PÂGEFOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8th., 1927 SALEM BLACKSTOCK MAPLE GROVE OB1TUARY An excellent Christmnas Concert is Officers of L.O.L. 133, Blackstock, The Mission Band will entertain the, John Grigg, Bowmanville being prepared by the Sch.ool and for 1928 are: W.M.-Fred Harnil- W. M. S. on Friday afternoon in Young People of Salem. It con- ton; D.M.-Byron Hyland; Record- the hall. . Solina League visited ouri The past year's records shci sists of drills. dialogues, songs, reci- ing Secretary-S.. VaiCamp; Finan- League on Wodnesday eve ning. ... rnany of our older citizens are tations and monologues. and will be cial Secretary-H. Swain; Treasurer Mr. Raymond Snowden, Toronto, called from this earth to a given in Salemn Church on Thursday -W. Reynolds; Chap.-Rev. P. G. spent Sunday with his parents...... reaîm. This week we reoc evening, December 22nd at 8 p. m. IPowell; Lects.-lst. H. T. ompson; Mr. Thos. Snowden MnýI. and Mrs. death of John Grigg, a man Admission 25c and 15c. 49-3 2nd, S. Wiiams; D.F.C.-S. Jeff ery;1 H. G. Freeman and family visited known and higbly respectedi Com. lst, E. C. Doreil; 2nd, R. C.i their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose town and vicînity for the past ENFIELD HIill 3rd. M. V. Malcolm; 4th, W. G. Tre nouth, Hampton. years. Hooey; 5th, Robert Hamilton. A Christmas entertainment given Deceased was boirn on Nov Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and by the pupils of Maple Grove will be 25, 1847, at Menheniotte, Cer Lorraine, Taunton, visited at Mr. L. held in the Hall at Maple Grove.on i England, being a son of the la C. Pascoe's.. . Mn. F. Page, Toron- TRN Friday, December 16, at 8 p m' Corne and Mrs. T. oras Grigg. to, and Miss Branton, Oshawa, vis- lYOEIand sec the Christmas Tree and San- coming to Canada he has alwa ited at Mr. S. Fage's. ._Messrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Byers, Bowman- ta. sided in or near the town bc Arhu ad eogeOrisonviitdville, visited at Mr. E. Virtue's... business for many years, butf in Toontoasracentrado. . . e. Mr.t n and Mrs. B. F. Gardiner are vis AYO past fifteon years bas lived rE Ferusn as nw ado istlld ting friends in New Ontariou.............._____Ho took an active interesti Mr. Wm. Prescott died on Sunday M.adMs ae oteBok far ftetw n ev of pneumonia. He bas been unwelî radMslae oteBok Our Christmnas Tree will be heId o an ia ftotwnadsr for some tîrne. The bereaved farn- ln udye vt adMs .Tuesday, December 2tb at8 p.. several years as~ town counci îly have tbe symipatby of the corn-1His. . Miss Viola Sbortt attonded Visitors: Mrs. John Wright with Fifty-one years ago last Mai rnniy.the funeral of ber uncle, Mr. Wn. i lber daugbter, Mrs. W. Ridge, Bow- %vas united in marriago witb l'rscot, nfild. eage Turs manville; Mr. and Mrs. Woollin g naBotri, to this union waý day venig ws inchare o lstandfarnily Sundayed at Mn. H. Ash-1siýx cbildron, five of wbom s Vice-President, Miss Margaret Moore. ton's; Mr. and Mrs. James Bradley, i Mrs. W. J. Ward of Owen1 ifS Reading by Miss Loverno Burgess on Enniskillen, visitod at Mr. E. Brad- M.Nl. Frank J. Grigg,Osa , Footwear Git "Friendsbip"; topic "Wbat makes a. cys; Many around bere puýrcbased! and Harry at borne and Mrs. penson a Success"? was splondidly lots at Mr. W. B. Pollard's wood'Westaway of Bowmnanville. Ai f or Christnias i given by Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Trurn- sale ... . Our deepest syrnpatby goes daugA.er, Mrs. Harry ei pour; reading by Miss Viola S îtt out to Mr. Thos. Slernon and family, away sorne years ago. League closed witb an interesting in t'.eir bereavernent. Though ill for brotbers and one sister also si W aeboea ew o te geognaphy match and tbe .Xizpah several montbs, tbe news of Mrs. Harry of Clire, Micb., Jose rnany useful ead expensive beniediction... The Women's Mission- Slemon's passing carne unexpectedly Winnipeg, Thomas of Canni resnt setatul an ng nive yurJary Society met in the vestry on to many. S..,e will becrnissed very and Mrs. C. G. Curtis, Ton preent tat oucangiv t yor Tbursday, December lst., wben the frîends or dean ones. It's sur- folwn fieswee eetdfrrucb for sbo was always staunch Washington. prising bow rnany articles of in- itbe coming year: President-Mrs <n oa obrcuc n atr n n r.Gig cl terest you can find at our store., .J oda;ltVc rsdn ready to give assistance to any by'their golden weddiag in Mar LO KA T ILS . (. J. R.dmn; T Vc rumpour; 2 word or deed. Oun comrnunity is 1926. He was a life long n LOOKAT T IS IST rs.(Rev) J R. rumour;2ndbotter for having such lives. Shelof the Met.bodist Cburch, am Vice--Miss F. Virtue; Recording will bc missed not only f rom ber of the Quartenly Board, and for Secretary-Mrs. Sidney T. Hoar; accu-tne lc twrhpbtaliiePeieto h dl FOR FATHERS Corresponding Secretary-Miss V. vl stome plae t orhip but aI1 l tmersidn fth d Shortt; Treasurer-Mrs. A- W. An - mirssofeor caspmoftand, hvier la Fine Boots...$4.50 to $9.00 nis; Mite Box Supt.-Mrs. W. Stew- oenurgm tadadie The funeral service on Frida Oversboes........ $2.65 to $5.00 -art; Christian Stewardsip-Mrs. H. i _____conducted by bis Pastor, Rev. Cloth Rubbers ............ $1.95 His; Strangers' Secretary-Mrs. R, Robins, assisted by Rev. W House Shoos . $2.00 to $3 95 J. Hodgzson; Supply Secretary-Mrs' SOLINA B unner. F. A. Werry; Sec. 'of Assoc. Helpers1 Tre pall-beaners wenei Cosy Slippers. . .$1.6S tu $2M -'Mirs. C. Bigelow; Missionary Mon- Ms Bessie Reynolds, Peterboro, members of Florence Night Socks and Rubbers 1dbySertryMs . .Ddly i ite er mother, Mr&. John Rey- Lodge, No. 66, l.O.O.F., of $3.50 Plus $1 and $1.25 for Socla Organist-Mrs. C. Woodley; Asst. nolds. .. .Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Baker deceased was a member. They, Organist-Miss 'Mary Brightwell; and Master John visited Mr. M.H. Messrs. T. C. Jewell, Mý J.E FOR BROTHERS Watch Tower-Cýina-Mrs. Hather- Staples, O. . ... Don't f orget the John Stacey, B. Bennett, J.1 Dress Oxf ords.......$7.50 ly; Japan-Miss Virtue; Africa-Mrs Christmnas Concert at Eldad on Thurs- liott and M. W. Tamblyn. A. Hilîs; India-Mrs. C. Woodley; day, December 22nd«...Mr. and honorary bearers were Messrs. Heavy Street Oxfords, ýCanada-Mrs. Bigelow; Korea-Mrs. Mirs. H. E. Tink at Hastings attend- Cox, Edwin Reynolds, John $800 ta $9.50o'J. Dudley; Corfort and Cheer-Mrs ing thie funeral of Mr. Ed. Wilcox. cock and William Richards. Cburcbs English Spats, per pair 'His and Mrs. Hatherly. V. ran- Congratulations t0 Mr. and Mrs. The beautiful floral tributq $275 A splendid addness by MisV Sot Lloyd Williamns on their recent mnar- cluded :-Pillow from the fi Club Bags ...$6.75 to $20 00 on the "True Meaning of Missions". niage. We welcorne Mrs. Williamns Wreaths-Trinity Aduit Bible Trunks. ........ $7.00 ta sis.oo Rernember the date, December 1Gth to our cornrunity ........ Miss Vena Watcbrnan General Motors, Os Bedroorn Slippers $1.69 tu$2.0 or Hampton Bazaar. 49-2 ISbotridge visited with Oshawa the Ric.,ards farnily. Sprays- Heay Rbbes, aceoml $350friends .... .Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tay- Bowrnan, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Heay ubbns lae nly$35Olo1r. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor vis- Kennedy, Jr., -Mn. and Mrs. Boys' sizes ............... $2.40 ited Mr. Ernest Larmer, Blackstock Harrison, Ladies' Club, OwenS HAMPTON ..... Mn. and Mrs. S. E. Werry visited Miss Mary Neill. Mr. and Mr FOR OTIIER Mis Rta ersake is isiingBowrnanville friends and attended the H. Glanfield, Mrs. Jessie Grigg Drss OSRp Slip Ersfriss in To rto.Mr. atn annivorsany services on Sunday.... and Mrs. Roger Fishleigh, N Dressy trap Sippers riend in Tornto-r. . M n.adMr.M. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Enfield, Hospital for Sick Children, Toi $4.50 to $8.00 I J. B. Horn and farnily, Peterbono, vis-~ visited Miss Mary Hogarth.Mirs. Mn. and Mra. Victor Mitchell, Oxfonds, Black or Brown ited Mns. C. Horn.. Mn. and Mrs.1 Walter Cryderman with Hampton borne; Mrs. C. King, Mn. and Galoshes, 2 buckle,, 2 dome Ro1chester, wîth their p)arents, Mn.rcd visited at Mn. R. J. McKessock's F. Rice, Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Bo $4.00 in ss.oe and Mrs. Wm.. Smale. .Miss Blanche ....d Mn. and Mris. Walter Vice cele- Mn. and Mrs. F. Piper, Mn. Lo CifOerhos 3to$4- Crydennian left for Belleville last brated the fortieth annîvensany of Mason, Mrs. Henrietta Spry, Mi House Shoes.............~ ekweesehsbe c pe their marniage last Wednesday when Mrs. A. M. Hardy, Mn. and i $.0 as a nurse-in-training at the hospitaltheir family wene ail home and pre- Pye- Boudoir Slippers 89e to .. . $250 there..-Mn. C. E. Horn and son sented them with sorne beautiful Among those from a distance Hosieny ..................$0 Ernest, made a business trip to Tor- gifts. We wish themrn ny more -Mirs. W. J. Ward, OwenS onto n Moday ...MMs. W. tn years of happy mannied life... I Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Grigg an( FOR SISTERS Trenton, visited ber sister, r.W The Pancel Post in the Sonis' Hall on and Mns. Jack Grigg, Cannin Bedroor Slipperu J. Virtue. .Mns. Brownridge,, Ton- Tbuirsday night under the auspices of Dr. and Mrs. Basil Bowrnan,E She resGates nd She onto, visited at Wrn. Smale's...... the Women's Institute was very suc- ton; Mn. Frank Grigg, Messrs. SHo r, Gnat giftabox . Quite a numben from here attendedicessfuî. The young people of En- les. John and Roy Richards. Horn inneatgif box..$.oo the annivensary services in Trinitylfield pnesented the prograns which Edwards, Oshawa; Mrs. Jessie Travelling Cases $7.00 te $25.00 Church, Bowmanville, on Sunday. .. consisted of a short play "«Patsy" Mn. and Mrs. Roger Fisbleigh, Hat Boxes ...$5.50 to $15.00 Pleased te report Miss Helen Vitue given by six young ladies, a duet Muriel Dech, Mn. and Mrs. Hoser............. ~ mpnoving nicely aften hen operation bv Mesdames R. Ormiston and W. Bnoad, Mns. W. R. Glanfield, Toi PatientPu.p.. ....$.t...$Io in Bowmanville Hospital. She ne- Ashton accompanied by Mrs. Henry Patet Pmps_$525 o $-50 turned to hon home on Tiîesday. ..Werry of Enniskillen, and violin CARD 0F THANKS Patent Strap Slippers Miss Minnie Horn visited Toronto music hy Mn. Wallace Pascoe accom-____ $300 te $5.sD friends last week.... Preparations aidyM"DothPsceTe __________ are being made for oun annual pne yMs ooh ace h Mrs. John Grigg and famil tre ad onert .. Msspancels sold neadily. Refneshments sire to thank thein many fnionsi Christmas teadcnet i were served by ladies of th, Intî- 1 neighbons for thein kindness Ives' Shoe Store Ruby Catworthy, Bowmanville, tute. th ae Dcme ît ympathy during the illness and Foow«rand ravllin Gode sentTuesday aftennoon at homean1y Foowa n raeln od ttended the Bible Class at home in Rmme h ae e me 6h fM.Grigg and for teba Bowmanville 'the evening. .Reartfelt syrnpathy for Hampton Bazaan. 49-2 floral offerings. is feît for Rev. and Mrs. J. 0. Tif _____ - ton of Cavan in the death of tbein1 *little daughten, Leafa Maude. who COURTICE ENNISKILLEN passed peacefully away on Sunday MisRtPwe adMn eveingafon seen ilnea c shrt Miss Mahelle Walter spent last. Osborne, Bowmanville, Mn. J. HER AMANT duration. Mn. and Mrs. W. W. week with relatives in Petertycro. . . . Clanke and son Arthur, Zion,1 J. fl1XV1 i~ Horn, Mns. R. Avery and Miss Norah Mr,. Blake Countice and Miss Flon- posa, Mn. Howard and Miss BUSHorni rotonedte Cavan on Tuesday once attended the annîvensanv of Williams, C.esarea, were i BUYS ~~~t attend the funeral... Mn. and jTrinity United Church, Bowrnanville, [guests a r rn Mns. L. T. Pascoe, Miss Majoire ad1r ussc r.A.E ln- a n nn Orchand's. and ereguets f Mr. A E.Cle- jRomember the date, December Po lty ~ A~pls and Miss Margaret Pascoe motorod ens ...Mr. and Mrs. Elmen Rundle for Hampton Bazaan. Poutr & ppes te Toronto on Satunday and attend nd Miss Mary,Toronto, wene with bisj ed the funoral cf the late Thomasj parents, Mn. and Mrs. Albert Rundle AT Heyes of Vancouver. .Miss Isobel recently. . Sunday the services wore HsAMTON Campbell spent a couple of days in lin chargeof____r.RosndMr Toronto recently ... .Young Peopl T .Ngecf Rv. Dr. Ross prand .___ Fair PricessmeetH.gNichoid.yDr.eRoss preached1Mnr. A. E. Billett visited Lin F arhaic engof idoa e rning The ntwo beautiful sermons and Mn. Nicb- 1friends.M..Nls. Mary Goodman chane o Mis Noah om. Thools who has an exceptionally fine been il.. Mn. and Mns. H. W. PLame.: ~meeting opened with a short song voice sang a solo at both services. The nndoS dand noe Phom«-. iservice in change of Mn. T. Salten 1 peia services are still being con- cx ad 'm visited Bowmar Cali Mr Rosner, 276, Bowmanville Bible losson was read un two parts by ducted at No. 8 School, Countice, ths soia rice n sunaa ni ntye Torato Tiniy idny artn ad aymndBunsweek, and next week at Eh efezer Ch uncb. Mn. Tom Sykes basp TootTiiy34J followed by a devotibnal prayer hy Cbunch. The meetings are inspînngi aing ntaedacda Address, 274 Augusta Ave., aMvrBinrsMn. Hilk on Petes gav and belpful and the attendance bas fine..Mn. Johns' wagon sho: aisvesy inenHorng ad S uctess ' been good. Dr. Ross speaks with a been moved acnoss the road he Toronto.eM issesaL. oc an duS. Visstuelfa good. doal of feeling and bis addnesses Mn. H. W. Wilcox's blacksnîithî Johndsitha voc raduet;Meen are impressive and Mn. Nichols is a Mn. Johns received a sligbt in Jlosdgavh er ediing. Metn fine leader in song and the peopleo during the work cf mcving theb ______________________ loe wtbbeeicio.respond hoartily in the singing ..ing ...rs. M. Langmaid is -Visitons at Mirs. A. F. Rundle's: Mn.1 confined to the bouse .... Adult1 ___________________________________________________and Mrs. Hyde, Toronto; Mn. and Class held thoîn senîî-annual - I Mns. ('ory and Miss Viola, Osh.awa, C. S. M A SO N the same time which she did in a fine "Strictly Business", on Friday manner. The wliole program was ening. Decemben l6th. Tea j1Next Door to F. F. Morris Co., ms netiigaddn in an Bazaar comrnencing at 5 p. mn.1 effecti eing .The ooug tusenoes n K8oPinm Ami.sso rnmn Phone 161 Bowrnanville cf No. 8 have punchased a fine piano theyneetings and will be most useful ment Exorcises ini Opera Hiý in the chool.1 Fridy, Decemren h e ow ti-at re beîng highen r il ýell_1 arlA1VO Gifts of .narm in thîs e t Jit lovable fragrance, sw oct memory and long asefulnees. ýottreU, Gift Set for Ladies $2.25 Gift Set for Men $2.00 Tbey are packaged in varied Gift Set for Ladies $5.00 attractive forrns, three onîy cf wbiciî see the lino at its best. Priced fromî $1.00 ta $5.00 Waternian's Pens $2.50 te $10.00 Pencils $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Desk Sets $10.00 to $30.00 Pen and Pencil Sets $3.50 f0 $11.50 The Ideal Gift for those who write Powders, Perf umes and Compacts frorn many cf the best makers in France and U. S. A., as weîl as England and Canada, 25e f0 $10.00. Hot Water Botules The famous K & S, fully guaranteed make, in sizes for baby's, sister's, rnother's or grandpa's foot. A rncst acceptable gift for any memben cf the famuly. Priced from $1.00 fo $3.50. JPhone 49 are hene sbown. Corne to us and French Ivory and Ebony You will find wo bave a rnost complote assort- ment of these fine waros and priced so anyone can buy thorn. Thermos and Vacuum Botules Just the right gift for those who lunch away from home. Pniced froni 49e f0 $4.00 Different-New-Exceptional Yet just a Calendar, which is worth $1.0)ji Cash f0 every farnily that gets one. They are FREE, but only cee for each family, and not given te childnen. Kerslake's Drug Store The Dependable Drug Store Bowmanvilleý ,e wene Sound; id Mn. ington; Char-j E ! ~ J ~, b~.IWUVUV iront o. FREj1.0ToA G F 1 oevery man who buys a Fancy Tweed or Worsted Suit or Overcoat this week. y de- i 's and This Free Gift is in the form of $10.00 off the Regular Price of a Suit or Coat death as above. utiful _________________________________________ MEN'S OVERCOATS Fancy Tweed or Worsteds as Follows: Regular $25.00 FOR $15-00 Regular $27.50 FOR $17.50 Regular $30.00 FOR $20.00 Regular $35.00 FOR $25.00 Regular $37.50 FOR $27.50 Regular $40.00 FOR $30.00 MEN'S SUITS Fancy Tweed or Worsteds as Follows: Regular $25.00 FOR $15-00 Regular $27.50 FOR $17-50 Regular $30.00 FOR $20.00 Regular $32.50 FOR $22.50 Regular $35.00 FOR $25.00 EVERY OVERCOAT MUST BE CLEARED THIS WEEK CHILDREN'S PURE O. V. WOOL These littie suits ai-e the 0. V. middy effect, trimmed; Blue trousers trousers with copen middy effeet, FOR KNIT SUIT, ONE PIECE SUIT $2.95 ail wool make, Blue trousers with red with sand middy effect, trimmed; Blue trimmed, sizes 2, 4, 6 years, Reg. $3.95, $2.95 q MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS AT $1.69 A new shipment just arriVed. 10 dozen in the lot, a beautiful brilliant Broadcloth Shirt, sizes 14 to 16½/., shades of White, Fawn, Blue, Helio, worth.. $2.50, ON SALE $1.69 EACH Te B. GILCHRIST Phone 61 Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanville Il: PAGE FOUR ýl