PAGE TWO TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1927 DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE j One day as t .,e writer sat watch-1 Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto1 ing passersby, as idie people are University. Graduate of the Royal1 prone to do in tovn or city, ai College of Dental Surgeons of On-, tail Young lady very fashionably at- tarie. Office King St., Bowrmanville.Itilred-it was nidsumnertime-walked Office phone 40. House phone 22. lover street and when sho ivas oppe- X-Ray Equipment in Office. 1 site us we were struck by the -way she carried her head seeningly in- DR. J. C. DEVITT ches farther on that thoertst of heri Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson b ody. The question at once sug- Graduate of Royal Dental College,l gested \vas: "Who is te blame for Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow-Ithe bad figure this Young lady 'ras manvilie. Office heurs 9 a. mn. te 6 in waking? Soneone niust have p. mn. daily except Sunday. Phonel negl ect cd their du ty. as i t par- 90. House phone 283. cn t, teachcr, fainily rh3sician or X-Ray Equipment in Office . tho.r f riends? Anyway, it was 1110S.t regrettable that a girl so t'vm-1 DR. R. E. DINNIWELL 1 netrical in figure ani petsessing such1 Honor graduate of Toronto Uni-! fine featuret' ý- uld ho allow. d te! versity and member of Royal Coliege! grow te womianhood with t-uch a of Dental Surgeons. Licenlsed te, very ucdeSirab.e dcfoct in walking practise in Ontario and the Demin- i on the street or any place eisc. for Ion. Dentistry in ail iLs brarches.1 that miatter. S:nco t ýat Sundav w-e Ofrace-King St., Bownianville, op- i)servc(l a tali yeung iao passîng posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. i ih a siinilar defecit in his carniage _______________--when on the street. We think school teachers should give special LEGAL attention alw-ays te the correct post- M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. uire, of their soholars whther when sitt ng, standing or walking. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary i Money te boan on Farminard Town Tle oditress of a Woman's Page Preperty. Royal Bank Buildin, xx rote rcccntly that meat people are Bowinanville. Phone 351. agreed that the modern girl is de- lighted for ahl the criticism lcvelled W. R. STRIKE lfrom time te time at her shinglcd Successor to lat. D. B. Simp.o&, r.C.1 head and slirn figure. Her boyish Barrister, Solicitor, Nota- clothes, however, are unconcealing, and it rnust be owned that grace la Solicitor for Bank of Montreal net always onc of her mcst notice- Mloney te Loan P110111 91 able attributes. Usually she dances Bowmanvillo, Ontario gracefuliy. Why is it ttiat when standing, walking. or even ..h.n -ait W. F. WARD, B. A. ting, more oftcn than net she la awk-__ Bamister, Solicitor, Notasr' ward and uncouth in aIl her move- Money te boan. Bonds for auie. mns Offices-Bleakley Block, King St. "The chief difficulty is that meat Bowrnanville, Ontario. Phoneos. girls do net realize hew ungraceful Office 102. Bouse 409. thcy are", said a wcli-knoxxc teacher ______________________ -.of dancing. "The flrst thing 1 have 1 te teach nîy pupils is how te stand FUNRALDIECTRS and waik with gracm They corne FUNERL DIRCTORS te me for dance lessons; I ncariy F. F. MORRIS CO. jaiways have te begin with depert- Complote Moto'.. or1 ment.*** Horse Equpmot This dancing master certainly Ai aiLs prd omp gave the modemn public school teach- Piattended to. er seme very practical suggestions rivate Ambhlne when he said: Bowmnviie pono "A girl will slouch inte a room", 10 and 34 she adided, "head droeping, arma Orono &StNewcatl swinging, one shoulder higher than Oron 1 l New&Mlethe other, swaying her hips, with her ___________________________ tees in the air. Literally, 1 mean,l for many girls touch the ground ALAN M. WILLIAMS with their heels first. Then when Embalmer and Funeral Director. she sits down the favorite attitude Calis given prompt and personal at-. is immediately assumed. She cross-J tention. No extra charge for dis- es her knees witheut a thought as tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- te the fashionahie skimpiness and ville, Ont. 3-tf. shortness of hem skirt. She stands, her arms akimboo and her feet wide j apart. One rarely sees a modern; MEDICAL girl who walks and stands with real B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. grace. In sitting or standing correct balance is ail important. The Gold Medalist of Trinity University, head si.ould be in the centre of the Toronto. Four years attenidirîg Phy-. figure, which should make a straight sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel lice oe h uprigfo. Ti Hosptal Pit.bug, s. ffic an isan artist's rule that neyer fails, Xesidence, Wellington Street., Bow- and moreover it is the natumal posi- manvilie. Phone 108. tien. Two heels must neyer ho on C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. the floor at the same time. The shoulders should be relaxed, texas Graduate of Trinity Medical Coliege, firm. Toronto, formerly of Enniskiilen.**w Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's The individual girl aise shouid former residence on Church Street, heed this edîtress' remarks, if she has Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44t. any personal pride. She says' --- Length of step is also important. Many girls ither take tee long or VETERINARY too short stops for their height. TVisi DR.* F. -. TIGHE always appears ungainly. The spine VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or should he flexible. The shoulders Night calis premptiy attended te Iand hips stili. Office: King St. East, Bomnil. In standing the straight dress of Phone 243. the day accentuates every angularity. j The sagging, drooping lice is partic- E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. ularly ugly. Here again balance Orono tells. In the correct position the Hlonor Graduate of University of weig.ot should be on the left foot aad, Toronto. AIl cases given pomnpt 1the. ight f oot rclaxcd in an easy and careful attention. Office-I1 position, and the figure mnust be Dr. McElroy's former office. Phanes:' erect *** Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. The art of sitting gracefully can be achieved with jost a momente thought. Most girls piump dowvn into AUCTIONEERS a chair and cross their koces. This favorite cross knce position is the THEO M. SLEMON pitfail of niost peuple. When knocs Auctioneer mst ho crossed. h -wevrc, this can Parm and House Sales a Specialty. be ..donc gracefuily by studying thej Torms moderate. Enniskillen P. O.i lices of instep and knee, and cross- Phone 197r3. 1-tf. ing theci at kneo hight rathor than St wrapping one around the other low- «or down -which niakes an ugly shape at the lcast heautiful lice hetwcen CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS'in-toji and kroce. THEROPY The incorrect cressing of the ank-: DURWIN E. STECKLEY les is one cf the uglicat sitting pest- honor graduate of Toronto Coibege, unes of the modern girl. Wt on ack- of Chiropractic will be in the Bow- les arc crttssed the tous are apt te manvilie Office Tuesday, Tharzdayl turc outwards instead cf taking the and Saurday evenings, phone 141J.; natural lne-that of slightly ;cwards. Residential caila made during fore-' W c *-t nt* lsnvd1h nOODI.t ornrarrast'iiîent of y<ung 'i oien, and tOittnnll . ne t.ho i'.oi'0Young î:- vürtt, i ar_ý t-mue, when sittîng in a, J. t df~lrooicin a tit\t'tictniptîny. A latiS I suies tit.., , rtt ttr and îr mostl ,f:i N' il, .! S' or 1 th. SPEARMINT bas a tang 19 and zest to brighten your whoie day! w It keepo tecth white, soothes the throat, and sIadigrtio.~ ~ , ' L niesLf l il. 1 i",t -, h c i-t ti--are une r-s-.tI and cl-set' r tth'tl heo itt-.eltof theo nth- fortt. 'lt ial th o 4aU'ty tnigrice'f ire t- antt antdrn-p ii 'uni ion .fulie -o iris hur i t At' t,-.' t ' , r<n.tî k o,f'n huard 1 %vi'h env y, hy' rther ixtifieti*. bev hpr -,( r-t. It .'s int 5et mnlclî how tle ve r i eran na.At~ , t-i. fact havettti't <,-.cti d tic cnt1 ofho :ng crac-fol mii hLr rti ..en amt in et'r iti-. SIte kto hw to ýwalk. ttc nI andiittiM'tr'u Biti' . , rturn t,'he sujct inI l*i- ar' iatgr rtf t 'i. iy Is it nctj mtilar Itra, :n th.. d.ay cf Irnrrre~s aînd ttîaiîacemeint-there is sti'l ta lange I ;î'îct-ctgo tf von te - tmîld t)nfittheo -impIest ruine of îthy.ýicaI t cullur n,cr cf gracefîtl coni'tgt' cf theix' I.,ny iiiwalkin g. N ither (Ie the', knnîw hcw to statnd crr-ectly t.ven. hlavent you hsrvcd. kind readier, how î'ery awkward'y so mie pt'snîencttr a sitting rncem or piar- loi? Indeed, thoît' ittno grace or case shown in tncir how, mancî'r )f stting down or of sitting up. Con- stant practice tif cerrect methotîs in carriage wili soon incorporate the methods se thorciuhgiy into the be- ing that they are ne longer art se called but natural te the person. Good habits can be cultivated and EDITORS NOTE wili grow with astonishing rap.dity. * * *The Mail and Empire has recentlyl Net only in walking but as intim- made two changes on the editorial iated one of the niost cern mon de: jpa ge that add greaiy tn the inter- -fccts of humanity is te 'he seen in est, the new headings being: -Fourth 1t..ýe standing or sitting positton-. In iColunin Angle" and "1Ot:ter Papers' -standing position is found the key to1 Opinions"-Caniadian, British and U. ail graceful movements and rnay weiS. Were a third change made on add, largoiy to the success of the in- that page-addition of a column of rdividual. On two very noteable Oc-j brief daily *Ntes and Commiient,-" -casions d'd the writer miake '-hoice of by a brilliant, w~itty paragrapher-a rfemales te fil what he considcred ["long feit-w-ant"-wouldl niake it ai sve ry important positions frein obser - tiii more popular page for busy vation of their street carrnage and readers .And if the City Editor graceful mevements otherwise. A , would introduce a daily coiunn f rqucen among wornen or a king among Ibricf city news ite-.n on first o r 3men iili be found te stand ect sec m d page of the Second Section, ~ with heaci well poised and both feet it ,-ouIdadd one more long feit want iplan ted in an easily balanccd posi- an d very desirablo f eature. tion, with the weig:,t resting equal -____________________ 1,y uptrn the halls of both feet.- * * twe to two and a hlf miles, brcath- A physical culture authority says: in'z (leplv the îwhi1o. Some people, that one of the sicîplest exorcises to 'sa d the speaker. miade tho -xcuse enable a person te stand or walk j th'it they coultint 'take 'ho tinie to corrcctiy and one that should be I exercise regularly in opon air' but h o practised constantiy is te push up-I knew it was botter to take trne te %vard with the top of the l.cad and keep weli than to have to take time downward with the hands. By no te get sick and die. means throw back the shoulders. An equiiibnium rnust be rnaintained. Try** these directions for a few days z.nd Dr. Crossley aise said that if peep- note the difference it will make in !le wished te be healthy tiley shou'.d yo ur appearance. The chest is stretch and relax after sleeping, thus naturally brought up and an hringing ail the double muscles into appearance cf easy grace is thus giv- action, and stretching the muscles te en te the entire body. Another keep themn supple and elastic. H1e advantage wili be that the vital or- stated that the dog does this in- gans are given free action and LreI stinctively. No one would hava much better able to perforni their ha rdening cf the arteries he thought proper functions. It secins îeas-iwho systemnatically took stretching enable te suppose that the universal and relaxing exorcises sinco the ac- ailment of constipation more or less tien timulated blood circulation. Mac, frequently may be reiieved by this he said, was as old as his art-ries, simple habit of carrying the vital and ne eider. organs well up in the trunk of Ihe tinth Gdmemaup body. By this act of pughing UP- fgt aind that hod maude an op-a w'ard with the head and downivard righ and tat ho sthould al thate wt th cect sition.e rugtinoshould walk straight with head erect, * * *rrc pstin chest elevated, instead cf shuffllng Add te the above instructions wh'at îalontz with body leaning forward and Rev. Dr. H. T. Crossley teldWhty eddon yeung people recently when he a 1k -_____ te them cf "Nature's Secret cf Health and Long Life". 0f course, Mrs. B. Smitil writing froin Exhi- he was thinking of indeer workers, bition Park, Brandon, Man., says:- mec and women chiefiy whcn he re- Please find enclosed postal note for marked that over-eating and under subscription te your interesting pap- exercise causes a large number cf er. We have onj- ý,cd reading 'Do the premature deaths. A go.-od !sup. You Remember When'. It takes us piement te exercises and proper diet back te many memories cf years gene is a good brisk waik, say of frein by. Leading Bowmanville Tire Dealers now operate a DOMININ TIRE DEPOT." TIRE DEPOT '_ EXPERITI'REsEvoFE R To make Dominion Tires and other good tires worth more to the public; To give the man who buys tires the mileage he pays for; To make it possible for car owners to drive with greater faith in the soundness of their tires; To make the care of tires weigh as lightly as possible on the motorist; A system of service to car owners has been organized, known as Dominion Tire Depots. At these Depots, which are readily recognized by their distinctive colors, orange and blue, the motorist may expect to find well- equipped and completely organized tire service, along the most modern lines. WeT agree entirely with this idea of organized service and now announce that we are operating a Dominion Tire Depot. Drop in and have your tires checked for pressure. It's a step to greater mileage. And it will give us a chance to explain the Dominion Depot idea to you. Jamieson Bros. Dowmanvile, Ont. «The sweetest tone ever known- ___________________Pure harmon y for er'ery home" You buy your automobile from a dealer in business right in your own town. Radio- a good radio receiving set-FADA radio-is just as important a buy as your car. Buy FADA where you can get radio service. FADA radio has no equal at any price. There is a model to suit you at whatever price you want to pay fromn $95 to $550. Ask for a demonstration. We will stack up FADA against any receiving set anywhere near the price. Sold ia Bo-wmanville By HARRY2,LC. ALLIN, t9.L King St. West, Bowmanville 710D THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1927 PAGE TWO