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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1927, p. 6

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BANK 0F MONTREAL lEstablished 1817 1-e ASSETS and LIABILITIES 31st October, 19Z7 ASSETS Cash on hand.... .. .. .... Deposits with and notes and cheques of other Bankrs....... .. .. Deposit with Central Gold Reserve Cail and Short loans on Bonds, Deben- tures and Stocks ...... Dominion and Provincial Goverment Securities..... .. .. .. Canadian Municipal Securities and British, Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian .. Railway and ocaie Bonds, Debaitures and Stock..... .. .. .. .. 67,874,632..37 19,000,000.00 181,101,009.09 86,76o,587-30 32,963,446.96 ÇA4.028.16, Quick Assets . $481,996,9152z1 Loans and DLîSounts and other Aims Banik Premises..... .. .. .. Liabilities of customners under letter of credit (as per contra)..... P25,795,()9()73 li,550,ooo.oo i 2,2o6,3 55.96 Total Assets $83 1,548,967.90 LIABILITES TO PUBLIC bkte indrcutio . .. .. . 45,760,677-50 DepoSits. .............700,227,281-54 Letters of credit outstang 12z06,355.96 UhrliabditiC5....... . . . . . ......o8 Tot-l Lialiljitje $76,on,3¶ Excesa of Asseta over Lnabaio to Public ........$ 62,497,63238 THIS LOOKS GOOD SMANY A HUNGRY APPETITE WILL BE SATISFIED WITH THIS MEAT Cawker's Choice Christmas Meat will again be featured on many festive tables the coming Yuletide season. Here are some purchases we have made for our Christmas trade: 2 Heifers from Len Richards, Salem. 2 Heifers from rphos. Baker, Solina. 2 Heifers and 3 Steers from W. H. Gibson, Newcastle. 1 Baby Beef from Len Richards, Salem. This young beast is certainly a dandy and is the equal of many prize animaIs shown at the Royal Winter Fair. 1 Baby Beef and 1 Heifer, Carl Billings, Orono. 12 Ewes and Wether Lambs from Frank Werry Bethesda. CUSTOMERSÂ V To you folks who Turkey or Chieken foi vise you to place your what you want and we' C. M. CAW Victoria Building 1 Phon VORD 0F WARNING want a good Duck, Goose, r Christmas we would ad- order early. Tell us just 'Il have it for you. rKER & SON Butchers Bowmanville e 64- Order From Edmonton FOR JACOBS' CHRISTMAS CAKE lt's; a fact. Tbcy hadsBomne o! aur Christmas Cake last year. NOW tbcy write us from the West and ask us te sbip tbemn a 4-peund cake. It's on it's way. We bave more but every day aur supply im going fast. Chocolates 25e to $4.00. Bon Bons and Crackers, too. Our windows tell tbe story. The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanvîîle PAGE six t i ti il F aý y ti t, e1 fi il t' lb minister paving the counties for the ----- cn*t of the land. withnut interest; or The Temperance Mass meeting on they can enter into an affreement be- Sunday evening last ini the Town liall twPen the twn te wnrk on a 50-50 was largely attended. Mr. I. J. hasqiq. Ail th(-.counties can loe in Roe Presidlent D)urhamn Countyf nnv event is the interest charges for Prohibition Union, Chairmain, lnaa the tbirtv yPnrs;. the provinee accent- short speech rcfcrred to the impr'>vedl ine rnn.qt of the re9norisihility. The condition of the people under pro - -cstimated earnn'C c f this forest in hibition with that of the lic(efst'<l bar 60 vears is $4.440.000. of his carlier days, and then cailld1 HP stnteri several siteq in Durham on the speaker of the evening, ltev. crnîntv heri hep', lanked ovêr. they Dr. lrwin of Toronto, General Sec- lfeina b in n. Manvspr., ClarIre and Iretary ofthc lProhibition UJnion, whof ('nrtw-, but the most s,îitahle wask criticised the working of the Gov- that in C'nlrp. but gome efthtem theY ernment Contrai Act, If, as claini- wAr- -tIcpd 2t? n $30 an acre for, 'il the big blootlegger haîs heen driven wb,.h was ton hizh. out of business the sinaler felIlowvs Tb- crnunrn pecpetpd the récoro- continued ta flourish and in (ever in- meonditinn of the committee that the creasing numbers. Miss Buîchîînon, 1-1' be purrhqsed in Clark. tûwn. ta piano, violin and cello acc<unpanî ship. ment contributvd a vocal selüction rn her usual finishcd style. Splendid uicyKnox's Orchestra and solo- i sts. The sum of $90.30 was place Now Lf)oys La Ling, insi ut Kir' nth týon the plates (including contribu T hanks His WVife wi h wais sent ta headcîuarters lis "Foryeas Isuferedwit stmacthis lacality's contribution to the Edu- trouble. Then, my wife got me te ainlcmag o n take Adi-erika. Today 1 feel fine The Many-Purpose Oil.-Botb in and est wbat 1 like".-Wm. Opp. the bouse and stable there are scores Adlerîka relieves stemacli gaz and o! uses fer Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. sourneqq in TEN minutes. Acting Use it for cuts, bruises, humas, scalds, on BOTH upper and lewer bowel, it the pains e! rheumatism and sciatica. removes old waste matter yeu neyer more tbroat and cbest. Herses are thouglit was in your system. Let hiable very Iargely to similar ailments Adlerika give your stemacli and bow- and mishaps as affict mankind, and els a REAL leansinir and see how are equally amenable to the healing much better you will feel. It will influence e! this fine old r.medy surprise you. Jury & Lovoli, Ltd., whicb bas made thousands o!f fra Drugs. friends during the past fifty yaars. TuIE CANADIAN bTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1927 WARDEN ELLIOTT HONORED ORONO TO APPOINT TEMPORÀRY JUD>GE BY CUNTES' OUNI (From The News of December 15th) It is understood that ex4i-de . Pr.a.nted With GoId Watch, Locloet 1fr. Elmo Ard, Whitby, is visiting A- Ward, Port Hope, who retired sev- and Chain Suitably Engraved. relatives here. eral years ago from the judgeship of the United Counties of Northumber- OneofthseMr. David Bryant, Brighton, vs land and Durham, on reaching the whplhec tesaoneventofNorie r .M ukr age limit, is to be appointed tempor- whih he outie cuncl f Nr- Mrs. T. H. Po,,wers and daughter, ary judge of the United Counties for thumberland and Durham is noted Mi'ss Helen, vsited in Toronto. six months, owing to the iliness of took place at the close of the session M lr Fe . Lorrimaan ,teacher at Judge McGlade, who bas been given on December 9th., when the counicil the Essestreet school, Toronto, is six months' leave of absence. The weti onoHesminte the hoir. homewih mumps. many friendi of Judge McGlade are lihCu.Hs ntecar iss Eda Dean has taken a posi- pleased to learn that bie hwn Coniaher, in a most eulogistic Ilion as tenographer in the law office such good progress after hsrcn address.o behalf of the members o0 r. R. R. Waddell.sereins. made the presentation speech to eeeiles Wadn J. litReeo o- M.Wligo lwt a e-____ manvilleo a gold watchuiay turned froni Oshawa where hie vis- engrave,accompanied by a locket ited his daughter, Mrs. John Cowan. HLTI SOITO an hain to match.I There may he other corn remnovers, OFFICERS Our present Warden, Mr. M. J. but you iwill flot bie completely satis- 1 ____ Elliott,' wa s, he believed, second to fied untîl you have used Holloway's H. Seymour, Cavan, New Pi-enident. none, not only as an organizer, but Corn Remover. as an adviser and instructor as well Sale of fancy articles and supper On Friday, December 9th, in the as model for young Canadians. He put on by the ladies of St. Saviours Agri cultural Office, Port Hope, a most had ably and capably presided over Church, Saturday afternoon and ev- enthusiastic and successful annual this council, and been an inspiration ening was a splendid success. meeting of the Durham County Hol- to aIl, and hie hoped that the slight Mrs. .H Rowe accompanied hier stein Breeders' Association was held. afecin olda aldagteMisDoohy o oono About thirty-five members were pres- token of their afntciandwufollowingaugthe1 business of thento times bring back to him fond re- last week, for an operation for nasal etiang electiongo!eobuicess oahe collections of the 1927 counicil, and trouble which friends will be pleased Teeirgeletdoasof oloesws: that down through the days of his to learn was successful. Teersle sflos life, which, he hoped, would be long, Mr Th as cC banoce President-H. Seymour, Cavan tha hewold oo bak ithplasantth engagem.ent of hier youngest Vice-President--A. J. Runnalls, R. recollections to the 1927 couricil. dauhtr, Fanie Lillian, to Cyril E. R. 1, Port Hope. May his path be strewn with roses. French of Oshawa, the marriage to Secretary-Treasurer-H. Jose, and may heaven's richest blessings be take place quietly in December. Newcastle. bestowed on him. Mr. Norman Hogg has received the Directors and Sales committee were In mkin th prsenttio Con.1appointment of caretaker and mana- appointed. Hess said that he hoped Warden f -ger of the .Argicultural Park Rink At 1 o'clock the members of the liott would esteem the gift, as they fromi Clarke Agricultural Society. Association met in the Queen's Hotel gave it as a token of friendship and Mr. Hogg will no doubt be a live man and enjoyed a splendid banquet. Prof good feelings that had existed bie- on the job. Wade Toole, O.A.C., Guelph, in a tweenthem.Sweet and palatable, Mother comprehensive address gave the Warden Elliott, in thanking them Graves' Worm Exterminator is ac- breeders encouragement and some for the gift, said be would always cetable t, children, and it does its good suggestions for more effectively remember the pleasant associationswokurladprpt.crrngnterwrk with this counicil. This year had oksrlan omtycryignthrwr. been the greatest pleasure in his lifel F. W Bomren, M. P., and R. R. Mr. R. M. Holtby, Port Perry. in presiding over this counicil, and WaddelIl atten ded the At Home Mon- Canadian Holstein fieldman, told of the co-operation of the members and1 day night of the Business Men's Con- the rapid strides that this breed had officers had made the work moat servativetClub in Toronto, wbich was made in Canada and of the bright pleasant and enjoyable. He bad neyer held in the Crystal ballroom of the future for dairying in Ontario. asked their assistance, but it was îoy- King Edward Hotel . J. Y. Kellough, Agricultural Re- ally and readily given. The success Mr. C. B. Scurgess, Syracuse, N. presentative. complimented the As- of this year's counicil was due te their Y., was in the district this week and sociation on its banquet and enthus- splendid co-operation. bought haîf a car load o! registered iastie meeting and stated that the Short speeches were given by Col. sheep, Sbropshires front the flock of Pept. of Agriculture were trying to N. F. McNacbtan, Counties Clerk and1 Mr. M. J. Tamblyn and Oxfords from inaugurate a better live stock cam- Treasurer, who bad been connected Mr. J. W. Balsom. Taunton. He was paign and a better seed campaign. with the council for the past sixty- accompanied by Mr. Gordon o! Osh- H. also asked that the Association four years; Major Bygott, Sam Dud- awva. take an interest in the Junior Farin- ley, W. IL Nelson and C. A. Wight, Ladies' Aid of Park Street United ens of the County. while George Hooton gave a clever Church have elected officers as fol- The next annual meeting will b. recitation. lows: President-Mrs. J. Dickson; held in Newcastle in December 1928. ________lst Vice-Mrss. C. A. Chapman; 2nd The Association appointed Mr. R Vice-Mrs. Stark; Secretary-Mrs. S R. Stevens o! Bowmanville, as field- TO STA.RT FORESTRY RESERVE Cuttell; Treasurer-Mrs. S. Halli- man for this eounty, with Mr. L. C. IN CLARKE TOWVNSHIP day; Pianist-Mrs. W. M. Stutt; Snowden, Bowmairville, Assistant. Asst. Pianist-Mrs. Mitchell.__________________- Counties' Council Recom.nd Pur- A Remedy For Earache.-To have chas. of 800 Acres For Reforesting the earache is to endure torture. The Purpo... ear is a delicate organ and few care . _________to deal with it, considering it w.ork At the December session of the for a doctor. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Counties' Counicil a recommendation 011 offers a simple remedy. A few was brougbt in that the counicil pur- drops upon a piece of lint or medi- -' chase between 600 and 800 acres o! cated cotton and placed in the ear land in Clarke Township, in conces- will do much in relieving pain.) * sions 9 and 10, as a f orestry reserve, Morning service in Park Street the land in that section of the Colin- Church on Sunday, December llth-------- ol ties being practically waste land, as was largely attended. A splendid the land could be purchased at aboutaddre8s by Rev. Irwin was given on $8 an acre. "Alcohol and its effects on the Ner- In speaking to the resolution Mr. vous system". Also the cello solo Richardson, of the Ontario Depart- was of special interest, as given by -i ment of Forestry, said that theee a member of the Orchestra. Cnd' counties had four years ago purchas- Anetsitcmeigwahed. ret ed 1,000 acres of land in Haldimand A nhsatcmeigwshl towshi a a esrve an te teerecentl at, the home o! Mr. Orme Rti tonsipasareeread hetre Gamsby with the result that we are Mrce, ther ha shwn rearkblegrowth to have a real hockey team this sea- in that time. During the next four son. The following officers were -g years they would show an even duly elected: President and Mani- greater growth, as it took a few years ae-.A anb;Sceay for the trees to get a start. Traer- A. Gamsy; Cecar- If the counties purchase the site HTreasureroMr.Corih Co in Clarke, and lhe would recommend Har r eer. Mr. Merliedth oiton the site, they could go on three diff- waprsnadouiedteoitn of the Agricultural Society relative erent plans. If a private person to concessions granted the hockey wants to start a reserve the depart- team re practice and games, which ment will furnish hlm free o! charge appealed te the boys as being quite with 3,500 trees a year ,and if more tacoy are required a charge o! $4 a thous-stfaor.Om and will bie made. If a townsbip or Miller's Worm Powders will eradi- village desires to have a demon- cate the wormn evil that bears 80 stration plot, they buy the land, from heavilly on children and is believed 5 to 25 acres, and the department to cause many fatalities. Tbey are opL sill send a man to look after it and an acceptable medîcine to cbildren I ibr recommend the kind of trees to be and can be fully relied upon to clear ed Walnu planted, supply the trees and plant the food channels thorougbly o! these hem, and do aIl the work in connect_ destructive parasites and restore the ite Almoni ion with putting the plot in shape. inflamed and painful surfaces to N u w Brazils ['ler. are about fifty o! these plots in healthfulness. They are an excel- peration throughout the province, lent remedy for these evils. l o d th most conspicuous o! theze being Mrs. Hoar, Church Street, South,i Ln te viiniy ofNorwod.during the heavy wind storm o! ibe t If the coanties want to go into this Thursday of last week opened the plan they must not purchase less storm door at the rear of ber resi- 2 c l ban 1,000 acres, which these cOusit- dence to step eut wben the door was es did. An agreement la entered caught by the wind and she was burl- B a il 29e lb.I ýnto with the Minister o! Lands and cd over the steps to the cement base- eorests, by which the department ment below. The tbumb of bier M C 4«M grees to managze the land for thirtN' band was broken, the bone protrud- ears, bear aIl the expense and do aIl ing througb the skin, and she was :h work neceqssry. At the end <>f also severely bruised about the face Christmnas ;hirtv years the ceunities have three and body. Mrs. Hoar was alone at )ptions. They can take over the the time but succeeded in reaching 'Irstandru itthmspIvs b py-Pudding@ nres an ru itthemelvs b pa- aneighbor's bouse, and a dactor was. Banking and Profit Wberever gooda are bought and sold Banking bas a service to render -s service which simplifies transac- tiens and renders them more profit- able. During more than fi!ty years of constructive banking practice the Standard Bank o! Canada has built up throughout the Dominion a loyal clientele who have learned to rely on this Bank's services. S TAN DARD BANK 0F CANADAmý BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-D. L., Manager Branches ais. at Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Oshawa ~25 cChristie's I-lb. do 25cAssorted Fancy làb. Biscuit B&iIt Wt4to Christrn fur a-Cake A. beautiful r faurg decorated ce ini an eartheuware bowl b jIrjlf~ ox ec75C~ t S Finest Quality * 2i,.35 Mlincenteat LIJ7a roy 3 Aii _________Sweetheart cake 2 SmyrnaTableChest S m yrn a T able3-lb. Box 9 9 c Fig1-1b.1 Box 39c Karavan Stone] 'Atssrte.d Chocolates Dates 19c Christmas Large Assortmsent Sem.e«CuliS r, Candy PWrueS Wines 29e bot. 23e and 25ec lb. 1 na811.R-w ChrIstnaasCraclkers 25 d 494 20--EF6Stocklngs ,1Oca 25ce" -Y $ N Cthristmas 1927 HE Peff1 nt Directors and Ofce»rs extend to the Head Off=o >Su<w Customers and Friends ofth jw Bank their Best Wishe& for a Happy Christmas and a Pros- perous New Year 1- Ns i K f. Sap STORES Ébarm Wb%-qw Box é%ý Wm"F

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