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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1927, p. 2

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THE CANADIA.N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, ÂMBER 29, 1927 PAGU TWO ____________________________ _____ _____________________ HOSPITA.L APPEAL BRINGS .5e. ..~ PUBLIC SPEAKING COt'ITESTS TIIO iiau w DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Renor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. flouse phono 22. X-Ray Eciuipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. flouse phone 283. X-Ray Equiprnent in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal Colege #)f Dental Surgeons. Licensed ta practise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in ail ite branches. Office King St.. Bowmanville, op-j posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301.1 LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD. B. A., LL D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary MÉoney te lban on Farr n sd Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvale. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE sacc.eoe te loto D. B. Siupse.OsLC. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montres! Mona.7to Loa Phoue 91 BowmmnVille, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money te loan. Bonds for amie. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bewmanville, Ontario. Phones: office 102. Houie 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS FF.MORRIS CO. Complets moteoi or Herse Equîpmont Ail clis pi<>mpll attended te. Private Ambulance BownaUviilO Xboue WBrach Stores- * Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS ambalmer and Funeral Diroctor. Calls givea prompt and persanai at- ttaon. Ne extra charge for dis- tace. Phono& 58 or 159, Bowman- qille, On. . -tf. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD. M. D., C. M4. Qold Medaist of Trinity University, Toronto. Four yeare atteesdirig Phy- idtan and Surgeon at Ut. Carmel go tel, Pttsburg, Ks. Office and le ldence, Welington Street, Baw- Manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Modicai Coibego, Toronto, formerly ai Enniskillen. Office and Reidence. Dr. Eelth'a former resldonce on Church Street, Bowmanvllle. Phono 259. 44-t. VETERINARY DR.* F. M. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Nlght cala promptiy attmnded ta. Office: Ring St. Eset, Bewmanvilie. Phone 243. L G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. Oromo Honor Graduate ai University of Toronto. Ail cases given prompt and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy'a former office. Ph ones: Clarke 8921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer ffarm and flouse Sales a Specialty. Ternms moderate. Enniskilien P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. CHIROPL&CTIC AND DRUCLESSI THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY henor graduate ai Toronto College ef Chiropracecwlli be in tise Bow- usaville Office Tuesday, Thuanday and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Reatdental eaU, aode duing fore- N e w one ran. SHAW'& TWELVE BUSINESS SCHOOLS In Toronto Write for caedr W'R. Shaw. Regtrar, B&Y & Charles, Toronto. 48-5 LESSON No. 16 Question: Why do growing children, partic- ularly girls, need emul- sified cod-liveir oil? Answer: Growing chul- dren, and particularly girls, need vita-nin-rich nourish- ment to help thcm th-ough criticaI stages of e::-tremne tax on their strength. Pleasantly flavored, easy to take, children like SCO1T'S MUSION,_ THE EDITOR TALKS Making Christmas Last a Year" ia an article by Gene Strattan Porter in ber lato book "Let us Higbly Re- salve". This is one paragrapis that, la timeiy and has a direct bearing on aur Talk of last week ta Tired Wom- en and How ta Avoid Tiredness: Mrs. Porter writes as follows: "I would not for one minute take away from Chisitmas its joY, its glamaur, its lovely import, but 1l do believe tisat ail ai us would get more joy frorn tise day if we were ta begin with this very Christmas ta achool ourselves ta be content with giving what we truly can aford, with doing only those things we can without taxing ourselves ta the danger point phy- sicaliy. Large on my horizon ioarn the figures of twa young women hav- lies; those two wornn iterally work- ed themsoives ta deatis making pre- paratian for a great Christmnas cele- bration. Cantinuing Mrs. Porter suggosts: "I arn wondering if the coming Christmas would nat he a happier day, if instead ai shopping for weoks ta buy uselesa gifts for rnany ai wiich aur friends da not truly care, we shauld sit dawn quietly at home and write ta -everyane ai aur dear anes a letter straigbt irom the heart; if we shauid tny ta tell them in that letton bow much we love them, haw much we appreciate them, haw tisankful we are ta ahane aur lives and aur lave with them. Quite the loveliest gif t I had tise past Christmas was such a lttor iram a young man wha bas since becorno ry son". It la custarnary in tisese days ta hegin preparatians for Christmas manths beore and ta thase ta whorn expense need not be a matter ai consideration there cames equal weariness ai spirit as tisey shop tili they are at tise point ai uttor ex- baustion and tise Isat days before Christmnas are net days ai introspec- tion, nor worship, not days ai thank- f ulness for what the Festival truly moans; but they are reaiiy days of thankfulness that at ast Christmas bas anrived and the strain is aven". We are very certain tsat msn neaders aifT'Me Statesman will agree, with Mns. Porter's suggestions for tise neasana aise advances. We agree sa fuily witis tism that we have sent out aven a hundred Christmas mes- sages-personal lettons, carda and otherwise. We have also received a number ai beautiful lettons that we appreciate very isigisly. In one day'a mail wo received four sucis lettons from twa relatives and twa vory dean fionda in England, lettons that we shall troasure for a long tirno. A peculiar coincidence accurred with twa aimilar lettons. In Auguat 1910 when Rev. John Garhutt, then aur pastor, and tise wniter wero ne- turning inam General Canierence iu Victoria. B. C., we went ou an Ob- servation Car ta see the great City ai Vancouver. Ou that now mernorahie tour we met a lady, her two daugisters and a iniend ai theirs, s teacher, and we spent twa days with them an tise C. P. R. International, one day being held up lu tise mountains at Field owing ta landalide. Sa we becarne quite well scquainted befone tisey leit us at a junctiohi ta go soutis ta tiseir home in Farga, Nantis Dakota. Well, mt week one day two very nice lettons ai greetinga came by saine mail-bath inam ladies wbose Christ- ian name la Cora-ono irarn aur Fargo find and tise atier from Red Deer, Albertas, from tise daugister ai a Da.nington couple-veny dean aId fionda ai aur earlier days. These are tise anly ionda wo have, ta aur knowlodge, ai tisat name and bath are excellent letton wniters and of course, their greetinga are greatly appreciated. wha wiil go almost any lerigtba in or- don ta avoid making tise frank can- fession tbat they sufer irom tise disease ai epistolophobia. There are iew commonor disea.sos, and yet there is no pity for tise victima. They are universaliy accused ai rudeness, ingratitude and pride. Tisein silence is regarded as insulting when it la realiy fiattering. It la tise silence of mon wbo are not content ta scrib- hie of any aid rubbîah with a feeling that will do well onougis for theýin correspondouts. They respect thein correspondeuts too highiy. And s0 they wait tubl they have something ta, say and time ta say it. Tise fartiser of tise correspondent la, maover. tise mare particular they are as tai what they say. A. letton that wil dû for Torn,.,,to Anesnot seernt ulte And yet, if there are gaod excuses for nat wniting ta India thene are stili botter excuses ion no-t wnltîng ta anyano at a shonter distance. Af- ter ail, tise infrequency witb whicb one sees ano's Indian fionde rather calis for an excisange ai bttera. When ane bas a letton frorn sny- where nearen home, bowever, ane has slways a notion that one rnay ho soeing tise wniten befane long and that tisere is no need ta waate time in correspondenco. Thene is a good desi ta ho sald for answoning urgent lettons by telegrarn. Tise letton that cannot ho answered in s teiegrain doos not noed ta ho answered at aIL. it la, we suppose, a goad thing ior tise revenue that sa mauy supenfluous lettons are written, but tisero ls no denying that tbree-quanters aiftie lettons written are unuecessany. That is why some abject ta tise indigna- tian ai tise people who liko writing lettons against tise nudeness ai tise people who hate wnitingr letters. recently wrote that tisene la a popularI idea that lotten.writing sisouid bo a matter ai give.and-take. Thsis is moat unfair ta tise peaple ta whomn letter-writing is a ionm ai torture. A. ikea writing lettors, and so0 ho self.indulgently wnrites to B.; B. loatisawriting lettons, and ho suf- era angulis h ecause ho feels ho is be- iug rude in net ans'werng A. at once. A. bas ail tise plessure ai tise carrespondenc> B. bas ail tise pains. They riitbat be periectiy ihappy if it were generally necagnized that tiseir natures are dîfferent, and tisat A. should write ail tise lettors, seeing thLt h i oivs witing. We have MANY RESPONSES 827-litis St., Santa Monica, Calif. Dear Sis,-I am enclosing $15.00 ta help on yaun campaign. I knaw something ai tise splendid wonk dane in your hospital and hope yoia are successful ln roaching yaur object- ive, Yours sincereiy, (Mrs. Maggie Woodley), (Noe Maggie Hodgson, Tyrone). 439 Siserbu.rne St., Toronto.' Dean Mr. Maon,-Enclosed yau will find $5.00 for the hospital iund. I for one have appreciated tise Baw- manville Hospital. Sincerely yours, Florence Belîrnan. Vancouvr, B C. My dean C. H.,-I arn venY giad ta enclose $5.80 towards Nurses' Home Fund. I sincenely hope that tise haspital authonities are successful in raising tise amaount nequined. With k i n d r e g a r d s , Y u s s n e e y M. L. Roenigk. Tonasket, Wash., U. S. Dear Friends,-I arn îndeed pleas- ed ta have the privîlege of heiping inà the support of a worthy cause and in- stitution in my own home towfl. While 1 arn absent in persan myE tho.ughte are of ten in dear oid Ontar- io where I was raised and spent sa many pleasant years with the dear friends and relatives I now miss so much. I arn always dreaming ai re- turning and ending rny days in dear aid Bowrnanville, but one cannot tell. At present 1 seern ta be needed here with rny brother who is quite an aid mani and in poor health. 1 am glad ta mail ta you rny contribution ai $10.00 toard the Hospital Fund. Yaurs truly, (Mrs.) C. G.- Curtis. (nee Carnie Grigg) are unable to agree with the author ai "Blessed be Drudgery". pr ini ti( gr fa es is oc ex se tc Mrs. Porton's suggestion bas ne-1totn nubý-..6 vived in us tise question ai letton- met many good - onversationalists le, writing. Camparatively few per- who are more tisan wiiling ta carry ln sons mae orferale arerealY ouo a one-sîded conversation. Wby is- sonrs aonemab r ie aeteawii go it that no one is wiîîiug ta carry on a, Perbaps Canadian achoola do not gie sudaettcon epad for a lot sufficient attention ta tise suhject. ton' nyo w, ait lr a ai rb e t-a la like public speaking-it la an art-te? Ayoi saaeru ht but can ho acquired hy practise. We tise only bttera warth receiving are have nead that Hon. W. E. Gladatane thom May aIpeole enjo asmuis as had a miraculaus git ai carres- whedkMyalejy ta uha pondence. Tise present salt uni- w* *o. versai use ai typewritens lu business, offices is making penmanabip a burd- Ahl milk producens, rnilk deniers on ta, many mon. Only s iew daY ansd miik consumons shouid read ago we read a letton lu whicb a law- carefully Prof. H. H. Dean's pnac- yen apologized for hisa d china- tical address lu Saturday's Globe graphy lu witing ta a irieud because sud Tise Mail and Empire delivered hoe seidom used a peu. ta tise Pickering Milk Producers' As-, sociation at Broughamn Fiday nigit. * 5 * Ho suggested that encis member ai No doubt there la a luxuniaus this Association, sud al miilk pro- feeling lu ittiug lu a chair and ducers Associations collect data ta bc:oming out words witbout any ai proseut ta, their exectitives, so that that effort ai wrist that accompaules they might use tbem when settling writing. It is probably easier ta the question ai pice ta ho paid ion dictate fiity lettons than ta write one. milk. Tise miik dosiens as a ciasa ýAt the anme time, it is dlean tisat are reasonable sud intelligent mon, many pensons do not fiud tise act ai who are williug ta cousider tise pro- writing a bunden. Some ai tise ducers' ide of tisa miik pnobem, busiest men are alsa thse bualest con- aud are iikely ta coucede that s nespondents. Thc man wbo isates farmon la eutitled ta coat ai produc- letter-writing wili have no time ta i tion plus overbead charges, plus s write a letton even if hoe has nothing 1neasonahie profit, assumiug tisat tise elseto d. m1k producer bas gonod cowsansd else t do. Itat lise feedsansd canes for them in- teiligentiy sud producea a higi-grade, We must coufesa that oneofai ur dlean .safe rilk for tise milk causum- greatest pbeasures la lu writing lt- ors". Ho quoted figures showing tors aif fiendship aithough we do tisat dairyin are not gettiug as much othor writing. We mnuat also mucis fan miik as they sbould noceive, couesata ncgreaten peasur o- .ot a outo n cansidenod. that is receiviug interestiug uewsy I* lettens irom <aur fiondsansd Vie dol A god reasan why farmora cougist recviewtm ny that give us very great 1ta have higison pnicos ion milk is- pl tasurü and satisfaction. Our. That they may ho able ta esson tise formula far friendship correspond-1 hard lahor on dairy farms, where once is: Sit for a few minutes lu tise "eternal grnud" oi gttiug up at 1<deep thought ou what ta write. 1five a'clock lu tise moruingsa ta milk ('onsidon what you would like ta cws. feed them aud cane for tise know in a letton wore youn positions milk lu order ta have it ready fan rovensed. This usuaily helps you ta truck, trolley or train grows mon- m rake a gno<d start. We received a' otonaus, sud tonds ta drive theni lptter from a littbe Britishs Columbia! from tise dainy farm, not ta mention girl of fine yoars roceutly, thankig ,tise worn. If farmens woreOob- us for a lit tbe gift wù had sent hon; taiuiug greaton returus for mil and we sldomn receive a btter sa sold, they wouid ho able ta boy milk-ý nearly perfect lu fornm sud matter- inig machines ta niiik caws and me- properiy l)ogun sud ended; splendid-'icisanical refnîgoration for cooling iy paragraphed, connectly apelled, milk, alsa purchase botter feed and and perfect gramman. Wce wrote bY'btter cows lu onden ta praduce more return mail telling lhon bow weii mlk with less cows sud at lois coat, pleascd we wene aven neceiviug sucis Ibtter sud mono couvenient stabling a splendid btter aud asked bier ta tell' could ho pnovided, tisus doing away bier teachen whst we bad sard.J with inucis iarm dnudgony. Farmens Sices would encourage tise boit mnie ,romain in tise business ai produc- .g rnilk, wiie under present coudi- ýons many ai tiehe et daîry farnons ,rw discouraged and quit tise dairy Lrrnl. Thia is reflected in tise [windling Canadian ciseese exporta stimsted at 6,000,000 Ibs. lesa ln [27 as compared with 1926, lu tise !ct that we shahl import about 10,- )0,000 Ibs. butter for Canadian onsumption, with littie or no butter mpants for tise present year, and ai- iin tise fact that tisene bas been a ;arcîty ai milk in nearly ail fiuid nilk markets during tise past four Lanths. Stateslman calumna are toa crawded ;admit ta tbem Prof. Dean's excel- unt addnoas, but ail interosted in tise ilk question asould read it ail. r -- - - - 1 THE EDITOR TALKS Wo somotimes think ane ai the proventatives ai letter-wr'ting ia un- necessary fear or diffidence. Last manth wo carne acrass this amusing story ai a man who would lie awako nights carnpasing a ietter ho wanted ta write ta a cousin at a distance who wroto ta him ninoteen years ago ta congratulate hlm an bis engage-ý ment. It la not the sarne letter that it used ta ho. It bas altered with the years. It had ta be rewritten, whon the man married. It had tai be revised when the first child was born. The birth af the second child was another piece ai news that had ta be embadied in it. And now the eldest child is seventeen ,and a pr-ze- winner at achool, even thse second child's birth seems a littie aut ai date. And not only the narrative, of the letter has changed from yoari ta year, but the apologies with which' tise letter opens. At firat it was * "My dear Cousin,-' owe you a thausand apologies, but as a matter of fact I was sa presod for tinie, what with rny wark and withbhouse- hunting. --". Then it changed ta: 'I'm sure you will understand but what witb ail the anxiety I have gone thraugh awing ta my wife's iii- nesa........LIater an, he juetified hirnaeif by relating haw he b.d been maving into a larger house and one af the cbildren had bad whooping- cougis.* * . 14.M the Bank the Bank shic, 1 bc wc worrl: it is a safe roaai to travel and you wi always fnd awelcome at this end. 1 ?7I33 1 We mwish to extend toa ail.Our great appreciation of your continued patronage during 1927. and aur endeavour will be ta give you. better service during 1928. Our best wîshes te ail. Finst California Navet 39e, 419C, 59C Oranlges ani 69e doz. Finest Old Engliali Fanci Table I Ston le"s Mincemet 2 'h 35c jRaisins 1629c D t Brna 2Fb-.35iSatCaa 0-a. m Desl l'aW Machine SIicea Snoked Breakfast Bacon 9 1.55 b. Prunes MediuSize 2 'b-. 19C Tomato Soup 2 tins 23c Duhamel, Dean Sr,-I arn very pioased ta know the much needod Nurses' Home is aiready bulit, and sinceroly wish you every succosa ln your very heat endoaqon. Please find enciosed $2.50. Thene was built in aur towxs, Camnose, 4 or 5 yeara ago a new hospitai which we have been Pf tihe boit ways and means ta brin& supparting as we believe it is one relief and comoront talal needing. Yours truly, John Cangdon.1 (Formerly ai Tyrone.) Whitby Dean Si,-1 arn enclosing a sinal donation ($1.00) for the Bowman- ville Hospital Nurses' Residence Fund with my best wishes for it9 success. Yauns sincereiy, "Tonsils & AppendiL." people who do very littie good ta so- ciety, meetings, an ta the general community: Tise bombastic arguer who deligis ta make othens uncomiantable by contradicting everything that la pro- posed for tise sole purpose ai hearing isimseif taik; ho is a bore. is arguments usualiy have no foundations so that ho cannot hold out for any iengtis of time and ho gets beaten in tbe end-and tise neutral persan who complacentiy gives in ta everytising that is gaing on. It always neods someono ta stir things Up and wake a diiatory meet- ing inta animation *to break tise mon- otany ai discorniort ai roadi and bridges, ai aigu posta and tise parking ai cars! It takes courage inrnm sorne one ta voice bis opinion against odds; ta step out ai hounda, as it were, and shako the aid faundations ai dor- mant inactivity, ta express bis views and take a deci&ed stand. This would nat bc thse anc who would argue at every chance for the sake ai argument. Such a persan needs no courage, ho would Tequire courage ta keep quiet But tise anc wha bas a good prai oct weli tiought out, bas care- iully studied a1l sides and thon takes bis stand, is brave. It takes cour- age ta revoit. The majorlty ai us have nat this courage. We would rather let things drift aiong the aid ways until tisey have worn theinselves inta a rut so deep it takes a bard struggie.ta get out. Think wbat you are gaing ta Say. Thon say what yau think, and mean what you say. Thus you can stand a battering oi argumenta, for even tise apatisetie bistener may be stirred into speech. At any rate you wiil warm things up sud encourage discussions even if >e aur cause faills flat. You wili have made athers think, and that is always a gaod thing ta do. Few people think, they prefer otisers ta think for thein. Tise people wbo won't think are tise ones who isate things altered from tise old routine, who lilas things ta run tise saine course tbey have always ruu. Oiten a very big boulder wili move by a siigbt pusis, and once started on a dowu grade ,will take a lot ai stoppiiig. Sometitios a imali hint may make a vast diff erenceelu a meeting or club aud ho tise saving aifuiauy dallars. Your loving, AUNT SUSANÇ. Ail mothens can put away anxiety 1negarding their suif ering chiidren -when tbey have Mother Graves' 9Worm Exterminatar ta, give relief. Its eifects are sure sud lastiug. Oats 51ba.25c Domine TEA 169s. A Cboice Mixture Containiat: Walnuts19I Almnonde l Brazils Mixed Fjlberts fl Almonda Ig, ~Walu 15Cc. NeýW .hed 925 cm Gridl CaessudSyup înit alb.- Aunt ismaîma Corn olv Buckwhàeat23 alSa Pure Quebe.Large bas.caftes lSyrup 1 NI. h-11- io,.5,..,lb I y72e 210 CF I FEJ1=1FEJÎEJrEii ri ÎJ l,ý=r= làii 4 L./ k -r- - 1 mma- - lm - 1 .1fum". tât- ---% In February or Marcis a public speaking contest wiii be held for boys and girls in East Durham, conipnising Hope, Cavan, Manvers and South Monagisan townships, at Millbrook, and ln West Durham, comprising Clarke, Darlington and Cartwright townships, at Orona. These con- tests wiii be open ta farmn boys and girls under twenty-eight years ai age. Schoal teachers w,ll not ho eligiblo. Substantial pnizes wiil be given. It la hoped there wil ho a ready re- spanse from the young people ta en- ter this contest as public speaking is af inestimable benefit in developing self-confidence and groater ability. Sorne ai the suggested subi ects foli- law:-The Juniar Farrner in Ontar- culture-Ontaries Chief Industry; io; Ontaia's Minerai Weaith; Agri- Refarestatian and Value ai aur For- ests; Music in tise Rural Gommuni- ties; Far mPower; Labor Saving De. vices in the Farin Home; The Junior Institute in Ontaria; Incarne Earning for Farrn Girls; The History ai Agri- culture; Educationai Value ai Mod- ern Exhibitions and Shows; Beautifi- cation ai Farm. Homes. AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER The Royal Bank of Canada Some day you may need assistance from the Bank to buy seed grain or to provide f eed for your stock until marketing trne. If you are a stranger, it may be hard to ar- range. A ýSavings Account with us now is a good i-ecommenda- tion for future crtecLit. Candies Our Bakery JeIy BansProducts Gum Dras . Del'clous Spoos an -~ Fruit Cake 390 Creama ' Fli ,or AlmoÀI lesi lb st, ,..d25 Choc. Drops lbSNw ca Sweetheart Calke ,~ Chesa A Beautiful Rich Fruit 1-lb. box 3-lb. box Cake, nith a thick, rich 39C 9C almond i,îng-packed in an Iniiual box. Lr' - R-I--e- d Breakfast Cocoa ilb. tin 25C .r BowmanviUe Branch - K F. Aitchigon, Manager il, 1

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