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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1927, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, ll,19- Help Wanted FEMIALE Want.ed, ladies anywhere to address, fold andi mail circulars at home. Enclose stamp for p articulars. HOME MANFG. CO., TORONTO 3. NOTICE Following the usual custom to enable oui- staff to spend the New Years Holidays with their families The Bowman House Inn Limited Wll flot serve any meals New Years Day or Monday Wising you ail a Happy and Prosperous New Year. To You Our sincerest thanks for past favors. May the New Year bring Health, wealth and true happiness, is the cordial wish youi KERSLAKE'SI The Dependable Drug Store We Deliver Phoýne 49 Season's G reetings May you one and al have a most enjoy- able festive season and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. G. Pritchard 2 doors west f F. Phone 489 F. Morris Go. Bownianville TYRONE Mr. Stewart Brown, Peterbore, Mr. and Mrs. W. MacDonald and Cather- ine, Cobourg, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart.. Mi. Willîs Stewart bas returned home froni Bowmanville Hospital where he has been since his accident by a tree falling on him .... Mr. and Mrs. T. Findley and famuly, -Thornhill, Mi-. Nathan Byers, Ennis- killen, Mr. O. L. Byers, Toronto, Sun- dayed at Mr. E. Virtue's. .. Mr. W *Staples and Miss F. Vutue visited witb friends at Hampton... Mr. Ce- cil Alldread spent the weekend with his brother, Mr. D. A. Alldread, Bow- manvillea.. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Good- man and family visited at Mr. Fred Goodman's, Columbus. . .. Miss Hazel Hodgson, Corbeyville, is bolidayingl at home. .. Miss Hazel Turner is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Ciaremont. .Miss Edythe Clemens, Turtle Lake, is visiting her father, Mi-. A. W. Clemena. .' Miss K. McCullough and Mr. Donald *Day- ev svn fou, (mus jinToronto... ENFIEIfl Miss MyrtIe Hobbs, Toronto, is at her fatber's, Mr. Hobbs', spending Christmas holidays.MiMr.and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston entertained a num- ber of their friends and relatives on Tuesday evening, Deceniber 20, to celebrate the llth anniversary of their wedding day. After tea pro- gressive Lost Heir was played and several guessing contests and a very enjoyable evening was spent...Te concert and Christmas tree passe off well. The cbildren did exceed- ingly well as they were only nine or ten days in preparing for the con- cert . . ..Mr. Geo. Cochrane obtaîned fi-st again in two classes at Port Per- ry fair... The Ladies' Aid meeting postponed to Tbursday, January 12.* Enniskillen Dramatic Club invite you next Monday evening. '.1 ,1' ~ :,T. 'i. HELP WANTEO MALE AND FEMALE Earn $25 wPekly up at home addresaIng ffvlo(.No canvassing. Everythlng furnished Spare or ful Urne. Senci stam;,î I addresmed envelope for particu- jars, GIlies Mailing Service, Box 9. Sydney, N. S 50-20 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church, corner Temperance and Churck Sta., Rev. Robert McDerment, M. A., Minister. il a. m.-Morning Wor- ship. 7 p. m.-Evening Worship. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School. Every- body come. Rev. Dr. Hugb Munroe of St. John's Church, Cornwall, and foi- 1erly minister of St. Paul'. Church, Bowmanville, bas accepted a caîl from the congregation of West- minster Presbyterian Churcb, New Glasgow, N. S. The Junior Missionary Auxiliary of Trinity United Church will hold the December meeting at the Parson- age on Friday evening. As this is the closing meeting of the year aIl Mite Boxes should be returned to close the year's business. Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor. Sunday services at 1l a. m. and 7 p. m. New Year ser- mons by the Pastor. Sunday School at 2.30 p. ni. Good music by choir under direction of Mi-. Francis Sutton, organist and director. St. Paul's Cburch, Rev. D. W. Best, D. D., minister. il a. mi.- "The Tides of the Spirit"-The Holy Communion. 7 p. ni.-A special young people's choir will sing Christ- mas music. Address by Mr. Merrill Ferguson. 2.30 p. nu-Sunday School. St. John's Anglican Church, Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rector. New Year's Eve, Saturday, December 31, 1927. 11.30 p. m.-Watchnigbt service. January 1, 1928-Feast of Circunicision. 11 a. m.-Holy Communion and Ser- mon. 2.30 p.m.-Sunday Scbool. 7 p. m.-Evening prayer. Sunday services in Trinity Unit- ed Church were in keeping witb the Christmas spi-it. The musical ser- vice in the evening included solos, anthems and carols by the choir which were mucb enjoyed. Pastor Robins gave short addresses at eacb service. A double male quartet sang at the Sunday School session. Mr. Wm. Little and Mr. Wesley Li*t- ENNISKILLEN tle, Oshawa, visited at Mi-. R. Mc- Cullougb's. . .. Miss Viola Sbortt vis- Visitors: Dr. and Mrs. H. Fergu- ited witb ber sister, Mrs. A. W. son and sons, Allan and Donald, with Prescott, Enfield .... Mr. and Mrs. FI his parents at Uxbridge; Mi-. and L. Byam and family visited ber par-i Mrs. William Herring witb their son, ents, Mi-. and Mrs. W. Lillicrap, Cannington.. .Mr. and Mrs. W. J.1 Elmer, at Oshawa; Mrs. John Pye Woodley visited bis sister, Mi-. and and Howardl, with friends in Hanip-, Mrs. James, Go........ Mi-. Brenton ton; Mrs. Walter Rahm who bas had McCullougb, Oshawa, spent the blood poisonîng in ber ai-m is witb weekend at home.. Christmas School ber mother, Mrs. William Griffin; Mr-. concert under the direction of Miss and Mrs. Jack Trimmer and daugbter Hazel Turner, teacher. was a decided Mary, and Miss Mary Vutue with success ..The Christmas canta their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. "Peace and Good-will" was spiendidl Virtue; Mr. anà Mrs. J. E. Vu-tue given Sunday evening by the "Win and daugbter also with theii- parents; One Cas". Rev. J. R. Trumpour Mr. Wm. Lamb, Kennetb and Mary gave a very interesting address. The itngfedsn Fnlo;Ms choir rendered splendid Christmas Luella Stevens, Oshawa, with ber music under the leadership of Mi-. W. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stev- Staples. ens.... .Mr. Petbick bas installed a Heai- "Valley Farm" at Enniskillen new radio ..Christmas concert on on Monday evening. D ecem ber 21st was a decided success. The chilîren under the leadership of Miss Maiion Orchard, sang well, and SOLINA tbe playana dialogue and other parts of the prograni whicb were undei- tbe Visitors: Dr. and Mi-s. Ellis Rey- direction of Miss Dalton and Mi-s. nolds, Hillsburg, Mi-. Russel Rey- Cooke, wbicb took no little tue o nolds, Toroento, at Mi-. A. J. Rey- trouble to prepare, were wel[l given. nolds'; Mi-. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Oui- teacber, Miss Dalton, wbo bas Stanley with Uxbridge friends; Mi-. gone to spend Christmas witb ber and Mrs. John Baker and family at parents, before leaving on ber hou-1 Mr. W. J. Biagg's, Bowmanville; Mi-. days bad a Christmas tree and pro-1 Joe Reynolds, Simcoe, at home; Mi-. gram at tbe school and kindly i-e-2 and Mrs. Walter Vice and family at menibered ail the childi-en witb a1 Mi-. Donald Yellowlees', Columbus; treat and very generously presentedi Mi-. and Mrs. Ernest Lai-mer and fam- each one witb a useful gif t. Trustees1 ily, Blackstock, at Mr. W. T. Tay- gave Miss Dalton a beautiful scarf. .. loi's; Mi- and Mrs. S. E. Werry and, The service Sunday evening was in-1 famuly at Mi-. R. J. Luke's, Kedron; tei-esting and full of Cbristmas Mi-. and Mrs. J. L. Miller at New- thougbt. Tbe C. G. 1. T. girls took bei-g; Mi-. and Mrs. E. J. Black and the lead in the miusic. Miss Kathleen MacLean at Lindsay; Congratulations ta Mi-. and Mi-a. John Adult Bible lass new officers ai-e: Pascoe on celebrating fifty years of President-Mi-. Frank Orchard; As- happy married life. .. .About 60 sistant President-Mi-. F. J. Ellis;d friends and neigbbors gatbered at the Secretai-y-Mi-. Wili Stainton; Asst. home of Mi-. Sulas Williams -last Secretary-Mr. John Orchard; Treas- Tuesday evening to congiatulate Mi-. urer-Mi-. John Slemon; Flower and Mrs. Lloyd Williams on their re- Conu ittee-Mrs. Will Stainton; cent mariage. Mi-. Chas. Sbortridge Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson and Mrs. How- called the cempany to order and Mi-. ard Stevens; Teacher-Mi-. Thomas Will Westlake read a nicely worded McGill. address. At the proper time Messrs Percy Dewell and Ernest Hockaday The Enniskillen dramatic club will presented the bride and groom with present the popular play entîtled a handsome fernery ........ Cburch "Valley Farm" on New Yeai's nigbt, service on Sunday was well attended. Monday, January 2nd at 8 p. m.i us Rev- J. R. Bick preacbed a very ap- ic will be given between acts. Admis- propriate Cbristmas sermon. A solo sion 35c and 20c. Don't miss bear-,ý wss beautifully rendered by Miss ing it. 51-2 I Lena Taylor and special music by thee choir. . .. Mr. Harold Williams, Wbit- i- by, visited frienda bei-e........ The Christmas concert and tnee under the COURTICE l auspices of the C. G. I. T. last Thurs- F n ftebs day evening was well attended. The On Friay eveningonoftebs program which was varied consisted scbool concerts given around bei-e of readings, orchestra music, drills, for some time was presented in Eb- i choruses, pantomine and a cantata. enezei- Church. Tbe two ;choolsf Great pi-aise is due Mrs. John Baker No. 4 Base Line, and No. 8, Court- r leader of the C. G. 1. T., and ber as-'* sistants for the splendid manner in ice, put on the pi-ogram under theh which tbe program went off. Santa training of tbe tbree teacbers, Miss Claus wasý there in bis genial self and Tbompson of the foi-mer, and Mi-. distributed the presents... .The many Young and Miss Arnold of the lat- friends of Mr. Daniel Arnot will i-e- ter. Choruses, dialogues, necita- gi-et to learn of bis passing on Mon- tions, vocal solos and piano solos f day nigbt. He bas niade bis home were splendidly given. Mrs. Cecil f for some time with Mr-. and Mrs. Woi-den, accompanist at the piano Norval Wotten and Mrs. Levi Arnot. for No. 4 and Mi-as. W. R. Courtice The funeral was held from tbeir home for No. 8. The beai-ty applanse on Wednesday. We extend our sym- from the churcb full of people show- pathy to them .... Mi-. and Mrs. A. ed the appreciation of the numbersl L. Pascoe and Harold. Mr. and Mrs. given. Tben Santa Clans came inp R J. McKessock and family, Mr-. aIl garbed in bis winter outfit andL and Mi-s. H. E. Tink and family, Mi-. after addressing the audience a fewV and Mi-s. H. G. Pascoe and family minutes passed down the many pi-es-IV spent Christmias at Mrs. Thomas enta from the Cbristmas tree and Pascoe's, Hampton. eitcb pupil was remembered, and in Hear "Valley Fanm" at Enniskîllen aIl there wei-e over one bundred on Monday evening. pupils taking part. Pi-oceeds $42.' sitns Mrs. Mar-uoricig ... i. .Raymond Crago, Mi-. simmes, Dtroi, Mi- andMrs. - I Crago, St. Mary's. Mi-. James shaîl Seules and family and Miss Cnlr rn akMs .Cep Bro Bos ook'M.anoMrs.MWilSn CIe-er, son Tom, Tor-onto, were holiday Broks' Mr an Mr. Wlso Cl-l'visitons at Mi-. and Mrs. Truman well and family and Mi-. and Mrs. Powers ... . ieague meeting wasbed McNamara, Buffalo, at Mi-. James on Tuesday eveniîag of this week, Shortt's; Mi-. and Mrs. Elmer Rund-te bigafrlgodcw.M. le and Miss Mary, Toronto, guests of Rtssene beg a fairy ao i-owd. Mi bi-, father and mother, Mr. and Mrs Rs tie omnilwsu Albert Rundle; Mr-. Walter Snider. and gave a splendid address wbich Bratfod, t M. W H.Nic ~was enjoyed by aIl. The following Mi-.anodMs.Artur. W.ta ito aI officers were installed for tbe comingý Mr.amidy, ion, Artehonrev. noand -syear: Hon. President-Rev. J. H. H.Stion aldon RSu nd; r. Stainton; Piesident-Mabel Stevens; J. H Stanto on undy; D.lit Vice-Edna Sy'allow; 2nd Vice- Norman and Mrs. Found and family Ruby Aldsworth; .jrd Vice-Ivison vîsîtîng bis father and mother, Mi-. Munday; 4tb Vice--Mai-jane Stev- and Ms-s. John Found; Reeve Wight ens; Recording Secietary-Greta andi Mrs. Wight and family, Provi- Munday; Gori-espending Secretary- tlence, and Mrs. A. E. Clemens and Clarence Bell; Asst. Secrtary-Clar- Miss Margaret Pollock, Bawman- ence Hockin; Treasurei--Edwvard ville, at Mr. and Mrs. Blake Court-,I Foley; Secretary-Treasurer For- ice's; Miss AIma Courtice, Chicago ward Movement-Elgin Munday; Hospital, and Miss Balfour, Chicago, P ianist-Eileen Hockin; Asst. Pianist are visitîng relatives bei-e...Sun- -Vera Tnimble; Ont Look Agent- day services were good. The niarn- William .Brown; Anditrs-Ros ing service altbougb net largely at- Stevens, Cliff ord Swallow. tended waq inspiring. Pastor Stain-i Stop the Caugh.-Goughing is ton ;reached a beautiful sermon and caused by irritation in the respiratory Christmas music was given by the asg-ani tefort dlde choir. Mm. W. R. Gourtice s passgestr an is the coe fo t idîladge Ate orosSogo teNwmation of the mucous membrane. Bei-n King". 'A the close of thelTreatment witb Dr. Thomas' Eclect- service the saci-ament of the Lai-d'a i i ilalyteifamto Supper was served. In the after- aninqil wil alla the infiammaian noon, Sunday School held an open usand cstp.ence the angb uwll session which was in change of the salstp. Tyi n a lb Ladies' Berean Class. The pragrami______ consisted of a contribution froni each class in the school. among the others NOTICE a reading bv Misa Lyla Osborne, Toi-- onta, wbo is hame for the holidays. Dr. Tighe wanld appreciate if al The progi-am was most intei-esting accaunts rendes-ed by hlm vero pald and enjoyable. In the evening aur by January lst. Paqtor rave a nice talk an "The Yau need yanr maney; other wise man", by Henry Van- I need mine. Dyke illustrating it witb splendid If we bath get aurs, pictures fram lantern slides. During It will be fine. the eveninir a very fine Christmas But if yau get youra quartet was sung by Mrs. G. F. An- And hold mine, too. nis, Misses Fiances Hancock, Vers What in the world Werry and Hazel RundIe. Ami I going ta do? %~OLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mr@. Richard White, Milton Richard White, publisher of The Milton Reformer for over f orty years with Mrs. White, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary quietly on Christmas Day, while on a visit to the home of their son, E& Blake White, at 10 Innis Avenue, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. White have a family of five sons and one daughter: Mrs. A. L. Sloane, Strafford; F. L. Wkite, Editor of The Canadian Champion, and Mai-shal T. White, both of Milt- on; Frederick, Toronto; Norman R., St. Williams, and E. B. White, Toi- onto. Mr. White was a native of Darling- ton, being born near Solina. He is a cousin of Miss Emma White, Wel- lington St., Bowxnanville. Ris many oId friends in this vicinity off er congratulations. HerencThere In accordance with its n"v policy the Department of Health at Ottawa hms appointed twenty physicians as inspectors of immigrants in Euro- k een eitiee. They afe to report for auty et once. Manager D. McNair, of the Asso- elated Growers, states that at the end of last week 100 cars of "Macs'" IyMacIntosh Red apples) lef t the Ukanagan Valley for New York and that 50 cars of Jonathans will move out to Sweden, South Africa, Great Britain and New Zeaiand. The Canadian Pacific Railway la again offering a prize of $100 to the Canadian sbowing the best spring wheat at the International Hay and Grain Show in Chicago, lt was an- nounced at the offices of the agri- cuturel departmnent of the company. The show willlbe held in November. vember. The grand total of Canadian trade for the twe'lve mon ths ended Auguist was $2,331,000,000, as compared with $2,314,000,000 for the year lie- fore. Import figures are up and exports down; the former being $1,- 066,000,000, as compared with $967,- 000,000 the yer before and exporta $1,264,000,000, as against $1,337,- 000,000. A boom in muaki-at farmîng la on the horizon In Western Canada. Following the acceptance by the Pro- vincial Governments of the Prairie Provinces of the Dominion Govern- xnent's offer to turn over swamp lands to them for leases to residenta for purposes of muskrat farming ther, has been a deluge of applica- tions. Alberta bas had 200 of thein and Saskatchewan over 600. British Columbia in capable of pro- ducing al the bulbe, rose bushes fruit treos, ornamental trees an<l aeeds that the Canadian people can use, It la claimed by authorities here. Millions of dollars eaeb year go ont cf Canada for nursery stock that could b. raised In British Columbia and delivered to the buyers several weeks earlier than it could be im- ported fi-cm overseas. Boys and girls resident in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta are now engaged in a series of hog-judg- lng conteste in which the Canadian Pacifie Railway lu offering a trophy to the winning teams of each pro- vince, in addition te which the six winners will be taken to Toronto, to the Royal Winter Fair (Nov. lSth Wo 24th), as guestis of the railway. "More settlers are coming from the Unit-ed States te make homes in Canada than in any year sînce 1920," said J. R. Ryan reeently in Winnipeg, travelling colonization agent from the St. Paul office of the Canadian Pacifie Railway. "Personally," he aaid, "I bave brought 70 faile this seaeon and have every reason to believe that the total W,11 b. well over 100 before the end of the year. AUl the settlers have money-.aoze very well supplied.' Prof. Robert Wallace, ermie- sioner of Manitoba mines, told the Caledonian Society at its weekly luncheon in Winnipeg recently, tàat mining developments sucb as had neyer beon equalled in the history of Manitoba were hikely to feature the next aix months. Mining, he said, had Wo be looked upon as a business proposition. It so bappened in this country that mines are found in placen te whicb access was not easy and no railroad could be expected to lay tracks into the north country untillit knew prospects there. 5000 H ens Wanted I bave an order for 5000 Hens wbich must be filled during January. Also al kinds of fowl wanted. Will pay highest cash prices for gond fat hens. APPLES WANTED If interested phono 81, Whitby and reverse charges. 1. Stein WHITBY After Christmas Clearance Sale Many incomplete lines and broken lots of mer- chandise are being ofl'ered this week at ridiculous- Iy low prices. $3.00 Ladies Hand Bags, Genuine Leathe HALF PRICE Happy New Year To Ail. JURY & LOVELL f When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Our Ai m 3u y2- The approach of the New Year instilis in us a grateful feeling: a feeling of thankfulness that we are permitted to enter so much into the health and happiness of our community. It causes us to analyze ourselves, to consider our worthiness. It recalîs our aims and our fulfilîment of them. Our responsibility is to serve. We are grateful that our service to you during the year just past, has justified your continued patronage. To express our appreciation of the compet- ent and willing service rendered by our employees. We wish you ail A Happy and Prosperous New Year. W. P. Corbett Phone 3 Baker and Conf ectioner Bowmanville Our New Year's Message to Friends and Customers The year 1927 will soon take its the "files of time" and as we look placei forward into 1927 we extend to you most cordial greetings. During the past year we have been favor- ed with increased patronage by you and we trust our service has been mutualiy helped to you. We have endeavored to show merchandise of the finer quaiity, destined to satisfy those who desire "the best" and our aim for 1928 will be to maintain the standard which has placed this store among the best in Ontario Towns. Sincerely yours, S. W. MASON & SON Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Weai. Phone 106 Bowmanville 6 .1 OBITUARY Mns. Annie Arnot, Toronto The remains or the late Mrs. An- nie Trevail, widow of the late Jesse Arnat, Darlington, were brought bei-e Friday afternoon from Toronto, for intermient in Bowmanville Gemetery. Mrs. Arnot bas been n.aking ber home witb bier daughters, Mrs. Jas. McDougall, 474 St. Clair Ave. East. where she passed awvay on Wednes- day, December 2lst. Deceased waï born and spent nearly aIll ber if e in Darlington township wbere she wvas well known and bîghly respected. Rev. R. McDerment of St. An- di-ew's Cburcb, Bowmanville, conduct- ed the service at Miles Funeral Par- lors, Toronto, and at the gi-ave. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. L. T. Pas- coe, Hampton, and Mrs. James Mc- Dougaîl, Toronto, also two sisters. Mrs. John Stainton and Mrs. Grace Sanders, Oshawa, and one brother. Mr. Vanise Trevail. MAPLE GROVE Christmas visitors: Mi-. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens, daugbters Mabel, Jean, ývisited bier brother, Rev. H. W. Fol- ey, Fi-aserville, over the holiday; Mr-. and Mi-s. Stuart Mo-ton and son, Co- bourg, visited bier parents, Mr-. and Mrs. Truman Power; Mrs. John Snowden, Mi-. and Mrs. Lou Hockin, witb the foi-mer's sister, Miss Lil- lie Trenouth, Hampton, who is con- flned to ber bed; Miss Lillie Pen- found, Toronto, with relatives; Mr-. Raymond, Snowden, Toronto, at home; Mi-. W. G. Ranton. Brantford, ýwitb bis sister, Mrg. Chester Power. on Monday; Mr. and Mrs. Iviso,, Munday with bier people at Port Granby; Mi-. Thos. Snowden visitiiîg Mi-. and Mrs. D. H. Coates, Brant- ford ... . Mi-. and Mrs. E. J. Ha-t and' family, Oshawa , Mr-. Thos. Bickle, Ebenezer ,Mr. John Biekle, Police Force, London, England, Mr.q. John Bickle, wei-e visitors with Mi-. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden la!st . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, Lillian, Dorothy, Mrs. N. I. Metcalf, Helen, Lloyd, visited their sister, Mrs. Roy VanCamp, Base Line, on Sunday. Miss Dora Ames, Town, was also visiting Mrs. N. I. Metcalf and Mrs. VanCamp. . . Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snowden spent Mondai with bier parents, Mi-. and Mrs. Macklin, Go- f/ i 'TLt IL- k '7 New Year Wishes We take this opportunity of thanking ail our friends and patrons for their generous support in the past and wish them ail a Bright and Prosperous New Year. S. G. Chartran One Door West Bell Telephone Office PHONE UBOWMANVILLE - --------- - PAGE POUR - "ýt ri ýý\ ..

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