I 's *1 Perfectly ba1ianced-auverb i n flavour. Banking and Profit Wherever gooda are bougbt and sold Banking bas a service ta render -a service whicb simplifies transac- tions and ronders them more profit- able. During more than fifty yearî of constructive banking practice the Standard Bank of Canada bas but up throughout tise Dominion a loyal clientele who have learned ta rely on this Bank's services. STANARD BANK 0IF CANAMA 1 i fl BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-D. L. Weese, Manager l Branches also at Newcastle, N.wtonville, Orono, Oshawa Ithis Coal Proposition Bothering You? Don't worry around less coals-get the coal th~ for home use- LEHIGH ANTHI Ià3 full of heat-it is e burns long and evenly-a ways-order a load toda3 APPLES WANTED FOIR J. A. HOLGJ Builders' Supp Phone 153 or 202 Gypron 1-ireproof Wailloard. Gypro( rooîn l)riglat an-I frî.-rh. 'l zakefs aîy, and heat proof. ris brongebt arsdli Write for fCes brrmkle-\Niy lrrme. - It iP ut n iî-ulatirmg iirir]irg anri hmii 20 to 40 perrCeab THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., For Sae John A. Holgate & Son with unbranded, name- at is produced and sized RACITE COAL and it gives full value al- v-you will like it. Z PEELING PURPOSES &TE & SON plies and Fuel Bowmanvill MakeOld Roomis New MAI<E your attic into extra sleepng quartera or a cbil- dr-ns play-roomi.t Gvproc wiIl givc youî brigisî,0 conifortable extra roonisaut small COSt.d Riglit ox-er dainage<i wall ' and toriil,-fied le l 5miIlIi l(t ViijI CwîiliiiuI r eilîinrs .ill limîkO îteryi tiecorît i. 1- ir(iprmî<if t mld p1retrf d iglitecst ini 11lain g ioahiiîri kiîown. LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 15m f WdIboard ce By -Bowmanville, Ont. .ook's Regulating Cornpoundi A iufe, ,-liobl. rog"lbg. slIdicino. Sald in tiree de- jý-sta of treigth-No. 1, 81g1 '0d283; No. 3 M perbox. &là &Il druggorsn ee pa onleit Addein î eez a pl ect ofddre. THE COOK<MEDICINEO., e ~tOflNT,ONT. uvaerlyWiudumr -1 wODS PHOSPHODINE.- * dTomesagaîd r.etgraîrs lthe whoie rervous sYstemn makers new Bltood i n od Veins. Used for eou Deblty, Miental and Bt-mn Wory, Depondencv, Lais of Ene,-j. Palpitation of fholHeart, FiligMenuory. Price82 pei box, 3. (or $5.lSold by alldruggisto, or mailed in plain pkg. onrecrupl of pric. Neutpamphlitmaled I.Tu ~ie.KWOS MICINE COJTORONTOONT. PAGE si.x It Wil Delight You lie A E ilAi! Ishouid say '"fhank you, coflener. To express our lnanks openly do"s sot mean we are subordinatre 10 an-!I other, it will sot humiliale us; raîher; it lifts us Up placing us above thse level of heasts wbo cas oniy show- their Ihanka by devouring their f "'d, and is keepisg in good h-alth .af s-r J aur care for tbom-we can dIo Ibisï too witb no moîre verbal expîressiomn of thanka. How many limes wc have lnings donc for us, given tus us, and thoughs and anxieties centrcd uplîn us whicbi w e taku- ail for grant-d, îînly bçcom- J ing annoyed if by chance some little I duty las ot on lime, or is ilone badly! ( hiliren, toi,, nighl say "thank you", more frequenlly, instrcad of taking aIl they can get and dernand- isg more, with no thougbl for the mother antI father wI.o do so nsuch foi- them. Thankfubsess should hc shows and foît the w-booeycar Ibrougis, not onbyl fotr on(- day or one season. The worlîl \ould ho the happier for it. ,Your loving AUNT SUSAJN.! Editor's Note-This leIter sboasbd! have appeared earlier but dicl sot 1 roacis us for Thanksgiving Day; but, il is 100 good nol b publish. 1 Every cart-ful andI observant mot- ber knows, whisn ber child sufera from w<rns. She also know-s that if imonrî-medy ho not speî-îily applied mucb barm wlli resuIt to tise infant. An excellent preparalion for Ibisr purpose is Miller's Worm Powdlersn Tbey drive worms frîîm the syste an-I set up stimulatisg and sotbingi offccts, so that the cbild's progreas thereaftor la painbess and satisfylng. r smai! (if my bac< and thse weakness f rom which 1 suffered for five years after my ho y was born. After takin g thf- Vas g-table Compound and usin g Lydia e. Pinkham's Sanative Wash i arn fei-Iing better than I have fcîrthe p)ast RsevOf years, and advise my fri(g-nd4 tritake it."- Mrs. F.JOtsNSON, 4<3 Moore Street, St. Thomua, Onst. c LESSON No. 18 Question: Why is emu!- j sified cod-Iiver oil so needful for a child who is pale and losing weight? Answe>-: It is food and tonic ricb in vitanîirs and! other nourishing factors that are particularly helpful to a weakened child. For your child-old rcliab!e SCOTT'S EMULSIONj A pleasant <vont lîuuk place Mon- day evening, Noveniber 14, us the scboîd room of Park St. Crisrcis, at regular practise (of S. S. Orchestr-a.~ andl where un pretense oif an active quilting party the %vives andl faniili2s, of nsemIîeîs of the orchestra had gathi-rel. 'Tablels werî- laid fuir an elahîuratc- bnbhonandl aI the con- clusioîn of prîscise tise rcestra svas insvite-î tii the tabîles wht-n leader, Mr A. .1. Knox, %vas grtatly taken lîy lilir-as Mr. D)avid Siiut,, anuse andl reau an muolîgistic aîlîrr-ss ex- pressise of apîîreciationof in îeîîhc rs of tisemorchestra in lis elbiCirOt andI unitinîng effort,,; as instroctir anil leader. Nolrmlan Allen, lin hlîaf of th(-i>- smisîrs prî.seiîîi-îlMr. Knuox ,wiih a large handsmmt- sîîi livaIbei nmusic case witb moograns îiîscr;beul. -Nrs. Knoux was alsti re-niîîervd w'lh a hanîîsuifa.boiuqîuet îof -11111s's pro- sentei-il wM i-s Agnes W.îdîlli. M r. Knotx ils rîîly spuike oif ise pleasure wb in 1.ie Iaîl îe n il df ruinbis Wl>rk in înîlîavuiîîring lu, iissart tîsi- rudi- mente of mulsic t bebginîîer'i, bis îîsv loiveo f thse wimrklî-ing bis groat re- colmpense, anad his 1ride in t helisres- ent orchestrai.'Bright lhappy ltO- es fuuiiow-ed i)y severCîl leading nsem- hers oîf tise orc1 estra. Dîun't Subnsiltii Asthna. If ynu sufer without hope of breaking the chains w-hich binil you (Io sot put off another day the purchase of Dr. J. D. Kellîg$gs.' Ronsedy. A trial will drive away aIl doulît as te ils effi- cîency. The sure relief that cornes ýwiIl coovisco you more than any- tbing that cas be writton. When heip is s0 sure, wby sufer? This matchless ressedy is sold by dealers everywbero. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1927 CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUl<rCL FORGETTING ORONO Councl net oan November 1, Reeve Philippians 3:13 Froni The News of November l7th) Holnian pî-siding, and menibers ail, r Miss Lizzie Epps is visiting ber present except Mr. Luxon. The hardsbips whieb have marked our'sister in Toronto. Minutes o atmeeting read and iMs .waAln h a be l on motion reot landa td The sorrows whicb îve once deplor- I-Ms .T lnah a ez i recivd ndadptd.ed, ., is now on the mend. C on municat ions were readl from: The storms which spoiled the sum-- Mr. and Mis. James Patton of Pediar Pteople, Ltd.; Directors of; mer day, ýToronto, are spcnding a few days 13owniaîitville Hospital; Account De- The times our merits were ignared J witb her sister, Miss Bella Watson. partisent Publice Hîghway's; Thomas j O Lord on whom our love is set, Mrs. 'roîslinsîîn of New York, has Scott, Director Amusement Bran ch- Let us forget, lot us forget. I s-tuî-ned tii her hume after visiting es; J. D. MeMillan, Superintendent,(ei Belleville Djivision C. N. Railway; The faults and failures of the past, r ber sister, Mis. , isy. Sixtlî Line. George Greci-, Superintendent Coun-' The deeds whjch cannot be undone jMis. Fenning -wî-th lier son and ty Roads. Fiîed. The bindrances beforo us cast, daugh ter. Master John and Miss Ruth Neil F. MacNachtan, Countiesf h agr wihw ald os etave il Is.jmy it Clr, earlîs instane~tw r shun; ,,, Line. Cler, rgaringadmttace f ýil-:. The poisoned snare, the nîuaen net,' Miss Catrine Townley and Dor- liam Hawth or-ne as a patient if Bow-1 Let us forget, ]et us forget. îîthy Menzies of Fenelon Falls, are nianville Il îseital to which the clerk r r was nstruets'd ta rt'ply stating thsst The burtful things about us said. spending the week with Mrs.. O. W paten i aresident of Clarko. i The words which caused us grief 1 Rolph. AE.Wlo.aetGlobe Indci-1 and bass,1 The Ladies' Aid of Park St. Unit- nity Co., reclaiîss of Ray Thornton, in The scencs wbich filled our souls witb i cd Chur-ch arc holding their annual whic.,, they acknowlcdge nc liability droad, hbazaar in the Town Hall on Satur- oni behalf of the township. The promised gold wbîch turned; day, Noveinber 26tb. S. R. Hart & Co. Ltd., will i-oc-ive to dross; 1 Miss Foster, Prînc:pai of the Pub- the re for assessîssent and Col- Vain would it bo for such ta fret: 1 lie Scîsool, was called home, etwing lector's Roll for use in 1928. Let us forget, let us forget. to tise deatb of ber grandfatheî-, Mr. The Globe Indeminity Ci), state- The tisses wben somo opposient John Foster at ,Bownsaîsville. ment showing the audit of this TolIn- gained F. W. Bowen, M. P., attended the shiîs for the past two yeasrs. For What wve had w-on at highest costAil Canadian Producth dinner given the year 1926 an excess duc the The times aur hoarts were sorely by the MÏiiister of Agriculture, Hon. company of $23.63, w-hich was order- pained X.R Motherwell, at the Coliseuni, cd paid. Because some hard-won field was Toronto, this week. JC. J. Mitchell addressed council in lbat,Mr dPie adhsonH ry referenceo to arrears of taxes against 1 The tinses when amiles with frowss rnt, e.Pid e an bis somHay five acres of Lot 15, Concession 1. were met ;troto, enly ad raunced from a Matter-%vas laid over. Lot us forget, ]et u.3 forget. tî-ipta Enlandin d France, speknt an The comnittee appointed und1<er Ifwhusi on ohloigu resolution 617 reportod as followvs:lThe things which hindered aur suc-J the pink of hlealth. ,That the 'Municipality allow the cul-1I csMs .H edo onavle vrt nqeto ob asdt sfi The earnest wish that was denied l is visiting Airs. Stanton. We hope cient height so as to leave six ccri !In view of that toward which we that during ber stay the pure fresb $etfo otî fsra bcarontpress"n lie; air wil ho beneficial to ber bealth lsetfi otto f tr. m ed olTbese may inooliivgld;ihich bas been rather poor of late. mencng he wrk n areenentas Since Thou, O Lord, art wstb us yet, Mr. Howard Walsh returned borne moningthewor a ageonontasLet us forget, lot us forget Studay last from the West w-bore to furtber detail of supplies, con-!r -. so. hewot sihte avser.We struction and maintenance be smade T ato.b en ihth avser.Wet ou gn ined by the inretdridtonOt.197 he reports ,is a muchi better sample parties. than that ofs last year un Saskatche- George Chater w-as gis-en a letter iIW8fl. of occupation for the road alow 'eI E z m Mr. John Rickaby surprised bis ances running oast and north of the!l LasEc e aS nn red ydopn ontw Temporance Hall, Leskard, untu l 1y for a friendly chat Tuesday after- such time as it is required for use JInl 7 iays or Lessl noon, bis sight being restored by tihe by the Municipality. Carried.J recent operation, after nise montha The following bills were passe d almost total blindnes. fand paid: 1 OR YOUR MONEY BACK1 Zffiss Sadie Brown is spesding a R. H. Wood, caretaker ...$ 15.00 1_____ opeo ek ibbranMs I Jhn eny, oadSut.,fo Here is a surgeon's wonderful pre- Jas. Brown and brothers, Messrs. R. October.................. 96.50 1 scriptiois now dispensed by pharmait H. and John D. Brown. Miss Brown Jobs Henry, road account for Jcists at trifling cost, that wlll do more w-ho ha s been attending at the bled- Octber.............43.6 j owards b elping you get rid of un-, sîde of ber aunt ait London expecta A. J. Sou, sheep damge. 77.00*) sightly spots and skis diseases than'ý shortly to returis 10 New York. Fred. Grah, s350 daags. rn- anything you'v lever used. Cati ngus Staîker received ent for Newlonville walks. 213.50 Not only does this great healisg the announcement of the marriage due Company pay roll antiseptic ail promote rapid and on Thursday, November lOth, of bis A. E. Wilson & Ca., excess lsealtby bealisg in open sores and1 nepbew, John Douglas Staîker, eldest audit---------------------23.63 wounds, but boils, abeesses and ul-1 son of Dr. Malcolm Staîker, Walker- Council adjourned ta meet agais cers that are discbarging are almoat ton, and Miss Eva Rose Stocker, os Wednesday the 29th day of No- irnrediately relieved and cleanly daugbter of Mrs. Samuel Stocker of vember at 2 p. ms. healed. Toronto. A. . Sapls, .J.Holan, In skis diseases its action is little Mr. Wyrvan Reid and bride (see A. J Stales, M.J.Hoiranless thas magical. The itcbing of Ms lrneSiso) eundls Clerk. Reeve. oczema is instantly atopped; the er-l Miss florence Sinsonetuonedltrp uptios dry and scale off in a very i Wednesday previaus ta their mar- AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER f ew days. The sarne is true of riage a bout thirty lady friends met _________barbers' îtcb, sait rbeurn and other' at ber borne and presested ber witb My Dear Niece,-Thaskfulness irrîtating and ussightly skis troub- la miscellaneous shower wbicb includ- must corne from the heart if its out- les. ed rnany useful asd beautiful gifta, 'You can obtais Moone's Ernerald and an enjoyable tinse was apent. ward expression la ta be sincere and Oil in the original bottle at any ssod- We received a card one day tbis lasting. lern drug store. -_It is saf e ta use, week from Mn. John Arrnstrong, Wbat la tbe use of the grat 'show and failure in any of tbe ailments frorn Seattle, Wash., dated Novem- o f tbanksgiving-tbe feasin'g, about-1noted above is next ta impossible, ber 5th. Wbîle un Victoria, B. C., Iisg and singing arnidst the inter- Jury & Loveil cani supply you at any tise day previous John had the pleas- mingling of friends if it lasts but ti'me. ure of meeting a former popubar Or- for aone short season! _________________ na boy, Mr. Will Newaom, who is The churcb services have bymna stili very mucb interested in the old wt euiu odfulof gratitude PA N M I home town and the people, ihn and thaiskfulness wbicb rnany of us LLta be remembered toa al ad frieîsds. do not trouble to understand--aing-PA N L The Openetta "The Princesa of ing tbern with our lips wbilst ou r u r Poppyland" given is the Town Hall bearta are antagonistic ta wbat we *U. Ul here os Friday, November llth aisd are saying. OVEUIBODY I lu, passed off un brilliant style. We mingle witb our friends and The chorus work un tisse, volume, relatives at a table covered with the tT M ~ ~ enunciation, and dasb was splendid, best the land and cooking cas pro-ToMr u of Femicfhe B while the solos, duets and trios were duce, and are ofleri enviaus and jeal- uss Reieed by Lydia E Pjnk.. w-ell taken and very attractive. This ous of others wbo may bave fared play will be given is Bowmanville botter during the pasl year than we ham's Vegetable Coinpouad on Monday, November 28tb. bave done. Your Home Medicine Cbest .- We feast wbibst others w-e know I Barrington, N. S.-'I had terible Arnong the standard bousebold rom- are starving-tb in king only of our- feelings, beadachea, back and aide edies that should always bo on hand s ielves and our well filled graner- aches and pains all over rny body. 1 is your home medicine cbest, nase jles and cellars. This s Snot real would have to go to bed every month la more important than Dr. Tbomas' tbankfolness, il is only an exhibition. and nothing would do me gaod. My Eclectrie Oil. Its manifold useful- J Soeonesaid10 e tie rber ay: baad and rny father did my workc nesa un relioving pain and bealing Somonesai tome he fohr?'ay for me as 1 have two children and sickness is known by rnany thous- r "Wbat bave 1 to be tbankffor? we' have quite a big place. 1 read in anda Ibrougisout the land. Always ; and there followed a long ennumera- tise paper about Lydia E. Pinkham ' se r bma ccti i o e tiol nd oftrmaied. 1isn <tS Ve etabie Cornpouzîd, and then got a leigreiai n i pi rel n iagnd.ilittie book about it througb the mail, lîevîng srhoum at and iic pais, But eaeii one of us must have and my husband sent ta Eaton's n ra tinco gso re tbradtsand chet I amething for which ta be thankful got me a bottle, and thon we elot cougsha scadcta rie for ;it is onvy, jealousy, discontent- more from the store. I amn feeling aed'arains r ment and a pesiimistic outiook on 1 fine now and do ail my work and arn Orono Loîlge 100.OF. No. 436 was life that shuls our eyes ta aur bles-' able to gooout around more. 1 telrny visited on Tuesday evening by brot- ings.finsiti i . Pinkham'tsVeg- bers frorn Oshawa, Bowmanville, Often the pooirer people are the sowell. "-MrsVICTOR RICHIARDSON, Eari Bowman of Cobourg, D.D.G.M moehappy and tbankful than are Barrington, Novs Scotia. of Durham District No. 42 was tho riais. prescrnt with bis îegree tearn and put 1Each day there is something for Dull Pains in Back on some very fine degree work. AJ whicb we ougbt 10 give tlianks if we St. Thomasq,Ont - **I took four, very enjoyabie lime was spent. could but see it; but w-o nover thinkl boutles of Lydia E. Pinkbass's Vege- There will also bc ilegrce work put about it, taking everytbing for grant- î table Compound and found great re- on ut thse next meeting, December 6. ed and still demanding more. We lif from. the dl, heavy pains in the Be sure tii attend. /?adioP&rfeed Wlsen radio broadcasting was insttuted by Westinghousae as a menins of glving ta the world its urnivers&a, benefite and ..esures, thc goal af batteryless operatian was net. Thc foremast vacuum tube engineers af the continent have devoted their scientific knowledge anid experience to this end for over six years ira Westinghouse laboratorces, and et lent bave perfected a tube which aperates directly from the Iight socket. Now you cas own eitlser a five tu6e or six tube Westing- bouse recciver that caste less ta boy and lesasta operate thars bas ever been offered before. In tlem you will fisd excellence of toise, higlh selectmsety- extreme distance and full volume, combined with simplicity af operation, pleasing design and the guarantee af satisfaction by the Pioncers af Radia. These new msodels are on display in our store. Let us give you a demonstration in your borne without cost or obligation. HARRY C. ALLEN King St. West Bowmanville Westinghouse PIONEERS IN RADIO Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART ocep nly "B1ayer" packag whidi contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer," boxes of 12 tablete obttIe. of 24 and 100-Drzggiota. Aiwlrtu la the tUade mark (rettatered la Canada) orByr0fuatr r (oete acldeater of saiteyllcacld (Acetyl saîlcylle Actd, -4. .A,) *i tt o nw that Ampitn main. Bayer manutaetur, te amaet th. public agalnét ImIltation., 811e Tablea et Bayer Omouai wiuS» be atamped with tWer amoeral trade mark, the "Bayer Ol'oa." Over 500 Stores - Canada's Largest Retail Grocers SSpecial Introduction of Aylmer Brand Canned Dominion Stores PIlflPkif 3 fo-29)c T EA S Frcsb Milled N i G ih the TeRol1ed Oats4b..1 9C j-impue bienS, of te., nat . p s, nrî - tt-oe .ltmttsg~ rmr.n er b"y iwer huet t""Y otre tee hite Satin 24-lb. Bag9 phase ofh Ttrit a nd2Yt<2 ~ ~r.- Pastry r assure you of suppiyming tire v-y irem ThTe, Macr,,h-s --y -ve-blhy FlourlI'c ~ pmcr mmrrt , mlormelpecesu y The r- mest Fo rfrP s D.S.L. Bulk-- 59c IL. club House Fry's Pure Domino Blend 69c lb. OLIVES Br-eakfa.t Engli.lmBekf.,t Sy«20-o C CO Richmello- - - 79c IL Queen 31)c C CO ~~tu4 Ce.,Pono55e --Ib. tin 25e Christe's Asorted i-16P.rikage Fnet Qualty - SBiscuits 13Sec 33c Mincemeat 2 'b- 35c New Fruits TASTY " Candies RAISINS BREAD B,. 32c'Lme IL Thontpsorm Sredirss 2 ib,.27. Tise leader of a.t - urepped Allsorts 2c l Smsemamd ,PofeSeSeded and a fhaver ail rt, OWfl Creamna -trnui Sediet', 15 ..u"'our 95b. Satin Mixed 5 PELOwn M C Chostolate Draps2 lb. Pnnm n rEgEL Makb %y Loaf Beechnut Fruit'fo a.__ Ceo dOa ngtted 27c lh -Drops tL2 _or _9 CtMxDATES 3c b Mayfield Brand Gum Drops Chotre H.11-1c 2 Mb23c ""Yooa '23 IL Kaeaan St-elces Ba o M-týhrrre SlrceS i-rom pe-11ly Sweetheart Chest CHELRMES sle.e er....Annm. d B.s.r, Ch Mtac o8 -oa . 25c b W h. e lac, 'ý lb --25c 35elb. 3-lb. 99c1-b39 Aylrner Brand Delmonte Tips Spinaeh N.. 2 lin 15e Asparagu s,,ý:ee'.. 33c SSingapore Sliced Shirriff's Bmempr Pk, Pineapple 17e tin JeIIy Powders 4-10e95c k Choice Cohoe Finest Bordeaux Shellcd SSalmion 2 for 39e Walnuts ',-Ib. 35e Frèe Si Crown or Beehrve 20-CFnniz Sat OC box ýCorun Syrun 5-l. * c 1 ' m L.L=