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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1928, p. 6

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PÂC~E 811 TuE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5tb., 1928 The Royal Bank of Canada Cen eral Statemnent * 3th November, 192? LIABILITIES (.Uptl Stock Pald op .....................................u.ouos Reserve Fond ... ,......... ............ ....... 3 , Balance Pft s carrled f r ............. 1,8",.831.87 $31,809,831.87 lAMvidends Unlalmed........................17,626.79 8jlvldend No. 161 (at l2perannm),Psrsh"'leltD«'c«m .ý 1927 ............................. ....................... .748.00o Bonus o 2%, payable lut December. 1927................... 598,828.003.34346 Depoal tanont bearl,,5 Iflerest ............................. $1118073,871.65 I>eposlîa bearlrg interest. lncluding Intereat accrued te date of Statement .................................... 514,562,219.15 Total Depeoits............................... 8$722,636,090.80 Netes o the Bank in circulation ......................:: 42556200:94 Dalane due to other Banks In Canada..................... 868,1".55 Balances due to Baniks end Banklng Crrespondenta else- where tItan in Canada............ .................... 23,003.141.20 BMs .Psyable.. . . . . . . 5,028,058.15 l.lablti« fot cue nthetforegolng .....................250,596.82 jettera o Credit Outatatndlng ................... ..... ASSETS Gold end Suhaldiary Coin on hand ......... $26730568.43 Gold deposlted ln Central Gold Rtres .... 8,400,000.00 . 8.130568.45 Dominion Notes en hand......... ......... $41.197.574.00 Dominion Notes deposlîed ln Centrai Gold Reserves ................................7,600,M0.00 48,787,574.00 United Stateo and other Foreign Currentca 262M.115.01 $110.1.56,257.46 Notes of ther Canadien Bon lits........................... 3,237,424.66 C'heques on other Banka. .. ............................... 38,350,978.06 Balantes due hy other Banks in Canada. ........ 2,489.90 Balante@ due hy Banks and Bankîng Correapondenta eh.e- vhere than ln Canada... ....sýý.1.... 31.904,401.11 Dominion and Provincial Govertiment Securîties. (flot C exceedlng market vlue). . 73,307,380.36 CanadIan Municipal Securities end Brtish, Foregn and Colonial Publie Securitiea other tItan Canadien, (flot exceedlng market value ...... ... ... 31,296226.91 Rallway and other Bonds, Debenturea and Stocka, nt C exceedlng market value) ..... .... ... 15,890,650-17 ,&Il end Short (fot eceedîng thlrty daysi Loana ln Canada on Bonda, '.bbenturea and Stocka and other Securlties ol a auffidieot markerable vlue to e ... ... -....53,338,787.44 Caîl and Short mont excecdlng thlrty daya) Lona elaewhere then ln Canada on Bonda. Debentures and Stocka and ther Securluleae o a auffiient marketable value te cover.......................................... ....... 97,949,246.74 Current Loans and Discounts iCanada (leasrebate et interest) atter maklng full proviaion fer ail bad and doubttful detae............ . ........1 Il$251M804 Carrent Loansa nd Discounts elewhere than ln Canada 25368.4 (leas rebute of interest) after ,naking full provision for ail bed and doubtul debta........................... 153,411,U35.01 No-Current Loana. etlnated loua provided for............ 2,241,802.38 Bank Premiaeast net more than toet, les ameunts written off........... Real Etate ther than Bank Prenilats. .................................. Miortgaget on Reni Etate aold hy the Bank.............................. LIabilîties ef Cutoniera under Letters of Credt as per contra ............. Shores of and Ljenste Controlled Cempanles .......... De olt *lth the Minîster fer the purposese the Circulation Fond ... OtS muetsflot hIdruded ithe toregont .............................. r- IL NEILL Gener-2 86,324,034.66 M94342.287.46 36."97.581.»3 88"4,"63.93.45 84554332,8W 381j".0498.43 13,670,315.46 1,917.113" 1,462,119.72 36,997,381.33 2:171,636.59 1,300.000.00 5»0,795.17 $994.663.903.45 LM~e AUM>TORS' CERTIFICATE l'oM ru xARffl0aeuSs, T»aROYAL BANK 09 CANADA: We have examined the above statement et Léiabilities and Ameta nt Sth Noveiabe, 1927. viii, the books and accuai. et The Royal Banik of (,anada nt Head Office and twith the oertified reluaa Immn the brancesn. we have veriSied thetucandaeurities at Head Office t the cloue of the Bank's 6esl year, and durlt tht year we counted the cash and examined the aeuritiea 51 aaveraa et the im- portant branchs. We have obtained il] the intormastion and explanationa that we have required. and in eu opinion th transactions et the Banik, which have conte under our notice, have been withio the powers oftbte Bank. Tht above statement is In eu opinion properly drawn Up go as te diselout thet hua coditioti of tht Banik an aI SOti, No'eember, 1927. and it n as ahown b y the books of the Bank. A. B. BRODIE. C.A., ut Priet. Waterbouse & Co. JAS. G. ROSS. C.A. dirs Màotreal, Cana&,. l7tb'December, 1927. ut P. S. Rose & Som. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Ulance et Pcit and Losa Atount, .30th November, 1926. 1409,674.58 Proita fer the year. attet deducting tharges et managemnent accrued Interest on depoalta, full provision fto il i and doubtful debteasnd rebt.e ofinterest on un- matured bIlla...........................................,370,145.69 APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS: itividenda No. 15b. 159, 160 and 161 at 12% per annu ... 83,386,010-40 Bonua ef 2"r; te Shareholders ................................598.978.06 Tranauerred te OfFicer' Pension Found....................... 100,000.00 Appropriation for Bank Prenilues............. 400,000.00 Reterve tor Iomnlon Government Taxes. InldngTxo Bank N'ote Circulation ......... ..................485,0».» i'lance et Profit and Loas carrltd torward.................. 1,809,831.87 Montrenl. 27rh flecemhev 192- $6.7".M3.27 86.779,830.27 YEP 1 Groceries Are A Bill of Expense, But You Can't Get Along Without Them. So we price our groceries as low as we pos- sibly can, serve you with quality goods, and gen- erally do our very best to help you set an attractive table at a minimum cost. We are pleasing old customers and adding new every day. May we serve you. Don't forget we have the largest variety of Dishes, Glassware and Crockery in town. A RC[IIE TAIT Bouwman ville -j Become a Super Power Plant Electrotechnician Learn by thethtorough, approved, practical Methoda which oui 23 years of specializing en.ablas us Co give you AT HOME BECOME a recognized Etimecnca. s or pr re to pe.. pare for a job of responsbiity wth oppornzty for advanceanent in the great field of Blectricity. Course incîuades .50.00 Ltiboalory Ontils of f uL-eized, working lectrical Equiprnent. WRITE TO-DAY for Catalogue with deuails of Big Pay Opportunities. ADUued ,Wth School of Engneering of Miltmukee DeptA. AIodeu Bds. Toronto, Ontario, Canada Set net your heant on riches, But ccmfort those who weep. "For whatsoe'er man soweth That shall ho aIse reap". Don't worry over trifles or gossip you may hear; Juat keep on doing rightly, And you will have ne f ear. -Bella 59 Shanley Street, Toronto. Gray. NEWCASTLE U.NITED CHURCH 5. S. CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT (Intended for lait week) A splendid program cof Christmassy and pantomimes was rendered by the recitations, longs, drills, dialogues teachers and pupils of the Newcastle United Church Sunday School at their Christmas tree entertainment in the Sunday Schooi Rooms on Thursday evening, December 22nd. Rev. E. B. Cooke offered the op- ening prayer and Mr. Howard Glen- ney, Superintendent, ofllciated as chairman. The wbole school under direction cf Mr. W. J. S. Rickard witb Miss Elizabeth Hancock at the piano sang two fine choruses. Little Reita Cooke, six years cf age, shone as the youngest soioist cf the enter- tainment in her rendition cf "I want te do something for Jesus". Little folk contributing recitations were: Carl Fisher, Jean Hanna, Wilma Far- row, Donald Jose, Gracie Powell, Brenton and Helen Riekard, Artie Toms and Mary VanDusen. Mns. Ewart Ciemence's class cf girls con- trîbuted a weli rendered chorus. Mrs. J. R. Fisher's class cf girls ap- peared in a seasonable and well act- ed dialogue, "Father Time". Boys and girls of the Prîmary Cîas, taught by Mrs. J. C. Hancock, made lots cf fun for themseives and the« audience in a stocking drill. Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke's class cf twenty-five young men made a splen- did impression in their three scene pageant iiiustrating the song "We three Kings cf Orient Are". The costumes cf the shepherds, the kings, and the angel impersonated by Miss Lillian Clemence were striking features cf this number. Mr. Archie Gienney read the story ilustrated in pantomime and a chorus cf young men sang the verses cf the song as required behind the scenes. Miss Nora Cowan's class cf girls iooked very pretty in a Chrigtmas pantomime, the verses accompanying which were sung by Miss Kathleen Spencer. Mns. Norman Richard's 1 class cf girls staged a three act playiet featuring lots cf hf e and action and even bringing in a Santa Claus. it was entitled "Christmas at Boarding School", an original yuletide comedy, written for the oc- casion of Miss Minnie Pearce, a mnem- ber cf the class. The arrival cf Santa Claus with abundance cf "kisses" in bis capa- clous pcckets was hailed with hilar- loua deiight by. alI the kiddies from the Cradie Roll uP, severai cf whom had aiready had the pleasure cf meeting the genercus and jovial, white whiskered old saint on the af- ternoon cf the same day at the clos- ing exercises and exchange of gifts in Miss Elizabeth Hancock's rOOro at the public schoel. The distribution cf gif ta from the pair cf heavily laden trees, under the direction cf Santa and bis helpeTn, brought the evening to a happy close. THE WISE FRIEND Once upon a time-and net very long ago-there was a brother and sister whe had a friend. A very special friend he was, who tcld them tonies about men who fiew through the skies over far-fiung spaces cf the earth; cof boys and girls who had thnilling and mysterlous adventures; cf others whc had most unusual situ- ations confront themn, yet managed to come through their tests with steadfast and courageofls hearte; cf wild animnais in deep jungles-hOw they iived, hunted. and died. Such a host cf things did their goed friend tell them cf, and how interestiflgly he told them! Came the time when their friend moved away te ancther tewn. Brother and sister were saddened by bis go- ing, for they knew they wouid miss his cheery smile and the wonderful stories and amusing anecdotes he was se fend cf telling them. Then one. day the postman brought them a let- ter from their friend, in which he told them he was sending them The Youth's Companion so they would not forget him, and that in it they would find just the sort cf stories they had se much enjeyed hearing him tell. And sure enough, a day or two lat- er the magazine arrived, and brother and sister found that it truly did have juat such wonderful tonies cf adventure and sport and mystery, and juat such jokes as they leved so well. And every time that a new pumber of The Youth's Coznpanion, arnived, they wrote a note te their friend and bold bim how much pleas- une the magazine gave them. You, toc, may have juat the same Children suffening from worms soon show the symptoma, and any mother can detect the presence of these parasites by the writhings and fretting cf the chiid. Until expeli- ed and the' systeni cleared cf thern, the child cannot regain its health. Milier's Worm Powdens are prompt and efficient, net only for the era dication cf worms. but aIse as a tenon; up for children that are run down in censequence. YOUNG WOMEN SUFFERMOST These Two Found Relief by Taking Lydia F. Pinkham'a VegetableCompound Ayer's Gliff, Qebec. - «Ibave been teachmg for three years, and Sat the end of the year 1 a] waysfeel tird and hveno appetite. I was aful1 sick each aisi ybac -. until ometimes 1 wa'oblged tW stop S working. A friend ,# recommended j '~ ~Lydia E. Pink- ~Sham's Vegetable SCompound tW me nd I heard man& women tling how good itwas 8sIo , gt it would belp me. And it dîd. NwI1 take six bottles eve7 year and recommend it to others. - DONALDA FANTEux, Ayer' a (iff Quebec. "Unable to Work" Canning, Nova Seotia.-"«I had ir- regular perît la and great auifering at these times, the pains causing vomiting and famntmg. 1 was teach- rng school and often for some heurs I would be unable to attend Wo my work. Through an advertisement in the papers I knew of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, and it bas been of great benefit Wo me, the troubles bemn completely relieved. " -LAURA J. EATON, Canning, King@ County, Nova Scotia. c :Zutoo Sto;0 headache l 20minutes by the dock. 250 per box. MA SAPE AND SURE REMEDY FOR AILING CHILDREN MJLLER'S WORM POWDER S YM#OfOUOMI.Y CListuas EVEN 1145M05TDELICAIE sTitei. AS @WEET As suGa'u BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL 1 Rev. Geo. Mason addressed the, lweekly 'Vesper service Sunday after- noen. Ail the boys bave returned from their vacation and report a most en- joyable visit home. Dr. G. E.Reaman attended the Christmas dinner cf the Arts and Letters Club in Torentc at week. Mr. Seggie, placement aupervisor, and Mr. Brown visited a number cf the graduates last week. The report in every case was excellent. The schooi aiso received a highly useful Christmas present from the Government in the fcrm cf a new Star coach to replace the old Ford. Members of the staff aise had a few holidays while the boys were away. Some travelled quite a distance to spend Christmas with relatives. Mr. J. E. Cunningham attended the West End Y.M.u,.A. Old Boys' Re-union in Toronto Thursday night. Mr. Lunningham served as assistantý physical director at West End Y.M. u..A. rer a number of years befere ceming to Bowmanville. The third annual Christmas dinner and entertainnient, held cn Thursday, December 22nd., quite measured up to the standard cf what an afair of this nature should be. These annual eventa provide a fairly ac- curate indication cf the growth and development cf the school. Two years agc the first Christmas dinner was held in a rocm in the Darch house. There were 19 beys in the school then. Last year about 50 boys together with members cf the staff and their wives made up a party cf 80 who celebrated the Christmas festivities in the dining hall and the playrocm cf Kiwanis Lodge. This year the celebration quite surpassed anything to date bcth froni the standpoint of impressivenesa and growth. A group of 160 pensons compcsed cf staff, wives, boys and graduates gathened at the dining hall for dinner at 6 p. mi. Juat be- fore the serving cf the first course, 16 beys cf the achool presented one cf the biggest featunes cf the pro- gram, the Boar's Head Procession in ail its solemnity and beauty. After dinner the Christmas tree and enter- tainment were staged in the Assemb- ly Hall cf the new achool bîilding. The presentatien cf athietic awandi' in the Track and Field Champion- ships was made by Dr. G. C. Bonny- castie. Santa Claus, true to bis promise net te disappoint anyene. arrived right on time. Fer the next haîf heur jcy and happiness reigned1 supreme as each boy received a gift1 from the >iuge Christmas tree. KR Santa left and the jollity subsided, ail sat back and enjoyed a motion picture show which bnought the pro-4 grami to a close.9 What The Dr. Said Tonsils are diseased, MUST op- erate, Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis was applied, Tonsils healed and the opratien cancelled. Thy it, good resuits guaranteed or money back. 1-2 For 9 Years Gas Ruined Her Sleep "I hgd stomach trouble 9 years, and gas made me restiessannd non- VOUS. Adlerika heiped &e I can est and sleep good".-Mrs. E. Touch- stone. Juat ONE spoonful Adlenika relieves gao and that bloated feeling s0 that you can est and sleep well. Acta on BOTH uppen and lower bowel and relieves eld waste matter yen neyer thought was there. No mattor wbat ycu have tried for your stomach and boweis, AdIerika will surprise you. Jury & Loveli, Ltd., Druge. 153 YEARS IN THE MINISTRY e 1The Senior Editor weicomes from bis valued friend and brother, Rev. David Rogers cf St. Thomas, whom b e has known since bis boyhood -days this very interesting contribu- tion: ? A giance at the calendar reminda 1me that on January 5th., 1928, 1 will have ciosed a period cf 53 years in the ministry cf the Church. By consulting, tee frequently, the famuly record and the calendar, one might become discouraged. Alth-ough the calendar has its uses, good and true, it is net for the measuring cf a man's usefulness or the petency cf bis days. Age is, te an extent, a mental pro- cesa. It ia net cf the spirit. Men and women grow old when they think themselves oid. They drop ancher without întending te put out te sea again. They close the doors and put up the ahutters. They refuse te see new faces or foster fresh happen- ings. The worid calis for youth, and I am glad I was born yeung, and dis- creet enough te choose dear old Dar- lington for my birth place. But if the passing cf youth deprîves us of some things, the coming cf matur- ity brings ether treasunes that time alone can give. such as experience, caution, poise and ripeneasscf brain and heant. Lt la tnagic, therefore, if net cruel, te consign a man te the scrap henp just because the almanac says "he is past fifty" or past some other age. Oliver Wendell Holmes said "To be seventy years young is semetimes more cheerful and helpful than te be forty years old" I A neighbor met Ex-President Ad- ams in his cld age and said "And how is my friend John Adams this merning"? and he replied "John Ad- ams la very well air; the house in which he lives la weakening and bad- ly in need cf repair, but John Adams is very well, very well, 1 thank you". That reminda me cf a poem cof six verses two cf whicb I recaîl, written by an aged Christian on the occasion cf bis 85th birthday: Nature and reasen tell us ail This sbattered frame ere long must fali, When, where, or how, is ail unkncwn. We'll leave that te the Architect. And trust His wisdom Wo direct A.nd taking cf it down. And when you see it prestrate lie, Let not a tear bedim the eye, The tengnt is net bore. But juat beyond this littie apace 1 find sanie quiet resting place, No more te date my year. It is meat delightful te rocaîl the early brick house, with "1849" chia- eled over the front do-or, where I spent the days cf my childhe>od and youth in a Christian home and in Ged's great cut-of-doors; where the Sunday School lastod the full year round; whero the chunch papers came regularly and whene the duat was net allowed to accumulate on the Bible and where my religious life and expenience began, with its longings and aspirations yvhich found, in part. their fulfllment when I entered the' ministry 53 years ago. It seema net se long past, that simple yet ecstatic hcur, when these godly ministens were my example and guide and when those early Christ- lana sang and prayed with ferver in aur many revival services. 1 find in looking over a fairly ac- curato record, that I have preached 6,300 sermons; delivered hundreds cf revival, missionary, tomperanco and other addresses; married 350 couples, baptized 825 children and adults and made an innumorable number cf pastoral visita. 1 sorrowfully acknowlodgo that my persenal record is blurred and mar- red with many imperfections and blunders , but God's love is a bound- lesa sea and bis sustaining grace an ample aufllciency. "Having obtained help cf God" 1 bave kept the faith with which I started eut. and as the years run away here and make us old, so etor- nity comes nearer to endow us with everla.sting youth. 1 anticipate witb an indescnibabie dolight the reunion over the river with the companiens cf my earthly labors. I seem te have getten dloser te them than ever before. They crowd about me now and I see their familiar faces and hear their tniumpbant songs in the Kingdom cf Light and Love. It is a pleasant thought that I bave livod beyond the three score and ten years, and whilo one ila hable te go at any time, I am grateful my pewers have been se woll preserved that I may remain yet for a littie tume. If se, I shahl continue te bolieve in and te pneach full salvation fro ni through the atoning sacrifice cf the woman, too. We specialize on quality and our customers tell us our prices save money for them as welI. Cali or phone and your order wiII re- ceive prompt attention. HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518 .. Bowmanville Always At Her Best The happy mother, the companionable wife, the ever-gracious hostess-these are three roles '~that almost every woman strives to hold. By selling first quality dependable groceries and giving a prompt courteous service we are do- ing a lot towards eliminating the worries of the housewife in supplying food for the family. You buy it for less here and have it de- livered without extra charge. W. G. NELLES CO. Phone 62 Bowmanville ]RED FROSE TEAis good tea' Rd Rose Orange Pekoe is the best tea you can bue'P-à 'i In dlean, bright Aluminum e b 5 Hl. . HOLT, Peident '1 fi--- -- - - 'a i>hione 6.1 Practical Electrical Education Reduce Coal Bis With Lehigh Ainthracite Taken from the highest grade producing mines in the world and specially selected for do- mestic purposes by expert coal pickers, Lehig-h Coal assures you of the longest burning and the maximum heating value of any bituminous coal obtainable. This choice coal is also screened through spe- cially constructed screens. Thus, in Lehigh Coal you get a coal that is ideally sized for perfect com- bustion. t burns evenly, it fires quickly and re- duces your trips to the furnace to the minimum. By Iasting much longer than ordinary coal, it costs much less. Try a load today---you'I1 like it J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville TIIE CANADIAN bTATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6th., 1928 The Bread 0f To-Day! THE QUALITY IS UNIFORMLY RIGHT The conditions of its making and baking are well-nigh ideal. Tt is more satisfying than infer- ior makes. Lt is so crammed full of home-made virtues that mother may safely buy instead of bake which means less work for her, and the flavor is delightful. Get it at The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville IS YOUR MEAT BILL TOO HIGH? A poor piece of meat is- dear at any price but a tender, juicy cut is a delight to every man-and 1 PAGE sil

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