PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER lst, 1927 We Are! Are You ? Xmas- cornes but once a year, but are you going to be ready for it when it arrives? For months past we have been gathering from many sources, goods suitable for Xmas gifts. Perfumes, Powders, Soaps, Bath Salts, etc., from France, England, U. S .A. and Canadian made. Mirrors, Ebony and French Ivory. Manicure Pieces, ail kinds. Dressing Cases. Hot Water Bottles. Flash Lights ,every ready; and other novelties which we are glad to show you now. New goods at new lower price. We know these goods and guarantee the quality. KERSLAK E'S The Dependable Drug Store We Deliver Phone 49 Chri,%tmas Shopping Made Easy A visit to our store off ers many useful suggestions to solve the problem of what to give for Christmas. Don't besitate to corne in and look around-even if you are flot ready to buy. You'11 find here variety at prices you can afford to pay. W. J. BERRY Opposite Ives' Shoe Store Phone 207 Bowmanville These Are shop] BOWLING ALLEY NEWS MAPLE GROVE 1 DARLINGTON COUNCIL AUCTION SALES Senior League Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, Misses, Dariington Council wil bold its Name Won Lost Pins Pts Marjorie and Dorothy and Mr. Elgin! regular meeting on Saturday, Decern- 1 Wednesday, December 7th-Cecil 'l oultyJ.Brunt, Lot 27, Con. 7 Darlington, Cancilia il 7 17723 17 MNunday visited friends at Uxbridge ber 3rd at 1 p. m. owing to .oN , ill seil ail of bis farm stock, impie. Textiles 12 6 17316 16 over the weekend . .. .Miss Edna'Counci.i meeting at Cobourg on De- ments. etc. Sale ait 1 p. m. See 'Front Street 12 6 16909 15 Swaliow bas been visiting friends in'cember th. bis. Theo M. Siemon, Auctioneer. Bonnycastie 10 8 17168 14, Toronto... *,M,. and Mr.. L. C. i____ Smith 12 6 17047 14 Snowden visited their cousins, Mr. 1 hrdy eebrShM.J Foundry 7 11 16754 9 and Mrs. M. H. Staples, Orono. .Mr. ENNISKILLEN IH. Powra, Lt 9Con. 1 Da-rling- Bankers 6 12 16001 8 land Mrs. John Sanders, Westmount,PoeLt1,Cn1,Drig Tr. School 3 15 15450 31 Town, visited bier brother, Mr. W. J. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry and son t on, wiil seil ail of bis farm stock, 1 15 High Averages Snowden, on Tuesday ...Mr. and Roy, Rochester, visited Mrs. W. Oke impiements, large quantity of bouse- Mrs. John Snowvden visited bier sister, and Mr. and Mrs. John Spry last hoid furniture, etc. Sale of furni-1 P. Cancilla 2248; F. Williams 221.2; Mrs. George Stephenson, Oshawa, week .... Mr. ani Mrs. Arthur Brunt iture to start sharp at 12 o'clock C. Osborne 218.11; G. Thurston last week.... .Miss Hilda Foley, Tor: have returned from their wedding noon. See bills. Theo M. Sîemon,j 212.3; H. Williams 210.6; H. Osborne 1lonto, sperit the weekend at home. . tpadtknuweieneo h utoer 20.41; L. Renk 20.;H. Cowle Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jeffery re- Brunt fr..... .r. and Mrs. Levi!1 WOOD SALES 205.1; . Capener 23.7 W. oleturned home from their boneymoon. Brunt are living in the village ..............____ 203.1; S. Large 201.5; Dr. Bonny- We welcome Mrs. Jeffery to Our coin- Mr. William Smith and Mr. Sidney 1iFday Deceniber 2nd-W. B. Pol- castle 197.13; W. Crossey 197.7; W uiy_ Miss Susie Laird, Haldi- Neweli ieft on Monday for Bancroft' iy J. Dudley 197.6; 0. Hooper 196. 15.mad chosettewknd t to work for Hulbhel Bros., Lumber'lard, Lot 19, Con. 9, Darlington, Ladies' League home. \terchants. . .. Rev. John Bailey, wlsenig by uction b ot 6 aeo Name Won Lost Pins Pts past-secretary of the Ontario Brancb xdtme, oesial 1 ~of the Dominion Alliance, spoke bere ifor lumber. Sale at 1.30 p. nm. Sece IAllin il 1 8175 14 hbis. Tbeo M. Slemon, Auctioneer. IVarcoe 8 4 7946 12 HAMPTON last Sunday in the interests of teni-_____ Goodyear 1 6 6 7119 8 perance. An off ering wvas taken for1 usa, Dcme 6t-r Textiles 5 7 7123 7 Mrs. W. J. Ranton, Trenton, vis- the Ontario Prohibition Union......1,Lorne Sim~pson, Lo66.Cnt8h -r Front St. 3 9 6251 4~ ited with hier sister, Mrs. W J Virtue Ou." beartfelt sympathy goes out to 'lington, wil L ot 26 5 co n ,dan- Goodyear 2 3 9 6209 3 .... Miss Helen Virtue is recovering Mr. Thos. Slemon and famiiy on the inixed timber, mostly bardwood, in Hih veagsnicely from her operation for appen- death of the wife and mother wbo , / acre lots, more or iess. Sale at 10 ihAeae dicitis in Bowmanviile Hospita... . passed away early on Tuesday morn- .1 p. m. See bis. Theo. M. Slem-, U. Allun 153.8; V. Colwell 151.1 lMiss Reta Kerslake is spending a ing, after an illness of some montbs.i on, Auctioneer. E. Reader 150.5; Mrs. Wigbt 142.10; week witb relatives in Toronto,..Mrs. Siemon was a sister of Mrs.,____ Mrs. Greenfield 141.3; L. Anderson'Mr. A. E. Jennings bas sold bis resi- John Siemon and is weii-known and1 103MrM an13.;APiper.1Monday, December 3th-E. S. 1403~Mrs MMan 19.9 A Pierdence to Mr. Silas Wiliams, Solina bigbiy respected in this neigbbor- Trimm, Lot 13-14, Con. 7, Darling- sn138.3.1 *«eda to begin a nurse-mn-train-1AbzaanCferiTe de1 sel a quantity of mixed timber by PrzeWines:Me'sOpn-. ig tthe Belleville Hospital... uspices of the Ladies' Aid will be public auction. Sale at 1 p.m Wilas318; S. Wos22 e' r n Mrs. A. B. Cryderman spent beid on Tbursday, December Stb in Terms wiil be annnunced at tinmê'c League-R. ud30. Lde E.1Sna witb Mr.adsC. Smitb, t ebsmn ftecuc rmsale. Tbeo M. Slemon, Auctioneer. MeKnighr.2a5d Mrs.edLewis Allin T 30 to 8 p. nm., wben a play will be ornorecently. . ie yte CG.T grlas 138.7;DThick- large*Blnchberydrmer aift on hood. atiand aeteicA d tnmails- f yoew mavil, as ee.The neigd bas received kidfinsadneighbors, also the iTRN CECIL J. BRUNT Lais i n .M. S. who Midy YRN NOVEMBER WEDDING te seli hy public auction on the sentfloersandfruit and other Visitors: Mrs. Clara Byam, Bow- peie thnsadhle nany way during manvîlle, visited bier son, Mr. F. L. Hodgson-Davey jpeie hsrcn les Ba;Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Find-Lo27 Con. 7 Darlincr+on lyand family, Tbornbili, spent A very quiet but pretty wedding Lo 27n7 Sunday with bier mother, Mrs. E. was solemnnized on Saturday, Novem- O CR OFTHANKS Vite*b otne ut l~Ms ber 19, at Tyrone Parsonage, wben WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7th VoaE. Sbortt witb bier sister, Mrs. CalsDaeHdgool o fTbe follewing Fanm Stock, Impie- 1 wshtotak tisopportunity Of A.W. Prescott, Enfield; Mrs. T. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hfodgson, Tyrone, etEc thnigtebyelectors of West Scott visiting bier daugbter, Mrs. was united in marriage witb VernametE: Durhm fr teirgenerous support Arthur Smith, Raglan; Mr. J. H. Eiieen Davey, eldest daugbter of Mr. , Horses-Black herse, 9 years oid; shwninelctngme member fOr Mutton, Mr. R. J. Hodgson, Mr. and Raymnond Davey, aIso of Tyrone. lnfakmarewn yers, s11poed tb the Seventb Older Boys' Parliament; Mrs. B. F. Gardiner and Florence,. Rev. J .R. Trumpour, Pastor of 'p n fal; BrownJrse, Hil erspoe aIso the Rotanians and others wbo Mr. and Mrs. Levi Skinner attended rone United Cburch, officiated. Ctl-- esyHiespoe so generously put their cars at mny the Royal Winter Fair .... Mr. Har- Tbbrdwaateed y Miss to be in caîf; 4 red cows, supposed to disposai during the recent campaign. old Skinner is attending Ottawa Win- Hazel Eileen Hodgson, sister of the be in caîf; 1 red beifer, supposed to Gregory W. Colmer, Bowmaiiville. ter Fair .... A number from bere at- groom, wbile the groom was support- be in caif; 1 grey heifer, supposed tended the Teacbens' Training Ciass ed by Mr. Donald Richard Davey, to be in caîf; 1 roan beifer, just re- THE GIFT 0F GIFTS at Bownianville last week. -, Young brother of the bride. Tbe bride wore newed; 1 red beifer, just renewed; _____People's meeting as usual tbis Tburs-i a pretty embroidered sheil pink geor- 2 yearling steers; 3 yearling Gradfahe an grndothr-day at 8 p. m.f gette and lace dness and black satin heifers; 4 spring calves. yorcilnandf the i r bidre ii Do' al osetherpa-"h slippers and a rope of pearîs, the gift Sheep-8 ewes. prize a protograpb of you above any- Princess of Poppyland" on Tuesdaypoletbie gr.. e bidsmidwoe p ILs-pige, about 125 lbs. tbing else you can give tbem. Noth- December 6, under auspices of Adult paerbtue geretn ehpy i«»6- sedobehrs;1 ing more expresses your love than Bible Class. couple left mid sbowers of confettij hall set double harness. youn pbtograph-it is the next tbing o1 eo n oTrno uflo .d1 osmxdhy 3fe to you, yourself. 1 namtrti oTrno ufl, FeI2tn nxdhy 3fe ForChistasgiv yur bidre ICOURTICE 1 and other western points, the bride silo fe ed. ForChisma_____ou cilIe travelling in a taupe piusb coat trim- Implenients, Etc-Massey-Harris -and grandcildren-a pbotograph~ n r.HmeladMs med witb fur witb bat to match. binder; McCorrnick mowen; Deering of yourselves. Mark bow tbey beami Mrnd sent the wekend Peiu tMeiarigss mnr peae;Dein 3d wben you present it to them. We jDonothy, Toronto, sen hewbkn d Peis anofeds abere thbr e ae drili;3 br e iatr;13Cdis- with Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Stainton.. ho e bn frer s atniisellan eusesbuttrinl l ows e t3-orse1 dia- do the finest and most artistic of Su" hme and gavelea iclnosshtsngepw;1et3or d- I prtrit boogrphyatver reso- .. unday good congregations met in joabe pces. Bau tful mountinsrthe sanctuary. In the morning the isb ower at whicb many beautifui and mond barrows; 1 scuffler; 1 wagon, abePhon s.e 26frappintmeunt H .cburch was nicely filled and our useful gifts were received-and a very neariy new; 1 combination stock and Pastor,2Re. J.rH.pStinton, preacbd pleasant social evening was spent. bay rack; 1 gravel box; 1 net of I HmprîsPhtorahe, oreyon "Dry banes". In the evening be The bride and groom wiil reside at sieigbs; 1 fanning miii; 1 root pul- St., Bowmanvilie. based bis subject on-the poem "The Tyrone.j per; 1 sap kettie; Magnet creami sep- Roun of eave" by Franis anator; 1 cburn; Some dairy uten- Thompson. The poem was beauti- IMPORTANT SALE 0F fuliy read by Mrs. Ross Pearce before Sale at 1 P. in. Sharp Mr. Stainton gave bis addness which SCOTCH SHORTHORNS TERMS-.On Hay, Feed, Pigs, and was miost impresive .., Saturday ail sums of $15 and under, cash; over aftenoo th C..LT me atthe uesayDocmbe 6t-A inethat amount 10 montbs' credit oni ap- us I a s feron h CGLT eta te Tuaay ecihe thA fiehome of Mrs. K. E. Courtice when lot of Scotch Sbortborns is being off-1proved notes bearing 5 per cent in- B usy D aysthe election 0? officers for the coniing ered for sale by public auction at terest per annuin. year was the program f or the af ter-1 Lot 13, Ce n. 6, Reach Township, T. S. Mountjoy, Theo. M. Siemon, noon and wene as fckllows: President1 known as Thos. Barrettfa, CekActner Miss Louise Courtice; Vice-President 12 miles west of Port Peiry on ______eer -Miss Beth Gay; Secretary-Miss Tuesday, December 6th. The offering' Eva Courtice; Treasurer-Miss Vel- consists of 35 femnales and 15 youngi FARMERS, ATTENTION 1 Sma Gay; Leader-Mrs. Blake Court- buils, and is made by Mr. J. Bous- I et o odcola , .Sa ing anu early Christmas ice; Assistant Leader-Mrs. K. E. field of MacGregor, Man.* M.jPet fgodca tC .Sa rtain1y one of the busy Courtice. Mrs. Blake Cou.rticefgave Beusfield is going eut of this uei o tion, Tyrone. a belpful talk on the duiso hýusiness, and bis stock bas ee Delivery made promptiy te any 3. officers and the girls were tneated bred from the finest Scotch i ustomer. Order at once. te candy and appies and a pleasantiJancestry. He bas taken sbip- R. H. Coilacott, Phone l81r12. time enjoyed. Mrs. Courtice was ments te Port Perry on twoi45-tf. raypig ou it most entertaining in her home... . former occasions, and his stock bas This Tbursday Rev. Mr. Ross, an pleased the huyers as it bas turned Mayor T. S. Holgate came acress Y. ~~Evangelist, and Mr. Nichol, leader inieut weli . The sale is dated, ramn this sentence in bis reading andh seng, are expected and on Thursday or shine, on Tuesday, December 6 at lit was wentb publisbing: Adveri ifts was neyer so appeal- and Friday evenings of this weeki1 p. mn. and the cattie wili be soldling is the proper education of the meetings will be held in No. 8 School without reserve. Geo. Jackson &1 public as to where the tbing cani be Christmas shopping is a bouse. For the next twe weeks re- Son, Auctioneers. 48-1 found. and therefore it is a necessity. Il1vival meetings wili be conducted in ______________________________________ Ebenezer Churcb. Everybody wel- jcorne. I ______________ With the regular buy ýping our store is cer places in town these days Lots of folks are ah and having us lay them b3 Our stock of useful gi: ing or so large. Truly ( pleasure at our store. Don't forget our Toy Department. Dustan's Cash Hardware "We Serve You Well"Bomnil SOLINA Mrs. J. G. Hughes, Alton, Mrs. A. W. Gibbons, Toronto, visited their father, Mn. H. G. Argue, who is still confined te bis bed ... . Mn. A. J. Rey-j nolds and Miss Edna visited at Tor- onto.... Mn. and Mrs. John Baker and family visited at Mn. Irwin Bragg's. Providence, on Sunday... Mn. and Mrs. Sid Hockaday and Mn. Ernest, ententained about 80 of their friends to a party Wednesdayý evening. Ail had a jolly ..m.... Mn. and Mrs. Saul Hancock and Mn. Elbert Hancock, Rochester, N. Y., visited at Mn. S. E. Werny's. Miss Eveln Massey, Oshawa, spent the weekend witb Miss Margareýt M_- ~Kessock .... Mn. Nelson Cbapin, Tor- onto, visited at Mn. H. G. Argue's.. .Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Taylor are visiting Orono friends. . .. Pleased to re.port that Mn. Arthur Milîson is îrogressing as well as can be ex- l)ecte(l. .. . December meeting of PWomen's Institute will be heid in thel churc h on Thunsd ay afternoon, De- cember 8th at 2 p. m., when the ne- port of our delegate, Mns. R. Ormis- ont, to the central convention wili be given. Roll Cail "Inexpensive Christmas Gifts". Everybody wel- corne..Our League expect te visit Mlaple Grove League on Wednesday, Decemben 7th ..Mrs. W. H. West- lake is unden the doctor's cane. We wish hon a speedy recoveny..Mr. and Mrs. Waddell and Miss Tucker,l Orono, Mrs. Spencer Woods, Miss Elinor Wood and Mn. Chambers, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mrs. MacCari- ton and four cbildnen, from New Ontario, recently visited at Mn. and Mns. J. R. Kivell's. We Found This remedy, Mrs. Sybiiia Spahrs Tonsil- itis nearly 90% success tneating Soe Tbroats, Head Coids, Bronchial As- thma, Ceugb, Bronchitis, Catarrb, and Tonsil Diseasea. Rýesuts good, or money hack. 47-21 'Toytiown SEE WHAT SANTA CLAUS HAS SENT TO F. F. MORRIS CO. Everything To Make The Kiddies Happy. Doil's Kitchen Cabinets Doli's Higb Chairs Bassinettes Scooters Wagons Beautiful Dolis Swveepers Doli's Carniages Writing Desk and Chair Black Boards Tricycles Pedal Bicycles Bring the Kiddies to Sce Our Window Display Full of Toys of Every Description. USEFUL PERMANENT GIFT SUGGESTIONS We are already Iaying away many articles for Christmas delivery Smokers Walnut Smoking Sets in various styles. Smokens Celirette. Walnut, very bandsome, ornamental and useful. Easy Chairs. Den Lamps-Piano Lamps, Bridge Lamps, Reception Lamps, iBoudoir Lampe Table Lamps. Chesterfield Tables. Telephone Sets. Dinner Waggons. Sewing Cabinets. Gate Legged Tables. Chesterfield End Tables. Spinnet Writing Desks. Walnut Curates. Book Racks. Hall Chairs. Hall Trees. Cedar Chests. Fancy Chairs. Windsor Chairs. Wicken Rockers, Arm amd Easy Cbairs. Three Piece Wicker Sets. Carpet Sweepers. Combinatien Buffet and Ckiza Cabinet. Pictures-ail sizes. Trays. Cedar Cabinets Jardinere Stands. Sectionai Book Cases. Foot-Stools. Wniting Desks Librany Tables. Mimrons, all sizes. Cbesterfield Suites. Vacuette Carpet Sweepers. Beds-Springs-Mattresses. F. F. Morris Co., Home Furnishers and Funeral Service Bowmanville Clarence S. Mason's Little Shoppe With The Large Stock .Clean Up Sale of Al WINTER $25.00 $35.00 $40.0 $49.e50 A deposit of 25% of the purchase price wiIl insure our holding your coat for two weeks. COATS $16,e75 $25.00 $27.e5o $35eOo this is a cash sale- window we change it often. 0f course Watch our -4 Ont. WEEK END Mena "5.0 lueOvrvotsFor ...........$50 Mens 3'.0 Ble vecotsFor ..........$00 Mens 25.0 lu-OvrcotsFor ..........$65 Mens 3000SutsFor .......................$00 Mens $5.0 SutsFor ......................$65 Mns$ 2.50 Work Pants For ............$ 2.00 Mna$ 2.00 Work Pants For ............$ 1.50 Mna$ 2.50 Black Overalis For ..........$ 2.00 Mna$ 1.00 Fleece Underwear For ....... .89 Mna$ 2.00 Wool Underwear For ........$ 1.50 Men's $ 2.50 Combination Underwear For $ 2.00 S. G. Chartran One Door W est Bell Telephone Office PHONE 26 BOWMANVILLE Coats Clearing For Coats Clearing For Coats Clearing For Coats Clearing For unfe Littie SIoppe- h £4 D4e Large Stockt OWMNvILE~ONT 1Speciali/st in 7Womenirppal .ExcIusiive but not Exp ensive Women*s Coats -Suits- Dresses-H-osi erg -Gloves- Underwear..Etc PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER lst, 1927 Bowmanville