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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1927, p. 4

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'rT' V. ANAnT AN T ' A 'I'M A M DiaWMA TfITT..WP. TURSDAY. OVEMEFR 10.192'7 PAGE FOUR .LAIfl U.NADIAIN Â. ki AflSfltJUnDj-mf l*ViMiru u, vz MAPLE GROVE ENFIELD Rev. Mr-. Veale, Toronto, will oc- cupy the pulpit here on Sunday af- Visitors:-Mr. Sulas Tapp, Toron- ternoon... .1ev. and Mrs. H. W. Foi- to, and Mr. James Tapp, Charlotte, ey, daughter Laura, Fraserville, Miss Mich., at Mr-. W. J. Ormistons; Miss Mary Foley, Garden Hill, Mr. Frank Bertha Sargeant, Bowmanville, at Foley, Victoria College, Toronto Mr Mr-. L. C. Pascoe's; Mrs. E. Annis, and Mrs. F. R. Foley and son DAvid, I Xhitby, at Mr. Frank Gilbert's. St. Catharines, Mr. A. W. Foley I Congratulations to Mr-. and Mrs. Dept. of Agriculture, Edmonton, Al' Alfred Prescott on the arrivai of a berta., 'Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Stanley, new daughter~....Mr. Harold Orm- 1 Port Hope, Mrs. Conlin Windrami, iston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Qirn- Campbellford, wei.e Thanksgiving vis- iton, \%-as united in marriage with itors wth Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stev- Miss Marjorie Smith, youngest ens. .Miss Helen Bell ,Whitby Col- daughter of Mrs. Fred Smith, Ennis- lege. Mrs. Pickworth, Coiborne. vis- kilien, on Saturday, October 22nd. ited *Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Farrow. Since that time the happy couple Miss Eva Lu-ne, Shawvs. spent the 'have been on a inotor trip to Toronto weekend with Miss Hilda ......... and O\ssen Sound and vicinity. Ona Mr. and Mrs Douglas Thonipson. Mr. returning they will reside on the and Mrs. Roy Vipond and son Tomi- farn of Mr. Geo. Ormiston who in-ý niy, Mrs. L. Rowntree, daughters El- tends nioving into the village.. We ia, Mary and Doris, Mount Dennis, welcome Mrs. Ormiston into our vic- spent the weekend with their cous- inity. . . .r I e-tFngso ase ins, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greenham.. to iest on Saturday evening, N~ov. 5 , .Miss Marjory Stevens, Uxbridge, having been unweil for about two la home and has accepted a position lyears. The bereavedi family have in W. R. Strjke's law office in Bow- the heartfelt sympathy of the com- manville.. ... Congratulations to Mr-.j munity ..The Halloween Masquer- Stephen Jeffery on his marriage thisEae on Saturday evening, Oct. 29th, %veek to Miss Marjory Plummer,1 passed off well. Three prîzes wre town. . . . Sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. given for the best costumes. Sev- John Hopps from our comrnunity. We ci-ai others got special mention. The weicome Mi- and Mrs. Upper and progîram consistcd of violin select- famiiy who have purchased the fanm ions andl a comedy entitied "Patsy," just east of Mr. C. H. Snowden's being splendidiy given by seven girl s place formerly occupied by Mn. John 1 Candy was served between acta to Hopps .. .. Miss Hilda Foiey. Toi-)n- 1ahl present..The Ladies' Aid had! to, was home over the hoid-iy.... their annuai social meeting at the ' Mr. and Mrs. Gibb Crosby and daug-h- home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe ters Helenand Joan. UxhIridpge, spent Wednesday night last. After about Thanksgiving at Mr. R. R. Stev-en.,,. . fifty had been served to a sunptuous Mi-. and Mrs. Ross Stevens in(j repast a prograni was given. The daughter Betty, visited her -iýter. Ladies' Aid was divided inthe Mrs. (Dr.) Wesley Langmaid. Osh- groups-each group put on a stunt. awa, on Sunday. Mrs. Stevens and TIhe characters in each part shouidj daughter remained for a few days' bc congratulated. Three prizes were visit. .. .Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Green- given and it was decidedly hard to 1 ham and daughter Audrey ,and Mrs decide on the merita of each. John Nichols attended the welding of the latter's niece, Miss Hilda Vick- ery, Oshawa, on Saturday. W .. r W. G. RLanton, Brantford,;rspent Thanksgiving with his sistor, Mrs. Chester Power .... Mr. and Mrs. Or- TYRONE val Coi-y, Mrs. Bessie Coi-y. Oshava, 1 spent Sunday with their cousinîs, Mr- Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lit- and Mr--. N. I. M.%etcalf. . ..Mi-. and tic, Oshawa, with his mother, Mrs. Mrs. James Burnett, Toronto, visited Wrn. Little; Mr. and Mrs. W. Stew- hen sister, Mrs. F. Swallow. n-Ici the art with their daugbter, Mns. W. Mac- holiday.. .Miss Edna Swallow -pcnt odnald, Cobourg; Mrs. Buter. and Sunday wth Miss Reva McGill, En- son Ted, Toronto, with ber sister, niskilien, and attendcd Thanksg-ving Mrs. L. J. Goodman; Miss Evelyn. services ... Pastor Stainton preached Brent spent the weekend at homýe; an excellent sermon on Sunday aftcr- Mi.adMs'. ymadfml noon last, very suitable for Thanks- with friends at Cannington; Mr. and giving Day and also for beginning the Mrs. Jack Reed, Goodwood, Mrs. Wi special ser-vices which are bcing lield Woodley, Lindsay, at Mr. C. W. evei-y nîght this weefl. Rev. H. W Woodley's; Mr-. George Martindale, Foley, B.A., B.D., Fraserville, and Lindsay, visited Mrs. Laura Burg- Rev. J. R. Bick, Hlampton, assisted ess Mrs. Maitindale and Miss Pen- the Pastor in this work. rose returning home with hlm; Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Trumpour entertained Miss Chase over the weekend; Miss Laura Vutue, Toronto, Miss Sadie BOTTLED Vutue, Hampton, wt hi ut Miss F. Vutue; Mrs. BarrabaU and Mi-. Loi-ne Barrabaîl, Orono, visiting SUNSHINE her daughter, Mrs. Viola Smith; Mr. at Mr. T. Richards' .... Glad to bear With the colder and shorter Mrs. Ed. Vutue is improving after days people are inclîned to stay her serious illness. in doors more and do not get the benefit of the sunshine. To offset this many are usng Cod Liver Oul especiaily for grow- ing children and any one suscept- able to colds. Cod Liver Oil supplies what is needed wben we are housed up. We have it in varlous forms as Pure Standardized Cod Liver 011 Emulsion with Hypophosphites Cod Liver 011 and Malt None of which is expensive. Then for your poultry we have: RAW COD LIVER OIL which makes the pullets lay younger and maintains their strength. For best results two per cent of daily rations should be Cod Liver Oul. Ask for ful instructions when getting your supply at KERSLAK E'S The Dependable Drug Store We Delîver Phone 49 Tyi-oue Wornen's Institute sud Ladies' Aid wlll hold the negulan meeting in the Community Hall on Wednesday aftennoon, Novemben 16 in the fonm of a masquerade. Al wclcomc. Come aud have a good time... The program uat the W. M. S. meeting lu the vestry on Thursday, November 3 witb Presideut, Mns. L. J. Goodman in charge, included: Piano solo, Miss Kathleen McCul- lough; splendid paper on "Self De- niai" by Mi-s. (Rev.> J. R. Ti-umpoun; vocal duet, Miss Lois Richards sud Miss Levenne .Burgess. ...League Tbursday cveing was lu change of Mr. Stanley Payne whcu the follow- ing pi-ogram was given: Reading by Miss Kathleen Gibbs; Report of the Young Pcopîe's RaUly, Oshawa, ex- celieutîy given by Mrs. (Rev.) J. RI Trumpoun. Aften the prograal jomcd in a snappy game o f base- baIl. ... Church service Sunday even-1 ing was in charge of W. M. S. Miss Chase, eturned missiouai-y from Al- tenta, gave s splendid addi-ess on the work being doue ou the mission fields there. Young people's choir reudei-ed splendid music. . . Service Suuday rnonning wilI be in charge of Ci-adîe Roll Dept. SOLINA SALEM COURTICE Pleased to report Mi-. Samuel Bush~ Report of S. S. No. 9, (Salem), 1 Mr. and Mi-s. Jesse Arnot and is improving nicely after bis opera- for month of October. (Examinedfaiy Mxwl',wegusso tion in Bowmanville Hospital Geography, History and Composi- fai rs Eh abornsee n uds Mi- A full congregation assembied for tion.) Hon. 75; Pass 60.i Walter Snider, Wheately, is spending Thanksgiving service on Sunday af- Si-. 1V-Helen McDonald 76, Les-i Thanksgiving with Mi-s. Snider at ber ternoon. Miss Lena Taylor delight- lie Welsh 65. father's, Mi-. W. H. Nichols; Mn. and cd ail with lier talk on "bier fi-st im- Jr. IV-Doris Collacott 68, Mear- Mrs. Otis Worden, Misses Patty and pressions of China." We hope she 'ian Honey 64. Doris, Toronto. spent the weekend will continue biei- talk at sorne not Si-. III-Bei-t Foster 69, Loi-ne with bis mother, Mrs. John Worden; ton distant. time. The choir render- Foster 63. Mi-. and Mi-s. Wm. Dickie, Toronto, ed a fine Thanksgiving anthem......Jr. 111-Henry Francis 72, Audrey were holiday guesta at Mi-. A. B. Mr s. John Baker sang at the Kirby Cowling 67, Beatrîce Cator 56. Wrys isLl sonTr Fowi Supper on Thanksgiving nîgbt. Si-. Il-Marie Collacott 68. Wei-rys;oMisoyla s bomernrth weeTn- . Soi-iy to report Mn. H. G. Argue Jr. Il-Lela Welsh 73, Wihe On to, wa homeroerthe Laesnd is confined to bis bced. His daughter, Darch 70, Viola Francis 54eanClssJedithnntlymet Mns.Gibonsof oroto, pen at the home of Mrs. Chas. Os- Thunksgiving with hlm. I-Cha-lie Foster, Harley Cowling. borne, the meeting being in charge Visitos-MnI. Joe Reynolds' Sim- S- r-sbl Bon e-' of Mrs. Osborne's group. The meet- coe, Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Gulette, Toi-- Thompson, Bei-t Francis. ing opencd with the devotional cxci-- onto, 'Mn. and Mrs. R. Somierville and Jr. Pr.-Moi-gniet Ii-win, Brenton cises in which Mrs. Frank Rundie famiiy, Cherrywood, at Mn. J. W. Darcb, Elvie Wright, Oscar Conlin, read the bible lesson. The pi-ogram Reynolds'; Mi-. and Mrs. H. E. Tink Frank Conlin. was as follows: Selection on grarna- and Miss Evelyn with Oshawa Laurence Savery, teacher. phone; chapter from oui- book "Mod- fiiends; Mi-. and Mns. Chas. Werry, ei-n types of bible women", taking Oshawa, ut Mi-. J. T. Rundle's; Miss "Mary" the mother of Jesus as the Launa Hands, Scarboro, with Miss HAMPTON îchai-acter wbich was presented by Ednu Reynolds; Mn. and Mi-s. Mc- ______Miss Aura Osborne; selection from Muilen and Miss Thelma, Janetvill el The Measuring Social given in the giamaphone and a reading by Mrs. Miss Dickie and Mi-. Marwood Dick- Sunday ScboolI i-om on Monday ev- Ross Pearce; the hymns were led by le, Nestieton, Mn. and Mrs. Edwin e ning under the auspices of the Mrs. Walter Snider with bier accor- Wood and Master Murray, Bowinan- YugPol' egewsadcd in fewrsadit uc ýville, ut Mn. S. E. Williams'; Mn. YugPolsLau a ci-da. Atiwrsadit uc ýHilton Tink and Miss MyrtIe Vice ut cd success. Those not quite sure wvas served and a pleasant time en- Mi-. Hoskin Smith's, Enfieid; Mi- of their heigbt were measui-ed by joyed by ail present. Mi-s. Osborne and Mrs. W. Giaspeil and family, twoC young nmen ut the door, after was most gracinus to ber guests and i Mi-. and Mrs James Hardy, Uxbridge, which a vei-y fine concert was given was assisted by Mrs. R. E. Osborne ut Mi-. Harvey Hurdy's; Mi-. and Mrs: consisting of: Piano solos, Miss Phy- and Miss Louise of Bowrnanvilie.. ýNeil and Mi-s. Potter, Pickering, Mrs. MlissCballis, Bownianvilie; readings,--. -Thuisday evcning at the Young ýHaliowell, Mr. Gordon and Miss Lylu Osborne, Tni-onto; vocal People's meeting a full program was Helena Haiiowxell. Stai-kville, ut Mrs. duets, Mrs. Maundi-cîl and Mrs. Kean on. Mr-. J. L. Parsons gav'e the bible S.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~s ofr We';M- ndM-.Wigt 0-hitby, accompanied by Miss lesson; the topic "Wbat is a mian's son Wight and famiiy, Providence, Nr Horn; piano duets, Mi-s. C. J. object in bis woi-k"? xvas deait witb Mis Lilia flar Toont, M. WllKersiake and Miss Nora Horn of by Rev. J. H. Stainton; a piano solo MiL inHoar, Osaa Tronto, . îlors;H ampton- Evcry number on the was nicely piayed by Mi-. Harold Hoa, Obaw, u MnaE.R. Tar'spn gr1n as exceedingly wel given jHartly; a redaing by Mi-. Ian Robent- Mn.ssn E s. BwmiiiCrre, r. and jand mucb apneciated by the large son vho wasencored and gave an- Mis ElieBowaniîi, M-. ~daudience . Atthe close sandwiches, other nunîber. The diffei-ent gi-oups Mi-s. Ennest Lai-mer, Ralpb and Lois, cake and punipkin pie wei-e served. then retired to their i-noms and the Blackstock, ut Mn. W. T. Tuylor's; 1 Pnoceeds amosînted to over $43.00. young pcople's group, wbo are mak- Tbr.lang Big t ome; Mi tck sEt Visitors: Miss Laura Virtue, ing a study of the Oid Testament bad Tan giren BagTornome ,Msss eT oronto, at borne; Miss Isobei Camp- the first 3 chapters of Genesis dis- i-an spent Thanksgviorontoberr aomecussed. Mn. Leo Courtice presented Mrs. Howard Coucb and famiy, jbell pnTbksingahe'om BethadaMi-.and rs.ired n Elmvsle; Mrs. Burbank who bas Chapten 1; Mi-. Kenneth Courtice Miss EelynNestlto PhîlMr.b cen visiting bier aunt, Mrs. Carnie chapter 2 and Mn. Sid Parsons chap- andMis veyNsetnutM- Stonehouse. bas returned to ber ter 3. A game was then enjoyed SJohn Baiker's. hbome in Carman, Man; Mi-. and Mrs. by ail the groups sud meeting clos- 1 ~L. T. Pascne and Miss Editb spent cd. .. . Sunday morning oui- Paîtor, COURTICE Sunday with friends at Oshawa and Rev. J. H. Stainton pneacbed a thi-ili- _______Tbornton's Corners; Miss Betty Sur- ing sermon on the subject "Thauk Report of S. S. No. S1, Darlington. uget, Peterboro, with Mrs. James You" bringing out in bis sermon for October: iCurtis'; Mi-. and Mrs. Herbert Pas- about the ten lepers who carne to Senior Room 1 coe, Zion, ut Mrs. Thos. Pascoe's; Jesus te he clcansed sud nine of Si-. IV-Hazel Walters 87, Maiian 1Mrs. W. 13. Cunningham, Grace and whom went away witbout even tbank- Trevail 82, Nora Adamis 79, Jack îJean, Cameron, Ont., visiting ber ing Jesus or in any way showing Gay 78, Walter Shoitt 76, Robertimother, Mrs. Joseph Clatworthy; gratefulness for the cure from lep- Courtice 76, Helen Wilkius 7,Evai Congratulations to Mn. sud Mrs. rosy sudonue 0f wbom came and bow- Courice68.Jr.IV-AiceRizeckStecle on the airival of a baby girl. cd bimself befone Jesus witb thank- 76, George Shortt 74, Wilfred Brown . .Miss Mabel Carr bas been visit- fulness. Mn. Stainton said that is 74, Loi-na Barber 72, Bernice Gay ing friends in Toronto. [ the way of the wonîd today, just 62, Robe-t Barber 6, Elsie Courticeabu ientsothpoletk 45. Si-. III-Tai7é'rt Gearing 86,1 1aIl the blcssings bestowed on them Sadie Allun 84, Florence Wilkins 72,1j Report of Hampton School for from God's baud snd neyer acknow- Eldon Essery 66, Bruce Muir 61, Fourtb-Florencc Burns (H), ledge them by even attending the j Henr-y Howard 61, Ross Balson 60' 10 tober, names in order of menit: sanctusry. Suuday nigbt Rev. E. Sarnuel VonGunten 52. Ji-.III Ernest Horn (H), Fred Hoiwell. - M. Cook, Enniskiîlen, preached very Florence Courtice 83, Rosena Edgar 1Si-. 1I-Elsie Moore (H), Elias acceptab]y s memorial sermon.... 82, Elsie Oke 81, Blle Antil 75, jGneenaway (H), Mervin Cryderman Glad to sce Mi-. R. E. Osbzorne home Audrey Trevail 73, Irvin MeCul-' (H), Helen Knox (H), Elwood again after bis two montha trip to the Ioub 0, aiia Cortce68,ElieSbackeîton ,Ethel Wakely. West .. .. The Young Peopie's mneet- lougJr.0, M-Katie Osadiuk 6H,,EGor- ing this Tbui-sday eveuing wilI begin Brock 65, Milton Stephenson 61. Jr I KaiOsdu (HG - promptly at 7.45 p. rn. Meeting un Si-. IIl-June Walters 80, Ella Bald- don Philiips, Austin Bai-ion, Jean cag f2dVc-rsdn.Ms win 76, Leslie Kinsman 72, Raymond Stainton, Violet Petley, Nelson Rob-, chageone2nd Y une-PresidentMss Barber 69, Clarence Kinsanan 52, bins, Bloyd WilcoxJcsWa, gnoup. Topic will be taken by Mn. Editb Allen 52, Hattie Snudden EanI Wakely. Aa ccscSlnsdams (absent). I Sr. Il- Olga Cowliug. Harold sionarycKollci o iUbe anaomie Marie I. Selby, teacher. Martyn Pearl Conaghan. scent f oectyic on d ethkoe Junior Room Jr. Ih-John Virtue, AnusaVWal- 1Eetyfod vy thersa.S Jr. I--Gladys Reynolds 91, Ed- lace, Annie Stainton, Hrny Winter- sd daugh- 11h Essery 90, Hazel Flint 87, Ruth bourke ,MFlsndy Conuaghan, Bruce ter, Iva, Victoria University, Toi-- Nichols 83, Elsie Flint 80, Margar-n-Cae,os CierCnuan, ai onto, visiîted Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. et Gay 79 odnBlsn6,Ja I-Betty Knox, Eva Johns, Muriel Annis and Mrs. Levi Annis on Sun- Gay 66, Margaret Adams 65, Wil- Scott, Norma Cowling, Thel1ma Rob - day and called on Mi-. sud Mrs. W. liam Cochi-ane 64, Elsie Stephenson R. Couitice.. . Do not forget the 62, Douglas McCullough 60, Iyva bins, Jimmie Adanison, Bernice Rog- Womnan's Missionary Society meet- Cochrane 63, Bernice Cochrane 60, ers, Billie Osadzuk, Vers Martyn. ing Ibis (Thursday) to be bcld ut I-eue Nichoîs 58, May Storms 57,CSr Pr.-Walter HoIwcll, Dora Suuday School rooni at 2.30 li. m. John Walter 45, Doris Wilkin 39. owling, Jack Cowling, Ruby Col- Meeting is in change of Mrs. Ross I-Raymond Balson, Sandy Muir, w'ell Ruth Colwill, Isobel Rogers, Pcarcc's group. Oui- Paston, 1ev. Dorothv _Snudden sud Theda Taylor, ck Joues, Jerald Black, Jack Nid- J. H. Stainton will give an address tic, Alex Koftopacki, Ethel Walter cy on India sud Mi-s. C. H. Dudley, Bow- and Fred Adamis, tic, Frances Rey- A-Gladys Chapman, Wanda mauville, will sing. Evcnybody wcl- nolds, Laurence Courtice and Ernest Clarke. sdu ehi roncorne. Gearing, tic, Herman Aluin, ElmenRuby Cnui aan. __________ur Huggins. J.-.Pr-Lorraine Antil, (H)-Iondiateshouns Blanche Taylor, Ethel Walter, Tom- F. J. Groat .I smpbel, eacens my Bai-ber aud Gladys Welsh, tic, F J ______._._ambel,___ hrs Walter Staple. FARMERS, ATTENTION!I Alice M. Arnold, teacter. CARD 0F THANKS Plcuty of good coal at C. N. Sta- AGENT WANTED Mn. sud Mrs. John Lyle and Miss tion, Tyrone. Effie Dunham, Mimico Beach. desine Dcivery made promptly to any To ,epresent the LIa Marie Beautifiers. te thank thein old neighbors aud customer. Order at once. If anyonu. lnterested lu canvassing write friends for thc kind expressions of Po Mrs. G. Lanaoqiie, Gencrai Delivery, symah extended to them in the R. H. Claot Phone18r2 ilowminvili,, Excellent orrer for smart yptyCfaot 8r2 man on woman. 44-1w- loss of their beloved mother. 45-tf. Extra Inducements to Buy Winter Clothing This Week i LARGE VARIETY-NEWEST VALUES MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS AT $22.50 Wondenfuî suit ut big saving lu price, in plaiu sud faucy serges in the populan double bressted models, Our Special Thanksgiving Price of $22.50 Each MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS AT $19.95 An exceptional lhue. youug mrn's model double bneasted style, fancy woven pattern, Sale $19.95 YOUJNG MEN'S NAVY This is a bcavy quality coat iu Chinchilla sud faucy velvet or polo lining. A Men's And Young Men's Overcoats at $19-95 Fa.icv ceýgns and cooringF. benvy Blanket (It-and Cteck Backs, Values up to $25, On Sale at $19.95 Boys' Bloomer Suits $5.95 'thest nepresenit techoices suits in ojui- stone. Fancv Twe(etls sud Woi-teds, also navy îlot Irish serges, C'learing this we'kend. Vsaluies 1uP t $950 aud $1000, For Only $5-95 Men's and Young Men's Suits FaneS' Tweeds aud Worsteds Reg-ulai- Values up 10 $2500 For Only $16.50 Regular Values up to $3000 For Only $19.95 Reg. Values up to $35 sud $37.50 For Only $24.95 Boys' First Long Suits at $11.95 In fancy Worsteds. also Navy Blue, doublte tneasted modela. Coat, vest, 1 long punt aud 1 bloomer paut anti negoî:în up to $16,50 each. Holiday Sale Price For Only $11.95 PENMAN'S ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR AT $1.50 Shirts sud Drawens, heavy quality ribbed Our Special Price $1.50 each Ir. 13. GILC:HRISiT, Phone 61 Bowmanville '8 ECONOMY FURNITUREî. SALE ENDS SATURDAY Just three more days to buy at a real savmng dependable furniture at our great Thanksgiving Sale. Don't put off another day. Do it now. Every article marked down in price. Three-Piece Chesterfield Suites 1 Mohaii- dark brown color, cushions cut mohair, Regular $225.00 for.......................185.00 1 Mohair Suite, reverse side of cushion in silk tapesti-y, Regular $24000 for............... $200.00 1 Suite, Walnut Framnes and in combination Jacquard and Taupe Mohair, Reg. $190.00 for $160.00 Othens Reduced Accordingly. Great Bargains In Chairs Reed Chairs and Settees, a really splendid and comfort- able line of nice new goods and prices ail reduced at avcrage of 20%. Den Chair%~ Easy Chairs and Living-Room Chairs in Oak and Fumed, Golden or Dark finishes, aIl wonderfully re- 'luced in price. Oak Chair-~, upho!stered seat, Regular $12 to $15 for $8.00 Oak Chairs. upholstcred seats, Reg. $15 to $20 for $1200 Oak Chairs, upholstercd seat and back, $20 to $30 for $16 Ail Lampa Reduced Floor Lamps, Bridge Lamps, Table Lamps, Shades and Standards aIl reduced. Sec these splendid off erings and see what wonderful re- ductions we are giving for this Thanksgiving Sale. THESE PRICES ONLY UNTIL NOVEMBER 12TH Steel Beds In Walnut Opposite Bank of Montreal Finish We have a ý,plcr(lid line of Steel Beds in Walnut finisk, and on regular $9.00 to $12.00 beds we allow... $1.00 of Beds fi-on, $12.00 to $18.00 for.............2.00 Les Beds froni $18.00 to $25.00 for .. 2.50 ta $4.00 Les Bed Springs Spings, .îll sizs, regular $550 for............. $4.50 Springs, ail sizes, regular $850 for............. $7.60 Springs, ail sizes, negular $1 1.00 for.............9.(W Cotton Mattresses Mattress, aIl cotton, regular $9)00 for...........*$ 8.00 M attre:sts, all pure white cotton, $1 5.00 for . ..$12.0<n Mattres, Special wcll filled and wcll made, regular 18.00 foi-r $.. .. . . 15.00 And al] ithei- gods s'. th corresponîhing reductions. Big Values In Tables AIl Chesterfeld "ahles, End Tables, Gate-leg Tables and ail Parlor Tales in Walnut redued at a saving of from $1.00 to $5.00 On Every Article Fe F. Morris Co., Bowmanville Ont. STYLES-DEPENDABLE GOODS UNSURPASSED. BLUE OVERCOATS AT $25.00 %lelton Clotb effect, fast guaanutced dyc with A big special tbis wetk ut onîy $23,00. Men's And Young Men's Overcoats at $24.50 laiiey Teeds aud Worsted Effects, hard finished, beautiful clothsansd values up to $ 30.00, On Sale $24.50 Coing ShootingThis Fait ? Buy your Guns and Amunition here. EVerything for the hunter in this line. GREAT VARIETY STOVES Before you buy your Cook StoVe or Heater see our large variety at attractive prices MASON & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville 1

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