PAES~XTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER Sth., 1927 0,~ "Banking and Profit Wherever goods are bought and sold Banking has a service to render -a service which simplifies transac- tions and renders them more profit- able. During more than fifty years BANKING of constructive banking practice the Flfly Standard Bank of Canada bas bujît YEAR up throughout the Dominion a loyal -1 clientele who have learned to rely on this Bank's services. STAN DARD BANK OF ýWÀL)A BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-D. L. Weese, Manager Branches alto at Nwcastle, Newtonvifl, Orono. Oshawa Talking about Cows, Ducks 'n Everything Parties wanting milk should not seat them- selves o na stool in the middle of a field in hope that the cow will back up to them. This would be as vain as for a man to step out of bis office and shoot into the air hoping to fire into a flock of ducks that might be flying by. When wanting the best of fuels to warmn your home and fireside eall up Holgate's who are glad to be of service to you. Lehigh Valley Coal-the coal that satisfies is what we sell. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanvjlle Christmas Fruits For the Cake Have Arrived Spanish Valencia Raisins Sunmaid Puffer Raisins Clean Currants Candied Pineapple Rings French Cherries Natural Figs Dates in bulk California Prunes California Apricots Lemon Peel Orange Peel Citron Peel Shelled Walnuts Shelled Almonds Mince Meat Ali kinds of good things in the store these days No Extra Charge for Delivery W. G. NELLES CO, Phone 62 Bowmanville THIS LOOKS GOOD MANY A HUNGRY APPETITE WILL BE SATISFIED WITH THIS MEAT Cawker's Choice Christmas Meat will agyain Victoria Building Butchers Phone 61 Bowmanville ORONOi DARLINGTON COUNCIL HAMPTON From The News of December lsti Town Hall, Hampton, Dec. 3, 1927. The Hampton Women's Institutel Mr, Ralph Stutt, Grafton, was Rogulor meeting of Council was met at the home of Mrs. J. Jebson, home over Sunday.1 held this day ivith members ail pros- Thursday afternoon, Docemibor lst. Mrs. John Cocnranc, McCrae's,, ont, Reovo Wight presiding. The President. Mrs. J. R. Knox pro- spet afewday th pat wek ith Minutes of last meeting were road siding. Meeting openod by singngi spoends fhe dyste as oeewt and approved. "The Maple Leaf", after wbich the Mr. ran Pete as eenlai upaR. Davey madec daim for broken Lord's Prayer" was repeated togot- wihasevore attack of grippe but îndemnity Co., Toronto. t e following program was givon: is now on the mend. 1 jos. Irwin and W. J. Leask askod, Sing by the Institute "May God Pro- Mr. H. Junker bas ronted a bouse ta they be relievod of Dog Taxes, serve Tbee Canada", Miss N. Horn in Oshawa and witb bis family are for year 1927, both parties having'pianist. The reports of the W. I. moving to that city. owned dogs when assessmont was Convention held in Toronto on No- Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Taylor, So- made, no action was taken and assess- '.'en-.ber 1, , 16, 17 were given by Miss lina, spent the weekend with bi ssu- nient stands. M. Katerson and Miss J. Knox. ter, Mrs. Robert Rainey. J. W. virtue made request for re-!Roll Call-"What Appealed te me Mr. Chas. F. Awde and fa mily bave d uction in bis taxes for year 1927. înost in the reports just given" was movod into t:.ýeir newly remnodelled 1 Request net granted.1 splendidly responded to by nearly residence, east sido Mill Street. Complaint baving boon mode teý every one present. "A Christmas 1 Council as to unsanitary condition 1Tbougbt" wa also rosponded te. Rov. J. A. Jewell, B. A., Toronto,j of promises of one Philander Mal- 1 Meeting closed by singing tho Na- visîted his sister, Mrs. M. A. Walsh; lory, the Medical Officer of Healthitional Anthom. Lunch was served rocently, also Mr. and Mrs. F. W. baving reported as to bis physical and a social baîf l'our enjoyed b y Trull, Leskard.1 condition, and the Local Board ofaIl. Attondanco 35. Next meet- Paring a cern is both risky and, Healtb baving petitioned Ceuncil te ing. Thursday, January 5tb., at the inoff ective. It is much better tei have bim committed te the House of home of Mrs. A. B. Ferguson. All use Helloway's Cern Remever andJ Refuge at Cebourg roquest ef pe- l]adies very cerdially invited. eradicato tbem entirely. titi-eners wvas granted and by-law: MissLoren Lrrian ccempan- ased te commit the said Philanderi ied by Miss Day was home from Pet-, Mallory te the Heuse ef Refuge at UN ERA OPIN erbcro Normal ove rthe iveekend. Mr'Cobourg. T_ o T amiF y Herald and Weokly Fred Lorriman was home from Tor- By-law was given its sovoral read- Star eo ontreal bas, fer soe ente.1 ings for holding of elections for weeks, been publisbing in eacb issue, b eTmperance Mass meeting wifl year 1928, nomination meeting te be, letters from subscribors in aIl parts ochld in the Town Hall, O rene, on ho Id in Town Hall. Hampton, on e f the Dominion, in wbich the epin- Sunday evening, December lltb.tiMonday, December 26tb, at heur et 1ion is unanimeus that The Family First class speaker from Toronto. Ex-, 12 o'clock neen. Horald is the greatest value at one cllent music. Thomas Baker gave notice te Coun- dollar a year in tne world today. It Mrs. F. E. Hewse, Toronto, wbo cil that hoe would accept $100.00 and1 is safe te say ne other paper in Can- bas heon visiting bier aunt, Mrs. W. sign an agreement te assume care et ada could reproduce se many letters M. Stutt returned Wednesday aal water flowing on bis preperty eto a similar nature. Some are trem companiod by Mrs. Stutt wbo wiîî from Sixth Concession for ail time ireaders for ten, twenty, and evon i spend a tew woeks in the city. te come, and that agreement could torty years' duration. The Family A qartt ompisig rs.C.inge registerod against bis farni. 0w - Herald deserves its success. It bas i Aylos, iss Aco Ducang rsaC n gte pressure ef business befere: been the mette ef the paper te im- Messrs. Roge Sutton and Colin Tay- C ni tti esintocmui prove and give greater value year 1er avoa wll endood elotio cation was laid on table for furthor!atter year. Today it is a newspaper lorgav a ellrenere seectonice nsideration on Thursday, Decomber Sunday evening at Park Streetj 15, 1927.1 covering aIl parts ef the werld, a Churcb t -at wos mucb onjoyed by the Cutsi .0,gv egh family magazine that provides dlean, cnrgtn.Jas. CriSA . gv egh;wholeseme reading fer eld and MilrsWorm Powders net only report7e. bis orkued oevmer.yon. and an agrîcultural journal Millr's 927. Apprved.excelling anytbing of the kind on the exterminate intestin al and other1 Treasurer acknowledged receipt ef Continent. Ail those three are in worms, but tbey are a remedy forj $1 2.50 from Wmn. Moorey, beingoe big poper et 72 pages, and fer many other ailments of children.! balance of damages te sbeep killed eedla er ti rdtt They strengthen the young stemachlby dogs. Cna dila rnyalis. tiac t against biliousness and are tonical Orders were drawn on Treasurer: i_____ in their offects where the cbild su.ff- A. H. T. Annis, work Town ers from loss of appetite. In fev- Lino, East Wbitby . 65.00) SMILE THE WHILE YOU TRAVEL erish conditions tbey will be fDund'Road Supt., road material.. 74.50 1T,-acue xrs"i yn useful and they will serve te allay oad Supt., salary and office Te"acue xrs"i yn pain and griping in the stomach fremj supplies.................. 94.29! means a jolke, but you cannet help which children se often sufer. Road Supt., road mainten- 1 smiling when its porters hand your Cohourg World says that our old once...........352.901bgaedw eas h ml a friend, CL. J. W. Odell, P.F .I.&S A. Northcott,'sheep .i n- become a habit,. It may be that secured oneofe the best trophies of spection........ 15 the smile is infectieus and you the year omong the hunters of North A W. à4nnis, sheep inspection 4.30 caught it from the porter wben he Hastings. While eut huntîng deer N. F. MacNachtan, 50% Fîos- shewed yeu te your bertb, but one noar Mayneotb ,he shot o giant timb- pital expenses Walter Dal- thing certain is that baving travelled or wolf, which measured nearly eight., ziel...................... 21.75 bas happened te take the smile away. foot from nose te toil.I N. F. MacNachton, 50% lios- en the "Vancouver Express" nothing ita xe sJmsM The service, the cuisine, the equip- MrugHarond oCremortock , asParker....................3.5ment, the road-bed, the gentle- mengt Oan ood-wil ryockMr.equE. H. Ferguson, M.B., medical 2325handling et this million dollar train Patterson, and takon possession. Mr. services, loto Mm J0hv ilcnrbue eyerbpi Adans .............29.751 ness-that is if you have acquired Goode and family purpose taking up F!dm..............the habit et travelling Canadian Pa- their residence bore within a f ew .* R. Kerslake, disinfectants j cific bctween Toronto and vancou- days, having purchased the rsd L. B. of H . d............ 15.17 vr ef Mr. Henry Junker rehideiscn-eJrr& oe The "Vancouver Express", the which 1t theccon-ry.L. B. et H ...............16.14 cniet tnade ala fi vein etecemr.IA. Hogarth, services, L. B. otnnssadrdo ala fi It Testifies For Itself.-Dr. Thom-j of H..................... 16.00 ciency, beaves Union Station at 9.00 as Eclectric Oil needs ne testimon- W. R. Allun, Secretary L. B.- p. m. te-night and every night et the ial et its powers other than itself. of H .................... 16.00) weok. Whoever trios it for cougbs or colds, C. A. Wight, services and mil- For rates, reservatiens, tickets, for cuts or contusions, for sprains or cage L. B. of H........... 18.00 etc., consult C. B. Kent ,or any Cana- burns, for poins in the limbs or body, H. Forguson, M.B., services dian Pacifia Ticket Agent. 49-11 well know tiiot the medicine proves M. 0. H., L. B. of H....... 59.00! itself and needs ne guarantee. This C. W. Hastings, services San. shows why this Oul is in general use. Inspecter. L. B. eftH. ..100.50 Mr. ad Mr. WiliamC. W. Slemon, M.D., servicesNN Mr. nd rs.WiliamUnderwood, Asst. M. 0. H., L B. of H 173.00 of Toronto, beave this week for tbree John Baker, sheep damages. 15.00 rnontbs sojourn in soutbern Califor- N. F. MacNachtan, counties' nia, stopping off enreute te caîl on rate ................... 25210.00 Mr.' G. Kennetb Hall at Chicago, Council adjourned te Thursday. h Messrs. Dan and Frank Burk in Ore- December 1.5, 1927, at 1 'clock gon ,and T. H. McLean et Tacoma pm Wash. They intend returning via W. R. Allun, Township Clerk. Victoria, B. C., and the Canadian______ Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. John Brougb, An- TOAST TO LAUGHTER tioch, received the sad news this Hrestelurte sunshine of t o week of the deotn of thoir son. Hect- !thee'sl, h ahte, fthe ha or, aged 20 yoars, in Manitobatesutehpiese h en wheree h as resided o year or more: the leaven et youth, the privilege ef A letter from him onlya short time purity, the eche ef innocence, the Hr' h a previeus announcod bis intention et troasure of the humble, the wealth Heesth b rtrighm foChita.Teof tepohe bead of the cup of expresses hjs in body arrived Wednesday ovening and pleasure. dozen 1 got bef interment teok place at Orono Ceme- I t dispels dejection, banishes bluesî tory. and mangels melancholy; for it's the The base of Qui fee ef woe, the destroyer ef depres- are added manx Mothers Value This Oil.-MeotherB sien, th eneiny ef griet. It is what "pcrfectly bala wbo know how suddeniy croup may1 kings envy the peor, the guilty envy seize thoir cbildren and how noces- the peer, the guilty envy the inno- nccessary elenE sary prompt action is in applying re-1 cent. -Lite.Boe eaad li, 4lways keep a41. J14a11u 4ppy' et Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, ho- cas xeinebas taugbt them!ISoahCsDie that ti sa excellent preparation t m c Ga Drv s for the treatment et this ailment.M a Fr n Be And tbey are wise, for its varieus M nF o e uses render it a valuable medicine. 1" a a obd1hdt e p The program etf music given by nights on acceunt et the pressure on the Salvation Army Band In the m heart. I used Adîcrika and Town Hall Sunday afternoon, was 1 have beon entirely relieved".-R. F. niuch cnjoyed. The hall wos well' Krueger. I filled with citizons trom town and Even the FIRST spoonful et Ad- district. Besides the musical selec- lerika relieves gas and ofton romoves tions ot the bond which were well ostonishîng aount et aId waste mat- rendered, there wore sevoral quar- ter from the system. Makes you tettes, vocal and instrumental. Thelenjoy your meals and sîeep botter. audience sbowed their appreciation ' No mtter wbot you have tried for by frequent horsts of applause. your stomach and bowels, Adlerika apt. itcie of Toronto, gave a:l il surprise you. Jury & Lovîl, short intensive talk. Mr. C. J. Lt., Drugs. Ihornton officiated as chairnian. The Bazaar undor auspices ot the Ladies' Aid, Park Street United Sof t C orns Church, in the Town Hall Saturday atteinoon anti ovoning, was a spion- diîl -uccess, although the BaweaaytJuy was decidedly unfavorable, ether e Money Bc asJr ing a continuous down peur et rain Loveli If Moone's Emerald The hall transformed into n furnish-OuDent oAwy W h led bungalow, parler. dining reomiOlDent o wyW h j kitchen eotc, with evergreens and Ail Soreneas and Pain in 24 other decorations, encb apartmentHo s was unîler the management of a! or number of ladies, aIl enthusiastically Ctabtl t on' mrl pressing the' sale of their waîros. GtaboOUo Moes mrl The candy and tey booths, fislbponds,10j with the understanding that if etc., in charge of the young ladiies',it doos net put an end te the pain pres(.nte<l an animated busy street and soronesa and do away with the scene. The splendid bot supper ln cern itself your money will ho the hasement wvas aise well paýtron-j promptly returned. ized. Proceeds total led over $300. Do n't worry about how long you've i had it or how many other preparo- Help fer Asthma. Neglect gives tions you have tried. This powor- asthma a great advantage. The fuI penetrating ail is one prepara- trouble, once it bas secured a foot- J tien that wilI help te make your pain- hoîd, fostens its grip on the bronchial fuI aching foot se healthy and free passages tenaciously. Dr. J. D. frt)m cern andl bunion troubhIes that' Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is d ail>' you'Il ho able te go anywhere and benefiting cases et asthma cf long do anything in absolute feet comfort. standing. Years et sufering, how- Se marveîeously powerful is Meene'.' ever, might have been prevented had Emerald Oii that thousands have the remedy been used when the' found it givos wondertul resulta in trouble was in its first stages. Do the troatment et dangerous swollen Ine negleet asthma, but use thisI or voricose voins. Jury & Lovell are preparatien at once. selling lots of it. When Shopping Visit Pritchard's StoreU Anticipating early Cristmas shoppers we al- ready have on display: Christmas Greeting Cards,.............2 for 5e Toys of ail kinds from ..........................5c up Lots of games for children at ..................25e Fancy Picture Books from ................5c up Gift Stationery, in fancy boxes ........25e to $3.00 Decorations-Belis, Garlands, Tinsil, etc. Good Gifts Reasonably Priced GEO. PRITCHARD 2 Doors West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 489 Bowmanville 1qXNNS% 15 Eggs the Dozen . one man, who feeds Quaker Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash, increased production: "I gather 15 eggs for every efore I used Quaker Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash." uaker Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash is pure oatzneal. To this xy other important ingredients which go te form a lanced ration"-a miixture which supplies ail the nents for heavy egg production. calcium carbonate furnish the alI-important miners. Cod Liver Meal, high in vitamine D, takes the place of sunshine and makes it possible for your hens to produce as many eggs in winter (whcn cggs are high) as thcy do in the spring. Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash is the cbeapest feed yeu con use because IT PRODUC(ES MOST EGGS FOR LEAST MONEY. Biesides bcing pcrfectly balanccd, it is finely ground and thoroughly rnixed. Yoîr lienîs cannot pick it apart-cvery mooîthful is per- fectly balaniced, and lieause of these features less feed is rcquired. Consider the ccononmy of Ful-O-Pcp Mash wlîcn you compare its pnri(, with clîcaîwr fccds. Eighty pounds will go as far as one hîîndred îwîînds of ;in ordinary mixture. For the salie of "More Eggs und Creater Profits" feed Quaker FULwOwPEP EGG MASH Mad bsl y 'l'lie Quaker Oats C'ompany, Pet erborough, Ontario. Mantifaeturers of Quiaker Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter; Quaker Fxil-O-l>cp Growing Masli; Quaker FîîI-O-l>ep Chjck Fceds; Qujaker FIîl-(-'ep Egg Maslî and Quaker I"îl-O-Pep Scratch Grains for l'oultry. Quiaker l)airy Ration for Milelo Cows. Quaker Schuiiaelier l'ccd for cattle,lîg and horst's. SOLI) BY HARRY ALLUN, Grocer Phone 186 Bownianville BUY QUAKER FEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS 91 Thank You ! We are greatly pleased with the business our old and new friends have given us since taking over the butcher business from Phare & McCoy. A number were good enough to tell us what choice tender meat we sold them last week. We're just going to try and keep up that high standard of quality every week-and thus keep our custoiners satisfied and happy. HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowxnanville 1 - PAGE SIX