PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8th., 1927 lit ~ CORBETT' S "Chri.stmas Cake" People who have tried our Prize Formula Christmas Cake tells us it's the best they have ever tasted. It seems te sell wel 5 that speaks for itself. Order early to make sure you get one- any size, iced or plain at 50c L ALMOND PASTE 50c LB. BOXED GIFT CHOCOLATES Ganong's, Willard 's, Famous Avonde Chocolates, beautifiilly boxed from .............50c to $4.00 Mixed Candy, Speciaîly Priced Homemade Hum Bugs 40c lb. Short Bread, real old Scotch make, 15c Cake Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P. Corbett Baker and Conf ectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville THE FIRE-FIGHTER CAN TELL YOU!1 Talk to the man who batties destructive flames-who risks if e and limb to protect proper- ty. Ask him about the tragie sceness he has wit- nessed as Fire deprived men who "did not believe in Insurance "-of their homes and their ail. How, while the smoke curled skyward, many of that type have been heard to murmur-"Oh! Why didn't I take out Insurance when I had the chance"? Don't wait until you have to ask yourself that question under like conditions. INSURE YOUR ALL NOW wîth the most reliable companies in A-merica. Phone or call on J. J. MA ýON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Look For the Shel' Sign Then purchase Sheil Aviation an Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasoline known the world over. Test it your- self. You'll find quality is cheapest and best in the long run. Ce A, Bartlett Phone 110 g'sPHOSPHODIN.1 !MThe Great Engish Preparato'. 10 Tonensand uigorates the shole nervous system. makiez new Blood in oid Veins. (jsed for Nervous MDebi t>, A4nai and "nnWorr Dgqmdn?. ou ofEnar palpitation a for $5. Sold by *Il dtuUlasts, or mai rjedinlplalf p&g. on rocciçi of pim Nw a poA aud * raleg-W-ou MOICIWE cao-loNmTOM. King St. East, Bowmanville Zook's Regulating Compound m,e. wS. old in t"hredo.- gem of strmnth-No. 1. OSu 0.. -3 No. 8, 85 per box. Fr.pampffl. Addrm: 1HECOKMKCINEC0. OBITUARY BOWLING ALLEY STANDING HOSPITAL MPPANY RESNS 1 1ayE.SennHyo Senior League (Continued from last week.) I the' aarly boums of 'Tuesday Name Won Lost Pins Pts morning. November 29, there passed Cancilla 12 9 20416 18 Omemee, Ont. into the' life beyond Mary Elizabethj Front St. 14 7 19777 18 Dear Mr. Mason,-You will find Stacey, bcloved wife of Mr. Thomnas1 Sniith 14 7 19931 17 enclosed $2.00 toward the Nurses', T. Siernon. aged 66 years. i Ixxtiles 13 8 19884 17 Home Fund. We are in sympathy Deceased as born at Mount Bonnycastle 10 il 19847 14 with the work of this bospîtal, and Pleasant. Cavan, on April 2, 1861, Foundlry 9 12 19523 12 take this opportunity of wsi,ing the oceing a daughter of the late John Bankers 9 2 18989 12,Board of Directors great success in and Grace Veale Stacey. She mov- Tr. School 4 17 17938 4 their campaign. Yustuy ed to Darlington in earýy childbooad 1YHuAergerMise) .an rE lcb, and on April 18, 1882, xvas united i 5HiNeeag&(ise)CwndE lcstre, rnarriage with, hem now sorrowiglF. Williams 219.11, P. Cancilla 218- Nwate husband and moved to the Slemon 16, C. Osborne 218.11, G. Tburston hornestead, Lot 16, Concession 9, 12.3, H. Osborne 210.4, L. Roenigk Newcastle, Ont. Darlington, where they have lived 208.2, H. Williams 208, W. Cole Da red- r edn a ever since. 203.1, E. Welsh 202.8, S. Large $1 O0 to ep a l sn Mrs. Siemon was an exceptionally 218.5, L. Berry 19.10, 0.H owetiin ourHosita fine type of woman, always intemest- Yo8 5,TrBrd19.0,O.Hopr amain ed in everything that nmade for the .1 ,i5, T. Goddard 196.8. (Mor. trulyeil upbuilding of the yaung, a good Ladies' League mother, a kind neighbor and a very Name Won Lost Pins Pts NeaslOt faithful attendant of the Chumch, AN 4 111018 Da iEcoe wlfOnt. Sunday Scbool or any organization li14 111011DSr-Ecoeyuwl fn that was for the promotion of right- Varcae 10 5 9944 151check for $10.00 toward your Hos- living. In early yearsseeaed Goodyear 1 8 7 8067 il pital Fund. amember and a very ______ten-Tetls___85 WlintnFotr ant of Haydon Bible Christian Goodyear 2 4 il 8092 41Wligo otr Church which afterwards was known Front St. 3 12 77334 as the Methodist and later the Unit- 1 ihAeae Enniikillen, Ont. 10 Hih AveagesDear Sir,-As the Hospital Cam- ed hrh U. Allin 154, E. Reader 150.5. V. paign is a mast wothy object and Besides her husband she is sumvived Golwell 149.3, Mms. Greenfield 147.4, deserving of the sympathy and gen- by four children, Cecil at home, H.I. Thickson 145.9, L. Andersonierosity of the surround;ng district I R ild a at B owmanville, Vera at hornie' and tela Ms. has.C, rigs),1144, A. Piper 141.12, Mrs. McMann enclose $25.00 and wish you every I ad Sell (rs.Cha. . Bigg),141'3. Mrs. Wight 139.6, Mrs.I success in your appeal. of Toronto, and one grandson, Thomi- mo*mpson 134.2. Respectfully youms, as C. Briggs. Also two sisterMs Absolarn Abraham.I 1 John Slemon, Enniskillen, and Ms Sulas Trewin, Haydon. and two stey-hrothers, Mm. John Broud, Hampton, Ont. Detroit, Michigan, and Mr. W. H. DermSir,-Enclosed is cheque for Broad, Toronto. One brother $5.00 which is for the Hospital Fund. William, and one sister Henrietta Youms sincereîy, Stacey predrceased her. f ,f (Mrs.) Li, ian G. Jebson. The funemal took place from the family residence on Thursday after- M V Newcastle, Ont. noonandwas erylarely ttededDeamSir,-Enclosrd find $1.00 for by relatives and friends fmom Tom- teHsia ud onto, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Nest- Yours truly, leton and Cadmus. Service was 14 conducted by Rev. J. R. Trumpour, ,54jJ t ho too easy ___J. W. Garrod. ber pasbor, assistrd by Rev. J. U. on your bene. Robins, Bowmanville, bath bringingi Make thern produce Hampton, Ont. comforting messages to the brreaved mmos U. TheY w.Ii ou~ Da iPrs idecoe ones. Rev. Mr. Trumpour spoke L P.IeIf Yt5Sa"ouhry egu)ator in little offeing $10.00 for youm froni the womds "I shaîl be satisfied thl6oe& . Lts of Eggxn-GUAR-AN. Nurses' Home. when I awake in thy likrness". He mom =à o U-fliBkU. Youms respectfully, paid a beautiful tribute to the deceas- (Mrs.) Thomas Pascoe. ed whose lif e had been not only an inspiration to ber family but W al those whose lives had been touched R. R. 2, Georgetown, Ont. by ber influence. lm~3IE*R Dear Sir,-Enclosed find check for 1AE4 "f, W _lg TeOKIREEI $25.00 for your Hospital Fund. 1' The interment took place at Be- yjo AAA . was born in Bowmanville in 1880, thesda Cemetery. and remaved with my parents as a The pall-beamers weme six nephews -Dm. C. W. Slemon, Dm. G. M. Tre-- win, Messrs. Clarence Avery Theo. M. Slemon, Milton Sîrmon and Hugh Annis. The flowrr beamers who bore the beautiful flowers expressive of the deep sympathy from a great many fiends wrre-Messrs. Francis Wem-t ry, Ernest Wermy, Russel Gilbert. Lorenizo Mountjoy, John Slemon, Jr., Harold Slemon ,Wmn. Martin, Leslie Grahami, Carlyle Ashton, Gardon Beach, Theran Mountjoy and Elgin Mountjoy. The floral tributes weme as fol- lows:- Husband, spray; Childmen, wreath; grandsan, spray. Wrraths -Mms. E. Gardhaouse, Mrs. A. Bee, M. Wm. Christie, Toonto; Mm. and Mms. Wm. Tewin; Mrs. R. T. Sle- mon, Milton Slemion and Mrs. R. Gilbert. Pillows-Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Wery and family; Mr. and Mms. G. E. Chase, Bowmanville; Dr. and Mrs. Garnet Trewin, Oshawa; Mm. and Mrs. W. A. Bain, Toronto; Spmays-Tminity United Church Young People's League; Young Wom- en's Auxiliary; Mm. and Mms. John ISlemon;_ Mr. and Mrs. Thea Sirmon i and John; M. and Mms. T. C. Jewell, M. and Mms. Silas Trcwin; Hydro Elrctmic Power Staff, Bowinanville; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Duckwoth, Tor- onto; Mm. and Mms. Chas. H. Mason, Bowmanville; Mm. and Mrs. Clarence1 Avery; Haydon Sunday School; Mr. and Mms. J. E. Richards, Orono; Mr. 1 and Mrs. Wm. SInmon, Winnipeg; Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Semon; Dm. and Mrs. E. T. Slemon, Ottawa; Misses Helen and Frances Cryderman. Miss j M. McLaughlin.1 Complete in itself, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator dors no require the assistance of any other medicine ta make it effective. It dors not fail ta do its womk. SUNSHINE BELT OF THE SOUTH;i The longest hpach in the world 'Stiung %\ay along tht' Gulf of IMexico, down around Key West, up the' coast of bluc ta somewheme east of Jace'-sonville" xill not mean a thn othose who neyer see it, nom t v.îill the warni tropic suns of înid- t %viîter or the' sea batiing of Jan- tlary. There are oranges ta hel picked hen the, snow is baricadingj yatlr <bar, golf and tennis dnwn South %wben the' weatbcr strips alone uill rot debar the breath of t he No"th. Wben you think things at: their womst they are mtally at theim 1 hcst in Floiiula' ad along the' Gulf 1, Const. Hlotel rates are easonabl and long lmit winter tourist fames giving yoo a wide chaire of routes nre sorpmisingly low, why not nmake a travel investment in health? For ail travel information cnsult C. B. Kent or any Canadian eaific Agent. 49-9-51 Ilere's Proof That ZUTOO Ends Headache Mr. Ea. F. Tromklna< EX.Mawor of Coati- !r<%ble'ts are a maie and! effective remedy for hsadache" Mr. Gao. Legge, ditor Ul tbe "Granby L.ader-Mall'povel. "Tour Zutoo IoVta demerve te b.e wtde- 'Y koaa a remedy tisat will &top A. C. Hammo, B. A. X. C., Colonel of th* Huasmproves I. «41 use Zutoo Tableta anti find thees a ver y stWactry nmedy for Headache.» eas osats pir box-et .11 deuier -It is wonderful how a littie mustard in your bath wil bring new life flooding through your systeni. When you feel jaded after the day's work look in the pantry for the tin of Keen's Mustard. A Mustaral Bath Thmow three table- spoonfuls into the hot watem, swiml around, and then get ini and soak 1 After five or ten minutes you will feel like a rîew being. YOUNG WDMEN SUPPERMOST These Two Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a VegetableCompound Ayer's Cijf, Quebec. - "I have been teaching for three years, and at the end of the year I always feel tied and have no appetite. 1 was :efu 1 sick each month,too.having ins in my bac k ntil sometimes I wa'bgd to stop ~# woking.A friend , I ,,, recommended LdiaE. Pink- hms egetable and I heard many women telling how good it was s0 1 thought it would help me. And it did. Now I take six botules ever7r year and recommend it to others. DONALDA FANTEUX, Ayer'a Ciff Quebec. "Unable to Work" Canning, Nova Seotia.-"I had ir- regular peris and great suffering at those times, the pains causing vomiting and famnting. 1 was teach. ing school anid often for some hours 1 would be unable Wo attend Wo my work. Through an advertisement in the Rapers 1 knew of Lydia E. Pink- bamns Vegetable Compound, and it bam been of great benefit to me, the troubles beini completely relieved." -LAMAU J. ATlON Canning, King% mtNova Scoia. 0 was arNewsident ofBowianille ti hie dethd n fnt, (Mniss L. Ii Bon dath n n ),il ivstere. Cosid-, ering my),si alays tas a ni Wrn est ura, ake asa ntintvetoi Wthedig Dra. Its eonle ei teuipings of a Hs peo nthpl ac Te was ceminlyofa go o ve itandplmc va er et ishes fodor ucessad my pani est iheck.uces ccm panis chck. Yours tmuly, Fred C. Bonathan. 1520 Parker St., New Yir iy De ar Sir,-Having been privileged ta enjoy a social evening at your beautiful Nurses' Home last Spring i and feeling it an honor to assist in such a worthy cause, pirase find en- closed a check for 20 dollars. With best wishes for a mast successful campaîgn. Sincerrly yours, (Mrs.) James A. Phillipa. (Nee E. Sophia James.) (Miss) Marlon A. Phillips. Winnipeg, Man. Dear Charlie,-I arn enclosing herewith $1.00 and trust that the ather $14,999 ex-citizens of Baw- manville and district may have con- tributrd a like amaunt in order that you may reach the full amount of your objective for the Nurses' Home. While there are many caîls of a somnewhat similar nature in a cîty of the' size of Winnipeg, 1 arn very glad ta make this small contribution' toward ne f the mare recent in- stitutions in gaad old Bowmanville, which apparently keeps up ta the tminute in its public service institu - tions. With best wishes for the succesa of your carnpaign. Sincerely yaurs, W. H. Courtice. PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT Report of Public Health Nurse for November: No. of homes visited 188. No. of visits ta Prenatal cases 1; Adult 12; Infant 13; Pre-1 school 13; School 81; Total 120.î No. of cases nat found 6; No. of, niscellaneous visits 10; Visits ta cîksos ouf communicable diseases 10; (diphtheria and carriers) ; Sociali service visits 6; Office boums 19; Re'- ferred to doctor andI dentist il; No. Infant Welfare Conferences beld 4, .witil total attendance of 35. Schooî Report No. of visits ta schools 36; No. of clt.s îoîm inspections 14; No. of pul)ils inspected 496; No. upils weighed 335; No. eferred to docto.r 5; No. treated 7; No. excluded 6; No. readmitted 98; No seen in office 22.1 Regamding the diphtheria outbrak aIl cases and carriers of last month have been released frorn quaantine. There bave bren two new cases me- ported this month, ont' pre sehoal child and one adult and no new car- riers. CALIFORNIA'S GOLD Mammy Sangs and the Ma Dixie Line have aIl mrlted it set befome the ýSun in the orange gmt of Califomnia. And theme's a rea! The praise is going ta the worthy theme arr cloudy days in Califoi ont' neyer heurs of tbem, andi easonable ta suppose that one sh( if titeme were. A million pei each wintrr fol]ow the strps of conquistador of wham, perhaps,t have neyer heard. They sourdh gold-the gold of the beach, of graves, 0f tht' sunset over warm cific waters. And theme is a i there for you; a real mine of'he and a wealth af sport and recrea activities for you ta exploit at 1C. B. Kent or any Canadian ciiflc Agent will gladly stipply in Imation regarding fares, routes, upon request. t FORGET THE "BLUES"!! ELECTRIFIED Use your electric light socket for your Radio power. Ask us for a home demonstration. Soîd In Bowmanvilîe By HARRY C. ALUIN I 3D 1 moi Canada's Largeet Retail Grocera B uy Tour Christmas Grocerles Early 7- Club House Peas At Special Prices Mcrn No. 2 tin No. 5 bot. 12c No. 5 bot. 15e 'Thelter Macaroni' No. 8 bW. 20c No. 8 bot. 29C 2for - No.1 Quen 2c3C3 25 Mason Jar Stuffed - 49c FINEST CALIFONIA NAV EL i~y<i ~ SFirit shiprnents just arrived. i ~~'I Corne and inspect th . tock. I ORNEPriîtswjlI oun mii lsanard NUTS Raisins 2 Ibe. 27C CAD id25C l.Pe .;d25ocILb.Sweetheart Fib.i. Wl,,...AI,..â. C.t M.x.d - 3. Scl.Chesta N.,. ..h.dCurrants n M~. N«u.. N.d C..5.. Braz;ils 29c lM. ..Wd.. H.11I 1d -lb. Box 39c 9Shelled Dates 2 sn. 23C 3.1b. Box 99e AlmndS I W.k Cookrng 2 lbs. 21 Large Aesortm nt tin 2 5 c CrqF ... y er - l. . Candy Aîmndaifl.5..::Cherries 41b. 25e 123C and f25e Calke Candiesl Our Own Make Chateau Loat F.rD ... oc- Christ mnas Cheese 31 b. ~ .*. I. %C ak e Fnoat Sat& Clam Libby'& b.ifld.o..i. Smincemeat 34c sqc eacb rue l,à R.1 J.r Christnmas Large 2 Ib. 27e Molases naps Pudding Christmsas Wines .l. t . _1 Port Ginger Grapo 2ibm. 25e 75e 1 29c bot. Icing or Powdored Bob.. Fandînin 1op n CenesC.c.aaut Sugar3 I.L5c Palmol ive Soap 3 for 23e 1 6 Coz. .à .Bo a . pkt. 8 Shirrff's True Ivory Soap G- 5afer 25C0 _______ ExtraCtS Classic Cleanser fin Sc ~,4 1!/.o. bt. 3c Pute Polieb Silver or'Brasa 17e TASTY 1 V -o. ot 2crs HandyAmmonia3for25c MAYONNAISE e __________________ DRESSING ~'Pineapple F'eo r.Iqc Jar 25C No. 2 tin 24C 3Y,-oz. 13 Prepare for Winter Fi your bins with Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, the Standard Anthracite. HAVE BUILDINGS FIT See that your barns and outbuildings are wat- erproofed with good B. C. Red Cedar Shingles or Johns-Manville Roofing. Protect your implements and machinery with good buildings and save trouble and money. A VERY USEFUL BOOK We have a number of plan books with sug- gestions which you will find useful. ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN Caîl and see our stock and get estimates on your requirements. McCleIlan & Co. Ltd. Phone 15 King St. East, Bowmanville :Robrts! * Srup: *foir COUGS.CLDS.#r mria tisLE N îould Engineerng. Auto- the ery or %V.dint they wlP.,rrcusln i for and flastertignu o. tthe Batberii and Ladios'Hafr. Pa- dressins. min arn$6 t $10 Per Day e a l t hi r e d t a l e a r n . ath Expert Instructot.,Practical tion 1TralnIng. lg i d. st will 14 for tblg r .dyan Pa- i.lgh ftrrieo« rio Cfor- H.rnphM lTrado Schoola etC., 163 King Street West, Toronto '-- 1 a- -. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 337 Olga L. Tod. 1 .--. 1