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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1927, p. 1

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With Which Is Incor-porated Tnt Bowrnanviflle News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No.52 fDONATIONS TO HOSPITAL FUND (Co. nue folast week) 50 CE. Bounsal............... 5.00 jClinton Lunney.............. 2.00 David Morrison. Sr...........00 J. D. Carscadden............ 2.00 Mrs. F. R, Brown........... 5.00 Misa Raynes .................5.00 W X. C. Allin............... 2.00 IMrs. Willard Caldwell......5.00 J. T. Hooper............... 1.00 J. Albert Cale.............. 2.00 Mrs. Gea. H. Bickell........ 2.00 C. A. Bartlett .... . ..... .. ...3.00 A Friend................... 1.00 E. V. Hoar................. 5.00 E. C. C. Southey............ 5.00 Wm. Quick, Sr.............. 10.00 Francis Suttan.............. 5.00 Miss Martha Jarvis........... 5.00 Thos. Jackson.............. 5.00 Miss Ethel Marris ... ..... ...5.00 Miss Helen Marris.......... 5.00 Mrs. J. T. Bragg ........... 1.00 P. E. Greenfield. . .... .. .. ...2.00 Mrs. E. E. Mason........... 2.00. W. W. Allin............... 2.00 W. T. Allen................ 10.00 Miss Florence Rickard 5.00 1Miss Annie Allin............ 5.00 Stanley Blair............... 1.00 A. W. St. John............. 1.00 A. H. Dilling................ 1.00 A. H. Fletcher.............. 5.00 Wm. Brock................. 5.00 Charles Depew.............. 1.00 Miss Greta Wickett........... 3.00 Roht. H. Battbe............. 5.001 (To ho continued)j Tha and Wi*sl In a spirit of appreciation for the generous mess accorded us during the closing year, we e> heartiest wishes for a year replete with conter cheer. May the New Year, about to dawn, bringy your endeavors, with I-Iealth, Prosperity and Ha Ladies' Cloth ( Beautifully Fur Trim: Balance of this season's coats now se One-Third Off Regulai Ladies this is your opportunity to save many d( stylish new coat. VOTE ?M. H. MINORE FOR COUNCILLOR Rappy New Year To Al HOCKEY MATCH JUNIOR O. H. A. GAME Monday, Jan. 2nd at 3 P. M. at Taylor's Arena Whitby va. Bowmanville ADMISSION 35c C -, 1. Many Good Coucl,Jiihflstof & Cryd Bowmanville Phono 104 SUBSCRIBERS' NOTICE DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS ELECTION CARDS Subscribers to The Statesmýan will There seems to be some misunder- For Mayor, Deputy-Reeve and Coun. Bowmanvile For Mayor find in their paper, either this week standing among some of the patients cillors-Reeve W. H. Thickson Candidate Nominator Seconder T /cos0fBwavle or last, renewal subscription blanks. of Dr. Hazlewood as ta whether he iS:TeFatrofBw nvl: Already a number of readers have rmiig nBwanii r o.D. Gets Acclamation. For Mayor Ld~ n etee- aebe w T. S. 11uIgate A (anipbelI A. M. Hardy non,înated for the office of Mayor and sent in their subscriptions and ve! Hazle ood wishes to announce ta The sudden annual interest in M. J. Elliott A. Ml. Iardy A. Campbell aignin offer my services to this commun- hope others will give this matter he has taken Dr. Birks as a partner municipal affairs was as sa shown For Reeve ity inthe above capacity. My record in I teirusul romt atenio upn ad tatthefir wiI e kownasat the nomination meeting Monday W. Il. Thickson A. Campvbell A . Hardy i wo Years deputy-reeve, and four years receipt of the "pink slip." Hazlewood and Birks. . W. C. Caverly A. Campbell C.A. Cawker reeve andthlaterWaenote evenng hen he ounil rom as njteî Coutes of Northumberland and riacn ekynwpprhs Though Dr~. Birks is living in the'crowded to the doors with citîzens. For Deputy-Reeve Durham. With this lI.g and active Finncig aweely ewsape ha house formerly occupied by Dr. Haz- When the venerable Town Clerk WI arttr A..HIardly A.Campbell municipal experience 1 feel that I amn bcm moedfiuti eetyears G. N. James A. Campbell A. If Hardy q1lalifled te fill the honored position of heom or ifiui n een lewood, who is now living in Oshawa. John Lyle, J. P., declared the namin- C.E. Rehder A. Campbell C. A. Cawker Chlef Ilagistrate of the town. with increased costs of materials and'Dr. Hazlewood will have the same ations closed no less than 23 namnes FrCuclos ~ 0a aigti en fslctn production. Our subscribers may, office hours in Bowmanville as hereto- hdhe rooeFoote vros . .C~ r A. M. HaryA am l j 1 oa tand tinfuenas oaflsot mlt- therefore, help the publishers very prpoforer teivriosa1 rsoannlucanvas a etmk materidlly by paying up their a- tatV.a onunî ffcs A. Edger A. Campbel A M. Hardyl Wishing you the compliments of the rears, if any, as weIl as gedig no'cock, and mornings and evenîni loin g h uto fpstyasA.J. Wadhams A. Ml. Hardy A. t2ampbell sl,,.on renewaîs promptly. hy appointment. olwnth uoiofpsyer, M,. 1H. Minore A. Campbell A. M. Hardy T ours slncerely, Mr. yle by nanmousconent, was W. P. Corbett A. M. Hardy A. Campbel'M .Elot Mos sbscipios epie wthth Dr. Birks wilI be in the office fro m Mr.Lle, by uanimhouscon the d J. Gibbs A. Can.j)bell A. M. Hardy M .EIot Motsbcipin xie ihtee 0to four in the afternoon admmeso a erscucandnd11 . MuIlses Thos. Lymer Geo. Pritchard year. We know fromt past exper-ý, from seven to eight thirty in the ev- nebr fls erscuii n .H.rilounsail J. C. ElliotL Harry AlUn i Te the Electors of Bowmanville: ience it is onîy necessary to menti onengs new candidates to address the meet- G Crombiý Thos. Lymer GeoPritchard Ladies and Gentlemen,-After consid- ti att u usrbran hvleing.. For School Trustees .0 mun for Mlayor I have consented tu tis dac tour us cihers anthey In additiion to carrying on the The addresses were of a very mod- IGoa.HllIgr ln e.Pic a'r ton.f her no esvire e teonopo Lb wiId hers. Thn o! regular work of Physicians and Sur- est character containing little te stir GF W . Hall la Thos.Lymne . Pritchsrd ienfI. of hav o burt momnopoisete igeons, Dr. Hazlewood will continue Nle lo.LmrG rthr fieo lyr u eravctzn LETER0F HAKS o ivespcia atenio to X-ayup enthusiasmi and void of ranting F .,F. Morris A. Camipbjell C. A. Cavker have heen inssent that I again offer my _____F______ ie peil tenin oX-a personalities which showed the good ..MAVilliais C.A.t'awker A.J.Wa:dhamis servicq that 1 have agreed ta stand, fi4'. W. Sl,inon A. Camphell C A. Cawker and leave filwith the popular vote of the work and Electro-Therapy and Dr. feeling existing between the candi- W E. Dinniweli C. A. Cawkcr Wni Brock' electors att hepisnx ody Hampton, December 27, 1927. Birks wilI give special attention to dates..St oI nx ody J. J. Mason & Son, Bownîanville, Ont Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 52-3 10 Advin the bst iy nrest of te- twn Mayor T. S. Holgate was c iedt Darlington Asitheatm nl eieI tl Dear Sirs :-I wish to publicly tepatomfis. Herfred to ReeC .Wgt(clmto) ad conetiu et makerBofmathe tan attracotie t ndwaniea theknowledge yourtpromptl attention1 Depuy-ee- Silas Wigt(c laioattrahcteand rinvitlng conImunity in akoldeyuprmtatninthe pleasant associations and ok1Dpt-ev Sia Wlimswihe work and live under most fav- ta the settiement of my Insurance ORDER NEW YEA.R'S DINNERS hoe had enjoyed while a member ofl (acclamation). able conditions. claini in connection with the recent AT BALMORAL HOTEL counicil. He explained one reason1 Counillors-G. F. Annis, A. LI. y municipal experience includee one tire loss of my property in Hampton, for_______i__ Yrtethi yar was Pace .G aki acaain.ya scouncillor, four years reeve and forinceas intaxrat ths yar as asce, . G Maanid(aclaatin).four years may-or. I may say liL has sioth outou ane adtra-Special Dinners Sunday and Monday due ta writing off back taxes of the Neciteveaon meofratpasuoninreandaertin b ment of the gentlemen sent by the _____defunct Ros Can Co. He Newcaste'serict the saiat ionsir ndrîng tia Toronto Casualty Fire & Marine In-, For the accommodation of those ed sale of Ross Can Factory to Hol- Reeve-W. Frank Rickard (ac- serice pt te crden and corporaetîoam surnceCa ofTornt ta adjetwishing ta "est out" for New Years lingshead Ca. was a good stroke of 1laaton.Your public servant, are already famillar the daim. -either Sunday or Monday-the 'business the proceeds from which the CucilrsJ1W . hlp on a Y a nd trsteethewarrmnt your Yours truly, Bal moral Hotel will serve a very at- had baught Edmonton city bonds Gibson, Harry Jase, Orme Parker- r,cinemaneîet na wran ou R. S. Croft.' tractive and appetizing dinner at which netted a fair rate of interest. (ac-,',tmation). re-teleig r ex t bsmany. qIk 75e plate. Dinner served from He spake of the formation of the' Your vote and Influence as ime wyuot 1230te2 . . ac dy.Eaten ydo sscitin o nvst-Clarke permit making a persanai caîl. 12.0 a 2p.MENU:day EaterpoweyrconAsiationabinvesti- Reeve-M. Jý Holman, Arthur Me- Wishing You ail a Happy and Proo»er-. MEN: gtedponerondiia onsand ee.Ing p-Kay uNeYarIam sadhehd asetd a Deputy-Reeve-Wm. Morton (ac-den srvn Celery Sweel Pickles allow his rintme ta go before the elec- clamation). 1____ Entrees tr o h fieo ao n f CouelosJh et onFrDpt-ev FruitCockTailseleced le would continue ta iv Luxon, Wm. Payne, Fred B. Lovekin, Tureyanbry ac unstintingly of his time ta advance HetrHy red Couch, (three to To The Electors of Bowmanjril. RoastSuckng Pi Frid Slced Aplethe est iterets o the own. be andteGenLaiesmad ,-Haemn, ngain ereree Drssd oug ooe ppe aue eee . . llot wo s ls aCartwright been namlnsted for Deputy Reeve for Vegetablscahe ing year. I feel alter serving floie an Mshe Ptates candidate for Mayor aaid he was j Ahl elected by acclamation this length of ime, I have some daim Boile and l[aaled roatoesta h higher office. My record la befere Green Peas glad te see s0 many present and re- Reeve-F. H. Hyland. yau and, if eiected, 1 wilil continue te iDessert gretted there were not more citizens onilr-J H.Frgvthsaeceu tetonote Deep Apple Pie Scaid Cream sufficiently interested in muConiicispalH.Fader, J ourive the se cae inateatIo anLd Mince Pie affairs ta attend the council metngatonNayor _- fe a o whtI counsider a ei rnd ote e Il K b ~English Pium Pudding Wlne Sauce mr eual e mefg tsn yr.a o unhty1 Conci wlltwork n the ota Fruits Nuls Cndmoe etrmlI fr cunes aethas interests ot Bowmanville andite United Hapy e ear etrwa due tarcounîl notraesing A.L GOOD FELLOWSCones Happ NewYearTe Al yer ws du to our_________sin As I amrnent making a personai canvasa, enouh mney earbefre, lsoonI am zaking titis opportunity of solicitlag ________________________ naug maey earbefreals on Following their estabished good Yotir vote andi Influence in the comiag ________________________ jaccounit of heavy expenditure on pro- custom, the business men of Bow- election. vincial highway which stretched 70 roanville, who advertise regularly in Thanking you for your generous sup- miles through caunities and an which The Statesman, are availing them- potb ie atI remain oey Royal T eatre t. paid 20% of construction and selves of this week's issue to corrsW.sH.Carer. Bowanîle' Hmeof maintenance. The cost of adminis- their New Year greetinga to the com- Bowmanvlle's ome of tration of justice in the counties had 1mnt at large. It is a good custam Te The Electors of ftwmanville Entertaining Attractions also reached $22,000, which had more ad mke for dloser associations and Ladies andi Gentlemen.-In conaesaîng - than doubled in six years. Speaking mutual interest. The readers would Le be a candidate for Deputy-Reevb fer Friday-Saturday, Docember 30.31 on subject of reforestration whicb do well ta read carefully through I ltedmyea sncleelîen tat "Thunder" (The Canine Marvel) had been passed at last session ho them aUl, pausing a mament for kînd- qualifies me La Ite exacting duties said 790 acres had been purchased in lv thougbt for eacb. exPected of the'office. I have been ta In «"Wolf Fangs" Cak onhpa oto 60 . close touch wlth town and Countîe h e atrys of h on Ti onsi tc of $he900.n Throughout the year, the pragres- Council affairs for more titan fiftees Ataisater my o storyh- Tisi time would prove a great as5- sv uiesmnue h dets ears. burlng thls ftnie I have beca tan n hi e isrnt- set to the counities. Reeve Ellîott ebro oni o eea er n an insight ino the saul af a re- expressed bis appreciation that ing calumns of the home paper to aasReeve represented Bowmanvîlle at li smarkable dog. A tale of forti- mrbes cnclnciîes a rr i pelfrfvo rpto-Cute'eoni o n er stupedous. The sort of pict- that be might get the wardenship. reader in material advantages of timefandwabilIty, should renfler a ce- humanity. cordial relations. His advertising etaintre-w ofli servc t amvnc ite em tbings for him ta do-either s tep up serai Interests of oftis cstmreity. Matinee Saturday afternoon at or out-and ho had decided to b e a spci najnto i tr In- I a m not electefi I have every con- 2.3 p m.Chldrn c.dow and show case But his New fidence that my wortity opponent, Mr. 2.0p Cht e 5 . candidate for Mayor. If electedhe Year greeting is his kindly effort ta Carruthers, wii give titis corporation ex. "nwdI"i steouoftenpr o t08 1ed iwith hlmn in councîl work for several s amount of busi- ad"nwdl"for best interest of Bwnanville.1He and gautnofthe andser of, as ceiesndservi irsI have beeqaliofias and regulacountygraepa n this thear ownrroad non say that which is in bis heart, a feel- as a private citizen andi public servant. couny gant hisyearforroad on ing of thankfulness for that his loti Should I be elected I wiIi endeavor te ýxtend to you our Monday-Tuesday, January 2.3 account ai $40010 bridge which was bas been cast among a community a1 icy er>.oateioy.sto y bit Anothr spcial olidy fiilt o whaf yodpromotingug-ecanomy with sans and îtmet ad god n oherspecal oliay uil anwhar rod wichhe ug-goad people, and a growing affection1 sensible legislation. atment and goodAttraction gested would ho a monument for for the faces and characters with 1 .Makea Bowmanville better and It il l, "Patsy Ruth Miller" and many years ta came ta bimself andwo emige houhu heln stm ttr of course, become greater. l'Glenn Tryan" In Dpt-ev Thickson. wo emnlstruhu h og Respectfully yours. Deputy-Reeve year. Go .lms "Painting the Town" Deputy-Reeve W. H. Thickson. Read the greetinga one by one, Go .Jms He was the Peanut King, and who has been elected Reeve by ac- 1 have a kindly thaugbt for each. They ~o ucesinalwhat a nut, you nover saw any- clamation expressed his appreciatuOn l are good fellows witb hearta bubbling For Councillors you success in allthing iet before. Its new- at heing promoted and nominated for ý over wîth human sympatby. "'A Te The Elect ors of Bowmanville ,%,ou bet-and its there you bet- Reeve. If elected ho wauld continué I Happy and Prosperous New Year," Ladlies and Gentiemten-I have quai- appiness. and the boy eats peanuts-and Io do the best in bis judginent for the 1 savs eacb of them ta everyone. led for !hoIposition of Councilior for Lhe bow--everybody eats peanuts. town's best interests. Heo was born 1 caming year and if eiected wil give the Homae temet he. 1 adhruh p oendcnierd-iest of my ability ta the advancement He mkesthe ea thm. H an brugh uphereandconideedýandI progress of the community. makes them like it. And ho gets it one of the beat communities in the ithat would pass medical inspection Soliciting yoîîr vote and Influence ia a laugb out of every peanut. This province. if the Board of Hat perfarmed . ts y bhtîîalf, 1 r.,malîî, Yustu simple country ldwosikd W H.Cruhr, hamnofd.uty. H said in whatever capa.-j 52-1- George Crosubie. the city slickers. Finance Committee, and a candidate citv ho served the town he would giveI Special holiday matinee Monday, <rDeputy-Reeve, next spoke. He uf bis best. Te The Eleclors of Bowmanville January 2nd at 3.00 p. in 'nmne nteberycar-~ . E1r hara i ulc aîlîs antI Gentlemen,-11laving served (-,)iiientd o theheaty oopra-,W. . Eger Charma oas b aeCouncillor for lte past twa yearu Monday ovening two shows tion of members af council and ex-' Property, said with the 2 years' ex- hav again ofered my services te te 7.30 and 9.00 p. nm plained increase of 4 milîs this year porienco ho bas bai l council ho was tawn in a similar capacity for 1928. 1 o a tsWedesda.Tbrsdy, Jn. .5 was due ta wiping out Rosa Can b-hI1 soalicit your votý and Influence in my firt ayen a d- tow better ae to serve and t heltaîf antI if e wuei wll (Io my beet te Wedesdy-TursayJan 4- 1 ndetedess fist aymnt f d-olected would continue ta give thetsastin conIluî'ýting thet' own's affaire 'Lew Cody", Aileen Pringle" bentures on pavement and addition!I council wark every consideration. I itît ecottomy and efficiency. j and "Owen Moore" in a sparkling ta public achool. He informed the,,Yours respectfuliy. Ix e ,farcial comedy succet.u audience the debenture deht at pros-, A. J. Wadhams, Cbairmano e-AJ.Wda. ent was oer $409,00.00 andwith1 etery, said he was ona cmte im ed"Te fo Thee"stîing demand for pavement next 1 there xvas not mucb ta say about. To The Electors of Bowmanvilie A tbousand !aughs and tbrills are year this deht would be cansider- 1 However ho was a candidate for 1928 Ldisandl Gentlemen,-Ilaving boom served you. The great stage bit ably increased. However, ho favor- cauneil and wbatever was assigned ta o -iit,îIdiy a coninîtiteé of the Citamber Of Commtnerce te affer nty services as ellingnow the camedy riat ai the year. ed wbere passible ta do permanent ibim ho would give it bis hest at., Couneillor for 1928, I do so beiieving IL eligYou" get your filaiof xcitentent 1road building. In ail mattera dis. tention. i uya ela nopruiyt and fun wben this cantody riat cuediconiheaay I .Rbexh vsnmntdi,, in the towns administration. useincuiile lasconsider- C.E edrwhwanoitd, If fiîvor,.,I itit your vote and Influence, is srve up. Forthesmasing ed hem romtow's iterst. forCdeputy-reeve, spoke briefiy atat- land ected, I will 1fui the office te tâs. into a hiroadw a ucs moiosn piture e.W.Jmswo 5asng ho had served six years in caun-' best of rmy abllity andi I hope, te rour intoa hlarius otio pitur, Ge. W Jams wo isals adan-i and a still greatly intereatcd in satisfaction. wihapretluhtana is ddt o euyReeurged citil sWislting you a Happy andi Prosperous best. zendidt or Dkepu rty-R everectinthewlar fth onha gco-Nwyeîîr, Iremain.Yusvrytuy siderable invested in tawn and Tor vr tuy tollars o a reattunicipal goverllment an romotei large employer. Mr. Rebder did not i Edward J. Gibbs. Friday-Saturday, January 6-7 and support the ChamberorfaiCom-'ýqaiy Here cames anather iat ai laughs merce as a year-round arganization, eqheualifyof.omavil andfunand not juat for the sale purpose aif '. P. Corbett was the onîy new j LodTes Edlet 0f Bow ave bo Te caaaan am a nmntn andidteffrnouci.1 Candidate ta speak. Ho aaid if i icited and persuaded by a committee HVA.A l omexpresscadidsurise oat eerlîyserice-as-oncllorfor1-2. t.. s: t. t,... 'i a ï an

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