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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1928, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANV1ILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1928 $2,00 a Year In Advance 5c a'Copy No. 3 EX-SOLDIERS, ATTENTION I ,Ex-soldiers of the Great War are hereby notffied tliat Dr. C. W. Sie- mon of Bowmanville, has been ap- pointed as Medical Representative for that town and surrounding dist- rict, replacing Dr. B. J. Haziewood who has,.-noved to Oshawa. By Order Department of Soidiers' Civil Re- Establishment, Toronto -2-2 The Ladies of St. Paul's Church will hold a Sale of Home-Cooking Aftern;on Tea with Scotc'i refreshnint and a short .Seotch program on Thurs. Jan. 26th (Burns' Birthday) at 3 p. m. Afternoon Tea 15c Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Hold Their Annual Clearance Sale This is an event that many women look forward to with considerable interest. They know from past experience what to expet-the greatest values in the whole year. You certainly will not be disappointed this year as the values were neyer more attractive.1 SPECIAL LOT 0F DRESSES Including Silk and SiIk Crepe clearing from $5.00 UP Ladies' Cloth Coats Beautifully Fur Trimmed Balance of this season's coats now selling One-Third Off Regular Price Ladies this is your opportunity to save many dollars on a real stylish new coat. Women 's and Misses' Bloom- Extra value in White and Col- ers and Vests, Regular 75e ored Flannelette. See our and 80e for 36 inch white at 25c. No 35c ad 50cbetter value anywhere. Reversible Chenille Rugs, 27 x White Quilts, double bed size, 54 inch, all new, good patterns to be sold at and below the selling at $2.19 wholesale price Men's and Boys' Overcoats Balance of our this season's Overcoats for Men and Boys are also being sacrificed at 25 Per Cent Below Regular Prices Many other bargains throughout the store during this great annual buying event. Couch,Jçihnston & Cryderman. Bowmanville Phono 104 Limiteai COMING TO BOWMANVILLE COME AND HEAR HlM AT Opera House Wednesday February lst at 8P. M. LT. COMMISSI ONER W. MAXWELL On December 7th., 1926, Commissioner and Mrs. W. Max- well of the Salvation Army arrived in Canada from England to oversee al Salvation Army activities from Port Arthur East throughout to Nova Scotia, Newfoundiand and Bermuda. He bas become very popular ini this short time, and thoroughly an- joyed by ail who have had the privilege of hearing him. It is now to be the privilege of the Bowmanvilla citizens to hear the Commissioner in the Opera Huse, Wednesday night, 8 p. m., February lst. He wiil be accompanied by Brigadier F. R. Bloss and others of the staff. Also the Oshawa Band. Mayor T. S. Holgata will praside. Corne one, corne aUl. Royal Thbatre- Bownianvill.'s Home of Entertainiag Attraction$ PHONE 589 Friday-Saturday, January 20-21 "Tim, McCoy" In "Spoliera of the W«t" You'Ii reveal in this picture Tim McCoy's toughast battie, strug- glas batween Indians and Trap- pers. A fiery romance with act- ion galore. What you will see in this big western attraction Indian Raids-Heart Raids and Thrills galore. Matinea Saturday afternoon at 2.30. Children 5c ,Chapter No. 1 of «"The Silent Flyer" with "Silver Streak" the greatest dog stàr iii pictures. And regular program Monday-Tu.sday, January 23-24 "The Perfect Picture" Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell in William Fox's triurnphant screen attraction "7 Thb. Heavea" The romance of a littie Paris street waif and her lover who leaped from the depths of degra- dation to the 7 Th. Heaven of happiness. Proclaimed the world over by movie critica as "The Perfect Picture" We believa 7 Th. Heaven ta, be the finest picture we have ever had. Admission: Aduits 35c; Children i Oc, Ja.n. 25-26 Here sho is again "Calleen Moore" In "Naughty But Nice" So naughty she made a rumpus of a campus--sa nice sha turned a sheik into a husband. Colleen's haro as you lika ber the world'a peppieat personality in the roi. of a finishing school sheba who simply wouldn't be finished. COMING ATTRACTIONS JANUARY 30-31 Ramon Navarro and May Mac- Avoy in the most stupendous mas- terpieca ever made "Ben Hur", 8 ystaru la maklng coating aver e4,000,000 and a cast af 150,000 people. Seats an Sale at Theatre for bath days each day from 3 p. m. to 6.15 and eveninge (Ths Ta Greater Mavie Besson At The Royal) Il' 'I THE LIFE 0F THE TELEPHONE PROVIDE FREE Shown ln Pictures At Unique En- DENTAL SERVICE tertainment at St. Paul'% Church Large Deputation Seeka Governnient HeIp ln Programn For Dental The unique entertainment arrang- Relief ed under the auspices cf the Junior Missionary Society cf St. Paui's At the invitation cf Dr. J. C. De- Churcb fer Friday evening, January vitt, Pasb President cf the Ontario l3th., drew a large and enthusiastic Dental Association, Mayor T. S. audience that filled every available Tolgata and Editor Geo. W. James seat witb many standing. were among the large deputation from ail parts cf Ontario who waited The varied musical numbems ware on the Provincial Gevernmenb Thurs- ail weil rendered and the performers day afternoon i the New East were rawarded with haarty applause Building, Queen's Park, to pravida -Quintette for Ladies Voices- free dental treatment for these un- Mesdames Dudley, Morrison, Best, able to pay for it. In Mr. Williams' interesthWg re- miarksalha refemred ta the growth of the telephone taking Oshawa for aa example. In 190a Oshawa.-had about 900 telephanas and one privaI. branch switchboard at Genemal Mot- ors plant. *Ta-day Oshawa has 4,- 647 telephones with two private switchboards and 300 telephones at the Genaral Motams. In 1909 Mr. Wiliiams and ex-Fire Chiaf Mr. An- gus Camaron were the enly men stat- ioned in Oshawa with 9 operatora. To- day it requires 57 operators and about 26 men with travelling gangs most of the time. Mr. Williams stated the Bell Co. had 16,000,000 poes erectad and over 50,000,000 miles of wire and anough conduit ta pass thraugh the earth fram poîe ta pale tan limes. They print yeariy 25,000,000 telephone directaries me- quiring 60,000,000 Ibs. a*f paper. Operators answer yearly 15,600,000,- 000 and pass 685,000,000 long dist- ance tickets out of this portion. Bow- manvilie staff answems 7,000 caîls daily and pass about 400 long dist- ance calls wth a staff af 10 oparatams. In this list of interesting figures no mention is made of the number of wrong connections given in a year. But why be teo critical? We al make mistakes. At the. conclusion af the programn in a neat littie speech Mra& W. Adams expressed the appreciation of the audience ta thase who contribtLted the musical numbers ,and to Mr. Williams and Mr. Tramner for thair capable services so kindly given. During the afternoon the taie- phone films were shown at the High School and also the Boys' Training Schaol. ENTERTAIN MOTHERS Aftar the ragular meeting of the Canadian Girls in Training at Trin- ity United Church on Wednesdayý evening, January llth., the groups under Miss Spargo and Miss Marion Baliman enjoyed a game of basket- bail at the Tuxia Recreation Rooms. The Willing Womkers group repaired to the home of thair leader, Mrs. (Dr.) C. W. Slemon, wbere they an- tertained their mathers ta a social evening. Miss Marion Siemon, President, preuided. The program opened with a sang ta the mothers, prayer by the members. scripture lesson, Alice Purdy; repeating C.G.1 I.T. matto: "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with Cod and Man"; Yvonne Tlgha bold the story heautifully of "The Artist wha fargot four Colore"; piano solo, Miss Borea Murdaff; essay on "Westminster Abbey" by Jean Pur- dy; piano solo, Dorothy Edger; ane- haîf of the group dramatized "The Goo dSamaritan" and the other hiait, "The Prodigai Son", thus conciuding a very interesting program. Refreshments were se+$ed by Mrs.1 Sieman and a social haur etijoyed., The C. G. I. T. girls are doing1 good wark and their purpase whlch( should b. an inspiration te aIl em- bracea: "As a Canadian girl la train-1 lnz It la my purpobe ta, chernu healthi,1 seek trnth, knaw God- and servei others and thus wltii Hia h.lp b.- corne tjse girl that Qed would havei me bel'1 NEW INDUSTRY COMES TO BOWMANVILLE Manufactures Domestic Electric Appliances and Stove Mountinge. By follewing up an inquiry sent te, the Chamber cf Commerce me- cently, Bowmanvilla has secured a new industry which sheuld be a de- cided asset ta this tawn and a profit- able investment for its new owuers. The anneuncament was given ont Ibis weak that Alan Campbell of Ibis town and bis associates haire hought the buildings machinery, stock and goodwill of the. Canadian Radiant HORTICULTLJRAL SOCIETY HOLD ANNUAL MEETING If the enthusiasm and interesi shown at the annual meeting cf Bow- manville Horticultumal Society bhl Monday night could ha spread amana the citizens generally, inst.ead cf be- ing ccnfined te about a dozen cf the ever faibtful workems, this towa would have an organization which would make "Bowmanvilie Beauti- f ui". Scm. reai praclical ideas are ai- ways presenbed at Ibis sacieby's meetings but the majority cf the members appear very indifferent Inatead af pitching inte see how much they can do ta belp promate, the best interests cf the society and the town they stand around like spoiled children trZing ta e, how much they can get for the $1.00 membersbip. It's a fact. Think cf it, only 68 members in town. While Newcastle can boast cf 90 members and everyene a booster. If you want te sea what a peppy bunch they are in our eastern vinlage read report cf their meeting on page 8. Messrs. Archie Tait, J. H. H. Jury and C. A. Cawker, three charter members cf the society which was started over 30 years ago, hava offer- ed a silver cup for aunnual competition te the society for hast collection af fiowers te ha shown atU.ummer Flow- er Show. Considerable discussion teck place concemning premiums ta members. Mr. Jury, Secretary, submitted a plan ofeig14 assortments for the ap- prevai cf the directoms. Officers for 1928 ara: Hon. President-W. B. Couch President-Rev. Dr. D. W. Best lat Vice President-Dr. V. H. Starey 2nd Vice President-Chas. Bagnell Director--T. H. Lackhart, E. J. Wood, A. J. Edwards, Archie Tait, Hamry Brimacambe. Dr. J. M. balaw¶n, and Mr. J. H. H. Jury wera appainted 4liegates te Ontario Harticulturai Convention ini Toronto naxt manth. Treasurer's report showad a bai- ance on baud of $52.12 and a mem- berahip, of 68. Ontario travelling clinici weresug- gesaled. The plan put tomward pro-1 vided that lhe municipality arrang- ing for the clinic siould pay a per diain fa. and tint the Government1 should maka a grant equal ta ana- eighth cf the cosb aiftise service, lu unorganizod districts the Gavera- ment waa asked ta ha responsihie for lhe treatment oi lie residents and ta arrange for travelling dentists ta do lie wark. Dental departmants la hespitale wera also urged, and il was sugr'.sted in this regard tint the Govermuent migit make a grant ai 10 cents and th. municipality ai 15 cents towards enci epemation. Dr. Monteiti pramised the deputa- lion lia Government's eamnest con- aidemation cf their appçal. He point- ed out tint sumvay ai lie situation had once been made, but that another wvould ba undartaken in order tint data migit ha braugbt up te date. Ha could rive nc assurance liat a grant woul<l ha made, but expressed tihe bapa tthle condition of lb. Treasury wouid justity something baing dons. BIRTHDAY CELEBRÂTIONS January 141h was a very important day in lbe lives ai aI leat Ibrea peaople on Centre Street, Bowman- ville and wai celabrated witb lýecom- ing ceremony at the homes cf eacb. Starting witb the yaungast, Master Biaine Elliott, son cf Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellicît, celebrabad the sixtb anniversary cf bis birlb. Than Mms. Elizabeth Rickamd was 75 yams young on that day. In lie aftemnoon about 25 aid friands were plaasantly ontertained whan a social cup cf tea was enjoyed and congratu- lations and good wisbes extended frein ail present. Ticsanme aven- ing the nearhy menibers cf theo m- ily and relatives numnbaring about 40 assambled and enjoyed a happy lime. Letters ware ecelved irom sons un- able ta b. home, carda, fiowers and cîbar guifs irom relatives distant aud prasent. Perbapa lb. ona featura tbat gave grenIer pleasure was lb. Birthday Cake on which 75 sanl candies shed Iheir ligbt net only on the banored guesb cf the evaning bu gavé pleasura to al biose wbasa privilege Il was 10 ha prasant. Mrs H. G. Martyn. Statiord, was amcng the guesta on tuis happy occasion. The third parson on Ihis street ta celebrate a hirthday was Mm. M. A. James, Senior Editor cf The States- man, who was bappily surprised in tue maming hy tie arrivai of is lwo daugiters, Mra. W. A. White and Mms. James A. Piiips from New1 York City. These witb lhe main-t bers ai bis famiiy residing in town were antartained ta 1 c'clock dinner. Beautiful fiowams, lettera, telegrams, carda, etc., were received fro In el- tivas and distant friends, au weli a iew cailera, cougratulatlng iim on the celehmatiou of his 79th anniver- sary blrthday. Thnlhe day wua net eniy pleasantfy ceiebrahed but will romnain as a Pl sst mooylu thoe bearte tai hoofueesd tions. The orne and xactory af Ibi new compauy will -b. Iocated la the building at corner ai King and Seugog Sta., racontly vacated by the Beaver Piston Co. With the mev- ing ofthle plant ta Bowmauvilie the new owners are afready planning expansions in cther linos bosides electricai appliances. The stove mauntings part ai the business has heen sald ta lie Bow- manville Foundry Cc., whe are ai- ready large manufacturera af slave parts and have a big doan.stic and foreign trade in tiese linos. Mm. Campbell bas made arange- ments ta bring the. bookkeeper, tare- man ai iran asaembling room, fore- man ai toaster banch and farenian of electric plate department aud other skilied ielp le bis plant hore. The fimm name bas beau chauged slightly trom lie original ta "n- adian Radiant Company Limited". It la capitalized at $50,000 and bas these officars: President-Alan Campbell; Vice Presiden-C. E. Rehder, Prasident eofBowmanvllle Foundry Ce.; Directors-#Peter Campbell, Sm., Ratired Banker; P. A. Thomson ai Nebaitt, Thamsan Co., Investnient Bankers ,Montreaal; Ar- thur Campbell cf Campbell, Mac- Laren Lumber Co. Limited, Mont- reai. Mm. Camphel l a weii quaiified ta manage and guide the. destines ai thia important industry baving serv- ed two years aI banking and te& years was in the marketing and pro- motion departinent ai tie Imperial Oul Co. Il wiil be weloome news te bis many irienda bere tint Mr. Campbell bas beau lie mens cf briaglng a new industry ta Bowmanville whleli also means he will become a per- mnanent resident of tiie lewn. W.bile being a successful and prominent ag- riculturial since h. moved to Durbani Caounty a number oi yeara ago Mr. Campbell bas been public spirilod la bis endeavorsalawaya taklag a keen intarest and part in town affaira. Amoug the public offices be bais, fiuod witi initiative and ablily laclude President Ciamber ai Commerce, President West Durham Agricullural So.ciety, Preuident Bowmanvilie Ath- letic Association. 8ecuring a new Industry lu the firat menti ai 1928 is a good stamt for Bowmanville. Miay it prove ta bhelb. tart for mare la tollow and grealer expansion and ucces for factoris airady in aur midat, THE DEST LOCAL PAPER Mmr. Samuel Fariner, Editor ofthe Port Perry Star in a ecant latter ta lhe Senior Editar write.: "I arn pleased ta note tint yen are .1111 ahi. ta contributa ta the columne af mhe Statesman. Your paper le, I consider, lhe hast local paper pubîlali- ed. Yon have the naws «ud oft he business thoraughiy arganlsed, aud realize liaI yanr business la ta serve thé lac ai need. Masl ai aur pape"s go e ta id for theïr asts. TianI OYau, Brother Fermer,« for thèse klud words. r oster and Anderson, witn Mrs. M. A. Neal at the piano. Piano solo' Mr. J. Mcveigh; piano trio, Mes-' dames Dudley, Ciemens, Cola; seng, Mr. C. S. Halîman; piano solo, Mr. Donald Williams; song, Mr. H. J. LKnigbb; song, Mrs. Alax. Colville; maie quartette, Messrs. C. H. Dud- ley, R. Logan, S. Leggett and A. H. Bounsail. At intervals cf this program sever- ai reels cf remarkably good motion pictures wera shown by Mr. Tramner cf the Bell Telephone Company. The claver introductory speech by Mr. Frank Williams, the popular Local -manager, awakened interest in the pictures te ba shown. The films were cf excellent qualîty, highiy in. teresting and instructive anabiing the audience te form a better conception cf the costly, elaborata and intricate system by means cf which the Bell Telephone Ca. is able te give its in- dispensable service te the public. The pictures showed the structure and arrangement cf offices, switcb boards, cables and separate lines. A very ingenius film portrayed the trayais of the "Current" in an or- dinary telephona conversation. Par- ticulariy interasting was the picture represanting the transmission of messages across the Atlantic between New York and London and from New York to San Francisco overland. There was aise a fine reel "Houer of the Job" shawing in an impressive way ho~w much aiten depends an the loyalty and effiéiency oi telephone amployees in keeping the system 'vorking under adverse conditions cluring inclement weather. Ir .1 an à ,%tat-teman 1 The deputation was introduced by tarie. This company bas beeii car- H.C. Schofield, M.P.P., te Hon. Dr. rying on a fiourishing business for J. D. Monbeith, Provincial Treasurer the pa 17 yeams, but when ils pro- and Acting Mînistar of Health. The prietor, E. Taylor Musson, accaptad proposed plan cf dental relief was the position of Production Manager vary ably presente-d by Dr. Wallace cf the Dodge Motor Ce. lie desired Seccombe, Dean cf .tlie Faculby cf to dispose cf bis interests in bis Dantislry, University of Toronto. factory at Grimsby. This firm bas Other delagates who spoke in support been manufacturing domestie alec- of the plan were Dr. A. W.. Euls, trie appliances such as irans, toast- Secretary Ontario Dental Associa- ers. hanters, plates and smaii electric Ltien, E. E. Reid cifLondon, Presidjent articles for Woolwarth stores. They 7cf the Londan Lufe Insurance Com- have ýaiao dune a big trade in slave 1pany; Mms. J. W. Stone cf Bond mountinga, being one cf twq firzus lu Head, President ai the Federated Canada making thesa parts. Woman's Institutes; M. A. Campbell 1. P. S. Milton, who reprasented the Records show that in the past nine Ontario Schooi Trustees' and Rate- mouths this firin sold 32,000 electric payera 'Association; A. E. Bryson of irons, beiug over 25% of the irons Ontario Educabional Association; DrIsold in Canada during thnt period. W.. L. Hutton of Bratord; Dr. Ag- Their goods ara favarabiy known and new ,Secretary cf the Ontario Medi- seid from cat 10 coast. In recent cal Association; Dr. J. H. McConnall. yeams hey have aise deveioped con- President of the Toronto Academy af sidemable axpart brade in tbe West Medicine, and James Simpson, me- Indies and South America. preseuting the Trades and Labor Teepriuasaegvnt our readars that Ibis firm lnaa The proposais of the deputation live, active and gaing concamn. I' were genemaily in the direction of an fact the 'plant in Grimsby continued extension of dental services in smali- manufacturing right up until Satur- er municipalitias and in more raieta day lat. This waek tue plant la urai parts. It was urged in tie haing dismanbled and wiii ho loaded firat place that munîcipalities who f or sbipment to Bownianville early might be williug to establish a achool nexl week. Wm. Kilpatrick, an dental service sbeuid racesrve an an- employeof the Bewmanville Foun- nuai grant sufficient to ratura 1he dry Ca., lait for Grimsby Monday ta cost cf the aquipmanl over a periad assist in lie opemations aifniaving. of ban years. Wbere the municipal- lb la planned thaI by February lot ity was toc amail ta mie a regular "Radiant" gooda wili be made ln clinic feasible, il was suggeated that Bowmaniviiie. the Government sbould com4ýibute ona-eighth ai the co#t cf seniing the Arrangements have been made work toaa resid'ent deutist who would whareby lhe Bowmanville Foundry charge only for bis materiai and Co. wili instal lie machiiery lu overhead and wauld give bis lime thair plant for doing lia haavY gratuitousiy. stampingcsting and plating opera-

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