PAGE FIVX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1927 Canada Business College Toronto Wxshies a bright young man or woman lni low manvill.- to ae: as our repre- sentative ln suggesting names of possible students or followng up ieads FuIlibusiness cours. sWrite Belw,158 é.vnport Rd.,* Tor- TAx IPHONE AXI 222W Day or Nlght LORNE STEVENS WeekEnd Specials AT Mitchel's Drug Store Royal Seal Sugared Fruit Jellies, a really delicious confection, take a pound box home today 35c a IL Box Wearwell Tooth Brushes in trans- parent case, antiseptic and free from dust Complete 40c éLarge Bars First Quality Castile Soap 23c Patrician Bath Saits, really refreshing 19c a Boule Lily of the Valley and Corylopsis Talcurn Powder On Sale 19c Have youï9 oyes examined today SEE MITCHELL & SEE WELL R. M. Mitchell & Co. THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Bowmanville Ont. Phono 92-Nights and Sundays 280 BIRTHS ALLEN-In Bownianville, on Sunda>,. Nov. 6th, 1927, 10 Mr. and Mns. Harry C. Allen, a daughter. PARK-At Bowmanvllle, itospital, on Wednesday, Nwe,îber Sthi, 1927. to Mr. andI Mrs. Walter F. Park, Tyrone, a dlaughter. MARRIAGES REID-STINSON-Mý Park St. Church, Orono. iw Rev. William Sterling, on Sat- ur(lay, November 5th, Florence Louise. daught.'r tf Mr. W. S. Stinson, Orono. and '.%r. Wyven Leopoid Reid, Bowvmafl- ville. GOODMAN-CLARK-Of Noveniber 5 1927, at St. Johns United ('hurch Par- sonage, by Rev. E. Iiartson, LL.B.. t2alsF. Goodman, Port Hlope, and I3.ssl*o, daught.'r of '.%r. and Mrs. Duncan ('la rk, ('amnplol ford. JEFFERY-PLUMMER-At the resi- dence of the brides parents, on Wednes- ,l~,Nov. 9 b, 1927, by Rev. J. U. Rob- ins, Richard Sttephen J. Jeffery, 'Maplle ,;rov.., and Marjorie Ruth, eldest daqugh- î,,r of %Ir. andi Mrs. N. S. Plummer, Lib- erty Street, Bowmativille. e POU LTON-RICHARDS--OiiSaturday, jNovember t2tb, 1927, ut .90 Royce Ave., Torcn*o, ly R11v. Archîba1d Biue,Grt rud l(îzabeh ichards,. second daugh ter of MIr. andi Mrs. Thos. Richards. Dow- manville. bo Mr. William Albert Pouiton, t.ldes soin of M,%rs. and the late William Poulton of Corbetton, Ont. DEATHS WARD-In Darlingtoii, Sunday, Nov. 11, 1927, Winnle May Ward. aged 25 year.. F'uneral service at residence of her father, '.%r. Levi Ward. Salemi, on Thurs- day, Noveniher 17, at 2.30 P. ni. Inter- nient in Bowmanvllle Cenietery. jFOSTER-In Bowmanviile, Noveniber I11, 1927. John Foster. aged 91 years. Funerai fron itbs late residence, Church Sý,on Friday, November 18th. Service at -.30 1). m. Cortege to Bowmanville CURTIS-In Bownianville, on Friday. Novenier Ilt , 92. Mss Bessie Curtis. aged 58 years. SLEEMAN-In H-ope, on Nov. 13. 1927, William T. Sleernan. beloved husband of Mary L. Casties, in lis 52nd year. BASSETT-At Port Hope. Noveniber 8th, 192-, Catharine Ann Marvi n, belov- ed wife of tîhe late John Baset. in ber 95th year. ALDRED-On Thursday, Nov. 10, 1927, at the Western Hospi1jl, Toronto, Susail May Wilson, aged 62 >-ears, widow af the late ('harles W. Aldred. Intermntl Mount Pleasant Cemetery. HOCKIN--OTi Thursday, Nov. 10, 1927, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. C. A. Beacock, 116 Glenrose Avenue, Ton. onto, Annie Ad elaide Chester, widow of the late Albert E. Hookin. Internient Orono Cemtetery. M0CLUNG-At Los Angeles, CalE.. On Nov. 2nd., Mary Jane McCiung, wfe ai Thomias MOClungànlato c f Bowmaiivifl and Newcastle, Canada.In ber 5th year. Mother of Mrs Geo. I. Cochran, Ms.. F A. Pwl and Mrs. S. F. McClung, af iLas Angeelles. Calif. Gold Fish FREE This week we will give FREE 2 Gold Fish and Globe With Every $100 Purchase of REXALL PRODUCTS Tonies, Couch Remedies, Toilet Articles, Choco- lates, Shaving Necessities, Stationery, Rubber Goods, Puretest Household Packages. See Our Windows JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Planning ForBig Business GIVE BOWMAN VILLE MERCHANTS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS With Christmas shopping flot far ahead we are planning for huge Christmas trade. You will flnd our collection of gifts has been carefully selected. Here satisfaction and a varîety for the hadt-nwwatt-iegf is apparent. Our Christmas stock was never as large as it will bo this year. Our cash prices mean attractive buying and real value in every article which will compare favorably witb city prices. A REASONABLE REQUEST May we appeal to you to shop in Bowmanville-at least, give your local merchants a chance firet to supply your needs. Your local merchants are your neighbors and best friends who pay the big share of the taxes wbicb provide public institutions for the conveniefice and benefit of yourself and family. Make Bowmanville & btter town by keeping your money circulating and doing good right at home. OUR CONSTANT AIM As a hardware merchant, is to satisfy every customer's demands -as to efficient service, variety and quality of goods, and at reasonable pricos. We invite you to share your regular trade, and particu- larly Christmas business, with us. We assure you your patron- age la at aIl times approciated. Dustan's Cash Hardware IIWe Serve You Well" Bowmanville r ,. .---Santa Claus is sending his huge boxes of Toys and Dolsta aur store in tw.o weeks. Mrl BJAmes amis Mry . aS.- B. Jnganmesoanville; Mry . aMs. Clnce F. BWerand so M. ndWilimrs. ClreceP.WeryanWsnoilia Sctt of don Mr adMi. ae sunA. Weryo ottero norJae s nA.gesta, Swain Fanm. ... The Ladies' Aid are prpnng for their bazaar on De- cebr7th. Particulars next weelc. 1NMEO1A 1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE-Good Shorthorn heifer, recentiy calveil. W. T. Perrett, Hamp- ton, phone 376-34. 43-2w FOR SALE-Winter Cabbage, Danish BaIlhead. , 5IC dozen. H. J. Davis, phone l6Or23, Bowmianviiie. 46-1« FOR SALE-Grate-style Heater, in good condition. Cheap. Appiy T. H. Lock- hart, High St., Bowinanvllle. 46-tf HEATER FOR SALE-Harriston Heat- er i ood condition. Apnly B. M. t i .... -- L~U5I or i vuiiu WATCH FOUND-Owner may have same by proving propery nd payng expense.s. Apply t Red In dln Station. ing St., Bowmanville. 46.1- Wanted BOARDERS WANTED'-Appiy Mrs. C. E. Morris, ing Street, East, Bowman- ville. 44 3* LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Edith M. Smith visited her Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sheppard and mother, Mrs. Viola Smith, Tyrone . family recently visited friends in this week. Pictoil. Mrs. Mary Louisa Washington vis- Mr. J. J. Virtue and Miss Sadie ited ber sister, M.%rs. G. W. Thexton, Virtue, H§mpton, Mr. W. S. Staples Toronto, this week. land Miss F. Virtue, Tyrone, were Mr. D. R. Morrîson, Chief Chem- I Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. W.. ist at the local Goodyear Plant, is Slemon. on a business trip this week to Ak- 1 Annual meeting of Children's Aid ron, Ohio. Society of Northumberland and Dur- Church's English Spats for men hamt will be held Tuesday, November advertising in Toronto at $3.00 are 22nd at 3 p. m., in Public Library, being sold at Ives' Expansion Sale Port Hope. ýat $2.59 pair. Canadian Apple Week extends Miss Laura G. Fraser, B. A., from November l4th t o l9th- Kingston, Miss Carnie I. Painton, TRIS WEEK-and flot as stated In Whitby, spent the weekend at Mr. "The Editor Talks". Read the ar- Wm. Painton's. ticle on page 2 in last week's issue. The thanks of the editor and bis family are due Mr. Thos. Palmer for Arsetdadwl-nw oi a delicious roast of venison which dent of Owen Saund in the person they greatly enjoyed. of Edward Pointan, passed away on Mr.S. . WcketMis Id Wik-Tuesday, November 8, in bis 66th Mr. . R Wiket, Mis Ia Wck-year, after an illness of four years. ett, Mr. and Mis. Frank Honeysett, He was boîn at Norfolk, England, Taronto, woee rcent guests of Mr oigtCadawhhspres and Mrs. C. M. Cawker.cmigtCada itbspres Iwhen 12 years of ago. For the past » Mr. and M,%rs. Win. Painton, 135 years he has resided in Owen Misses Elizabeth and Carnie Painton Sound. Ho was a cernent contract- spent Thanksgiving with the former's or. Deceased was married 38 years sister, NIrs. Jas. Sunter, Toronto. aga ta Isabella Dickson, wbo sur- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McDonald, vives, also two brothers, Herbert 'Miss Muriel McDonald, Colborne- Mr Pointon 0f Owen Sound and William Nornman Harvey, Brighton, sj)ent Pointon of Bawmanvil]e. Sunday xtith Mr. and Mrs. W. Claude _________________ 5Ives. rCapt. F. C. Palmer, Town Engin--- eer, îecently addressed.the members of Centre Street Home and School Club, Oshawa, on the evolution of rthe Union Jack and other flags. à Miss Marjorie Stevens, daughter "of Mr. and Mis. R. R. Stevens, wbo "bas been employed in the Agricultur- al Representatives office at Uxbridge, bas acctpted a position as stenograph- er with Mr. W. Ross Strîke. bar- ri.ster. d Messrs. David McCullough,' Frank Williams, Thos. Palmer, Chas. Heal and Mort Murdoif attended the open- ing pro-hockey game at Toronto Arena Tuesday evening wben N. Y. Rangers defeated Toronto Maple 7Leafs 4-2. )f Concert entitled "Princess of kPoppyland" under direction of Mrs. nodrtm Robb, Orono, will be held in the I re om 7Opera House, Bowmanrville, on Mon- day, November 28, under auspices of Trinity Ladies' Aid. Admission 35c. One kOrchestra in attendance. Word was received here this week at prices that 'by Mr. F. F. Morris of the deatb af )fChas. H. Franklin at Detroit, Mich. Trimmed-Ei Mr. Franklin was a native of Bow-Coar-l F manville and always made it a pract- Clas-l 5fice to visit bis old fricnds and the scenes of bis youth at least once a ycar. Mr. and Mis. Thomas McMullen, JaevilOnt., announce the on- $ 2 5 0 gagmen oftheir youngoî daughter Thelma Dairothy, ta Mr. Lloyd Wil- liams, only son of Mi. and Mms Silas Color Williams, liampton. Ont. The niar-i niage ta, take place the latter part of Chestnut November. 464 Wine Commenti'ng an the tapie of ad- vertising pays Warden M. J. Elliott Castor recently tald the editor ho obtained $500 more for bis apples than he would otherwise have îeceived by reading a 5-lino advt for "Apples Wanted" in The Statesman. Moral: 45 Don't fail ta read the advts every week. It's a thrifty habit. Forest Green Armistice Day was celebîated atGodnC st "Parkwood,"ý the beautiful home of Gle hsn Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin. Osh-Fo stGen awa, in a very fltting manner. AnFoetG en "at home" was held amid scenes of Brown Mixed unusual floral beauty. The conser- vatories, in which were bundreds of Grey wonderful blossonis, weîe thrownBow open to the guests, which included aBrw number fîam Bowmanville, who Dark Brown wandered among the various îooms,B filled with admiration at alI that they Blàck beheld.Blk Night Constable Walter Hall madeBlk a clever arrest about midnigbt Wed- nesday last when -ho caught Norman Wicke of Bradford in the rear of store. Two companions witb him at the time were successful in mak- Navy ing their escape. Wicke appeared bof ore Magistrate W. F. Ward next Navy day charged with vagrancy and was Nv remanded in the hope of locating bis Nv confederates and securing more in- Navy formation about the prisoner. Several American tourists, of an Grey Mixture undesirable type, invaded the lake shore towns last week and left a trail of counterfeit $5 and $10$ 4 American Federal Reserve Bank$ 4 notes along their route. Their scheme was ta make a small purchase Tan and Brov Iiat a store or garage and give a coun- terfeit bill in paymnent cashing in on Heather Mixt the real money which would be re- Rd&Ge turned to them. Those nipped in Rd&Ge tawn include W. J. !Bagnell, Blake Forest Green Wilkins, Jacobs' Bakery, James In- fantine, Cole's Garage, and David Navy Rosner. ____Navy Clarence S. Mason's Little Shoppe With The Large Stock Thirty-Two Women Wil Save $977.OO On Their New Winter Coats iake room for Christmas Goods we must clear out the balance of our High Class Stock of Coati in a hurry-we herein offer Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Six Dollars Worth of Coats should clear the lot in a f ew days-Every Coat New-Every Coat Fur .very Coat a Different Style-Some with BoIster and others with Shawl are lined and warmly mnterlined throughout. 000 lut ',95 m Si Su Di Coats Clearing For laterial. uein uedine luvetyne Furs Mandel Mandel Thibetine Coats Clearingr For Suedine Mandel Broadcloth Thibetine Pinpoint Thibetine Imported Tweed Thibetine Duvetyne ~andel Pinpoint Thibetine Pinpoint Thibetine Pinpoint Thibetine Broadcloth Thibetine ) Coats Clearing For Velabloom Thibetine Pinpoint Thibetine Pinpoint Thibetine Velabloom Thibetine Imported Tweed Fox Collar nl Coats Clearing For ture Mlixture Imported Tweed Lynx Collar $48.75 Imported Tweed Lynx Collar $4875 Imported Tweed Ringtail Opposum $49.50 Velabloom Carracule $45.00 Chinchilla Mandel $45.00 Pinpoint Light Brown $49.00 Neediepoint Opposuxn $49.00 Velabloom Sable Opposum $45.00 Chinchilla Chinchilla $45.00 Imported Tweed Ringtail Opposum $45.00 > Coats C Pinpoint Broadcloth Camel Hair Camel Hair :25%7, of the purchase ýsure our holding your for two weeks. $16*75 Reg. Price Sale Price $25.00 Clearing $1675 $25.00 Clearing $16-75 $25.00 Clearing $16.75 $2%5*OO $32.50 Clearing $25.0 $3500 Clearing $25.00 $35.00 Clearing $2500 $35.00 Clearing $2500 $35.00 Clearing $2500 $35.00 Clearing $25.00 $35.00 Clearing $25.00 $35.00 Clearing $2500 $35.00 Clearing $25.00 $21750 $40.00 Clearing $g7.5O $40.00 Clearing $27.50 $40.00 Clearing $2750 $41.00 Clearing $27.50 $4000 Clearing $27.50 $35.00 Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing $%C500 5$35.00 $35.W0 $35.w0 $35.W0 $35.w0 $35.W0 $35W $35.w0 'Iaring For $37e50 Skunk $54.00 Clearing $37. Mink Opposum $52.00 Clearing $37., Sable $67.00 Clearing $50., Platinum Grey Wolf $89.00 Clearing $65.1 r.50 150 '00 1.00 Watch our window we change it often. VIh e f-ittie Sh opp e --WïJ'h Vie L£a r6e Stoc ,3OWMANVILL& eaut nomON~pae ieîvs Coats-Suits-Dresses-hiosiery -Gloves-Underwear -Etc. BENNETT-In ioving memory of my dear friend. James Bennett, who passed away November th.,1 1925. It is loneiy bore witlîout you Jîi, But '9"d the weary way, But lite 15 not the sanie toenie, Since you a ere calied awa y. Sadiy missed by his friend Bill. VANSTONE-In loving nienory of Thornas Vanstone, who died on Noveni- ber 18, 1925. Two years have passed, dear husband Since last we saw your face Some day we hope te meet you, Througb God's sus«aining grace. 46-1w- Wife, Son and Daughters. VANSTONE-In loving memory of niy (lear father, Mr. Thomas Vanstone, who di.ed 18th ilay of November, 1925. Noverni,.r brings sad memories, 0f a loved one laid to rest. Who xil always be remenibered, By those who loved him best. Tume rolis on but meniories last, Sunshine tiasses, sbadowvs faîl, Love's reienibrance outlasts aIl. The flowers we placed upon his grave May witber and decay, But the love that lies within our hearts IVill nover fade away. Sadly missed by bis lovlng daughter Mary LAUNDRY WANTED Ail klnds of laîîndry work done prompt- ly. satisfactorily and at reasonable prîces Write Post Office Box 12, or call Mrs. W. Marjorani, King St. E. Bowmanville. 39-tf Stîman Ofrice, Bowmanvilie. POSITION WANTED-As Stenofrap- -. ________--her. Phone: Orono 6OR-17 or by letter FOR SALE-Piano at a bargain, a finst to R. E., dlo Statesman Office, Bowman- class instrument. Can be seen on en- ville. 46-1w quiry at S atesman Office. Has been weil taken cure of. In good condition. WANTED-Woman will give service In 29-tf, a conifortable home for raom and board. _______________ - ---Address S. W. C., clo Drawer B, Bow- STOVE FOR SALE-Cosey Home Que- manville. 44-tf bec Cook Stove, in good condition. Ap- - piy to Mrs. R. Tudor, 8 Carlisle Avenue, W3MAN WANTED-To dlean offices- Bowmanville. 46-2w frrni 6 p. m. ta 9 p. :m., li've nightsaa - - - - - - -weelc. ApplY at EniPloYmîeut ,Oflo FUR COAT FOR SALE-Man's fur Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ca. 6i coat, lined with muskrat, sheli ofr Irish frieze, in excellent condition, great bar- AGENTS-If you like trees and sbiub, gain. Apply C. M. Cawker & Son, Bow- why not selI them? Makte a business of nianville. 46-1* it. Part tume or full tume, 900 varieties of proven Red Tag Nursery Products. FOR SALE-Sewing Machine, single Cash every week. Equipmnent and In- bras-s bedstead. walnu, secretary, annex 3tructions free. Write DO)MINtION for clectric stove, and other pieces of NURSERIES, Montreal. 41-800w furniture. Apply at R. M. Mitchell & ('s Drug Store, Bowmaiiville. 45-tf WANTEO-A smaîl Upright Plana of ---modern style. WII exchange a 6 tube CANARIES FOR SALE-Rollers, bred Super-Neutradyne walnut cabinet 48 In- froni prize stock, 3 firats at Bowianville chez hligh, bult In Iidwin Loud Speaker Fair, guaranteed singers; 20 young birds, and ail equipment, new. 'VIllaIda ail yellow, $500 each; hens 5()c up . Ap beautîful Instrument and th. Pinnacla of îily B. Bennett, Elgin St. North Bw Radia perfection. Write Box 353, Eow- manville. 1 manville, or telephono 10O5. ýeoc i 1000