PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMIBER 22, 1927 DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS TH-E EDITOR TALKS EDITORIAL BRISFLETS DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE We cannot reCa11 having written In our boyhood we suff ered great-1 Some years ago we were deluged Ronor graduate in Dentistry Toronto an article for this column for or ly fromi chilblains. Persons who, by promotion literature of oil Wells. University. Graduate of the Royal about busy mothers or homemiakers. are out of duors much in winter are Bait was attractive but we djdn'-. College of Dental Surgeons of On-, But two letters have reached us liable to chilblains. One cause of even nibble for we had been advised tario. Office King St., Bowmanville.1 quite recently that have set us think- this irrtable ailment is poor blood nlexer to invest our spare dollars ini Office phone 40. Bouse phone 22. 1 ng a great deal about household circulation and the best way to keep an hole in the grotind. WVe believe X-Ray Equipment in Office. dufes for whieh mothers are mnainly e&rculation at concert pitch is by the advice hold, gý,od today. Before ,re..ponsible. Then too, we have, moans of exercise. A good brisk yielding to the solicitations of the DR. J. C. DEVITT 'sen considerable in The Homemnak- \%alk iu the morning will send the, stock sal'esman!t your hanker. Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson o r'.s page in Thc Daýil Globe that in- llood cou rsing through one's veins, Graduate of Royal Dental College, .lJicates that honicmakers as a rule and tone one up so that for the rest The vear isci-'d the record made; roronto. Office, king St. East, Bow- are mo).tly very busy wonien, unless of the day one is impervious to the The las, deed (I mo. the last word said manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 they have sufficient helpers to get cold. If vou are an indoor wvorkcr 'The memory alone reimains p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone tnrough easily with the usual daily and spend your days at a desk or 0f all its joys, ts grieis, ils gains; 90. Bouse phone 283. household duties and fanily respon- behind a counter, try and get a briSk And tiow with pur;mo-e full and cleai X-Ray Equipment in Office sibilities. Even with helpers many %valk of a quarter of an hour in the1 turn to nie'-' înother year. of them flnd. especially in larger morning, before starting work. G'et> A laugh is jut like music DR. R. E. DINNIWELL ;houses and average family cares up ton minutes carlier and walk that It freshen- ulp the day. Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- that life for themi is one round of bit to your work, it will bc worth It tips the po' lfife with light versity and member of Royal College overs:ght and direction, planning and more thon ten minutes extra under And drive- tiiL ,louds awvay. of Dental Surgeons. Licenised toi regular daily engagements that re- -,he blankets to have comifortable feet Th. sul grows glad that hears it practise in Ontario and the Domin- quire their constant and personal throughout the -winter. Remember And feols itý courage strong. ion. Dentistry in aIl its brace.atnin These are by no means it i niieybte ogtwr ag sjs iesnhn Ofie-ig tBonanil, op-; liZht tasks ither whcn there are from inside than fromn outside, andAif For heing fotlke posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. young children in the home ever re- sour fingers or tocs are cold, warrn ____________ - -----quiring mother's care and guidance. themi by nîcans of a few quick exer- ;If wc have any littie quarrel.. orý Hence we conclude that the average c i.s e, rather than by standing in; heartaches, now, xhn every heart is LEGAL wife and mother 's usually a busy front of the fire. Teagood ton- miello%% ed and receptive, is the time MG.V. GOULD, B. A.,. L. D. ;xoman. * *c. toc, as a preventative in early to forget and forgivo. This wil M. G. inter, keep warm and maintaiti a' make a happier Christmas for us al. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 0f Course, by using good judg- good circulation. ;and start the New Year with a gay,' Money to lban on Farm and Town! ment, tact and system and refrain- hat Property. Royal Bank Building, ing fromt overdoing their strength ~ **hat Bewmnanville. Phone 351. i len at their daîly duties, many of Nwi odtm odcd o the ilîs of housebold life might be Some weeks ago in this column 1 vwhat papers and magazines to sub-i W. R. STRIKE iescaped. It is inevitable at times we gave a Talk on young people ýscrib-, for 192S', and to renew for' Successor to late D. B. Sifapeob, C. flnot te, work until exhausted, but walking, standing and sitting in cor- The Statesnian. Barrste, Slictor No'may moe tmesit s a unillng-rect position and in Saturday s Globe BaraeSoiioNta.z mynes oevtime st an unwhlîing Dr. M.E. Moyer of Hamilton,' in an "Wberev'er hearti' are happy,i Soliito ferBan of onteal ed that is responsîble for the over- a ddress in Toronto is reported to 'Tis a simple thing to do Money ta Loan Phoise 91 fatigue. The idea apparently does have said that "Osteopathic remedial To seek some other sadder heart BowmaiivilOe, Ontario not occur that another day will corne gyminastirs are of the greatest value And make it happy, too. lin fe hors benwit enrgyin the treatment of chronic disorders C~he joy we share witb others W. F. WARD, B. A. renewed by rest, the work can be fln-as elasith minnnc f lajotatmuipid Barstr olctoNta ~ Iished easily but they keep the old- health. Wrong carniage and post- And 'twill make a perfect Cbristmas, Baoney Soictoor onda fr ai daei d o1ofe:'eyrpture are productive o! many anatomi- If thcre's no (one left outsidce. Moffes-BolaIY Blondsk or in e.Staoffetintmorr to whtn e der utcal derangement s,whicb in their turn !offnviIe, Ontriatod . O gn erow wal prncipes the ,produce much sickness and needless In a letter t,, the senior editor ; BOffice 102 Onaros 49. phones,.1 oahrim s Ou gn alnd good. te'suffering and conditions caused this from a former Bownîanville business, use 09. acormmo e is ve an ver good u w iay respond rapidly to corrective man writing fr .m a western City - -guide even in 'the face of practical exorcises". The modern sloucbing says; -I wish you ceuld see our 1ains gait m-as a distinct menace, and dining-room table. strewed with FUNERAL DIRECTORS say* ss produced flatchested people, who hooks, magazines, election carda. F. . ORISco Onths ubec a ratialwoan neyer could be beatby. In these Christmas cards, letters, etc. What F.FCORS Cet Oo recn ty reakdthpat itfl o ur cases exercise designed to raise the a season of grcetings and goodwill Copet ooi rprising that busbands sometimes get ribs worked wonders by removing, messages tooI frnd fa ad Horse Equipment anydadirtbewe pnr-, from the nerves the inhibitory influ-' near. *oy helîs are ringing again, AIl calis promptly lturning from work they find whves onces of the faulty posture. I lotbfr h co. fls er attended to. even more tired than they are tbem- health is to be mainitained the nor- 'have fairly diod on our cars, time Pnrivate Ambuace sle. Mnwn ofn ofr mal curves and flexibility of the slips by so rapdly"-a picture of Bownianville phon lesnd t enxur o esflness out human spine must be maintained, many homes this weck, we fancy. 10 ad3 ia n the heexuyog etfhomessfrot:the doctor claimed, and setting-up Branch Store- business or their days work, not wivea exercîses with these object.a in view7 Orono & Newcatle ta can scarcely drag themscîves ishould he taken daily. ______________________ aot, oehutdaete. Te a later development of the "cold". abonuto o plhased mee t eb wanti Scientifically speaking, a cold is a ALN . I.LAM hen copnonple of t e oherand ,Osteopathic investigators recently vascular or cirrulatorv shock, caused Emnbalmer and Funeral Director.1hoping to get refresbed tbereby, and.fon tata ng okngirsbo ytefaurofhevs-mtr Calla given prompt and personal at- 1flnd weary drawn faces and slowly ýhad deveîoped chronic beadaches, 90 nervous mecbanism to adapt the1 tention. No extra charge for dis-! dragging feet, and brains withoutiper cent had habitually faulty post-, body to a change in temperature. tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- energy enough to converse intelli- 1utre. With correction of these This results in congestion in the ares vilOt -tf. gentîy. some friction is to be expet psues alone, witbin one week the controlled by the nerves. cd. Trouble i rwigbehaB ad practically aIl disap- MEICLquarrels. The outcome may bie tem- peared. Demonstrations were theri MEDICAL porary unhappineas only; but also it given of the various exercisea. "bevr ae oe htmr B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. may mean headaches and beavy-* * coîds occur on holidays, or follow- Iers and serious outcomes. Many Wc also gave a lady doctor's ad- ighldyatrpris aqes Gold Medalist o! Tinity University,!heartit, ns o! similar occurrences!Ivierentyocmoncdandighlayftrptesbnqt, Toronto. Four years attetiding Phy- 1 breit isery of mind and body and thce gare e that nbouold e akn etc., and it is general experience that ican and Surgeon at Mt. aml1ih getcr htshudb ae of epertufrome, d rgte tc.,npar optlPtaurK. Oýfficean matrimonial inharmony. in homes to prevent contact with olda rut fo xoure uhs tch, age Iteaidence, Wellington Street., Bow- 1 others. At this meeting also Dr. 'ticularly if these focus on the back manville. Phone 108. W. A. Hinsperger said, we think of the neck. The treatment to bc 1Here again, good sense sbown ma5I very, trutbfully that "the commofi logical, must include rcst, elimination C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. avoid the trouble that may otberwise - cold witb its never-cndiflg complica- of poisons by enemata and copious Graduate o! Tinity Medical College, arise. Often a waman in ber zeal1 tions and sequelae, is flot taken ser- water drinking. No food should be Torono, frmery o!Ennikihln. ta bring a home up to the ideal she iouslv enougb by the general public.iaenifuckrstsredird Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's bas of it in attempts more than she Absence f rom work on accoint of land osteopathic correction of the former residence on Church Street, can carry out that is, if she bas any "ýcolds,, is costing Canada millions circulatory disturbance and o! the Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. respect for ber bealtb. Cleanlitiess of dollars yearly, but still more ser- nervous mecbanism produces usually there muât be aIl the time, and order, ious are its c omplications or scquelae, rapid cure ,said the doctor". So we ----except for temporary disorder that as pneumonia, influenza, etc. Gocdi again advise parents ta take greatest VETERINARY is attendant upon rearrangements are not caused by germa, it was dlaim- care to avoid contagion wben any one wben made. It sometimes happena dte em eigscndary ta and in the home bas a comimon cold. j DR. F ~. ICiEtbat juat keeping things cdean and! VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or orderiy ihalal that is possible at Nlght calîs promptly attended ta. ometages in bousekeeping, to-ý Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. gehrwt on h sa otn Phoe Wben tbis is the case be-, E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. waeo ttmtig oei t e ýdangers good bealtb. Be content Honr Gaduteof Uivrst ;ofto do wbat ha împerati"'e, and reat Bono Grauat of nivrsit olin the tbougbt that a time will corne Toronto. Ail cases given promptI when you cani tackle the job. Wber Let Y our G ift B e and careful sttention. Office-la person finds bersel! very tired that, Dr. McEroy's former office. Phones: las the rigbt time to stop and take Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. 1 a rest or to change off to do some i sitting duty if the time cannot be given to real reat and relaxation o!f AEIPTINEERS nerves and muscles. THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Parm and Bouse Sales a Specialty. Terma inoderate. Enniakillen P. O., Phone 197r3. 1-tf. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honer graduate of Toronto College' of Chiropractie will be in the Bow- manville Office Tuesday, Thar3day and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Residential calls made during fore- noons. NewvTerm.,I, n nJan. SHAWS TWELVE BUSINESS SCHOOL>OIin lor,ito Writ', for Calendar. W. R .Shaw, R.gLIstrar. Bay & C'harles, Toronto. 4~ LESSON No. 15 Question: Why is emulsi'ied cod- liver oil so important as an added ration with milk in the diet of children? Answer: Because when it is mixed with milk it makes milk a more effi- cient rickcts-preventing food and builder of strong bories. Children like it best in the form of SCOTT'S EMULSION_ Such a reat affords good oppor- tunity ta meditate an the dutica that arc imperative. It ha very truc thati there are too miany persans in se- sponsihile positionis who dlo not tbink enougb, men as, well as womnen. It proves oftcn vcry profitable . In the matter under consideratioti wbile resting the physical powers plan the arrangements you want ta make 50 that they are perfected. M4entally systematize the work so that, as soon as possible, it can be done in a %vell ordered )v.ay. Whcnever you arc able to do any extra9 yau cati push the plan forwarcî a littîe by doing somne ane of the small things. It rnay seom trifling in itacîf, but big jobs are made up of accumulations of detaiî., and to rerduce the number of these is a maove in the rigbt direc- tion. The essential is ta cease be- fore oxhaustion overtakes you. The time spent in seriaus tbinking is of- t,-ii IiberaIl ewrdd. yes, it of- ten pays liheral dividenda. Look arcuri.j among your acquaint- onces andl rhink how mucb more cas- ily~ some bouscwvives get along witb their ho)usehoîd duties thon others.- Personal healtb is ever cf prime im- portance. It is only the womian -who neyer spares herself, but who gives ton nîuch )f her enurgies t) o haemak- ng whîc neede tu, he reni nded of ov- erwork spclling ili health and unbap- piness. There arc others whvo seek the euvss way %vho, from lack of in- ,,linotion to do things. fool themscives by- thinking that they would over- w ork should tboy attcmpt extrait. But women wbo are gond, progressive 1 homemakers are ton rager ta bave things rigbt tu halk at spending suffi- rient energy to make a succesof home life. And it is tbey wbo should realize that to care for their own bealth is one of the ways o! making comfortable, happy homw). And tbrice happy la the womnan who cati so arrange ber duties as ta be able ta tidy bersel! ta look as attractive and pCasant as cati be ta greet ber hub- by on bis entrance ta the home a!ter his day's work is dons and interest hlm in smre pleasant conversation. It la well Worth &Il the effort required. Model 220 Po-zerjuId Roger- Bat teryless Receiver, si,îg-dial c,,îrî'l.compltclt .Jielded u di o iptip!ilLt itifn unit..,14iii:uîîîteil dia, p î ,eiî .1 K 'r~ , IC l(t Tuc i Piely - n'ish.-î îluî i t.$275.00 complete, exccpt speaker. The Jubdlee Console is t/he prodîuct of 5 vars of re,irch Ji ,,d 2 vears of co,îcentrated !aboriry effort apd tc,t t o con truct the ti tic t Rîdi Rcciver t(ha! /îumpîi îkii!, 'ri.'iv'-and ex- Peri nîce co:, > /,,dace. Price, cetlrite, S$'çi I) .You and Y ours This Christmas', 1 At Christmastide 1 Mm. Bigs Da7-Haeppkn - -p--mu -"lhe End of a Petâa ct » are with you, Santa Claus has paid his usual visit, Mirth and Jollity are vour guests. and the Spirit of Christmas reigns. 'fou. the father and breadwtrtner, miay reason. ably cherish a sulent p5ride, as the t.hought cornes ta you-AIl this happiness is the result of mnv efforts. it. ali depends op mne And that pride is *mightily increasedi whem you ran sit back comfortabiy, while the children play. and look into the future with perfect ease of mind, because, knowing it ail depends on you. you have made sure that "corne what may- happiness and Christmas cheer will stfli be theirs on future Christmas Days. But-have you made sure? If not, then we say 'in ail sincerity, there can be nto aet more appropriate at this season than to Make Christmas Certain for your wife and children for rnany years to ccrme. For a comparatively srnall sum idcposited annually with the Canada Life, you cani secure m% Ordinary Life Policy which will Protect Your Home even though you should flot bc here. Such a policy is well wîthin your reach.. The coupon below wil bring full particulars, and a pro- position showing what this protection means toyou-. In a matter which touches you and yours so closely, you cannot act too quickly. The Canada Life Assurance Company wishes you the merriest Christmas and niost prosperous New Year you bave ever had. Canada Lif e «,And it ai depends on ME" ýE YEARS Ci, - .ýV'EN PERFORMANCE A ROGERS (Batteryless) RADIO You are certain to get a Radio soon - get a Rogers for Christmas! M'ith aIl the "new" things that are being clairned for ight-socket operation this year, there isn't a single basic feature that wasn't buiît into the Rogers Batteryless Radio tlzrce vears ago, and there are m:îny features exclusive ta the Rogers which NO other set cati utilize. Durin,, this limie it bas thoroughly proven its merit in many thotisands of Canadian homes. It has berrî tried, tesî;ed, pcrfectcd. To-daxy it is lhe standard in performance and qîî1:1îlv bv which al -electric'ý sets are judgcd. There' are more Rogers sets sold than ail other electric- radios put together. Model 250 A4 ' -tiibe Rogers-Bat terylesReceiver,uit/t corn Pleîcîv ç/îieded audio ampli 'ication unit. Walnut finisht cabintet. $215.00 complete, except speaker. Symphony Console 200A Same Radio Reciier as ledel 220, with Rogers SVPmhpv. Speker in bn autîjl walnut Console Cabinet. $420,00. NO BATTERIES-NO CHEMICALS M'hat <lues il mean to own a Rogers Batteryless Radiu-l jutsîthis: Vot i lýten-in %vhen voit want to-not when you canNo danger of making the sad discovery tlîat a batterv is "down"-thie Rog-ers hasn't any. No neeà to fuss with chernicals, chargers or attachrnents-the Ro(gers is ýcomplete in one cabinet aIl ready for action. It can be instailed in 3 minutes and costs less than 5c a week to uperate. If it's to be a 'Radio Clirk 'mas" in your home- choose the only time-tested electric set. Let Your Gil t be A Rogers Battery)ess Radio SoId In Blowmanville By W, J. BAGNELL 40 King St W. Phone 152