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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1927, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1927 PAGE rTWfl DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Good health is one of earth's 1 Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto greatest blessings. Climatic condi- Ujniversity. Graduate of the Royal tions are either favorable to or un-1 College of Dental Surgeons of On- favorable to health conditions, but tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. unquestionably personal habits are of Office phone 40. House phone 22. vital importance- One0 health ad- X-l1 y Equipmer't in Office. visor says: "Man is made or un- made at the table"~. Another savs DR. J. C. DEVITT the samne trutý. in a different Nwav Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson -'llea lth depends on wbat a man puts Graduate of Royal Dental College,j into his mouth". Thus "As a man Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- I eat- so is he'. Those who read manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 health columins tbat now appear in p. m. daily except Sunday. Phon elman'y Ieading newspapers and maga-j 90. House phone 283. z nes and health journals should X-Ray Equipiient in Office knowv well how te preservýe and regain lost -ealth. for most of the informa- DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Ition published is more or less valu- I Honor graduate of Toronto Uni-' able .Noe doubt cook. are resî,en-, ve.-sity and member of Royal Coîlegeisýbl' for much of t'h dy1epýia i e ,)f Dental Surgeons. Licetised toi world. But men and womien should' practise in Oatario and the Dom- know what to eat and ahat not to ion. Dentistry la aIl iLs brarches. ont, yet wc fear too mn fte Offce-King St., Bowniaaville, op- are too) prUne to take a chance-e posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301.snie appetizing f ood is placed be-j - ..fore thern. A good rule always Bow'manville Hospital -When- in doubt -whether te eat or 1 __ ..-j -r-- LEGAL te decline te cat la te give your stom-' achth heeft f te oub adl The popular institution for whieh a canipnign is n c' lin pregre'ss te caî-e1 %4t. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. jade't tthe nfi food in qutn 1 $.1,000 te wipe eut the (Tl)'t on the Nurses' Residence. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary *** Moniey te boan on Farm and Town We are very mach in carnest when Preperty. Royal Bank Building, we say "Begin te guard well your COMMUNITY NEEDS PORT HOPE PASTOR AND CHOIR Bowmanville. Phone 351. stomnch when old enough te knew1 AT TRINITY UNITED CHURCH what te cnt and what net te eat, Like Poor Relations Are Ever With 1 W. R. STRIKE ~~~~for we became a dyspeptic when aU.~~cnrgti ree Successor to lat. D. B. Simpbon, i.C. young achool boy and as a cerise- the visitera fronm Port H1ope On Sun- quence have been a martyr te stem- Who la it that mieets these nee(ls? dJa : eveniag a hen Rev. F. W. Ander- Barrister, Solicitor, Nota.ry nch trouble for seventy years or Who is it that supports the schoeI.s, son, Pnstor* and his choir of forty- Solicitor for Bank of Montreal more, and still sufer for eating pud- tý,e charches, special civic expenses, 1 four voices -loti b:. Mr. T. W. Stanley, Money to Loan Phoise 91 dings, pasties and other tee rich and celebrations, socials, local entertain- r ngan:ýst and choirmnaster. visitcd BowanileOnaro eavy food when attending school. ments-oUr recrentional life? Wholj Trinity Chute,.and took charge of Parents, especially mothers are, la this person? Is it leading busi- I hoereiice. W. F. WARD, B. A. many of them, tee careless about thoe ness mon of nenrby big trading cein- The musical programni pca BaristrSolcitrNotry kinds and quantitios of foods they tres?9 la il the big city mail orderi etue fth evn ag tesecien Briterjol iBond, foar zîeallow voung cblîdren te eat. The bouse executives and stock-holders? seletrensf thee aefully cho sen n Money t la.'onsfricl 1-h and henvy fooda that hard-work- lait h hue-obos edd lors sexetoswr aeflycoe Offies-Beakly Blck, ing ing mon may eat with impunity ini who ring every door bell in towin Iceigyw .rnee. di Bowmanvjlle, Ontario. Pholnes:1fr omss-,dnth ivnt eg9ryad r ee oee? I to ethe anthemns a selection vas Office 02. ,iden hul or ifc50in e imt- I gua is nocaeo tefev ou igven by the male nme'ibers of the Offce10. oue 09.lyun cilre o ifseinvey imt- No, i snteo hs sYUwl choir, a double maie quartet compos- ___________________- .~ed quantities. Ton aand cofee should kýnowý,. You know who it is. It is ced of Messrs. Jamieson, Cole, Danl- i neyer he given te children; pure yew. own town's loading citizen-'ing, Ward, FuIf nid, Thompson, FUNERAL DIRECTORS water and plenty of pure miîk are the merchants doing business in Thomas, Iit sn,"Wl o F. . ORRS O. the preper drinks for ail children andi Bowmanvilc, assuming their share Itake Jesus?", MIr. Darling sang ther F. F.MORRI CO. for eIder folk, toc. o f community responsibilities-dîg-so,"RccfA s"ndMisJse Comlot Motoi, or * ging deawn inte their pocket regularly Haw.-iýkins the solo in t..o anthem' feHorse Equipment Far more attention shouîd ho gîven for every worthy civic -enterprise. 1-Lv iieai fwih wr Ail calLs promptly te what children eat and drink ta artr he s eiti.Tho ear ihpeaueadprft8' atened tO any receive. The public achool ask only that you ho loyal te your (lai organ numbers \vero renclered hy U~~ Pîivato Ambulance nurse is one cf our prescrit day home town hy frtmkn h fetM.Saly h hl evc en W BowmanvIle phone blessings. Rend the reports they t er fitheting ou wateefrNr teauymuh ejye oesrvc en 10 and 34 prosent menthly and leara whnt they olanithtigyuwn tbYmc ejed VBranch Str d. Weeteei osho or cann et ho obtailked at local stores. Rev. Mr. Anderson preached a very Store.- do. Wherethereis scool iNine timos eut cf ton it cao 'ih he emn'rmto-od1"hti Orono & Newcaate municipal nurse it is well for parents iLquali tyabielshomonat as gthd, the style ail. te sec that the roombers cf their 1qaiywl ejs agDtesyealtîinga Christ may have Pro-I heuseheld have health examinatietis, ust as new and the pnice just as lew. emiince", Coi..1t:18. The speaker1 ALAN M. WILLIAMS at least once a year by your family. Support the mon who arc support-1 asked: Are we giving Christ bis right- physician and dentist. ing your town. If yeu dun't your:fui place in the fnmiîy life, the Embaimer and Funeral Director. 1roui state holdings will nover in- church, in business and social activi- Calsa given prompt and personal at- An English friend bas kindîy sent crease in value, your job will nover ties? Ho emphasized the importanti tention. No extra charge for dis- us a heaîth pamphlet in which ti ho httr-and there -wiil ho' fewer part the influence cf the home ex-j tance. Phone&. 58 or 159, Bowman- advice is given: jand fewcr dollars and Bowmanville erts in the lives of overy boy, girl,c ville, Ont. 3-tf. Most of us eat toc much, and few iwill eventualîy ho a deserted village. mnan or womnan. The functien cf the1 cof us know the happinesa cf hunger. , Try Bown'anville storaes fir.t! United Church is te give Christ pro- MEDICAL It is almost impossible te be hungry emninonco . AIl who'help the Main- I in any civilised household. I know 'tenance and Extension Fund aret B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. nothing more difficult than the leva- DR. HUGHES ON DISCIPLINE hIigotisodwrk sien cf superfluous food. In order o hsgo ok Gold Medaist cf Trinity University, te taste the exquisito delights of "Womnen teachers are net compe- At the close cf the service the Toronto. Four years attetîdirîg Phy- hunger it la necessnry te possesa a tent te train beys in habits cf mann i- choir and the frienda accompnnrying iclan and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel!wi fio. I ekm ieiens, nu oe dcteaitt were served refreshments by the Lad- Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office andlto dicover that hunger is the secret i gathering of schoolmasters. Ho îes' Aid after which Rev. Mr. Ander- lesidence, Wellington Street, Bow-I cf happiness as wcIl as the secret cf aIse deplored the encroachment hy son, Mr. Dyer and others expressed manville. Phone 108. health. But the whole world con- womnen tc-achers into Englîsh ,choolS. their thanks andl apprecintion which C. W. was responded te Mr. T. C. Jow'elI CW.SLEMON, M. D., C. M. spires againat thie mani who sets ho- Dr. J. L. Hughes, former Chief ad Mr. W. J rgM .P fore himnself tho ambition to e h f- Inspecter of Ontario Schools for.n.BagM .P Graduate of Trinity Medical College, ry every day. Ho is besieged h y 1tn-irty-nino yoars, scouts this idea in Tndherds an dcratels a fine spore Toronto, formerly cf Enniskillen. food ail day long. Hardly bsh euceti em:and afsy adyhetena the sworers formerandresidenceonCDrch Stet, apurd hnohe.ohen)ovner aid.. It sn' re _____ fficerandResidencen r. Btret, ecapued fr o oe ma bfreh i It is the most stupid thing any- in both congregations. Bow'nanville. Phone 259. 44-t. Leee * *Itint re have had forty yonrs' experience --- The palate cf the hungry man is and I can stato omphntically that UNITED CHURCH CHOIRS marvelîously sensitive. It can taste ivomien can train boys btter than EXCHANGE VETERINARY1 pure cold water. It may astonish! men. Thoy have more patience and DR .i.TGEseme debased gluttons te learn that I understanding than mon teachers. Exceptionally Large Congregation VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or water nas a saveur as well as wine.1 As one who knows, I say t ho best Delighted With Music Rendered Night calls promptîy attended te. 1 am la clined te make water a test tenchers are women." Office: King St. East, Bowmanviîbe. j of health. If yeu can revel in n Discussing educatienni systenis (From Port Hope Guide) Phone 243. glass cf water you are net past prny- generaliy, Dr. Hughes hrais t:.e great-j Sunday meorning la the absence cf ing for. Hunger enablos you te est c entempt for those who regard1 Rev. F. W. Anderosa, Rev. T. Wal- E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. taste the simplest fooed. M051; of us tihe achmnls as cxperimentary grounds a ce of Neatonville occupieul the pul- Orono l do net taiste what we ont. We tram fer stuntmongors and theoriats. pit. His text, "Ho acat about do- Bonor Graduate of University of it in witheut the thrilcf taste. But They are nil a'reng," ho said. ing gocîl," ils a part cf the 38th Toronto. Ail cases given prompt 1 food that is net keenîs' tastoîl is moere and careful attention. Ofc-pcking. It is botter to cnt !cess and "The worlul cannot mako progroas verse cf the lOtb chapter ef Acta, Dr.c-ja an itheut theories and experiments, anîl ho animed te show hoaw wc should D.McElroy's former office. Phones-' taste more. The oa yeou e-it the nlto r sncsayfrpo olx'l h atrsfoaeat Cîre321 rn 1-. jmore you taste. Believe me, ne maadtearasnesayfrpo IlwithMse' ottp o Clare 321;Oro 181. ils happy ahe is net hungry evr groes n the schoumîs ns elsewhere. mako our main purpese in life "te -I day. We s.lould pray for ocr daily Xe, like Englad, oco thought we île gond." hunger as well as for aur dnîly lîread knew nil that there was te ho knoa'n, At the evening service xere theI AUCTIONEERS .xxoid al exce.,ses and <boa' thîr* but we are changing now." mninister anîd choir cf the Boa'man- THEO M. SLEMON îîucrly alil yîîu "t. Dr. Hughes aise strongly cenoun- ille United <'burcb aho were ex- Auctineroeil the îisciplinnry mcthods employ- cbanging witb the local minister anad Auictgls shol. "Toe neerA ey age Igeato Farm and House Sales a Specialty.i A physician who, for many years, sj ed lae ngl'isiplseunîs. "heiec . Avr lrecsgegt, Ternis moderato. Enniskillen P. o. had the resposnihility for keopîng so~ ho no uiscpli1 % aelcomed the visiters. Rev. J. U. h"si. 'The best acheels have Robia's discourso during the oveaingi Phono 197r3. -tf.' Mr. John 1). Rockefeller, thc Amc'ri- îîcne, ndîlthc teac. ors have ne diffi- seemed te fit in wonderfully xith f IcOa miti-millionaire, in good health, cci ty' la bandling their pupils. that of Mi. Wallace la the nraing. _____________ - -'~' rovicdfor niai a formula fer long "[ho cildten are a'illing andi, 1sesnwans froin Romans 8:1 0-26, CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS 1 lfe. lRote il is:- cageotato X'cîîi, anud Ibis ila brîîugbt and ho chose his text fremi the 1 Pth THEROPY "Dont aoni'y;don't acqire cîîm-iu xte es.i emalshpv ~of the 'noie chapter. IHo spoke DURWIN E. STECKLEY 1Xx gbIt; drink tbrei' quart s cf xatî'r iota ea the toachers anîd the puipils. cf God's noeciof mon whe wouîd be honor graduate cf Toronto Colle gel îaiîy; î.oi -ci'îSt il:î'and i 'ecure'i l'ut,' ho contiauod, "England is'ledi by tbe, Spirit and doitbe îvoîk of hirprcti wll e n te iow ,1s ffle- b ai"r bl î'(IIil.ig' I(,e(,iiiang more'.coaservative la ber foi' the gucî l xvich tesulted. 'Iilf cfCirpati iI einte O- ' Iat t îetîwrl uuaten When lustrate the mninister's work i., mighty manville Office Tuesday, Thurzdayl TIh ' antet cb'an.ý uout tic cireula- iattd o r ectini and Saturday evenings, phono 141J. n and carries away the fouI prod- i Iwan aEnaind Ir-nw hildren of but it i.,net se miuch the mana as the Reidential cella made during fore-, o f udigestion. 1Jnless the-oe t ter e "aîs îof agi iluing ai'itlinetic a'orîl that i s important. Thon nolonh. ro irduct<, a bhiineluîle une acidcre ,ciiaioi, and cta aoîne'e again the scintist v, ho xv.rk- foi' xi cii ion', c e tcipîtite aici c bu I o \i'theguest ofhonni I1 toldi o nth, andaulvors toiohînî a getai v naa .a'hi ' sc'~. [hofio~î Ithon, ithat icc'a appalled at the " utbtseîic fi îioaI j ut îuî ng lîî ai t foe111t1e1uîî" tîuî I i c v v ere living in the dark! go id (as te bielp *ut'etingr humiaaitý' r'ii .' îîx a ir ui.naay e ihA eeîîsathe iu cf - S CIlooI i i, "jl iiîn,îî r' ki' piace'"i thv irice thon, Ergland is gWýn Oil.;I a i l itlo parti ali v ýit il~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~.1 1.1, 1t'îî' i ifii n.- lx'ie îîl i' c î. and ltiîreo yen,-rs ogoli'ii i' i'tcii<ii :l'tx i i t h ~ k h ~ . tri it- ie h air %.11!laIe t1 io' ce! il sulý , ind igaiit"ix an- adopted." block-(;iu'" lplan foir tb" lo 'eîopinînt i J .lj1i l stian ulati:' hu' ciuiniiiii Mi-iik l'y : îîî' i bîî o id' 'Rilaluin liev'e d to lie a 1,ruii a'Orpro- paoi . iiith ii. bu )îf s u'in" ixthielîA'Iiiic :iuiv Of bygiene, xA*'as vis- itatcn of ithei text iii i "if "(iiî b"(1y lit 1ii at !(Il v l' nir'clire ac . , s ou tfi ork in ail tia ' loî r 'îîb iei'1ý, ,iui mîureii i.':" ii fi n e*cmi and is'i yocnii iana tI',I)v th(. spirit îîf (4oI." r 'i, nu rII'rîr i !]I, " 'i i111.1tvciî',-.iY , lt ixe'î'î'I fcîm holie xxx ei'ci ..ironîmî \Anirccî l-no d-ppi.Music i ' Mm'. l':i'niiu'tililhini :hcl, the o sîî1 i Mir. Franicis Suttoii. li'igciîist adi i lirlîp iniv lif4. - ci ' - mise if i., ilvsjiî'sia wans ivei'-1Ichii leader'. gave a nîi'i'iI'iou i tii nnIcain i i'i i s t iii ii, Ie "Toi li- i i> ' w hi pli'. iii tî'ilutimn te the service xw i liiihe iiii ;îrL!v i ,n ii; ht1 ,g!st'li'nient . At dianet ho pîncoîl a jrthii c'xiii'anudît ic l--e'i v-u l in ,nict a'th Nature. ('il ii-n:rge gîcîrshuai iîy bis siîIi. Tlii i iiîoîiiin i'ciied ogîx ii" x0 - iiîrs tivale a hoîbby andîl \ou i OistireîlIi uic' uîo apîte f (:Irb . rediilfî'i-clxi' splendid ctalent xx ii I airx'î' i'intri', tî v putn, o lie i îeîulding awine, corresiionilin ansl-;a ilItraned. The'cP-atieni- playîs. 'lh" vahuiî ' f aciolîuîîy i«-i ilili xi bat lus gui' ýt iii-U i' At tia t iii cci cm iliute Io lii' cîicrcî itspiia'er hi lîring îîîîrî taraiiiîîîîciiienid oifthe moal the American aslced Itioa'. i sit inlatheo nu c. d'i ii ifrei'i'i'et'îf n '.eftii b'puipose if the mysterioius laI 'ib'\vhirh are ir cpî'lly t e' "I" il frîo 'i i- o dg'? "Ni" cri%1il Programme Ibultsinciîiî't to ii auiviryvîla','ouniMi-l:r",Iî,', ltiîilnet îli'ecmmof Stîil Acv,'with solos l'y s lit p il ix'.îî'îii uicIîyioa lici ha t *e' îiiîag iy io wt.isuch n i 'iri- 'llîiiIî.iia, Miss AL AllinandaMi M ; For ca Delighim/u.î Treat!'i__ .01 i hiv uarei iîi'i'vîg ti'iii( iiii'11. luisIo Àshow y\'îiU ecc.Iv iul'"Ili Ill,.veîî .liivc"(Christ- WRIGLEY'S NIPS i- iip-tg 0c1:0 tîiîvctntîîeoruii iv li iiv itoyuirstiiici 'ii 'ii..1i v . . W.i'wker; ;x*xitb iii sriptions, or n'itillri 'îlîîhcciinoiî le imuor'cthan haîf the lîcîî'k. lar'I. My Seul" (ShîelIey'i Delicicus after .smoking- hilt(ry, t "'ar ' ,,in to f t i c Iif the liuivl'. 1MNirs. 1I.. 'lhilmpson an(]I Mr. A. 17. oweetens the breath, 1îy r îfirngtiîrînlîii'yi'i'î. tiIît on alRocîk" I(Christ- ýr-Iv ttiid nervos in chane ta e - 1 N___________________ 'iiri .Mi.W. R(), ti ie:"e YE'U Vsiiia îf (' i; t(Cristieni DRAMATIC CONCERT SERIES Another Word of Warning . Winners ta be Announced at Final Concert in Opera House Friclay Nigbt. It was a commendable idea on the par-t of West Durham Agricultural Society te hold an amateur dramnatie c .aitest. Widespreacl intere-st has heen takea ln every performance hich have been well attended, se iba)ýt the venture, which wvas sonie- ing apart from the ordinary, may be considered a decided success. T ,e Agricultural Society has de- veded to aind Up the soties hy holding anextra concert in the Opera House, Fi iday. November I Sth at 8.13 p. m. Persons holding season tickets will bie adroitted a ithout charge. Single tickets are 35c each. One of the big features of this concert willho the judges' sumnîing ep (4 the plays andl av;arcis to the succes,.ful ciotestants in the dram- atic contest .A musical and liter- ary program will also be presented. Dr. W. Ea>-son Brown, M. A., Dramnatic an'd Humorous Reador, Toronto, a iII he the head liner. Dr. Brown who is -.'he son of a DurYam Ceunty Boy toured Canada in 1915- 16. graduated in Medicine the lat- ter year and then went (iverseas as av. officer la the Canadian A ýrmy tMeclical Corps. His work, as an en- tertainer wvas i'n constant demand and lie appearcd may times in England vvith leading London artists. Dr. Brown diecovered 'Ethylene', the new anesthetic, and wvas given the great distinction of M. A. at Toronto Uni- v-ersity which wvas a unique honora., ho wvas a graduate cf the faculty cf medicine. In his platform per- formances humer predominates. The musical part cf the program wvill ho veIl looked after being pro- vided] by Mr. H. J. Knight, Mr. C. S. Haîlman, Mrs. C. H. Dudley and 'Mrs H. M. Foster. The casts of the four plays taking part in the contest wiIll h guests of the seciety at the concert on Friday evening. A packod house is as- sured, se reserve your seats now at MIitchell's Drug Store. AN OLD PHOTOGRAPH Methodist Evangeliatic Band Mr. T. H. Lockhart, High St.. bcuught to The Statesman recently an interesting group photograph showing the Wesleyan Methodist Evangelistic Band which was organ- ized in Bowmanville where the pres- ent Trinity United Church now stands about the faîllcf 1884. This band of young mon held Sunday meetings throughout winter months on the rural circuits in this dis- trict which resulted in many conver- sions. Those in the photo includo-Oscar Scott, N. E. Gould, Rov. J. W. Bun- ner, Chas. Dancaster, Harry Brittain, Bill Cole, T. H. (Tom) Lockhart, W. F. (Wiilie) Dale, Henry Bonnett, W. H. May, Rev. Egerton Ryerson Young, Thos. Kirby, John Pottor, Willie Brittain, Eddie Young. Rov. Alfred W. Bunnor. SoId In Bowmanville By W. J. BAGNELL Phone 152 King St. VVý Canadian Buyers Profit by Canada's Export Trade Ntedistant reaches cf I rti' ~ far-flung empire you will find General Meters cars, buiît in Canada by Canadian craftsmen, from Canadian roaterials. In five years over 110,000 auto- mobiles have been sent overseas by General Motors cf Canada ta carry the standard cf Canadian quality arcund the world. This represents a truly impor- tant contribution te Canada's expert trade. It represents millions cf dollars te be spent in wages te, Canadian workmen, in the purchase cf Çanadian metals, wood, hides and the countless other materials entering into the manufacture cf General Moters cars. And it represents a greatly aug- mented production cf General Motors cf Canada, resulting in lower coss cf manufacture, in ecenomies cf purchasing, in greater savings cf tiîne and labor through greater volume. Thu, because in India, in Egypt, in Malta, Ccylon or South Af rica, someone is buying a General Motors car f rom Canada, General Mtors can off er te ycu, in Can- ada, a preduct cf higher quality at a lower price than etherwise possible. r.9-5283U CIIEVROLET PONTIAC t~XOLbsmoBLE OAKLAND MLAIJGHLIN-BUICK LA SALLE CAILA GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK GENERAL MOTORS of' CANADA LîmitedI Honu Ojic and Factori« t OSHAWA, ONTARIO M I M rAur, AS PRED)ICT~ED ast year, radio sets L~ w'tholIt batteýries. chernicals, chargers, atchmieîts, etc., on' ec'the staindard. In another \-car or si) battery nperated sets wil be obl;o1.'te. :liost rtbless, wherever cur- rent is available. Those consi<ieriiig the purchase cf a radio opernting without batteries should bear in mind that there are two types cf "electric" radios: (1) Those that are bull! to operate direct frorn a lighIt sotket; made in one factory; complete la one cabinet -ail ready te operate, and--- (2) Ordinary electric sets that cari be anlapted:'te li'zt-socket opera- tion by instaîîing a so-called power unit, whic.h powver unit (trenerally consists of a -B' Elimninator, a storage battery and a charger. You stili have the "A" battery; you stili have chemicais, but the charguer is connected to a light soket. and se they are terned '"socket- power. Thbis latter type serves very welI for those who already have a battery operated set. but cannt afford te tura it in for a new genuine Battervless M.\odel, but when buying a fl(-a radio cpncl "Battervless" be sure te get the ty pe that is cernp/ete/y batteryless and bi/t te be so. 0f this tvype the "Rogers Batteryless" is the only one with any record of pro yen perfor- mance behin iti. (?oaceived in 1923 and intro- dttced in 1925 it is the first and only time- tested radio set, complete in one cabinet, made in one factnry and opernting direct from any alternating outrent secket (and in Most cases without an aerial). MUoreover the Rogcrs wvas conceived, develop- ed, perfected aad made right in Canada and wns the Worid's first successful Batteryless A/C radio set. Producing such a set that will give uniform performance in ail localities under ail con- ditions is not ensy. The first vear or two brings grief. Now, in its third year, with thousands of sets in active operation from Coast te coast the Rogers has proven its merit. Don't experiment. It may cest you dearly. Look for the nane ~Rogers"; look for the Rogers .1/C Tubes with the top clips and be sure, then you'Il have ne regrets later.

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