THE C fANAYDrAN RI'ATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, TH-UR.SDAY. JANUARY 5th., 1928 PAGE EIGHT lTRONE WEDDINGS Mr. W«eeVMcFeeters, Oakville, Hal-Everson visited hie sister, Mrs. A. W. Annis .Mr. William Mackenzie, Toronto, Gelmour Plcae, the home of Mr. visited Mn. Willis Stewart..Mrs. and Mrs. T. H. Everson, Oshawa, John Hlendricks, Trenton, is visitîng was en fete on New Year's Eve, wben her parents, Mr .and Mrs. B. F. Gard- thei.r youngest daughter, Muriel iner.... .Mr. A. W. Clemens spent the Aurilla, was united in marriage with weekend ia Toronto ...Mrs. Clara Ruthven H. Hall, only son of Mr. Byam, Bowmanville. visited ber son. and Mrs. H. S. Hall of Westmount, M. F. L. Byam, and bier daughter, Quebec. Rev. John Garbutt of Lon- Mrs. L. Hooper...Mr. and Mrs. don, and Rev. Dr. H. S. Dougaîl of Richard Hatherly and family spent the Simcoe Street United Cburch, New Year's at Mr. H. Hooey's, Bow- Oshawa, oficiating. A bnnk of palms manville ...Mr. Wm. Moore, Mar- and ferns, xith cyclemens formed a garet and Leon, Mr .and Mrs. Russel background for the wedding party. Virtue and Mr. T. Curtis visted with Mn. ane Mrs. Fred Moore, Pro- The bride entering the drawing vidence ... . Tyrone Young People 's roomn with ber father to the strains League had election cd officers on of Lobengrin's Wedding Marcb, Thursday evening New officers are: rendered by Miss Helen Jobaston, President-Miss -B_ Turner; lst Vice was gowned in shell pink chiffon with -Miss Margaret Moore; 2nd Vice- sequin trimming. Her train of old Miss Lola Richards; 3rd Vice-Mr. Limerick lace, the gift of a cousin Fred Goodman; 4th Vice-Miss lin the Old Land, was veiled with Florence Gardiner; 5th Vice-Miss tulle and caught with orange blos- Leverne Burgess ;Cor. Sec. and Sec- soins and she carried a shower bou- retary-Miss Viola Shortt; Treasurer guet'of shaded roses, orchids, and -Mn. Morley Hlooper; Treasurer of valley lilies, whieh blended with her Forward Movement-Miss Lola Rich- gown. The bride was attended by ards ...Churcb service next Sun- ber nieces, the little Misses Gwen-ý day morning at 10.30 a. ni. dolyn Bray and Margaret Everson, in twin f rocks of fluf y green geor- gette over pink and carrying miniat- MAPLE GROVE lure shower bouquets of sweetheart _______roses and sweet peas. The groom Mn. Frank Foley, Toronto, spent was supported by Mr. Stanley P. New Years witb is aunt and uncle, Everson, brother of the bride. Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens . ... Con-. Following the toasts, some sixty gratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Cecil guests enjoyed an hour of informai Jeffery on the arrivai of a young dancing. daughter! Both doing well . . Mr. Thos. Snowden bas returned home After a short honeymoon in the after a pleasant visit with bis bro-. Laurentiaris, Mn. and Mrs. Hall wil 1 _ - - ýK T% ri-4 19 A +h qfA......4. T. ., 1 TheN wc THURSDAY, NEWCASTLE A Happy New Year to Everybody. Mr. John Armstrong, Cobourg, was a Christmas guest of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Moise. ,Miss Mabel Vinson is holidaying with ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs S. Vinson, Taunton. Miss Janie Singer, Toronto, spent i Christmas holidays witb Mr. and Mrs F. Bone, Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. George Honey and Ruth took Christmas dinner with ber inother, Mrs. (Rev.) Campbell, Ton-i onto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright, Toron- to, were at Mn. and Mr&. J. R. Fisber's, "Sunnyside",, for Christ- nmas. Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Cooke motor- ed to Unionville and spent Christmas Monday with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Camplin. Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner and daugh- ter, Oshawa, spent New Years at the home of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson. Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Wrigbt and son Dickie, having spent Christmas and New Years at their Newcastle home, "Lyveden," have again returned to Toronto for a season. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Toms, Belleville, on the recent t deorse McN sRolfead adaugnero, Vs.ic tor Me. McGreo, aod ahisityr, Ma D.ugM.rMGrrs. R. C. Bl ckborn, of Kamloops, and ten grandchildren. The funeral took place Tuesday, December 13, from the B. C. Funeral Parlons, services being conducted by Rev. F. A. P. Chadwick at St. John's Church, interment was made at Ross Bay Cemetery. Deceased wbo was the eldest laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred StilI- veIl, is aiso survived by two brothens and two sisters in Killanney, Man. rhey are :-Albert who married a daughter of the late Capt. Francis Gibson, and witb whom their nepbew, rxow Rev. J. H. Gibson of Sangor, [ndia, made bis home for awhile; George, Annie, (Mrs. Mustard), and Winnie (Mrs. McNamee) - It is now thirty-six years since the Rolfes and Stillwelis left Newcastle, the former going ta Van'ouiver, ,B. C., and the latter to Kîllarney, Man., and altbough there have been many changes in that time there are stili flot a few here who have pleasant memonies of both fainilies and their residence ln Newcastle. AITT'rCITAP Q s MrlTT @ ERI N THE fl1TOWS MAIL JANUARY 5th., 1928 NEWCATSLE OBITUARY Mr. Murray Eilbeck, Port Col-____ borne, is enjoying a fortnight's holi- day with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr.. Tho*. N. Rolfe, Victoria, B. C.i George Eilbeck.i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C.,ulson aret enjoying a visit from their son,~ The announcement ini a recent is-1 Hugb, from Northern British Column- bia, who has flot been home for nine sue of a Victoria, B. C., papier of the years.1 death of Mr.. Thos. N. Rolfe ililibe Mr. Roy Brancb, Buffalo, spent received wit,î sorrow by many of the Christmas with bis parents, Mr. and IolIder residents of our village and will Mrs. James Branch, and later went revive in them memories of tbe days I to Verona,* near Kingston, to visit %vben deceased's father, Mr. Fred friends. Stillwell, conducted a blacksmithing At te anua metin oftheràte- business on the premises now occupi p A te anf na l meetino f Setbe o ed by Mr. Laking and M r. Harold AI- payersdo f t a ' e hoo l Ser. tion O lin, and M r. John H. Rolfe and son Wo edesd y te retno , trst Lorne Thos. N. were painters and wallpaper Cobbm le c , h re e tir ng tr st e, wa angers and ad their store w here unanmousy reeleced.Mr. H. C. Bonathan now runs a The installation of the newiy elect- hardware business. The clippîng ed officers of Newcastle Lodge S.O.E. with the announcement of the death B.S. will take place this Thursday wvas sent to Miss Annie Kenefick by evening, January 5th. Brethren of Mr, . McNamee, Killarney, Man., a neighboring lodges are invited to at- younger sister of deceased, and reads tend, as follows: Miss Gladys Bradley, teacher of a group of deaf pupils in connection The death occurred suddenly on~ w ith the public schools of Glovers- December 9, at ber late residence, ville, N .Y., spent the Chistmas Port Street, of Emma Elizabeth, holidays at home with ber parents, dearly beloved wife of Thomas N. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bradley, -return- Rolfe. The late Mrs. Rolfe was ing to ber duties Monday nîorning of born in Newcastle, Ontario, sixty- this week. eight years ago, and had been a resi- Mrs. J. H. Gibson received the ad dent of this city for the past thirty- 1 11 - e six y vpars. Besides ber husband the in your new home and its surrouiid- ings, everytbing is al 50 new to you that just now you fail to understand why ahl your neighbons insist on parties, ieaving their homes, and con- tinuously meeting together to diSCUSS somethîng new to do. Tny and keep your little home fresh and new as long as you can. Keep yourself busy inventing some- thing different in and about it, niake changes in it if only once a week, or once a month, then you will not tire of it and become bored. For as soon as yoUr interest flags then so soon wiil you become bored. But what of the young folks in the bouse? If you cannot keep theni also interested they wili be- come bored mucb quieker than you. So it will be much better if you accept the invitations of your new neighbors, going out as often as you can, holding back in reserve-as it were-tbe interest in your home surroundings for the grey days. These days are when you may not be able to go out, or when even outings bore you. Don't tie yourself down to one in- terest until it becomes aale, leave it for a while and wben you neturn it will assume many new points of interest. Don't allow yourself ta becomne old and worn by settling down too tightly to your home tasks Don't get into a humdrum groove, because soonen or later you will be- come hored to the breaking point of nerves and you, and others, will won- der why you are sa irritable and dis- contented. The more intellectual we are the more outlet we require for our minds as well as our bodies. We cannat go round and round in a cîrcle build-, ing upon aur owvn thoughts and ideas -feeding upon retro spect-wîithout losing out. Q- OUti- - UiAw +111W UUL anfolks Fred C. Bonathan, R. IL S, Georgetown: Please find exclosed $2.15 for my subscription ta The Statesman for another year. Best wishes for a prosperous and happy New Year. My dear niece :-This restiessneas which you see around you and which sems to perplex you-tbis continuous craving for something new to see, or do, is a fighting against boredom. We humans have an insatinte de- sire for interest and wbat interests us best is something new. to ruhfrom oe ayteyto n osoth r Now e th vink r on a asty irn figrhtng agant boreom, an wer, plane Unsou oung atl fe re pruiced n against bsuch ,anid e, lnmentally deficient we olust are tight ceandlok ntfrom an de istcetmalchanfcet emusteing oed refusing to own w.e are bored. They must find an outlet for their You argue that once upon a time spirits other than the long waik ta everyone was contented to stay at the meeting bouse on a Sunday even- home. But my dear niece, the world ing, or a big gathering just once lin was far different in those days. a year. What would have excited us then Everything is quicker now, that ln would cause hardly a passing com- why we are bored quicker thau we» ment now. We talk of airplanes aur grandparents. Your loving, and radios as glibly as our forbearsi AUNT SUSAN. j .11, 'p .1 t h r - n - a , r . D H C a t s B a n - r e s i d e a t 1 0 ' 4 t h s t r e t , j a c n , n e a r r i v a i o f a l it t i e s o n , a is o t a M n . n e w s 1 a t w e - n f t e s d e thr-în-l.and M. . . mS no e at ekedo-tesde for. Ms. . . SowenQuebec. Jos. Toms of this village on the ac- death of bier eider sister, Mrs. Snel-l attndd hewedig f hor ouin iquisition of anoth.4br grandson. grove in Peterboro. The remains Miss Muriel Everson, Oshawa, andl IýÎ spent Sunday witb fienda ...The! Mn. Lorne Thomas, Rochester, N.1 were taken to Beaverton for bunial mauly friends in this community w"re: NEWC-ASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Y., camne across the lake by ferry on Monday of this week beside those shacked to learn of the passing of! and spent Chi îstmas at bis motben's, of bier busband w-ho predeceased lierE Mns. Wnm. Woods, Base Line... Sr. RooniTbe names in order of Mrs. W. F. Thomas, in company witb several years ago. Misss Vra owe andSuse Lirdmenit: Standing in percentage. Ex- the other members of the famuly. MnadM.CaeceBm ri have neturned ta their respective amined la Nature Study, Art, Health Rev. Roy H. Rickard, Albert Col- returning froni their honeymoorr,P schools, after spending bolidays at and Arithmetic. lege, Belleville. assisted the choir of spent New Years witb bier parents,R home. . . Mr. and Mns. J. W. Hynds, Sr. IV-Drve Gray 76, Fred Cow- the United Cburch in the service of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lake, and onC Misses Helena and Molly, Town, vis- an 63, Violet Henning 62, Betty Lake song iast Sunday evening and also Tuesday started on their joui-ney toB ited their cousins, M. and Mrs. H. 61, Marion Rinch 61, Don McEach- favored the congregation witb a solo. Truro, N. S., followed by the best G. Freeman on Monday... .Mr. and ern 62 a2, Velma Brown 54 ai. St. George's Cburch-Rev. E. R. -ishes of their many young fnriends d Mrs. B. J. Gay, Mn. Harold, Miss Jr. IV-Adain Hancock 68, George James, Rector. Siday, Jan. 8tb, in Newcastle and Bowmanville. Evelyn, Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Snowden Buckley 63, Lewis Clark 62, Jamie lst Sunday aften Epiphany: il a. m. Congratulations to Mn. M. J. Hol-11 and daughter, Margaret, Oshawa, Wright 59, Billie Toms 58, Florence -Morning Prayer and Holy Com- man on bis re-election as Reeve ofa spent New Years witb Mn. and Mns. Spencer 58, Mary Brereton 56, Gond- munion; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School; Clarke and also to Mn. Fred LovekinT W. J. Snowdn... .The annual meet- on Ganrod 55, Donotby Bonathan 48, 7 p. m.-Evensong. and Mn. Fred Couch on their electiond ing of the Sunday School was beld on Milton ?rown 41, Helen Hayes 60 The numerous members of the' as Counillos-tbree southeners. ItG Tuesday evening when the following al. Buckiey famuly, the patriarcb of is a long wbile since the- sautbern Thos. Snowden; Supt.-H. G. Free- Sr. 111-Mary Chaplin 73, Hubert which is the Nonogenanian, Mn. John part of the township was se, well ne- man;Asa. Spt.A. Lird Sere-Anderson 70, Jean Rickand 65, Buckiey, gathered for thein Christ-,Ipnesentdi h onbpcucl tary-Cliffond Swallow; Asst. Secre- George Grahami 64, Marie Henning mas festivities at the home of Mn. Mn. William Dracup with bis zit-n Supt-Mdwrd FA.Lr; Craie inar 64, Mary VanDusen 61, Harry Couch and Mrs. W. N. Buckley, Baldwin St. ber, on wbich lhe is a skilled player,a Supt.-Mrs. A.vid;Munay; Home 60, Billie Brunt 60, Dorothy Tren- Mn. Chas. James, O.A.C., Guelph, bas been vîsitîng bis friends, Mn. andf Dpt.-Mrs. J. DStevns, MrsHSm witb 58, Gwen Williams 57, Alecia who bas been at home for several Mrs. Albert Spencer, duning Christ- Snen; TmJ.D.peer ns,-M. MSnaym Williams 52, Margaret Toms 45, weeks owing ta an injury to, one ieg, mas week, bidding good-bye Tuesdaya Snwon e mpuer-L.C Snow den;Lib Fred Couch 44, Audrey Bonathan 44, received whîle -playing bail at col- of this week. Mn. Dracup now livesa Jr; raue-.CSnwo;Lb Harold Brown 32, Marlon Aldnead lege, bas sufficientiy recovered ta ne- part of the tume in Toronto and partC raian-Clarence Bell; lst Ast-42aKr oGepan euehssu-aSyeywr lea am brn Ethel Axford, N. 1. Metcaif; Pianist 4of aIBnt t ulhadreuebssu- a Sydney wher oheastra mmbenn -Mabel Stevens; Asst. Pianist- al. 2, 3-No. of examinations for les. of an EgB.-anthers.ohetawenr Edna Swallow; Teachers-Aduit wich pupil is absent. Mn. and Mns. A. H. Fisher and Rev E B adir.Cokwren Bible Class-C. H. Snowden; Wide Thomas A. Radger. daghter, Marion, Belleville, apent theSydyCrut A.wake-A. Laird; Buzy Wonlers- New Years with ber parents, Mn. and Santa Claus put some nice Christ- Mis. W. J. Snowden; Intermediate Mr -G *P Rickard, after bidding mas presents in Rev. E. B. Cooke's Boys-H. R. Foley; Aa.-Lloyd Mr eaUAs Sr. Room-Tbis shows the stand- àoobyean seeing Mn. and Mrs. H. stocking an "the day before" Satur- Snaden Itenneiat GilsMns Fing of each pupil for the faîl teim Toms and children off ta Richmond, day, December 24, in the shape of Swallow, Mrs. A. Laird; Jr. Inter- centage. Examined la al oblgtory Qte. w eddigson a t epar.g mediate Girls-Edna Swallow; Asats sbga s:Mr. and Mns. John Robinson had - wen ery uanied isnofM.andieMns. -Mabel Stevens, Mrs. I'vison Mua- Sr.bjectGay68a2 Fe themn two daughtens, Mrs. Lewis of Bevrl Jaynes, sno n and Mns.gre day; Primary-Mrs. Sam Snowden, S.1-aeGa 8aFe Hamilton, and Mns. Harry Smith,Wm Jansad Mis arre Mis M Muda, J... AniensniCowan 65, Don McEachern 59 a3, Utica, N. Y., and thein families, ai- Seanl, bath of South Clarke; the as usual third Sunday and Monday in Violet Henning 59, Bessie Lake 58 ,iMî:s. Robjnson's sister froni acnoss ohn iteltri h feno June. ~~ai, Marion Rincb 58, Veima Brownteue Ilhm o Cnsmswben lhe officiated at the wedding of _______ 46 ai. t ine l oefrCrsmsMn. Russell Yeo, Oshawa, and Miss Jr. IV-Adain Hancock 65, Billielhoî Greta Laytan, daughter of Mn. and ,Mn. and Mrs. H. W. Dudleyan Mrs. Wm. Layton. Clarke. INTERMEDIATE SCHEDIJLE Toms 61, George Buckley 60, Gord-'Ms uret pn Cnsmsand NewO.H. . ocky rou Cm-on Garnod 59, Florence Spencer 55, , most of last week in Toronto at the Report of United Chuncb S. S. New . H A. ocky Grup om-Mary Breretan 56 ai. Jamie Wright, p.rnd of Bowmanville, Port HoPe 56, Lewis Clark 55 a3, Helene Hayes home of thein son and daughten-in- Christmas Ententainnlt is on page 6 and Oshawa. 54 ai, Donotby Bonathan 53 a3, lw'M. and Mns. Lynn Dudley, Miltn Brwn 3 a3.with whom members of the Dudley MilonBron 8 a. familv fron al aven enjoyed Cbrist- NEWCASTLE ELECTIONS Following is nevised schedule la the Sr. 111-Jean Rickard 75, Hubert!msane. ____ local intermediate group of the O. H. Anderson 74, Mary Chaplin 73 nadMs.Bafr1ayad Mmer fNwatl uiia A. series: George Graham 70, Manie Henning -M. ad Ms. afodKyad MmesfNwctl Muipl Jan. 4-Oshawa at Bowmanville 68, Donotby Trenîvith 95, Har Dr. and r.Hfner, New York, Council elected by acclamation for Jan. 6-Bowmanville at Port Hope Brunt 63, Alecia Wiliams 62, Aud1Mns. Stauffen, East Lansing, Michi- 1928 will be W. F. Rickard, Reeve; Jan. 1O-.Oshawa at Port Hope geaonna,6 3.Mrart~Mn. and Mns. Wm. J. Eilbeck J. E. W. Pbilp, J. H. Gibson, J. H. Jan. 13-Port Hope at Bowmanville Couch 656, Gwen Williams 63 B illie soîak Ms tnsnadJose and O. A. Parker, Counillors. Jan. 16-Bowmanville at Oshawa 61 a2, Mary VanDusen 59,' Fred daughter Frances of Toronto, and The tbree netiring membens of the Jan. 20-Port Hope at Oshawa Couch 51 a4, Kani Bentz 49 all, .%r. Murray Eilbeck, Pont Coiborne, Board af Education, Menkley Clark, Jan. 25-Osiiawa at B'ovmanville Marion Aldnead 45 a2, Harold Bro~wnl spent Christmas bolidays at Mn. Geo. John Scp)tt and E. C. Hoan wene also Jan. 30-Oshawa at Port Hope ai. 2, etc-absent for 1, 2 ,etc., The annual meeting of the New- Reeve H. S. Bitton wbcd bas pre- Feb. 2-Part Hope at Oshawa xmntos castle Horticultunal Society for the, sided aven the affairs of the village Feb. 8-Bwmnanville at Oshawa amntns election of officers and other business for Vtvo years àbsoiutely declined ta Feb. 10-Part Hope at Bowmanville: Thomas A. Rodger. ' will bc held in the Council Chamber stand for a third terni. of the Commuaity Hall on Friday JUNIOR j. H. A. SCHEDULE Exarn. Inter Room Newcastle Pub- eveniag, Januany i3th. This will lic School for Decemben. Examined be. the fif teenth annivensary of the DURHAM LODGE A.F.&A.M. Jan. 9-Bowmanville at Oshawa in Arithmetie, Reading, Georgarphyj organization of the society and plans Jan. 11-Peterboro at Whitby 'Writing. (F) below 501% in 1 subject.! are being formed ta suitably cele- Newly elected officens of Durham Jan. 16-Oshawa at Peterboro I brate the event at this time. Lodge A.F.&A.M., wene installed on Jan. 18-Osbawa at Bowmanville Jr. Ih--,ick Haie 91, Evelym A - t.John's nigbt, Decemben 27th., as Jan. 20-Whitby at Peterbono lin 85, Jean Gibstn 78, Harold De- 1927 Council will meet ia final ses-. flow,: Jan. 23--..BowmaniiVile at Peterbono line 76, Marjorie Lycett 75, Chanie: sen la the Council Chamber on J1n. 2-Wbitby at Oshawa Brereton 63 (iF7), David Noden 54'1 Monday cvcning. Jan. tb, aften W.M.-E. C. Hoar Jan. 25-Petenboro at Whtby (IF). BobbUe Dock 48 (iF>, Jack' wbich the new council, with Mr. W. .P.M.-Geo. Law Ia. 7-shw a W1tyTnms 46 IF>. Vers Brown 46 F. Rickard in the reeve's chair, will S.W.-Frank Branton Jan. 2-Peterbor at Wibwmnvll (F; hold its inaugural meeting. Ex-' J.W.-R. W. Xalton Feb. 1-Wbîtby at Bowmanville Sr. lI-Louise Haacock 8-1, Katie 1r1eeve IH. S. Britton, wlio retirc-d on f hiplai--Fre- Fligg Feb. 1-Oshawa at Peterboro 'Clark 73, Fathleen Spencer 6.7, bis owa wish, bas given faithful ser- 'Tresurr-J. E. W. Philp Feb. 3-BowmaW.ilit at Oshawa Gertrude Bonathan 59 (IF), Loisvc ndlae hecuclw't o-ScrV(J W nde Feb 6~owmnvileat etebon Mrti 41(IFi r. The final meeting cf the 1927 D. of C.-W. C. Holmes Feb. 9-Oshaîva at Bowmanville Jr. 11-Norton Cowan 85, Ruth %3adc dcto vill meet in the S.D.--J. L. Cryderman Feb, 13-Bowmanville at Whitby Iloney 76, Dorotby Aldread 74, Ilîcn1 kitchien of Community Hall on the J.D.-J. H. Jose Feb. 1S-Peterboro at Oshiawa. , Clark 72, Muriel Shaw 71. Joe Hock- S. eenn, a.9S.ît-.Ewr . IL Toms in 69 (iF), John VanDu-sen 68,, N<'%Vcýstle United ('burcb Rev. E. J- teward -ecHao (lF) o rty H ennMain Ed4 y '46FBCoke, L'aster- Sunday, Jan. 8: TiMler-. A. Smith, Jr. (I),DMahynus 23(1F IF), a. im-Morning Worsbip; 2.30 p- rf Ha7el MeN.iug23un a).ay Sebool; 7 p. m.-Evel- Po W. F. liickand, . .m., P.D. -Promoted o Sr. Il on standing for' in- Service. The ncw atVendancf' D.G.M., oficicated as instnhing officen Fal erm-Norton Cow-an 84, RalPh s-cîetary cf the juvenile congre- and conducted the ceremoay in a __iGibson 81, Ileen Clark 79, Ruth 1'tion is iMîss Ruby Nicholhas, <augýter mast creditable mannen, and iV is IHnney 78, florothy Aldrend 76, Joe . cof Mr. and Mrs . Arthur Nicholas. zeenaliy necognized that few lodges -Hockin 75, Muriel Shaw 72, John and aIl boys and girls wishing to be bave membens quite so competent in iVanDusen 72, M11ike Aî-ycb 66. ùnroiled as members are adv ised to tUs 'ork as Bmo. Rickard cf Durhami iH. A. Mason, teacher. ,e t in toucb witb ber at the first OP-' Lodge. A numben of visitons wenei Junir Rom prtunity pref erably nert Sunday 1 present and af ter the completion cf I Juior oommornong if they have not alren.dy the installation and othen business al Names in onder cf menit. *-~Pro- done mc. enjoyed a good social time. mOK oted Vo Sr. 1. t-Absent for 1i Hanand.ut r or xainton.Misses Ei;saht ndRt MONUMENTAL ARTWRK anmrexmatns cock, wvile 'the year was yetlit Sr. 1-Reta Powell, Clarence nfnygaea ayenprty o n MEDICAL ESTABLISHED 1857 Clarke, Archie Martin, Jack Bentz, Monday evening Vo, about twenty- J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Importer direct of Stanley Brown, j'Francis Brereton, five cf their young lady and gentie- Honor irraduate of Triity UnIver SCOTCH AND SWEDE nlydAlradnmafriends, treating them first to a s3ity, Fellow of Trinity Mediral , Jr. I-*Lois Rowe, *Helen Robin- skate on the Oi'ono rink and then ta le9te, Licentiate cf the State Univen. GRANITES son, *Victor Garnod, *Helen Gibson, a few bours' entertalament at thein qitv of New York. Maticulate of thc and only the best grades of *Lloyd Hancock, tHelen Eddy, Ethel borne on King St., finisbing off with Po st Graduate Medical Sebool and Spencer, Alfred Gray, Harold Hock-asbtata lunch. The guests de- Hsia fNwYr n eIi VERMONT BLUE MARBLE ia. claei a n of the best and joI- of he Toronto Academy of Medi- I Bmploy no cemetery canetakers .Sr. Pr-Tom Gibson, Genald Hen- iest parties tbey ever attended. Mn. "ine. Offie-Mrs. MeNauzý,ton'a R'pp te agents preferring o ssii My v ning, Sami Cowan, Atie Toms, Harry Robent Crowther excellcd bimself as idence, Newca»tle. Houri-S ta 10 goou tus avig Vs prchserVhsBrown, Bruce VanDusen, Wilson Mc- a most versatile drawing-roomn enter- gensts msin Ae ucasolte.Manus. .tainen, and bide fain te, rival Jules _________________ 'aetscmiso Acl oiie. Jr. Pr. A-Margaret Peance, Pst- Brazil, Duncan Cowan or Bunny- ________________ F. H. BOUINSALL ricia Pearce, Tommy Breeon. Dick Moganson as a genenal entertainen eprT ne Proprietor U mnil Anderson, Mary Gibson, D menrymaker. A number of the ep W n d Phone 326W Box 94 Jr. Pr. B-Vivian Duck, .iimmie young men conveyed hs panty Vo FEMALE Lovekin, Jimmie Keech, Stanley Orono and back la thercrada - uhCharlie Aîdnead, Margaret to partnerB on hs ink hs yung foneldadl ma circurs tomde. Aldread, Charlotte Gray, absent. laies were çiven hs opporunity of Enclone stamp for partlculare. L 1 J early exerclsing their leap year pre-1 HOME MANFG,. <m.. TORONTO 3. G. Elizabeth Hancock, teecker. rogative. -j Be Sure to Attend Our Biggest Dress and Coat Sale Starting This Thursday Morning .;at Nine o'clock. Dresses ail reduced in price and embracing ail the newer tendencies of the mode. D)resses of Fiat Crepe, Satin Faced Canton, from $10,00 Up. Dresses of Flannel, Wool Jersey Cloth, Poiret Twill and Serge from $4.95 up Dresses for the "Little Women" that are shorter in the sleeVes, not s0 long in the waist liîîe, but fuller in the'-hips and bust Dresses that will fit any sized woman and dresses with STYLE. Dresses at Wholesale Cost and in nîany cases less. Make This Your Opportunity. New Specials Every Day. Women's and a f ew Children's CGats at Mainufacturers' Cost Coats at Manufacturers' Cost with ail profits eliminated. A few coats at $1O00. A few at $16,50 and some higher Priced, but ail reduced. LOOK! FOR THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ONLY Two Dozen Only Women's Hats The balance of our entire stock of Hats that were priced aà high as $7.00, On Sale $1.49 WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR 69c Watch for the Clean Sweep Sale of Women's Underwear. Our critire winter stock must be sold at once. Vests and Bloomers made by Woods and bearing the Lavender Line Guarantee, Any Garment 69c Use Your Phoneîl06 and we Deliver S. W. Mason & Son Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville far back as I can remember we have aiways had The Statesman and I look on it as tbe finest weekly newspaper 1 have yet seen. Rev. J. F. Cbapman, B. A., Pastor of Empress Avenue United Church, lst Andrew St., London, Ont- Enclosed find amount for renewal of. The Statesman. We look forward to its coming as a weekly letter. We trust Mn. James is much improved in health. Wishing you a Happy New Year. Staff-Capt. Gertrude Hollande, Montreal, Que: My dear Mn. Edi- tor:-Please find enclosed my cheque for the home paper for another year, and its a real joy to make out a cheque for such a paper. It's a lot of enjoyment for a very smaillaura. (Those away frnm home tbink o). Everytbing about the paper 1 devour even advertisements are interesting to me, and i see many of the Old Timers stili managing concern, that used to be there at the same stand wben 1 was a child. Then again, 1 am glad to detect occasionally the name of a boy or girl (whom I went to school with) starting business in the Old Town, it looks good, and It gives the idea that some think the old place good enough to do a rattling good business in, and if I judge by some of tbe startling advertisements from week to week, I should judge to, tbey ought to succeed. In closing, let me wish to ail friends and Bowmnanville citizens, the Compliments of the Season, and the b!essing of God for the coming year 1928, and the best of luck ta The Canadian Statesman. spoke about the oid mare, the new barness, or the paint for the shafts! In those days it was an event to drive to the village and gossip with the old post office cierk-that was