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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1927, p. 7

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k. ~ PAG SEV E8MAN, BOWMANVILLE, Tilt HOW O LVE ONGO~ITJAR 0R140OBITUAIT BOWMANVILLE JUINORS WIN- ______V ON IE1UAYORN OPENING HOCKEY GAME 1. Beg«in by takins cars of your- Mns. &Imm Cadidy. Toronto (From The News of December 22nd) Daniel Arnot, Solina Bownianville 4-Peterboro 1 gol Whau eat lîeaMn i . Mr. T. McGuerre Winnipeg, spent 2. av helt exmiatinsat ftr ashrt llessMr. AmaE.Sunday at Mr. 0. 'W. Rolph's. A native son and life-long resi- leist ncea ear H. of j7 Sree, Tr-dent of Darlington township, in the The local Junior hockey team offi- lem onciexeaseset Hf . Caddyof91 Yonge SreTr Mr. Milton Walker of Winnpeg, pro of Daniel Arnot passed cally opened its season's chedule &Deveod excîy ino life n vo ont, for rnanyr years a chool teach- Man., visited his sister here, Mn. A. away on ModDembr2t.FiayngtnanOH.A gae W0D Annual meetingan vo-er ofTroDistrictn ednL.a, A.RoLh.aged 83 years. against Peterboro. The Pete.s were1 d.ofmant an ntereet in ecembd ear Nrs. a her vaorne in A erin f itic . .L Deceased lived a very quiet lite very good but were no match for the bring. one in contact with nat- near Pckering, and came to Toronte of Clarke, will meet in Orange Hall, the whole of which was spent in speed and checking of the hard-work- W.many ýemaý h agtsho nTedy aur 0h or near the village of Solina. He ing home brews. The locals thîs Lire in communitieB protected at several of the then outlying dis- Mr. Colin Smith, Clarke Union was the third son of the late Daniel year have an excellent team and soy eMiist public health officens and trict shools, ixsluding that at what Section, luit une of his best beef cat- and Mary McDougall Arnot and is should go a long way in their group meafflrel. used to. be c-alied Fishernan's Island, dle the cause believed te be frorn survived by two brothers, Robert of if they do not capture the group lion-r ____________________ Ashbridge's Bay, and later at York feeding sweet claver. Park River, North Dakota, and Ar- ors. street school, -from where she wus Mr. John Rickaby left Tuesday chie of Western Canada. The late "'Stu" Candier the centre man la a * CNsuperannuated eiglt years ago. for Toronto where she willipend the John, Albert and Jesse Arnot, well- real go-getter and is greatly respon- YOU CM 11Ar4 brs. Caddy vas the eldest daugh- winter with hier daugliter, n. Cum- known throughout Darlington, were sible for the team's success so far. $6 to $ 10 'V ter of the late Rev. and Mrs. H. J.minga and other nembene of lier tam- brothers of deceased. "Unk" MeMullen and "Flash" Rund- Learn an~d EXII Nott f Bowmanville and the wrnow ilf Deceased was unmarriead nelem eagodpiofwgswh p ar tim on ___o h aeExudf.Cdy Students attending Univerity of his home wjth his niece, Mrs. Norval "Dutch" Osorne and "Buck" Wil- o.tor Wech- Shva a nbeutteUtd Toronto are home for Christmnas holi- Wotton, Sauina, where hie passed linons on the detensetsporth . Vuani ing myWdiHoge hurh andIs a quimet ofife Unine day. Misses Mary Somerville and away after an ilîneas of only a few Lait but not least is "Red" Hooper, Wiring. alun Bricklaying her retirement froon ochool teaching. Marion Dickson; Mesurs. Andrew weeks. the man in the nets with the pads and Piaýtring brg. SombrotherJames Gilfillan and Alli- Tefnrlto lc nWd h aeafn xiiino i kl ir. z n euyClueShe las urvived by one bohe Han:SmrilTefnrltokpaeo e-wogv fn xiiino i kl o. r oto ootand a mutertur io Cowan. nesday, service being condctdb Friday night. He stopped some al- Be Prosperoua Mrs. Ida Balle y of Brocliport, N. Y. A. Y. P'. A. St. Sa'viou's Churcli, Rev. J. R. Bick, Pastor of Hanmpton most impossible shots and deserves and appynew officers are: President-Mr. Circuit. The paîl-beaners were six mucli credit of the victory. As tu ope. it o cliM. Harrison; Vice Pre3ident-Mr. L nepliews, Messrs. Jesse Arnot, Dr. subs Jackxnan and Mutton are almost f e nWtiebo.MIRIAM C.REFEN ELLIS JOINS Beal; Treasurer-Mrs. Price; Secre L. B. Williams, Mn. James Mcfloug- a oda h euaaatog Hn hiiF&M ILY HERALD STAFF tary-Miss AIma Cutteil. Monthly alL .PsoW .VnNs n lacking in hockey experience. This HepilChartered Schools ____ social evealags on the third Thursday NaIl, L. T . saW.VnNa n is what experts would cail a wel..- 55.0 King Street Wet - - Toronto Nra otn aacdalrudta ihn n Free Eroploymnert Scrvice-Coast to Cot_ Announcemnent lias just been made the fret on January l9th. ancdl rudtmwthooe that Mriamn Green Ellils, Dominion Mr. John Armstrong representing starring and no one hogging the _______________________vide authority on agriculture bas Lowndes Co. Ltd., wholesale cloth- _____ puck. _____________________joned the of the Family Herald lers, Toronto~ returned home Mon- The boys were in excellent.con- and Weekly Star of Montreal. As a tram a trip thtrough the western pro- dto wn o h hscltann brilliant writez and a student of con- vinces. Duning his travelo he met REEVE OF CARTWRIGHT PASS hsiven the by arlBys'Truningm w vIrflwDAJ ditions as they effect the farmer, Mn uat Vancouver, B. C., Mn. Will New- ____ hmclDrca tBy'Tafll J. ILI~YIk.L~ Ellis la tao well knawn ta requins in- Som, a former 0rn owol o School and also practices and games traduction here. Articles trom hier engaged la the Fine & Life Insur- Rihr st.o nth .P .sne. M.Cn BLJYS pen have appeared in ail ofthtle great ac business. Altliough afficted O hna eebr1 hn ninghaili las badi ucli experience la BUSjournals in tUe wald of agriculture with total blindness, as an evidence pnasse dayis eardater a5 shrt th. Une of wonk having trained the and readers uf the Family Hierald and of what a truly indomitable spirit is illness a weîî known citizen ot Cart- St. Pats teamn several yean aga. - PouIlty & Appieâ Weekly Star lor whom she will now capable, in spite of the great liandi- wright township, in the persan i; Now ton the game-The Petea be- write eclusi-vely, are ta be cangrat- cap, whea John eatened bis office Mn. Reeve Richard Edgertan. Deceased gan with a fine rush taking the puck AT ulated on ha-ving lier services for Newsom was clusing a $50,000 Lite hail attended the County Couacil pro- troon the cross-off, but soan last iVte their enjoymnit and instruction. This Insurance dea.- At Peaticton he ceedings ut the United Counties of the Owls. Then began a fast appointment je i lne witli the policy met Rev. and Mn. J. A. McKeea who Northumberland aad Durham ut Co- hard-checking period that ended F air Yrices laid down for the coming year by the were the nlew-ving ta spend the winter oug amyasettm efore lie scoreless. The Liftlack boyasliad a publishers of the Family Herald oi a at Victoria, and also met Mr. and Mn s st nckea shrtlte fb is tebetncmbiaatian than the Ed- paper more eratertaining and broader Curtis MeKeen and their very bright this Township has even suffered tlie geites but were nepelled by the la- Phono.: in scope than ever beture. interesting family ot three children. bs ut a Reeve while that pereonage cals hard-checking. 0Mr_______26,_ommfl At Winnipeg, Man., lie met Mn. Wil- ied office. The second peniad began wîth MIL to, Piniy US' M JEAT IDEA aen r ty year ho e go n whollen Reeve Edgertaa who was in hls bath sides working bard te, break inta lroato Trnit $99J ovrcousin a . Badleyand wMn s w. Gth year, was bora and raised la the lead. MeMullen began ths fatal Adêos 27 Aguse re. ata Claust on àbench t cousialn utftis Badlywnd MW.ur 5Cart'wight township, being a success rush paesing ta Gandler who shat it the sunnyaide7of lm NorthAove.,eTeate ofe s t Vhs Wslthle-st ftarmner until a few yeare uointa the xnesh fer hs fint counter. Taranto bungalow. 'l'h. aId gentleman wone mnbta iy when hie retired and settled in Nest- IV was a bard shot and Meinwh s worried and harassed leak quits _____ leton. Hes served in Municipal played a stellagaeddntbv _________________ 1_ foreign to his isual jovial expressian. Gouncil for a numben ut ysans. hav- much ohaitce te, stop iV. The grill- Sam Speckleff, s toreman in ane af OBITUARY ing been Ceuncillor for six years, and ing continued and shortly atten Santa's toy Whope. passed by and wus elected Reeve lait Januany. H1e Riindle wu 5farced ta retire te Vhs noticed the g-iolad saint. I.Wbat'i John Rickaby, Orono was a Past Master et L O. L, 43, penalty box as the finst offeaden af the mtter, S1Eanta!" lie aked. Devitt's, and a P. W. Precepton ot R- the nigit. The visitars Vs-ed bard "Trhis job's getting tua big for une In the paaing ot Mn. John Rickaby B. P., 398, Blackstack. ta even the score while Ruadle was man," anawered Santa. «"The whose death toak place on Tuesday, On Saturday, Decemben 17, the nestiag, but wens unsuccesaful. A lhwoo1ld's gtti=g botter and btter all December 13, Onono and Clanke dust- funenal service wus coaducted at hie la the laut period the boys began B i i~ the time, andl that menas I have that ict lossatroinand highly es- late resideace by Boey. J.. E. Griffith, iVo wamp dt a ithte rect haeu B A Dmuch more work to do, and it's geV- t eemedreident. B. A., Paster ut Blackstock United laurthenattie emethte euttat ting to, b. a m=ighty bard task to iflkO Deceassd was born ln Chinguac- Churchi and scores ut citizens came frour enaltie as erebmeed aut.and- things eloug'h to go araund, let alune ousy, peel Gounty, in 1843, beiag he tram n à and nean ta psy thein lest1e cedwaolsnhawnad atdistributlflg thbem." ithird member ai hs tamily bora ta respects. une on a pues tram Rundie who badl Mr. Speceiiescrtched bis head. the laVe Josephi Rickaby and Barbara Atter ths conclusion ot the servce marnin ta ea ed ion rsh '.L ".l " amid ,h«elea an ides, and Ganbutt. upwands ut 100 members othrBut the On-artefatdees Ta lr' in I"t'- os~ulhyad 0one. Ro- The Riekabys, came ta Clarke ange Order and Royal Black Pnecept- whitewash, Lebarteait dta member that fine magazine ful ef township wlien deceased was quite ory, consisting ai brethnen et L1. o ua torn Vh e tel aIear d a stories anod ]pctures and nice thiags young, and hs family tamily ton L. 133 Blacketock, L. O. L. 43 De- th coeatl the firpnis . Ïmaki ne Tuesd ys, T ursdas youhed the. othen day?" "Oh, Iou years reaided on wbat is still kow vits, <0. 39 PupleBill, L 0.ofthe scoes a t e nsh ne à- Tuesday, Thursays ~mon The Youth's Caxapaniai," naid ta uld resident sas ths Rickaby tarm, L 297 Lotus, L. O. L. 64 Janet V hsgae eenseno Santa. "fYnes, Vbat's i," a5Iw'eW lot 23, sixth concession, baving suc- and R. B. P. 398, etc., ma vihlle ai hs ocl'rna he gano wua l«Weilit seens tome tha mfanrhuHer ert bY certainly a grand aat Va what al and Saurdays Sam. " el teest eta fceeded bis tathen la the ownenahip oa irSmKt. and Smo. HerbentaHeey h sfuî seusen. a dS tras yau d tell a lot of parents about that the place. tormed ranks while h aket was oe yule a l succ;De magazine and how fine and enjayabis la 1873 he vus united in marriage bonne thnough the files Va hs i'tt ena9onel li Gam-os; e- it vas for b-oys and girls they'd give with Sarah Fielding adVo this union resting place. ,es-Oione WliaSCntre- subciiptiOflflta The Yath'a CGim- Gandler; Wings-~McMîllen, ude pqnion as a Christmas git ta lots ut sevea chîdren wens bora. The floral offenlngs vere many and Subs-Jackman, Mutten, Adams. ___________Young_____ foilk, and that would help you Twenty-eeSiiyesu ugo lu a l lie very beautitul, tram hs fraternel Peterbora: Goal-Mein; Detense aylut" retined tram tsrming and came ta societies, Vownship council and i111 -Leban, Glladine; Cente-Jonee; Wotdno b thut a ot"Os-oaa buying a resideace on hs bll ediate relatives. Wings-Allin, Keneally; Saba- *«oud no be itho "That's a mighty good idea," said on the veat aide Main street, which The paîl-beaners were Wm. Bea- Crippa, Shields, Gilleepie. Reere- >' P LUi.Santa, "and. as a motter uf tact, lie nansd "Spion Kop". cc onhpCek onXMr etSih hty .~< uv> ia u ~ M'any parents do just that aray ok onhpGek Jh .Mr etSih hty but-" Sant eiged, I wili at The lae Mr. Rickby was s lie- lo y,'Robet McKee, John D ckeY, ~ o i more af thexa relized what a fine long member ai hs churcli, ton many Joseph Farder sud Louis Fallis, al -IO-.H.A CHDL At ny r-U-3t gift The Yo»uth's Coxispaniosi maires, years a leading memben ai hs choir, ai Nestleton. Ut. . O.Nortn, he mllloair andvoul ~ie it t<e"and fan f orty years Reconding Stew- At St. Jolin's Anglican Cemeteny, Jn -eebr tOhw lir. L 0.NortS themillinair and ouldIgiveiardooai r Ononoro circuitt MtMethod sat t fsuiatstai, whackinerock Janheneeerintert sent jakMauuactur, of late, whu e- Just «tend your order ta the address Ohurcli. Heisu an enthusinstic tuok pae olwn h eua e-Jan. 2-Whitby ut BowmaillO Sntlydied.vas agres «%oner" fr beow, placeilli"ollow tng ourJan. 4-W4uitby ut Peterboro worer n eerthig prtinig t vcethebeutiul nd imprealive Jan. 6--Osbawa ut Whitby Zule Tabiets. Unele Samn relieves Santa ai the bur- the welfure ufths church. ie lstIs service ai hs Orange Order was coan-jan. 9-Bowanvlle ut Oehawa He .uffee (rosa hesdacbes (rau chlld- don of dsli-vering at uest one gitt. took an active intenest la Township ducted. Jn 11PV r aut Whitby bood and uhea he bound Ztao Tabiets Su6cribers viii recelve: Jn -eeb Mo *e ~se beadchesi afew minutes i.Te Y t's onno-1 affaira, ton twenty-eight yeans beiag Deceased leaves to mournahis lues Jan. 16-Oshawu ut Peterboro aaddt ne bed effect, hae began secam- 1.Te NuhsC pain 2 clenk et the Municipality, retirng hissrnowing widow, two daughteme, Jan. 18s-Oshava ut Bowmanvillls maeding thate l i fsmly and friends. big monthly' issues in 1928, and f rom ths office a couple ai ys augo M,,. Russell Spinks and Mns. LU y- Jan 20-WhithY at Poteehom In an uiao<cted latter, Mr. Natt a ya 2. Two e:3tUa numbers ta ev esub- owing ta tailing health. land; twa sisters, Mns. Samnuel An- J an. 23-.«(Bowmanville at Petembore ia Cloeim: scrihers ord ering within 30 days. The psst yeun ne tnd been affict- cher, Pont Hope, and Mns. Sidney Jan. 23-Whitby at Oshawa 41My fam 1 rune theai whex 5 needAh for o nly $2. ed witli almoat total blindasse, but McQuade; and tva brothers, Hurry Jan. 25-Peterbor> ut Whitby with euIly god result.. I hav re.~ 3. The C ompaion's nev boak ot tram a recent operation lis siglit hud F., Pont Penny, and Narman ut Gad- Jan. 27--OahaWa ut WhitbY quenily glv5fl ties uto triends w 'howr humor "1001 One Minute Stanies" been purtially reâtored, and hloelkd MUS. Jan. 30-Peterboro ut Bowmanville mrfférng Itom Hesclacheand they flever aloo include--d FREE (send 10 cents torward ta hs future wîth tankful- e.1-htya ,m,,l failedtoglrequlck relief. I alwararry Fb -htyu omail Zuts abltsi. y n a ie road ta cver po>stage and liandliag.> nees and pleusure that lie vus able Feli. 1--Oshawa ut Peterbonu Zud oU aLD s nOTB Wn'y H C>JH' OPAIN ta agaîn ses hs faces oa isi'amily Feb. 8Bowianvill5 ut Oshaa TE ILT ANY COST." S N IDept. Boston, Mass. and fiends. A recurreace haveven NESTLEON Feli. 6.-Bowmanville t Peterbaro Sbcipton 4evda ttsa of lis farmner sickness came and lie- Feb. 9--Oshawa ut Bowmnaaville a 05cents p« bx---t andICXl Sborititiarcsie tStt mn eaized that hs end vas veny user; Your carrespondent viaies hs Feli. 13-Bowmanvllieut Whitby Ofe.lasting only a tew days. Editor ai The Statesmnai and staff Feb. 13-Peterbuoout Oshawa. nfnFuneral eces vers held authe ths season'a compliments... We residence, Thursday 15th., the men- velcomne M. and Mns. Dan Blacka __________ besn ai Clarke Township Council snd wha bave returned tram theirney officiaIs atndn i body. Se- oo and taken up residenc o E You Need The Money vices vers odutdby Rv .wrsf arn.. r.J. M.Emro Sterling, paston ot Park Street Unît- la spending hs holiduys vith hie Save sons, use Mme. Sybilla Spalins ed Churcli, assistsd by R ey. A. K - daugliten, Mns. Wilton rad, Grav- Tansilitis, for Sors Tliroats, Qulnsy, Edmison &s tonner piston und per- enhurst . ... Mn. and Mns. R CG. Jack- Cougli Bronchitie, Branchial Aath- tonaI friend, both of wliom paid higli on la vsiting thein daughter, Mn - mu. Catarrh and Tansil Ille. Suces JRtnibutes Va ths lii s and labun aif de- Henry Sheffield, Derit, for hs hall-i or maney refuaded. 51-2 ceased. dy . ..The teacher and pupi ai1_______ ON iew L air He is surNived by iswidow and i, en« ~ A I~I orlowna; Jo sep ofW.,heamil; Ad- in fmusi, andigaske eitainth disoC. A h aTn, Mnd PerJcdogmuesyramall ,entc. vas given. veY u Miller's Wor- Pawders viii purge UittMr aa ia ___________________________ths stoach and intestines ai vanns Tarento, with lier brother, Mn. James > 7~ Geat Epa ]Rsgu 80tingetompou nd s o ensiîy and pain- GorIn; Mrs Thos. Ells and daugh- JT.M L N 0 5 HOSPHODINE la ot k'Ps essy tat hestdelicte stmacliVe Ehe1 T ornt, ith M. and Mns. J .M L ~W"'~ n d .1<rts hl e, iabua ~~ iIno elayicnvenience ram tWillim amnells; M. and Mns. Stev- BI.d .duj..Sod in zt.d.theruVa. Te emnd en S5 n, Bethany, vith lier claer,Phn 25 in 011 rVouasse. maea oS atzeuî33;gN.ha.. ,1 hthenselesi Vo mothers se a prepara. Mns. (Dr.) R. P. Bevesa; Mn. Harold Ud or Id U =à.. V e ian that wilI restons strength, and Gordup, Derit, et home vlth lis Cowan Block-Opposite Poat office Da- CI 1 sorCson t vigor Vo their chilidenad ::ethe:rJames Gorden; MisaRby #*g.on if4ECOOfMEDCINECO hich nesuitt ram the dpeain with hin parents, Mr. and lira. A. H. venuors. Vae Thank You 1 To ail our many customers far and near, we ex- press our deep gratitude for your continued loyal support and patronage, and take this opportunity to thank you and wish you the Season's Richest Blessings in a Bright and Prosperous New Year. Ives' Cash S hoe Store BOWPMANVILI.E The Season's Creetings We extend our sincere than4cs to customers and friends for the many considerations we have received during the year about to close. We take this opportunity to wish you a&K the compliments of the season and a bright and prosperous New Year. G, A. Edmondstone 99QN"B SHMA » For FAR&% Thiese work boots, Heavy EUa' Duck (water and old proof) with Solid Rubber Sole and Heel, are mnade for service in rough places. This style has 5 Bylet Lace with watertight tongue. You wilI find the best choice work boots in sOa^Or a g A. DILLICK, Bowmanville. tLook For the Sheli Sigu We take this opportunity of thanking our nmy customers for their patronage during the past and wish everyone a healthful and prosperous year in 1928. Ce A, Bartlett CMT. Bowm»Vine Phone 21 King St. Eut, Bowmanville Phone 110

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