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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1927, p. 6

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PAGE SiX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927 No More Pretty Shoes-for Doroti Dorothy peeps shyly et you throug a tangle of pretty dark curls. If y, are a man, sh 0 is hoplng agalntFt hop that you mlgh t be ber Daddy, bt cause he used to "'onw and h i and brlng her pretty shoes, buth d oent corne any more. Dorothy cannot understand wlý ~,f you are a lady she knowsq you con elon gto her because the nurs5e saY ber mother died years ago. Ita har for a wee girl oft ive ta understen aIl this, and why she shouldnt hav the Joys that o ther littie girls alway have, and, above ail, why she shoul b. ln the tiresome bed so much! But the kindly doctors and nurse at the Queen Mary itospItal are ver patient with heipless itttle Doroth' and hop@ ta fight off the dreaded ton aumption and make her sound an( Weil. Wouldnt you like to help thl work? Your gift ta the Hiospital wil b. gratefully received. Contributions may b. @ent to Hon W. A. Charlton, WPrsldsnt, 223 Collegg treet. Toronto 2. Ontario. Is this Coal Botherii Don't worry arounc less coals-get the coal1 for home use- LEHIGH ANTI burns long and evenly- ways-order a load todf APPLES WANTED F( J. A. HOLC Builders' Sul Phone 153 or 202 You Car Parti It has been the Ca' years to see that every tion of animais which w, In the first placem buying direct from thet select well fed, healthy do oui' own killing. 1 customers with every c( that no better meat can1 C. M. CAW Victoria Building Ei Phone Change Yourà inoa conforableden ai o room or extra seping qat ing ceilings and partitionîsoe Gvpror will mîke your attir ire- warm i wiciucr and ceclinic sutar Wrjîc for MIm. you how G<,r,ev tb.rd(vîtt blîatiîig aid Int-zb will reducre y from 20 ta 40ev. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMII GXrIrep I For S John A. Holgate & So w O'SPHOSPHODINE." a Te Great Fnglish Preparattîn. -M Tunes anîd înaîorites the whoie Eservous systein, makes new HIood in aid Veins. Us.d for Nert'ous L>bitty. Mental and Drain RWorry, fkspiondency, Los of Liter V, Palpitation of the Heart, Faligemory. rcc $2 pe. hbo x for 151 Sold by ail druggists, or mailcd in plain pkg. on reveipi cfprice New pimphit maied 1 'r«.TlWEWOOO MEDICINE CO.JORCNTO.,NI POPULAR TEACHER DEAD W. M. S. MEETING 0F ORONO hy ~ ~NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH I ______ i Miss B essie E. M. Eastwood of Earl Fo h eso oebr2t) One of the esteemiet teachers of in f the .M.'%fN'ctee t h hue pe Earl ai cio, ornoi teie- e.2'l-eS. fN !wc-, For Indigestion eMrs. thedams fE dwrs.iie son of 'Miss Bessie Ellen Margaret rooni on Thursday, November 3rd., e isterams.of H arris ste le Eastwood (lied at bier parent's home, %vben members were present in large Wvýhen your stomacb f eels bad; Orono Creamery building is de- l 5 leemun AeneonSuda. umer. h PesdetMr. Re)when Gas, Sourness, Nausea or af-Icrtn ihaotofan. hY. October 3Oth. She started teaching Cooke, occupied the chair, and conl- ter-eatig pains ake you eef mis- - ther.Ž, in 1925. and was formerly on dce t. e devotional exercises. I- sigedeofprBsu,, MsBrncTckOta , a rd the ocesajonal staff at Danforth Park Splendid reports were presented bv ,erabl- ig0 oeofpr isr is enc TkeOtaa a td School. Miss Eastwood wvas popu- the treasurer and the secreries ated Magnesia will bring you Instant at li father's, Dr. M. M. Tu- .: ar ivîth the staff and pupils alike. the different departments. Rethrthliefe!foi r e Id She bad been in il] health for the past decided that we use the study book For indigetion, tbe prompt effect- growth, it must yieid to Hollowav's yerbtwas somewbat better on her "New paths for old Purposes", forliveness of this special non-laxative Corn Remover. lsreturn from vacation in September. tbis year. . H. Fraser of Beth- lBISURATED form of Magnesia is Chief Constable Clarence Cain, we hv. Mrnlîers of the teaching staff of sa eittlhem brswbaIraî ,r- EnrIHairSchol tented the fu- ~ ad mrs eHrber cothrib- l wonderful. Even the most, are pleased to hear bas instailed ai n- arlHai Scoolattnde th fu- eadngandMrs Hulbet cntrb-obstinate cases quickiy respond. handsome radio. id eral service aI ber late borne Tuesdav utetl a much appreciated vocal solo. Pleasant and inexpensive to use. Ask Abxocandfutibeng sent ls n igbt . The body was brought to 1 Mrs. Lindsay gave an interesting and your druggist. Abxo andfuti e il Bownmanville where service %vas beId inspiring adtlress on "The China In- to the Cildren's Shelter. Port Hope,1 ini St. Jobnas Cburch conduct ed byl1land Mission", on whirb mission field'-- by the Women's Institute. n. Rev. R. ,J. Sbires. Rector. on Wetl-isbe -worked for several years. Wr -en Mr. andI Mrs. Benny Tbornton of je nesdax' aflernoon. The intermenti the Thank-offering contribution of l r u ls Woodstock, are visiting bis brother, wvas made in Bowmanville Cemetery. 1 174.10 was taken, ail joined ýn sing- I.>K erU T ouble Mr. C. J. Thornton and terla ------ý-ing "Praise God from wbom al Blessings Flow". After singn a Botiier M any Fast 401 tv'%essrs. John J. Gilfillan, John H. - bhyma, our President pronounced the 1____ ot n onH ideolf benediction. At the close of the Seven out of Ten Are Victime But Ma-nday for the north country deer meeting tea was servedi by group Wie el o Uaaa Bring htînting. ^ebesunider the leadership of Mrs Wie el o Uaai Jamieson, Mrs. Baskerville and Missi Swift, Amazing Relief With Many mothers bave reasons to Hedges.b]ess Mother Graves' Worm Exter- Renewed Vital Force. minator, because it bas relieved the LI Proposition 1egs FAPEITO N n nw etrhnh little ones of suffering and md 1 ETR ____ horrorofjyesdyan lpes Miss Walsh was home from Maber- .ng Y ou ? Newcastle, November 2 97nîgbhts. There have been times ly for a few days and reports slight Dear Editor,-Wili you kindly ai- when I feit hopeless and helpless- improvement in the condition of Mrs low me space in the Newcastle newvs adwejywanescue ete (Rev.) A. R. Walsh. section of your paper. 1 wish to have most intense humiliation. Only those Armistice Annivirsary and Thanks- Ai with unbranded, namne- the encloseci letter printed. It con- who have gone tbrough such tortures1 giving service were observed in Park tha isprouce an sied cerns the prizes 1won at the New-,cnosil elîem1ret ts Street Cburch Sunday, conducted by giving of the prizes wasconuTe1 TABS brought me quick relief. UR-tePso.Rv m trig like a Christmas tree and 1 didn't IATABS are truly wonderful, and 1 Mr. Henry Junker xiii spend Thanks- 'get an opportunity to say a few words give thom full praise". Such amvthbizfthr I a.stck I RACITE COAL s ol like to use your columns i ng evidence serves as convincing' igacmaida ra hks I for that purpose. Yours truly, j. C.i proof of the power of URATABS to peare by Misses Lillian and Alma s clan-i islow n as -it Gains. relieve those distressing aliments so Cuttoîl. Citiens f Necasle, n midle Orono Lodge A. F. & A. M., No. clea-itis Iw i ashit Gal~tens f Necasleteachers, often a handicap to those de j 325, on Thursday evening, November -and it gives full value ai- I and, if I may still cali you so, f eiiow- if e.3,reieanofcaviifomRW lay-you will like it. s1 dis: to apologize for not saying Overworked, siuggish kidneys, Bro. G .M. Goodfellow, Wbitby, D.D. Ia few words on the night of the! Bladdor -Weakness and Prostate G.M., Ontario District. ICommencement Exorcises, and, in al Giand Trouble bring on so niany dis- For Both House and StabIe.--There DR PEELING P&JRPOSES f ew words, to say now what 1 meant! tressing ailments which so, often lead is a good deai of similarity, physi- to say then t.. I aff orded me a great te serious diseases that ev ery suiffer-! cally speaking, between human beings deal of pleasure to be the recipient or f rom ]anieness, pains in back and l and the lower animaIs. Both are of the Samuel Wilmot Medal, the idown through groins, scanty but subject to many aliments arising fromi aFrench prize donated by Prof essor; frequent urination, "Getting-up- inflammation and to aIl manner of John Squair and the Science prizeI Nights", Nervous Irritahility and cuts and bruises. Dr. Thomas' Ec- «IA E & S Ndonated by Mrs. I. E. Bowell. Lck of Force-should try the arn- lectrie Oil is an entirely reliable rem- 1 ndFul t is needless to say that I oweI azing value of Dr. Southworth's UR-, edy for such ailments and mishaps in .pples adFe a great deal to my teachers, for, ATARS at once! Any good drug- iboth huinan heings and the lower or- Bowmanville without the teaching I have received gist will supply you on a guarantee dors of animais. I could neyer have won these prizes., of satisfaction or money back. Mrs. J. E. Richards was able to iTfoundtio of mv education wasý take a trip to Toronto where she li ythe late Misflavisoni. fier made a short visit witb bier daughter sytm tâùght me to get the les- last xveek, enjoying the delightful son while it was boing taken up in Autumn weather on the outing. the class and not the night before Mr. William Hutchison for many the examinations. 1 feel sure that D9 TOMAS' * years a resident of the 10th Conces- many who went te scbool with me, * E L CT I sion of Clarke, passed away in Bow- then will agree with me. EC EC R manville Hospital. Interment took An education is a thing that is O IL place in Orono Cemetery. not easily acquired and to the stud- Aý8R.FSAFE AND St IL Mr. A. J. Souch, Starkville, on A ' B e T o o) your school days ;they are your b.est W IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE KE three injured by dogs, the loss being eas nds I od say, "akethe must yof R"MO D ANT5 0F MON RE AS. OtoeSbaEie heRiie-n andtheuseyouVICEABLE PREPAR- $120. The township sheep valu- Inconclusion I wish to thank the * BE FOUNDE TO-DA R o huai an-h a ic u la r wis othe tudent vr us bs Iwnadt ETHE iE W ND ord beutratedPainhs.Thpais' donrs f te piss Iwonand10HAVE IT REAOY FOR and aches of Sciatica and Rheumatisin terni including tbe final examinations. WILL NEED IEchld etrirOi.Te ih.he obng and I thnk ~ou. J. C Gaies.healing properties of thîs famous cab 0remedy have been demonstrated for AUNT SUSAN%'S WEEKLY LETTER ____________ fifty years. Use it aiso for inflam- wker policy for nigh on 75 ____ matory pains, cuts, scratches, bruis- My Dear Niece: To move from T es and sprains either in buman beings care is taken in the selec- one bouse to another is a great un- R S OD f f or the iower animais. dertaking, but when you have a long flLU lU Anm versary services of Clarke ve sll verour ouners jorneyahed o yo as ellit er-Church will bie held November 131h Te~itil sel oerou cuner. uge pasroporins. Youi and l4th, by Rev. Dr. Best, Bow- shoul commnce rDhtHEAITHl manville. Speciai music by the ghbould comence ibt a way ai- UUU E LTH choir. Monday evening a fowl sup- we I)ersonally do our own before the actuai move will takeiM te»o lvnC ld n per. place. ~~~e Miss Hinjmar and Miss MeBurnie breeder. So that we only Start by carefully packing ail Praises Lydia E. Pinkbam's motored from Syracuse, N. Y., and things not in generai use such as Vegetable Compound spent a few days with Miss J. Ton VOUflPs Then we toys, books ,bric-a-brac, best crock- ______ Armstrong. Miss Agnes Rae, Toron- ~ aimas.ery and best ciothes. . Her Interesting Experience to, was aise a guest of Miss Arm- We, therefore, seli to oui'r To accidentaliy pack soînething you ______ strong. wiii need-a warm sweater, perhaps, Buckingham, Quebec.-"I am the Mr. Garland Hesper Dean and Miss >onfidence and satisfaction or a ref erence bok-is a great nui- mother of eleven living chiidren, Hilda Beatrix Bowen were united in sance because il necessities unpacking .. and my baby is marriago on Saturday, October 29tb bebogh tanwese].a w bole box to get at the article s five months old. at the Parsonage. Tbey were unat- be bughtthanm7e eil.whicb may be at the very bottom. I am only 38years tended and left immnediately after If you have not numbered and old and i have the ceremony for Toronto and other marked the different packing cases taket L y d ia E. points. - oumay have 10 go tbrough severai Pinkbam's Vege- KIrJ7( & Oy4 r e what yo wantt ThL t table Compound The Proven Astbma Remedy. is vry xasoratng nd irig. I - ..~ . fr weknes ad ISince asthma existed there bas been Thveye Fa isatigod tie t moe My nervos.i1 knew no lack of much heraided remedios, ~uce~ Bowmanville i.]nasister, DamesetlediEd-urwortbless. The ever-growing repu- it henabe o elheseted intyor fil ro mem utte bvEroedhot-ve n e 6' ie oebfoetesvrewne ouard Bellefeuille talion of Dr. J. D. Keiiogg's Asthma weather, and aiso most farm work ofI Ramnsayviile.1 Remedy bas given it a place in the starts in the fal of the yar. i o ie years 1 field of medicine which no other can To make moving easy you must was in risery and was always ready1 approach. Il bas nover been push- îtake tbxngs quietly and net do toit to cry. Now I amn so happy to bave ed by sensational methods, but bas muc i on dy a frstsothat you go health. My daughter, who is simpiy gone on eff ecting relief and ram reserve your strength for the 18 yars old, bas also taken il and1 making now converts. great business of the actuai move will ehapîpy to rocommend it 10 al and the unpacking. Young girl s. " -Dame WILLIAM PAR-I Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Holden and Clear as you go; carefuiiy sorting ENT, Box 414, Buckingham, Queber.i son Donald, accompanied by Mrs. W. out things se that one kind is packed Why suffer for years with hack- Allen andi Mrs. James Moffatt motor- Iogeth er. The fragile giasses and ache, nervousness and other ailments .cd eut te Yelverton and spent Sunday china should net ho packed in the common te women from early life to, afternoon, guests of Mr. and Mrs. sane cases as the heavier things. mddege,whenLydiaE. Pinkhams Richardi Wright andI Mr. C. W. Wrap each îhing weîî ii newS- Vegetabie Compound wiii give ycu1 Wright, sr. palier, taking rare that the handies I relief? At Park Street Cburcb Sundy ar-1 1- rppd ndwhetî packed Ina recent country-witl anas nudraevcews usyt- _ook's Regulating Compound hnwte inih.YouSloin extreme tax on their tath b a fal packages. le A sali. ,elaobl. ejAITSSN tegh Ail Red Rose Tea is now d sMediine. SoI in t tite, e.. rpacked iAluminum and S ~ ~ ~ ( 85ýith-. 1, 81 Poor Dad Pleasantly flavored, easy to ~ ae8 uhfihi t, al rggse oent a rggiPtso r seni The whole farnily ownu thie car., take, children like both the tea and the pack- THEr COOK ÎMEitiuseIc'liTE rciIif1 gae that your money will be in m mo.(orciyin~ the rid's car,nd whes n dsao Li IL)I~;refunded if you are not com- or with a tire down it ik dad's car. ________________I pletely satisfied. 11T When You Can Buy Why be content with inferior teit. When It Cornes to Economy The efficient home manager, no less than the business man, recognizes the importance of trad- ing in the best market. The weekly income is thus made to yield its full return, and a larger sum can be devoted to home comforts. Thought- fulness leads numerous people to buy their meat at our store. Spring Chickens are in. Let us know your needs early. LANCE CARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Delivery Butchers Phone 518 Bowmanyil.e The Cosy Home QUEBEC is King of tMent ai It briglitens your home and lightens your work. It does five things well. It heats, cooks, bakes, supplies hot water and burns any kind of fuel A Heater of the fmest type and a highly efficient range combined -that's exactly what the "Cosy Home" Quebec ije! SoId In Bowmanville By iDustan's Cash Hardware I----------------------------------------- FOOUNOB COMPAiV-LutMIT» Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumnatism F DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept 2 MI "BME00 ackage 5afe~which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer"> boxes of 12 tabli Aime bottles ot 24 -nd IO-Drugglats. AMPIrin le ibe trade mart (r.atstered tu O...d.) et Bayer Menufatur. et lio.s.ete- acfldeter et Sutcyltcaoid <Acetyl SaUceylle Actd. "À. 0. A.'). Wbtle il la WOUU DOW that Aspirin means Bayer amamture. to aait 1h. publice atnsîtImtations. the Tabiste Of Bayer OOmm&y wIVLl e stausped wità h bLr amral Indemark, t4 IWber9si1 U" PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927

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