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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1927, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1927 PAGE TUUU *ne gret, strong, unselfiah soul ln evwy eommunit7 would actuaMy rw. dmam the world.-Elbert Hubbard. TM .mogi obalnat. cornu faiX to Te- sut Belloway's Corn Remover. 'fr7 il, Season's Greetings We have enjoyed your friendship and patronage during tbe pust year. It is. Iereione with sincerity that we express ta you aur apprecietion af the busi- mess thet yau have entmust- .d ta na. May the New Tear that lies ahead open up for you an ena ai pros- perity, heeltb and happi- tess. W. T. Allen Big 20 Booktore Balwuanvili. Oui Dissolution of Partneship Dominion of canada, Province of on- taria, County of Durham. I, William John Marty cf Bowm- ville, in the County of Durham, Muure. forinerIy a member of the firmn carrYtngr on business as (1) Grocers & Feed Mer- chants, (2) Bowling Ailey, on the. outh @ide of King Street, in the aid Town of Bowmanville. in the. County of Durhamn under the style of "Martya Bron-, do hereby certlfy that the. nid Partn:ehip wae on the. fifteenth day of September A. D . 1927 dimolved. WITNEISS myi hand at the. Town Of Bowmianville te Ffteenth day of Sep- tember A. D. 1927. Witnesm W. F. WARD, Barrister. Bow- manyfile, Ont Wm. J. Mart7n. Use This Clubbing List The Canadiau Stateamnau will bie clubbed with any of the follo'wing publications for 1928 at the follow- ing prices: Globe .....................8$.50 Mail & Empire ............. $6.50 Toronto Daily Star. . . .... ...$6.501 Farnier's Advocate..........8$3.00 New, Outlook.............. $4.00 Christian Herald ............ $4.50 Ladies' Home Journal....... $3.00 Saturday Evening Post ..84.00 Family Herald & Weekly Star.$1300 Weekiy Witness.. .. ..... ...$4.00 Canadian Home Journal ..3.00 Farrn & Dairy .............. $2.50 Fermers' Sun........83.50 Canadian Magazine......... $3.00 MceI-an's Magazine .........4.00 s 'i ru Just wealth enough to give and spare, Just health enough to banish care Just friends enough, sincere and true, May this glad season bring to you. Season's Greetings We extend to aIl our custorners and friends our sincere thanks at this tirne of year for their kind patronage during the few rnonths we have been in busi- ness in Bowrnanville. HAROLD M. JEWELL Successr to Phone 518 .. Phare & McCoy BownîanvilIe i B F, J. MITCHELL DOMINION PIANOS-UPRIGHT, GRAND, REPRODUCING AND PLAYER PIANOS The BALKITE Radio Power Unit will make your old radio a power set. They are wonderful. Use power only when your set is working. No batteries. Pianos and Radio Supplies sold on easy terma. Make the farnily happy by calling Tel. 105 Bowmanville. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL Will A Fire Find You Under Insured? Have you added to your stock or done any building since your present policies were put on? If you have, better pr eet yourself before disaster cornes. Do it now. Delays are dangerous. A bad fire caused heavy loss in Hampton this month. We will be glad to advise you. That'a our business. HAPPY AND PROSPEROIJS NEW YEAR TO ALL J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanvflle HOLIDAY VISITORS Miss Bea Devitt, Toronto, at home. Miss Dorothy Kinkton, Toronto, at home. Mr. Merili Fergusan, Taronto, at home. Miss Olive Mutton, Toronto, etj home.1 Miss Teresa Murphy with her par-1 ents in Lindsay.1 Mm. M. L. Washington with her sisters in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. T. H. Lockhart with friends in Toronto. Miss Barbera Yellowlees, Toronto, witb Mrs. L Jollow. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morrison with relatives in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Leon S. Dumas with relatives et Brigbton. Mrs. R. H. Elliott and Jean, Ton- onto, at Mr. John Lyle's. Mr John Heliyar with bis niece, Mrs. (Dr.) Ives, Stayner. Miss Sybil Burk, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs. H. W. Burk. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Palmer and family with relatives in Gaît. Miss Ethel H. Mollon with ber sister, Mrs. C R. Peterkin. Mr. W. J. Colwili, Toronto, witb his mother, Mrs. J. T. Colwill. Miss Ileen Parker, Toronto, with Mr. and Mm. RPL F. Aitchisan. Mrs. Malett, Toronto, with ber daugbter, Miss Hazel Marlett. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bradt and iarn- ily with relatives in Hamilton. Mr. and Mns. W. A. Bain, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. G. Parkhurst, Osh- ewa, with her mother, Mrs. Lee. Capt. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, Ottawa, with Mr. W. B. Couch. Miss Ethel Webber, Hermon, witb ber sisters, the Misses Webber. Miss Laura Anderson and Mr. Jas. Hurley with friends la Taranto. Miss Annie Mountjoy, Toronto, with ber sister, Mrs. J. E. Elliott.Y Miss Annie Connors and Mr. M. Connors witb relatives et Marmora. Miss Lillian Hoar, Toronto, with her sister, Mn. Wrightson, Wight. Mrs. Ada Dumas with ber daugh. ter, Mrs. James Mlligan, Oshawa. Mrs. W. H. Williams with ber niece, Mrs. J. H. Cavanagh, Toronto. Mr. Ted Humphrey ani Miss Fat- terson, Whitby, at Mr. F. 0. Mason'&. Misa Muriel Dech, Toronto, with ber grandmother, Mms. John Grigg. Mr. and Mms. Frank Lucas, Mimi- co, with bis sister, Mrs. John Darch. Mms. W.. Brady and son Jack, Nia- gara Falls, et Mr. J. Lighterness', Sr. Rev. Roy H. Rickard, B. A., Belle- ville, with bis mother, Mms. E. Rick- ard. The Misses Brimacombe with their sister, Mrm. Rd. Snawden, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Percy and Miss Rutb, Toronto, witb the Misses Perey. Mr. and Mra. Rabt. Geenfield with Mr. and Mms. F. G. Greenfield, Col- borne. Miss Elsie M. Bragg, Toronto, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrm. W. J. Bragg. Mr. Max and Miss Lenore Quiec, Toronto, with Mr. and Mms. William Quick. Miss Mildred Lawrie, Toronto, with ber parents, Mn. and Mm J. N. Lawrie. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mms. Chas.. B Magon. Mms. H. Aslee and Mise lana and Mrs. H. Gemme with relatives in Toronto. Mn. and Mm.. Alex. Hladdy and Wesley, Toronto, et Mr. J. W. Knigbt's. Mr. Prowen MeMurtry, Detroit, Mr Will Prower, Torontaoat Mr. W. B. MeMurtry's. Dr. and Mms. W. J. T. Veale, Han- row, with ber parents, Mr. and Mms. C. A. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Plumumer and family witb bis sister, Mms. Jeasie Grigg, Toronto. Miss Mamie Stephens, President Women's Press Club, Taooto. vith Mms. E. H. Leightan. Mr. Roy Cand1ler, Toronto, aad son, Master Narman Candler, Owen Sound, et Mr. S. Candler'a. Mr. and Mms. Chas. H. Haddy and Jack, Miss Dorothy James, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. N. S. B. James. Mrs. F. R. Brown and ber mother, Mrs. Gea. Hencock, witb Mr. and Mrm. Wilbert J. Hancack, Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Williams, Niagara Falls, N. Y., with bis mother, Mrs. E.B .Williams, and other rela- tives Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elliott and femiiy, St. Catherines. M r. E. Little, Toranto, Mn. Leonard Henry, Hem- ilton, et Mr. S. J. Henry's. Mm. J. C. Venstone, Miss May Vanstone, Mn. and Mms. Byron S. Venstane, Miss Agnes Vanatone, Toronto, with Mr. and Mre. Fred C. Vanstone, I'Cedar Clif". WEDDINGS Graham-Flett A quiet wedding was salemnized at Trinity United Church Pareanage on Wednesday, Decemben 14, when Elle Victoria, daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Flett, Centre St., Bowman- ville, was united in merriege with Mervyn A. Grabam, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. P> Graham ai Blacksftock, Ont., Rev. J. U. Robins, officiting. The bride was becamingly ettined in an Empire sblue flat crepe drea and wore the groam's gift, a rope of pearîs. Aiter e dainty lunchean at the home oi the bride's parents, the hap- py couple left on a motor trip ta Part Hope, Peterboro and pointaeaut, the bride travelling in a ne'vy georgette dress witb gald tnimmings, nevy needie-point coat end gald bat.. On their return tbey will reside at 111 Frederick St., Oshawa. On Wednesday evening e miscel- laneous shower wes given at the home ai Mr. Oscar Grahams Bleck- stock when about 125 were present and t4e young couple received a love- ly lot ai gits and a very enjoyable time wus spent. Bombard-Lake A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized et 3 o'clock Thursday ai- ternoon, Decemben 22nd., et St. George's Anglican Cburch, Nlewcast- le, wben Mary Winnifred, second daughtem ai Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lake,1 Newcastle, became the bride ai Mr. Claence Bamberd, only son ai Mr. and Mm. H. Bomberd, Bowmanville.1 Rev. E. R. James afficited. The bride who wes given in mer- niage by ber father entered the cburch on bis emm ta the strains ai the wedding march played by Mms. Farncomb. The bride was becom- ingly attired in pink georgette witb transparent velvet aven pink satin with silver bat and sboes and carried pink roses. Miss Rae Delîne acted as bidesmaid wbile Mr. Will Itke, brother of the bride, was best man. The bridesmeid wore peach taffetta with picture bat and cernied pink carnations. After the ceremony a reception wes held et tbe bride's home fan the immediate relatives and friends. The goom's guifta the bride vas a substantiel check, ta the bridesmaid a gold bracelet, and ta the best man a gold pen knlfe. The happy couple leit on the even- ing train for Hamilton amid showers ai confetti and gaad vishes. The bride travelled in e chestnut browu gown witb shoes and stockings to match, bine and silver bat, blue coat with f un trimminge and carnied a hand painted beg. On their return they Will eside et Trura, Nova Scotie. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Misa Elizabeth Samis, 26 Âldwych Avenue, Todmarden Ont: Encloeed find $2.00 for The gtateaman ta end of 1928. Wishing yau &al a Merry Christmas and Happy New «Year. Wm. H. Baskerville, box 123, Glenside ,Sask: Enclosed 7011 will find $2.00 ta extend my subseription for another year. We bave been having sorne very cold weather; have had it over 40 below zero and have had sleighing for six weeks but it is mild again. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and proaperous New Year. MEW OPPORIUNI1I TU ENIER IHE AUTOMOBILEBUSINESS One of the world'm largest and oldest automobile manufacturera ta catabimh- îng dealers to "Ili a ncw i-cylinder closed car which wil lst at $95f..o. b. &Wa $9945 factery Other modela of this maine manufac- turer range in price up to $3235. They will aU 6be available to the dealers who handle this new popular priced car. There ia ini addition a couaplete Une of commercial cars. In commuaitica of amalI ie, how- ever, you aeed contrac: only for the fast.meling iow-priced model. Only moderat. capital n.ed.d to Start Businees A contract hem been worked out to entable dealiers to get started repreet. îng this aew car with only a amall ia- ventment. No uch favorable franchise ha& ever bef or. been offered by any manufacturer If you believe that you have the abil. ity ta mclinl your community an auto. mobile that im destiaed to bc the sensa- tion of 1928-a ciosed car thnt will offer for $995 a beautiful exterior, lacquered in the letest fashionabie shadea, an inte- rior iuxurioualy uphoitered, ermn resta. ash recciver, gaoline gaute on the demi. coincidentel iock te tering and ignition, eteering whclcontrol of twin- beam hcadlights. reer vision mirroc, automatic windshield cleaner, and sim- ilar iefinement-provcd powertonpia- tain high peed indefinitely-quaiity construction throughout-if you are able to mli uch acarinyourcommunity, mnd in the attached coupon et once. Room 3 2, 17 Main &reet, Rat ILi.milton, Ont. Scnd further particulars on tic fran- chimc for tic aew $995 six-cylinder car you are advcrtiuing. Namne ............. ...... . ...... City ........ ~.........Prov...... Prasen t Buainu (If selling cars now, state makes)>.............. ...... BROWN'S SCHOOL Repart of Christmas examinations. Names in arder af menit: Sr. IV-*Ethel Henderson, Eliza- beth Henderson. Jr. IV-Cbarlie Alldred, Mildred Bedwin. Jr. III-5June Brown, Irene Hen- derson, Helen Roblin. ll-Bessie Law, f Arthur Bcd- win. I-Eddy Roblin. Pr.-*Marjarie Hendersoi. Vena A. Power, teacher. LAKE SHORE, CLARKE Christmas Report S. 3. No. 2 Paso 50%. Honora 75%. Sr. IV-Annabelle Hendry 82e. Sr, III-Ruth Holmea 66, Olive Jayae63. Jr. III-Alex. Hendry 71, Neta Allin 55, Myrtie Allun 53. Jr. Jl-John Mitchell 60, Allen Clark 37, (failed.) Sr. Pr. ta Jr. I--Jean Holmes 68, Morice Powell 60, Floyd Powell 60. Pr. A-Audrey Jaynea. Pr. B-Donald Powell. Theresa McNeil, teacher. TYRONE The foliowing is the report of Christmas exeminetians in Tyrone Public Schoal. 75% honors; 60% pea. V-Eami Goodman 72. Sr. IV-Myrtle Brooks 77, Lamea Hooper 76, Alice Thompson 68, Clar- ence Goodman 63, Ted Woodyard 56. Jr. IV-Edna Cameron 72. Sr.. 11-Helen Trimm 91, Ade- laide Annis 82, Nina Hodgson 73, Francis Tbampson 70, Clarence Hathenly 65, Jackt Gibbs 64, Grace McColl 62, Lorne Annis 58. Jr. IJI-Jackie Trimm 80, Eva Collacott 61, Clanence Bradley 57. Sm. Il-Verona Womden 87, Bob- bie Cemeron 76, Donald Thompeon 66, Velma Bradley 62, Florence Campbell 50. Jr. E-.Susie Thompson 80, Don- ald MeColl 71, Mildred Bradley 69. I-Herry Camnpbell 76, Harry Cod- lacett 74. Sr. Primer-Douglas MeColl 90, Billie Brooks 82, Bilie Savege 75. Jr.-Eva Yorke, Grenfeil Trum- pour, Ethel Partner, Jean Trampour, Narma Thompson, Joyce Trumpour, Audrey Webber. Hazel M. Turner, teacher. HAMPTON Report of Hampton Sehool fan Christmas terni. Naines in order ai menit: IV-Florence Burna H, Ernest Horn H, Fred Holwell. Bn. II-Elsie Moore H, Merwin Crydermen H, Elias Greenaway H, Helen Knox, Elvood Shackleton. Jr. II-Gordon Phillips H, Aus- tin Baron H, Jackson Wray, Nelson Robbins, Bloyd Wilcox, Violet Pet- iey, Jean Stainton. Sn. I-Hlarold Martyn H, Olga Cowing H, Pearl Conneghan. Jr. 11-John Virtue H, Anna Wal- lace H, Hemny Winterburn H, Annie Stainton, Bruce Clarke, Katie Jones, Doris Cryderman, Mandy Cannaghan, Flossie Connaghan.. I-Jimmie Adamson, Eve Johns, Betty Knox, Muriel Scott, Thelma Rabbins, Vere Martyn, Bernice Rog- ers, Norma Cowling, Lena Novick, Jobn No'ick. Sm. Pr.-Walter Holwehi, Dora Cowling, Jackt Cowling, Ruby ColwilI, Ruth Colwill, Jerald Bleeke, Isobel Rogers, Jack Jones. Jr. Pr. A-Gladys Cbapman, Wan- de Clarke. Jr. Pr. B-Nellie Armaur. F. J. Groat, Miss 1. Campbell, teechers. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mm. Hanold Dunhani, Beeton, in visiting hie aunt, Mms. Albert Celw.el and iamily, Carlisle Ave. Our populan station agent, C. C. Ravin, was summoned ta Cobourg on Saturday evening, where ho was met by members ai the Onder ai Railway Telegraphers, and made the recipient af a bandsame bni bag as a toison of the esteem in wbich he ia held by the Order, for the geod vans eho as accomplished an their behali. Mrs. Ravin, wbo was not present, vas made the ecîpient ai a beautiful dil- ver ereemn pitcher and suger bowl, as an appreciation ai the lonesomo boums spent when Mr. Ravin vas away la their behalf.-Pickeng News.. With the usual splendid collection of tories and articles on hunting, fishing and outdoor lufe, Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News mekes a good entry into the new year with a fine issue for January 1928. Sev- eral stirring stonies of fiction and iect af great interest toalal outdoons- men augment the usual speciel feat- ures ai the depertments dealing with angling, shooting, trapping, dogs and woodcreft. There la alsa the firet of an informative serieis ai arti- cle. deaiing witb the Rainy Lake dis- trict situation and Major Allan Brooks contributes enothen splendid caver painting. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silven Fox News is publish- ed monthly, and may be ordered at The Statesman office. Persistent Asthma. A most dis- tressing characteristic of this debil- itatîng diseese, is the persistence with which recurring attacks corne to sap away strengtb and leave the sufferer in a state of almost continual ex- baustian. No wiser precautian can be taken than that of keeping et hand a supply of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthme Remedy, femous as the moat potent remedy for eradicatlng the disease ironi the tender aid passages. ~ AXIPHONE TAXI 222W Day or Night LORNE STEVENS Greet the New Year with a 1928 Model RADIO SET MODEL 220-Powerful Rogers- Bail eryle3s Recriver, sic gle-dial con- trai, completely shielded audio ampli- fi catison unit, illuminated dial, Rogers A/C Power Tube, finely-Jlnished ivainut cabinet. $275.00 complete, etc. pt speaker. MODEL 250-A f1lte-tube Rogers- Batteryiess Recci ver, woith complet elY skielded audio amplification unit. Walnut finish cabinet. $21500 com- pleti, cxc. pi speaker. What better way to invcst that Christmas cheque than in a Rogers! Ail the leading stations wil be "on the air" New Year's Eve with special holiday pragnams. Throughout 1928 scores of notable events will be broadcasted. Eitber one of these new 1928 models will give yeu aIl that's best in radio et a cost af less than 5c a week. You are certain to get a radia soon-why flot start the New Year with a Rogers. It is the one sure "year 'round" radio. 'Phone us ta mastai! a Rogers in your home tomorrow. If it does net penform te your entire satisfaction you may return it FREE of ail cost. Terms arranged, If deIred. SoId In BownmviRle By W. J, BAGNELL SPhone 152 li The Season 's King StW. Wishes As we trace the record of the elouing year there cornes to us the recollection of the good-will that you have manifested to us. Cherishing these associations and the business friendships into which they are constantly ripening, we wish you ail a Bright and Prosperous New Year. and B.ll IiARRY ALLIN PHONE 1I» i e. DO WMAN VILLE (ireetings and Thanks At this season of the year we are glad to ex- tend as widely as possible our expression of good cheer and good-will to ail and every- one who rnay have contributed directly or in- directly to our business success during the past 50 years just cornpleted. This expression of good-will extende beyond the cirle of custorners or patrons and to al who may corne within range of this greeting. May your Cup of Happineas be fulland the New Year bring to you its full share of Progress and Satisfaction. McCIelIan & Co. Ltd. Phone 15 King St. East, Bowrnanville 14r ýli. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECMBER 29, 1927 PA« - j

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