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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1928, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM.ANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, Z928 ~'AGE J~[VU HAMPTON Tyrone Leaguens invite you te, the Oystem Supper, January 2th. 2-21 WiII Horne bas juet received a shipment of fresh salmon, white lshi and flat Sii, aiso fIllet and srnoked1 herring. Musical play entitled the. "Belles of Fol-de-roll"' will be given iEh- 1 enezer Church on Friday, .1anuary l3th. Admission 35e and 150. $Hampton Wornen's Institute meti at the. home of Mns. A. B. Ferguson on Thursday, January Sth. Tii. President, Mns. R. Knxox, preslding, assisted by Mms. H. Rundle. Meeting opeaed by singing "The Institut. Ode" followed by the Lomd's Prayer. Aftem business the prograrn consited of most interesting and instructive addresses by Mm. Souch an "Health", Mm. Bick on "Education", Mrs. Pet- Ses on "Historical Research"'. Mn. J. Colwill gave a paper on "Keeping the. Christmas spirit alive through- out the Year". Mm. Clifford Colwil gave a reading and a chorus was sung by several of the ladies. Raol Caîl, "Little things that make if e worth while" was responded ta by a number of the members. A selec- tion by four ladies was enjoyed by ahl. A mast enjoyable meeting closed by singing "God Save tii. King" aftem which lunch was semved and a social time enjoyed by aIl. Attendance about f orty. We are expecting Sauina Institute at our next meeting on Thureday, February 2, which will bie held in the basernent of the, chnmch. Ail ladies are cord- ially invited ta attend. FORTIETH WEDDING 4ANNIVERSARY CLBAE A very happy event was pleasantly celebrated on Wednesday, December 28, 1927, when Mr. and Mrs. James G. Burns, Hampton, completed forty years of wedded life. About thirty relatives and friends gathered at the home of their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wilbur, to extend best wishes and enjoy a social even- ing together. When ahl were assembled Mr. W. W. Horn called the cornpany to order and extended congratulations to the bride and groom on reaching thia happy anniversary and called on Mr. Raymnond Burns ta read the follow- ing address. Dear Friends-We have gathered here together to-night ta greet you on this the fortieth anniversary of your wedding. We few who are here, do not preb- tend to complete the vast cîrcle of your many friends, but those of us who are privileged to celebrate with you to-night, join heartily in extend- ing to you congratulation* on having been spared to spend 80 many years of wedded if e together, and would ask you to accept this dlock and cane, as a slight token of the high esteern n which you are held and with it accent cur very best wishes for continued health and prosperity during the coming years. At the fitting moment Miss LU Doidge, Mrs. G. Adcock and Miss Florence Burns presented the bride and groom with a handsome dlock and cane and purse of money. Mrs. 'Burns on behaîf of herseli aïd Mr. Burns thanked all present for their Skind words and beautiful gifts after] * whîch aIl joined in singing "They are jolly good Fellows". Short speech- es were made by Messrs. W. W. Horn, Rev. J. R. Bick, A. B. Cryder- man, W. G. Wilbur, I. Bulmer, Osh- awa, Mrs. C. J. Kersiake and Mrs. J Colwill, Jr. Letters of congratula- tion were received fram friends in Merriton, Toronto, Oshawa, Janet- ville and Smith Falls. The remainder of the evening was spent in singing and a social tirne. A bountiful luhcn was served by the ladies after which the gathering broke np having spent a very happy evening together. AN EXPLANATION Te eorrect a false impression which sorne citizens have I wish ta state that the bulk of the beef I arn selling ie purchased locally from some of best known farmers in the district. Owing ta scarcîty of beef 1 sornetîrnes find it necessary to buy in Toronto. When this ie done the imeat cornes from the best abbitoirs in the city which are government inspected and the meat is starnped accordingly. AIl park sold by me is pnchased locally. 1 arn well pleased with the bus- i escitizens in tawn and country eexare" with me. I could supply a few more custoiners regularly witb our present staff.HaodM el. Your Face and Hands Do you find that your face becornes raughened and sae? Or perhaps you find on washing that it smarts considerable? If you do, you need a good disappearing erearn ta heal and protect your face from the cold winds. We recommend NYAL FACE CREAM It in a very soothing and healing creamn. ýIt is greasless and hý quickly absarbed into the skin. Put a little an your face befare going out into the wind. Also use it as a base for face powder. It miakes it stay on. NYAL FACE CREAM IS 25c AND Soc A JAR 90% of the people do not thoroughly dry their hands when $they huriedly wash them, as 4 .4 they usually do. This causes thern ta becorne roughened and cracked. The next tirne you wash your bande use some of our IDEAL CREAM BALM It keeps thern smooth and soit. 25e BOTTLE AT K ERSLAKE'S The Dependable Drug Store W. Deliver Phone 49 LOCAL AND OTHERWISEj Mns. A. L. Darch and sano have been visiting friends in Tweed. Mns. Jas. MeDougall, Toronto, was in town last week guest of Mm. R. E. Logan. Mr. and Ms. F. G. Hart, Oshawa, were in town Wednesday callmng an friends. Mns. Mary Flynn, Cross Creek, N. B., is visiting hem sister, Mns. Rus- sell Hobbs. Mr. and Mns. Norman S. B. James visited Mns. John James and Mrs. Lou Guy, Columbus, Sunday. Men's Underwetar, Shirts, Work Pants, Work Shirts at tremendous reduciioil at Gilchrist's Big Sale. M. and Mrs. Jarnes Corhett, Bar- rie, have returned home after a pleasant visit with their son, Alder- man W. P. Corbett. Mr. Geo. Booth and Miss Marguer- ite Booth who are on furlough fmom the China Mission fields, recently visited their uncle, Mr. Archie Tait. A family gathering was held at Mrs. Alex. Taylor's on New Years day when a jolly party enjoyed to' the full the usual holiday festivi- ties. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bragg, Winni- peg, Man., are visiting his brother, Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., and Mns. Bragg and ather relatives in this vicinity. Mr. John Martin and Miss Jessie Martin, Scarboro, Mr. David and Miss Ruly Martin, Eîbow, Sask., were recent guests of Mr. and Mns. H. Brack. OBITUARY Russeli J. Hobbe, Buwmanville On Thursday January 5th., there paased away at Bowmanville Hospitalc Russell J. Hobbs, in hie S6th year. 1 Deceased was a son of Richard1 Hobbs and the late Mrs. Hobbs of2 this town. He was bora in Cedar-c dale, but bas lived in Bowmanville the greater part of hie hf.e. He rnoved to Toronto a couple of years ago but returnedta hie former homet here abùut nine rnonths ago. He has wonked for the Singer Sewing Machine Company for about ten years and was recently appointed Manager for this district with head- quarters at Oshaw'a. He had been iii only a short time with typhoid pneumonia to which he succumbed an Tkursday evening. The funeral on Sunday aiternoon frorn his late esidence Liberty St., was very argely attended, service be- ing conducted by Rey. J. U. Robins, Pastor of Trinity United Church, the hIterment takîng place in Bowman- ville Cemetemy. Mns. T. W. Cawker « sang "«Life's Railway ta Heaven". He leaves to mourn hus early pass-1 ing, hie wife who was Miss Amy Sanson of Fredericton, N. B., and two daughters, Ruby and Louise. AI- so hie father, four brothers, Fred, Evenson, George and Elgin, all of Bowmanville, and four sisters, Mrs. E. Downey, New Taranto, Mrs. E. Brummell, Mrs. Ted Bird, and Mn. Nicholas Knapp, Bowmanville. The pal-bearers were Singer Sew- ing Machine ernployees, Messrs. F. J. Sutherland, W. J., and F. J. Ingles: OBJTUARY Isaac plumley, Maple Grove On Wednesday, January 4th., the death summons carne to Isaac Plum- ley, in ils 57th year, who for the past f ew months bas been residing at Maple Grove, Darlington. Befome comîng to this district ho resided i Oshawa where he was well-known and respected. The funeral on Saturday afternoon took place from the. reuidence of his daughter, Mrs. J. D. Upper, service being conducFd by Rev. R. J. Shires, Rector of St. Johin!a Church, Bowman..ille. Thé paIl-bearers were six neigbbors Messrs. Charles Snow- den, Russell Worden, J. D. Stevens, A. Trimble, Tru. Power, M. Munday. The interment took place in the Un- ,,on Cernetery, Oshawa. He leaves a wife and daughter to mourn his passing. M»s. (Rei) S. H. Rice, St. Johns, N.B Mrs. Mary Polard, widow of Rev. Stephen H. Rice, former praminent Methadist minister of the New Bruns- wick and Prince Edward Island Con- ference, died January 4th at the home of her son, Rev. HF. C. Rice, Pastor of Queen Square United Church, St. Johns, N. B., at the age of 75. She was a native of Bowmanville, being a daughtem of the late Mr. and Mrs John Pollard. Surviving are her sons, Rev. H. C. Rice of St. John; Rev. J. M. Rice, Marysville, N. B.; and daughters, Mabel G., wife of Rev. Dr. A. A. Rogers of Centenary United Church, St. John; Catherine L., wife of Rev. Mm. and Mrs. W. J. Badd and lim, .S. TatrOshawa. - . Chumch at Vegmeville, AlLa.; aiid family have moved ta Oshawa The floral offeings were verY Helen P., who came here ta nurse berD where M. Bardd bas an important beautiful: Wreath-Wif e and f ar- mother. There are 13 grand- position wiLb the Manufacturera Lif e iîy; pillow-Father, sisters and bro- children, and one sister, Mrs. J. H. Insurance Co. theme; Wreatii-Mr' and Mn. W. F. Wery of Bowrnanville. b Mm. Arthur J. Honey, Vancouver, Wamd; Spray-Mm. and Mrs. R. M. Tebd a ae eMntn B. C., is visiting ber sister, Mme. Cale, Md.Thedbody was takenMta Monctan, (Rev.) J. W. Bunner, Carlisle Ave., Mns. Mm.sanMine.rergMachine Fida.y morning for intemment. s and many old friende after several Staff, Oshawa, Trinity S. S. Pimary i Mr&. J. H. Reid, Port Hope yeam' absence. Clase, M. and Mme. L. Stevens, Mr. In h et fM ae .Ri Mr. and Mrs. H. Baskerville, Tom- and Mme. G. Crombie, Mm. and Mme lix esdeat of Mm.James H0, Pri onto, gave The Statesman a caîl on N. S. Taylor, M. and Mme. W. Faim: Tue esyon fing, Januand0, ort Saturday enrouLe ta visit their sister- head, Mr. and Mme. A. Trmrm, Mr. Hope ltdonteo s oe and n ot in-law, Mns. John Maynard, Camp- and Mme. Sleep. rsetddtzisadawra h beliord wh wa 11. Tlegrme f smpahy ere1.-waa keenly intemested in nearly every Fine weight Sweaters, Sweater ceived fmom Mme. Mary Flynn, Cross ocaiainu ow. Telt m Coats, Pullovers, cuL almost in haîf Creek, N. B., Mr. H. Downey, Que- Rleid had not been in vemy good B at Gilchist's Big Sale. bec City, Mns. (Dm.) O. L. Weaver, health, but hem death carne as a great 1 TorotoMr. . Hwlan, S. «Jhnshock te herm rany friende. In the list of newly elected officen Toronto, Mm. F. Howland, St.A.ohn of.Owen Sound Kiwanis Club are J. N. B., and Mm. R. Richardsonx, Tom:- HeK rnaîen ae was r nEnlndA. i Perey Leslie, President, and Dr. R.ono.the. late Mns. Reid came te Port Hope Percy Feild, Vice-Preeldent, 'bth William G. Rundie, Bethesda witb hem parents when very young. former residents of Bowmanville. p Congratulation Percyst The news of the passing of Mm. Following herm rarriage ta Mr. J. H.A Mme MrySmib nnuncs heW. G. Rundle, a highly espected andi Reid of Bowrnanville, she moved toP engagementSoihem younest uh- prarinent farmer of Dalington that town where she emained until engaemet o he youges dagh-township, on Monday, January 2nd., hem husband'e death. She then e- e ter, Irene, ta M. Younie Wndatt, came as a shock te many who had hived eertce. weesehdq son of M. and Mrs. J. D. Windatt, net heard of hie illness. About two ieevrsn.*W Beaverton, Ont., the marriage ta take weeke previaus he suf emed what ap A life-long member of Lb. Angli- plae qiety lx Jnuay.peamed te be a sight abrasion on can Chumch, se toak a prorinent Mr. and Mm. Thos. Chambers, Val- the leg juet above the ankle by an part in tbe work at St. John's, work- entia, M. and Mme. Wm. Chambers, animal stepping on it while he was ing untiingly for the Sunday School Minto, Man., have been viiting their assiting hie son-in-law loading iL for of which she was treasurer, for t aunts, Mns. Geo. Gilbert, Mns. Chas. market. IL was not considemed Lwenty yeams. She wae also a teach- Richards and Mme. J. T. Colwill dur- serious at flst and caueed hlm no er in the Sunday School and donated ing the New Year holidays. pain for about a week but it grad- and pereonally pesented aIl the epe- Mm. Fank Williams, local mena- ually grew womee until it wae îhought cial prizes. She was present forE gem Bell Telephane Co., was in Whit- advisable ta call medical help. He the Christmas Tmee for the chiîdren by and Oshawa tbis week putting on wae emoved ta the Hospital wheme this year and perfommed this pleas- the maving pictures on the "Life of it was found blood paieoning had ant duty. the Telepbane"'. See them in St. set in. But even with good nursing In the twelfth yeam of office as Paul's Chumch next Friday evening. and the best medical attention that president of the Women's Auxiliary, Men's Overcoats and Suite ah lese could be obtained he passed away as , the late Mrs. Reid wz&ý,dearly loved than manufacturera cash at Gil- above steted.1 by aIl ite members.V christ's Big Sale. M. Rundle ivas the onîy son of i An original rnember of the Hos-V Mme. (Dr.) W. H. Bimks will be at the late William and Emma Cowle I pital Board, and treasurer of the home at hem esidence an Welling- Rundle and wee born on the farm Hospital Mission since il was found- ton Street, on Tuesday aftemnoon, south of Betheeda Ciumch where he ed, hem intemest in this organization Januamy 17tb fromt thmee ta sixived the 69 yean aof his life. les indicative of hem kind and gener- a 'cIock. Mms. B. J. Hezlewood wiîî In.Octaber 1883, he was united inx ous ways which made hem popular aIe rceie. Dm.Biks il beatmamiage witb Annie Potter, aIea of, whemevem ehe home the same evening from ight Darlington. wbo survives hlm, with, These soeteweeotheny ta ten o'clock. two daughters, (Maud), Mme. Esl i ones in which she took a prominent Oke of Ebenezer; and (Elsie) Mmm. part. For about eleven years se. The "Neyer Say No" Music Club Everton White of Betheeda, also was treasumer of the I.O.D.E., e- t met at the home of Mme. J. Albert one sister, Mies Joanna Rundle, signing office in the spring of ast Cale on Wednesday, December 28th. Bownxanville. yeam. Aficr ga pmogmamwasgiven New 1Mm. Rundle was an ardent Liberal, IMmes. Reid's deatb ended a life of affiersare-Ha. Pmsidnt-rs.a stmong tenîpemance womker, and an long service, not onîy ta hem churcb, J. A. Cole; President-Jean Wight; active and faithful workem in Beth- but ta the whole commxmity. lst Vice-Dorothy Edger; Secretary eda Church and Sunday School. He One son, Mm. Fred Reid of Otawa,v -Boyd Slernon; Treasuer-Ada was SecreLamy of the Truste. Board survives. She wilI be buied at Anni; Panie-Evlyn ke. Theand Secretary of the Cemetery Com- Bowmanville. nexL meeting in charge of the. Alleg- mittee for many yeare. Though i mno Group. Mies Fern Crago, Con- neyer holding office ix Darlington M"i. Eliza Minerve Bartlett Wood vener. Prize for the beet eesay on Council he was vemy conversant with The deahh of Eliza Minerve Bart-t Beethoven wae given ta Ruth Purdy. township municipal affaira, býaving lett, beloved wife of Wm. H. Wood,r Bowanile Rr.ryClb, s s lsserioed as an auditor for many yeans. occummed ah hem home, Base Lin.,m custom wiLb the new yeer, entertain- He wae a member of Omono Lodge Darlington ,on Saturdey, Decembera ed Lb. membens of the Town Council A.F. & A.M., tie membere of which [3lsL in hem 68Lh year. She was bormn and othem town officials ah iLs lun- attended hie funeral in a body as well in the Township of Darlington neari cheon at Lb. Bowman House Friday as many Maeonic brethren fmom Maple Grave and aer moved te10 noon. President F. F. Morris whO Bowmanville and Newcastle. Cartwright wbeme eh. eided until a pesided called on Vice-Pesident R. The funemal an Wedneeday wae f ew yeams befome hem mariege when F. Aitchison ta introduce Lthe. muni- very largely attended by relatives, she came te Bowmanville and worked cipal gueste who did so by giving a friende and neighbors fmom ahI parts et dress-meking. On December eview of the civic service each had of Lb. township, who taok this forrn 24, 1891, she wae united in mamiaget rendemed the town. Short addmesses 'of expesing their syrnpathy ta the with William H. Wood and esdedf followed by the membeme of cauncil. family of one wio vas net only well- an the farmmet Base Lune until hem Others called on weme Clemk John known but wio bad always aken ani passîng Sho ived an active life of Lyl, JP. Chef d.JarisTon active intereet in every move LaI unseLs service and took e deep Engineer F. C. Palmner, Dr. B. J - wae for Lb. good of mankind. intemet irxaIl ciumch work, always a Hezlewood, M.O.H., and Rotaian Hie pastar. Rev. J. R. Trumpour, faithful member until hem illness. Gea. W. James. Tyrone, conducted Lb. service, giv- She wvae ioved by aIl who knew hem Buy Overcoate and Suite at Gil- ing a vey&omforing message taeLihe and wvas always ready te help anyone cbrist's Big Sale. New in full bereaved ones and wbich was furtimer in trouble. swing. made impreseive by the duet, "Ivomy Mme. Wood was a merniber of St.E ______Palaces." very feelingly sung by Mr. Paul's Cbumch for many yeams and1 T. Salter and Mme. Hilton Peters, latex' of Preshytemian Chumrch. 1 SAMUEL TWINNEY PRESIDENT Hampton. Mr. F. C. Hoar, P.D.D, The funemal service wee conducted1 OF OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION G.M., conducted Lb. Masonic service on Tuesdey, Jenuary 3, 1928, by( ______at Lb. grave. The pal-bearers weme Rev. Robt. McDermott, M .AX, at the1 The Old Boys' 'Association of Lime Messrs. Howard Couch, G. A. Sîeph- family residenCe. Theme was à large1 Bawmanville Training Scbool for ens, J. H. Mutton, Dr. Neil Colville, gatbeming of friende and relatives2 Baye bas elected Samuel Twinney as J. J. Gilfillan and Thomas Smitb. fmom tie sumounding district. In-1 President; H. F. Charles, Secetary; The floral offeringe weme very terment was made in BowmanvilleE And Leslie Finix, Treasurer for 1928. beautiful and inluded tribuhes fmom Cemetemv.. At Lie annual meeting held in Cent- The Family, Gandcimildmen, Miss J. Mns. Wood leaves e devoted hue- al Y. M. C. A., Toonto, otier offi- JE. Rundle, Mm. and Mme. Sherwaod band, on. deughher, Mary Iva Wood,c cers wcme named as follaws: Hon and M. Norman Rundle, Darlington and one son, Samuel Henry Wood,1 President-Mr. George Hambîy, D. Cuncil, Oono Lodge A. F. & A. M., bath et home. G. E. Reenian; Honoary VicePei Betheeda Damatic Club, Betheeda The paîl-bearems er~ee Messrs.t dents-W. H. Hill, E. P. Bmedt, J JCcinmunity and Truste. Board, Mm. Samuel, Cimarles, John Snawden and1 Bown; Emplayment Commitee-H. and Mms. G. H. JolI, Mm. and Mme. H. Howard Foley.i Jackson, (Cheimman). William Bob- H. Gray, Mm. and Mms. S. J. Colle- Beauhiful floral offeinge whichiun-( son, K. Watson, J. Hague and W. L. cott, Mm. and Mme. L. Brunt, Mm. and luded wreaths from Court Pride of1 Heyd. The gathering was eddress- Mre. H. Walkem, M. H. Colecott and Ontario No. 6000, A. O. F., J. J. ed by D. Reamen, Superintendent family, Mm. and Mns. Alex. Wilkins, Langstone and farnily, Toronto; of Lb. Schaol, and M. George Hem- Mr. and Mns. J. H. Wemmy and Flor- sprays, Mm. and Mrs. A. E. Gild- bly, of Toronto Rotary Club, who bas ence, Mmr.and Mme. D. C. White, Mr. iers, St. Andmew's Women's Auxi-E taken an active intemet in thme School and Mme. G. A. Stephens, Mm. and iary, Mm. and Mme. Alex. Hume and and iLs graduates. Supper was Mme Roy Langrnaid. Mm. and Mns. ienily, Mies Annie Reddon, Osh- semved in Lie cafetemia, and et tl.e Evemett Hoar, Mm. Harold Hoar, Mm. awe, Sh. Andmew'e Presbyheianà close of Lb. meeting the boys spent nnd Mm. T. H. Kiigt, M. end Mrs. Chumcim. Mm. and Mm A. A. Honey- an enjoyable boum in lie "Y" bowl- Jees Amnot. Man, Mm. and Mme. John N. Lawrie. f ing aîleys. Among Liose present fmom a dis- Session of St. Andmew's Chumcim, Mme 'ance were: Mm. and Mns. H. H. Gray, E. J. Bumk and family, St. Peul's Jun- Hamilton; Mr. and Mms. T. Salter, iom Missionery Society, Mm. and Mms1 APPLICATION FOR ASSESSOR Mr. and Mn. E. Jamieson, Mn. R. D. W. Downey, Mm. and Mns. A. W1 Elfley, M, and Mns. L. Brunt, Mr. Mertin, Mm. Tabb and femlly, Mrs.1 Applications for the office ai Assessar Norman Moyse, Toronto; Dr. H. C. W. Armstrong and Marguerite, BaseE for the Township ai Dalington for the Rundle, Brighton; Mr. A. C. Gray, Line Sunday Sciiool, Mr. and Mrs. E. er1928 willI he received by the under- sindU.aPmdy1aumy2,12,S Petembomo; Mns. H. Waîkem, Col- Jones. the boum ai 5 o'clack P. M. borne; M. and Mns. D. C. White, ___________________ Applicants ta appear In persan befome and Helen, Port Hope; M. and Mns.1 the Council on that date et 5 p. m. Q_ J Collacott, Oshawa; Mm. James White, M. and Mns. Ceci Quantr1ll,i W.R.AwLNshpek Waddell, Port Perry; Mm. Edwin Wl- Mn. glliott and Mm, 'Russell White,1 Hiamptoix, Jan. 11, 1928. r-à son, Garden Hil; Mr. apd Mm. F. S. Elizabethville. DIRTHS MARTYN-In Bowmanvllle Hospital, January 4, 1928, ta Mr and Mrs. Glen'L. Martyn, (nee Annie L. Everest), a son. JEFFERY-In Bawmanville Hospi al December 29, 1927, ta Mr. and Mrs. Cecti Jeffery, Mapte Grave, a daughter. (Lela Dareen). MARRIAGES FOWLER-TREMEER-At "Narwood Plaoe'", Bawmanville, by Bey. Oea. Mas- an, an Tuesday, January 3, 1928, Orace Margaret Tremeer yaungest daughter ai the late Mr. T. fi Tremeer, and Mrs. Tremeer at Bowmanville. ta Erie McLeod Fowler, eldest son af the late Senator and Mrs. Geo. W. Fowler of Susstex, N. B., and BrockvilUe. DEATHS HOBBS-In Bawmanville, an Thuraday. January 5, 1928, Russell John Habhs. iln his 36th year. HARRIS-In Darlington, on Monday, .Ianuary 9, 1928, Adela Jessie Harris, be- laved wlfe oi Harvey W Harris aged 43 years. Interred ln Union Béemetery, Oshawa. FORSYTM E--On Saturday, January 7, 1928, Andrew James Foreybhe, ln his 64th year, son af the late Andrew and Sarah Forsythe oai'York Mills. Bratheroa itMrs. A. E. Jennings, Hamptan. REtD--Suddenly at her tate residence, Brawn St., Part Hope, Tuesday, Januas" 10. 1928, Ellen Andrews King, beloved wife ai the late James H-. Reid, aged 75 years, farrnerly oi Bowmanville. IV ES-At St. Catharines, Saturday, January 7, 1928,, at the home of befr son, Norman T. Ives, 98 Abert StreetAlice Ann Gordan, widaw ai the late W. H. Ives ai Toronto. Interment at Bow- manville Cemnetery. BABY_-WEEK, Buy Your Baby Requisitesi' JURY & LOVELL'S To Safeguard The Baby's Health Mother Kroh's Baby Food& Croup Relief Anld Remedies D~tiMaltose ...........80ef FOR M llins F o o d...... Babies and cblîdren a valuable Roblnson's are....0 Robinson's Çroats ........560e, medicine for use in casesof Casie................. $1.00, Croup, Whooping' Cough, 19v Phiip's Milk of Magnesia 48e ere Hoarseness and Inflamn- Rexail Milk of Magneaïa, mation of the throat. 16 oz................50oe *Rigo Nipples ..8 for 25e 35e BOtTLE Nursing Bottles. 8 for 26e AJURY-& LOVELL When We Test Eyes It ls Done Properly ElectricHeaters Every home should have an electrie heater of soxne kind. We have a variety which wiIl suit every demand including: Sun-Ray Combination Heater, Cooker and Toaater ................................$12.50 Tropical Heater ................................$ 9.50 Quater Heater ...................!...............$ 90 Electrie Circular Heater ...................$ 5.00. NO-BuCkie, TeaM 1% In h Harnes@, Britohina and Bàac Pads, complote, wlthoUtoollerop,$74.50, Going At 804-W. MIASON.,& -DALE' Phione 1456 e'Popular EardwareStore Bimatl IN MEMORIAM In loving memory ai Charles Harn who pass9ed away December 31, 1922, A.s we laved hlm. sa we mise him, ln aur memary he la dear; Loved, remembered. langed for always. Bringlng many a sulent tear. Wife and Famlly. LOSTIN OWMAVILE-Alarge' >rush wool scarf, calar iawn, creaml stripes. Finder please leave at The Statesman Office. 2-1w' Articles For Sale B3ABY BUGGY FOR SALE-Flrst-cla condition. Âpply 22, Carlisle Ave., Bow- nanville. 1t ENClINE FOR SALE-Cheap, ane 1. H C3 h. p. gasoline engine, goad as new. B. L. Dunn, R. R. 1, Oshiawa. phone 1654 R 4 2-2w FOR SALE-Single Camb White Leg- horn Cockerels, bred from pedigreed bird. Apply E. Poster, phone 475-11 Bowmanville. i-ï BARN FOR SALE--40ft x SOit and 20ft poste, two thresbing floors in good shape. Apply Hawefl Rowland, Newcastle P. O. Phone: Clarke 1902. 62-4* FOR SALE-Piano at a bargain, a flut ilass Instrument. Cari b.sen on en- quiry at Btateaman Office. lias been s'eU taken care of. In good condition. 29-tf. Wanted HORSES WANTEO-Any kind. Âpply ta C. R. Dean. Bawmanville, phone 659. 48-tf $100 WEEKLY EASY-EITHýER E selling aur Cleaners and Clathes Pin Baga. Unusual higb commission. Free samples. P. A. LEFEBVRE & CO., Alexandria, Ont. 2-1 LAUNDRY WANTED All kinds of.laundry work done prompt- ly, satisfactarily and at reasonable prices Write Post Office Box 12, ar call Mrs. W. MarJoram, King St. E. Bowmanville. 39-tf Houses to Rent ROOMS TO RENT-Comiortable mrnem, modern conveniences. Apply to Mrs.' T. G. Mason, Bowmanviile. 2-tf ROOMS TO LET-Convenient ta Boys' Training Scboal. 25 minutes walk fram Post Office. Reasonabie terms. Apply ta Arthur Bellman, phone 138-12, Bow- manville. 61-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-To close an estate. Offers wil be received for the sale ai Cherry Cottage. Cburch St., bouse cantains elght mrnem, wltb water, iight and good furnace. Address communicatians: Box 225, Bowmanville. 2-1 HOUSE FOR SALE-7 room frame bouse on Provincial Highway in Bow- manville; electrlc ligbts; good bard wat- er weli, and soit water Clstern. Ilouse lnx good repair. Large garage. About 1%g acres ai nice garden land. Possession ta suit purchaser. Price $2500. Apply ta Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli, Insurance and Real Estaté Agent, Bowmanville, plhone 189. 1-3 CARD 0F THANKS Mr. W. H. Wood and larnily desire ta thank their many neighbors and friends for their kindness and sym- pathy and for the beautiful floral offerings in thehý recent very sad bier-i eavernent. SHORTHORN BREEDERS Breeders of Shorthorns desiring ta, enter cattle in annual sale at Bovg- rnanvilje on Thursday, March 8thi. 1928, are requested to notify John Baker, Hampton, Secretary Durham County Shorthorn Association, by Monday, January l6th. This may be short notice but get busy at once and look oyer your stock and phone Mr. Baker or write witbout delay stating your intentions. .. The beef cattie industry has en- joyed an exceptionally good busine-33 during the past year and prospects point to even better conditions in the future. Arnerican buyers continue to invade. Canada for good Short- harns and market cattie are also in good demand aIl of whlch is a wel- corne condition ta breeders of Short- horns in this county. At the Royal Winter Fair i Tor- onto-John Baker sold a white heifer at the top sale price of $405. The. saine well known breeder hadt the distinction of buying the highest priced bull at the saine sale fromn W. A. Dryden, Brooklin, for $360. 'Phis promising young herd sire ls a grand- son of the famous $83,000 bull, Mill- hill's Cornet. Russell Osborne, Clarke, was also a purchaser. at this sale buylng a sturdy young specirnen of a bull from the nated herd of T. A. Rus- sell. Another proof of the demnand for Shortiiorna is shown in a recent des- pat'ch that a Guelph breeder ls shlp- ping a consigmnent of Shorthorns to South 4merica which laeconuidered the hbighest priced market ln the world for cattie. 100 D)ress es Silk, Crepe Satin, Fiat Crepe, Georgettes;' Otto- man Cord, Jerseys, every -dresa different. ALIP GREATLY REDUCà' BALANCE Women'y S.-Coats Clearing this week at about Cost Price We might say a lot more but ladies who have dealt here before krnow what to 'expect at Our, JANUARY CLEARANCE"SALE, CLARENCE Se MASON Nekt Door to Y. F. Morris Co.,, phone 11 Bowmanville ;1 *tt'~ v. A' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12. 1928 '~~1 i k Sa ., i "'t ~ t~,.s- . . ÈAGE invu Don't Let .Cold' Weather Keep You, Away, Front- Clarence; -S. ýMason's January' Clearance Sale, t' J~.

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