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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1927, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER lit, 1927 PAGE FIVE Early Christmas Shopping This nieans a time saving and a pleasure.' You avoid the last inute rush and have the bigger !assortment from which to choose. We want you to make our store your HEADQUARTERS while in town. Corne in and ret-get warm-listen to the latest Col- umbia Records. Also we invite you to look over our splendid ar- ray of Christmas Goods. Dainty Perfumes in Gift Boxes Exquisite Perfumes in bulk. Beautiful Toilet Waters- Yardley's Toilet Sets for Ladies and Gentlemen which are so pop- ular. William's Toilet Sets for men only $1.25. Ivory Toilet Goods-Tortoise Sheli Toilet Goods. Lovely Face Powders and Creams. Fountain Pens-Pencils--Fancy Stationery. Neilson's Chocolates in attrac- tive boxes. Hot Water Bottios and a BIG ASSORTMENT 0F OPTICAL GOODS Treat Mother, Father, Grand- Èpother or Grandfather ta a pair of MITCHELL'S GLASSES and make them happy See Mitchell and See Well R. NI. Mitchell & Co. THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Bowmanville Ont. Phone 92-Nights and Sundays 280 ~j 9~- ONE &OSs QUART Pasteurimed Mlk helpt elimnnate brain and bodily fag. Milk in a ccncentrated food. Professor Roseman of Harvard, say-."You would have to buy and prepare 34 pounds of beef, or eight eggs to get the nourish- ment contained in a single quart of milk". There la no substit- ute for Pasteurized Milk--and yen can get the bet by phoning us to supply you. BWHAN VILE DAJII PONE 44G MfKNGlS.< TAx IPHONE TAXI 222W Day or Night LORNE STEVENS HOCKEY SEASON OPENS Bowmanville Juniors Play in S. P. A. Sere. Unusual local interest has been taken in the appraaching hockey ses- son which la already well underway. Bowmanville will be only repre- sented in the Junior O. H. A. seriez this yeai. Oficers elected are :-President-- G. A. Edmondstone; Vice-President -F. W. Goddard; Secretary-W. A. Edgor; Treasurer-W. J. Martyn; Executive-Bert Bounsall, Wmi. Clarke. Earl Cunningham, Physical dîrec tor of Boys' Training Scbool, base, ;'ery kindly offered assistance andi has been giving the BlIayera their' daily dozens ta put the boys in shape until Manager Taylor and the weath- erman provide ice. Blcwmanvillp Juniors ented h FOOTWEAR AND TRAVELLING GOODS BOWMAN VILLE ONT. post seasan Sp tre' aroi! Loca merchants are well prepared Association series ,,when tbey played to serve the demanda of Christmnas the Champion Marboros at Taranto ahoppers. Read their advts. Arena Tuesday night and were de- Christmas shoppers are reminded feated 10-1. The resuît of this that Bowmanville stores will be open ganse did not discourage the local Wednesday aftcrnoon during Decem- lads as it was good experience which ber. will stand thern well later in season. Miss Florence Jackson has retura- Toronto papers give aur boys vely homne after spending the summner favorable comment. with her oncle, Mr. John T. Fee, The Globe sayst Omemee. ehGiigur Luger's l3owmanvilio iboys haive only hadi three Nworkouis on the ice Women's Hospital Auxiliary will a, far tbis season, but. iboy nmado atari- meet at the Nurses' Residence on bulos iriiv,.lini the fil's tilo 1eriods. The Friday, Dec. 3rd, at 3.30 p. ma. Al D1ukos'rained in île flY of abois on ebratnd ilooî)er*a tue vsîlîîg goaikeeper, but liŽ embr ted iroved ba ard rnsu bat. I tOpPed Boys' Physical Training aad Pyra- (iozns of dîflticuir. drivs, anîd 1MarîborosmdBuligwlbeehiedtte w r.. only able to gel a one-goal lead at iBulngwlbexhitdate the endl of the irai perioub. Howmnl-1 Public School Concert. ileic as handicaplîod by hi oss of Mrs. W. C. Rosevear and daughter, Caàndier, centre ice idlayo-r. wlo iias in- Ms .Wlh o n agtr jurd in tihe second loriod during a mx- 11s .Wlh o n agtr of) in a crner. le received a %fsy 1Tïoronto, spent Sunday witb the gash in the leg, and Nvas taken te St1 former's sister, Mrs. Harry Brook. -lichaelas Hospîtai, wlîere soi on stitceas \vre ne-,essary te clos, itie woundi.b Mr. Wrn. Paiatoa, Mr. T. C. Jew- Ito% ianvile lias a wellbLaie,îd teani, ell and Miss Frankie Jewell attended aînd wiefl 1the îdayers get in condition the funerai of the former's nephew, and badi fur ier o1portunties iti the late Harry Slute, in Toronto on dcilo t10) 1011 play thii.y w iii b, a for- îîîutlil,*aggrtegaiiof They lhave îdenty of Monday. figlîing spirit, and lîîey sieplîed mbt Abraham Taub, a bright 15-year alaibios11 11e ina ierîd ii i ayold lad, who rcnl arrived ia Can- titgave the fans îlenîy of eliiortaili- rcn ni layed ada after a long voyage without rela- liooî'er pae a wondorful gamo in tives from Poland, is visiting bis lhe nets, bus work bing abouz the beat uncle, Mr. A. Dillick. seen in the serbes to date. Osborne, Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washington, lîundle, wibiama, Piper and NMutien wero aise pronaînent for 3owivnanville. Fenelon Falls, spent Tuesday with Bowmanvile-Hooptr, goal, Osborne. bis parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Ruîîdie, defense; Candier, centre; Me-,.Wsigowoaesol ann Mulion. rigbt wing; Willams, left wln g, ahntn h aesol ann Mui;,on, Jackman, Piper, Grant, Caver- from their recent ilîneas. ly,. M.Ja.EFet, o- Mail & Empire saya: 2,arlboroýs ex- M.adMs a.E ltBw perience and finish gave them a wide mnanville ,announce the engagement margin over Bowmanvilie, but 'Ging-or" cf their daughter, Ella Victoria, ta Edgers boys will be heard from before Mervyn A. Graham, son of Mr. and the Winter soason is over. Evory lad on thue Eastern tesam le Bowmanville- Mrs. 1- P. G raham, Blackstock, Ont. bred. and there is plenty of hockey tai- The marriage to take place in De- ent in the bunch. Bowmanville made cember. Marîboros goth limît te win and It was only after ihey lst the services The South Ward School will put of Candler. ihoîr centre plaïer, m'ho was on some Folk Dances and Choruses injured In the second period, and the at the Public Sehool Concert airain of playing on auch a largo bce sur- face tired the mout. that Marîboros ran Mns. Geo. Shipley, Cinton, Mr. up their big margin. Candber played and Mi-. C. B. Adair, Peterbero, andi nice hockey ai mld-ice, but in a check lit was accldentally eut acrosa the itnee, IM r. and Mrs. W. E. N. Sinclair' seven stitchea belng needed te close the Osbawa, recently visited the fan-_ wound ai St Michaeisa Hospital. ers' aitera, Mrs. Edwin Worden and The Bowmanville boys deserve ailissAar h atrl th kinda of credit for their îbowing quite ill. againît Marlboro's mighty machine,1 At the anniversary service next for many of theni had only been on1 Sunday morning at Trinity United skates a couple of times this year, 1C hurch a memorial wiadaw will be and tbey did not even have proper dedicated ta the memory of the late hockey equipment, only a few cf1 P. C. Trebilcock, a faithful a d es- them boaîting of hockey gloves, and teemed member cf this ehlr"h for there were only about two pairs cf many years. stockings alike. Good clothes might Th Wit iedCu mein make the man, but they did not mat- Th WhtSiedCu mein ten mucb ta the Bowmanvillle lads will be held on Tuesday, December whohav th maing ofros hokey6, 1927, in St. Paul's Lecture Roem who ave he akins o rea hoke; amang - m Memeranleenio otenf team. Bowmanville bas several real good hockey players, "Dutch" Osborne be- ing a smart defence player, while "Red" Heoper in goal is a wonder. How Hooper stopped some of the shots fired at hini from every angle by the Dukes is a mystery. In the'I latter part of the game the bom- bardment was a trifle too much for him, and he could not be expected to stop them aIl, but he turned aside enough to earn him credit. In the early part of the gaine he was almost unbeatable. holding the Dukes to two tallies for 33 minutes, which is a notable achievement. Rundie and Williams also turned in nice exhi- bitions for Bowmanville. F. J. VAN NEST & CO. Government and Municipal Bond& Listed Stocks Mining Stock Specialists Orders Executed en all Exohanges 344 Bay Street Adel. 3296 Toronto Shoe Sale Ends Saturday AIl good things must come to an end-and our great Expansion Sale of Footwear ends Saturday night. It has been a popular event in which many thrifty customers have bought footwear for fut- ure use at substantial savings. IT 15 NOT TOO LATE-IF YOU HURRY * You may still share in the bargains if you buy this week. Christmas goods demand good-bye Footwear Sale Saturdayi attention-so night. change of place due ta the room be-'ý ing reserved for us that night, and don't forget you are ta be a child or be fined.1 S. 0. E. Progressive Euchre wil be held in Lodge Hall, Monday, Dec. 5th, 8.30 p. m. 47-2 The regulan meeting ef Bowman- ville Music Study Club in St. Paul'a Lecture Room blas been postponed te Wednesday, December l4th," an ac- caunt cf the concert by the Boys Training School in the OPera eue Topic: Christmas Music. Convener, Mns. W. J. Mornirnon. You will bave ta laugh at "We've j ust arrived froni Bashful Town" by Ithe junior boys at the Public 5chool IConcert. Mr. and Mns. Wm. M. Harvie, Bowmanville, Ont. (formerly Bright- on), annaunce the engagement of i their eldeit daughter, Loetta Agnes (Laura), ta h-vin Andrew Tetten Reid, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, of Stirling, Ont. Marriage to take place quietly la Bowmanville,' December 6th. Sirýtèe last cf.prize wîaners cf the S ir 91 h Vmq 't* lScholarshipe at the' Central« Vlibol of Commerce, Toronto, the n4me 91 Miss E. Ruth Pollard, appeans as'ene cf the cbever students who has won this prize in the 4th year. Miss Ruth is the only daughter cf Mr. and Mns. Os- wald Pollard, 209 Concord Ave., Toronto, and niece of Miss Alma Pollard, Bowmanvulle, Registrar for West Durham. Photos of the prize winners appeared la Wednesday's Toronto dailies. It's your night out-come ta S. 0. E. Progressive, Monday, Decem- ber 5th. 47-2 Toronto Mail Order House selîs boudoir slippers at 95c while Ives' Shoe Store sella the sanie lipper at 89c. Why then boy out of tnwn? THINKING 0F CHRISTMAS People with forethought are now thinking cf Christmas. "The early bird gets the worm" is an aId proverb that applies both ta shopper and mer- chant. Peeple who visit the stores and make their purchases before the Chriitmnas rush, have greater cemfort la shopping, have a larger assortmnlt to choose from and have the pee of mmnd that cernes with the know- ledge of a job well done and cern- pleted in good tîme. The wise merchant lu the one who goes a sitr the Chr'istmas business early. ,To do this the begt way la to use lîboral apace In The Statea- man fram aow tilb Christmas. The Statesman'u big circulation reachea aimait everybody in Bowmnanvllbe's trading ares. Put time and tbought an your Christmas adv.rtlslng and it wll pay you if you use The Statasman. "Tell it well and It will seii". loing ut on by the B' l-Choir ofb- . " the Boys' Training Scbool la Opera House, Wednesday, December 7th. Frank Converse Smith and Elaine Reaman will assist on the prograni. Local radio fans were deligbted ta bear the grand basa baritone voic e of Norman Jolliffe from CJY C sta- tion Monday evening. Norman. wba is a son of the late Rev. J Jolliffe a former esteemedpatrf Trinity United Church, bas ahee amazing success in music in New York City. There is no limait ta some things wbich includes the unlimited guaran- tee which goes with Waterman Fountain Pens sold by F. R. Ker- slake. Last week through a typa- graphaical orror we printed 'limited' when it sbould have read 'unlimited' referring to the guaraatee of this famous pen. Simpson's were advertising Chur- ches Spats at $3.00 while Ives Shoe Store is selling thern at $2.59. Considerable excitemeat was creat- ed around Hampton last week when it was learned that C. W. Souch had bast Jack. Saine suggested notify- ing the police imnmediately. However, Mr. Soucb said be knew of a btter wvay. Ho advertised the bast jack ia T1he Statesman and, as expected, a reader of the Great Fainily Journal found the article and notîfied the owner. Moral: Don't tell the police, tell the readers of The Statesman what you want ta buy or s el l .N O T I C E Owing to the fact that Mr. T. S. Holgate's lifting was left out cf the Directery we would appreciate it if all readers cf The Statesman would take a memoranda of Mr. Holgate's residence number-202. Dell Teloplon. Ce. F. Williams, Manager. MARRIAGES HOOGSON-DAVEY-At the Paran- lige. Tynone, an Saturday, November 19. 1927,. by Rev. J R. Trumpour Mr. C. Deane Hodgson, son cf Mr. and Mrs. R J. Hodgson. and Mbsa Verna E. Davey. daughter of Mr. Raymond Davey and the laie Mrs. Davoy. aIl cf '1Yrane. BUNNERt-NEWTON-At the home of ber brother. Mr .Parker Newton, Sha- ron, Mass., on Baturday. Nov. 19. 1927. Freda Helen ta W. Kelvin Bunner aI Achimota Coliege, Gold Coast, Afrlca, son of Rev. and Mrs W. A. Bunner Bowrnanville. They sail for England from Si. John Decomber 9th on the Montrose"~ and are dUe at the Gold Coast January 1Sth. DEATHS - GRIGG-Iln Bowmanvile, on Tuesda Novembor 29th, 1927, John Grigg. age 80 yeare Funeral from bis late residence, On- tario St., on Friday, December 2nd., at 3 p. m. ta the cemetery. Members of Florence Nightingale Ladge, No. 66. will please meet at Lodge ttoom at 2.3nl p. m. to attend funorai of deceased brother i IBBS-At Port Hope. November13 Jane Hales, beioved wife of the late George Gibbu, aged 88 7ars. WADE-At Port Granby, Novomber 25, 1927. John Syrmons Wade, beloved hua- band of Mary E. Hoidaway. ln hie Blet yeftr. L.UK E-At 234 Ashworth Ave., Toron- to, November 2B, John Skitch. beloved huaband of Emeline Beatty, aged 68 year. BROKENSHIRE-At Port Hope. on Sunday, November 27, 1927, John Brook- enohire, beiaved husband of Mary iWard, ln bie Sth year 8LUTE-On November 25, 1927, John He-nry (Harry> Blute. beloved huaband ofI Mary BSith, and only son cf Albert and the late Mrs. Blute of 43 Walker Ave., Taronto. SLEMON-In Darlington. on Tue»day,ý November 29, 1927, Mary Elizabeth ta- ey, beloved wfe of Mr. 'Thomas T. le- on. aged 66 years. Funeral today (Thursday) at 2 o. m. ta BethesdaCre tery. LOCAL AND OTHERWISEJ LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Talk Bowmanville. Shop early and often. Know iBowmanville. 1Mrs. A W .Bell, Oshawa, ia vis- Make Bowmanville better-and itlIitiTlg friends here. iili become greater.1 Don't miss "Peterkias and Polly at Part cf every dollar YOU spendi the Public School Concert. in Bowmanville cornes back to YOU. Hear "Princesa of Poppyland" at Mr. Norman Dickinson attended1Tyrone. Tîîesda:, Deceniber 6th. the funeral of his uncle at Colborne If you like cards corne to S. 0. E. an Monday. Progressive Monday, Dec. 5th. 47-2 Miss Esther Freeland, Toronto, Don't wait till the last week ta or- recently visited ber grandfather, der your radio-do it today. See Chief R. Jarvis. advts. on other pages. Keep in mmnd B. H. S. Commence- Not only smaîl boys life "Fishing". ment Exorcises in Opera Hous, Then see bow the small lads sing it Friday, December 9th. at the Public School Concert. Mns. H. A. Wakelin and son Clair Ives 'great sale cf footwear ends spent the weekend with her mother, Saturday nigbt. This still gives Mrs. B. E. Read, Oshawa. you a chance ta buy dependable f oot- Sec our Primanies ina Frenhb wear at saving pices. Dolîs" at the Public Sehool Concert Citizens should encourage the on December l5th and 16th. I voune. lads bv attending the concerti erie free and maney for your spare Urne ai homo. Send for partbculars. DAINTY DOLLY LINGERIE SHOPPE, 331 Bay Street, Toronto. Dept. E. 7. 47-2 NOTICE Ratoliff Machine Shop. King St. East, wilI bo open Decomber lai la evenings and Saturday afternoons for mmali re- pairs and skate sharpening. Branse and sîlver refinbsbed. Orders rnay be left at Masan & Dale's Store. 47-3w J. STARK. LAUNDRY WANTED AUl kinds of laundry work done prompt- ly, satlefactorily and at reasonable pricea Write Post Office Box 12, or cal Mra. W. Marjoram, Kng Bt. E. Bowmianviiie. 39-tf BALANCE 0F YEAR FREE To new subscribers we effer Thel Statesman for the balance of this year free, mailed anywhere la Can- ada. This is a reai bargain. Why flot send us $2.00 today? The Stateaman is YOUR paper and by neading it yen get the news and a list cf weekly bargains effered by aur advertisers. CHRISTMAS GIFTS For AiU theFamily We have a greater and more varied stock of useful and beautiful gifts than ever before. See our window for suggestions separately arranged for ladies and gentlemen. Lost or Found GLASSES LOST-Shelled Rimmed Eye Glasses in R. M. Mitchell & Co case, loat in BowmanviI.e, November 24,h. Re- ward for return to Stevens Taxi, phone 222, Bowmanviile 48-t H-EIFER LOST-About November 13, a red Durham helfer, rising two years. Information Ieading to lier recovery will be thankfuily received. F. W Rundle, R.R. 2. l.towm,*nville phone 176r3. 48-1* Cap left at a Bowmanville store. Owner may have sarne by proving property and paying expenses. Articles For Sale PULLETS FOR SALE-25 Plymouth Rock Puliets, April hatch. W. J. Pin- negar, Newcastle. 48-1 RENEWED COWS FOR SALE-Apply I A. L. itellman, King St. W., Bowman- ville, phone 367J. 47-tf~ FOR SALE-3 Good Democrat Wag- ons, look like new, at hall price. John IPercy. Bowmanvilie. 4i-2w* BABY BUGGY FOR SALE-In good condition. Apply to Ethel Cooper, phone 139-34, Bowmanviile. 48-1w PULLETS FOR SALE-White Leghorn Pullets, good laying atrain. Ervine Fost- er, phone 475-11, ltowmanville. 48-2 FOR SALE-Piano at a bargain, a first class instrument. Can be seen on en- quir> at S*atesman office. Has been well taken care of. In good condition. 29-tf WAGONS FOR SALE-One light wag- on and One to carry 1500 Ibo. Apply Har- ry Allin, Grocer, Bowmanville, phone 186. 48-t FOR SALE-Gerhard Heintzman Phonograph with electric stop and 96 records. Apply A. H. Densem, Ontario S:., Bowmanville. 47-2w- FOR SALE--Oak secretary and child's nickle-plated folding co, with springs at- tached and mattress. Apply ai Mit- chelî's Drug Store, Bowmanville. 48-tf FOR SALE-i German Rotary forcel pump and 1 cistern pump, bo;,h in work- ing order, also 1 large supply tank. Ap- ply Jos. Pattinson, Lowe St., Bowrnan- ville. 47-tf FOR SALE-15 Barred Rock Pullets. laying strain, May hatch, 1.26 each; 10 young Embden Geese and Ganders. Your choice for $3.00 each. Apply to Geo. C. FORDS FOR SALE-i Ford Touring 1922, new tires. $125; 1 Ford Touring 1918. $35, bath In good running order. Apply evenings to Harry C. Allen, Radio & Bicycle Shop, Bowmanvilie. 46-tf FOR SALE-One Congoleuma Rug, one large Brussels Rug, anjaîl washstafld. number of siave pipes ln good condition, pair men'a skates and boots. Apply toi Mrs. W. E. White, Elgin Bt. North. Bowmanvlle. 48-2w* Rooms To Rent - 7 1 - 1I TO LET-Two smali rooms ta lot. Apply to Mrs. H. Evereet Smith, Queen St.. Bowrnanville. 48-1* ROOMS TO RENT-No oblîdren pre- ferred. Apply to J W. Shopherd, 64 Ontario St.. Bowmanville. 48-1w* Garages To Rent GARAGE TO RENT-A good garage on Concession St.. Bowmanville. Apply S. R., Drawer B, Bowrnanviile. 48-1w* GARAGES TO RENT-For active urne or storage, rooro for 4 cars, cars well protected. Apply T Bennett, Bcugog St.. Bowmnanvlle, phone 297 48-1* Wantea HORSES WANTrED-Any kind. Apply ta C. R. Dean. Bowmanvllbo phone 559. 48-tf Shaving Sets Yardley's Set for Me.k Military Brushes Safety Razors Kodaks Pen and Pencil Sets Eversharps Cigars Flashlights JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly TASTY MEATS FROM YOUNG WELL FED CATTLE Stop at this store any day and you will zee as choice array of meats as is found anywhere. The variety is large, making it easy to select just what appeals to the appetite of the family. - iMertoo, thato-ufindftheag-egt - sortment of Cooked Meats at this store. Prompt Delivery Service G, A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmauville Prize Christmas Cake The announcement last week that Corbett'a Christmas Cake is made this year from the firet prize formula at the Bread and Cake Bakers As- sociation certainly brought in the orders. Looks as if we'll have to make another lot of Christmas Cakes or we are going to mn short. Try a pound and see how good it is-only 50c. Ice Cream in Bulk or Brick Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P. Corbett Baker and ConfeCtioner Phone 3 Tiff MACDONALD Tii' ddOther This Sale Has Been a Huge Success Hundreds of women are taking advantage of the scores of money-saving opportuni- ties. Such values are only possible due to our large cash purchase of the John Mac- donald stock. We firnxly be lieve this great million dollar stock was the finest piece of merchandising that ever happened in this community. You are stiIl able to save many dollars on household needs-and even on purchases for' Christmas giving. Some of the sale lines have been sold out but others have arrived to'replace them. The goods are dependable-thoroughly reliable-and of course, absolutely guaran- teed, aitho' prices are so low. SHOP EARLY AND COME OFTEN se Phone 106 W.MASON & SON Bowmanville Bowusmuille Ives' Cash Shoe Store Dry Gooda and Ladies' Rady-to-Wear Compacts Perfumes Yardley's Toilet Sets Stationery Hudnut's Toilet Sets Pen and Pencil Sets lvory Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets Tortoise Sheil Toiet Sets Choc olates . 1 - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECFMBER lst, 1927 PAGE FIVZ

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