*tae' maT With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanviile News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No.46 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES. TRAGIC DEATH 0F LOCAL GIRL HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN BEING LOCAL AND OTHERWISE St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, ____OEAH___ C jVD Mr.Bra, ite rtan DRAATI CNTET SRIS Iornr emperance and Church Sts., The sudden and mysterious disap- Generous Contributions Froin Dur. Iguest of Mrs. A. W. Pickard ove Convenient and I Rev.Robt. McDerment ,M. A., Min-. pearance on Sunday evening of Win- bain OId Boys-tCanvassers Make1 the weekend. Under auspices o oEit e vseni' ng o p 11 a. Sunda ierMaplace ofe25lymenars olt rgic- weHoseApe r.reantgusts M. . anly Mrs Easy West DurhamnAgricultural Society 'Jea istver Moingorrshi 7 p il na. .lierMaylard 25 yen as told, r r anMrs ofM.. aly, Eas School at 2.30 p. m. Everybody wel- ally revealed about 5 o'clock Monday The Hospital campaign to raise J. E. Elliott. Uon er St ~core.afternoon when lier lifeless body was $15,000 is on in real earnest in towfl Mrs. Chas. Manning bas been vis te__aeBb' odb t o nsPaih 1"t ons(nlcn hrh found o the shore of Lake Ontario this week. The town has been iting bier sister, Mrs. Isabella Script using a ExtarCnce th Sunday next before Advent, Novem- about two miles west of Port Bow- djvided into six districts with a ure, Cilborne. willbe ive in he allber 20tb, 1927: il a. m.-Holy manville and almost in front of the captain in charge making a group of Mr. Lewis Irwin and Mrs. Otho Rigo Steilier Communion and Sermon. Preacher, Memorial Institute Fresb Air Camp. four canvassers for eacb district. A Brown, Detroit, Micb., are visiting Rig Seriizr illbegien n heRev. D. B. Rogers, M.A., GB.R.E., The body was found partly submerg- bouse to bouse appeal is being made Mrs. Win. Robbins. OPERA HOUSE iToronto; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Scbool, ed in ae and haîf covered witb and the willing workers feel greatly A pure white enamel con-BWM NIL atra ,N v (Ail classes but Rector's); 7 p. m.- sand washed up by the waves. encouraged with the cordial recep- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McFadden tainer for a rack wbich holds O M NIL aud y o .1 Evening Prayer. JobnI,Lunney of town, while out tion and generous response being Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr 1 and Mrs. W. Carr. six Rigo nursing botties. S.Pu' hrh e.D .Bshnig oae h oyad-e aeb h iies Mtesfind them most sani- rridav, Nov. i 8th From 5.30 p. m, S. au's huch Re. Mr..BstahntdglMrte tRogdeanrr- mdebytheciizns iJlD. D., Minister. Anniversary ser- ported samne to F. F. Morris, under- Apart from the very acebe Trnt, a Mr s. ogr ig, tary and bandy. A fnnel at 8.15 p. m.vices will be held on Sunday, Novem- taker, who in company witb Chief donations made it is most gratifyingTontbvbenvstgMrad for fllgand abtlhrs on n hos odje Oha la andnd 7p. m. Rev15.. m.Rd. Jarvis visited tbe scene of the to hear se many well merited words Mrs. R. H. Westaway. PRIZE WINNERS Principal H. A. Kent, D. D., of tragedy and brougbt tbe body to the of praise given tbe bospital and its Misses Marion Quinn and Beatrice are included. A time and Judges will make awards to prize appetizing supper ýQueen's Theological College, Kings- Morris Undertaking Parlors. nurses for the service being render- Purdy, Castleton, were recent guest worry saver. Let us show winners ton, wîll preach at botb services. Miss Ward, wbo is a daughter of ed t..e community tbrougb this popu- of Miss Carnie Lathrop. yuone. -ail home cooked: Principal Kent bas recently come to Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ward, higbly re- Ian institution. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Creeper and ouPrograin Queen's from Halifax and is in the spected and well known in Darling- Durbam old Boys and Girls away Tom, Toronto, spent the weekend wil bepreened y Bef amfront rank of Canadian preacbers. ton Township, was employed as a from their native town and countylwith Mn. and Mrs. H. B. Creeper. 'Wmoes atlssE- D.W l Easso Bn, M. A. e, Ha, Tongue, Evenywhere it is counted a privilege domestie at the home of Ross Stev- are sbowing in a commendable and Public Scbool Concert, Decembe Wampoe's asteess X- D. W.EassPotatoes. A.to bear him. A fine program of ens, near Maple Grove on Provincial whole-beanted way that tbey still re- 15th and l6tb. Choruses, solos tract Cod Liver Q1j Dramatic and Humorous Reader Creamed Ptte special music bas been prepared for Higbway. The last tbey saw of Miss tain a kindly interest in the home- drills, folk dances-200 children Mr. H. J. Knight Beansa whicb everyone will enjoy. Ward was about 6.30 p. m. Sunday land of Durbam when there is an taking part. $1.0 Botle r. C S. allan Prk ad Bans aa s Prv .ices cordially invited to these when she left the bouse to attend appeal sucb as the bospital is making. Mr.nand Mrs. John Reid and Mis The year round tonic for ail Mrs. H. M. Foster Pe Jellies srie. uc ntown.. Geo. W. McLaughlin, Oshawa,Maino Goodwood, Mrs. Wm. PiesMs.C H ude (Other cburch news on page 3) There is no accounting for tbe was the first to respond with good Woodley, Lindsay, visited at Mr. W. WhTLped Cream Ck tragedy as the girl was of a brigbt wishes for success accompanied by a S. Bragg's on Sunday. _____ vviiîppeu Cake ~disposition and shùwed no sigs of check for $500. Mar. W. N. Tilley, Ms rdWlimTnno pn 'l Y Lr c Season tickets will lbe bononed Brown Bread, Roils and BOYS' TRA.INING SCHOOL NEWS dondetenyof olcplar u e arkiga. Torofnowbe thws e anedbet weksM FendWlatms,- TJontoHea KERSLAKESwitbout chargele Single Tickets 35c Butter Dr. G. E. Reaman, Sueitndent, have found little evidence to assist would contribute $1000. Mr. C. HJandWislitedbersisern- la,s.W The Dependable Drug Store visited the Lindsay Kiwans Club last them along this line. Carlisle, General Manager of the j îlas b svr ony Plan opens at Mitcbell's Drug Tea lweek, and gave an address on thel Dr. A. S. Tiîîey, coroner, bas sum_ Go odyear Tire and Rubber Co., bas Mrs. W. C. Hickling, Allenwood We Dlive Zboe 4 Stoe, Sturdy, ov. 2, a 10School and i' ok moned a jury wbo viewed the re- made tbe generous proposition that Miss May Hickling, Barrie, and Mr.D TheSchol as onredby viitmains and will hold a inquest No- be will add 20 % to the total amount Davis, Toronto, wr Sunday guest from the Attorney General and Min- vember 30th. of subscniptions raised. Mr. R. S. of the former's brother, Mr. J. E ister of Education for the Province An autopsy was performed on the Mc Laughlin, President of General:Elliott. of Manitoba on Saturday last. The body by Drs. A. S. Tiîîey and B. J. Mo tors of Canada, bas also offered a! Flonence Nightingale Lodge 1. O visit was at the suggestion of Premier Hazlewood, but their findings wiîî very liberal donation dep ending oni 0. F., Bownianville, paid a fratenn Ferguson. probably not lbe revealed until the the subseriptions raised in town. visit to Cobourg Lodge No. 136 Mon The new school building bas been inquest is beld. A very beautiful letter in wbich day everiing, wben degree work wa open for two weeks. AlI classes are $10 was enclosed was neceived conferred.. now thoroughly established under Wednesday by the Secretary from Mrs. R. T. Slemon, Haydon, l more suitable conditions. The HOSPITAL NIGHT AT Miss Gertrude -Hollande of the Catb-Ivisiting bier sister, Mrs. J. E. Elliott T a sk o f S e n d i g W i e lyground floor wbicb was built as an ROTARY CLUB erine Booth Mothers' Hospital, Mon-1 Mr. and Mis. Henb. Kohier aid T as k f S p e din g is elyassernbly hall is also being put to good Cu ___ treah. We hope tepublisb this let- two :bildren, Ottawa, recently visit us san gymnasium until the gym. Gives $1200 ta Hospital Canipaign ter next week. :ed ber father, Mn. Wm. Quick. YoIr n ie oT k d a tg fteSvn sbidn scntutd t was Ladies' Night at the Rotary a cbeck for $1200 being net pro- Ma ria Jewell, Bert and Mabel, Mn. Clb hrsa eenn we teceeds o Street Carnival. and Mrs. H. J. Babcock attended te Offre a O r toe hi W eke ndoteradiues wofasted si he Darlington Council made a grant Clemence-Colwill wedding a e Royal TFeat adohrlde hoasse nteo $100an intimated tbey might castleonatryNvme re ,Street Carnival were honaned us b good for more next yean. The White Shield Club meeting _________,N v.i iscarceisi apym odw l 181f the Club. President F. F. Morris Othen subscriptions have been e- iwill be held on Tuesday, Novembe FriaySatrdy, ov 1819 Inscbacthe stic adpy mod tei- ceived which will be acknowledged 22nd at the homne of Mrs. Thoms Smr x l s v o tsTom Mix Inom ed f fthe ustladubankdthemu-later. MMullen, Sugog St. Al member Pe,-"Tumbling River" onbeaftofte lub forma theau Every citizen is unged te get be-. are requested te niake an effort t ý1 -A thrilliag story of the old west fabrle ha uce hind the campaign la a genenous lepeet In a season when so rnuch fur is used these coats are par- la al it's glory. How a daring Vice-President R. F. Aitchison itn wepuboen ite top. Itercan-sontar net and wife, P ric e 4z~ ticularly attractive chîc coats of Suedene, Duvetyne, Pin Point srehiandefied Apatho frone peffolmed plesanti ut forn e vassBrshave missed you bring or at Weston on Tuesday attending the qi È and Needie Point with Shawl or Crush Collars and cufs of fluffy the many tbnills la thîs big west- Jms rsdn fteHsia send youn donation to G. H. Mason, funeral of Mrs. Courtice's siste, er rm.Scretary. Mrs. George Fisher, who had lien » Thibetine at prices from.................................... $18.00 UP Matinee Senn da a .0 . neBoaraceck fote,re20 e ang th ______111for some time. Satudayat 230 . m netproeed of he.stret crnialMn. Arthur Belîman bas purchased bilîdren 5c wbicb was gratefully acknowledged. BOYS' PARLIAMENT ELECTION teHrbJwelfn,(fmey Cto loesChapter 2 of The Club was panticularly fontun-laeRbnFidngpc),orbo Ladis' Slk Hse te in having as its guest speaker Takes Place Saturday, Nov. 26th Ba omatnvieldingBelhaen basbee CtnBloesLde'SkHoe"Snowed In" Col. J. W. OdelI, a Durbam County Bwavle r ela a e Women's Winter Weight adrglrpormfonenian on the Mancbmont farn for Cottn Boomrs, inihed Ladies' Silk Hose, in ail the adrglrporn Boy, native of Orono, student of Eigbth election of the Older Boys' a number of yeans. Coton_______fnihe Bowmanville Higb School 42 yeans Parliament of Ontario takes place atke n as ih latest shades, ago, Public Sebool Inspect-ir of Nor- last Saturday la November. Alan The Boys' Choir of the Boys at ne ad wis wthMonday-Tuesday, Nov. 21-22 tbumberland County and a member of Penfound, Returning Officier for Tnaining Scbool is giving a concer lisene t wib he on Comer Tiniy nitd hurhHouse, Wednesday, Decemben 7th latestl Volors0c Victor M cLaglenEdmnd o tbng. Thce s aide te firsthge gorandfater, Thos. ttesna O-gie Tusdy vnig(t-igt clap nd li on etraan Dlors el iobea te eeTheaCtetors feldloan, sf;owno lewrene isawemer o iinPoeSt. orJoyn' anistall etel vale a 75 an siO Seci $.25ahyrdwods thatesselecteon formusecondPeparation-Pincal mena- PTraiSt.Ranead is lrk lOoar-eact medy nWaepnefontingthe par ithis mightymotonPlipictues tainthm oral thind: senvce-enenge e cnsdatme r Wstorha. p ilae ya ie it aiepwr San-oy DessGSpecialhtvMati oesonday th p ilsysteat ipuntsishand iale als Grgnoy Comisson of . C.LAY ANDryCONEtny nn Cbe' hmietefuh inea 1e; dusl sc -a hgbcewortbanl oll owming eeCLaerofencAle & isîn o. whe o Thepreftewc stknb Silk nd 'ool Hse Hav-Ty dEnglih F nethe rEveing sprice of aIlryseatts e. aOnetion iphasRta vranshn.a emer fatnd Pli ebol .I.H.Cok. heotenpat Glvs nth ew sads ltsttax. VcorMLalnEmudLoe thn. T.Jae sd Dr.oJ.tC. Dvitana . Grgoyisastiln a re andlad-f mpse"Cooke;eHe WTome nd'sSipk andWeoora Heady EnglishDFlannelette ihcîudîngThervoteof haks ans acel;omanvilheHihsteho nd as -Niece-Miss dey Lamb; Dois- Col. Odell for bis inspinctedgfard1ess.aenawpremneat artna leiesofingutiJnshSodir-i. B.Haldwmn; i vosluerior75c ad ty1.00 in whieand$1.5olyred Wedsdaghy. tius ov. 23.24 i.secnvilepoy, was aIse a lomen-TalRnesavisaceki r- n c oeyrprsnigtelt ail, the hid srie nrgtcsrnew eatmnta toecolors, wth ih aiepw SpecialValue $,00 Spcially riced 2 to 40 yd phylis Haer a torfoi Courg Rothadv Cslyîd. -TuxisandoraClmRer ss.no M .ina r. G. Y oun yigns-is Li Isa isdenwif5e;vise if s e -ih openmitslwngteeClmro heSae& l rCo h h pr fth ie i ae Sik n W olHse Hev Egis Faneete Eanherioma teap b ier bs- sg n otin DHarvey Don of EPORToR hePuliwbho w.Il.cotîe Te ther pgai Lind idGloesKewoo Banetsbad iouintrece n e orontoJaRoan ClubJ.wC.se icbhaBoard.FFeryLOS aStFIEnt rs.:W.Andanis. R. M. Mit Women's Silk and WOOI Hpart? Seclwhat thisewiseewie 'uî vtce o an p .vasg pcrnality eHihSc ndbs icheMiss .A. udeyLamiss E Lades Lied K i o, i Kn wootad Clbrted Ban idl tî nvl n auin ihan pop.uAlear fvrieie B ach Fnea whoih tpoabrynîin ated Wooigud Mr M.Die-M. . Gady in tanend Grey, r y ie esalcoosinpai ndpcue stoyte he lapperNo h23 o4biauberws Mn. a vey e is- Hfroisa an veated fren he onMiserAlbentCoe, iss on otb Mis Spcill pic 0 va0cmdPedbrhsaer Se h Iin v te rmanobuwghota l1rayClugbngTuis ad a afeng pete yde-. G okeanun. OcagrJmisonL qucilalltPieu 22 adPie $81500a whe Wifebates forN be er u- i y tbrog olebenpartnoyehenrh nexL a bTickes re5e ady rbR e otie bsand'sloe wf and i hepmt home.. een a thiry a neic asuet . ogte'vaoatr an i Tthe dolo ongfr m n emeo f anothr woan tevamplier u H is alo ofoa inSHeylîcuneyS. of ieVPrale Damage eth Swane- the co ithe ttheay.r Line KidGlovs KewoodBlanetsbandwithut iterfren on ier Tornto otyClub hoir is b o- uFeRd stab djinig ed I m AaiMr .M Jerey resesCahmee ose ShkerFlnntBanktscMIN ATTRAIONwSe w Ad'oelle Dony wboaccom peranihl y cMn. Har AlliaDuglocer.is WoeasJrsyDrs es' Ldi ash e ,enHOSe, Big estadbaet Shak- dd tioe NanEdER 2526 at hianpopuis aocte nplishd Cehief m. dgroand bois ine WHodrAGE.0FDale r.C.GASE in Tan nd Grey very fne ket , all c lors in plain a d 1 pitureustry te andflweprhave ofeainedmbsincer.brigade answereda ov theet caîlu promptnly s. A NCREASEl, M Ns LEATth ER inth nwshde, inblc ad oor, lnnl lnktsmdein"herThirteenth eeHour" sngrandauhton of Mn. and Mns and soon hdad tree ole f ely-E k n r sa ai Prcd 1r0 ,0 qa Price 5,$.20$5 pCand, Price $.09aWith Nf apole Borpntle Jo-hn Doey hwuh o le foremnyars playingonthe nfi ne o asyrsTub icing ie 2e ndaud e 'a.tis Nads oew Wndoe. Dg resnta hrborn idialsfine .S.Hogte gh s e fame rea d weka tate r rom nt at be n He s asoa slogt n Sertere t e loft o tle maeboute whib ethecst owe ay.n u atn Jerey rtsesSideee oWeShaerFSide"Blnkto nmer ar prsetcgho anMislesmoke indterendcieably wthIbrise0 So ete or COMIN ATTACTIOS Azelle oneyIho a-c9ndvnanchimny crssary Allnn shcee Ro EAL VALU rese des'S ND BOS'h SUITS --,P Witb Georgend'BnienSaadeVin- toen'siano stiueatn he etaccm lsh t h evonk of t e iennd i îr OTAGE- OF l C A D gthe CAUShaE niV alli Co-26nveiniond emeet n Toroato h rsgadebic alsare h apr ptlyali 'INCEAE NlaA inRthe 1w week.s MisslaE.aE. cHaycraftnnwilllane-stmaatire"TainhstandingHouofithe brnddading. of Mr and MTheandnsov hrdisrea lorl o-wlde Priced Fr m $10.50 rices 75c $1.00, $ .25 C anad , Prpresent9 theh NDistrictonafarWesteDJrbani.eyused lfor forying yaaplelpeelinogshe This It waa ariubk Nomcing iorCaudefIves ad eat - NewWondr________________bornwi e ato gt a os tefassp olat ek a ~o*lsta nt ît ides aeeusd Men'sSuitsup to$35,0 for 28,50Ç~\ - canhedlftofn e insraneo t hi buld-e athers th a[er vaing or slnat NOEMER2-2 Ms.J E Al-ndMr. .C.wa ing lTe worith mainTheaponse iioen ons. rsw eneartiolein caed Eastuits esupSdto o$22 are efor $18,50owa vIleator wasnet ierecnnie lwitb nbfe i y fdSe&ase. wruchis REAL VALUES I MEN'S AND BOSS\I(' WMn.nAllin'stulossttby Cererandte atek sf thefiiemean nrtiwhlehInaone eis thela end- With GoeOriegndV-Cnvninkmetninrntoti h rc al r rc al li is imenîinpulcatincs. Th n- çrni Vll wilaien e rud 20 blItce s nT Pan withafoolwe u - ----------.- - -r- q an e7ýý, oýi (=V bt