagg Harld lliaando:i i t-i;i s cf t,lc il'tt,-.îctî-î-sanct Roger Allia, former pastar cf Brook- Mark Allia sang at Lcskard anniver- I-t1:. i'îo, ti-ci tic'- vicnoacco a ia ehds-hrh idrcnl I say Suday ftermontit-ufor Miss Mtcsoit anucul trs. <Dr.> at Minneapolis, Mina. saySna ftron ttcr-ciiitfor Miss tlrock. ast week took advantage touhJohastea & 'ryitrnftî'a tve NMiss itttu'srevt-ci C îîî. 'ii - i Oi id ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' seueehi itr s-urie2a lt o f Linen ' Cltîîs inunq i orlc - c'istegali f'u ad secured their winter suzs2'-' aidt xýyds., ut-ict ttiy-are \ilyfliiii.,lqvit.c, gadiu f h r Iig ttergittar tytoles-ite price. . iit"tfCnnfcriii.uct CANADA B USI NESS COLLEGE siiicg iti it i trialis of tiie filonoc- so l27-I4 oti'-St., Toronto N-t in rst. in nrcîiin-. tuat-k îîareig. cie ýt that our ne-w-Ready-to- NTVETES FCNAA îrogIl.~lic ta lte itiiît; ndthîticciistt..Vt'cl-ritetreiiC' iroiotg'-1i ppi . itct si. iuti-cuiucg i;" ,c i i-. f 't,'-.cittso itisti a riglici solne uctu ,)o small on Satra o Sb'et cf Itt' Meeting at n wrnn n 3.ntiti-C- n e ome's Fi'tha îeaonWomen's Institute j f th,- niils of oi-h cli n N,(uv- ion.. cir n-iuurs,-nniuil' ti iikrirqing ioiinFor' Thuî'esn osda ii[, t - if 1 .Irz l% sin Ilu t_________f______________,__or__________ )rvsonfr Turdy owmnanville Woniea'-c Institute 1. . tti,'II .rilîs a in,-iI:-îrc' Viis -c t- ic ig ci)tu-ats. W'rile for informatlion hiS w'eek, adofrtee ha, started the fait termi with splen- Ni it ctii t uinfoirmaion: andoffî' hes did attendance. The' Septemibet' Public Schoot l mteeting bu-l ttîhe hoai'(if Mu-'. JOu Ilioi-tuin Iiîgtii-si l i ,-% is Su.1 George Souch seas ta charge of group 15I' ttisttlZiiicli- mit of Suede Cloth C t' ii tane. Ctîasitlerîle usiesvs i- 'i.S -" 51 tit. ts psd of aftor n htch Miss Marzuerite icooixs iy us' Iciiti.iiî ii tik t Iaî's andl ecu ffs, woî'th Aurstrong entertaineci with piatni i) , i-- o il i.S i0-i11ivt- ~ 11 Inzis, to celI eteSses 'IleoP-ass- MEDICAL ed. Mrs. F. Jackman, President, )N SO t presided. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. ON & SO Delegates appoiated te tho, Cent- Honor graduate cf Trinity Univer. raI Ontario Convention ta Toronto sity, Fellow of Trinity Medical Col- Wear, Millinery on Ncvcmber 15-1 7 were Murs. F. lege, Licentiate of the State Univer- *Jackman and Mrs. J. G. Rickard, sity of New York, Matriculaite of the Bowmanvillt f with Mrs. J. E. Allia and Mrs. R. Post Graduate Medical Sehool and Thempson, altemnates. Nevember HOspita of New York and Fellow meeting in charge cf group 3 wil e of the Toronto Academy cf ?Medi-J held at the home cf Mun. A. W. cine. OfBle-Mrm. McNaughton'a Rea- M Pickard. idoiice, Newcastle. Houri--B to 10 'Real Pumpkin Pies 'n Everything Every Saturday more folks are enjoy-ing our Weekend Specials in Ice Cî'eam. Take the fam- ily home a tî'eat Saturday. Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P. Corbett Phone3 Baker and Confectioner Bowinanville Cold Weather Coming GREAT VARIETY STOVES Before you buy your Cook Stove or Heater see our large variety at attractive prices COING SHOOTING THANKSGIVING' Buy your Guns and Amunition here. Everything for the hunter in this line. MASON & DALE Phbono 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville Warning to Users of Radio Ail Radio Receiving Sets MUST be Licensed Penalty on surnmary conviction is a fine flot exceeding $50.00 License Fee $1-.00 per annum Licenses, valid to 3lst March, 1928, may be ob- tained from: Staff Post Offices, Radio Dealers, Radio Inspectors, or from Radio Branch, Depart- ment of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa. A. JOHNSTON, D eputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries Sid. Chartran's ng Overcoat Sale Thursday - Friday - Saturday 100 Men's Overcoats lu Plain Blues, Fancy Blues with Cloth or Velvet Collars, every coat up to the minute in style. Guaranteed Indigo Dye. Regular Price $35.00 Sale Price $2 6.50 S. G. Chartran One Door W est Bell Telephone Office PHIONE 26 DOWMANVILLE ir"ietis wili he pieased to know LEARN BARBER TRADE tlot, MIr. John Henderson has passed LANMDR ABRN~e t liotîli itssec>nd<ipraton t BwP w,'ks rcquired; earn whiie Iearning: em- tii4'tivillo Ilospitai successfully and is ployment sure; moler, the originator of miw ci t lit riad tic comjîictc rccov- the 1)harb.e*r school, makes this work pro- er.flta le fer you. Write orci- l forfee Q nWestT rnt Prepare for the Holiday 1 This is just a reminder that Monday next is1 a holiday-Thanksgiving Day. More than likely ' you will be having company. So just let us know what you want baked and we'll do it-save you time andi money and give you baking you wvi11 be pr'oud Lo serve.