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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1927, p. 4

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PAGU FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, T~îURSDAY, NOvEMBER 24, 1927 Early Christmas Shopping Christmas shopping has begun and thîs indicates that the buyers of Holiday Gifts are making an earl 'v start to avc id the rush, hustie and bustie of the late buy- ing season. It affords týier the best choice of the goods offered for sale. We are showing this year an excellent array of the FAMOUS YARDLEY TOILET SETS which were so popular hist year. Ladies' and Gentlemen's pack- ages at aIl prices. We also have the very popular WILLIAMS' HOLIDAY PACKAGE FOR MEN ONLY $1.25 COMPLETE Let tis show you these. In addition to the above wve have our splendid rissortment of Fancy Toilets. Perfunies, Fancy Packages-lvory and Tortoise Sheil Goods-Fancy Stationery and Neilson's Chocolates. This year treat Motier, Father, Grandmother or Grandfather to a real pair of glasses. Our Optical Department is Complete Our Optical Service is in Personal Charge of Our Registered Op- tornetrist, R. M. Mitchell. Ses Mitchell and See Well Open Evenings During December R. M. Mitchell & CJo. THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Bowmanville Ont. Phone 92-Nigbts and Sundays 280 Gifts Woi Every No doubt you were said during the busy shop "I am going to do my shol get what 1 want, rather t] minute. when I have to ta AUCTION SALES BURKETON SOLINA Wednesday. Deceniber 7th-Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ralim and fam-i Mr. lÈrank Pascoe visited Toronto J. Brunt, Lot 27, Con. 7, Darlington, ily, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rahm andifriends. ill seli ail of bis farmi stock, impie- Walter, Mr. and Mrs Walter Cich- eIrs. W. E. Pollard. Salemi, with nients. etc. Sale at 1 p. m. See rafle and babe, Bowmanville, motorcd Mr. Roy Langmaid. bis. T: eo M. Slemon, Aucti--ne--r. to Toronto and were guests of Mr. Mrs. N. Yellowlees visîted hier _____and Mrs. S. J. Pediar and aiso visit-mteMs ain rmtn I d their son, Clarence Rahni of West- mohen, MPris.Cation, Brapton. Thuraday, December th-Mr. J. Ion. THoer "niess of Poppyland" th H. Power, Lot 19, Con. 1, Darling- 1 A highly respected resident of TrnTedy eebrGh ton, will seli ail of his farmn stock,i this neighborhood, in the person of Mr. and Mrs. John Wonnacott vis- imipiements, large quantity of bouse-1.Mns. Mabel Adams, passed away on ited Mr. Wilfred Wonnacott. Lam- hold furniture, etc. Sale of funni- Saturday, October 22, aged 45 years. beth. ture te start sharp at 12 o'clock She wvas a daugiter of John and Mary Several from here are attending, noon. Sec bis. Theo M. Siemon, Martin of Haydon, w-ere she was the Leadership Training Classes in Auctioneer. 1 born and where she lived until ber Bowmanville. mî111riaîe. The funerz%! service was Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 'Mackey, Mr. WOD ALSheld ýi, Burketon Chui-ch and was Howard Mackey, Brookiin, recently WOO SAESatttîîded by a Lg number of visited Mr. H. E. Tink. Tuesay, Decmber 6tbMr.relatives, neighbons and friends wîîo Tuesay, Decmber 6thMr.camne te pay their -espect to one wh , Mrs. Thomas Williams, Cosarea, Lorne Simpson, Lot 26, Con. 8 ' Dar- asti-edobrvlt rngu Mrs. Frank Orchard,Enniskiilen, call- ington, wiil seli 5 acres standing 'a - gidsebeey obin ~ d on friends bere last week. mixe tiberniotlyhardwood, in bier faiily biut been eut off when mi'aceltime, moorstl al a thev -<-,old have beexi able to repay, Remember the Parcel Post in the 1 P M acre otssmore o . Slematlin a measure. ber faitbfui care. Rev. Sons' Hall on November 30, under' i m Sc bus. The. M Slm-E. B. Cook, Ennis3ki:îeî . had charge the auspices of the Women's Institute on, Auctieneer. of the service. Be-sides ber aged1 paren'- she leave., four chîdrýe il, Mr. and Mrs. Will Found, Bow- Friday, December 2nd-W. B. Pol- Enri, George, Char1ez3 and Bernice, manville, Mrs. D. Yellowlees, Col-ý lard, Lot 19, Con. 9, Darington, ise txo brothers, Wil' and Gord n umibus, visited at Mr. N. Yellowlees. will selI by auction about 6 acres of Martnand four sisters, Mrs. Elias MsFakCyemn hws standing mixed tîmber, some suitable Strutt, Mrs. B~, Mrs. Wotten în M for umbx'. Saleat.1.3 p.m. Sc Ms. ergson. Man ioeMy . and Mns. Harry Jose and Master birls. Teo . Sl t13 .m e r. egsn ln (vl onaId, Newcastle, visited Mr. Chas. bil. Te .Siemon, Auctioneer. flowers adorned the casket. Smith. 47-2 j TYRONE Mr. Russel Reynolds, Mr. Nelson Reynolds and Master Howard, Tor- Monday, Deceniber 3th-E. S. Nl.WlimSape pn h onto, visited at Mr. A. J. Reynolds'i Trimm, Lot 13-14, C'on. 7, Darling- Mn ilim tp!asnn tjd Mr J. T. Rundle's. ton, a baif mile west cf Tyrone, wvil weekend in Toronto and attended a r. seli a quantity of miixed timiber by thie Royal Winter :iair. Mr. and IMn. Arthur Milson met witb public auction. Sale at 1 p. m. Mrs. A. W. Annis, Adelaide and very painful and senious accident Terms will be inncnc-2d at time cf Lorne, visited bier brother, Mr. J. A. last Thursday when bis tracton over-1 sale. Tbeo M. Siemozi, Auctieneer. McFeeters, Toronto,. .. Mr. and Mrs turned. He is in Bowmanville' 47-2* .Artbur Smith an.i family, Raglan, Hospital and we wish bim a speedy ¶visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. recevery. Scott. . .. Mn. A. W. Clemens andI______ Mnýi. J. C. Alldread visited friends in THE BIG PRAD>Ei Toronto .... Mn. Brenton »McCui- FA ERATN ON 'lough. Oshawa, spent Sunday at _______ATENTON Counting in days of shopping op- home .... Mn. Richard Gibbs bas re- Plenty of good ceai at C. N. Sta- portunities, Christmas is just 27 days turned home from the West... . Miss tien, Tyrone. away-time to stant cempiling sbop-11Iaz.el Turner and Mr. Floyd Dudley Delivery made promptly t n ping lists and examining Cbristmas visited hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. customer. Order at once. off erings. Turner, C laremont. ...Rev. Mn. Bowmanville folk would find selec- Bleombour, Pontypool, preacbed an R. H. Coliacott, Phone 181r12. tien langer and easier by starting excellent sermon here Sunday even- 45-ti. now te fil Christmas needs. Read ing from the words "Then Thou the advts-and shop early. shaît make tby way prospenous ani then thou shait bava, good success", ________________ Joshua 1:8, Miss Evelyn Brent fav- oured with a sole ... . League service wjll be withdrawn this week on ac- count of Teachers' Training Class in B owmanville,.,*. Dn't forget the Win One Ciass Bazaar Concert and cafeteria tea on Nevember 30th... rth h i e Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid rth Wile wilhold their meeting on Novemberi 30thwhenMrs. H. M. Aitkin, Tor :)R intowilladdress themeeting. Thie Purse or the Churche Vestry at 2.30 p. m. r Person We would ask for ail memfters te be present as the tickets will be Personality drawn for tbe exchange of Christ-. mas gifts. Everybody welcoinc. 1 A bazaar and cafeteria tea under C asa iauspices of the "Win One" S. S. C a sa one f th man Who Class will bc held in the Community one ± ~ anyHall, Tyrone, on Wecinesday evening, ýping season of last year: November 30th., commencing at 7.00 Teeaejs pping early next year and o' lcksarp. A1go1dprograni Ter ae us ,an leave it until the iast being7 prepared. No charge for, ad- ing mission but bring a full purse and ake what is left". spend freeiy. Remember thesi You will admit that it is mighty hard to ex- press your personality in your gifts unless you can give the matter thought and consideration. A visit to our store will find us on the alert to help select gifts that wili just suit the friends for whom it is so difficuit to buy, and we can as- sure you of a hearty welcome at ail times, whether you are shopping or buying. We have such an array of new goods this year that it is impossible to illustrate ail of them in our booklet, but we have selected a few ofrthe items in order to convey to you an idea of their general character and values. Will be pleased to mail you one on request. We would suggest that you inspect our dis- play before the goods have been picked over, as you will feel much better satisfied in getting just "what you want" rather than in taking "what is jleft." Our display of Christmas Cards is larger than ever this year-Beautiful Cards from 5c upwards *W. T. ALLEN FBig 20 Bookstore Bowmanville Mild Weather Conditions Force This Sale 100 Men's Blue Overcoats Regular $35 and $37.50 guaranteed Indigo Blue, Sizes 35 to 44, for $25-00 S. G. Chartran One Door W est Bell Telephone Office PHONE 26 BOWMANVILLE HAMPTON Miss Marjorie Niddery, Bowman- ville, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Steele, Bracebridge, visited hîs son, Mr. B. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wallace are enjoying a trip to Philadeiphia. Hear "Princess of Poppyiand" at Tyrone, Tuesday, December 6th. Miss Annie Allun, Bowmanville, has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch. Mr. R. Westaway, Cameron, is visiting bis daughter, Mrs. Grace Clatwortby. A maIe quartet by Messrs. T. Sait- er, W. Wilbur, W. W. Horn and Lewis Cryderm;an, assisted our choir Sunday evening. We welcomne to our village Mr. and Mrs. Peter Movik and family wbo are living on a farm, recently vacatel by Mr. Ozaduk. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perrott and family, and Mrs. Ludkin visited with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Ludkin and Miss Doreen Perrott remained for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Glover and son, Laverne ,and Miss Lottie Wil- liamson, Toronto, and Mn. Guy Wil- liamson, Mount Forest, visited at W. W. Horn's on Sunday. Mr. A. E. Billett made a business trip to Fenelon Falls and Burnt River during the weekend. Miss Grace i Akister of Sunderland, is visiti ngl with her cousin, Miss Retta Billett. Mr. and *vrq. W. Wilbur, Mr. T. Salter and daugter, Mrs. H. Peters, provided thc music at Eldad Sunday afternoon in th.e absence of their own choir, who were assisting in the music at McCrea's Church. The Hampton community departed frorn the common round of rural life. on Friday evening, November l8th iA conipany of over sixty lay citizens were hanquetted l)y thc ladies of the W. M. S. of t!ic village. The tab- les were l)ountifullY and sumptueus- ly spread in the qcbool room of the Urnitedl (hurch. It was a'time of good feliowsbip with nothing lacking in menu or program. The ladies served a dainty and abundant sup- per wbich was made enjoyable with community singing, as well as violin selections provided i)y Messrs. C. H. Wallace and Wallace Horn. Thel after supper program took the form~ of toasts interspersed by vocal solos rendered aiily by '.%r. R. M. Mitchell of BowNniainville. Mr. W. W. Hor, toastmastcr, proposed one to "The King". It was followed hy another toast to "Our Country', moved by Mr. F. J. (ront and responded to by Mr. Hilton Peters. These addresses full of the spirit of patriotism pre- pared the way to consider the place of the church in national life. This responsihility feli upon Mr. George Barron who lifted the church to ai high plane in community and coun- try. Dr. Peter Bryce, Secretary of the Central Board of the Mainten- ance and Extension Fund of the Un- ited Church responded ably te the toast proposed ,the chixrch. The laymen of Hampton are working loy- alIy to iet their share of the cir- cuits allocation of $2100 to the M. and E. Fund. MAPLE GROVE Miss Winnie Rickard, Newcastle, spent the weekend with Miss Greta M t Quite a number from herearat tending the Royal Winter Paar in Toronto. Miss Nellie Snowden spent theI weekend witb Miss Josephine McIn- doo, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. James Spicer, Toron- to, visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs L. C. Snowden on Sunday. Miss Mary Foley, Garden IMiss Mabel Stevens spent the end with Misses K. and M. Toronto, and attended the Winten Fair. Hilli, week- Weir, Royal Visitons: Mns. F. Chantier, Jan- -etville, at Mr. J. Hobbs'; Mrs. Brad- iey, Haydon, wbe bas been visiting at IMn. B. Ferguson's Fkas returned homne; Rev. J. F. Clugston, Colum- bus, Mn. and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Mrs j Muirson, Miss Deanborn and Miss Benner, Columbus, at Mn. James Stark's; Mr. and Mrs. H. James. Columbus, at Mn. J. HepburnI's; M. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert visiting at Pont Penny; The beef ring which bas been geing continuously for nearlyI 130 vears elected Mn. George Ormis- ton, President, and L. C. Pascoe, Sec- -retary, for another e.....Rv.J 3,,Cugston, Columbus, conducted rour Thanksgiving services bere on Sunday delivering two good practical sermons. Mn. C lugston wouid be a welcome visiter at any time. The Columbus United Choir with 'tns. H L. Pascoe as organist, nendered very appreciative music. The choir wvill i aIse be welcomed again.... .Mr. John MeCulloch bas purchased a radio ... 1 Mn. Morley Gilnoy bas started te build his new bouse. .. .Col. E.E. Snider, Port Hope, inspected our scbool last week.1 THIS LOOKS GOOD MANY A HUNGRY APPETITE WILL BE SATISFIED WITH THIS MEAT Cawker's Choice Christmas Meat wili again be featîîrcd on many festive tables the coming Yuletide season. Here are some purchases we have made for our Christmas trade: 2 Heifers from Len Richards, Salem. 2 Heifers from Thos. Baker, Solina. 2 HeifLers and :3 Steers from W. H. Gibson, Newcastle. 1 Baby Beef from Len Richards, Salem. This young beast is certainly a dandy and is the eqilal of many prize animais'showri at the Royal Winter Fair. 1 Baby Beef from Cari Billings, Orono. 12 Ewes and Wether Lambs from Frank Werry Bethesda. CUSTOMERS-A WORD 0F WARNING To you folks who want a good Duck, Goose, Turkey or Chieken for Christmas we wouid ad- vise you to place your order early. Tel] us just what you want and we'll have it for you. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butc hers Bowmanvilie Clarence S. Mason's Little Shoppe With The Large Stock HERE IS ANOTHER EY mSAVING MESSAGE FOR 27 WOMEN tJanuary Sale Prices in the middle of November 27 Cosy Comfortable Winter Coats left in our shoppe-and we are offer- gthem this week at savings which speak for themselves. se are ail high class Coats--new this season-ali Fur Trimmed-ai ,mly Interlined-and offered for quick clearance at the following greatly reduced prices. $25.OO Coats Clearing For $16,e75 There are just three of these ieft-one Chestnut shade-one Wine and one Castor-with Mandel and Thibetine Pur Trimming-they were excellent values at $25. In order to clear them out this wveek we off er them for $16.75 $35.OO Coats Clearing For a $25.OO0 Seven Coats of Suedine-Broadloth-Pinpoint-Imported Tweed and Duvetyne, with Shawi and Boister Collars and Cuifs of Thibetine and Mandel Fur-Our regular $35 Coats-we need the roomn for Christmas goods so you can take your choice for $25-00. $40.OO Coats Clearing For $27.e50 Just four of these ieft, the materiais are 'Velabioom-Pinpoint and Jmported Tweeds -with Coilars and Cuifs of high class Purs including Fox-our regular price was $40.00. Needing the space for Christmas goods we are sacrificing them for $27.50 $49.e50 Coats Clearing For $35.OO Nine only, distinctiy Individual Model Coats of the highest grade Engiish Chinchilla- Velabloom-Needlepoint and Caravan Coats. Trimmed with Lynx-Ringtail Opposum- Sable Opposum and Carracule Furs. Good value at $49.00. In order to get our money back we off er them for $35.00. One Coat of French Broadcloth, Iavishly trim med with Mink Opposum, the reguliî'price was $52.50, NOW $37-50 One Coat of French Broadcloth with Black Skunk trimming, We will let you have it for $40.00. 1O Camel Hair Coat with real Sable want the room so you Regulaî'ly soid at $52.00. Collai, a beautiful garment, was $67.00. We can have it for $50.00. Another very beautiful coat of Mohair Wool, light in weight but, Collar and Cuifs of Platium Grey Wolf are simpiy gorgeous. value at $89.00. We consider the woman who secures it fo fortunate. A deposit of 25%o of the purchase 0f course price will insure our holding your Watch ou coat for two weeks. Womer ~e Lita 14)~L C 1-5 Coal warm as toast. The fur The garment was reai wr $65.00 wiil be indeed ýe this is a cash sale- uxr window we change it often. We Shoppe- EIOWNANVILLE ONT'A 1 Excl ts -Suits- Dresses-Hosi ergj -G ecialst ini IVome]nes.Rpprel usive but not Lxpensive 31 oves - Underwe ar -Etc. 1 Phone 614 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TTIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1927 PAG]q FOUR 1 Il

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