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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1927, p. 3

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PAGE TUREEE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927 Miss Edith Cator, Toronto, Mr. W Cator. Oshawa, and Mrs. John Cator, Maple Grave, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cat-. or, Salem. "Chex Run" doubles the wear of your silk hosiery and lingerie. See it at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. IN MEMORIAM (THANKSGIVINGDAY VISITORS UGLOW-In l ovlng memopy of our dear 'Miss Mildred M. Lawrie, Toronto, husband and father, John J. Uglow, whao pasdaway at Nwcastle, November 6, a oe 1924. Mîss Betty Sargeant with relatives Forger hlm-no. we never %Will, at Peterboro. Athouglih hes on, love hlm still. Ilis mrraoiry is as swoo. todlay, Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, Tor- As on the day ho Passed aâway. onto. at home. Sadly mi ssîl by Wife amd Fa mlly. ________Miss 'Marj orie Cale, St. Cather- In lovinîz mraorNy or \nni,, Elizabeth ines, at home. Freoman. b,love'fwifeorofth- lat o Fred1- Ms daadM.Ens o crieR Donseff, wfîo deoîîarted this lire on Mis dn adMrEnetB-I November 9, 19,14 trell, Toronto, at home. SV.-eet la the memory, r.GoHalTrntecty 2,ter ar to our hearts,Mr.G.HalTonteety Th, p)latc, you hold there visited 'Miss Aura Rundle. W:fil n.vyer duepart, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartlett, Toron- Arîf ail througli fi hie aro, îx ni. nîMany or 1-wV, to, at Mr. John Hellyar's. ,%vîlftl b wth tii -metnory,MssReDe anTont, it l),ar mothr of you.MisRe emnTontwh Sons and Daughters. her cousin, Mrs. F. J. Ellis. Mr. F. J. Ellis, Three Rivers, WICKETT-Iln loving memor>y of my Que. with his family here. dearî hîjobanîl. R. W. T. Wlcke t, who ait(d t Tvron,,. ,vme l,12 Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Willis, Toron- I ani lontv and I miss. ta. at '%r. W m. McReynolds' .\nd i irourn lm now hes gone, Dr. and Nirs. J .L. Hughes, Toron- Uut 10 stiare me aIl the he-artach,, t aufîl flot cmljjii hit again. to. guests of Mr. and Mrs. John 'T;s for tutti 1 fuar this anquush, Percy. Tîs for him I t st>y alano, Mr. and M.%rs. Neil Yellowloes and i ;ol lias calleuld i Up toava n Miss Helen Yellowlees with friends i lu f -I not stiffr more. at Clinton. To a fairtr ralnT'tpian this la Miss Alma Stevens, Toronto, spent ila is filovely sp)irit flown. And h,-dwells in îirf,,t aptenîlor the weekend with Miss MUarjorie on hatnotsodistant shore ie Plummor. Nlfe rs. Annie McLelland, Hamilton, Smart chamoistte gloves, new guest of her sister, Mrs. J. H. Cry- shades at 60c; specially good line at derman. $1.00 pair. Couch, Johnston & Mrs. Thos. Tod and Miss Olga Todi ýryderman. with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, Hamilton. Miiss MIarguerite Joneas and Miss Catherine Pinch, Toronto, witb jfriends here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baslýerville, Toronto, spent the weekend with ratives here. Eat To-Day r nMs fanxily, Wolcomo, with Rev. and Mrs weokend with their sister, Mrs. Rd. Snow dur, Oshawa. i -is very often a perp)exlng question daaîîy aced i by rnany housekeepers. The question, however, 1 is easily answered by a visit to our grocery store. Here you wilI find the newest in foods-appetiz- ing and nourishing foods of the finest quality- reasonably priced-which makes buying at our store an econornical pleasure. Phone If You Desire No Extra Charge For Delivery We recommend and Sel IIARRY ALUIN PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE FOUNDATION FOR A GOOD MEAL IS MEAT If you buy your meat at Edrnondstone's Meat Market you are sure it is the best. Quality is first consideration at our store. We also see that the prices are reasonabble. You will be treated well if you get your meat at Edrnondstone's. "s- G A. Edmondstone Phone 21 sownianville Have It Done Now While the mild weath- er continues ibetter have that room pap- ered now. Don't wait tilT the Xmas rush. Wall Paper 12c Rol It's 22 inches wide. We haven't a roll in stock over a year old. Best baî'gain of the season. GUARANTEED PAINT 98c QT. Plenty of time to paint with this fine weather. To make roorn for Christmnas goods we are off ering what Champion Guaranteed Paint we have in stock at these prices foir Friday and Saturday. Paint Regular $4.50 Gallon for $3.75 Paint regular $1.25 quart for 98c Nearly every color-but stock is lirnited so corne early. These are cash prices. GEO. PRITCHARD 2 Doors West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 489 Bowrnanville Ruth Grigg, Toronto, spent Saturday with relatives bore.1 Mrs. J. C. TrulI, Toronto, spent the weekend at ber mother's, MIrs. W. H. Williams, Cburch St. Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock and Miss Margaret Trebilcock are visiting Mrs Norman Hamley, Peterboro. Miss Helen Bunner, Ontario Lad- ies' College, Whitby, with ber par- ents, Rev. and Mra. J. W. Bunner. MLrs. B. M. Warnica spent Thanks- giving holidays at Roseneatb and is now visiting relatives at Smithfield and Kingston. Misa Irmine Grant and Miss Leone Shotsburg, Preston, were guests of Mrs. A. Grant and visited the iormer's sister, Miss Margaret Grant, w-ha is recavering nicely iromn her recent aperation. CELEBRATES Sth BIRTHDAY An event of unusual intereat took place Thursday, November 3,àat the home ai Mr. Ambrose Henry, Osh- awa, wben Mra. Harencourt assisted by Mrs. A. M. Stephenson, gave a dinner in honor of Mr. Henry's 80th birthday. Follawing a dinner a so- cial evening was indulged in and during which time Mr. Henry was the recipient of maay congratulations from bis hast ai friends. He was also presented witb several beautiful and useful giits. Those invited were Mrs. C. Der- ry, Mra. W. T. Henry, Mrs. Vasbind- er, Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Henry, Mrs. M. Ellis, Mr. A. D. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Henry, Mra. Silas Thomas, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robb Gem- meli, Toronto, Mr. W. T. and Miss Allen, Bowmanville and Mrs. Gams- by. Mr. Henry wba was born on Nov. 3, 1847, five miles irom Oshawa at Butterfield's Corners, now Taunton, conducted a grocery store in Osbawa for 21 years. At the age ai 50 years, ho was eected ta the East Witby Township Council and serv- ed on that body for nine years. He also was a member af the County Council for faur years. In 1906 Mr. Henry waa honored with the ward- enship af the county. OBITUARY Mr. James 0k., Holeworth', on Tuesday aiternoon, Oçtober 18, the funeral took place ol Mn. Jamnes Oke, the Square, Holswontby, formerly af Shoeburyness, Essex, whose deatb took place on Satur-j day miorning follawing a short ill- ness at the age ai 72 years. The jse rvice was conducted by Revs. G. 'W. Hicks and H. Haynes. Mr. J. Furze presided at the orgaa and rondered the Dead Marci. Owing ta ilI heautrt, the widow was tnable ta be present. The mourners coni- prised MNr. and MIrs. F. Oke, so-,f and daughter-in-law. Nirs. F. Heard, Mr T. Oke, (Holswrthy), MIr. F. Oke. (Halwill). sisters and brathers: Nr. Fred Heard, MIrs. F. Oke, Ms.W. Oke, brother-in-law atnd sistofi--n- law~; Misses Ena and Grace Oke,j Miss Kathleen J. Heard, Mesdames E. Oke, A. Oke and J. F. Oke, nieces; 'tr. B. Y. W. Oke. nephew; Mr. and M.%rs. W. R. Oke, <Brad-1 wartby) ; Mr. and Ms T. Oke, (Lif- tani ; Mr. J. Oke and MssE, Oko, (Liitan) ; Mr. and Mns. Eliott. Mr. and NIrs. Wade, Mr. J. Westa,,&ay, .Nirs. A. P. Oke, (Bradworthy) ; Mr1 T. Westaway, (Kilkhampton), cous- ins. The beaners, aIl nephew's ai de- ceased, were Messrs. J. F. Oke, E. Oke, A. Oke, W. Hawkin, H. Oke and M. Oke. The interment took place in Holsworthy Cemetery, North Road. On Editor M. A. James' last visit ta England with bis two daughters, while they visited Paris and other parts ai France, he spent two very happy weeks with Mr. and Mrs. James Oke at South End-on-Sea, op- pasite Shoeburynesa. Pleased ta learn that Mr. Leonard Bottrell, Toronto, who bas been very ill with pneumonia is able ta be out ai the Hospital and la now on the road to recovery. H. A. BROWN, whose appointment as ice-Prcsi,- dent and General Manager of General 'Motors oi Canada, at the age of 37, marks him as one of the young.est higher executives in the automotive industry. M.%r. Brown has been cannected with the Gen- eral 'Motors organizatian for a number of x-ears, having held the position of comptroller at Oshawa since September. 1924. H1e suc- ceeds Gardon Lefebvre, wsho bas assumed an impo)rtant post with the Oaklan~d Motor Car Companîy _______ October 1927: LOCAL AND OTHERWISE No. ai homes visited 172; No. of visits ta: Prenatal cases 4; Postnat-I îMrs. John Bottrell bas returned lai 1; Adult .53; Infant 23; Pre-schoolj home after spending a very enjoyable 149; School 219. Total 349. No. summer with ber daughter in Leney, i cases not f ound 7; No. oi miscel- Sask. Ilaneous viits 8; Visits ta cases of communicable disease 21, (diphtheria Mr. and Mra. C. W. Souch. Hamp- :and carriers) ; Social service visits 3;j tan, and Miss Eva Souch spent the!i Office hours 10; Referred ta doctar Thanksgivîng holidays with Mr. and and dentiat 24; No. of Infant Wel- Mrs. W. J. Trenoutb, Napanee. fare Conferences held 3, with total Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Caveriy and attendance of 30. Harold accompanied Mra. Kenneth School Report Caverly and baby Gwen ta their No. of visita ta schools 36; No. ai home in Windsor over the holiday. class raom inspections 18; No. oi pupils inspected 642; No. referred to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis, Mr. doctor 9; No. treated 7; No. exciud- Howard Davis, Pickering, Miss ClaraI ed 37: No. readmitted 93; No. seen Davis, Las Angeles, Cal., were recent in office 15. guests ai their aunt, Mrs. Gea. H. Olga L. Tod. Bic keil.______ Mr. C. A. Smith ai the R. M. HoI- WEDDING lingshead Ca., is on a business and ____ pleasure trip ta Camden, New Jer- Jon-Sle sey, the guest ai Mr and Mrs. R.M JonsStr Hollingshead, Jr. He also intends1Aerqut dinwasom- vistin hi brthr i Brokln, ewized at the Parsonage, Hampton, at York, before returning homne. 2.30 Wednesdav afternoon, Novem- Mrs. George H. Wilkinson, former- ly Miss Evelyn Arkwright, received for the tinat time since her marriage at her home in Leaside. The bride, assisted by ber mother. Mrs. R. B. Arkwright of Bowmanville, received her guests in the living room, which was decorated with bronze and yel- low 'munis. She wore her wedding gown of ivary geargette and lace ana a corsage bouquet of aphelia ros. Mrs. Arkwright was in navy georett' over beige. Mrs. Morland amb looked after the guests in the iing room. The tea table was pretty Iwith a maderia cloth and centred with a large silver basket of yellow 'mume. Mrs. A. J. Arthur and Mrm Walter Holmwood poured tea and coffee. while Mrs. Wilfrid Saul and Miss Freda Pike assisted at the tea hour. A Busy Time This is a busy time in our Optical Department. Our Op-. tometrist, R. M. Mitchell, is a REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST BY EXAMINATIONf and was the first Optometrist in L Bowmanville ta paso the examina- 1 tian set by the Ontario Board of I Exaininers in Optometry.t People, today, are very wisely giving more attention to their eyes and the growth of the PROFESSION 0F OPTOMETRY is very rapid. Prepare yourself for your WINTER READING by having your Eyes Examined Now SEE MITCHELL & SEE WELL R. M. Mitchell & Co. THE QUALIIY DRUG STORE Bawmanville Ont. Phane 92-Nights and Sundays 280 DeLic-touS Oijster Sew Being doubly creamny, St. Charles Milk so enriches an oyster stew that it is irre- sistible. Try it. va= RECM PE 300V !Write The Borden Co. Limiled, Montreal. 3127 ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jobns, be- came the bride of Harold W., only son ai Mr. and Mrs. Thea. Salter, al ai Hampton, Ont., Rev. J. R. Bick officiating, assisted by Rev. G. 1I. Campbell, Ottawa. The bride and groom were attended by Miss Ruth Johns, sister of the bride, and Mr. Hilton Petera, brother-in-law ai the groom. Alter the ceromony a dainty lun- cheon was served at the home of the bride's parents, where only imme- diate relatives were present. Many friends gatbered at the sta- tion ta sbower the happy couple with confetti and good wisbes e'er they leit for a short trip ta points West. On tbeir return Mr. and Mrs. Saiter will reside in their newly built home at Hampton. WELLINGTON LODG.E PRESENTS JEWEL A gala evening was held on Tues- day, November 2, at Wellington Lodge, Na. 19, S. O. S., when Sup-. reme Treasurer Mr. Edward C. Green and members ai Cambridge Lodge, Toronto, as well as representativeli from Newcastle and Hampton Lad- ges, gathered ta honon thein worthy brother, Mn. James Elliott, who wil bave completed 86 yeara ai age on December 15, 1927. Mr. Elliott was treasurer ai the local lodge for 36 years, and was presented with a Jewel and certificate of mer- it. The lodge aiso invested the in- man, with the badge and jewel ai bis office. An initiation by the past presi- dents ai Cambridge lodge alsa took place ,the final charge being read by the Supreme Treasurer. Aiter the ciosing ai the lodge, a social pragram was given under the direction ai James Gui consisting ai community singing led by Brothers Hazelton and McCrea ai Cambridge ;Lodge, faollowed by an address by Mn. j Edward C. Kreon. Mn. Edmond j Thackeray ai New'castle also gave an address, after which Mr. W. J. Ber- ry gave a recitation and Mr. Atten- borough ai Cambridge Lodge, bag. Mr. Robert J. Holmes, secretary ai the Bow-manville branch, also sang,j an address was givon by Mr. C. N. Ruse, a member ai Hampton Lodge, as was also one by F. W. Bateman, newly installed District Deputy. The National Anthem and Auld Lang Syno closed this session. Mr. Harold 'Mosos, master ai the local lodge, did bis duties most sat- isi acta rily. HE LAY AWAKE James Buchanan Duke, the tabac- ca king, died worth ninety million dollars. But it wasn't tobacco. primarily. that did it. Advertising should take tbe credit. His father, Washington Duke, conducted a tabac- ca enterprise, bis son being in with bim as partner or associate. Business then was none too good. "My son came back inom a bus- iness trip ta New York", said the aId gentleman, "saying be had pledged1 (in advertisîng during twelve -nuntha.1 aur credit for $750,000 ta be spent Our entire assets didn't amount ta that much. I told Buck se. He menely smiled. For three nigbts 1 did net close my eyes in slumber, worrying aven what I regarded as certain nuin. Buck siept peacefully. But when the advertising began, or- dens came se fast we had te increase production.' At the end ai the 12 months every cent ai the advertising jwas paid for and aur assets were sv eral mlions" A LKU~ AllAi MLAI~ A I~I~ Extra CiaestQ.aal Seedisa Special Values _'u'_ in Finest Ci Golden SDrie Hlw ru Fruits Natural Wig s 2 b8. 19OM ThisWeek FancyTal is1 0 Make Sure of having Good Butter We recammend and guar- Mrsd rn ta be the flnest Butter ta e 4 C b be procured. also ayieJidrad 4e Il. Heinz Tamata Ketchup- 27c - Grated Horsradish - - 1 THANK TOU! Clark's Potted Meats 3 tins 25c W. .i.i, te esten~t!aI su0r Pitrons Steina Corned Beef - . -25c - .ooe pprec,îtion for the on0f- AyIrmer Beets (Rasebud) - 23c Clhaoirslt.«ILo~,0ObSt 1 0, estima .to siga t. tht b e- Chritie Club Hou» . 1-s.1 Ià o atn d QuSebo. s sf Aeaorted Oli ves eced. engt teecrotatul 20-o, .. made durieg theo eebt. Biscuits Duriog hat week ertsold OVER Disui ue 3190 150000 lb.. of PeJc Hamm. pkg. 35C ~550 SC0000lb.canao e n. Dommio Brand 1_ni> 20000 Fancy Quality 200. Ckes f P &G. sup.t * Whole Grain 20kts. aniS tees a. d t o. of thore,,htaise. ,&.y r.aabl. vaetsa ooff. cd every w.e;k by Deoinin S e t. S _ _ comae its Ch s re ei.b3s .ek and Mic 25ehreina SLBuk< A TY" .sunihto lito=82 b-- 5c BEAD Surprise LbrbIk2 TEA DE» Soap R.. '1t s. 340 Au Efthmmical Blend The btead tisat 4 S KEILLERS maC ete 1 4 a@ 2 L tte0-g. i>Guest Ivory k MI ML..e r rie i It' soa MarnaRadeDomino Blend ~ 2 .. Jarr23e o f 1 6 cke« 2 5 2-lb. Jar 55 90b203- Two hands are better than one. FADA sets are two dial .. . doubles the number of stations. Refines reception. Test it at your dealer's or your home. Listen to tone ... clear,... dlean .. ringing ... resonant ... FADA soothes the senses ... superla- tive a ppearance. FAIM quaity at $95 to $550. HARRY C. ALLIN King St. West, Bowmanville 7W If thcre ever vas stich a thing as a perpetual egg mi ue va hen tLit is k.'pt lIaing 'iî't their s th PR \TTS POUL- TRN" REGULAI TOR. Wr givc you a mon- ey back g untee that REGULTOR. -1rgu bk h , mr,,,g for u. IRATIS POULTRV REGULA Tc)R onlv c0-ts a cent a monh rp r hen, or a cent aday for thirtv hens. f - the c. eapest eg-upply înu'ac you cari hue Patt Food Co. of Canada, Ltd., Toronto What Shal We PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT Since the last week of September we have had reported in aur town 7 cases of diphtheria where the patient has been ill with the disease. Two of these woro of pre-school age, four frum the South Ward School and one from the Central School. October 18th is the date of the last caereported. thrhaeen case October 13 hrhaebn il school children excluded from school and quarantined as diphtheria arrierý, healthy children harboring Ithe diphtheria germ in nase or throat. 44 pupils from the South Ward Sehool and 23 from one class room in Central School were given the ;prophylactic dose of anti-toxin by Dr B. J. Hazlewood, MI. 0. H., as aur :school children ill with diphtheria had came front these classes. iDuring the past month diphtheria fimmunization has been started in the Central School.. Very valuable as- sistance în this work w-as given by, Dr. Kiteley from the Provincial j Dept. Health. Toronto. 316 children have had the reaction test and 230 have been given the first dose of Tox- oid, tbree doses ai which given three weeks apart should render the indiv- idual immune from diphtheria for life. jThere have been no new cases of diphtheria since October lSth and no I new carriers since Octaber 24th. Inl view of the above report it can bel seen that the outbreak is well underi control and no cause for alarm. B. J. Hazlewood, M.O.H. INovember 4, 1927.1 IL ~-. 1 A rýorcc -ruA-r savAtic A vica 1 Wbile turning memory~s pages 'Twixt covers worn and smeared, How aiten I find something That is ta me endeared. To-day 1 found a letter From one I sorely miss, And oh. dear beart, it ended with A cross that means a kisa. 'Tis sad when gazing backward, As often times we will To see the faces missing And know a vaice is still; They neyer are returning Across the wide abyss, We now bot trace remembrance n the cross that means a kisa. Methinks this simple token Is tinged by love divine, A trickle down from Glory To cheer this heart af mine; For oft the life is brightened When things seems ail amiss, If someone sends a mssage Witb a cross that means a kiss. We wondered why the burden 0f heavy-laden care Was put upon the shoulders, And oh, s0 hard to bear. But even as we frett.ed, A Hand stretched out, 'twas Ris, And then we found the cross we bore Was nothing but a kiss. Behold on yonder hilltop A Cross against the sky, Where Love entwines with sorrow, jAnd jay is linked with sigh. IThere 'neath its shade abiding j l never-failing biiss. The emblem of God's mercy is The Cross that means a kisa. Hamiton. -Robert T. Redding. Get Acquainted With Our Store You will be surprised at the great variety of articles we now have in stock. It may be an eye opener to you-particularly the low prices. AIl kinds of gifts for party prizes. Wall Paper as low as 1 Oc roll. Latest books of fiction, morn- ing and evening papers, maga- zines. W. J. BERRY Opposite Ives' Shoe Store Phone 207 Bowrnanville 1 IQ'

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