PArIlit 'rwo THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY DECEM~ER ~th~ 1927 DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS i THE EDITOR TALKS PIONEER WESTERN RANCHER BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS DR.G. . BNNYASTE 1 We thought soon te write aboutý In recent months our imports of'SEASONAATE NDSRYroup of tytw young men Ronor graduate in Dentistry Torontoi1the p resent temperance situation. In 1 spirituù~uS liquors have been rang- Col. H. A. NMIIlins, ex-M.P., Winnipeg Of *the Y ung Mensz Section of the University. Graduate of the Royall foronto Globe of November 30 ap-' ing in volume over a third more in Addresses f(otary Club on Western Toroto Ctentral .... under College of Dental Surgeons of On- '-eared one of, the moSt convincing volume thart a year ago, s0 that we Canada.te leaders ip of Mr. Newton Vînton, taiio Ofic KngSt. Bwmnvile cmperance addreszes we have read ni ay look for a 'bill of fifty m'ilions _____v.e the Schoo.l Sunday and took Office phone 40. House phone 22. j r heard for yearS. The speaker or more for imported liquor when lt was vis;:ar< day at the Weekly C'p ecag fterglrSn X-Ray Equipment in Office. 1 ..-as Mr. T. S-za-ý-,ar- Lyon, formerI the trade re:urns of 1928 are avail- Ra:airy Clubl ancheun a, the Bow- e!aiý Ve-per Service. It was one of \Ilanagng Edi-týr a? The Daily'able. A large part of t le; is smug- House li day n ,%li;~en each the niost :nzp:r:ng ser-; :ce- ever con-1 DR. J. C. DEVITT Globe. T h e G 1obý)e SaiJd editor-ig:ed acrrsz t-,the United States, te- PR tarlan bro-axht >oe ar mýjre guesis i3c-ed at -the Sia and left a aý-- Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson ,li te next day: The Tem- gether w:t,' aconsiderable pr o aenjay an h or of jovial fr endsh.p .i :n r w>nx'th the boys and Graduate of Royal Dental College,! nerance people of Ontario rave a lhe output of Canadîan distilleries. and hear an informal and ram.bling m cn,.¾e- of't ~S-atT ;vho attended. Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow-! harder fight titan lever on their hands :ue fte ttlepr ftk n W-r aaa wih\r i~. .r~ r-etc h manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 61 -,%h:the eur fliu'rudr n* cf- Canadian manufacture pravedl to be exceced.In,7i interesting ,-li e'hldbine pm. daily except Sunday. Phonei auspice which givez it an atmos-, iuring the t-welve months under re ýan'î ntrct-,g if g M.n boy n.he(l te noter- 90. House phone 283. phere of respecraility. To be suc- v;e hwa icaefom14400 Cal . H.Muln5, e-..for ieta ed,;ee h dr~ X-Ray Equipment in Office cesfi. it should be made a national, ,alions, valued at S817.62S,000. in Mjarquette, Nlantoraa, and now a resi-on Frns MrEeet oe DR. R. . DINNIELL gPv: for it constitutes a national! 1926, to 1,747,000 gallons valueà at jdn fVn:.gastepaerwith am'azing e oquence for a voung \lrLyo delt ainy wth ~2.~1,0O, i 197. ny heHe informed n~ audienîce hievas man and had h% z c el' in hand. Honor graduate of Toronrto Uni- the economnic side of the problem u.unr n'h otigesb nOtr adateddpb' r :tn dcehfe~nigo confrontingndth boteger th:sn Province ttndd ubic t renUCeL te iain o versity ard member of Royal College . . frntng thsPrvnei ,;, le border know what pro3por-.schujl in L:nd-ýay and near.y 50 the hymns in iiist 'rus:ng fashian. ,if Dental Surgeon.s. Licensed ta. present crisiS. We gladly givei tien of this Canadian whiskey clear- yeýar-saa . *nttate wild 'and'Pau: J.,bns gn . oI , f the Central practise in On:--ro and thle Domin- -pace tNir. Lyon's address and ed for exnart act.uaily~ left the coun-, w oolîyws nx:nie a Glee C lub, and Jarvis io. enis~ n Ilit baches. urge aur readers ta reud every word. try, and r 0w much w~as put ashore in -rice 'nanllet ý;îu.0u l00 pC. H Truscott.Pe.-tc eGc lb Office-King S:.. Bowrnanville, op-,* i Canada by rurn-runners te, be sold in, became a cow puncher and wh len the, offered vocal solos. while the samie ~ ak fMntel.i ne31.-. competition wit the Governmental pr:ýnt Kinz -f Engiand v.sîtted'two young rien combined in the, posite Bnko______l hoe30. Mr. Lyon presented tnany inter- luoreligancs.Cadhercndern- of a vojcal duet. esting statistics showing the curse 1xr~e eîet e ~rd-pea c th lqur raficin*lite cowboys '.asýo steers. Col. Mýul- T. ir:een graduates of the School. Canda and app teldt tewme n rtshCluii tre assertionlins had the honor cof being chosen who are working on farnis. visited m. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL D. :)'nake a drive for lemperance in was made early this year that the a t neo t etocw pnhes ýaieca-'the yal eehwn tFaror ate uid Barrister, S-hio.Noay e bus"nescommunity. He djd illicit sale cf hard liquor was but lit_ gary t dmostat a isMaes hy wr. sG.wn.trcurh te bid-Mr Monerta bn onFarmatu own ~o beievethatbusiess en hd e short cf the quantity handled bylIthe art of roping the bovine. The ng1 y r c.E.-amnan r Proert. RyalBank Buildng.'enapproached in the inlerest of Governiment vendors..A large part abl adb-wspssbytefrte P. Brad They repatlan enrov-t BowmanVille. Phone 351...meran.ce as an economic question, cf the liquar thus distributed i 1 nCanleaexpor a ntheBritiofIe ab te otin ndwldutls poi Jlu a ner as a moral question. cantraband, being incîuded neither .nCnd. Franmero1er ytetp i lhe xas manaz-r cf the big Cochrane Last Tuesday even'ng the beys,' W. R. STRIKE --The Federal and Provincial Gov-li n the totals cf îmported spirite ranch cf 6fl.OO0t acres which had Staff and a few friends cf the Schcolj Succeasor to tata D. B. Simob, K-C. :--ern.ns Canada are, with few shown in the Customs returns, nor over 12,000 cattle under their con- enjoyed a rare treat when about fifty BariserSoicîor ~exceptions, in the liquor business for ini the output cf Canadfian distilleries. to. H a h is ht a e rn htv cm onand, Solic-or fr Ban of Mntrea g cfviitttby waye smugValled uinoo Canadatcaorrepro- ouh ftetSy anyIValley.g eputnoonatheiro psplendidple MinstrelrelShowv Soicto orBak fMotra. revenue-. Said '.%r. Lyon. "No duced in the Dominion by illicit stilîs.i in te newv s-ocl building. The, Money ta Loan Phoze 91'ane - m han a item simpleton can Tne recent Seizure in Quebec Pro-1 Col. Mlull:ns ;vas introduced bv rgrr a nertedrcino BomnilOtro any longer accept the glib statement vince by Dominion Revenue officers Mayor T. S. Halgate and Gen. John proJg hrt. as undrsro the etOn-cf! Bowmý-nvlle Ontrio that 'Government control' does con-I cf more than 600 cases cf liquor at Hughes. t' e latter being a personal m. J. M.oshrt. Wibum andc teveOn- W. F. WARD, B. A. I andalprz-iehiquseroforsbeirae a ingle haul, worth net lese than If riend of the speaker fer many years. number was enjoyed ta the full by: Barrister, Solicitor, Notary' purposes cf good quality at moderate xhiskey trade that does net appea Thes Colonel in his oneninrail rese nigtrt h ecs asa it:a marksdssoriduhe wantedan ncanada a grech atsigt-orth o cf the j Money to loan. Bod Sor tl. prce-z Even the brewers urge thal in ither import or exporl returns. 1 o n.atad etsc sSehool and -we are certainly indebted i Offices-Bileakley Block, King S. fa ciit'e.s be provided for the sale of lt is, 1 believe, well within the 5ame men w ere going through the ta these men for the trouble they Bowmanville, Ontario. Phon~es: beer by alite ls nore htrnle at place the total cf whiskey, e>alnYad îtn tdiiin ck in pr v,ýiding a delightful ev"n- Office 102. House 409. ibeveages -hall compete on equal1 brandy, gin, wine and similar liquors line at Port .Arthur. We have a ing's entertainment, At the close _________________ te.rni with whiskey and other formsi brcught into Canada legillmately or great community of interests be- cf t e progmam Dr. Reamian in a few FUERLDIETOS of distiiled liquor. illegitimatehy, and manufacturcd in t-veen the eastz and the wesl. words expressed bis gratitude to the FUNRALDIECTIR the Dominion for home consumplion Launching into the main topic of performers and invited them eover to F.F.MORI C. I .'h - toeor for expert, duing tne lwelve his address hie said, the cattle in- te Dining Hall. witere they enjoyed -Not only is te wiskeystore! months that end ed September 30 ast i (us*ry. the original egitimate busi- sandwiches and coffee. àm Complete MotOa. r Ce 'handy' once more in Ontario, 50 at net less tnan $80,000,000", said ness started n the west. is the gold- The renovation cf thte Dairy Barn Horse Equipinent biat townsfolk may get their iquor NIr Lyon. I en opportuniî:y for this country as ne' le about completed. The building Ail cale promptly with the minimum of difficulty, but'» * * * c ountry in t:. e world caen raise cattle is improved one hundred per cent attended to. Chairman Hanna of the Liquor Con- lOpruiisfrilglte n scepya 'senCnd. 'yadtesalswl earuhmr Pivat. Ambulance trol Board, in a press statement, "potnte frilglte nda hal sse ;nCnd. M adlt tbe il eamctmr B.omavile hon itimtig tatthee s ude ~ improper practices in the handling of advice ta, the farmer is 'Drive ycur attractive place for lte boys te work 10 nd 4 sdeatin aprposl tatG vr-lbund ail aleng te border and up- feet, net on a wagon'. SelI what, The Sunday Scitool bas been com- Brancit Store- ment liqurr stores in te emaller o botit Atlantic and Pacific Coasts. wheat you grow, but feeti your ceats'plelely re-organized. Teetr Orono & Newcaatle pae hallekptoe nSatur- l. Invrsdanoti1 pacens ha r behept opvenOfl of in te smugglers, we are developing le caIle eyrsl a a ngroup itas been breken up imb five _______________________ dy igtt fr ie onenene f y groupe of lwesmnwo r ylf grades in place cf three as before. the armng lases. anysuges-a menace te geod gevernment on The cowless, sowless, chickenless Teachers in charge cf titis phase of ALAN M. WILLIAMS lions of titis sort are said ta ihave bot, sides of ltefine. In carrying farmer is teday a menace to lte. the scitool pregram are: J. E. Cun- Embalmer and Funeral Director. been made cf ale ta lte Commission. on 'their sordid business they would country. He is a weed grower. The. ningham, Superintendent and Teacit- Calîs given prompt and personal at- iTfre beys muet be -kept on lte farm, jus as soion debaucithlie yeung man- man wito grows notiting but witeat is . ýer Grade "A", J. J. Brown, teaciter, tention. No extra charge for dis- il would secm, even if it takes a itood of Canada as taIcf te United a menace 10 lite country. I e-1 Grade "B", J. C. Cairns, teacher, tane.1 oes,5 Or159. 3ma- tngtl 1o wit We maut be ctae, provided il can be done as claimed 1,000 acres by putting a! Graje "C", Mre. J. C. Calmes, teacher ville, ______Ont._____ _____ i.ndful, tee",ite ontinuedsoft e safely and profitably. iterd of cattle on land witicit was over-1 Grade "D", and Mme. J. J. Brown, mnds fl our Aecn isitonsof as " 'Let te United States guard ils grown witit Scalci-tristle by a witeal teaciter Grade "E". Al scitolars MEICn ell s of lit e riraenumbetrofas own border', I have iteard repulable farmer receive papers cacit Sunday and les- MEDICco neigsofthear wo iat ulybreak. bu)siness nmen say. 'Titat is net one A forecasted shortage itas cenie, son itelps tla assiel Item in preparing B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. oliteiwso titeir aiuntry b rk furrsosibilities'. le il net? and today te price cf $ 14.00 a itun- fessons. The boys subecribe te lte Gol MealiI f Tiniy nivrsiywitske, gnrumandotte finyE'ven from the sîandpeinl cf intel- dredweight is itcing offered for cal-' Sunday Scitool fund wilh their cal- Toronto. Four years atlerdding Pity-.-liquors smuggled acrose te barder. Ilii.etit seltlshness, ane would iaieîe nbt inie n mno ectisof ai ersk laksetcfmy. x gician and Surgeon aI Mt. Garmnel1IThere'le te sling nf unwelceme that business. would take a stand Canada is only elevenlt onth lit Te bos s apemi e bck, tc.nig o Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and trutit in the ugly gibe taI Canada i gis smuggîing, for when ilquor as a catlle prîiduct'r, b~ut titere sitauîd their boxing champienehips witic;. will Xesidence, Wellington Street, Bow- has became te 'harlender' cf tite gae frccly out we may be sure Inat lie a million herd a year ;itipped from Iiahî al nJnay manville. Pitone 108. Nartit American Continent. Ys oacshlcsadmn ltrttsculyeeyya.adecyiThte curtain was ung down on soc- marc titan te batender-tite pro- h things <«m' as fmccîy in. Let~ us not 1:hip s-ould be filled. X'e can do it cer-footitaîl for titis season hast week C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. preo flt rate nentoa eccîve Ourselves. If we tlîrale We have faurit f r 32 years to i aftcr seme itair-raising struggles. Graduate of Tinity Medical College, 'speak-casy' an record. ,tese fithy ceespools cf lte ilctmmyraeij" nhii iiag Rangers an<l Rovers finisicd lte sea- Toronto, fommerly of Enniskillen. * ** iquor traffic along aur barder we placed upon or caJIe to appease son in a lie for firet place and were Ofic ad esdece D. ei*' shaîl by ne means escape te typhus lie wrath cf lte îri-hman wh -) w nt-f rdered 10 play' a suddcn deatit gamne former residence on Churcit Street, ('ontinuing Mm. Lyon said :Cempam- -f tveneral immorality and law-bek i ieIaew .doe hr. W atTcdy ii ie i n Bowmanville. Phtone 259. 44-t. ed wit thlie illicit liquor traffic con-i îî.g îheY muet inevitably breed". have succeedea andti a.ay .ve have still ltev remained even. as afler ducted fom te safe sitelter cf Can- ** ta fre'dom of the Enn -i --.-ret aing'nftt rtis ae inwitc*. ta pla:-e t",eitardiet cattle paigoeo h rtis ac a<ian soi!,te operatiens of Ken mccig mLa ad A-~lt 4 n lalnOt f lte year they yad 10 be cantented VETERINARY jt ki 'oosties adCaoîady iyve begin 10 pay lte pnice' ady(aada a"ear stht with a goal a piece when damkness RomF "RowE il-ily' are udiporils f ag. Tite îo soan fer detailed figures r-hryCnaini"e ri h t altedtem afler fifleen minutes cf I'Pm Rw' ius dp is fag. Th 'ar ierutailt ac e laced in Nerwich, Englatil, w ithout, vrie hymtari nFi VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or London (Engandî Morning Adver- gring te - ul o heso lld o c f 507 catîli' that ia man order- dI oandrti. Tteymnodal gain o m- Nih alspomtyaterd iur-contreî îaw in titis Province. e day rnhandhe Ralpthn -' hi itm angoHdiah liedtle o- Nigh cals prmpt attndedt o.,tiser, te argan cf lte Britisht liquar, bt ique cntfade emerge daiîy. con m ranchini cudl. dothtwih-no1ing ttslm. H tpce ab Office. King St. East, Bowmanville. inerests, stated ecenly tat in ltth rssnifcatcho libr16heter casulecudyudtiaIypaigfrRner.0ltIta c Phone 243. frteigit mnh o 97Scottîsit ms eplcto cserlttu csal.lte ciampienship ity a score cf 3-0. E. . KRSAKE V.S. B.V. c.distilleýr- sent 10 Nortit America 1[ sîated ltI r'ee al] Countys neorjai ie aaanctieaeita jtiriHaroldUsiter caplains lte champions, E. G. KRSLAKEV. S',ccad' Scwa78,aI7 I aIflimeoncre sdcrtse-s han te Irish. In as recent Englisi, ,hiiIe Bcnny Blasak is caplain cf OroflO comparcd witit 512,251 in te cor- -ndecapacily, and lat itaI pnon..ersl- examlination cf bath, thiase from thts5 Rovers. Honor Graduale of University cf responding montits cf 1926. Tite, on offeit, nd aaint pio srcountry w"i'e foond talite 99 pcr- Final Standing Toronto. Ail cases given prompt! Adverier adds: 'Il is very likely 1 îamg-eîy leein linthe hîqor celnt heaîîhny, 60 pericent ' hiç, e. i Wcn'RLosersT8e1 and careful attention. Office-j that large quantities cf spiriteso Ths-ee epiadJuyo non Thlitev.e' of 60 ericetiteity.8on- Dr clo' omrofc.Phones:' merly hpe o h ntdStates lin. TeGad uyc icî it ie fIeIih alei o-Ranes Dr.~~~ 1cloy frmrofieoitpedtnit nte y ~i~ascribes congestion in the cemned. il isnot fi .Tit' medical I1Roenfiel B2ue Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. via tnc Bahtamas are now being Licoln Jail tolite operation of lte fraîemnity is u ite liver 10t tclicoBles- ________________the_________________ inuor Control Act. Thirty-lhree cf rict hîgith lood pri-.3urý and altecr Ulsîci' United 1 5 21 er, but il seems taI most o hc tef orvtrj esn nwip i_ilsbut_______________the____________6_ 2 AUCTIONEERS devlopmcnl is due 1< te fact that ' fhcry-tirec pons nedof.'irisc- hu ie anluelt ie rm _________________ sî'veral Dominion Provinces have loned ltrowr1cnice f ra it-Im-i catlla. Titcy muzt use ltaI:___________________ THEO M. SLEMON e opucts cf taI law. fmam C anadlian cattie. i lmcpped prohibition and -r uca- Auctioneer ing stocks titraug thlie legitimate1 Whiti genemal figures as ta Pmov:j- el ýme sýtress, itowever, that ycu j ince-wide cîoditions itecome avail- i il sîpyearlings. Do nt selI Farm and House Sales a Specially. ahnei" ble il wiIh hic scen ltaIToonto's ivou rav products. kaep titan, unîi We b t ain a Ternis moderate. Enniekillen P. 0 Phtone 197r3. 1-tf.!* *j ,xpemic'ncc.' is nol singular, Ir-at the rteyme finis ced; kepl your catlle un-! i"Il wvould io extremely difficult", iic1ur-coatrol iaw dae not cantrol, til they \xi gagt least 1400 pounds. ER O A -______ - - - - --j saidlthit, s peaker, "10 indicale te iii that by legal te Pur- I've seen carloads of yeamlings eav- piroportion of te flood cf wiiskey' li:î a îof spirîtucus liquor, long ban- iig WVinnipeg for lte United States CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUYGLESS icpcrn.d Iaand manufacturcd ini (- il imo- . gm-at ai~<flteP, n ng and, bi untrmyaid etadI- Servic THEROPY Canada t -at is smuggled acrcss to lte I-î1,it ha- undone in a shotamt nie jî~ulfIi onm ct n DURWI E. TECKEY iiîc.l Sttes. Titedistllen and thebcxx îrk of a gencration )f tempe-r- navnrv l DURWIN E. aTnCKLEYhimiekeep lteir own'ccun- .îî c --rafîrner.X. W h;!v i:valîî:île haritagi'. Our, bonor graduate of Toronto College 1anllthntndiilryhne,- * coutntmy is langer titan taI 10 lte of Chiropractie will lie in te Bow-, t-h,îîn'y public record cf te apid "O"fte increasing peril loa ai mot- -nul.whit'h tas nniv3' 313 million manvile OficeTuesdy, Ttum2ay cxpin Iien cf .,x-it-k ey manufacture I ai-ssand peda triait- frMn te 'ii," il .%w:anarveIAmi ' and Sarurday evenings, phtone 14 1 J n.' ,i i.ii Laîra~ut nh ldrh1b i 'iti.n î i h Residential calls made during !ore-, ' rrmn mlmis cf import,;! a ' Mr. Lyon, 'tliera c ýn, I titan U - '.t~ .. h-' lis a glimpsc <of tli . I>iring the rta r six niiint1hsmvjh n*il. Imagnitude of ,ur busines" a.sna"-'.i f e aid 1 ;.av,-nmn rc-i iej1 îî 11 ln , Ii l N ' I ~11-1ýnilr rancl vandors cf baril î,iiillitrît liv inct-i. In a jibmu f Tci i l .. ini iî.. ... . 'iii . 1r - i e1nv ,h .- -.f r u t c ad n îh ng r rc m u rink iî Ii -"'i icI i1 nt i ic i fi' Iir -W - i -Vi - 1 1 - -- 1 .: i-- -op ' nl li -1im-,î,i A u I I we_,; loi- -.ihn- t. 1.i essc'ntial vitamiri that aids ihîa5; ain vales. ol e-hae", bwitclelgates la the anli-proiti- Port" %%ci eprfslyllstrîc ure cf ya.'ei ---to put cum- Iin building strong bones la geo bock Ici 1915 le flnd iteavior biin convention, but Ihoy wculd wiit h 1af-loes of itarbor and cîheni selves aI your ;ceosnal disposai iridwriski-y îuanlity importes ltan aI mait lte enginoor wito woubd lake a cnsltaI are marvebe cf pinters' In your eveny contact witi ttiis adgood tecth. prisent. In 1915 we imparled 1,- drink wihe drawing hie prediotis andl prcsgemen's art. Tite issue is company. Take pure, Wholesomne, 275,000 gallocns of whiskey abone freigtl. '[he industritîl magnate designcd la commemoralelte jubh c plcsaity laord boing tite fiscal year ending Marcit may Ialk critically cf surniptuary 1awe cf Confederalion and in addition pleasatly flvor.1-a pnrtion cf which, April, May, but ho wilb apply temn like a despot gives mucit information regarding lueand July, 1914-was pre-war. ta te a iowthoe ie Mcntnral's iarbor of a veny usefl Thii compares wilh 1,114,000 RaI- driving power cf his vast establisht- nature. Frmnt he standpoint 'cf SCOTT'S EMULSION , ]n in the twelve monlts endîng nment. Whemi safety is involved, we typrigraphy il is as fine a pice o'f work j iCAX il - br3,12.1aealdy" qw aese in a long time. 1 0f ail the Christmnas gifts none wilI meet with greater enthusiasrn than a Wcstingh-cuse radio set.' It is a gift that the entire famnily %;Il enJoy, for day after cday your home will be flooded with countless bours of enjoymnent. In the complete line of Westinghouse Radio Sets and Rai olas you will find a model to suit your require- ments, locaiity and your pockeebook. For example the Model 57-a battery operated set many lmes as selective as the avcrage set. Other- Wise k"iown as "the greatest value in radio". Containa every improvement found in a set at twice the price. Oee dial cnntrol. Wide tonal range. Operates on the r w!.,,y perfected UX-201-B radiotron which cuts oper- a i--g cotte in haîf. The price, without accessories, is criy $78.00! Corne in and judge this model for yourself. HARRY C. ALLEN King St. West Westinghouse BATTrERYLESS AND B TERY RADIO and RADIOLAS ToyTown Es reêd SEE WHAT SANTA CLAUS HAS SENT TO F. F. MORRIS CO. Everything To Make The Kiddies Happy. Plal's Kitchen Cabinets llis Ihigit Chairs Wa~g'is Poil' hI:armiiigcs Wvtniîîg I)esk and Chair Irj'ixîles hua 'cllBicycles Bring the Kiddies to Sce Our Window Display Full of Toys of Every Description. USEFUL PERMANENT GIFT SUGGESTIONS We ai-e alu'eady layinig axxayrnany articles for Christmas (1îiivelry Sniokers W'ahnul Smoking Sels in vamiocîs styles. Snîakeîs Celîmette, Walnul, x'cry toncleame, crnanicnlal and useful. Easy ('hairs. Den Lamps-Piano Lamipe, Bridge Lamipe, Receplion Lampe, Boudoir Lampe, Table Lampe. Checsterfield Tables. Teleptone Sets. Dinner Waggons. Scwing Cabinets. Gale I.cggcd Tables. CheterfildcEnd Tables. Spinnet Wriling Dcsks. Walinut Curates. Book Rocks. Hall Chairs. Hall Trees. t Cîl r(ests. Clîîmî hirs. loclkets, Arm and Chi. taii's. 'Di, ic-ce W ickcr Sets. Ca pot 'iSîeeper-s. (iiihctiilciîBîifleI and China lic- îii-" ahisizes. > ahinel.s ,Jîrîhiltariý Stands. Sct 'ai l kCases. l'cict stocils. Wi-it iîîg Docks l.ihcrary Talles. M immuns, nil sizes. ('htc"te-richlSuites. V.'i'1ic'lte ('arpel Sweepers. BccifsSprings....Mattresses. F-F. Morris Co., Home Furnishers and Funeral Service Bowmanville Ont. Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW-MANVILLE, THURSDAY. DECEM*ER Sth., 1927 PAGE TWO