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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1927, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBBR 17. 1927 ~~u. SUSU SIBZ SUU UOZ0SIDS SUUS SSw NI ~ IVES'e LADIES' HERE'S YOUR CHANCE High Shoes, 25 pairs $1.00 Per Pair 30 pairs only, Oxfords straps, small sizes, only, and $1.49 .Per Pair PATENT ONE-STRAP SHOES 30 Pairs Women's Patent one- strap with 16 8 spike heels, short vamps, a dressy shoe for party wear. Every pair made with light colored lining, flex- ible sole. Get them quick, ail sizes Your Choice $5.49 Per Pair GOOD STREET SHOES For women wiîo want good serviceable street shoes in patent leather or kid, one strap styles, we have about 100 pair, ail have flexible soles, medium toes, in fact, ,iust what you like in comfort- giving footwear, $4.99 Per Pair LADIES' SPATS 30 pair of ladies' Beaver, Grey and Brown Spats, $1.99 Per Pair GREAT BOUDOIR SLIPPERS 89c Five clozen pair of Boudoir Slippers, in Rose, Blue, Grey, Brown andi Black 89c Per Pair LADIES' COLORED SHOES 40 pairs of Colored Shoes, in the season's best offerings in Pastel, Parchment and Blonde values to 7.00 Expansion Sale Price $4.99 Pr values to $5.00 Expansion Sale Price $3.99 Pr JUNIOR LADIES' OXFORDS Misses and Children have not been forgotten either. For the Junior lady we have ox- fords in Patent, Tran and Black Caîf. Just the kind to wear for best or sehool, Fine Grades $2.99 to $3.49 Plain toe stitch downs at $2.49 WOMEN'S STRAP SHOES Women's Special Strap Shoe bargain. About 30 pairs of broken sizes are being put où at one price. Not ail sizes but your choice $2.89 Per Pair I I "GROWING PROSPERITY" -Is Canada's Watchword To keep in line with the growing prosperity that is now being enjoyed throughout Can- ada we are celebrating the event by holding a Great Expansion Sale of Dependable Foot- wear for Men, Women and Children. The prime motive for this sale is to expand or in- crease our sales or turnover of business. To accomplish this object we have made a gen- eral and generous eut in the price of every pair of boots and shoes in the store. Such price slashing of reliable footwear at this time, when hides and leathers are advancing, may be looked upon by the trade as folly. But it is the customer we are considering whose hard earned dollar must get the most for your money. You may be assured that our Expansion Sale offers the greatest savings you have ever en- joyed on footwear at this store-a guarantee goes with every pair sold. Compare goods. Compare prices. Bring in your mail order catalogues. We defy being undersold in this wonderful sale. Only a few items are listed in this advt. Vo convince you that this sale is genuine. It will also prepare you for what to expeçt when you visit our store. Sale Starts Saturday, Nov. l9th, at 9 a. m. FARMERS' ATTENTION 30 pair only of solid leather farmn boots, in black oiled caîf and brown grain army leather. Every pair guaranteed. A Real Snap $3.99 Pair BOOTS FOR FACTORY WEAR 30 pairs of boots suitable for factory wear, some with plain toes, some with toe caps,. al s1zes in the lot. Regular prices up to $5.00, Expansion Sale Price $3.99 MEN'S OXFORDS Men's Oxfords, black brown caîf leathers, soles and rubber heels. real snappy shoe for Bill ior, $4.99 Per Pair or welt A Jun- BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS 30 pairs of Boys' School Boots, just the kind any heai- thy boy should wear, made in solid box caîf leather and tough oak soles, $2.99 Per Pair SALE MEN'S CALF BOOTS Men's Caif Boots with round toes, in black and brown, a splendid boot for best wear. Built for service and comfort, worth up to $6.75 per pair, Expansion Sale Price $5.49 MEN'S HIGH GRADE OXFORDS Men's High Grade Oxfords, fine caîf leathers in black and brown, ail have Goodyear welt soles. New styles that young men like. This lot is made up of several makes of shoes but each one a leader. Take Your Choice at $6.89 Pr MEN'S SPATS $2.59 Men's Spats Genuine Church Spats. Made in England. Sold everýywhere at $3.00 to $4.00, Our Price at Expansion Sale $2.59 Per Pair A Mighty Sacrifice of Prices That WilI Bring Hundreds of Old and New Customers to Our Store "Y" Don't be an Absentee at this Sale IVES' CASH SHOE STORE Phone 241 *:ssmsussmou: You Can't Afford to Stay Away _________________________ Il US SU S iD SU SUS S UU USI PROVIDENCE iCQURTICE School concert will he held in Recent visitors: Mrs. Jason Len- Providence Church on Tuesday, De- nox, Oshawa, with Miss Mabelle cember 2th. Particulars later. 'Walter; Mr. and Mrs. John Bickle, England, and Miss \Venton, guests of Mr.Thos. Bickle; Mr. and Mrs. SOLINA Beech, Haydon, spent Sunday with - Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Stainton; Mrs. visitors: Mr. and Mrs. P. Walker, Horsburgh, Cleveland, Ohio, with her Messrs. Alex. and Jack Walker, Mr. sister, Mrs. A. F. Rundle over the and Mrs. Thos. Bentiett with Toron- weekend. to friends; Mr. and Mrs. Will Lynd, On Thursday last at 2.30 p. m. Sr., Mr. and Mrs. XilI Lynd, Jr., at the W. M. S. meeting in charge of Mr. W. N. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. MIrs. Ross Pearce's group was held in Harvey Hardy and family at Mr. the 5unday School room. C. G. I. Norman Downs', Ebenezer; Mr. and T. took the devotional period, Mrs. Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Stanley with K_ E. Courtice presidinrg. Miss Lindsay friends; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hazel Rundle gave the bible lesson Blanchard and Mr. Arthur at Whit-I very nicely and Miss Frances Han- by; Mrs. Mountjoy and Mrs. McAr- cock told a story in a most interest- tnur, Toronto, Mrs. Macdonald and ing way. Frances xýas a gift for Mr. Watkins. Rochester, Messrs. telfing stories and gives them a Fred Miller and Walter Clancy, great deal of expression which makes Newburg, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hughes them pleasant to listen to. The W. M and Miss Myrtie, Tyrone, Mr. and S. President, Mrs. Frank Rundle, Mrs. Fred Kelly, Orono, at Mr. J. then took the chair and a fine pro- J. Brown's; Mr. and Mrs. Russel gram was presented, after the re- Hobbs, Misses Ruby and Louise, ports, were given from each group Bowmanville, at Mr. Sidney Hocka- leader which were most encouraging. day's; Mr. and Mrs. Benson Cryder- A piano duet was splendidly rendered. man, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. R., by Mrs. C. H. Dudley and Mrs. AI-, Friese, Toronto, at Mr. Walter Cry- bert Cole, Bowinanville; a short reci-j derman's; Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Rey- tation by little- Velma Pearce vvas- nolds, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. enjoyed hy aIl and a vocal solo was J. Reynolds and Mts. John Reynolds beautifully sung by Mrs. Dudley. Our on Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. pastor, Rev. H. J. Stainton, gave a Reynolds, Toronto, called on Mr. A. most inspiring address on India and Mackey and Miss Verna, Brooklin, its'people, their forms of worship, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and 1I etc .MNr. Stainton spent Sometime baby, Kedron, with Miss Mary Ho- in india in war time and gave us in- garth and Mrs. R. Pascoe . . ..Eldad formation from what he saw there. choir are invited to sing at McCrae's Afterwards a very nice lunch was Church anniversary services for the iservecl hv Mrs. Pearce's groilp and a afternoon and evening of November pleasant social time enjoyed by al 20th. A quartet from Hampton present. will sing at the Eldad servicec..Our young people are busy practising for Thursday evening the Young Peop- theïr play to bie given early in Decem- les meeting was fine. It was in ber .. . . Mrs. A. W. Gibbons, Miss chairge of Miss Aura Osborne andf vera Gibbons, Mr. and Mirs. S. Y;ung leople's group. The bible Cre swell, Mr. Jos. Cresswell, Mr. l nwaz; nicely taken bv Miss Sel- Ne! on Chapin, Toronto, visited at hv. '.%r-. Ross Pearce gave a Mr. H. G. Argue's ...Mrs. A.* L.' uitable reading on "Armistice" in Pas, on is visiting Kedron friends. . hem usual pleasant way. The topir .. -i. and Mrs. MoCarthy and "Trinidad goîng to school and to Mrs. Thohurn, Lindsay, visited at Mr. church" was dealt with in an aile lsaauc Hardy's . bout 40 ladies manner by Mr. Alan McKessock, So. attended the Women's Institute lina. We were delighted to have mieeting at the home of Mrs. Harvey Alan with us in our Young People's Harris last Thursday afternoon. Rolj meeting again. Hoe wag one of our Cal! 'Thanksgiving Thoughts", wasifaitbful heipers when in this coin- well responded to. Mms. S. E.' Wer-Imunity and will always receive a ry gave a paper on the "Adv7antages. warm welcome in our midst. The of Country Life". A vocal duet group then met in their different by Mesdames Russell Ormiston and ooms and the young people's group Wîll Ashton -as much appreciated Icontinued their study of the book of ais was aiso a piano solo hy Genesis. Miss Hattie Osborne ex- Ruby Smith and a reading by Mrs. Iplained chapter 4. Later Mm. W. R. Russel Gibert. Reireshments Courtice answered questions con- were served and a social tîie enjoy- cerning the lst 4 chapters. Our ed. istudy af the hook is becoming quite interesting. When the groupa e- __________ - Iturned to the assembly room a game FORDS FOR SALE-1 lvûriI Tourng was e ýjoyed and meeting closcd. 1 q'-, new tires. $125; 1 Ford Touring 1918, $15. brth In gond runnIng order. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Courtice, Miss AAply cv-nlngq to Hlarry C' AII< n, Radio Florence, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo & I1c>~1e Suni3owanvll" .6-t Courtice spent a day with Reeve and FOR SALE-RitcheO utens,115 Kitchen Mrs. C. A. Wight, Providence, last Tablle: ('hesterfieId Sute; Llbrsry Table; week and celehrated their sixteenth Vctrola; three borner coal olljty ediganvray Whic iiedroom lsuite; i flrownfBecitht cdn anvray Sjringa and Mattrens. Mrs. Frank Oke, King St. E. Bowmantville, phonte 352. 5unday the weather being al that 44-3* one could wish for people were in- DARLINGTON TYRONE Reserve December 22nd for the Christmas Concert at Base Line Wedding bella are ringing.. School. 46-2w League Thursday evening was in HAMPTONcharge of Miss Lola Richards. Fol- HAMPTONlowing program was given: Recita- Mrs. F. A. Cole, Mr. Donald Cole, tion, Mae Cameron, "The Parting Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clem- Hynin"; Mr. Fred Goodman gave a ence and Miss Mildred Clemence and splendid topic, on "Trinidad Going to Miss Rae Hilîs, Oshawa, spent Sun-i School and Church'"; piano solo by day at Mr. E. H. Cole's. Miss Kathleen McCullough; reading, Thankoffering service in Hatapton Miss Florence Gardiner. Prograni United Church~ under the auspices losed with a spelling match.. 0f the W. M. 9. on Sunday evening, Salem Y. P. L. wili visit our League November l3th was largely attended. Thursday wben we hope to see a Mrs. (Rev.) W. W. Jones of Wark- good crowd out... Curch service worth, a former returned worker in on Sunday was in charge of Cradle our W. M. S., gave an inspiring ad- RoIl Department and- Beginners dress containing useful information Class. The Supt. Mrs. Hatflerly, and was splendidly optimistic regard- taking charge. Choruses, motion ing the response of the women to the songs and recitations were splendidly needs @4 the boum. Miss Lena Tay- given by the cbildren. Addresses lor of Solina, sang two selections wer egiven by Mr. Albert Hill on the with much feeling which weme greatly "Boyhood and Life of Mses"; by appreciated. Proceeds of the even- Mr. Arthur Annis on "Boyhood and ing $5060. Life of Jesus"; and by Rev. J. R. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn, Mr. Trumpour, his theme being Jesus as -Wallace Horn, Mr. and Mrs. R. a magnet in wbich he illustrated with Avery with Mr. and Mrs. Milton a magnet and taîks, the talks be- Avery in Oshawa... .Miss Laura ing as t..e little childmen showing that Xirtue, Toronto, visited at Mr. J. J. it is easier to be drawn to Jesus virtue's. . Mr. and Mms. John Cowl- when we are children than when we ing and Master Jack spent Sunday at get older... . Splendid missionary Mr. F. Tamblyn's, Oono. .. .Mr. programi was given on Sunday by Mms. Bruce Ferguson wth relatives the Adult Bible Class; reading by in Bowmanville on Sunday.... .Miss Mrs. Everton White; vocal solo, Miss Mlarjomie Martyn entertained a nom-I Evelyn Brent; splendid addresses by ber of hem friends at a party on Sat- Miss Viola Sbo'rtt on "Missionary urday evening. Miss Ruth White work and giving to Missions"~. bas returned from a week's visit with viios MssKtaFegsn ber sister, Mrs. C. MeBride, Peter- Hito utMiss KMarga e Moores boro ..r. A. E. Jennings bas sold Hloa Miss .Vrte adM. Sa pl oes; his fine residence to Councillor Silas iss ith r and MrC. W. Stlen Williams, Solina ... . Mr. C. E. Horn ihD.adMs .W lmn met witb an 'accident west of Court- Mr. and Nirs. James Souch, Bow- ice on Friday evening when he was manvile, at Mr. Albert. Hawkeys; forcd ito te dteh r t colideMr. William Little, Jr., Miss Josepb- fom car ito heicbrt o conllride meSt. .Andrews, Mr. Wesley Little, reainha arwihic}two men ws TeeMiss ltditb Saunders. Mr. David Bry- ceaimifnghetutk any ighs. he ant and Miss Lillian Bryant, at Mrs. cb oIr.tHo ru c a apdly snashcdWl'm. Lttle's; Mr. Floyd Dudley bas butMr.Hor esape wib afewretumned home after spending the cuts and bruises..More HamptonI faîl packing apples in Prince Edwiard news on page 3. County ... . Congratulations to Mr. _________________________and Mrs. W. F. Park on the arrivai of a baby girl .. .. Mm. and Mrs. F. spired te go t(> church in crowds. At L. Byam attended trie wedding of hem 10.20 a. m. the Sunday School ses- brother at Derryville, Mrs. Byamn, simn met, this being not our regular Doreen and Yvonne emaining for a time of meeting but arranged for few~ davs at hem pamcnt's, Mr. and so our pastor could bu in Sunday Mms. Lillicrap, Cannington ... . Mr. Schol nd IltheSunaySchool William John Tape, Bridgchumy, at scholars be in church. The church Mm. Rd. Hatherly's; Mm. andl Mrs. service opened at 11.15 a. m. and John Bentiey, Cher-y Valley, at Rev Rev. H. J. Stainton preached an cx- and Mrs. J. R. Trumpoum's; Mr. and cellent sermon after tclling a help- Mm,. L. Goodman and Ferd, CIarence fui story te the boys and girls. In and*EamI visited at Mr. Fred Good- the evening we had another fine dis- man's, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. J. H course by our pastor on "The great- Mutton with Mr. and Mm,. W. Hamb- est wrestling match". Gond music ley, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. T. by the choir. In the moning the Findley and faniily, Tho-rnhiii, Mr. solos in the anthem werc taken by and Mrs. R. Virtue and Mm,. Charlie Mrs. (Rev.) Stainton and Mrs. G. F. virtue. Toronto, at Mr. and Mm,. Ed. Annis. In the cvening Mrs. Annis Virtue's; Lawrence Allun, Oronn, sang the solo parts throughout the and Gregory Colmer, Bowmanville, antheni and a pretty solo was sung candidates for Older Boys' Parlia- by Miss Frances Hancock. G0od ment, will speak to the Tuxîs Squares congregations at hoth services. Next on Friday evening. AIl intereted Sunday evening Rev. Stainton will are welcone .... .Rev. W. H. Blooni- give lantern lides on India. Corne ore, Pontypool, wili peach Susday and see theni. evening at 7 o'clock. AUCTION SALES Tuesday, Novoebr ZZd-Mir. F. W. Smith, Lot 23, Con. 8, Darlington, will sell aIl of his farm stock, impie- ments, feed, fumniture, fixtures, etc. See buis. Sale at 12.3l0 sharp. Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer. Wednesday, November 23rd-W. H. Reid, Lot 1, Con. 7, East Whitby, who is giving up farming, will selI all 0f bis farm stock, implements, feed, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. See bills. Theo. M. Slemon, Auction- e er. Notice to Creditors n The Estate of Thomas Edgar Hardy Ail pesons havlng cimos against the r-elate of Thomas Ed(gar Hardy. late of .he Town of Whltby. dIcceased. who di,-d on or abolit the 2nd day of Septem- ber 1927. are hereby notifle-d to send in to Mrs. (' lrdrn Whlttield, Whitby. or to Mr. A. M. Hardy, Bowmanvlhle, two or the execlors and trustees of the said estuutt, or to their solicitor, W. R. Strike. 3nwnaniIlle. on or before the Sth day of ecmir1927,. mil particulars of their Chais. nimmeduIitely afler the siid 8-,h day of December. 1927, the 555dB tso the testator will be distributed amnongst the parties entitle(l thereto, having regard only o dlaimrs of which the Executor shall then have notice. Dziated t lhowman; iII,.this l6th dayio 1Novemtber. 192",. 46-3 Soicior for Executurs Getting Ready For Christmas We have already start- ed to unpack and -put on display Christmas goods. So drop in my store when up town and look around and see what we have in stock. We have variety at reasonable prices. Still off ering some mighty good values in Wall Paper. W. J. BERRY Opposite Ives' Shoe Store Phone 207 Bowmanville Change of Business Mr. Harold Jewell will take over the business o 1f Phare & McCoy, Butchers on Monday, Nov. 2lst. LANCE CARNET Phare & McCoy' Cash and DoIiv.wy Butchers Phome81 BSISyll Mild Weather Conditions Force This Sale 100 Men's Blue Overcoats Regular $35 and $3 7.50 guaranteed Indigo Blue, Sizes 35 to 44, for $25.00 S. G. Chartran One Door W est Bell Telephone Office PHONE 24 BOWMNVILLE EXPANSION k1t: sid f: THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1927 PAGE FOUR ix.

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