READY-MADE MENU Every day you will find something different in our display of bakiing w'hich will appeal to you. You will find it easier and cheaper to buy your eats at our shop. Watch Window For Saturday Specials The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowrnanville THE ASTONISHINNG THING IS The Quality at the Right Price You're used to seeing at lot of groceries offer- ed at low prices and sorne at prices below cost. Now where goods are sold for less than cost there is sornething wrong. And then you hear a lot of exhorbitant claims! But when it cornes to act- uallysetting eyes on the quality, you probably find it different. If this has been your experience you will be ail the more astounded at the quality our store gives you. Don't take our word for it. Corne and see for yourself. CHINA AND GLASS WARE When in need of China, Glassware or Crock- ery visit our stock upstairs. Everything you want at reasonable prices. ARC HIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville THE FIRE-FIGHTER CAN TELL YOU 1 Talk to the man who batties destructive flames-who risks if e and limb to protect proper- ty. Ask him about the tragic sceness he has wit- nessed as Fire deprived men who "did not believe in Insurance"-of their homes and their all. How, while the srnoke curled skyward, rnany of that type have been heard to murnur-"Oh! Why didn't I take out Insurance when I had the chance"? Don't wait until you have to ask yourself that question under lilke conditions. INSURE YOUR ALL NOW with the most reliable compani esin America. Phone or cail on JJ. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. BowmanvilleI Look For the Sheil Sign Then purchase Sheli Aviation an Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasoline known the world over. Test it your- self. You'll find quality is cheapest and best in the long run. Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanvllle THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1927 HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB e GOLDEN WEDDING PRETTY TORONTO WEDDING Enjoyable Prograin and Instructie Dr. and Mrs. John Hunter, Toronto. Poulton-Richards Address on Physical Training 1 _______Dr. and M.%rs. John Hointer cec-1 A very quiet wedding took place The Home and Scbool Club held a brated their golden wedding on Mon- 1 at 390 Royce Ave., on Saturday, very enjoyable evening on Wednes- day. They were married at the Novemnber 12th, at 2 p. m., when day, November 9th, in Central Pub- homie of the lat'e Mr. and Mrs. Gertrude Elizabeth Richards, second lic School, with a good attendance of "enwick (par -ýi ts nf the~ bride), near daughter of Ir. and Tho,. members and friends. Orono, on Nevemiber 14 IS77. Tbey Richards. Bowmianville, b2camie the The President, Mrs. Harry Allun, lived in Millbrook the first five veats, bride of Williami A. Poulton, eldest occupied the chair. The meeting and the past forty-five n Toronto. son of Mrs. Poulton and t:-.e late Win. opend wth omnuniy S. . They have two daughters-Mrs. John1 Poulton. Corbetton, Ont. Rev. fopened byi-hCammna",ity singing, Ferguson, Lawrence Park., a*nd Mrs. Archibald Bluc, pastor of Rovce Ave. fLlBragg by thepCanoada", M iLet John Duthie, Weston. There are I Presbyterian Cburch, Torohto, offic- Mrs.Ahi le inpraer.eight grandchildren, the eldet heing i iated. The bride wore a gown of Mrs. llin ed i prayr. narried and lives in Los Angelc'-.. Dr. flemish blue crepe-de-chene with sil- A splendid musical programnu vs Hunter served 12 years on thelIver beaded trimmings and stockings tr-en given consisting of vocal solos School Board, and bas always taken and hat to match. The attendants by Mr. S. Glanville, accompaned by a very active interest in e'lucational 1i were Mr. Arthur and Miss Grace Dil- Miss Bragg; and aiso, by s Elean- work. lie is an honorary fell'îw of llabough. The bride received a lovelyl or Wood, hier accompanist being Mrs the Academy of Medicine, and fre-1 collection of gifts among tbem being Daniels .Mrs. W. Adamns favored quently contributes papers to niedical1 a heautif ul present from the Durham the club witb several numbers, the journals. 'Textiles Limiited, wh.ere the bride first tw o patriotic recitations being xas employed. Ir. and M.%rs. Poul- particularly appropriate, on account Champion Guaranteed Paint 98ce ton will reside at 21 Edwin Ave., of this being Canada's jubi!ee year; qt. Friday and Saturday only at Toronto. and also Armistice day be'ng in every- Geo. Pritchard's. one's thoughts. A piano duet by Clearing sale of this year's wall Shaw-Bennett Misses Doris and Gladys Janiiesu n paper at 12e roll, 22 inches wide. A was exceptionally well rendercd and Last and best bargain of season this! A ter pretty wedding took place mucb enjoyed by ail. I ek a e.Picrr'.a h Church of the Epîpbany, Parkdale, on Tuesday, Novmber 8, Mr. L. Haniel Cooke of the High v, tGo.Picbr's 'en Sadie, daughter of Mr. and School teaching staff held the closest Mrs. Frank Bennett, formerly of attention of his audience in his ad-I ecslOtwsuie nmr dress on Physical Tann" Brief ag esia B s fo igto Thomas Henry, son ofMr summary of is remarks follow: I . J and Mr,. S. Shaw of Picton, Ont. i The need for physical training is'1 our Indilgestionl The ceremnony was performed by the most clearly shown in the evolution- Rev. Dyson Hague. The bride, h ary doctrine of survival of the fittest. iMost people who sufer, eitber oc- was given in marriage by ber brother, 1 The great teachers such as Froebel casionally or cbronically froin gas, Mr. Frank Bennett, Jr., xvore a love- have emp:iasized the foundamental im-' sourness and indigestion, bave now ly dress of ivory georgtte and rose portance of gaines in edocation.. discontinued disagreeable diets, pat- point lace, with bat to matcb, and Practically ail pnysical comiplaints ent foods and the use of barinfulicarried a beautifol bouquet of but- are due to bad digestive and nervous drugs. stomach tonics, medicines and terfiy roses. The bridesmaid, Miss systeins ai-d faolty breathing. These artificial digestants, and instead, fol- Violet Deyman, wore peacb taffeta cana ail be kept in a state of fitnessilowing the advice so often given iniwitb rainbow coîored frilîs, and a by the use of the rigbt kinds of phy- these columns take a teaspoonfoul or1 becoming bIne bat trimmed witb sil- sical exercise. Stodents who shine four tablets oi Bisurated Magnesia in ver. Her bouquet was of pink and in physical work usually do not do so a littie water after meals with th e white carnations. Tbe two little in acadomic work, and vice versa, but resoît that tbeir stomach no longer fiower girls, Miss Betty Culley and there is no reason wby ail students troubles thein, they are able to leat Miss Dototby Hay, nieces of the shoold not be proficient in both, and tas tbey please and they enjoy much 1 bride, looked very pretty dressed the one belps the other to a vLryibetter bealth. Those who use Bis- ai ike in pink georgette and carrying large extent. Many cases can be orated Magnesia neyer dread the ap-1jbaskets of fiowers. quoted of a proper attention to exer-1 proach of meal turne because tbey A reception was beld at the home cise 50 fortifying the body that dis- know this wonderful anti-acid and of tbe bride's parents on Dunn Ave., ease either does not attack it or inj food corrective, wbicb can be obtain- after whiéh the bride and groom case of disease the body bas tbe ed rom any good drug store, will left for a short trip before going to power to overcome it. instantly neutralize tbe stomach acid- their borne in Picton. 0f ail exercises walking is the ity, sweeten tbe stomacb, prevent Going away the bride wore a rose best and most neglected. Unfailing food fermentation, and suake diges- dress of flat crepe with navy blue interest can be found in this exer-, tion easy. Try this plan yourself, coat, f ur trimmed, and hat to match. cise, and if it lacks excitement the but. be certain to, get Bisurated Mag- The young couple recaived many nervoos systein prospers in a cen- nesia especially prepared for stomacb beauti.ful gifts from their friendp tury wben that systein is almost uni- use. and business acquaintances and the versally overexcited. Nearly ail_______________--- bride was entertained at several gaines and exercises are good, butI showers arranged by her girl friends. thr sa great tendency for sto ____ enta to, put ail their interes t inhaTrouble Sifn particular one and otterly neg'ectlte 1 --BO LIGgI1S EW otbers. Swimming is one of the mostiF rT o eP t4 valoable, and it is very moch to be SeFor Th se Pa t40 BWLN rerte hso gitlprovision is Haahs eirLau mae orsimin frboth stodents Bladder Weaknoss, Net-vouanes Naine Won Lost Pins Pts and adults in Ontario. iHaahs Frequent, p....,,, Cancilla 7 5 12122 il Ail people of every age and bith Scanty Urinatidn, Getting-up- Textiles 8 4 11541 il sexes can take part in gaines, and it Nights. Bonnycastle 7 5 11280 10 _____ Front Street 8 4 11239 101 is really idleness wbich causes thein 97d91 to abstain. Many cases may be The embarrassing annoyance adSmiith 8 4 11397 9 quoted of those witb legitimate reas- genuine misery of Bladder Weakness Bakr i 02 ons for abstaining wbo do not do so, often brings "discomforts of old age? Foundry 4 8 10945 5 us for example a lady of seventy-two to, those who really ougbt to be in the Train.. School 2 10 10566 2 who touches her toes twenty turnes very prime of life.15Hg vres-.Wlim before breakfast every morning andî Countless tbousands, perhaps sev- 2352,HigOboAvraes:-F, . Willa a man in Toronto wbo swinis twi ce en out of ten, of folks near middle 2232.2, CSore 25, . C ancil13.1 Ithe length of a deep swimming pool tlife are pitiful victirns of Headaches, H. Osborne 212.1,L. Roenigk 210.4, every day witb bis bands, a disease in Nerovusness, Pains in back and down H. Williams 207.5 H. ýCarpenter cbildhood baving prevented bis legs tbrougb groins, frequenty but scanty 206.5, T. Bird 2Û.3, A. Seymnour froin growing. The world is un- and painful urination-Getting-.p- 202.2, J. Johnson 200.7, G. Thurston fortunately full to-day of people wbo nights. 198, W. Cole 196.7, E. Welsh 196.2. prefer to watch a gaine from an While serious, if neglected-it is automobile. lordinarily a simple matter te, relieve Ladies League Exercises were of immense im-, these troubles by the pleasant home Naine Won Lost Pins Pts portance to the ancient Greeks, anduse of Dr. Southworth's URATABS, Goodyear No. 1 5 1 3487 '7 the consequence is tlia their sculp- wvhich have been victorious in tbous- Varcoe 4 2 4054 6 tory at the present day gives mnodels ands of cases, after other treatinents Allun 5 1 33 of almost physical perfction. The bhave failed.orobo Textiles 2 4 3385 3 Romans thought of exorcises merely oiatrbwerusoder 2 1 5 3085 1 as a part of military training. The long standing your condition may Front Street 1 5 3074 1 enemies of Napoleon opened schools be, you can quickly prove the value of physical training more especiaîîy of URATABS without risk of cost- 10 High Averages:-V. Colwell in Denmark and Sweden witb a view jfor any good druggist will supply you, 162.5, U. Allun 150.4, H. Thickson to improvin.g the physique of their on an absolute guarantee of satis- 150.1, Mrs. Wight 145.2, Mrs. Wîth- me.faction or rnoney bak If URA- eridge145.2, E. Reader 144.2, Mrs.. in recent times ail countries bave coinfort, you will be greatly pleased.1 Mrs. Tainblyn 138, M. Martyn 135.3. taken up physidal trainîing witb tbe 11f thley do not fully satisfy, their use objective of a sound mind in a Sound IwilI cost you notbing. Try URA-; Bank League body rather than tbe iilitary, one.1 TABS today, and sce wbat a differ-; The old exorcises for amnis and :egs ec bymk.IFnlSadn do not non- predomior.te, for peopleiec hymk.FnlSadn bave corne to realize tbrougb a study i______ Naine lst 2nd 3rd Pins Pts of Swedish drill that the exercising iStandard 6 10 2 6438 30 0f the abdominal muscles pîsys a fat-r~ < L Montreal 6 6 6 5998 22 more important part in physical fit AaRoyalU EJ 6 3 9 6143 20 mous arn and leg muscles, wbich are MdPrMeWipnner ForrLa334,e 0. more suitable for lb,ýwer.s of ""ood UlVL~ IMn pnL er 3, and drawers of wazpr ti'an for t bel OU'VE .Ived your lighting Willimis 332. performers of tbe manifold duties of i 1Mber for ail time -indoors Men, League games-L. Berry the present day. anI u-h da you get your Berry 334, C. Osborne 321. A hertyvot ofthaoseasaend Quick-lite Larnp and iBoys-Jack Martyn 217. ered to Mr. Cooke and also to those ben yo avetee Lad ies-Mrs. I. McMann 209, W taking part on the prograin, wbo sue lgbtmter o re rc 208. helped make the evening such a suc- i any pupose anytirne, anywhere.______ cS. Another suggestion that wvas Tbe @uIck-LkaLse la bihte intended to be put before the Club than 20od-etyleocil lampa. Itsasoft ue -YCRITA I j n asthat n excange o gift take whitý brillance la eayon the ey-eaiCRSTA IT plc t ur D me ietn. I forevery fmily us-readin geîîsmoandP RODUCEDI1N -CANADA Iotehlrnoluyy Fueliemo o mahneniber bring a snal gift (not j aclne. Nowickstotrim* nojthimn.ýYe it of The Fainily Herald and Weekly j ,f~jado Star. You will never regret it.1 m UL1 Whoa. Watch? Agent: "Dan't you want your offi- e furnishinge insured against tbeft?" Mngr: "Yes, ail except tii. ,clock. Everyoy watches that.,' PAGE SEVEN Low Cut Cashmerette jersey and Velve-t Overshoes in Groya, Pawns and Blacfr, wvith plain or cortrstingl ahades of Cu if, provide serviceable footwear to hannoraz. wfth modisb Fall and Winteg attire., 295 Comfy Styles ____ for Rough Days 1' 7iIl Something mare t han serviceable and wearable -" Northern " faotwear ia styled ta please and attract. Waterproof as rubber, warmn as an aver- shoe; neat as a slipper. IRTHIE~LR You are invited tu view our display of new styles in ".lVortlern" Footwear A. DILLICK, Bowmanville. Steady Laying is the secret of Heu profit Get yaur birds right dawn ta fali and winter business. There is na reasan why yau shouldn't have eggs regularly. FuI-O-Pep Egg Mash warks- wonders in egg productian. ~ Thausands af successful poultr__.- ~ balanced ration. Cantama n every ingredient hens need to make thern lay regularly and keep them in gaod health. Cad Liver Meal ini Fui-O-Pep Egg Mash helps the ather ingredients ta do faster wark and mare wark an the egg- producing argans. I ta vitamines supply the necessary sunlight element ail the year round. The base of ail Ful-O-Pep feeds is high quality oatnîeal-nat just graund oats. Na domestie animal, size considered, requit-es so much minerai as the Iaying hen. A good hen will praduce haif ber weight in egg shelsa alone in a year. Fui-O-Pep Egg Mash is 9% minerai. Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash is economical. It means more and better, strong-sbelled eggs. FuLmOuPEP EGG MASH A product of The Quaker Milis, Peterborough and Saskatoon 80W BT Phone 186 HARRY ALLIN Bowmanville, Ont. Its fine qualities preserved hi Uic modem Aluminum -package. TEAis good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Prepare for Winter Fi your bins with Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Goal, the Standard Anthracite. HAVE BUILDINGS FIT See that your barns and outbuildings are wat- r erproofed with good B. C. Red Cedar Shingles or Johns-Manville Roofing. Proteet your implernents and rnachinery wilth good buildings and save trouble and money. A VERY USEFUL BOOK We have a number of plan books with sug- gestions which you will find useful. ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN Cail and see our stock and get estirnates on your requirernents. McClellan .& Co. Ltd. Phone 15 King St. East, Bowrnanville