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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1927, p. 4

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r N PAGE FOUR DARLINGTON ELECTIONS Nominations Take Place mondiay Noon Next Meeting of electors of Darlington will be held in Town Hall, Hampton, on Monday, December 26th at 12 o'clock noon for noxinating candi- dates for the office of Reeve, First Deputy Reeve and Councillors. Il election is necessary voting takes place Monday, January 2 from, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sub Divisions, Voting places, returning officers and poli c erks are: MAPLE GROVE jmiss Bernice Stainton, Zion, spent the weekend with Miss May Free- man. 1 Miss Phyllis Clemence, Shaws, spent the weýekend with Miss Vera Trimble. Mr. Raymond Snowden, Toronto, spent the weekend with friends and relatives. Miss Nellie Snowden spent the weekend with Miss Marion Allun, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leech, Town, spent the weekend with Mr. No. 1-School House, No. 5, El- ani ms j i. nnay mer Cox and Everton White. Miss Nellie Kirkton, Town, an No. 2-S. of T. Hall, Tyrone. W. Miss Winnie Rickard, Shaw's, spen S. Staples and C. W. Woodley. 'the weekend with Miss Greta Mur No. 3-S. of T. Hall, Maple Grove, day. Tru Power and Norman Metcalf. Christmnas Tree and Concert wa No. 4-Town Hall, Hampton, F. held in the Hall Friday evening G. Kerslake and Sidney Hockaday. December l6th., at which a larg crowd assembled, the hall being pack No. 5-Orange Hall, Enniskillen, ed to the doors, each child doing hi Walter Oke and Lloyd Ashton. or her very best was very pleasinj No. 6-School House, Courtice, to listen to. Great credit is du Kenneth Courtice and Esli Oke. 1 Miss Stella E. Ross, teacher, and Mis No. 7-School House, Bradley's, Edna Swallow who played for then W. G. Smith and Anson Balson. ' Rev. J. HI. Stainton, Pastor, act-ed a 'Chairnian, in bis usual pleasing mar W. R. Allib, Returning Oficer.1 ner. Proceeds about $30.00. LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS RUSHING TO C. S. MASON'S SHOPPE TO BUY "HER" GIFT Why Not Join The Parade? Gifts of dainty Ioveliness-each personally selected and destined to delight the heart of the recipient. Look over the items featured they'll solve many gift problemns for you. WELCOME GIFTS-INTIMATE GIFTS Compacts 50e Silk Scarfs, $1.50 up Silk Hosiery, $1.00 up Children's Purses, 50e Real Lace Handkerchiefs Lingerie Flowers, 25e up Handkerchiefs of ail kinds Fancy Ribboned Garters 50e up SiIk Bloomers, vests to match $1.00 up Children's Boxed Handkerchiefs 25c, 35c Sachet Bags, Old English Lavender 50e up French Flowers for Dresses and Coats, 35e Up French Dols-Pin Cushions, Powder Puifs, Hand- kerchief Cases, Powder Box Covers, 75e up New French Fîowers and Many Other New Novel- ties Placed on Display This Week 100 Women's Dresses For AIl Occasions 15 Women's Coats Marked Down For Quick Selling C. S. MASON Next Door1 Phone 161 to F. F. Morris Co., Bowmanville I j 's Make the Family Gif t ---A Radiola They are last word in Radio-a model for every purse-made by Canadian General Electrie Co. No home is complete without a Radiola- They have passed fromn a luxury to a necessity You'l bn surprised how littie money it takes to buy a Radiola. We have themn in stock--with batteryless. Not too late to have for Christmas if you order this week. batteries or one installed When Looking For Useful and Acceptable Gifts 1 Visit Our Store MASON & DALE Phono 145 Pop"la Hardware Store Bowmanville id nt n- as k- ýis ig e SB t, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1927 SOLINA HAMPTON TYRONE Miss Nora Werry visited Mrs. A. L A Coleman lamp for Christmas Mrs. Harold Skinner visited with Pascoe. makes a splendid present, a good as- friends at Newcastle. Sorry to report Mr. Daniel Arnott sortment at Horn's store. League is withdrawn this week on under the doctor's care.i Mr. C. W. Johns, 640 Lipton St., accounit of Christmas concert. Mr. H. E. Tink visited with Mrs. Winnipeg, writing to The Statesman Miss Florence Down, Oshawa, Sun- Thomas Pascoe, Hampton. says: "I wish aIl my friends in and dayed with Miss Evelyn Brent. Remember the Christmas Tree and around Hampton a Merry Christmas Mr. and Mrs. W. Lillicrap, Can- Concert in the church this Thursday and a Happy New Year". nington, visited their daughter, Mr&. night.1 Monthly meeting of the W. M. S. F. L. Byamn. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Oshawa, and w as held at the home of Miss Sadie Mr. Don Morgan. Queensville, is Mrs. Western, Cambray, visited Mr. V irtue on 'Tuesday afternoon, De-spnigafedysitMradMr James Moorey. c ember 13th. Mrs. F. Rogers occu- C. nd. Ho edgson. hMr ad pied the chair and conducted the de- C .Hdsn Mrs. A. Gibbons, Toronto, visited ivotional part of themneeting. Treas- Mr. Ted Woodyard entertaîned a her father, Mr. H. Argue who con- urer's report was most encouraging, number of young friends to a birth- tinues quite poorîy. the Society having reached the allo-daprtModyenig cation. The President, Mrs. W. W. Glad to report Mr. Willis Stewart The officers of the Adult Bible 'Horn, then took charge and the fol- doing nicely in Bowmanville Hospit- Class for the coming year are as fol- lowing officers were elected: Presi-, al after a verv seri.ous accident. lows: Fresident-Mr. H. E. Tink;: dent-Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Bick; lat Tyrone Fife and Drum Band held Vice President-Mrs. R. J. INcKes- j Vice-Mrs. J. Burns; 2nd Vice-Mrs a banquet at the home of Mr. Thnos. sock; Secretary-Treasurer-Miss E. F. G. Kerslake; Recording Secretary Barr on Saturday evening. AIl re- Reyno-,s; Teacher-Mr. R. J. Mc-_ -Miss Sadie Virtue; Corresponding port a good time. Kessock; Assistant-Mr. B. G. Stev-î Secretary-Mrs. J. Colwill; Treasurer ens: Commnittep.a-Lookout-Mes-i -Mrs. C. Stephens; Supt. of System- Rev. J. R. Trumpour gave a splen- dames S. E. Werry, H. HardyT.* atic Giving-Mrs. Jas. Curtis; Strang- did sermon Sunday evening on Baker, J. T. Rundle, W. T. Taylor; er's Secretary-Mrs. W. W. Horn: "World Peace" the choir rendering Sick-Mr. and Mrs. J. Pnscoe, Miss Assistant-Miss Reynolds; Supt. of suitable music. Church service this E. Reynolds, Mesdames E. R. Tay- Baby Band-Mrs. C. J. Kerslake; week will be Sundav pvpninoe. i."lor, 10..Messc, J .a.s rss .Ms .H. Cole; Liter- iFlow.ers-Mr. H. E. Tink, Miss E. lary Sqecretary-Mrs. Petley; Organ- r:Reynolds, Mr. B. G. Stevens. ist-Mrs. E. H. Cole; Assistant-Mrs TheeloingLeauemeeingof heC. W. Souch; Mission Circle Supt.- year was held on Monday evening MisRynls with President E. R. Taylor presiding. The bible lesson was read by Hilton COURTICE Tink and the devotional the me was taken by Alan McKessock. The fol- Everyone is busy now preparing lowing officers were then eetd o for Christmas. the year 1928: HonoraryPrsdn A. J. Huggins is having a wood -Rev. J. R. Bick; President-Chas. sale on Tuesday. December 27th at Shortridge; lst Vice-President-Mrs 1 p. mn. Isaac Hardy; 2nd-Miss R. McKes- Reeve Wight and family, Provi- sock; 3rd-Mr. E. R. Taylor; 4th- dence, were with Mr. and Mrs. Blake Miss Myrtle Vice; Secretary-Miss Courtice on Sunday. Muriel Baker; Treasurer-1Hilton Ms Florence Courtice, Masters Tink; Secretary of Forward Move-I Douglas, Robert and Lawrence spent ment-Mrs. W. T. Baker. Saturday in Oshawa, guests of their The annual meeting of the Eldad aunt, Mrs. Cameron Truil and their Sunday School was held last Wed- cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Staff- nesday night, when the following ord. officers were chosen: Honorary Revival services closed on Tues- Superintendent-Mr. W. T. Taylor; day evening. Rev. Dr .Ross bas Superintendent-Alan McKessock; given beautiful messages each even- Assistant-Mr. S. E. Werry; Secre- îng during the meetings and Mr. tary-Hilton Tink; Assistant-Tom Nichol bas pleased the people much Westlake; Treasurer-Mr. A. L. Pas-; with his fine voice, singing each coe; Organist-Miss Margaret Mc- night. Kessock; Assistant-Miss Helen Bak- Services on Sunday were good, er; Supt. of Departments-Home Rev. Dr. Ross preached at both morn- Department-Mrs. W. T. Baker; ing and evening services and Mr. Cradle Roll-Mrs. H. E. Tink; Mis-i Nichol sang at the Sunday School sionary-Mrs. S. E. Werry; Temper- in the af ternoon. The quarterly ance-Mr. B. G. Stevens; Teachers review was dealt with in a most in- -Primary-Mrs. A. J. Balson;- Jun- teretîng and helpful manner. Mr. ior Boys-Mr. S. E. Werry; junior Young, teacher of No. 8 School, tak- Girls-Miss Ruth MeKessock, Miss ing the first six lessons and Miss Myrtle Vice; Intermediate Boys- Thompson, teacher of No. 4, the last Mr. E. R. Taylor; Intermediate Girlsi five lessons. A solo wns nicely sung -Mrs. J. Baker. by Miss Frances Hancock. On Wednesday afternoon the W. M ENNISKILLEN S. meeting was held at the Sunday School rmont with Mrs. Albert Rund- Mrs. Russell Griffin has returned le's group in charge. The Presi- home after visiting her parents. dent, Mrs. F. W. Rundle, was in the Miss Maud Ashton is visiting with chair and after the devotional part friends in Toronto and Oshawa. of the meeting in which an honorary Rev. E. M. Cook bas been sick; not miember Mr. R. E. Osborne, gave a able to take his work last Sunday. very interesting bible lesson, a splen- Mr.andMrs Stwar Romanvis did programn was presented. Piano Ms.Stwar Rdmn is 1duet by Miss Louise Osborne andj ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias, isHzlRnle1oa oo r Ashton.Nichol; vocal duet, Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Mrs. H. J. Werry bas been visîtîng Stainton and Mr. Nichol. The speak- ber mother, Mrs. Tamblyn, Orono, er was Mr. Bott, a returned mission- who isil. ary from Tokio, Japan, and who la Misses Gertie and Winnie Oke, a cousin of the Rundles. Mr. Bott Bowmnanville, were with their par-:Igave us a splendid talk on the cust-. ents over the weekend. Os manners and religions of the Mr. and Mrs. Hugli Annis Sunday-;Japanese, alan told us of their educa- ed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. tion and the wonderful aptness they Siemon xvho have returned home. 'show in acquiring knowledge of TheEnnskilendraati clb wllwhat is going on in Canada and Un.-j The nnikilln damaic cub illited States. Mr. Bott said ho wished prescrit the popular play entitled that we knew one-tenth as much "Valley Farm" on New Year's night, ab>out themn as they know about us. Monday, January 2nd at 8 p. .Ms Another thing he admires very much ic will l)e given between acta.Ams in the Japanese la the courtesy they sion 35e and 20c. Don't miss hear- show to-foreigners. He told us of ing it. 51-2 two or three instances of how they Annul metingof te Sudaytreated him showing their particular School wsmeDe emberof 3th wena;interest in looking after the welfare th ollwing offiDcers ere elthwed1 of a stranger, which should be an the fllýowng o J. A.swe very;ed example to us in treating foreigners Superintendent-Mr.J.A Avr; who comne to our country. A splendid Asistant Supt.-Mrs. John Slemon;' lunch was served to the large crowd Secretary-Howard Pye; Assistant rsnadamotejyb fe- Secretary-Miss Mary Lamb; Treas-pienadamotnoabeaer ure-Mr Tho. ieron.noon spent. This is the last group urerMr. heo Sleon.meeting for the year and the different League meeting Wednesday even- groups reported their finances which 1I ing was in charge of Missionary Vice 1 show that the group system hbas been President, Mr. Milton Stainton. Top- a wonderful success. ic was taken by Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, a violin solo by Mr. Wallace Pascoe,WODSL Enfleld, accompanied by Miss Dor -WOODSAL othy Pascoe which was very much usaecmr27hM.A was progrT e sivecartofe , Huggins will selI on Lot 27, Con. evenlng aprgesv rkno,3 Darlington, 1, mile north of the visitors carrying away the Courtice, about 5 acres of standing prizea mixed timber, <nistly hardwood), in The monthly meeting of the W. M. 1/4 acre lots, more or less. Purchasers S. was held in the basement of the to have to March 1, 1929, to remove church on Wednesday, December 14. timiber. For terms, etc., see buis. After opening exercises the reports Sale at 1 p. m. W. Maw, Auctioneer. of the Secretary and Treasurer were W. R. Courtice, Clerk. read after which new officers were elected: Hon. President-Mrs. H. J. Werry; President-Mrs. Sid Tre-' win; lst Vice-Mms. Lloyd Ashton,ý Corresponding Secretary-Mrs. Wm.Gr a Stainton; Recording Secretary-MrsG e t Arhu rut;TeaurrMr.(Dr.) C o Ferguson; Supt. of Christian Stew-,G o e y S l Monthly Secretary-Mrs. Russell Or- miston; Supply Committee-Mrs. at Hampton Will Oke; Strangers' Dept.-Mrs. D. Burgnaster; Pianist-Mrs. Lorne_____ Lamb; Watch Tower-China-Mrs. R. Gilbert; Canada-Mrs. <Dr.) Fer- t Ferguson; Japan-Mrs. John Pye: 1 bg o announce that lndian-Mrs. W. Ashton; Leaders of I arn clearing out the re- Group No. l-Mrs. R. Gilhert; No. 2-Mrs. Lorne Lamh; No. 3-Mrs. mainder of the Grocery1 Orr Jeffery; No. 4-Mrs. Will Smith.y Meeting closed with prayer by the Stock saved from my store Preaident Mrs. Werry. in the recent firp- PLAYING THE CAME Sale Commences l'm just a common workman Drawing down a common wage, Thurs. Dec. 22 But l'm happier than lots of men Who occupy life's stage. at the home of Mr. F. G. I give a day's full measure. KrlkH mtn And when that day bs done, l'm happier hecause 1 knowEerhig m s go My pay was fairly won. v ytig ms go League Thursday evening opened with the President, Miss Hazel Turn- er in the chair. After a short song service and the business, 3rd Vice President ,Mr. Fred Goodman, took charge. Mr. Clarence Woodley gave a very interesting topic on "Alcohol and Industry"; readings by Mrs. L. J. Goodman and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson.r Tyrone Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid met in the Hall on Wed- nesday last. The Roll Caîll vasJ answered by exchange of Xmas gifts1 which everyone enjoyed. A nice prograni consisting of paper by Mrs. R. Wright, "Value of Self Control,"' after which Mrs. Dudley sang a solo. and n good Christmas reading was! given by Miss Ruhy Virtue, after which a social haîf-hour was spenti when everyone enjoyed a treat of candy. LAUNDRY WANTED AiH kindi of iaundry work donepprompt- ly. satlstactorly and at reasonablie prices Write Post Omcie Box< 12, or cafl Mca;r W. Marjoram, King St. E. Bowmanvlile. FARMERS, ATTENTION I Plenty of- good coal at C. N. Sta- tion, Tyrone. Delivery made promptly to any- customer. Order at once. 114 5-tf. SKATES SHARPENED The new and better proceaa. Prom Pt and satisfactory service. JAMIESON BROS. Statesman Block BowmanIlle Last Minute Buyers may be served quickly and court- eously at Kerslake's where you may get Candy Razors Mirrors Perf ure Compacts Stationery Flash Lights Shaving Sets Cloth Brushes Hair Brushes Photo Frames Lather Brushes Thermos Bottles Military Brushes Hot Water Bottles Waterman's Pens an( Pencîls Yardley's Toilet Goods in cases, and aIl French Ivory at remark- ably low prices. Let us help you finish your Christnmas buying Wshing you al "A Verv Merry Christmas" we are KERSLAKE'S The Depenclable Drug Store We Deliver Phone 49 LORNE STEVENS "«Our holiday wish is-may Patteurized Mîilk bring the Priceless Gift of Health"-Say Boys From Aberdleen Who Deliver Milk. As we continue to tell you more of Pasteurized Milk and service we wish you a Merry Christmnas and aIl the holiday joys. "-pi ci L DAIIIY CiST. 'SNE 4 4 C - _______________________ -- il Give Him DRESS SHIRTS BROAI Special quality cloths and ex- Men's1 traordinary values. Ses these Blue,1 in plain white and fine lino $1.69 E stripes in Broadcloths and Fancy Silk Mixtures, attached and detached collars. Priced at $1.95, $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 and HOSE $3.95 each. I1: SWEATERS and SWEATER COATS A wonderful assortment for both men and boys, in aIl the wanted styles. These make practical gifts for the men. Let us show you the qualitie!r. Useful Gifts DCLOTH SHIRTS Broadcloth Shirts, Fawn, Grey, worth $2.50, for Each. Plain and F1ancy Knit, lines that sure excel for style and quality nicely boxed for gîfts at 50c, Very exceptional values, and to $1.50 per pair. SCARFS A wonderful assortment in the popular materials and shades. Very special at $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50. $2.95 and $3.50. MEN'S OVERCOATS Fancy Tweed or Worsteds as Follows: Regular $25.00 FOR $15.0 Regular $27.50 FOR $17.50 Regular $30.00 FOR $20.00 Regular $35.00 FOR $25.0 Regular $37.50 FOR $27.50 Regular $4000 FOR $30.00 MITTS AND GLOVES In the very fineat qualities of Mochos, Suede, Deerskin, Buck- skin and Pigakin, wool Iined, fur lined, silk lined and unlined. Very complote range at $1.50, $1.95, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, 13.50 and $4.50. These make ex- cellent gifts to men. UNDERWEAR In the two piece and combine- tion suits, every wanted quaI- ity in fine domnestic and import.. ed garmnents-underw05y imade to fit and give exceptional wear. Our values wilI appeal to you. MEN'S SUITS Fancy Tweed or Worsteds as Follows: Regular $25.00 FOR'$ 15.00) Regular $27.50 FOR $17-50 Regular $30.00 FOR $20.00 Regular $32.50 FOR $22.50 Regular $35.00 FOR $25.00 EVERY OVERCOAT MUST BE CLEARED THIS WEEK T. B. GILCHRIST Phone 61 Opposite Bank of Montreal R. H. Collacott, Phone l8lrl2. PHONE 222W Day or Night TAXI -1. (4 1x Bowmanville 1

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