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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1927, p. 8

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1W~ N.. ~1 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECE « DAUG.HTERS AND MAIDS 0F PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCERTS ENGLAND CHRISTMAS TREE tContinued fromi First Page) The INievAfc asEDt I e I r>ci The Daughters and Maids of Eng -___ ___ __ land heid their annuai Christmas white iooked and acted their parts Tree on Monday, Decemiber l9th, in particularly well. Theý were- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22nd., 1927 the S. 0. E. Hall, wben about 150 Patricia Wilson, Louise Wilson, Hilda were present, including members and Tighe, Joyce Large, Irene Shotter,- - their children and the Juvenile Sonsg Ivy Passant. Velma Woodward, Ruth oflgan.'urtly. Jean Rice, Dorothy Button- NEWCASTLE of England. shaw, Editb Mason, Dorothy Nieker-raDI In ~njdst of the Iprogrammiie. s)n, Dorothy Biekeil, Gwendolyn, High School closes Wednesday ofýG a d R - n Santa Claus apaedadpresented ,VuiilHzlLite ldeWs-thi ekan uleIclo the children aperdad h re a'e ute adeXie i ekan ulcSbo Oitb a gft froni the man, Thursday. a d ~ i~I and as baz of inuts. fruits. candies, 0 " Little To\x n oft L'thlebenî" vas Mr. W. D. Bragg wvas taken ill the and P pils ertcharisad isns M. ere Mrs. . hea rtily suiug b\ Jack Bennett. Ross first of the week with symptonis of Prithard~indMissM. Nchol. \Willanms, JacXk Poolton, Donald Wi- .cute appendicitis. Bnut colCnet bit After Saii-a's departure the pro-! lianis, Leonard Wilson, Chester Mr. C. A. Carvetb is oxpecting bisBaqeShoCncrhisn gram w\as contunued including sonzs, Ijury, Sidney Dillick, Harold Colmer, parents,Mr and Mrs . Arthur 'Car- Tree, Lantern Views, Etc., Etc. recitations. piano andi violia solos Albert Cuiley, (harlie Cawker, Ned veth, Grand Prairie. Peace River. anti community singing with M.ýrs. L. Rehdjer, Dudley lradd, Charlie Itich- : berta, to arrive bore about Friday. Good fe.lloxship reigned suprer A.~ ~~ arrathepano. MIr. Robert1 ards, Ar-chie Wood, Clarence Oko. XVe are glad to re~port a sligbt i an her-ninfsivteso h Holime was ehairman andi gave a j Orland Pluminer. ils andi former l)OPIIs. ratepaye short atidress at the c'lose. Speeches ADns okdne~Aeo i- provemient in the condition of Miss feacher anti .x-teachers, and me were alsa made 1-.: Mr. H. Moses, ma. yteTudCasgrs~ Marjorie Jones wbo bas been dan- býers of the;ir familiezs un the Comma President of the S.0.E.. 'Mrs. F.Bte er direction of Miss Greta Wickett'g osyiifrte atfu ek..yHail. Ne%%csi.o rdye mati, President of the D. & M. O. E., aind 3Miss Marjorie Robins \xas very Mr. Cyril Manaker, teller of eh' ing. Decenîbtri- 6tb. and Mr. Geo. Pritchard on bebaif of prettily donc and is wortby of special Standard Bank bore since last July, It was a time of happy greetin the Juveniles. mention. Those taking part were- has been transferred to Trenton, andi vigorour. band-sbakings; a tir The evening camie to a close wtb Gwetidolyn Ballantyne, Vera Lotis- x""bile Mr~. Hanna comes bore froni cf renewitig of friendsbips andtr the National Antbem andi the littie berry, Gladys Conners, Grace Rund- Trenton in bis stead. caîliag of aud lang syne; a glorbo tot wet ometied utvery hap.l, lc e, ldsKng, Ada Miss Marion Allia gave a %veekend andi lotig-to-be-remembered occasio Clarke, Elaine Reaman, -Marion Glati- party for a number of bier B. H. S. The idea of holding this scbooi OBITARYville, Eileen Gibbs, Evelyn Pickand, boy and girl friends, among whom union was surely an inspired on OBITUARYOlive Morden. Gertrude Hooper, Dor-' was Miss Neilie Snowden wbo re- The splendid success cof the exer Elia An Pilp Netieon otbv Nichols, Mabel Brookham, Doris,'niained over for Sunday. the jov of it. fuliy justified al I Mrs. [lz n hlp eteo ayior. St. George's Cburcb, Rev. E. R. efforts to britg it about. ThedetbofElzaAni anow The physical trainiing exercises and James, Rector. Sunday, December There are nuo friendsbips just li bevet f of Rlicard W. Phio pyra nid building by the foui-th classý 25, Christmas Day. 8 a. m.-Hoiy the friendshups that spring up ai occured at erhomc a NWstieton boys under directuoni of C. C. Brun-' communion, il a. m.-Morning grow streng la the rural scbc( Stoti on at rdahomec ebelth, ton, called for well deserved applause. Prayer and Hoiy Communion. 7 ihere is a quality about the tiesc St ty-iono th dy en Bra onh Those in tbe physical exercise were p. m.-Evening service witb Christ- scbool friendship unlike aay othe in her ffyegt er ono Donald Williams, Charlie Cawker, mias Carols. that bind person to person. Tin bier father's farm near Biackstock, Fred Mutton, Bill Philiips, Elford United Churcb, Rev. E. B. Cooke, andi space seeni te bave a peculû sbe was the four youngest of a famiiy Cox, Witoa Bagneil, Archie Wood, Ipastor. Sunday, Deceniber 25th- effect upon tbese ties. As scboc of 8, of which six are stili living: Ciarence Oke, Roweli Bell, Dudley, Christmas Day. il a. tit-Junior mates separate aad scatter inte tl JamsNeso ad rs R MhotiBradd, Alex. Crombie, Roy Neads. Congregation's annual recognition %vorld, perhaps lose trace of one a of Blackstock; Dr. Frederick W. of The Pyramiti Builders xere-Jack service. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School. other, these ties niay seeni te aornto; Mrs. B. JoBran of Sa i Mille r, Douglas Martin, Daaay Shee- 7 p. m.-Evenitig service, special sundered. But let school-fellows askM. She.ivetan o ae toon,0 han, Alan Williams, Donald Williams, Christmas sermon and music. either sex. long apart, meet agai Sas. Se lvedan ctie lfe fIvan Hobbs, Clarence Oke, Archie uaseifish service, andi took a dieep i- Wood, Jack Turner, Chanlie Cawker, The two young amen of Shaws ne- and those tià ' are there stronger ar terest in the social welfare of ber, Edxvard Thoma.s, Wiilie Wright, Wian- ceatly taken into custody for wroag- firmer than exver. He miay be mia commniity. Bagneli ws mm- futly taking miatenial from the new, r:eds she may be miarried; thene i ber of the ned Pbilp an as a me he- ton "Petenkins and Polly" by 1boadcasting station in the neigbbor- b, childreru. grandcbiidren, grei active in Cburch andi Sunday school 1hç>od, baviag admitteti their error, grandebiltiren. but if tbey attendE work. The funerai services were Dorothy Niebols and Carl Raby in bave' been released aad are again the sainie rural school together, thei coaucet o Mnda, ec lth b Dutcb costumes was funny to beboid back at wonk with their respective is no mistering or mistressing-it Rev J E Giffth BA. asiset b andi weil suag andi acted.i employens. stiil Tom or Jack or Wili or Fred, Rev. V. Walken, B.A., at the residc Aog Dyrek wsMer un î. Louis Parnell, C. P. R. section' Mýary or Jauxe or Dora or Maggie. foloe by-Berea Murdof, Phyllis Chailis, for the immnediate relatives, Bessie artiti Editb Cartwright, Bet- foneman recently underwent a miner' But its on witb feast! The tabl by a service at the Unitedi Cburcb, 1tv Te atin iSen,, ila penatiet in Bowmanvilie Hospital are sprea i n the basement of Cer Nestleton. latenment was madie in' yTmln ainSeoHla n ncneunehsbe f uiyHl.adN.9fl r the~~~~~~~~ ceeeytee r.MaiBrowni, Mary Thonipson, Evelva Tay- adi osqec a enofauiyHl.adN.9fl r thecemter thre. Mrs Malowi Ion. Frances Clarke, Louise' Cole, duty for the past tbnee weeks. He band neariy two bundred stron leaves a devoted busbaad; two Kathleen Westnutt, EL-ie Carnuthers. expects te go back te work aext MnI. D. J. Gihsoa, chainman of Il daughters, Mrs. W. J. Malcolmi of'Eey kEeyxRbMdlnjveek. Mn. Walter Cnowthen bas Re-union Conmittee and Toastias Yelverton, andi Mrs. C. H. Porteous'Veale, Yvonine Tighe, Rutb Pundy, been acting foreman during Mn. er of the occasion, proposes "TI of Nestieton; and five sons, Fred, IAudrey Prout, Florence Purdy RtbParadils absence. King," and ex'eryone drinks hearti Harry andi Percy of Nestieton; How- amaiMrgetCe-- to bis sovereign's beaith. and joins anti of Lille, France, and James of +b rm ocldd ih singing the National Antbem. Detroit, Mich., ail of whom were withchrspgrn cocuei tke t chrs"A Dream Boat Passes By"' OBITUARY Tebnutesnw tk h her wbea she tied.rbechi. seats anîd there is a general ratteie ________________ Credit is due Miss M. M. Jenaîngs Mrs. Mary McEachern, Newcastle.I cutlery and jingle of ciaa asth AGETSIfyo lketresan srus.for training the chiltirea vho gave address tbemiselves %with relish te ti AGENtiT SeIf themke a buine sus.ethe recitations, the wboie prograini Tbe death of Mrs. Neil McEach-, tasty viantis of sliced hani and bee it. Part tunie or fauitne, 900 varletiesi being most creditable te pupilseai saaHpilnFdy, scallopeti potatees, saiads aad jelli of proven Red Tag Nursery Preducts. teachers, and the splendid results Obh- December 16, was one of thoso ex-land butteroti relis, and the delectab Cash every week. Equpment and In -aiei rn tevoa.eahngo1 ce edingly sad occurrences wbich at: dessert of apple pie and ice cream,2 structions free. Wrïle DOMINIOq an edfo h oa ecigo NURS3RIES, Montreal. 41-geowlithe musical instructor. once awakens the sympatby of every! se nicely served by maay attenti Thbe acconipanists for choruses oei tocmnnt, h a and white gowned young ladiesi songs and drills were Miss Leta L. not ben real weli for the past thne !Newcastle. IBragg, Miss Mlanjorie Robins anti Mr: or four yeans, ber life being almost, At the bead table with Mn. D. Neil Stewart, piano, anti Mn.Frn despained of when bier youngost Gibson are Mrs. Gibsoux, Mr. F.ï cbilM aasboa. he artalilneOV-Bowen, M.P. (a simon pure No. 'X n s o s inity .Ohtfurihl de-i ered but about a montb ago she r boy) anti Mrs. Boweti, Mn. and Ml ligbtful anti nucb prcae selec- agaîn bocanie seriously il and in the'W .GboD.E .Bwe i I1otW ; .asnti r. Dvit oieons AT tions during botb evenings. hope of renieving the cause an nt ;M.adMs ai ors 1On Friday evening Miss Morris and effecting a cure, sbe decitied te un- Bowtiîanvill; Mr. Wallace Maas, To iMiss Bragg were tbe recipients of, droaooeaininhsia not Miss Coiville anti Mi M ~r ouues o rse, be orerbengOshawa wbere Mn. McEacbern was Davidi Noble, MnI. anti Mrs. J.1 AL~A~8~ Ipresenteti by Miss Rutb Crytiernan:r okn.Ls ee h emt ubMititleton. Mn. anti Mns. W. anti the latter by Miss Louise Cox on inîproveti in healtb anti it was thougbt Allia, Bowmaavillo, anti Miss Veln bebaîf of the members of the scbool she was getting better; but on Fritiay Neal.' Miss Hattie Mfason ant iM Dr g to ecboir. she passoti away leaving a busbanti Eva Griexo have the bonor of wii Wbie isenagtetboprgans nd a famiîy offive boys andt tree on this table. couiitbeîp butte pot none irs omoura their less. They are: mn h oRa h te a _____Thunstiay anti Friday nights oeAciGilbert, William, Donald. mn h oka h te al We shail be gladt t have you impresseti with the value of teahin , at a Ms oiio, a ese r.W .Lcb tabnCatherine anti the baby of the fai-' No. 9 girl, anti witiow of the late 1 caîl anti let us show you oun lino amusic in tbe schools. The iî,yoitîuirnf or T. Lockbart, M.P.P., one of No.9 ofHldyGfs oices wore trained te pick up the, l aitegrlofu. distinguisheti beys anti a meniber% of olda Gits .propen notes anti wben tbe chorus The funenal at the bouse on Balti- the famiîy after whoin the sebool hI Ebony Goots-Ivory Gootis was nrentiereti eacb section took its .vin Street on Montiay afternoon was long been called-Lockbart's Scboc Beatifl oilt Atiles r part anti blendedtihte song into conducteti by bier Pastor, Rev. E. B. 'Here may be seen Mr. Geo. Eilbec BeauifulToiet Aticls asplendid renidition witb proper Cooke. Tbene was a large gatber- away past the eighties, anothen o Yartiley's Toilet Creations bialance. Tbe benefits of sucb îng of frientis anti relatives fron the boy, anti in contrast tii hlm, babes Yartiley's Toilet Gift Boxes musical training in youtb under the village anti distant points. anms wbo need a few more yearsi for ladies and gentlemen capabile direction of Miss Morris is Many beautiful floral tributes were growtb beforo tbey begin te todd boundti tebe of inestimable value te placed on antiaroundi the casket andti t fameti oltiNo. 9. Wiliam's Gift Boxes for mien 'these pupils in after life. We feel carrioti te tbe grave in Bowmanville, only $1.25 the Board shoulti le commendeti Ceneteny wbere lie the remains of Four generations of pupils of ti Fountain Pens anti Penis for includitig music in its course of ber first bora, Neil, wbo vas drowa- saine family may be seen bore la Il ,tudies andti t le congratuilateti for eti in Lake Ontario, south of the person., cf Mr. Thos. Gilisoti, Neý Safety Razors--Shaviag Brushes havitig a Director of M.%usic wbo is village about ton years ago. castîe; bis nepbow, MnI. W. A. Gi Neilso's Choolatescapabîle of pouig sucb bigbly Mn. anti Mrs. McEacbernn with their sonu, Mr. W. A. Gtibson',so.rn, Anthi Neilon' Choolaes r uine ut Gb--n, andi Artbur's ebiltiren. Optial Gods-pectclesand at thfecocr 'ts. wr son childreti at that timie came bere,'Aogoe ieo n al Optica Gos-Spkectracc ni ut enerts. tram Lindisay wben the C. P. R. was Ara i Ceo n al abyeChrstsmake vry acept Anîther titticeable feuture of tbeeîîeing îîuiît tbrougb bore anti bave r sealeci the lîresent pupilî cf il ableChritnis Gits.concerts was the intorest andî co-op- been residents ever suîîce ,enjoying, school, a rather remankable scbo Se Mitchell and Seo WelI 1 eration of every teacher on the staff the respect anti esteun of aIl wbo population at the prescrit time te help) in making the entertainiments knexv theni. Mrs. James Pansonsz, ju-t fouir girls anti thirteen boys, ai R. (o ucb an unqualifieti success. Osbawa, is a sisten of deceaseti. al with gooti pairs of lungs as v Mn. McEachern anti the chiltiren at company to tlîein lusty sebool y At the annual meeting of the citi- honme are nîoving tbis week to Oslî- wben the last course of the banqi THE QUALITY DRUG STORE zesiteCociCabronM- awa as tbey have been planning te do was c&eanîti away. zens i th Conel Carner n Mn-for sonie tume. Bowmanville Ont. day evening to elect representatives Phone 92-Nights and Sundays te the M.%anaging Conimittee of tbe Tat 280 Comnunity Hall, Nlrs. Geo. Eilheck Everyrîne having feastedti t sat anti Mn. J. E. W. Pbilp Word unan- CHRISTMAS GREETINGS faction thpre foilowed a number _______________________ mously re-electeti. Toîasts. n.r F. W. Boxven, MI. 1 lnv., tho de- ir ldeutos ht esos roposinur the toast to "Our Countr: M. -I 'lo has ______ ______ itis- of tr our Christmas Day; soun<leti a vibrant note of national The bolly anti the cantiles, the trees pride antI patriotism wbicb founti a anti ibbons gay; res;prîsive ebonti in every beart. Ho The carols anti the laughton .the gifts spoke oni the vastness of Canada, the f rom f riendt tefienti; xx altix of ber resourcos, ber incroas- Andi best of ail tbe greoting cartis ing iinpurtaneo anîong the great that kindiy peuple senti. nations cf the wonld, ber splendid 1 love this festive season, the roaring typeioif mon anti women, anti of tbe iTefines aglow, little reti achool bouse as a verv un- Tesrîng anti feast anti bapiaess, the portant ulnit in the fabrue of our civ- starligbt andtihte snow; ilizulion. le aIse told of sotie ia- But best of ail 1 love the carda that terestitig boybood expeniences at kindly people senti sebîrîl which ho, entereti in 1884. To voice a C'hristmas lle.aing frorn The conpany respond tot Mn. Bow- friendt t absent frienti. en's eulogy of Canada by singing -Molly Bevan. witb vigrr The M.%aple Leaf. %Ir. Hoîxard Glenney, prescrit sec- rstany.-treasu3irer of the scbool. pro- poseti "Our Teacher anti Ex-Teacb- ELECTION NOTICE ers," speaking earnestly of tbe ________splendid work donc by these educa- .No11re. i lîî-rt.IbY ,Vv-n ihat a mepetinor tors tif youth, not only in impartiag of ihe rlCor f iii te thon the rudiments of knowiedge VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE latent talents, but also in rnoultling Wuiltak, île. i iinh- 'oinitl Charnber. anti ass.sting theni te tevolop their r Comrnunity lall. on totcaatr ln ib ns MONOAY. DECEMBER 26, 1927 tHo areft.reri the ery exceti-s ai h, ihi ur of 7 1, nfor the 1upixe. lorfre otevr xel etnominating canîii'li t -s for 'hi, offices Ott rvlrtint of the school npecttîr ne- of R. an!I four i'oiinrlllors te Ce.rn- gurding the work of the presont iqý h. Vilage r,,iinit Iforthie en.9îing teacber, Mi;ss VeIna Neal. A nuni- xsPr. and for flnômîatji2 iuxyuiIdates to fil1 threi- vvacancui,s on tIi,' Itoard et Edtu- lier of forimer teacbers of the scbool ration for twn Y-ans, uini hotild more ropliedt t this toast. than oe canîlîrati- ho nominattd for ail Dr EliBwetuh h coli nr . Ibher et 'ho said offices and a poli Bovetu ttesbola hb. timandedl, such Poil will he held on 1884-5. Ho liveti witb bis parents MONOAV. JANUARY 2, 1028 ii Newcastle in the bouse now occu- ai the heur of 9 o'cleck la the forenoon, pied hy Mn. Fred Rowe, Churcb St., ront itiîlag open unili 5 'dlock ia the 8f- anti walkoti back anti forth every Ail norinations mruet be made i te nîgbt anti merning. Previous te this iag and ulgned by th e nmnator an he hati been a fellow stutient of W. seconder. H. Gibson, now known ail over Can- Of~ ail wbich eveny pesoe la requested ada, anti in other countries as well, coiingy taentc dgvn tnef as one of Canada's Apple Kings. W. C. Sonathtan, Cî.rk He was proud to have been the firat Newcaatle, D.cember lSth., j$27. 51.3 teacher of Fred Bowen. There ia 'May WNe Suggest For Her: Woods Lavender Line, Si1k Knickers Pyj amas $2.50 $5.50 Vests 98e Nighties $3.95 Or The Rayon Silk Knickers $1.49 Dainty, Serviceable, boxed individually in the new shades and ail sizes. BEAUTIFUL HOSIERY Orinit and Puritan Maid pure thread silk, full fashioned Hosiery -the finest hosiery obtainable. Priced at $1 .50 and $2.00 Pair THE GIFT TABLES Contain hundreds of novelty things for her. We are specialists i'i clothing for Womefl, household dry goods, babies clothing, dress accessories of ail kinds, linens, handkerchiefs, flowers, etc. AUl Gifts Boxed Individually-No Extra Charge We Deliver S. W. Mason & Son Phone 106 Dry Goods and Ladies' Redy-to-Wear Bowmanville Christmas Greetings Mr. David Rosner thanks ail his customners for their patronage during the l)ast yeaî' and wishes everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Rosner's Dry Goods Store King St. W. Phone 276 Bowmanville hunded oics ten tookup te chor- reply to the toast to pupils and ex- us, "h' a jolly Good Fellow", led u ps. H e spoke in a pleasing re- by Mr. Duncan Cowan, professionallpmniniscent vein of the school mates ____________________________entertainer of the evening, followed and incidents of his boyhood days, by tbree vigorous cheers and a rafter and mentioned some of the brught raising tiger. It was a real ovation, an d promising young people of bis Pupils and Ex-Pupils youth-Fred Gibson. the ibso, Nir. W. H. Gibson in proposing the, girls, and others who were cUtkfj toast to the pupils and ex-pupils read eallf otegetsro teir anmber of messages of greetingreais and friends. With' nuch of T e cherstenderness of feeling he rel1atýâ an n of Teachers ~~~~from former pupils now far away tac ofhebg eredAo N o. Cla ke neim fronm M'ýrs. Mary Renwick HryChapple who one bitte-rlMb'l New York, and letters frorn'M is- stove in the school roomn, saying to Lena Renwick and Mfiss Edna Ren the much smaller boy "Here Wallace. well kaown maxim, Work well be- wick, California. and from J. H. - take my place". He had never gun is *ork 'ialf done-He left it to Uhrnpple. Billings. M.\oniana. These forgotten that lifle kmnd act. Mr. bis heaers t) say wricther the work mie-ages al] conveyed kind remieni- Maas also spoke of bis visit the past of layiiig th, foundation of Fred's brances and good wishes, coupled %vith %l .eek witb his good friend, Mr. W. (ducati, n had heen wl begun. His regret that distance precluded the H. Giso nd 1bis bunletip aofdh i ittle ,.iu)u uf six years bad growxn possibility of the senders attendinghanadbsliterisrunte up. ber )m' a successful farier, had this re-union celebration. The M.%isses pmany prosperous farrns 4f the sect- lccome a councillor and reeve of bis Renwick aýso enclosed a dollar eacb lion t)w nshiîp. had iOý_cf elected warden to be given in some formn of prîzes Mr. David )Iorrison, Bowmnanville, of thes... Un'ted tXCuntie ' of Durhani to present pupils of the school. miisician and orchestra leader, local and Northumberland and now sat (applause.) hi:,torian and autbor of the chapter n their mnidls* bore aý repre.sntative And nov came one of the finest on music in Prof. John Squair's his- of Durhiam in the parliamient of Can- incident., in the whole proceedings. tory of Dai-ington and Clarke, was ada (vigorous applause i. Dr. Bo-: 'tr. Gibson began speaking of No. the next ex-pUp il to reply. He part- %v ie whoi,)i now one of Toronto's 's ontribution in manbood to the ed the curtains of time and present- leading physicians bas a deep ricb Gret r rmrcetit ed a retrospect ive view of bis school voic, and prefaced his reniarks with his voice as be began to name the days at No. 9 .tben a log school bouse, some humiorous anecdotes. young men wbo gave their lîves in known as Bellwood'q. situated on the Mr. W. C. Aluin, Bow~manville, tbe service of their country in tbat soutb-west corner of lot 32, Con. 4, taugbt the scbool previous to Mr. ureat struggle-Samuel Gianville, on tbe farm now owned by Mr. Perey Buwie, in 1880-81-82-83. He lived Fred W. Bowen, David G. Law, Lionel, atn. Hvn ttne h at home witb bis parents and otber D. Bowen and W. Eric Lockhart, B. school in 1856, 71 years ago, he members of tbe family at tbe time A. Se. At the first name, evcryone imugbt almost claini to be a charter and drove to the school. He related in tbo bail rose and stood for perbaps member of the institution. Ris first miany interesting facts relative to two minutes as a sulent tribute to teacher was Miss Margaret F. Rose; the school at that time and produced tescinsbri dead. tninsceso- hetWl;e a rpot i bok or o tb sboo ~~- Mr. Wallace Maas wbose father, Ricbard Hoskin. brother of 1. spector of the period, NIr. ,Jr. J Tii- \vas one tume the mller in Lockbart's Hoskin ,and Francis Hlunt. 'Od~a iey. _Mr. Allun received an annul our mills, was tbe first speaker to (Continued on page 4) salary of $475.00, the second iargest in the township, being exceeded in Nýe%,-tonville by $15.00. 0f ail the1 21 schools in Clarke, No. 9 xvas tbe1 only une Graded 1. The best of the others gradied no bigher tban Il. Mr. Aluin told uf a iittiu six year ,q I pupil of his, Mary Wilson, a prodigyI[ S T ALF R in matbematics, who could out-add even Inspecter bimself. Mr. Gordon Ego, now Principal of spae.H wso oe oen 1 Chriiit as Bargains 1922-23-24, about forty years after _____ Mr. Allia M.%r. Allia, at a salary of $1000.00 at first, increasing to Men's White Dotted Mufflers, Men's or Young Men's Nay $1150.00. His association with No. Regular $1.75, Blue Overcoats, real Bargalas, 9 section would aiways be a pleasant Fr$0 eua 3.O mexnry._______For $16.95 There was no more popular figure in this wbole bappy gathering thanj Mea's Siik Ties, Regular 75c, the preseat teacber, Miss Velma Nea, F or 45c Men's or Young Men's Bluit., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Single__orDouble__________ Neai, -wbo owns and works the former Sngeguor Doule4.e0t0, William Renwick fanm. Young, Men's Fine Siik BroadciothRelr$2O0 competeat and enthused with ber Shirts, aIl colors, Regular $3.00 For $14.95 work sbe possesses alike, the confid- For $1.69 ence of hier pupîls, the trustees, and I _________________ the people of tbe section. Miss Neal Men's Fleece Lined Un.derweer is a red biooded Canadian girl with Ladies' Siik and Wool Rose,al Regular $1.00, qualities wbicb she is inculcating into new sbades, $1.00Fo 79 the pbyscial and mental being ofble'Fo 9 pupils as seen by tbeir alertn1ess ior69 the scbool program later on, and the Mns Sl adecif, Lde'FnyBxdHukr snap and vigor witb whicb tbey con- e' ik Hnkrhfs Lae'FncB-ed ade- duced henseies n al te eer-Regular 75e chiefs, 3 in box, Regular SOC, For 39c For 29c When Mrs. F. W. Bowen. herseif a __________________________________ i former teacber of No. 9, but speak- i ing more particularly as a mother and M~ hi~8T i a resident of tbe section, sprung a erchitaToA surprise on Miss Neal by tend ering hier an appreciative address and pre-Iw £ senting ber witb a white go Id wiist I I watcb on behalf of the people of the A . D 1L 1, 1 C rK section, the gathening broke into tre- &Dvso t o m nil mendous appiause. Miss Neai was, King &Dvso t o mnil visibly afected but expressed bier ý appreciation of thîs extra token of j the section 's recognition of hier ser- vics n eartfelt ernest xvrds, two- 1 011 ý VlUeb 111 flUitFLLUIU MUL -- Il --, - ý

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