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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1928, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANvILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1928 Monday evening the Sunday School beld a meeting for tbe election of officers and the came were elected witb one exception, and Miss Fran- ces Hancock was appointed as one of the Frimary teachers. Our wboie community extends deepeet synipatby ta Mrs. Esli Okc in ber sad and sudden beeavement in the lacs of ber father, Mir. W. G. Rundle wbo was well known bere and has been quite a frequent at- tender of aur cburch and was always a bight and pleasant man ta me et. We shall miss him at our services. The Young People's meeting last Wednesday eveninng was not as large in numbers as usual, it being rough weatber but the meeting was fine. Miss Hattie Osborne, the new President, was in the chair and a splendid addmess was given by Mr. Rose Strike of Bowmanvil]e, wbo is' President of the Young People's Presbytery. A piano solo was given by Miss Hazel Rundie. Sevemal other numbers sbould bave been given on the program, but those wbo were o take part in the oîd-time program did nat seem ta bie preent. On Tbursday afternoon the W. M. S. held its flrct meeting of the year at tbe cburch with tbe President, Mrs. Frank Rundie, presiding. Meet- ing was opened witb a hymn and prayer by the President and Mrs John Found read the bible tesson. Short prayers were offered hy corne of the ladies,*aIl joining in the Lord's Prayer. The minutes bing read and a report from the Treasurer show- ing the money raised in full whicb was allotted o our Auxiliary. In the past year we have tr]cd the group systern of carryiing on aur meetings and raising the money and it bas poved very succossful. After corne consideration it was decide<I Vu carry on in tbe camie %ay this year. the camie group leaders being appoint ed. Officers elected %vere -Plresi- dent-Mme. Frank Rundîe; lst Vice -Mrs. John Found; 2nd Vice- Mrs. Jackson; 3rd Vice-Mrs. Jas. Bown; Recording Secretary-Mrs. Walter Snider: Corresponding Sec- retary-M'ýrs. Esli Oke; Trasurer- Mme. R. R. Gay; Supt. Little Lizbt Bearers-Mrs. W. H. Nichols; Supt. Mission Circîe--Mrs. K. E. Courtice; Strangers%' Secretnry--Miss Aura Os- borne; Mission Band Leaders-No. 4 School-Miss Hattie Oshorne, Mrs. Cecil Worden; No. 8 Scbool-Mrs. A. J. Gay, Mliss Frances Hancock; Auditr-Mrs. W. R. Courtice. Mrs. G. F. Annis and Miqs Frances Han- cock sang a duet and meeting losed. Sunday services were fine. The Sundav Scbool session in the after- neon bad the largeet attendance for a long time.J egular ;i.bur Regular $3.00 F Regular $4.00 F, SOLINA 1TYRONE Mise Bray is with Audley and Come ta the Oyter Supper at Pickering friends. Tyrone, on Friday, January 20th at Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Williams vis-. 7.30 p. m., its only 50c. 2-2 ited Cartwright frienda. Musical play entitled the "Belles Oyster Supper and good time at of Fol-de-raIl" will be given in Eh- Tyrone, Friday, January 2th. 2-2 enezer Cburcb an Friday, January Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blanchard vis- 1l3th. Admission 35e and 15c. ited at Mr. Art Cook's, Columbus. League Thursday evening was in Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry viie charge of the lst Vice President, Grandma Short at Courtice on ber! Miss Margaret Moore; reading was 93rd birthday. given by Miss Rent Farrell; piano solo, Mr. Fred Goodman; a splendid Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer and' topi'c by Mr. A. W. Annis. family, Blackstock, visited at Mr. Tyoecornwof1r r: W. T.Taylr's.Choir Leader-Mr. Harry Collacott; Musical play entitled the "Belles 'Assistant Leader-Mr. William Stap. of Fol-de-rail" will be given ifl Eb-;les; Organist-Mrs. Russell Virtue; enezer Cburch an Friday, Januaryi Asst. Organist-miss F-L Turner; l3tb. Admission 35e and 15c. ýSee&y.-Treas-Miss M. Moore. Mr. Wiil Van Nest and family en- tertained about one bundred and Kings Guards Class were enter- thirty of their friends ta a party îast tained by their teacher, Mr. C. W. Friday evening. AIl had a jolîî ooly at is borne. New officers time3 . are:-President--Mr. Leon Moore; Eveyon i initd t coneVo urVice-President-Mr. Fred Goodman; Eveyon i initd t coe o orSecretary-Mr. Artbur Richards; League next Tuesday evening ta hear 'Treasurer-Mr. Mre op; Mr. R. F. Aitchisor., Banker, of Missionary . Mr oper Bownianville, give bis address Tonîespeene r "Bnin" OlSmith. Te asu re-Mr. ]IMan Mr. Nelson Reynolds and Master Wode ihaveyueu it Howard, Toronto, vîsited at Mr. J. iViitors: Miss Editb Taylor, Bow- W. Reynolds'. Ris mother, Mrs. manville, visited ber sister, Mrs. W. John Reynolds accompanied im F. Park; Mrs. John Hendricks bas home for a visit. returned ta ber home in Trenton af-1 Mrs Jon Kvel i uner beter spendîng a week with ber par-j datrs canre. e wsh ber teedyents, Mr. and Mr&. B. F. Gardiner. doctr'scar. W wis he a pee Her si'ster Miss Florence Gardiner re- recovery. Miss Mabel Tucker, Or- trigwt e;M.adMs m ana, and Mrs. Spencer Woad, Bow- trîgwt e;M.adMs m manville, are witb ber. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daniels, Ro-____________ land. Nelson and Allan, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Webber, Audrey, p C B Z S Fern and Billie, Tyrone, visited at _______________ Mr. W. N. Pascoe's.lA The beartfelt sympathy of the I whole community goes out ta Mr aToin 11 Harvey Harris and family in their sad15 D Y wife and mother, who passed away on Monday morning. SALE Congratulations ta Miss Ada Pas-, coe on graduating an New Years eve1 from the Coronado Hospital, Tarais1 ta. Miss Pascae is spending a short holiday with her parents, Mr. andi Mrs. H. G. Pascoe, previaus ta taking' up nursing in Toronto. League meeting Monday evening was in charge of the Missionary Vice President, Miss Ruth McKessock, and nolds was in charge of the devotional perid. igsEvelyn Tink favored witha pino slo. The first part taken by Mr. R. J. McKessock who H n r d used a map ta illustrate bis talk. Meeting closed .witb League benedic- tion.big st COURTICE Mrs. W. R. Courtice spent Sunday! in Toronto. OE Mr. and Mr-- S. S. Brooks and, Mies Aura spent the weekend in Tor- e. J. H. Stainton and Mr. Ced-' D on't H esita ric Parsons were in Toronto last, week___________ Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Sbortt, Tory' Hill, visited at bis brotber's, Mr. A.1 J. Sbortt, and celebrated bis mother's ALL WINTER UNI birtbday on January 4th. MUST G Musical play entitled the "Belles'2pe gr ntasCo of Fol-de-roîl" will be given in Eb- a2 piee gate, aie& Ca enezer Cburch on Friday, January mysie atcbwmay &asWf l3tb. Admission 35e and 15c. mn aea Do flot failtot hear the "Belle" of Regular $1.50 F Fol-de-rat" in Ebenezer Chiurcb hon Reguar $1.75 F Friday evening. lt is sometbing you will enjoy listening to and came- Regular $2.00 F thing, pretty ta see. lt9r( AUCTION SALE Friday, January i 3th-Howard Cowling, Lot 14, Con. 5, Darlingtion, wiil seil ail of bis farm stock, im- plements, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. Terms cash. See buis. Tbeýo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer. ENFIELD Mr. James Stark bas a new radio. Mr. Geo. Cochrane is baving medi- cal attention. Mrs. Harold Ormiston ie stili under the doctor's care. Mr. Hoakin Smith bas had a very severe attack of pneumonia and is very low at time of writîng. Miss Irene Bray, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bray and family, Toronto, re- cently visited at Mr. S. Bray's. Messrs. O. Heatlie, Layton, Mr. Wilfred Heatle, Manitoba, and Mr. Mac J. Jobnston, Blackwater, visited at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's. Cochrane and baby, Ross, Orono, Riddle and Ilene, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bell, Leakard, visited at Mr. William Virtue's; Miss Margaret Moore spent the weekend at Mr. Milton Werry's, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman, Fred, Clar- ence and Earl Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Butrer, Toronto. Officers of the Aduit Bible Class: -Teacbem-C. H. Snowden; Presi- dent-Mms. E. W. Foley; Secetary -Mrs. C. H. Snowden; Treasurer- Clarence Bell. The sympatby of this community is extended to Mrs. Plumley in the deatb of ber husband, aIea bis daugb- ter, Mme. J. D. Upper, wbom he bas MAPLE GROVE Mr. William Brown, delegate, is attending Winter Scbool at Cobourg. Mr. and Mii. John Sanders, West- maunt, Town, spent Monday witb ber brother, Mr. Sam Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, Mr. Tom Penfaund, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Sam Snowden's on Tuesday. Mies Ruth Armstrong who bas been spending a few days at home, me- turned ta Hamilton this week. Mr. and Mxi. Lau Hackin spent Sunday. witb their cousins, Mr. and Mre. Foter Snowden, Taunton. Mr.s John Snowden spent a few days with ber sister, Miss Lillie Trenauth, Hampton, wbo is under the doctor's care. Mr. J. Todd and nepbew, John Todd, HamffTton, visited the farra- er's daughter, Mise Betty Todd, at Mr. R. Armstrong's this week. Musical play entitled the "Belles of Fol-de-raIl" will be given in Eh- enezer Cburcb on Friday, January 113th. Admission 35c and 15c. resided witb for the Inet little wbile. Officers of the Busy Womkers Clase are: Teacher-Mrs. W. J. Snow- den; Ast. Teacher-Annie Laird; President-Nellie Snowden; Secre- tary-Vema Trimble; Aset. Secretary -Marj orie Stevens; Treasurer-Cor- sina Samis; Flawer Commttee- Greta Munday, Eileen Hockin, Mabel Etevens. ENNNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brunt visited friends at Courtice. Don't miss the Oyster Supper at Tyrone, January 2th. 2-2 Mr. Hoskin Smith who has pneu- monia is stili seriously sick. Mrs. Sweetman has returned home after visiting friends in Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard-Stevens were in Toronto Saturday. Mrs. Harold Ormiston who is un- der the doctor's care bas been re- moved te ber mother's, Mrs. Fred Smith. Mr. Then. Slemon made a trip to Toronto to see his brother, Mr. Herbert Siemon wbo is slowly im- proving. Miss Myrtle Jeffery and Miss Grace Marks who have heen visiting Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffery have returned ta tbefr homnes in Scugag. Musical play entitled the "Belles of Foi-de-rail" wiil be given in Eb- enezer Churcb on Friday, January l3tb. Admission 35e and 15C. The names of Misses Alice Ashton and Annie Oke, wbo sang duets be- tween the acts of the play, "Valley Farm"' were amitted from last week's ziaper. The deepeet sympathy of the com- munity is extended ta Mr. H. Har- ris and family în the death of hie wife and mather who passed aWaY an Monday. We hope the reet of the family who have been canfined ta their bede will soan be better. Ladies' Aid met in the basement of the church an January 4th for business meeting and election of offil- cers. They reported a very suc- cessful year's work under the leader- ship of Mme. J. A. Wemry. Receipta for the year $248. Balance on hand $98. New officers elected are: Han. President-Mrs. J. A. Wermy; Presi- dent-Mrs. Howard Stevens; let Vice -Mme. Thos. McGill; 2nd Vice- Mme. <Dr.) Fergusan; Treasurer- Mre. J. A. Wermy; Secretary-Mrs. Tbeo. Slemon; Organist-Mms. Wil Ashtan; Visiting Committee-Mrs. Pye and Mrs. Freeborn; Leaders of Groups-Mme. Orr Jeffery, Mrs. Walt- er Oke, Mms. James Bradley, Mrs. Will Ashton; Mii. Lloyd Ashton; Mri Charles Virtue. - ____ - - - - - il r15 DAYS' GILCHRIST'S S___ JanuarySaleGoes OveirBig of people are takîng advantage of the exceptional low prices to lay in upplies Underwear, Shirts, Sox, Work Trousers, Fine Trousers, etc. ,COATS. AND SUITS CUT TO THE -BONE ite---Don't Wait---Buy now when your dollar will do more than ever bef ore. 4DERWEAR ombination Suite, rtson's and Pen- Fliows: 'or $1.19 For $1.39 For $1.59 For $1.98 For $2.39 'or $3.19 MEN'S SWEATERS, SWEAT- ER COATS AND PULLOVERS AI1, smashed in prîces to clear at this Sale as follows: Regular $2.00 For $1.49 Regular $2.50 For $1.88 Regular $3.00 For $2.25 Regular $4.00 For $2.98 Regular $5.00 For $3.75 MEN'S OVERALLS A splendid line Nvith bib in Blue Stripe and Plain Black and wortb $2.00 pair Our January Sale Price $1.39 Pr MEN'S SOX, ALL KINDS Heavy Work Sox, Heavy Wool Sax, Fine Black Cashmnere Sox, Silk and Wool. Any sox in the store as follows: Regular 50c for 39c Regular 75c for 50c Regular $1.00 for 69c Regular $1.25 and $1.50 for 98c MEN'S CAPS MEN'S GLOVES MEN'S FINE SHIRTS MEN'S SEPARATE SUIT TROUSERS AIl at 20% Reduction Off Regular Prices This means: Regular $1.50 for $1.20 Regular $2.00 for $1.60 Regular $2.50 for $2.00 Regular $3.00 for $2.40 Regular $4.00 for $3.20 Regular $5.00 for $4.00 Lot 2 MEN'S SUITS Fancy Tweeds, Fancy Worstecls, miade of exceptional fabrics in the very newv xod- oIc, and aIl the wanted shades, smamtly tailored and values ranging ta $28.50, Yaur Choice Our January Sale Price $18.50 ea Te.Be MEN'S OVERCOATS Navy Blue Overcoats and Fancy Tweed and Worsted Overcoats. We are losing nioney on these coats but tbey must be cleared at this, sale. Big Warm Navy Blue Overcoats, I Chin- chilli Cloths and Genuine Melton Clotbs, Whitney Cloths, also Plain Grey Over- coats and aIl Fancy Tweed and Worsted tbey go at our January Sale Prices as follows: Regular $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 For $14.95 Regular $27.50 For $17.45 Regular $28.50 For $18.45 Regular $30.00 For $19.75 Regular $32.50 For $21.95 Regular $35.00 For $24.75 Regular $37.50 For $26.50 LITTLE BOYS' OVERCOATS Heavy AIl Wool Cloths, sorne lined with Red Flannel, ail splendid values and worth up to $8.50 eacb, Our January Sale Price To Clear $4.95___ MEN'S WORK SHIRTS.. AI] kinds, aIl shades, every shirt in the store value ta $1,50, For 98c Lot 3 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS This lot contains aur very beat suite, in Fancy Tweeds and Womsteda, alsa plain Greys in staple and fancy modela for men and young men. The shades are Fawn, Lovat, Grey and Brown Mixtures and in this lot you wili find aur $30.00, $32.50, $35.00 and $37.50 range of suits, Your Choice Our January Sale Price $24.95 ea GILCHRIST - ________ liv., ~~'C'~~ 1 s_____ MEN'S WORK PANTS beat guaranteed Work Pant an the market. Regular $2.50, On Sale At $1.89 Pair Lot 4 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS Heavy quality Serges in the popular diamond weave patterns, a Hemring Banc effects, cingle and double breasted models. We are grouping ail values up to $29.50 et Our January Sale Price $19.75 ea .4 :1. t i.,.. I o r j s- J. x. BOYS' 4-PIECE LONG PANT SUITS In Navy Blue Irish Serge, also Grey and Fancy Mixtures, Coat, Vest, 1 Long Pant and 1 Bloomer Pant. Values up to $16.50 eacb, Our January Sale Price $1 0.50 ea MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS A beautiful lotb, in ahades of Fawn, Grey, Wite, Mauve, worth $2.50 eacb, Our January Sale Price $1.49 ea 2 For $2.75 UNDERWEAR Penrnan's Wool Shirts and Drawers, heavy rihbed quality, also Acadia make and Regular $1.50. Out tbey go at Our January Sale 98c E-ach MEN'S PYJAMAS MEN'S NIGHTGOWNS BOYS' SWEATERS AND WINDBREAKERS At 20% Reduction at this Sale Lot 1 MEN'S SUITS In Fancy Tweeds and Wosteds in shades of Brwn 'Mixtures, Grey Mixtures, Stripes and small Checks, ingle and double breasted, Regular Values up to $2250, Your Choice Our January Sale Price $15.95 Our large stock to pick from. 119 ses Fine clothing of unquestionable quality. THE CANADIAN STATESMÀN9 BOWMANVILLE# THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1928 PAGE FOUR NESTLETON Mr. John Emnerson of Dakota, is renewing aid acquaintalCes in Cart- wright and Mariposa after a number of Yoar' absence. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray who had their home burned in Saskatche- wan are visiting bier parente, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Campbell, and friends. At the week evening meeting last Tbursday aides were chosen for an attendance canteet for four weeks, Messrs. George Black and Lamne Thampsan being captains. Our hope is ta boost tbe attendance and make the meetings instructive and interesting. Mr. Clarence Fergusan of Victoria University, Toronto, occupied tbe pulpit in the United Churcb on Sun- day last and gave a good repart of tbe students volunteer missionary convention wbich bie recently attend- ed in Detroit. Clarence is a Young man Cartwrght is praud of. A number af friends and neigh- bore witb members of the Wamen's Institute gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Dickey on Fri- day evening last ta do bonor ta Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, (nee Enid Dick- ey), and presented them with a mis- cellaneous sbower. A very pleas- ant and sociable time wae spent.

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